BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCominternCommunismCommunist ManifestoCommunist PartyEnglandFascismGerman RevolutionGermanyHitlerKamenevLeninLeninismMarxismMarxism-leninismNational LiberationNazismOpportunismRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking ClassZinoviev

SATURDAY, MAY 14, 1932 THE MILITANT PAGE IN THE INTERNATIONAL OF LABOR Reviews and News of the Working Class and Revolutionary Movements Int. Right Wing on Verge of Disruption GERMAN SKETCHES up.
The Negro and the Class Struggle ists position. Only gradually you left this position. Since you could not and did not want to attain a firm position against Stalin policies, disintegration has be Leader of Czech Group Protest Brandler Thalheimer Slanders Against Trotsky come the fate of the The international opposition cannot avoid Lieutenant Scheringer the party who came to Seheringer. To.
this fate, if it will not decide to take These days, the former Reichswehr day, when the fruits of this fatal devel.
We are bringing below a letter sent whatever it does in the rest of the world hand, then it means a step forward in a critical position toward the internal lieutenant, Scheringer, was sentenced to opment are already becoming visible, by Alois Neurath, one of the chiefs is false In the Arpo and in Gegen den this question.
policy of the as well as to an additional two and a half years of the warning words of Trotsky in of the Brandler Right wing in Strom. Naturally, you have the right of This is what Trotsky writes, and at the whole policy of the Comintern, the fortress confinement by the Reich Court August 1981 are doubly appropriate Czechoslovakia, to his Berlin friends. propagating this view in the name of that, at a time when he could not have mistakes of which have their roots in for so called Literary High Treason. The parts may, of course, utilize even The whole spirit of this document is the various foreign groups has resulted given up their organisational independyour group. But since the unification of known that Walcher and Froelich had the erroneous policy of the u. This is a purely arbitary act, an act of such individual metamorphoses Indicative of the ferment that is tak ing place in the Right wing Inter in an international opposition, the im. ence and gone over directly to the ilt the duty of all oppositionists to draw against an outsider who is striving to Fascists. The crime of the Stalinist Precisely the events in Germany make revenge on the part of the bourgeoisie means of disintegrating the camp of the Faced with serious tests of pression must not national given, as long as Trotsky therefore emphasizes the In the line, clearly and distinctly, before mands the sharpest protest from all pro consists in this that ward Communism. It is an act that de bureaucracy yes, the direct crimeCommunist struggle, the fungus no discussion has taken place, that your dependent policy of this group and ealle the criminally erroneous policy of the letarians, one that casts ample light on solidarity with these elements, that it it declares its position is in accord with that of the that a step forward. Why, then, do you Personally, am completely in brutal class justice in Germany. But identifies the voice of the party with growth of Brandlerism is rapidly disintegrating. The splitting away of the other groups. That is by no means the deceive the readers of the Arpo so mani necord with the views Trotsky has er. for Communists, the question cannot end their rolces, that it renounces the ex case.
Walcher Froelich group in Germany, How unsufferable this condition has Testly? Why the manifest calumniation pressed on Fascism, on the tasks of the there. For, it is also a question the decomposition of the Right wing ot posures of their nationalist and millbecome, may be seen, among other thinge Does Trotsky welcome their going over and particularly those contained ideological struggle against all those who tarist tendencies, that it transforms the in Czechoslovakia and Austria have from the position you take toward Trot. to the These are just the in his great work, What Next?
caused panic among the summits of the Brandler organization. Brandwipe out the boundaries between Fascthoroughly petty bourgeois, reactionary print part of Trotsky work What Next papers of their sections. When, on the astute analysis of the present situation a vital question for the Communist party Scheringer into a new bible of the prosky. In the article cited above, you re methods of the present and of the In my opinion, they contain the most ism and Communism and it has become utopian and chauvinist pamphlet of ler has sent out a heart rending appeal for an international meet of the You add there the remark And with basis of such slanders, you come to the in Germany from the point of view of at a moment at least 200, 000 fol letariat.
stress on the extraordinary Import regard to the step Walcher Froelich have conclusion that Walcher is creating out Marxism Leninism, the clearest presen lowers of the voted Fascist in Comrade Pruegel.
ance of the American Lovestone group taken, he way that it means a step of the A. an auxiliary troop fortation of the present tasks of the the second ballot of the presidential It is hard to assume that before April forward.
participating in it. What will BrandTrotsky Russian factional struggle, and the opposition, respectively. To elections.
But Scheringer, whose pam 10, anyone outside of East Reinickendorf, ler do when he discovers that his You have, of course, read Trotsky you overlook entirely and completels be honest, it is impossible to vacillate phlets have been far more spread as a working class district of Berlin, ever American bulwark is also breaking up pamphlet quite thoroughly. You Are that another conclusion must follow from between the fundamental views which texts for the younger generation of the heard of comrade Pruegel, and and capitulating to the Stalinists? therefore consciously calumniating, for this: Namely, that you want to make. Trotsky develops and the present That is not very hard to guess. you know well that Trotsky did not not only out of the Brandler policy. Either the one or the other. than the Communist Manifesto, hard to assume that he will play a The internal situation in the camp of is the ideological pioneer of this devel. very great role in the future. He is one other write that, but the contrary. Trotsky group. but of the opposition You have decided that is perfectly clear world Communism is clearing writes: The minority considers an in groups, auxiliary troops for Stalln in the today tor Stalin, only you do not want opment Scheringer is not even today of those hundreds of small functionaries, a Communist, but a National Bolshevik who, after five years of graveyard silThe collapse of the Right wing will dependent and active policy necessary. Russian factional struggle to say so openly. The revolutionary Trotsky wrote very correctly about ence in the marts, has dared in an un only permit the volce of the Left OpThe opposition arose and could only working class will decide the longer it position to be heard all the more mele, but against the course and the exist in the strugsle against Stalin na takes, the more certain will be their de Scheringer and Stenbeck Fermor (an voice to get up against the bureaucrats regime of the Stalin bureaucracy in the tional and international policies, since cialon for the fundamental views devel. other recent national Bolshevik proselyte in strongly by all the worker Commun1sts. and in the Comintern. It and in so far as these policies, in their oped by Trotsky. This my firm convie. Ed. regard the task of the Commun. Dabber about the guilt of the members membership meeting to reject the we Interpret the position of Walcher entirety contradict the Leninist fundation.
Froelich correctly, on the basis of the mentals. When you returned from the With Communist greetings, ist party very graciously as that of a for the defeats of the party and to be.
Prague, March 28, 1932 as yet inadequate material we have at Soviet Union, you yourselves took that direct conintuation of the Hohenzollern gin to discuss the political mistakes of (Signed) NEURATH.
To comrades Brandler and war. They are preparol temporarily in the party leadership, particularly in the Thalheimer: words to accept the people revolu question of the united front. That is tion. if it can serve them as a means why this unfortunate comrade Pruegel Dear Comrades: of mobilizing the workers for their rev. serves the bureaucrat Ulbricht, the In the last number of the Arpo (Arolutionary war. leader of the Berlin proletariat. as belterpolitik the Berlin organ of the Three months ago, at a public meet scapegont to the extent of a whole page the Brandlerites) you publish, under ing in Berlin, in which the present in the Rote Fahne of April 10. The burheading Trotsky as the guardian saint (Continued from last issue) monstrated, is a big step forward. Let ward sections writer was the speaker, Count Stenbock eaucracy is beginning to feel the ground of the a calumniation of Trot. But the solution cannot be brought us not step backward into the swamp When the proletariat takes power, the Fermor raised a hue and cry about tremble under their fect. They are sky. That is nothing new. Trotsky has closer by artificial slogans, such as the of national reformism.
Negro worker will take his place as an Trotsky calumniation of Scheringer. faced with an elementary unrest which been slandered and calumniated by the slogan of Self Determination. We must The Negro of America was not snatch equal with the white worker. Where the But for clarification of the actual led to such outbreaks at the Berlin party Arpo for months. You have never even minimize the desires of the Negro Petty ed from a state or Nation in Africa with Negroes are the majoriy (parts of South, state of affairs, it is sufficient to quote workers conference after first ballot attempted to take an objective position Bourgeoisle and enlarge the form of the national aspirations and lleologies. Net etc. this majority will dominate the what Scheringer whom we cannot deny in the recent presidential elections, that. clear, firm and incorruptible character the conference had to be adjourned and moreover, avoided taking such a position proletarian interest of the Negro who ther has America given the Negro as a Soviets.
Negro the material base for nationalism The Negro worker and farmer, being said on April 8, 1932 before court: the next one packed with especially pickas long as the opposition which has been like the white worker, choked with bour grouped about you internationally, ex sela dology National minorities must is not cloaked in a national form (com his white brother requires special con tlon was the point of departure that led lished documents on this affair. The as such. The class struggle of the Negro even more suppressed and exploited than For me the desire of national libera ed people. Permanente Revolution pubMore than two years ago, at the be won as allies to the proletariat, plicated with the national bourgeois in. sideration from the revolutionary party. to my development toward Communism. bureaucracy is poubeing on these name international conference in that time to carry on this dis winning them as alles we do not ap: determination at special stages and under er or dirt farmer. This double exploita. by the capitalists of Germany itself, of hatred and fear. They want to up cussion in the Inkopp (international dis proach the workers of this nationality special conditions in the struggle. It is tion and class suppression is carried out national liberation is impossible. root the germs, they want to crush these cussion bulletin of the Right wing. or race as such. This would be national cloaked in the race form. The American through the race form of the class strug. Only social liberation will give the nameless objectors before the Opposition These decisions remained paper decle opportunism. We approach these work: Negro bourgeoiste elements are no allysle, which does not include the national Inboring people a fatherland and this finds leaders with names.
alons, although, aside from the Austrian ers as workers. We know the bourgeols of ours. The problem is complicated form in the political sense. Stalinism social liberation can be attained only Externally, the party shows, despite group, no other section of the interna element of the national minorities and enough without adding the national com says, because the Negro constitutes a by the revolutionary working class under the heavy defents, as yet a firm and fear.
tional opposition approved of your poulder Czarism were no better and often plex to it, which in this case can only doubly exploited racial minority, and re the leadership of the Communist party. less appearance in Internally, the disit tion in the Trotsky question.
gardless of the argument on nationalism, That is also the way by which we shall tegration has reached an extraordinary These facts and the results of your against the workers. Likewise the Negro The macial form of social conflicts has it is proper to present the slogan of come to national liberation.
latest national conference have made bourgeois elements have already proven taken the national form where the racial Self Determination for oppressed racial The words of Karl Liebknecht: Our actual capitulation, raised on the garbnecessary the convocation of an inter they can outstrip their white masters group obtained an economie unit. This minorities as well as national minor. enemy is in our own country are given nge heap of the national program. has national conference. The question orl We want allies, but not on the basis of has been the case in the past. Bloodtitles.
this variation by Scheringer: Our enemy taken the form of numbers in the 200, 000 the decision with regard to the minority concessions and compromises on (Walcher Froelich) was, As said in my ciples. But the Negro proletarian is no lies, gens and clans in the process of Let us consider it in this light for a is not in Russia, but in the capitalist voters who went over from Thaelmann to Hitler in the run off elections. In the brief salutatory address, not simply a Negro ally he is a worker. The crop development from primitive Communism moment, in spite of the arguments al West.
ready presented. Adding to what has been But the Rote Fahne and its Brandler party itselt it has long been obvious.
ternational opposition. com Atter your bn be won as such. But in this relation the soty, naturally crystallized as such. But wedd, about the slogan of selt determina. ist liekapittles far from carefully and The sympathles of the unemployed com Femeine Negro Industrial and agriculture worker the American Negro presents no such tion, we must say that it can only be tactfully criticising this declare it to be munists for the honest, active Nazis, tional conference, there still picture. His is a different and far more realized, so far as the American Negro 100 per cent Bolshevism. It is being the readiness with which they discuse the hope that you will make up for lost decisive.
is concerned, after the overthrow of approved more and more that it was not with them and not with the social demtime by putting this question up for compromise on principle means that difleult problem, The Socialist tells us in substance, that stadium in the South, which means the Scheringer who came to the party, but ocratic workers, the anxious and almost discussion before an international confer. the allies have captured the proletar.
sympathetic reading of the Nazi press, ence. The convocation of an internation lat. The program of the Communist the workers must not seize power such. Is this transition step needed the open opinion that Hitler should be al conference, in so far as know, has (Marxists) is the only one possible for backward counries. Wo must then? The victory of the proletariat slogan will win over many petty bour voted for in order to hasten the de.
bourgeois revolution take its course de been demanded by all groups of the op the American Negro for social, political velop its industries (nationalism. and double exploitation of the Negro masses. reformism. But we don want the Negro signals.
enough alarm position It has become urgently neces and economic equality and freedom. The then we will win it over.
wary not only on account of the position road to the road of class struggle not tells us that we must move the American and white workers will take care of them The Negro worker, industrial and agrl sels, if we take Pruegel as an example, Stalinism As for the Negro bourgeoiste, the Negro petty bourgeoisie as allies on that basis. All this will, however, force the Prue ity, but also and particularly on account mination, democratic dictatorship of the Negro Into the feeling of national con. Just as they will take care of the white cultural, is not even in this problem, beto throw off their reservexiness. Already of the south cause we do not use a slogan of self five units in Berlin Charlottenburg have as well as that of the Russian section party, workers and peasant parties, Determination. Of course stalinism will will solve this problem, even though determination for workers. We win them adopted a resolution against social Fuse in the Your thesis, that the Peoples revolution, etc. Which give the But we will answer: The slogan of Sell against reactionary Ideological carry and sectional (youth and women, etc. workers Opposition is beginning to bear special efforts will have to be leveled as workers, even though different racial ism with a crushing majority. The inside of the SR, correct, would and political control. Preparation stugon Determination for a racial group that overs. But the main struggle against the tactics are necessary fruit. We greet those nameless fighters most cortainly not be approved at an in in struggles are necessary, but not com does not have a material base for such reactionary ideology is not a problem HUGO OEHLER. who no longer fear the filthy attacks of ternational conference. In this sense promises on principle, passed off as pre has even less logie than the socialist of the Negroes, but of the whites.
The above is a discussion article. the bureaucracy. Only in their strugI spoke at our National Conference in paration stages.
position. At least, these non Marxists But how about the slogan as a means The views expresse are those of gle lies the guarantee the salvation Asch. We were prepared to wait for We must consider slogans and tac.
speak of a material base for bourgeois of winning the Negro masses today for the author. Others will follow on of the party and for victory.
the international conference, to clear up ties for the race form of the class strugpower, in one form or the other, in back the proletarian revolution? Yes, the the same subject. Ed. BAUER all the disputed, fundamental questions gle. This is essential in order to de there. You are not thinking of calling feat the bosses policy of divide and an international conference. Without rule. Slogans and tactics Nine Years of the Struggle of the Left Opposition against ang regard for the views of the comrades legal and extra legal discrimination and in the other countries, you hold firmly lynch laws are the order of the day. to the thesis that whatever is being done will to fight the battles of the Negro by the in the is correct. hat masses, as the party has already de(Continued from last issue) It is interesting to note, in passing the Old Guard. Since then such a pro. German revolution, with fatal In 1917, the main leaders of the Bol the characteristic manner in which the cedure has been raised to the level of as they sought to play in the Russlan shevike, before and after Lenin ar campaign was conducted on an interna a routine system.
revolution of 1917 but were prevented rival from Switzerland, had adopted any. tional scale. Letters and telegraphic The attempt was subsequently made, an from playing by the sharp intervention thing but a revolutionary position. Kam commands were dispatched by Zinoviev we mentioned, to make Brandler the of Lenin and Trotsky.
enev and Stalin had been for supporting through the comintern apparatus to scapegoat for the whole defeat. This at. The defeat of the German revolution, the bourgeois republic Erotn the Lett. the Central Committees of all the na tempt was resisted by Trotsky, who knew plus the crushing of the September 1923 and for the continuation of a revolution tional Communist parties with the de the real source of the catastrophic pol insurrection in Bulgaria and the Esthonary war in defense. of the Provis. mand that Trotsky Lessons of Octoicy pursued. Because he opposed the Inn putsch of 1924, marked a sharp turn ional government. Zinoviev, Kamenev. ber be repudiated and the Old Guard policy of finding scapegoats, the legend in the history of the Communist Inter.
Rykov, Nogin, Lanatcharsky, Logovsky, of the Russian Central Committee en was thereupon circulated that Trotsky national. It not only opened up the by LEON TROTSKY Yaroslavsky, Molotov, Tomsky all of dorsed. Everywhere the wheels were set was a defender of the German party epoch of bourgeois stabilization in them were elther opposed to the October into motion for the routine of adopting leaders. There is not and never was the Europe and the ebbing of the revolutioninsurrection or in favor of Menshevik resolutions without discussion or under faintest sign of truth in the legend. Notary high tide, but inaugurated a period THE 1925 27 CHINESE REVOLUTION WAS ONE OF THE FIRST Bolshevik coalition government. Some of standing. Petty bureaucrats were found only did Brandler and Thalhelmer of reaction in the Soviet republic and the WORLD IMPORTANT POLITICAL EVENTS IN WHICH TROTSKY OP.
them like Zinoviev and Kamenevad in every party who were ready to con promptly Joln Zinoviev and Co. with a International. Above all, it was the obPOSITION TO THE POLICY OF STALIN MANIFESTED ITSELF IN opted such a position, even after the domn or endorse whatever they were told condemnation of The Lessons of Octo jective cause for the introduction and THE CONCRETE. IN THIS BOOK, QUOTATIONS FROM STALIN OWN Bolshevik seizure of power, that Lenin, to; those that refused, were systemati ber (they were among the first, as a the triumph of the reactionary theory of barrassed matter of fact. but it was later proved socialism in one country. It is with who had worked together with them for cally undermined, attacked WRITTEN WORDS AND SPEECHES ARE GIVEN AS WELL AS THOSE decades, did not hesitate to deounce until thelr places were taken by obedl by documentary evidence that it was this question, and with the Fifth Con OF TROTSKY AND HIS SUPPORTERS.
them as strike breakers and deserters. ent apparatus servants.
Stalin and Zinoviev who not merely degress the first non Leninist gatheringREAD THIS HISTORICAL DOCUMENT. COMPARE THE PROPOSED Trotsky recollection of these facts and In the United States, more character ended Brandler but have been the ones of the International, that we shall deal POLICIES OF THAT DAY WITH SUBSEQUENT EVENTS IN THE CHIhis explanation of them, their causes and istically, the party membership was brow. mainly responsible for the German policy in the next article.
effects, opened up a new campaigo beaten and blackjacked into a condemna in 1923 MAX SHACHTMAN.
NESE REVOLUTION, THEN DECIDE WHO WAS CORRECT LEFT against Trotskylam. in which, had tion of The Lessons of er with In 1926, after Zinoviev had broken with OPPOSITION DOES NOT FEAR YOUR JUDGMENT AFTER YOU HAVE already become customary, the real issues out ever having read it! The obscure Stalin, he made public a letter which SERIOUSLY READ AND STUDIED THIS BOOK.
SPARTACUS YOUTH CLUB NOTICE liberately concealed or smothered under never sent here. The work was publish: letter gives us the measure of the man, the night of its meeting. It will now objectively raised by Trotsky were de Inprecorr containing the document was Stalin had written to him and Bucharin on the eve of the German defeat. The The Spartacus Youth Club has changed PAPER COVER 00 CLOTH BOUND 50 by the bureaucracy. What might have ed only long afterwards in England, by his limited, myople outlook, his disasORDER YOUR COPY NOW!
been brightly illuminated campaign of a non Communist, and although perhaps trous political course, his ineradicable meet Friday evenings, 8:00 at million in Instruction and enlightenment for the one or two people out of Money IS No. ded co responsibility for the calamity in Ger Stuyvesant Casino. This will enablo international Communist movements on this country have ever read it, the Am many and its subsequent consequences. many comrades to attend who could not PIONEER PUBLISHERS 84 East 10th Street, treacherously converted by Zinovier Star the first to rush to the assistance of the the other leaders would undoubtedly re next meeting will take place Friday, New York, in and Co. into lynching campaign Comintern bureaucracy with a sharp conreal similar documents to indicate that May 13, 8:00 at Stuyvesant Casino, against the Opposition and its leader. demnation of the Trotskylst attack upon in 1923 they played the same role in the 2nd Ave. and oth St.
let the the The German Revolution of 1923 and the «Lessons of October»
resulta Now on the Press!
Problems of the Chinese Revolution