CominternCommunismCommunist PartyFascismGermanyLeninRussian RevolutionSovietSpainStalinStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, MAY 14, 199LETTERS FROM THE MILITANTS. ORGANIZATION NOTES :tion. Communist literature was the onls the Militant circulation. From our new count with credit to themselves. It is 250 500 and the of were playPioneer Publishers ing in trying to keep him and other Notes militants from Jolning the ranks of our organized brothers. also stressed the The Spanish Revolution vital necessity of amalgamating these The Spanish Revolution which began small and helpless 21 railroad crafts; on a year ago is not yet completed. Things protested that still a member paying labor officials union wages and From time to time we have in these Communist movement has never been are happening in Spain, and the reformA Criticism of the Needle of the union, and that if have done not a thousand dollars per month when columns emphasized the activities of in numerically strong, which first of all acists of all description are retarding the Naturally in this recounts for the smallness of the Left Optorward movement of the proletariat.
Trades Article an open hearing before the membership out of work of any kind; and for us spect the bigger and better established position. Yet our members from the be Only a correct Communist policy can lead Hludson, again swinging his fist, threaten full time workers to at vide the work with ones can show a better record, but that winning led in important activities in the Spanish workers and exploited tarmBROOKLYN, ing, replied by shouting: Soo this here those brothers who have been laid oft is only a quantitative difference. review the city, particularly in unemployment ers to full emancipation from the capiDear Comrades: is your hearing.
until such time that we can mobilize a of the work accomplished during the win. demonstrations. After that it suffered talist yoke. Rend what Trotsky has to My attention has been called, some is In due respect to the property and the movement to secure a six hour day: leter months, which are now about coming a relapse and disappeared for a while sny in his two pamphlets The Spauish time to the article in the April 15 issue office equipment of the union, which also urged the necessity of providing for to a close, would affirm our contention but became reorganized again and is now Revolution. 10c; and The Spanish RerWe have only of The Militant, entitled Left Wing Vic would have been damaged in the scuffle Union meetings of all workers. of steady but slow growth, though not going forward. It has now many new olation In Danger. 156.
tory or Treacherous Bargain. The ap60 copies left of the Arst pamphlet. Get had the provocateurs succeeded in start all of it was enthusiastically received. set to the point of taking advantage of good contacts.
Spartacus Youth Clubs have been or yours before they are all gone.
pearance of an article of this type overing it, left the hall, calling to the at He was then successful in getting the the opportunities available.
With but one exception every branch ganized so far by the branches of New the signature of Cannon is cause tention of the comrades the actions of of members invited also to Germany the bureaucracy.
their next Union meeting which will increased its membership during the York, Minneapolis and St. Louis. Jewish To fully understand the events as they for great concern concern for the revReaders will recall that the article in take place in the Lodge Hall of No. 814 winter. Three new branches were added. workers clubs have been organized in are shaping themselves in Germany at olutionary integrity of The Militant and apprehension for the honest detachment question criticized the point of view of of the Firemen on the evening of May They have so far shown up well. In New York and Cleveland. Study classes present, every militant worker should of comrade Cannon. It is quite in order this same Hudson that American sea 24th others the very early Left Oppositionists branches of New York, Chicago, Minnen tional situation a small Ten Cent pamfor the Right wing of the other workers. that they have not telt May Day in Minneapolis Gleisser and others. This branch under Boston. While the Philadelphia branch on the subject. supplementing this John has book with fabrication woven out of their own the effects of the crisis and that thelr disordered minds, but for The Militant to wages have not been cut generally. The (Continued from page 1)
tall a victim to as openly treacherous official party has often encouraged critic. thought out. The sctions in the various its inception. It held weekly open forum suffered under the handicap of two of German Proletariat. we expect to go and pervations to piece pen work that has ism selt and otherwise from the mem parts of the city and along the line or more indiethes secretary reporting exced its most active and leading comrades to press with this book in a month. 1: a will consist of about 200 pages and sell Right wing, is to almost believe in the and limitations are established by the Grounds, were adequately and effectivels tive American workers in the main. But term in prison for their revolutionary at 50.
possibility of the impossible. Amongst few bureaucrats who are in control of directed. If those workers who follow the branch has taken up work also in activities. Both comrades will, however, Bound Volumes of Pamphlets few misleading statements comrade the apparatus.
a Cannon makes, is one that The third It anyone were to say that all this taken into consideration, the numbers workers club and Unser Kamf now en soon be welcomed back into the active our list of publications, printed eisegroup, the weakest numerically and one encouragement of criticism is merely participating the meeting and orch Joys a good circulation in Cleveland. The ranks, agair strengthening the Philadel where The Militant, will be bound into ruse of the official leadership, the will easily reach 10, 000.
that came to life only recently and has new branch in Youngstown is numericalplayed very little part in the life of the average rank and fler will object: that Literally hundreds of placards and tend itself with more modest activities.
ly smaller and therefore has had to con phia branch and the Left Opposition as one volume and sell for a copy. We a whole.
have limited number of 100 coples.
local, is the Left wing group directed 18 the correct line of the party and the banners of revolutionary significance in the main the comrades there have Our members have everywhere taken to make sure you get yours, send your by the This statement is absurd. union the line laid down by Lenin. But were carried by the marchers. Commun conducted individual propaganda, making their place in the ranks of the general order at once, enclosing payment.
arinata Draft Program attempt discussion. Instantly The Draft Program of the Communespecially Local points out clearly ho finds himself seered and made uncom to that the strongest forces of the Leftfortable.
tags calling for a struggle against im.
groups are concentrated in Local The, want only yes men.
perialist war, were everywhere in evidcarried several activities.
Left group of Local was the first to But the obstacles in the way are mainly need 25 copies of the paper edition to The sincere worker and honest critic defeat the 75 tax, proposed by the In. has to fight his way. He is almost cerchce. It was, beyond the slightest posmony to its suports which give testi score there is still much to be desired mentals, is entirely ont of print. We Regular open forums have been conthe ones of the natural limitations set complete our 100 copies for the bound ternational administration. In the ele tale to be unpopular, to be in a miner: sibility of a doubt the oficial party de ducted during the winter months by the for an opposition group. For example volume. If you have a copy send it to tions for the Executive of Local 9, last. ty. Often he finds himself outside of Merely to say that the Party led the polis, St. Louis and for a while in Kan yet succeeded in setting up barriers to ot one of the volumes of pampblets.
us and we will reimburse you, or credit branches of New York, Chicago, Minnea. In many instances the party bureaucrats you with the price toward the purchase December, the predominant Kirtæman the union and forced to go into another Lovestoneite Bloc was so uncertain or organization. When walked out of the demonstration would be to ignore thesis city. The St. Louis branch, despite our participation in United Front ac Strategy of the World Revolution is the its ability to retain control over the union hall, several members followed med Teal attitude of the party leadership. The Its small numbers, made particular en tivities. But in regard to this we can second part of this criticism.
Local that it opened a speakeasy, used and expressed their disagreement with from the first propaganda letter to the creetle efforts in this respect. Some very also afirm that these walls of isolation China approved John Lewis vote stealing meth the actions of Hudson and his gang.
ods, etc. all ancient history. Here Was They told me that my criticism had beep last word from the platform on the Parleral good attendance came to the forum. Our Toronto branch has recorded irre. a book of 430 pages, will be ready for Problems of the Chinese Revolution. ade Grounds. This was done by the As a result new members have now been cutable proof of this. At the onslaught shipment within two weeks. Paper cover, a perfect opportunity for the G. correct and has in some respects already excluU. administration to order the election been effective in the activities of the simple expedient of mechanical taken into the ranks. In St. Louis the by the reactionary authorities upon the official Communist Party, our branch order now as we need funds to rush out Cloth bound, 50. Send your elections, thereby practically assuring the lon are no longer selected as formerly. who were even suspected of harboring took its position, after some hesitation the book on Germany immediately after defeat of the Kirtzman Bloc. It did not but under pressure from the rank and any difference on any political question.
BOOKS BY TROTSKY as to how to proceed, squarely for the this book.
grasp this opportunity. The reason file, are now being elected from among During the weeks just before May Day party defense. It made valuable contriDRAFT PROGRAM OF THE apparent and especially to the Right wing the membership. The article of Hudson after the call had been issued. The butions for effective united front organi.
forces. Another inaccuracy: The Left we quoted has been condemned and like Communist League (Left Opposition) on COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL zation of the defense. So much so that Certificate Holders wing group. states comrade Cannon, wise the splitting tacties of the function several occasions sent representatives Criticism of Fundamentals and delegates to the meetings which its co operation became quite generally Certificate holders are reminded that came to life only recently. By Innuen. arles.
Part and 140 pages, accepted at least without any open bur they are entitled to 33 3 discount publishers of book we can do this would compel one to believe the. It is a common truth that everything were called united front meetings. In eaucratic hostility. Our members were the certificates are now ready and will THE PERMANENT REVOLUTION from their purchases of our publications group was formed recently. Not so that is good and healthy in the Soviet each case, our comrades were denied (Out of Print in paper cover)
in the thick of the defense work and thus be mailed to all those who paid their It is a fact that the group has been in Unton can be traced back to the program admittance to the ball and refused au cloth bound 00 able to demonstrate in actual practice existence since early 1930 and was in of the Left Opposition. This is also opportunity for work within the unl.
STRATEGY OF THE WORLD organized true on every smaller battlefront. The ted front.
corporated in the officially our readiness for a united fight for the full amount of 10. Those who can af.
Now it must be clearly understood by Communist principles. That practical ford to buy a certificate now are strongly Left wing groups in REVOLUTION arch, 1031. An Opposition has to show the way, in spite Part of the Draft Program these mistatements pale into insigniflc of the attempts of the bureaucrats to the workers who read this article, that example helped to further the prestige ureed to do so as it will greatly help us the Communist League and most of its S6 pages and strengthen the sympathetle contacts all the Marxian classics.
ance beside the major charge, the idea discredit it.
If you have 158 pages The bureaucracy of the friends, knew beforehand what to expect paper cover for the Left Opposition. It is to be exalready purchased one of these certi.
of a secret deal. Docs comrade Cannon cloth cover 00 pected that the Toronto branch will now fcates, send in your name and address know taht a leaflet was distributed pub bas its roots not only in the National from the party leadership and were there PROBLEMS OF THE DEVELOP go forward to new growth licly by the Right wing group endorsing Office or in the party. They can before prepared. After being rudely exPioneer Publishers.
MENT OF THE the Left wing candidate. Was this also tracked down through the to cluded from the meetings of the commit 48 pages paper cover 150 part the deal? The cloakmakers the very doorsteps of Stalin. The mant tee on agreements, our comrades and THE SPANISH REVOLUTION knew all along that the Rights had testations of new life in the Marine friends proceeded, under instructions 30 pages paper cover 100 endorsed the Left slate. There was Union are certainly heartening. But from the League, collectively and as in THE SPANISH REVOLUTION IN no mystery about this such as Cannon they are only temporary and we cannot dividuals, to work for the success of The League issued DANGER We go to press in the middle of the artiele attempts to create. Does Cannon hope tor any real change of policies un the demonstration 10 64 pages paper cover 150 second week of the final month of the Frankfort, believe the discredited Right wing entil the Left Opposition is readmitted into a special leaflet calling upon the workers Trenton.
COMMUNISM AND SYNDICAL press drive. We are therefore temporardorsement through a leaflet would re the Comintern and the Russian party. to turn out for May Day and support Miscellaneous Our com ISM lly unable to comment on the results bound to the credit of the Left group. Only with the readmission of the Left the central demonstration, paper cover 16e of tho collections. This we will do next THE TURN IN THE COMMUNIST Certainly not, one would have to be dull Opposition under the leadership of comrades and their close supporters were Total 1, 000 112. 50 week.
and stupid to believe this! Manifestly, rade Trotsky will all the ills all the instructed to assemble in the different We are still a long way from the INTERNATIONAL AND THE this was an attempt on the part of the splits and groupings vanish and the sections and join the marches to Bridge more united Square, to take an active part in the GERMAN SITUATION The results of distribution week are goal but with our heavy hitting branches bloc and infamous Schlesinger group to Communist forces once and its meeting and to assist in every way pos (out of print)
100 full of interest. For example, comrade srding their loins for another assault swing votes to the fake progressives. against the capitalist class sible in making the main march, mill WORLD UNEMPLOYMENT AND Milton of the New York branch went out on the quotas we should be well on our This is borne out by the bloc of the lackeys.
tant and impressive event. PAUL SCHWALBE.
THE FIVE YEAR PLAN to Union Square with a bundle of three way to success by this time next week.
Right and Center in Local and a sepOur loyal and effective work for the 48 pag.
paper cover 100 hundred copies of recent back numbers If past performances mean anything then arate Right wing slate in Local 22. The (out of print)
of The Militant. By announcing Com comrade Coover report is an augury of bloc between these two opposing camps From a Railroad Worker success of the May Day meeting most effectively branded as lies, the vicious GERMANY THE KEY TO THE munism or Fascism in Germany by Leon succees. He says: The comrades have in the recent Dress Strike betrayal 18 tales circulated by the party leadership INTERNATIONAL SITUATION Trotsky in a loud volce, he disposed of decided on a tag day with distribution additional evidence, if more is needed. Dear Comrade all he had in about Afteen minutes. An and sale of papers for next Sunday SHALL FASCISM REALLY wrote to the railroad worker at They were, of course, not content to let Otherwise comrade Cannon remarks BE VICTORIOUS!
hour later he repeated. It was the same (May 14) in Minneapolis and, tentative on the Company Union and slogan of Kansas City. also wrote a similar our conduct in the meeting further ex48 pages paper cover 100 wherever we distributed free.
ly, on a tag day for St. Paul a week Unity are absolutely correct and valla letter to a railroad fireman at Everett, pose them and decided to provoke trouHISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN Because of the free distributions the from Sunday to introduce Unser Kamf Wash. is a locomotive engineer ble at any cost. This took the form, in can only conclude that comrade CanREVOLUTION Vol. results fell off a little. We are confid and Young Spartacus. In the meantime non was misinformed by a few over on the Kansas City Terminal Ry, and tho march up Nicollet Ave. of an at522 pages Retail at ent that next week we will more than the comrades are to solicit supporters zealous Left Oppositionists. hope to The brother at Everett is. Swere in their places in the column.
a member of Division No. 824, of tack upon three of our comrades, who By Special arrangements with the make up for this slight lull. Our sym and sympathizers for contributions as see this letter appear in the columns of ofter it to certificate holders at These comrades, and Dunne and pathizers are still responding with ex. well as subs, renewals, etc. and we are He is local grievance man for his Lodge The Militant as a sign of good faith THE REAL SITUATION IN cellent spirit. comrade writes from out to get results. We believe they the part of the Editorial Board of The way, Cascade Division. ran a locomo selves as Communists should, they were at that point on the Great Northern Rail Louis Roseland were conducting them RUSSIA Rockford, Although the times are will Militant.
364 pages cloth cover 00 tive on that ivision in the summer of carrying Communist literature which very hard and have been unemployed Sixteen subs were reported last week Yours for Unity in the Class Struggle, 1907. SINCE LENIN DIED for a whole year now, would not miss bringing the total for the entire drive up was a visiting member of called upon the workers to join the deby Max Eastman. BOJARSKY. brother Lodge several times that monstration. Several of the party workone single copy of The Militant. So to 203. Eight of these were brought in 158 pages paper cover 500 (Reply to comrade Bojarsky critic summer. The Lodge is No. 501. sent er guards, acting no doubt, under the went out and loaned a dollar from a by the New York branch tightening its In Preparation ism appears on page Ed. brother a Six months sub. for mistaken idea that they were doing their close friend of mine in order to put up hold on first place. Minneapolis will PROBLEMS OF THE CHINESE The Militant. am my sub. will try to take advantage of have to step on it if they want to regain working on both duty, grappled with these comrades, tore REVOLUTION The Bureaucrats Act against Stand other progressive mind the literature from them and trampled the sub drive and see if can earn me their lost honors. The standing of the 400 pages cloth cover 50 a copy of Trotsky WHAT NEXTY and branches now is: New York 79; MinneaOppositionist on Waterfront country with the view of bullding us ensued, reinforcements were called by paper cover at the same time stabilize the circulation polis 65; Chicago 12; Newark. 4: WHAT NEXTO VITAL QUES a minority Loft wing, on a National one of the lesser burocrats, who jeored of The Militant here in Rockford. Go Boston 4; Youngstown 4; Kansas City TIONS FOR THE GERMAN NEW YORK, to it, comrade. 2; Miscellaneous 30: St. Louis, Monscale, inside of the Railroad Unions upon as our comrades were overpowered and PROLETARIAT The quotas and results to date are as they were at one cach. We call attentreal and Philadelphia When that old fogy, Andrew Furuseth a program of definite proposals. Eeon Roseland was slugged about the head, remain where 200 pages paper cover 50 of the International Seamen Union, omic development has already made the receiving a bad cut over the right eye. Bound Volume of all the pamfollows: tion to the appearance in the standing, back in 1921, threw out members of the workers more responsible to practical This display was the most violent act phlets indicated by.
Quotas Results Only 100 Union from the hall, after they for the first time, of Kansas City. Keep had proposals and slogans, even if they in of the day, by the Party workers but copies available. Cloth cover 00 New York. 325 63. 00 fought militantly on the picket line for stinctively know that they are proposed by no means the most alarming manifesit up SPECIAL RATES IN BUNDLE Minneapolis.
over three months, because they exposed by Communista 20. 50 tation of non Communist attitude to For the remaining weeks of the drive ORDERS 00 the sell out polley of his leadership, on Sunday, April 24th, Hedlund wards workers.
all emphasis must be placed on the fin84 East 10th Street, 70 thought that American seamen would attended a Union meeting of all Twin Toronto At the entrance to the Parade Grounds, Philadelphia PIONEER PUBLISHERS ancial end of it. Remember that the never allow such a bureaucracy to grow City Lodges of Locomotive Firemen. This worker guards had been stationed in life of the weekly Militant depends dirNew York, Cleveland 40 again in their unions. But history seems meeting was the culmination of several impressive numbers. The task that had ectly upon the success of the drive. No Boston 40 to repeat itself.
effort must be spared. Money must be months efforts on the part of the Left been assigned them was, to prevent the Newark.
855 50 When stepped into the Marine Work wing locally under Communist guidance. comrades of Trotsky from entering the polis on May Day. We of the Commun.
raised. Wherever there is a dollar it Kansas City 30 00 ers Industrial Union hall last Monday We are working on the idea of setting grounds with literature of any kind on ist League (Opposition) understand this must be pried loose from its owner. AN St. Louis 25 sympathizers should be canvassed morning, as have done almost daily up a local machinery for the holding their persons. Further, the guards de The League comrades are proud of their Los Angeles. 20 for the past eight months, was imme of periodical Union meetings of all rail. manded that our comrades keep silent, part in these achievements.
donations. Sympathizers should not wait Youngstown.
diately accosted by half to be canvassed. They should respond dozen huskies road workers to break down craft isola not to discuss with the workers. The. RA New Haven 10 at once. No amount is too large, and ushered into the office for the pur. tion and permit the wokers to get Imeand was No Communist leaflets, no Montreal 10 pose of identification concerning the together in big meetings and there to talking at this united front meeting amount is too small. Everybody do what Duluth.
author of an article that appeared in take up some of the most burning ques. Only a few short weeks ago, right THE MILITANT he can! Let us insure the regular apSpringfield, Ill.
10 The Militant of February 2, which dealt tions for discussion and treatment. This here in Minneapolis, the police made the Pablished weekly by the Communist pearance of the weekly MILITANT.
with general conditions on the water will give the Loft wing the opportunity same demands upon the very worker League of America (Opposition)
to furnish the rank and file with program guards who carried out this task. The at 84 Last 10th St.
Make use of the combined Sub rate of 00 for a year Sub to THE After some fruitless efforts at ques and leadership, and it will also give us bosses cops backed up the demands also EDITORIAL BOARD MILITANT and YOUNG SPARTACUS.
tioning and record searching. went an opportunity to expose the bankruptcy with threats and with slugging.
Make use of the literature premiums: free paper bound copy of the back into the hall and was there imme of the Brotherhood bureaucrats and their Martin Aber It is not our purpose to intimate, in MAX Shachtman James Cannen Permanent Revolution with a one year Sub to THE MILITANT (Does not diately surrounded by Hudson, secretary do nothing policy.
any way, that the worker guards are in Maurice Spector apply to combined rates. a free copy of the Strategy of the World Revoluof the union, and his Chinovniks, some of Although all Firemens official meet league with the police. Not by any Are Swabeck tion with each half year Sub; a free copy of a 10 cents pamphlet with whom smelled strongly of bootleg liquorings are supposed to be strictly secret means, but we know that it is our duty Entered as second clan mall matter each trial Sub of 13 issues.
All of them crowded around me with in and admission is only gained by sub to bring to the attention of the worker November 28, 1928, at the Post Omcee Don forget our special offer of issues for 25 cents good only during sulting remarks. When a certain Gal mission of secret password and grip. Communists, the false attitude forced New York, Under the act of the drive.
laghan pointed me out as the writer of Hedlund was not only admitted to upon them by the doubly false and badly March 3, 1870.
Name the article, Hudson thundered, shaking address themeeting but was invited to frightened leadership. Only terrified SATURDAY, MAY 14, 1932. Address his fist under my nose: Get the hell out remain until its close and was also per burocrats could 19sue this kind of in Vol. 6, No. 20 (Whole No. 116)
City State of this hall or we ll throw you out. You mitted to participate in the discussionstructions or condone such actions 1o Subscription rate: 00 per yer; forSent in by.
Branch. dare write articles about me in He spoke to the meeting on the role the ranks of the party of Lenin.
elge 50. Procenta per copy.
The Mutant.
the two administrations of the of Communism made gains in Minnea Bundle ratos, canta per copr.
of Make Our Press Drive a Success!
10 50 64 pages 00 Chicago.
200 100 40 for 00 10 10