BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition Published weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 84 East 10th Street, New York, NY. Entered as second class mall matter, November 28, 1928 at the Post Omce at New York, under the act of March 3, 1879.
VOLUME V, NO. 20 (WHOLE NO. 116 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, MAY 14, 1932 PRICE CENTS DEBATE Tom Mooney Must Be Freed. we The Party and the May Day Demonstration sale route to be a maghiasoner, aamue France After the Parliamentary Elections would Comrades, Readers, Friends! Representative Communist Representative Free Tom Mooney! Free Tom Mooney! The responsibility is their The rank appointments written on the stationery shouted tens of thousands of workers to and Ole has already demonstrated its de of the Comintern and witnessed by a An emergency exists. The life of the and acquaintances for subs and donations. Is the Program of the New yorks istay. Dayarade Free Tora termination to fight. What is necessary notary? What holds them back? What Mooney. with a spirit the rain could now is to ebgin withuto delay a serious limits them to demonstrations of the Sufficient for the not dampen. One knew that all over the approach to the whole working class vanguard and street runs?
we raise our 1, 000 press fund we shall must be left unturned. Wherever a spark United States hundreds of thousands of with the idea of setting them in motion They have reached an impasse. The be forced to retrench of sympathy exists for our ideas and our Emancipation of the his fellow workers were shouting the for the freedom of Mooney. They must masses, it is now clear even to them, It is not our habit to exaggerate. When struggle the question must be put bluntly same demand with the same spirit. It be approached in the we say that the life of the weekly MILI How much can you give to save the first instance are not their property and do not obey was the voice of the class conscious van through their organizations.
Working Class?
their beck and call. They must now go TANT is at stake we mean exactly that. weekly MILITANT, to help the Opposiguard, the future troops of the revoluFor a long time we have been struggling tion press?
Wo do not care how reactionary the to the masses in their organizations and AFFIRMATIVE: tion, demanding the freedom of the liv. leaders of the reformist organizations work with them as equals. For this they against a eepening financial crisis of Our aders too can participate in this Ellis ing symbol of their struggle against cap are the cause of Mooney is dear to their have every requisite in the objective our own. It has developed to the point Editor, Industrial Solidarity itallom. One had only to hear the meas rank and file. And our mandate gives situation and every help from Mooney.
where we are forced to say categorically work. They should not wait to be ean the life of the weekly MILITANT is at it possible they should canvass their NEGATIVE: ured beat, the deep tone of their shout us the right to be heard. It for the But for this they must throw overboard James Cannon ing to realize how profoundly stirred once the shouters of names, the Stalin their fake united front from below and stake.
friends and acquaintances. If they are they were by the monumental hypocrisy ists, will restrain their vocabulary of abuse.
Communist League of America their ideological weapons of slander and To every comrade, every reader and not in a position to do this they can send sympathizer falls the duty of coming to in the name and addresses of likels con(Opposition)
This turn is not easily made. There of capitalism, his excellency, the governor epithets and denunciation, will substitute on of California, he, who convinced him for slander and abuse the simple pro are the counter revolutionary Trotsky the aid of our press. Comrades setive tributors. We will approach them. But in the press drive should double and in the first instance they should respond SATURDAY, MAY 14th at P.
self of Mooney guilt and refused to posal of a united front of working class ites who have been agitating for this triple their efforts. Those not in it should with a donation.
at the free him.
organization on the sole issue of freeing turn right along. They will lose face LABOR TEMPLE immediately put to himself the question Free Tom Mooney! It was the re succeed in winning the support of the the counter revolutionists were correct Mooney, the Communists can and win when the party rank and file sees that The response to this appeal must be 14th Street and Second Avenue what can do to help the Opposition immediate; it must continue until ADMISSION: 20 Cents sponse of the American working class workers of the possibilities which this after all. Bureaucratie prestige is no press?
of 1, 000. Auspices: Joint Arrangement Committee to the impassioned cry of Mooney him would open up for the fight for relief and small matter. It is not to be lightly The first form this response should reach and pass our quota self against this latest insulting verdict for Communist influence, we need not thrown away.
take and, at the moment, the most im Comrades, readers, sympathizers, will of capitalist class justice. Mooney let speak here.
portant, is a donation. Upon reading you help?
ter of April 23 to Rolph says clearly that The Stalinists insist nowadays The party rank and file can resolve this this appeal every comrade should send his place is in the ranks of this van upon dilemma it can raise its voice through being assured in advance guard, in the front rank of the warship of any movement they enter. For must say that it demands the immediate the leader discussion and resolution, as much as he can spare. No amount It can and us is too large, no amount is too small. And against capitalism. Tom Mooney. has every bit helps.
the Marine Workers Defense Committee. ences of all working class organizations Upon our own members devolves the tedly too dangerous to be at liberty dur Falling this they make every attempt to on the sole issue of fighting for Mooney The May Day demonstrations organized played in such struggles though that is ing this desperate economic crisis, be added duty of canvassing their friends by the Communist Party this year, when important in itself and cannot be dis cause he symbolizes the onward march smash the movement. They smashed freedom.
taken throughout the country as a whole, puted but we are speaking here purely NEW YORK PICNIC MAY 29th of the revolutionary workers toward the Mooney conferences in Staunton and For its part, the Left Opposition will Opposition Press will culminate in New anycobefore in italaistorya kereta bere and what support has accrued to its in the role of your predecessors in mak there could not slander their way into the And when the conferences are convened, The drive now going on for the Lett Were bigger and more impressive than in the sense of how does the party lead better civilization You have continued Belleville, Illinois last winter because continue to hammer home this theme.
Yorks the the last Sunday of this month discount any wildly exaggerated figures Leadership. We will mention only some ing of me a symbol of the cause of labor. Leadership. In Minneapolls and St. Louis as in time they must, we will enter them the same story. May 29th In the form of a plenie to realistic estimate of, for example, about Arst of all, the Pennsylvania and Ohto ferred upon me with the greatest of humto fight with the party rank and file for be held at Tibbets Brook Park. At the 40, 000 in the New York march, 20, 000 in miners strike of last year.
Mooney has almost guaranteed that the freedom of Mooney, for the unity same time it will be the occasion, when Chicago and 8, 000 in Minneapolis, it at struggle with excellent militancy splendid Hlity. This service will ungrudingly the Communists shall lead the movement of the Communist vanguard and the adthe comrades and sympathizers of the fords a good cross section of the splen played. Yet it did not result in a stren of devotion, loyalty and fidelity.
dierender to my class, with the greatest for his freedom. What are the Stalin vance of Communism. give ists waiting for? Do they want personal the return of comrades Morgenstern and uld working class response. First of all, gthening of the miners poolttons, organi cladly and willingly my very life to Goodman, our two Philadelphian com. entects of the set deepening crisis mor 15 to unite the Left wing and progressive world, regardless of race, color, creed rades now serving sail sentences for ing the American workers toward the forces in the mine fields. Today there or nationality. ni weper permet forestere mene sedition.
Food and refreshments will be on hand while the Socialist Party this year ven ion organisert in these districts. We ex. used in this dastardly frame up is com.
The victory of Herriot Radical So ternal situation such a regime We will have a bele social programmetured into street demonstrations of a perienced the Paterson and Lawrence pletely liquidated and a classless society cialist party in last Sunday run om produce in the Relch than the present balland other The party, will replace what now passes for civill elections in France only culminated the Bruening government. Taking all this enjoyments.
Keep the date open Sun sort in several cities, it attracted only textile workers strikes.
much smaller numbers. In this compar through the imion had the nation. This is revolutionary talk.
recent trend toward the bourgeols Left into consideration, it costs the French day, May 20th.
Under the circumstances, for what bet in that country. The Radical Socialists bourgeoisie very little to provide mmmmmmmmmmo Socialist Party is in control of the city in both places. Yet it conducted a strike ter mandate to organize the movement who, as one of the writers in the capital safety valve for the growing diseatisadministration, Militant Builders We have, therefore, in politically back strengthening of the of forces Mooney is ours even in his thinking. Wi socialista nor radicals, gained some the rapidly progressing economic crisis.
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Comrade Hedlund is still at the head Ward America growing response to and a weakening of the Left wing. Prac. we take his mandate and mobilize the forty three seats, rising from 113 to 150. In this self same Radical Socialist party.
Communism, distinct growth of Com tically the same situation has resulted masses behind the vanguard? This de The socialista, the French section of the Despite the election trick of Tardieu of the list although a number of communist influence. That is clearly ex from the recent strike of the New York pends now upon the leadership of the Second International received an increase the attempt to utilize the assassination of twenty three seats making their pre of President Doumer by a White Guard rades are slowly cutting down his lead. pressed in the May Day demonstrations needle trades workers. To this should Communist Party.
Those who figure on overtaking him with Also we have an ever more distinct ex be added the fact that the struggle for sent total in the Chamber of Deputies Russian for the purpose of creating a ease are counting without their host. pression of the fact that the new forces the unemployed, despite the very large 129. All the Right wing bourgeois part wave of reaction through misrepresentThey fail to take into account that Min. set into motion giavitate toward the demonstrations at the beginning of the This bril beemnemply demonstrated in the tes lost heavily, especially the party of ing the assassin as an agent of the canvass of all their subscribers and sym nature of things and holds bright pro movement almost exclusively of the coning of a serious Unemployed Movement 12 seats (Two former Communist deput republican bourgeoiste prevalled in the pathizers. In this work comrade Hed. spects for the party future. But ap ies in the French parliament had been elections. Herriot and his followers are it scious vanguard alone.
lund will no doubt give a good account should be a telling answer to those dis What is the Policy Pursued proach to the existing workers organi expelled from the French party and preparing to take the helm. Their position, zations for united pressure On the other hand comrades appointed revolutionists who obtain the that accounts for the false figure of 10 as a result of last Sunday poll is so who want to win one of the prizes de in looking for revolutionary awakeningsible? We witness a splendid response employed and unemployed alike. ser the old house by the bourgeois press to any of the other parties for support.
How can such a contradiction be pos demands which in reality involves the representatives ascribed to the is presin tsrong that they are not directly obliged scribed in the last issue should hustle. separate and apart from the party. They to the May Day demonstrations organized sous movement for the liberation of Tom The acknowledged parliamentary leader Naturally, the leaders of the socialist The staff and its record date is will themselves only remain hopelessly by the party while in actual struggles at Mooney, the Scottsboro boys and all class of as follows with the figures for the month outside of the movement.
of May (In dollars) in parenthesis: In practically all of the major cities confidence and loses ground. The reason above all, the defense of the American from which he had been returned to the are making all sorts of overtures to the fails to really win the working class war prisners requires this tactic And Cachin, suffered defeat in a constituency party, greedy for the ministerial chairs, Hedlund (6. 11: Dunne (6) 9; the party further atlirmed the right of for this must be sought essentially in working class in the present reactionary Chamber time and again for years.
victors. But, from Indications in the Roseland (3 1:2) 5; Dumne the working class to demonstrate for the policies and methods the party lead. onslaughts upon their elementary rights The capitalist press expresses surprise mere her means that in tween the centre Naky (2 2 3: Forsen (2 1:2) its demands on the International Laborership pursues. It is not to be sought and conditions demanda definite change that the French moderates should attain more inclined to bargain with the Centre Coover (21 3; Basky a 2) Loliday. In this sense the demonstra merely in the question of insufficient toward employing the united front tactic such an advance so shortly after the con parties, allegedly for the purose of avoid 5; Sacharow (1) 4; Ruskin (1) tions were militant turnouts.
stant gains of the reactionaries in Gering any serious repercussion on the. 2; Curran (1) 2: Zalmanott can say this even when discount in the the smaller items which are being brought many. But there is nothing at all to be Bourse that might result from the con(1) 1; Carison (1) 1; Cowl (1) disgraceful scene of attacks upon left out in so called self criticism. Volumin OPPOSITONSTS SLUGGED IN surprised in all this. The Radical sostitution of a Left cabinet. Painleve, succeed cialists have not for one moment con the Herriot men choice 3; Schulman (1) 1; Baraich (1) Oppositionists in Minneapolls. But yet, ous theses and resolutions have been MINNEAPOLIS ON MAY DAY 4: Johnson (1) 2, Lessin (1) compared to these turnouts, the party written on these questions without, howBy comparison with standards estab cealed their intention to uphold the tradi Doumer in the presidency according to N. Berman (1. Herman (1) weaknesses as an actively moving force lever, striking at the essential issue. With lished during the past few years, the tional French polley, the unconditional the latest newspaper has withhny (1 2) 2; Carr (1 4) 3; Skog ent. Such a comparison reveals an enortion these difficulties although they are a gratifying event. Without doubt it war, through which France hus obtained of the Centre Right, so as to maintain closed.
lund Chelon2; Ras2; mous gap which must considerable could nevertheless easily was the largest turnout of workers for her immoderately expanded nolitical national unity and the continuity inade Gottlieb 1; Koehler 1; Wynne Experiences from Recent Struggles be overcome. What is involved is essen a parade and demonsration since 1924. domination in Europe. On the other necessary by the President death. If 1; Carter 1; Capells 1; The gap is revealed most glaringly in tlally the failure of an orientation which The method of assembling the workers hand, the French politicians know full this report is true then a definite trend toward collaboration between the elec from the different sections for general well that a reactionary regime in GerHerman 1; Swabeck 1; Glotzer the fields where the party leads actual will unite the workers in struggle. 1; Logan 1; Kaldis 1; struggles. We are not speaking in this The Important question confronting the mobilization at Bridge Square was well many will be even more dependent upon tion victors and Tardieu is in order.
Sterling instance of the question of militancy dle Communist Party today is particularly (Continued on page 2) French good will because of the in The results, in so far as the Communthe one of a correct united front policy.
ists are concerned, are not very encourWe have no intention at all to propose aging, The French party has barely that a united front policy is a universal been able to hold its own, at a time solution for all times and under all conwhen increased unemployment, wage roditions. On the contrary we think that ductions and general poverty sweep the The revelations in last week Militant For Communists the unity of the rev the method pursued in the May Day de Last Friday witnessed another mant last summer and the Detroit murders country. Reports are still forthcoming about the secret negotiations between olutionary vanguard is not and cannot be monstrations of a purely formal unitedfestation of Capitalist democracy in this of this winter, as a characterization of as to how the party carried on its elec the Party leaders and the expelled Right the basis for any kind of maneuvers. It front appearance does not at all serve land of the tree and home of the brave the desperate methods the ruling class tion campaign, but judging from the rewing have awakened a new interest is no object of private understanding the purpose. May Day demonstrations in one of the suburbs of Chicako, in employs against workers who dare to sults, it could not have been anything among the Communist workers in the and agreements. Unity concerns the have become a revolutionary tradition Melrose Park, the brave defenders of law volce their discontent with the economic but defective. In France, which is comquestion of unity. And the informal dis class whose interests are bound up with and should be so maintained. It would and order opened up a volley of machine conditions it imposes upon them.
monly known to be the heart of reae It is by such examples that the bossestion in the world today and which also reports we have received, is not confined suara. Only people who are in reality conduct these demonstrations in its own less unemployed workers who had gath: intend to cow the hungry unemployed agures most prominently in all plots to the horse trade behind the scenes be separated from the Party and the class name also in the formal sense, and call ered to protest against police brutality to abject submission in the face of their and planned attacks against the Soviet Lovestone group. The revival of senti of discussing unity, its terms and con port on that basis. For the participation free speech, of demonstrating in common tried before. The millions of jobless working class in a revolutionary direc. the influencing the ment for unity with the Left, that is, ditions, Its possibility or impossibility at in the coming elections this is more so against the ravages of the capitalist and their families will not suffer in siltion, is self apparent. To allow the rethe case. The party has the duty of economic order which has reduced some ence. They will fight. They are realiz. formists and the bourgeois demagogues with the bona fide revolutionary fac the moment, in secret.
tion, is noticeable.
What the Left Opposition has to say presenting a Communist program and twelve million toilers to starvation in ing more and more that the only way to canalize the resentment of the toiling There is a logie in this development on the subject needs no concealment. entering Communist candidates and ap the United States alone.
out for them is through struggle.
that was never thought of by the mach Unty or division, like all other vital peal for the working class support to Nine workers were wounded, three of Determined and broad action for free masses of France at this time is especially dangerous. The future will bring inators. In part, it is an expression of questions of the movement, must be un Communism. To assume a formal guise them seriously. The shooting took place speech and against outrages of the Meltar greater tests than the elections. It the fundamental solidarity which the derstood by the Party and decided by of unlted front election activity 10 with the approval and under the com rose Park type can be understood as a proletarian militants in the Party feel the Party before the eyes of the pro merely to confuse the essential 1sues mand of the local authorities of Melrose necessity by all workers. The Commun the French Communists are to be pretoward the Left Opposition. It is also al letariat. Only so can the decisions be and does not help in the least. Park, known for their intimate connee ist party, having the Interests of the pared for them, the policy of the party sign of resentment against the under firmly grounded. Therefore, our first de. The matter of actual struggles for the tions to the local industrial nabobs, the working class at heart at all times, sens, which is closely bound up with the encover maneuvers to readmit the Right mand is a discontinuance of the whis elementary needs of the workers 1s, American Company American ing its needs at every moment and point tire policy of the Comintern must be opportunist leaders; the proletarian ele pered negotiations behind the back of however, an entirely different affair. And legionaires, racketeers and reactionaries Ing out the road to it at each step, must orientated accordingly. The results of the ments want a revolutionary counter the party, for the elevation of the ques that holds true under politically ad of every description participated on the take the lead in unfokiing such a broad French elections represent another warn welght in the Party. Therefore our tion from the level of a deal between vanced conditions as well. In Germany side of the authorities. In reporting action by penetrating into every trade ing for the Communists and the revoluchoice will be heard in the back room business men into a discussion of prin today, the threatening danger of Fascism the event, even the capitalist press had union, into every factory, Into every tionary workers. They point to the nec conferences, even though we are not ciple considerations by the entire rev. demands Imperatively the working class to assume an apologetic tone, in line workers organization with a proposal for essity we have stressed time and again, there as invited guests. The time is op obutionary vanguard. Bring the un united front. In the United States today with its general hypcricy. The Mel an extensive united front against police of reexamining the fundamental princ portune for a restatement of the attitude negotiations into the open!
the conditions of the working class rose Park Incident will take its place brutality and the right of free speech ples, strategy and tactics of our Interof the Left Opposition on unity. Continued in Editorial Notes Page 4) struggle demands it just as imperatively. together with the Chicago massacre of and assembly for the workers. national to Bring the Unity Negotiations into the Open!
The Police Shootings in Melrose Park Can