AnarchismBakuninBolshevismCapitalismCommunismCommunist ManifestoCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerLeninMarxMarxismParis CommuneSocial DemocracySocialismStalinStalinismSyndicalismTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

On the Anniversary of Marx Birth EDITORIAL NOTES to or to PAGE TAR MILITANT SATURDAY, MAX. 932 press, that when be went for the dynlaws dictated by historical relations of amite with Sodeberg he went from Communist hall on East 27th Street production corresponding to given (which could be none other than Lovedegree of development of the material stone headquarters) with several girls forces of production. What had so much and in a car driven by a certain doctor.
portant events, the great French revola puzzled this school of economy Marx When the dynamite had been procured May is one of the notable days Intion and the industrial revolution in discovered and embodied in his concept CENTRIST RIGHT WING UNITY?
In the trade union field, and especially and they had returned, according to the Annals of working class history. That England. It therefore took formessen of the production of surplus value.
The Party members who have taken in the strategically important sector of Hoyle, they stored the dynamite for the date, in 1818, inaugurated a perlod which ally as a rumming up of the develop Bat, above all Marx participated in the Lovestoneltes, night and part of the next day at the closed with March 14, 1888, and em ing conditions. The Marslan Lovestonelte renegades in good faith, feeding on the crude errors of the Party same headquarters.
braced the life span of the greatest which, of course, takes into account the party. From the founding of the Commay be somewhat surprised learn and adapting themselves to the peeudoabout the secret unity negotiations be progressive wing of the bureaucracy. If this evidence is correct, then we thinker of our epoch, and for that mat. discoveries of certain preceding think munst League and presentation of the tween the Party and the same have strengthened their position. The see why Lovestone who expelled Soderter of all times, the life span of Kariera, is a logical conception of the main Communist Manifesto, there is a continu renegades. which have been going on It became a life span of profound social and economie phenomena of the ous thread of building and teaching. It next appears in the lessons drawn from the fateful events of 1848 50. Again, un another persone this lettere printed their polley in the trade untons, are published his expulsion and why Love teaching, the significance of which we present epoche defense can begin to perceive today, but which The tumultous events of the class) in the theoretical and peactical work Multant from two sources, give the essers and deals. Why not a bargain with bilmselt. Did he feel they were all informalns to be fully recorded only by struggle during the active, mature lite within the First International, beginning of Marx became the great historical with 1804, in the serious lessons drawn sential facts about these Behind a barrage of official denuncia remembered. Zimmerman?
negotiations. Lovestone, which includes It must be the same boat. Our emphasis. Let us rub our eyes and read this over Karl Marx belongs to the revolution laboratory, from which not only the pro from the Paris Commune and finally, in tion of the Lovestoneltes on the one again. Hoyle, whom Welsbord gives the ary proletariat. It alone can properly Jetariat emerged definitely as a class, but 1875 in the criticism of the Gotha pro, and Who is there to object to such a pro euphemistic title of witness for the appreciate him and his life work. It which also helped to work out and to gram. This criticism which can perhaps the ara Lett course on the other, the position in the leading crcles of the state. is the stool pigeon and provoca alone can carry forward the great herit test his theoretical system.
three age which he has left it and which today main events must be mentioned in the Marx was occasioned by the program these be termed the last outstanding act of chiefs of the Centrist and Right wing not those who shared the responsibility marine workers to prison for long terms. enables it to stand erect, conscious of first instance: The revolutions and coundraft for the fusion congress of the two factions are calmly talking business together. This much is clearly established for the whole perfidious course of Love Everything he said on the witness stand its growing maturity and of its true posl ter revolutions on the European contin German socialist groups, the Lassalleans stone over a period of years and only was denied by the three workers in the tion as the life beating pulse of mankindent, the organization of the First Id and the Eisenachers.
of course the Party members, who left him at the last moment, under com dock, and by that fact the testimony It is that heritage which lends the dir ternational and the Paris Commune. Each that compromise program draft Marx subjected ter, were neither consulted nor inform prinel ple grounds can hardly come from Hoyle is completely discredited in the ective force to working class moving step of development Marx followed, not inerciless criticism in which he again ed about the negotiations. It has been a Foster who, we are informed in a re no more standing there than the hound Karl Marx, towering giant in the vening with clear and decisive counsel sence of his concepts.
as a mere onlooker, but actively inter summed up in brief sentences the eslong time since the bureaucrats of stalInism found it necessary to take the cent article by Minor, is now the fore ing demagogy of the district attorney. realms of thought and action, was a pro to the proletariat and with scorching Here we have, through a whole chain His birth almost coin criticism virtually burning up the adver of events and activities, conclusions comCommunist workers into their confidence) most leader of the party. Foster be the blased rulings of the judge or the duct of his age.
lieves in the third period trade union class verdict of the jury.
or to seek their approval before an ac policy as muc cided with the stormy ushering in of sarles. He attained to mastery of each pressed into a theoretical system, each as we believe in reincar Weisbord is not satisfied merely the capitalist stage of society. His life situation and drew the fundamental les part of which forms a harmonious whole.
There is nothing really surprising bation after death. Foster once proposed to put Hoyle on the witness stand again became dedicated to the elaboration of sons which became the future guide for The essence of Marxism stands out toa bloc with Sigman. Why should be in the columns of his Althy sheet, and the theoretical system which bears his the proletarian revolutionists. Today we day from a political standpoint, in the fratas incontrovertibly as when proernal conferences of the Right wing and pulp over a bargain with Lovestone and to dress up the stool pigeon as a dir Dame. system built entirely upon the can follow that counsel and trace its claimed in the final paragraph of the bifled witness for the state. He has dynamics of the material world and it logical development; how it shaped and Communist Manifesto: Centrist factions. Neither is there any Zimmorman.
The whole affair is a shocking reve to bring out some of his testimony more self throwing new life giving fermentatook form and was put to the test in The Communists disdain to conceal tion of the unity between them, although lation of the hollowness and futility of clearly and to give it new implications tion into human society and setting new the fire of these important events of the their views and aims. They openly de this does not appear the most probable the official Party campaign agalust the against others in addition to those al forces into motion. system which has class struggle clare that their ends can be attained only outcome at the moment. The theoretical Right wingThose who were deceived ready sent to prison. To Hoyle referstood the test in storm and in stress, Marx kept in intimate contact with by the forcible overthrow of all existtions in the same the reactionary theory to disorientate the proletarian elements Street. he finds it necessary to add in calumniated by its enemies and cunning cepts and movements which had pre classes tremble at a Communist revolupremise of each of the opportunist fac. by this left turn which was calculatedence to Communist hall on East 27th which has been assailed by its crities, and studied the social and economic coa ing social conditions. Let the ruling of socialism in one country. Lovestono in the Party and arrest their development parenthesis: Which could be none other tyrored by the slook soldiers of forceeded him and of his time. He had tion. The proletarians have nothing to exceptionalism for the United States in the direction of the Left Opposition than Lovestone headquarters. And tune who picked the proletarian move early become influenced by Freuch 36 lose but their chains. They have a is only an American Stalin exceptionalism for Russia. Rev era mines of thiet ha sintranspired. There ber observation that if this evidence is after each assault, atter each effort to with the ideas of the utopians to We recall that many have been the olutionary internationalism is a dead let are signs of this. unity with the Right correct (when was the evidence of a blunt its edee, it emerged again, bolder utilized what was progressive in the attempts to construct a new system and ter for both er stalin doesn care a fewing even though it takes the form of stool pigeon ever correct. it shows the conception, and more clearls under but quickly settled account with their invest it with the name of Marx by tearfor the policy of the American party as an organizational capitulation, as in that they were all in the same boat. stood. This is because it is not consti abstract eternate drucken Russian party is assured. Lovestone political effect. It is the method of tionist, or for an ordinary militant work each one to be applied separately, be reason. He assumed the leadership of marks made by Marx on episodic questhe first international revolutionary ortions in order to destroy the real essence will vote for anything in Russia, China Stalinism, which has no Independent lineer for that matter, to comment on this cause it is a live theoretical system anization of proletarians, the Commun. of the system itself. As a part of the Germany, and all the rest of the world and is incapables formulating one, to attempt to put the finger on the Love covering the whole range of the socialist League, which, when transformed general foul revisionism, we know, it As long as he can have the American appropriate, in whole or in part, the stone group. The thing. like a police and revolutionary sciences. theoreti from the Federation of the Just, bad brought disastrous results to the proparty comodation of special interests there is Izational defeat. The defeat of Buch. bord, who published this rotten proVOCR. when viewed merely in its separate parts, ly proclaimed itself Communist OFERD. aationalMost outstanding were the atthe basis for a bargain.
fore. Why can it happen again? Such followed by a swing to the right. Let more than that, as a leader of Commun. solid structure from its foundation stone mystical concepts, when shortly beforepudiate the concept of the proletarian are the real thoughts in the minds of the revolutionary workers in the Party ism; and still more, as an adherent to the root.
the February revolution of 1848 in France dictatorship and to substitute for it the the horse traders as they sit down quiet look out for such a defeat and capi of the International Lett Opposition To understand properly the Marxian it accepted the program written by Marx, peaceful democratic means at all costs.
tulation of Lovestone and his group.
ly together to talk over terms.
suspecting worker might take these pre learn to approach is study with the incollaboration with Engels the com often, in accomplishing this, was remunist Manifesto.
course, and for that matter still is beLovestone would prefer to wait tensions at face value that impels us to Marxian method of viewing all material ing, taken to the observation made by Marx studied the conspirative prole Mart in the seventies on the possibility further developments in the American! WEISBORD BLOWS THE WHISTLE movement before taking any decisive There are more ways of Judging lead offer two words of comment The Left Opposition is opposed to the scholastic approach will get us hopelessly where, which were mainly influenced America, leaving out of course, Marx things in motion. The purely static, oftarian organizations of France, and else of peaceful revolution in England and in steps one way or another. But he is not ers and would be leaders of the revoluallowed to forget for a moment the fear tionary labor movement than to rend Right wing group of Lovestone, and Wels. lost. It is necessary that its thorough and Inspired by the sentimental utoplas qualifying clause. In the seventies, as just as there bord, as the above quoted testimonysoing proletariarra pulserend berevolution of Fourier and the revolutionary cospel we know, ful insecurity of his group position. their programs He is shaking under the pressure of the are more ways of judging Texas steers would indicate, is not at present friend. ary spirit penetrate every fibre of our of minority. conspirative action of could indicate these two countries conditions obtained which discontent in his own ranks like the than to measure the length of their ly to it. But there the similarity of post material and mental make up. That Blanqui. He soon concluded that these possessing certain exceptional character ud on a steaming kettle. The debacle horns. Sometimes a little act is more tions comes to an end. We fight the must, so to speak, be in the blood.
were not the tacties to be pursued. He isties; and it is from actual conditions, The Marxian system took form and as had witnessed the development, both of from the specific stage of capitalist reof the Right wing on an international revealing as to the real character of a Right wing on principle grounds with scale could not fail to have powerful re politician than a dozen statements and the method of political argument ad sumed life and blood during the first the pure and simple trade unionism in lations that Marxian strategy and tactics percussions within the Lovestone group. a hundred promises. few weeks ago dressed to the workers; Weisbord blows stormy period of the capitalist cycle, England as well as that of the Chartist proceed in each instance. The conditions which includes not a few workers de we mentioned Weisbord action in tak. Two methods there is a chasm that noward a position of mastery. It had as lod of its existence, embodied, in an Istics no longer exist today. That gives the whistle for the cops. Between these when capitalism rapidly developed to movement, which, during the brief per of these certain exceptional charactervoted to communism.
The reaction of ing his erstwhile comrades to court in its immediate background the two Im abbroviated picture, the whole course of the episodie character to such an obserthese workers against the orientation connection with the reams of advice he bridge can span.
the proletarian struggle. The vehement vation which only reformist snivellers militants has offered to us on the art of leader toward Muste and the conflict with the anarchist schools of can still attempt to distort.
convinced Lovestone that a decisive step ship. and concluded that advice from Oppositionist Speaks at Party United Front Meet thought from the purely petty bourgetlonists will have nothing in made such a source would bear a close inRevolu in that direction could not be the same Welsbord, in HILLSIDE, ols Idealist, to the more revolutionary with that but will endeavor to compre position. Revolutionary songs were sine but narrowly fatilo propagandists of the bend the Marxian system in its totally without great internal difleultles. The spection common shuttling back and forth between the order perhaps to throw a clearer light on his messianic claims, has May Day was celebrated by the by the Hungarian Left reformist groups and the Party the merits Society and two one act play were ren deed of Bakunin, and finally with the and in its real essence.
which characterizes the Lovestone poll. demonstrated, by another action, his con workers of Hillside, Sunday after dered by the young comrades of the Jack most strenuous chapters of Marx life.
anti authoritarians forms some of the ARNE SWABECK.
within ception of how to wage the revolutionary tice reflects the contradictions Another article on Marx and While Marx had nothing but disdain the membership which have already re struggle against the class enemy. For noon in the Workers Home of Hillside London Club, the one entitled Scotts!
multed In numerous defections and small one who had read his theses this per. May Day Committee. The Communist pression upon the audience. revolu and scorn for the vulgar sconomists on Marxism is to follow next week formance will help to explain them; for Party, the Unemployed Council, the Huntionary poem was recited by comrade his time he set to work patiently at the Ed.
The stalinists are not restrained from will make a study of them superfluous. Hungarian Workers singing Society, there were musical numbers on the praciety. For the study of these laws be ment in recent years the cause of comthose who haven read the theses, it garlan Sick Benefit Oragnization, the Matilda Nagy the Opposition) and herculean task of unraveling the econ In the struggle with syndicalism and another deal with Lovestone and Co. by In the April 20th issue of the Class the Slavish Int. Lab. Defense, the Polish gram.
scruples over principle, since they have 10 principles; or, to put it more precisely struggle we read the following remark: Workers Club, the Lithuanian Workers large number of Militants was sold made by the classical school of bour ignorance of the official Stalinists and made use of the discoveries already munism has been compromised by the and correctly, no principles of their own. able summary of the marine workers Club, the Jack London Club and the and distributed by the comrades of our geois economy: which generally begins their abusive hooligan methods. This ondersteun oires dels Turnished to them by where the state Attorney left of, in of America (Opposition) were the or Newark branch and our pamphlets and with Wam Petty in England, Bolaguti da mage must be repaired and the struge Their entire equipment in this respect trial, in which Welsbord, starting in Newark Branch of the Communist League snatches from the helt opposition pigeon, Hoyle, against the Lovestone The speeches were delivered by comrades ers who are getting ever more interested streneda nd and Sismondi in France. He This is the significance of the debate able to appose of the Right Opposition It was stated by the witness for the comrade Louts Basky of the Left op by the Lett Opposition in the Commun fatura capitalist economic laws being ple, 14th Street and Second Avenue, con by the method of routine denunciation. state, Hoyle, and reported widely by the when capitalism rapidly developed to 1st movement. natural laws. and presented them as Saturday, May 14th, at P.
for as Stalinist Zig zags on the Question of the «United Front»
by LEON TROTSKY Force your leaders to join us in a common struggle stealthily flirting with the theory of the lesser evil.
for such and such practical aims, in such and such a to preserve a semblance of piety, he goes on to difmanner; as for us, we, Communists, are ready. Can ferentiate between different kinds of Fascism: mild, anything be more plain, more palpable, more con medium, and strong, as if it was a question of Turkish vicing?
tobacco. However, if all the left circles (and have In precisely this sense wrote with the conscious they no names. are interested in the victory over intention of arousing the sincere horror of block Fascism, then isn it imperative to put these left heads and the fake indignation of charlatans that in circles to a practical test?
the war against Fascism we were ready to conclude Isn it self evident that Breitscheid diplomatic practical military alliances with the devil and his and equivocal offer should have been grabbed with both hands; and that from one own side, one should have The former female social democrat Torhorst (from Since the outbreak of the war, several political gen granddam, even with Noske and Zoergiebelº.
The official party, itself, violates its stillborn policy submitted a concrete, carefully detailed and practical Duesseldorf. who has come over to the Communisterations have matured who must recapitulate the exDares, opoke in the hame of the party, in mid January, perience of oldera generations peuvemheike use the Front (with its own self. it invariably puts forward Bave demanded joint sessions of the executives of both leaders of the social democracy are sufficiently ex matter is. Lenin coached the ultra Leftists, that we posed, and it would be only a waste of energy to con must not assume whatever is obsolete for us to be proletarian press and the right to demonstrate, meet, independent trade unions? Simultaneously, one should and organize. This slogan is clear cut through and have carried energetically this same program down tinue our efforts in this direction, with cooperation obsolete for the class, for the masses.
through. But whereby the Communist party speaks through all the layers of both parties and of the massfrom above. We quote from a Frankfort Commun Moreover, even the older generation that did pass of proletarian and not only of Communist papers, es. The negotiations should have been carried on ist newspaper which lauds the report highly. The through the experience of 18 years hasn at alt meetings, etc. it thereby, in fact, puts forward the openly in the eyes of the entire nation. daily accounts leaders of the social democracy are sufficiently ex broken with the leaders. On the contrary, it is just slogan of the United Front with that very social dem should have appeared in the press without distortions posed. Sufficiently so far as the spokeslady her the social democracy that still retains many cold tim ocracy that publishes workers papers, calls meetings, and absurd fabrications. Such an agitation by its policis concerned, who came over from the social demers. who are bound to the pary by lotng standing etc. To put forward political slogans, which in them directness and incisiveness would tell with far greater honory. but insufficiently so far as those millions of learn so slowly. But in a goodly measure to blame social democracy, and to reject the making of prac subject of social Fascism. Under such conditions, workers are concerned who vote for the social dem for this are the Communist pedagogues who have tical agreements to fight for these slogans that is the social democracy could not hide for a single day ocrats and who put up with the reformist bureaucracy been unable to disclose palpably the criminal nature the height of absurdity.
behind the pasteboard pageant of the Iron Front.
of the trade unions.
of reformism. The least that can be done now is to Muenzenburg, whose practical horse sense occasion The French periodical Cahiers du Bolchevisme, the most It is hardly necessary, however, to cite an isolated utilize the situation, and at the same time when the ally falls foul of the general line. wrote in November preposterous and illiterate of all stalinist publications, report. In the latest proclamation to reach me, Die attention of the masses strained to its highest pitch (DER ROTE AUFBAU. It true that Natinnol Socialism pounced greedily upon this reference to the devil grandROTE FAHNE (January 28, 1932) argues once again by mortal danger, to subject the reformists to a new the most reactionary, most chauvinistic and the ing history in the Marxist press. The hour is not distant, dam, never suspecting of course, that she has a long standthat the United Front can be established only against and perhaps, for the nonce, a really decisive test. most bestial wing of the Fascist movement in Ger we hope, when the revolutionary workers will send their the social democratic leaders, and without them. Without so much as hiding or mitigating our opin many; and that all true left circles. are most lenorant and unscrupulous teachers to serve their apprentice Proof: None will believe them who has lived through ion, of the social democratic leaders, we may and we vitally concerned in interfering with the growth in ship with the above mentioned granddam.
and has experienced the handiwork of these leaders must say to the social democratic workers, Since, on influence and power of this wing of German Fascism. TROTSKY.
for the last 18 years. And what, may we ask, is to the one hand, you are willing to fight together with If Hitler party is the most reactionary and most (To be Continued)
be done about those who have participated in politics us; and since, on the other, you are still unwilling to bestial wing, then Bruening régime is, at least, less (From WHAT NEXT? Vital Questions for the Gerless than 18 years, and even less than 18 months? break with your leaders, here is what we suggest. bestial and less reactionary. Muenzenberg, here, is man Proletariat)