BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismEnglandImperialismMarxismSocialismSovietStalinismStrikeURSSViolenceWorking ClassWorld War

or PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1932 militant functions for defensive or of. point of militant support in the mass fensive purposes, invite legal and gov organizations was necessary in defence ernmental strangulation at the hands of of party legality At that, despite the a capitalist class which in the epoch of defentist attitude to work in the reac OVAC imperialism can less than ever afford tionary unions, dozens of the most conor professed purpose, or shall so teach, to yleld concessions from sheer berservative locals and Trade Counells ad The State and the Trade opted the resolution circulated for the Against the future attacks which their of Fakers Betray advocate, or defend, shall be an unlaw. alism.
The deep going economic crisis must repeal of Section 98. The past has showpresent victory will embolden the bossful association.
Unions in Canada es to make the workers inust prepare.
Observe the neighborly conjunction of work a molecular radicalization in the led, proved, that where the charters of the Sign Writers of run up against the iron exig.
They must seriously undertake a cam(Continued from last issue)
paign to organize the trade. As a preII. Industrial or economic change. Does munists should throw overboard the The strike conducted by Sign Writers requisite condition for this they must was accepted in the early colonies of tion to conceive that in the electric atmo id untons as social Fascist. That pol such charters have the worth of a treaty Local 230 of the Brotherhood of Paint drastically reduce the enormously high The doctine of Criminal Conspiracy require an undue stretch of imagina self stultifying Stalinist approach to the encies which impel the masses to action, NEW YORK, YBritish North America. The historical shere of any considerable trade dis. cy has only succeeded in wreaking the guaranteeing Belgian neutrality.
ers, Decorators and Paperhangers of initiation fees which is 500 for helpers. MAURICE SPECTOR. America has ended in defeat for the (In our leter in The Militant of April details are of no great importance bere pute the word Force may be construed havoc of isolation, at a time when every The arrest of twenty four striking print to embrace forms even of slight moral workers. The union instead of renewing 16th we used in this connection, the in its agreement with the bosses which ex correct formulation: they must ers in Toronto in the seventies of the pressure? Thus in his charge to the pired on March 30th was forced to grant abolish the initiation fees. The work last century, on a charge of conspiracy, jury Judge Metcalf in The King versus a ten per cent cut. The rank and file ers must propose the same wage scale brought home to the workers that there Russell declared that sometime it has was no law in the Dominion correspond a deterring effect upon peoples minds by ing to the English Trade Union Act of exposing them to have their motions Although figures for the first week The Militant. This unique des conceived caueratie leadership against its own in sion into apprentices and helpers 1871. In 1867 the British North Amer watched and to encounter black looks ica Act assigued the subject of criminal The same judge, commenting on section of the final month of the drive are not and carried thru by the captains of the terests to give the bosses the right to longer corresponds to any real difference civil rights to provincial jurisdiction. seditious words as words expressing we are able, on the basis of preliminars Bord, resulted in 29 new subs being union has also relinquished its control ests of the bureaucrats by enabling them er need the union permission to order prentices or the other way around. The Consequently, arliament in 1872 passed a seditious intention. added that sed to reports, to say that the drive has open added to New York total. These 29 over overtime work. The bosses no long to play of the helpers against the ap Trade Union Act identical in most tion is a comprehensive term embracing led very encouragingly with 100. 00 to trial subs together with others which the workers to work longer than the workers must also set up as one of their respects with the English legislation of all those practices whether, by word, wards our goal realized in less than a the branch accounted for during the past eight hours which now constitute the demands the six hour day with no reduethe previous year. It was laid down deed, or writing which are likely to week. Our comrades and sympathizers week make its total to date, 71 and place working day. There is now no practical tion in pay. The six hour day is entirely the head of the standing once difference in essentials between the un practicable in the trade and can put back that the purposes of a trade union shall disturb the tranquility of the State, and all over the country are beginning to it at to work many workers now vainly looknot by reason merely that they are in to lead ignorant persons to endeavor to respond to our appeal for their assistance more. Will it be able to maintain its jonized and non union shops.
The union bureaucrats succeeded in ing for jobs.
restraint of trade be deemed to be un subvert the government and the laws of in making this drive a success. com lead in face of Minneapolis determined These demands are the essentials of lawful so as to render any member of the Empire. The statement of objects rade from Los Angeles writes, in re drive is the question everyone is asking: putting through a change in the agreea few Minneapolis continuing its powerful ment: the bosses agreed to allow helpers a program for which the workers can such a union liable to criminal prosecu not only of a union which subscribes to newing his subscription. Just tion for conspiracy or otherwise. This a socialist aim which as the abolition of words about The Militant from an old drive accounted for fifteen subs to The to do apprentices work and vice versa. Agor in resisting the attacks on the bossthe anorgan: party member.
In the literature of the Militant, to Unser Kamf and to this practically wipe out the differences. In trying to realize these demands the which adheres or association.
slogan a fair day pay for a fair day number of The Militant is like an in. amount to 27. 50. One is a sub comrade a large majority of the workers in the union the bureaucratie misleaders. This Conspiracy and the Right to Strike trade. With unemployment at about should not deter them.
It is the road with the right to strike in these terms of consequence become words, deeds, or Though disagreeing with the party on algot for two and a half years. Another sixty per cent, the bosses will give work all workers in the of have to Section 540 of the Criminal Code deals work may in the course of any dispute vigorating breeze over a stagnant pool. Hedlund, our leading Militant Builder 18 is one comrade Curran got by persuading to the helpers at the expense of the travel in fighting for their interests. No prosecution shall be maintainable writings, likely to disturb the tranquil number of questions The Militant STAMM against any person for conspiracy in re ity of the employing class, their police blasting its way to the hearts and minds a member of the opposing team, comrade apprentices, satisfy temporarily and to of many party members and sympath Zalmanoff, to sign on the dotted line.
some extent the dissatisfaction of the using to work with or for any employer and their courts.
iners by introducing healthy discus Comrades, this method should not be helpers, and enable the union officials to To the Greek Party Pleketing is a Crime and a Tort or workman or for doing any actor maintain their highly paid positions and The right to strike, if at all effectual, slons among the radical workers.
citusing any act to be done for the purAnother comrade, from Chicago Comrade Coover report bodes no good the fiction that they serve the workers Members and Sympathizers pose of a combination unless such act must carry with it the corollary right to Thus the organize the unorganized and persuade writes: Just a few minutes after read tor the other branches. The trade unions in Canada are relieved of them to join the strike. In this connecting the appeal for funds in The Mili. Militant drive in Minneapolis is closed. ers ignorant of the fathomlegg Corrub: As you know from our reply to the the incidence of conspiracy to a very tion, Section 501 of the Code makes it tant found the enclosed bill being The No. Team, Dunne, captain, tion and treachery of of bur Greek Stalinist bureaucrats which we of 51 14 eaucrats could be taken in by so palpably printed in No. of Communistes, we still limited extent. For, unfortunately for an indictable offence for anyone who wafted in the breeze down Michigan scored a total to April 30, rets points. Not bad. But the No. Team, treacherous a maneuver maintain that the Empros, one sidedness the trade unionist, nearly every impor wrongfully and without lawful author. Boulevard. The Chicago branch 56 2 points, giving it a load of 14 in their own interests tant act done for the purpose of a com lity, with a view to compel any other credit for this understand. You bet! Bill Curran, captain, scored a total of In a union controlled by the workers with regard to the local Greek press is formal elim. very detrimental to the Communist movebination in the course of a strike is person to abstain from doing anything Against our goal of 1, 000, we have points. The No. Team should be the nation of the difference between help ment because it creates fatal illusions punishable by statute. The definition, which he has a lawful right to do, or to already realized 100. This is due prin guests at the press entertainment but iters and apprentices already accomplished among the workers that it is possible of a trade combination in the Code do anything from which he has a lawfulcipally to the splendid showing mide looks now as if it will take all the mem. in reality. would be made progressive for some capitalist newspapers to sup New York and Minneapolis bers of both team to do the honors for step. Wide awake class conscious workrestricts it to the workers in the direct right to abstain. 1) besets or watch by the port the interests of the working class.
employment of the employer involved in Os the house or other place where such branches. The quotas and results which the guests at the entertainment when iters would Dght to make this step con Thanks to our vigilance and the Bolthe dispute. Picketing is punishable by other person resides or works or carries we give below tell a story more eloquentis finally pulled off. We are going to ditional upon the introduction of the six shevik criticism of the rank and le statute as watching and besetting. The on business or happens to be. If, more than words.
give the other branches a trimming in hour day without reduction in pay and workers, the Stalinist bureaucrats were strike of workers in public utilities over, the watching and besetting amQuota Reported the question of the quotas as well as the upon the same wage scale for apprentices forced to change slightly their one sided325 New York.
58 final stage of the drive. think the and helpers.
statute before Invoking the conciliatory provl ounts to a common law nuisance, it is Minneapolis 200 slons of the Industrial Disputes Inves within the prohibition of the ness and to attack the Atlantis. But at 27. 50 above figures will take care of New The strike failed principally because the same time we warned you that only Chicago. 100 tigation Act is an indictable offence. (Soction 221) as an unlawful act or 00 York to date on the sub drive in spite the bosses were able to keep their shops through your constant vigilance and crit 70 sympathetle strike may therefore become omission to discharge a legal duty, which of their excellent idea of giving an running full blast without any difficulty. icism we will succeed to force the Greek Philadelphia 10 a wholesale violation of statutory pro act or omission endangers the lives, issue sub with each 25 cents admission. Scabbing by unemployed open shop Stalinists to occupy themselves against hibitions, and on top of that, a seditious health property or comfort of the public, Cleveland 10 You will hear more from Minneapolis in workers and by members of the union both the Atlantis and the National Heror by which the public are obstructed in Boston.
conspiracy. 10 the future.
the exercise or enjoyment of any right was prevalent. To add their treacherous ald and also to utilize the precious colSympathetic Strike Illegal Newark. 35 00 To this honor roll must be added combit the union bureaucrats Kansas City. 30 The case of the King versus Russell common to all his Majesty subjects.
fooled the umns of the Empros for the most burnrade Sacharow report of the doin St. Louis.
of workers into picketing not the shope Ing questions of the class struggle.
the Chicago branch. The branch has where the seab displays were made but 25 grew out of the Winnipeg General Strike Rennes versus The King, a decision of Los Angeles The Stalinist editor in signed state 36 of May 1919. The leaders were arrested the Supreme Court of Canada practically 00 been divided into two teams and we may the Broadway moving picture theatres ment attempts to justify himself with decided that peaceful picketing was and charged with seditious conspiracy.
Youngstown 10 yet finish the sub campaign New Haven. 10 bang. Go to it, Chicago!
with a where some of the signs were displayed! petty arguments which have nothing in In their defence it was urged that the without legal sanction, there being no To consummate their treachery the common with Communist principles and Montreal 10 strike was the lawful act of a trade com legislation in Canada corresponding to The standing of the branches reads bureaucrats called upon a representative thus he commits the worst blunders.
Duluth. 10 as follows: bination under section 500. But the section 2, subsection of the British Trades Dispute Act of 1906.
of the district council of the Brother He froths at the ignorance the Manitoba Court of Appeal ruled that: Springfield, Ill. 10 New York, 71; Minneapolis, 64; Chihood to put over the wage cut. This party members of New York City and As a common law nuisance. picket.
The immunity provided by section 590 ing is subject to be restricted by injuncW. Frankfort, Ill. 10 cago, 12; Newark, 4; Boston, 1; Young professional betrayer with a face as of a certain leading comrade outside of of the (Criminal) Code does not extend ton. In Canada Paper vs. Brown, the Trenton. town, 4; Miscellaneous, 285.
white as a cheese mouthed phrases about New York whose letter and name are to a general sympathetle strike. Miscellaneous 00 St. Louis, Philadelphia, and Montreal militancy, fighting, the working class, wisely withheld from the comrades beconspiracy to bring about a strike involv court declared that our Criminal Code remain where they were last week at ad nauseam. His conclusion was a ten cause they are blind and therefore can Ing no trade dispute between the strikers fully reorganizes the right of a man to 1, 000. 00 100. 00 each. The total has risen to 187, an per cent cut! The workers harried by see his brilliant scheme of capturing the and their employers is illegal. The law carry on his business without interferincrease of co over last week. Excel the fear of permanently losing their jobs Greek workers from the opium of the ence, let, or hindrance. Occasionally a The good showing made by New York lent!
in Canada applying thereto is the same court has said Government by injunel is the result of its successful affair hela branches should snap into it.
But not enough! The other by trying to maintain an Ineffective capitalists.
as it was in England before the Tradestion is a thing abhorrent to the law of April 30 with which it opened the final late. Let us hear from them!
It is not atrike, and bamboozled by the district His wisdom revealed to all the ignorDispute Act of 1906, to which there is no England and of this province. But ab month of the drive. As previously recouncil representative demagogy, voted amuses that the National Herald is an similar enactment in Canada.
horrent or not, the number of injunctions ported the admission price of 25 cents of the drive! This is collection week. mination from the agreement of the many Hall and as such should be atNow everybody into the second week without dissent for the cut and the eli anti Soviet sheet and supporter of TamFollowing the Winnipeg strike, the that issue to break strikes is on the in entitled the holder to an issue sub to Let us see what can be done!
Trades and Labor Congress proposed that crease.
clauses demanded by the bosses.
tacked and destroyed, but he is unable the government amend the definition of a Incitement to Breach of Contract to attack the Atlantis because he lacks trade combination by adding the words In the Dominion, the unions are subthe documents of the English Act (1906) workmen ject to the doctrine of the courts that You very know that Atlantis is a means all persons employed in any trade for a number of persons to combine tomonarchist waper and supporter of or industry whether or not in the em gether to procure others to break conthe Republican party and therefore no ployment of the employer directly or in tracts is unlawful, and if such others different in any degree as a class enemy volved in a trade agreement. The mem are induced to break and do break, their (Continued from last issue) society, does not necessarily signify na not in nationalism for the Negro, but in from the National Herald orandum of the Department of Justice contracts, this constitutes an actionable Revolutions and clvil wars are always tional minority. On the other hand, national reformism for the Marxist. Ironically enough, the Atlantis of April was an illuminating reply wherein it was wrong and the unions will be mulcted followed by counter revolution (reacracial oppression does not always mean The iden of Self determination for na: 30th, in an editorial, attacked the Soviet solemnly stated as a principle of the in heavy damageo. It is cold comfort tion, terror, etc. against the explolted) the oppression of a national minority. tional minorities (which include races or Union for its friendly attitude towards common law. that a combination of for the trade unton militant that the law unless the workers are able to carry the This oppression may be inflicted on a racial groups) is a compromise and con. the barbarians of the Near East, the persons to do an unlawful act or to do on this subject is in a state of chaotle seize power for themselves. During the and India. One could give countless ex weapon against capitalism, providing it Romanofts who have always supported in the case of China cession; it is a transitional measure, a Turks. and lamented the fall of the inal, and it is moreover actionable cand learned law lords have confessed struggle, concessions are necessary to amples of this kind in the past history. Is used illy, if there be special damage. Com themselves baffled to draw a definite line gain the support of the exploited for the America, the outstanding representa no other road out is possible. This is church while the Bolsheviks supported patible with this rule a sympathetic between acts whose real purpose is to exploiters war. But once the former tive of Capitalism, is the best example not the situation in America with the Kemal Pasha to defeat the Greeks in strike cannot practically be worked. advance the defendants Interests and exploiter is defeated, the new exploiter to show the differences between a raclal American Negro, as the Stalinites con Asia Minor. No comment is needed.
In other words, trade unions, which, acts whose real purpose is to injure the makes haste to bring about a new alignEvery capitalist newspaper, without Objective conditions are still on the ed enemy of the working class and as finding the cratt form utterly inadequate plaintift in his trade. The British Actment with the former enemy, under the erica is now a nation and its people take exception, is either an open or conceal in the struggle with capitalist consolida of 1906, as an aftermath of the famous the exploited. The results of the civil pride in their nationality, regardless of move for the Negro, and particularly such should never be spared from the tions would parallel the latter by indus. Taff Vale Judgment, and as a result of the descent, especiully those Americans since the world war. The shortage of attacks of a Communist organ.
trial unions, federations and alliances, political pressure, provided that an act war only confirmed this truth again.
are liable to be charged with conspiracy. done by a person in contemplation of a The legal forms of capitalist rule were forelga descent. In the United States we of the immigration flow, and the devel: no difference between a Tammany of If they engage in militant action in sup trade dispute shall not be actionable on not sufficient for the needs of the planta find many racial groups making up the opment of capitalism at a faster pace in Republican organ and therefore any port of their members working in a given the ground only that it induces sometion owners of the south. Lynch law nation as Americans. The Swedes, the South all this moved the Negro Into leniency or preference is detrimental to shop for a given employer. But that is other person to break a contract of em. was added a necessary measure used English, Spanish or French born in Am. the stream of class struggle. The racial the movement.
not all Only a strike growing out of ployment, or that it is an Interference against the whole exploited class when erica, who may still have the pure expression of the oppression the Negro Demand from the bureaucrats for ex.
a trade dispute within these narrow lim. with the trade, business, or employment ever the formal legal means do not sut Blood of their race, can be considered is no reason for a revolutionist to see plain in detail the reasons for the pseudoits is legal. strike for any political of some other person. further fice to keep them in check. Lynch law Bracial minority (races of Europe) of the form (racial oppression) and on radical attitude of the two newspapers purpose, for the release of class war pri provision at that time relieved the unions exists for the Negro every minute of the the population of the United Statemente corrente is out of its true relation to the as we did in our thesis: Although at pre soners, against the transport of munt of liability under the doctrine of civil day and night. But it is not the elim. this way they are catalogued mechante content of the class struggle tlons, against intervention in the affairs conspiracy.
ination of the lynch law that will freeally as part of a national group. But, sent they have lost the confldence of the The Criminal Code further makes cer the Negro. Rather lynch law, as such, in spite of this, they cannot be const: in relation to the problem considered, and put us to sleep, but ought to keep The decisive section of the Negroes, workers this fact should not deceive us etc. would all be hela illegal conspir tain statutory breaches of contract in can only be done away with by the over dered as a national minorlty in the pol is no longer the one which 1: hall us alert in order to light effectively every acles.
As to whether they can be prac dictable offences. The worker connected slaves half serfs. it is not pretty bour new attempt of the capitalists to organ.
tically worked. if the Department with the supply of power, light, gas, overthrow capitalism a necessary part The Negro brought from Africa, geols Negro. The decisive section in the 120 new (types) forms of organizations learn many things contrary to statutory any contract made by him etc. that law and all forms of discrimination and from a system of Barbarism where na class struggle, in the North as well as and it is not at all impropable (in order of Justice lives long enough it will yet water, or railroads who wilfully breaks the constant struggle against lynch tions as political states were only in the South In America as a whole, which to arrest the radicalization of the work provision.
who may desire to strike without the criminating law prohibiting admittance the process of formation. He was hur: is the proper way to look at the problem ers) that they may adopt a progressive The vulnerability of the trade unions preliminaries of notice, negatiation, or to public and private buildings, schools ried through the process and now is part 1s the Negro proletariat. His weight (socialist) programe to prosecution for Illegal conspiracy has conciliation is subject to ine or universities, parks, etc. restrictions re of Capitalism. He brought with him as a proletarian, if it is the decisive become more acute by virtue of the op prisonment.
Comrades: Do you expect garding fury service and civil service: racial characteristles, as well as tradi part (and even Stalinism does not deny priests of Stalinism to correct this the high eration of Section 98 of the Criminal disfranchisment; prohibition of intertions and modes of the past. However, this in words. will make up for his petty bourgeols editor.
Council issued under the War measures abilits of the trade unions in the domina and admittance to working class organi that which was brought from the past, ism says the slogan of Sele Determina can be afectea. niliate mareaucrael mes This legal vulner, your Bolshevik insistence some changes Act. lon, should indicate how fatal on thetrzations, trade unions etc. has modified It, has changed it. Capital tion is necessary.
The section in question reads as fol part would be a policy of neutrality The Negro in undertake the usual task of making the America bourgeoisie, ist America as forced him to adopt the lows: The complicated race form of the class editor a scapegoat but this of indifferently passing by, like the Bib petit bourgeoisie, farmer and worker language and religion and modes of the struggle for the Negro lays the main bur whitewash their responsibility. The ap does not sociation, organization, society or corp road, while the Government is throttling national minority. Of course they are the DETERMINING FACTORS of this tion to the rest of the Negroes, but not your consulation and freedom of cri: of whose purposes is to bring about any Congress oficialdom has on several oc sense, a mechanical one, they are a na plicated economic structure here in Am main burden of the relation of the Negro It is your duty to demand freedom governmental, industrial or economic casions, under rank and file pressure, tional minority. But in the political erica has swallowed up the past. And, to the white proletariat rests upon the of discussion without fear of expulsion.
change within Canada by use of force, made representations to the govern sense it is not so. national minority although it cannot be eliminated and ex shoulders of the latter. The white workviolence, or physical injury to person or ment, for the repeal or amendment of aree people not only with racial diferpresses itself in the new make up, it 18 er must be ready to meet the Negro more mits that many comrades share our opin The fact that the editor himself adproperty, or by threats of such injury the obnoxious sections of the Code. But ences, but a people with or which teaches, advocates, advises or something more is required than a legal ences of language, custom and religion, Ican Negro.
special differ not the determining factor of the Amer than half way. He must go to tholons in this specifle question proves that defends the use of force, violence, terror brief, read to a cabinet minister by a or with a separate national character or point no matter how far for the vie our criticism is healthy and unmasks ism, or physical Injury to person or pro bureaucrat deputation. Whatever conces national Interests. Politically speaking, one question, As an oppressed racial minority it is tory of the workers over capitalism. The the slanders and calumnies of the apperts, or threats of such injury, in order sions have been wrung from the capital national minorities always have the in race form of the class struggle. As an problem for the victory not of the white the question is the Negro worker is necessary part of this pointed leaders.
to accomplish such change, or for any ist class in the past have been along tegral element of racial minority (race oppressed national minority it is another workers but of the WORKERS regard developments.
Read The Militant every week for new other purpose or which shall by any the way of mass struggle and political or branch of race. But a racial min question. The attempt to construe the less of their race.
means prosecute or pursue such purpose action. Unions which abandon their ority, in the hodgo podge of capitalist Negro question this way can only result. Continued in next Issue. EDITORIAL BOARD OF COMMUNISTES.
The Negro and the Class Struggle at