BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyImperialismLeninLeninismMarxMarxismMarxism-leninismRadekSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 1932 THE MILITANT PAGE IN THE INTERNATIONAL OF LABOR Reviews and News of the Working Class and Revolutionary Movements Appeal to the The Bureaucrats Analyze the Elections few united and all other Lovestone and the «Muddled Pseudo Revolutionists»
lishes the dictatorship of the proletariat which is the form of the rule of the working class in the transition period from capitalism to socialism.
The Left Opposition Addresses the Centrist Party Congress exerted through councils The dictatorship of the proletariat (Soviets)
How the Rank and File Party Members React to their «Analysis. Continued from last Issue) trade unions was entered into against the which exercise the widest proletarian The article below, taken from our feats, bis polley is infallible. His theory strategic and tactical line of the party If one is of the opinion that in the protests of the Opposition for the pur democracy. They are led by a party German brother organ Die Perman that the social democracy and Fascism is. And this, the party bureaucracy can the beginnings of a classless society pose of diminishing the war danger and which in struggle for the seizure of ente Revolution, gives a good picture are twins bas suffered shipwreck, the in no case permit to happen. There are already in existence, it is not neces was sustained even after the betrayal of power going the confidence of the pro of the party bureaucracy methods and the Nazis have become stil fore, the cheap explanation, that the sary to concentra e all forces for the Purcell and others. In this way the beletariat and this can only be Commun of analyzing election results and stronger, the party has become weaker leaders of the are guilty for the development of a proletarian revolution trayal of the reformists was covered up ist party.
of the genuine reactions of the party This must not and cannot be expressed defeat of the in other countries. As the realization by the authority of the Soviet Union in The Communist party is the mind membership to the set backs the openly. That is why the decline of Furthermore, the counter revolutionof a classless society in the will order to remove the war danger and of the working class and must represent has recently suffered.
March 13 has become a big victory of ary. deceptive maneuvers of the apparently lead by example to the intro the growth of the Communist Party of its historical interests. It leads the The result of the elections lags be the The tone has been given, and the Trotskyists: For Thaelmann duction of socialism in other countries. England was made impossible. The reproletariat into struggle for power and hind the objective possibilities that the line bas been drawn, and now the against the are also to blame Therefore the whole policy of the Comformists quit the committee after they after the victory toward the building of munist parties is contined to a simple no longer had any need of it.
the present situation offers us.
The editors and orators can rave about the for the party defeat. Only an editor socialism.
election results are unsatisfactory for big victory. Now it bas become clear of the Rote Fahne can write such les role: propaganda against the war of in You workers of the and the tervention against the u. Only people. the Youth Section you want is an international struggle. The Com4. The struggle for a socialíst society the Communist party. Rote Fahne, that the correctness of the strategical about the Left Opposition. The brother March 14. and tactical line of the party has been organ in France, who do not grasp the international char to be Communists. You cannot be that munist International is that organiza The Communists do not consider confirmed completely and the barrage Humanite, in the article by Perlof acter of the proletarian revolution (like only through the adoption of general tion which directs this struggle, subjects it necessary to shout out loud about of slander against all those who are of March 13, goes as far as to maintain Brandler and Thalhelmer and now in the principles of Communism. You must the temporary interests of the proletariat their victory (Pravda, March 17. different opinion, can continue even in that Trotsky has appealed for the elecan increased measure.
tion of Hindenburg. But the scribblers assert that the policy of Stalin is good for the last years. Without drawing tional aims to the international aims.
The Lles of the Party Press on the party press know very well that and only the policy of Thaelmann is bad. the correct conclusions from From this point of view, the five period The theory of the possibility of The victory of the party Just ns until 1923 the correct policy ot of weakness and defeat of the one realizing cocialism in a single country is at the Die Permanente Revolution appealed to: million votes for the fighting candidthe Communist Party of the exerted cannot become a Marxist Leninist.
acy of the in the first ballot presidential elections, which has been Vote for Thaelmann, the Candidate of fruitful influence on other Communist reactionary, it contradicts the teachings United Front and Cartels.
must be described as a big victory Invented by the bureaucracy, cannot, the and Despite the Thaelmann of Marx and Lenin.
parties, so the false policy of the Com(Thaelmann on March 25. See Roto however, placate the party members. Course, Every Force for the Strengthenmunist Party of the now exerts Without the and The presupposition for the recognl Fahne of March 30. They know well, how they must evaluing of the So much for the devastating influence on other communist unions, to united front of the proletariat tion of the revolutionary, that is, Com It can readily be seen from these quo ate the results of the elections. The lessons the party press draws from the parties. Until 1923 the leading role of get this obvious truth. This can be seen the Communist International and of the test of March 13, which the Rote Fahne cial Fascist leaders are guilty, because WIll overcome all shortcomings and tations how, inside of 14 days the de bureaucracy offers a cheap explanation results of the March 13 elections.
By means of self criticism the party positively, now negatively. From this lished. We see that the cartels are and tactical errors of the present leader tory result became great victory of have held the workers back from giving in day out. Is the examination of the policy of the of the the follows the necessity of changing the made into discussion clubs in which onel ship, will re introduce inner party dem. the What is this about face their vote to Thaelmann. But this is political line of the party, and of its ac abrogation of the theory of socialism in speaker after another tries to prove that ocracy and will achieve the unity of the based on? Is it really true that after precisely the task of the social dem tions therefore in order? May the party one country from which all the strategic through actions, thus creating unbeliev ism.
in the is incapable of carrying Communist ranks on the basis of Lenin more thorough investigation, the elecocracy! That the leaders of the members, for instance, say and tactical errors of the follow. able illusions in the fighting strength of how they are betrayers evaluate the results of March 13? What So long as the only proletarian revolu the cartels. We never denied the neces will menn not only the bloody suppres. 14? Let us look at the figures more every Communist is well aware of. The victory of Fascism in Germany the way the Rote Fahne did on March and the trade unions tion exists in Russia, the leading role in That is self criticism? Let us take a the will remain that of the Comets of discussions, but it is clear to us Mon of the German working class, but closely. We find that in almost all tho it is the task of the enemy to fight examples: In Berlin there was a sathmunist Party of the that the aim of anti Fascist cartelsor also the greater sharpening of the war decisive Industrial districts the party leaders of the can travel no conclusion from the election results to National Socialism vs. Leninism whatever other name they may beardanger for the Soviet Union.
consists in the first place in extra parliaother road than the one they have taken the effect that the party policy must be One of the most important tasks Thaelmann fortress Hamburg, in sev If it is correct that socialism can bementary actions. The first condition for in the present situation is the defense oferal of its proletarian quarters alone: ever since August 4, 1914. To get ex corrected. That was sufficient to arouse realized in the that class this is the participation of the decisivo the Soviet Union as the fortress of the St. Pauli, St. Georg. Barmbeck and Elmer cited over this is useless. But how is it an uninterrupted hullaballoo on part of society can be built, then the victory proletarian organizations. Due to the international proletariat. Only the de buttel, the party lost from 200 38 Winning millions, yes, the greatest part speaker, excited by the continual interpossible that the succeeds in the party bureaucracy.
discussion of Fascism in Germany is not dangerous, fact that the cartels became meeting for sot Pascism and the overthrow of cent of the votes it received in the last of the German working class for the ruptions, had to call out: This is even at least not so dangerous that it can places of the bankrupt Brandler group, jeopardize the existence of the prole the Urbahns group and varlous other safeguard the existence of the dictator mall losses there. Only the indeamb uns they have no more reforms to offer to other: Heinz Neumann may speak, but is determined only by national fac impossible for yourself, workers of the Union.
tarlan state the existence of the sunimportant organizations, you made it ships of the proletariat in the Soviet Front gained from these lossen. Aber the workers? How is it possible that no workers!
tors, then the events on the international to reach members of the areno, in China and especially in Ger their local organizations, as well as Therefore, comrades of the districts in the Reich does not permit the has not been able to extend too much for the bureaucracy and the It And at the consequen secondary nature the and the Unions. You must notat all forms of reformism and cen an optimistic evaluation for the is influence in the working class, what meeting was adjourned abruptly.
of a possible learn this lesson from the past if you trism.
It is significant that the optimism of with the socialist construction in the was to be continued on Thursday, March Beizure of power by the Fascista in Gerwant actively to help build the class Forward to Communism!
the Rote Fabne came into view only after Soviet Union? These are questions 24. The bureaucracy needed this postmany are underestimated and it is confront of the proletariat.
Executive Committee of the the article in the Pravda. The Pravda, which require in answer. But that ponement, in order to eliminate all critsidered as a phenomenon of short duraLeft Opposition of the however, must baptize the defeat as a leads too far: By answering such quesicism. The following document, which tion then one can hold the point of view Bruchsal is instructive. Thanks to our The example of our organization in (Bolshevik Leninists victory, because Stalin en stand no de Hons it must become clear how false the we bring in full, is an exact picture of what took place: that the is now the principal Berlin, March 21, 1932 enemy. Then the programs of national group, there was established a united tront with the with the unlona To All Sub District Committees!
and social liberation and of social Fascism are correct, then To All Umt Organizers!
non party organizations This It seems is the only place in Ger To All Fraction Leaders in the Mass front with the and with the un many where in spite of the existence of Organizations!
fons is not necessary, then also is ac (Continued from page 2) sistent than the Stalinists whose defense herd the workers into the trenches so ceptable the policy of the Red Trade the Eastern kroup of the not What must absolutely be kept in mind Union Opposition (R. the an iron front was forced but a class today and, in the deepest sense of the be has assumed in principle. They that more capital can be accumulated at in distributing invitations for the contrade union organization. Without a front of the workers of Bruchsal. world, the spearhead of the anti Soviet already demand, in complete harmony home.
The Soviet Union might allow the tinuation of the conference of party correct revolutionary theory there can We consider the question of a united movement in the camp of imperialism. with the idea behind Radek proposal, The Meaning of an Alliance the expulsion of the Japanese diplomats Japanese the use of the Chinese Eastern functionaries on Thursday, March 24?
be no correct revolutionary practice! It front of the proletariat not a thing in The last party functionaries conBut the conclusion of a military al from the State. And since the breaking Railway for the economie purpose let is not a matter of a few mistakes of the Itself. The necessity and signidcance of on fine points but of whole the united front becomes clear only when llance with America is another matter or of diplomatie relations is usually the us imagine of dumping Japanese proference was attended to the extent of 6 unemployed party system of backsliding from the positions the closeness and full danger of Pase entirely. Such measures are not taken forerunner of a declaration of war, the duets on the Chinese market and causing about of Marxism Leninism. The Brandlers ism is realized, as well as the necessity merely for the sake of remaining on American bourgeoisie (which has, let us the ruin of certain native industries. rades. The functionaries from the most and Thalheimers could not grasp this and to defeat Fascism before the seizure of paper. In the event that war actually asume, acted favorably upon Browder Yet, Russia would rightly refuse the important front, from the factory front, therefore their policy suffered a completo power, since after its victory this would breaks out between the Soviet Union and demand) can thereupon address itself to use of the Chinese Eastern for the trans were therefore almost entirely absent.
bankruptcy. Rueck, Schaber, Dueby are bloody, if not impossible for a long per the scene as the military ally of the we have taken one step together with China, in spite of Lovestone learned in such a manner that more than half incomparably more dificult and Japan, the United States will appear on the party as follows: Now that port of Japanese troops in a war against That is why Invitations must be extended repeating the same thing today.
One cannot train Communist cadres fod. None of the existing proletarian former. It will be in a position to carry you, you must take the seconde stop to explanations that war is a continuation of the representatives are factory workconcentrated ers.
without taking a definite stand with reparties can do this work hy itselt. That out its imperialist designs not merely gether with us. We have expelled the of politics which is only Hall of the comrades present at gard to the whole policy of the for is why we turn against the treacherous against Japan, but primarily against Japanese diplomats as you demanded, economies. revolutionary trade union, finally, the last conference were in the party the past years. The policy of the polley of the as well as against China, under the convenient banner of we are precipitating a war and we want in China shows how a revolution in the false policy of the From defending the workers fatherland from your assistance in prosecuting it to the We must colonial countries should not be organ this appraisal of the situation It follows military intervention by Japan! The finish, not merely to the finish of the dip would take proper advantage of a rift less than a year, and half of these in different strata see to it that this time our really acIzed. Contrary to the theses and statutes for every worker who wants to struggle American bourgeoisie, which has always lomats, but also of their government. We in the ranks of the manufacturers, or of turn, less than three months.
at the Second Congress (Theses on the fulls that a real united front must be er peoples in the name of the loftiest us while we are fighting Japan and help among the latter, and adjust its tactics tive party functionaries are invited and oring the Soviet Union ward off her at in order to make the most gains for the represented.
The sub district committee, the unit national and colonial quations, 1920, established between the various political ideals the open door in China an alliance with one set of manufae organizers and the fraction leaders in 66 77) which state: camps of the divided working masses. democratic elections in Nicaragua tacks. We feel no qualms or insolence workers. But it would not enter into The Communist International shoula The private anti Fascist onrels consist could not wish for a more noble bas. In asking this of you, because we have turers for the purpose of wiping out aſ the mass organizations are responsible into learned from Lovestone that almost any ink of yourselves, Brandler and Urbahns ner under which to sink its teeth even an alliance with the revolutionary not the masses with you.
enter into a temporary collaboration will not solve this problem as you have China than the defense of the Soviet thing may be done by the Communists rival set of manufacturers. It is with for such a distribution of the invitations Union from Japanese intervention. In principle. What Browder will re some reluctance that we refrain from as will make it impossible in the future.
for open enemies of the party to get ac ply to this we do not know and we are dwelling here on an analysis of the which Lovestone resent advoccess to our internal conferences through ward countries, modern hot however boothWhat Constitutes Revolutionary Polley outbreak ove Lapanese Soviet ware be quite ready to let him worry about it as a principle of Radek proposal a careless distribution of invitations bine itself with it, but must uncondition Correct united front tactics are pos the basis of the alliance. the Soviets But, shouts Lovestone to us muddled is a logical extension of the policy Only In this manner can the responsially maintain the independent character sible only on the basis of a clear rev are legally justified in calling for the pseudo revolutionary phrase mongers, to pursued in the needle trades union under ble parts functionaries guarantee that of the revolutionary movement be tolutionary policy. Your party has in dispatch of American aid to relieve its us disbelievers in socialism in one coun: the regime of Lovestone Zimmerman the coming party functionaries confereven in embryo form. the Comintern un no way ret fully overcome reformism hard pressed forces from the Japanese try, in Kellogg Pacts being signed by the ence will be a real impetus to revoluder the leadership of Stalin pursued a but repeatedly makes concessions to it. offensive. If Lovestone is a member of Soviet Union, raising slogans for the No, we are against military all tionary mass work for the next few policy in China which aimed at the sup It you will remove this condition and Congress by that time, we assume that expulsion of Japanese diplomats, in mak ances of the Stalin Browder Radek weeks and months in the struggle around pression of the independent character fully embrace a real revolutionary polo he will vote war credits to the army Ing military alliances with the United Lovestone type, and yet we are entirely Prussia.
means. The counter revolutionary party Communist fundamentals: of the Communist party of China by alliay you must struggle for the following and navy: perhaps, Also, he will call States all of them ideas which are in in favor of utilizing imperialist disagree the run off elections and the elections in upon the working class to suspend its separably connected and which must be ments as well as of concluding commerSecretariat of the of Chiang Kai Shek Kuo Min Tang was recognized as a party friendly to the The victory of the proletariat is war upon the bourgeolste which is en opposed or advocated as a wholo but. cial agreements. If logical extension This is a concrete example of selfChina possible only through an armed uprising saged, you see. In fighting to success he shouts, is not war the continuation of is to be spoken of at all, then it is only criticism in Berlin. Every party memComintern, the Communists of a ful finish its war in defense of the So politics by other means, and is not pol in this connection: were ordered not to come out as an during which the proletariat destroys viet Union.
ber who criticizes is an open enemy of ities concentrated economies, and 19 not independent party which warns the pro the bourgeois state apparatus and estabThe reactionary theory of socialism in the party. In Hamburg, the District If not, he will be infinitely less con a military alliance with America log one country is predicated upon trans Organizer, Schubert went so far as to letariat and the peasants of the inevitical extension of a commercial agree forming the international Communist say at a conference of party functionarable betrayal by the Kuo Min Tang and then leads them to the realization of the movement into a pacifist frontier guard les that the poor results in the elections revolution, but to remain as a fraction Here you have a classe Instance of defending the Soviet Union from inter at Hamburg are due to the comrades in of the Kuo Min Tang. They strove not how generally accepted postulates can vention while it builds an isolated, na the Kampfbund (the party anti Fascist to the proletarian dictatorship but to be prostitued to serve reactionary tional utopia. In endeavoring to build mass organization. who were only the democratie dictatorship of the workpurpose, of how truth, logically extend this national socialist fantasy, interven guarding the posters at night and slept ers and peasants. The Communists of ed. becomes alle tion must be warded off at any price. In the daytime, when they should have China were forced in the years of 1925Economies, Politics and War The price thus far has included the heavy been discussing at the unemployed re1927 to suppress workers strikes and The Soviet Union grants foreign im payments made by the English proletar. gistrs offices. When those present propeasants uprising because of the union perialist concessionaries certain economieiat for the Soviet alliance with Purcell; tested against this shameless arrogance, with friendly party and for the sake rights, even allowing them to exploit the payments made by the Chinese pro Schubert declared: Whoever does not of national unity This polley led to Russian labor and accumulate capital. letariat and peasantry for Stalin alll maintain discipline to the end of the the tragedy of the Chinese revolution, And yet, even though politics is concen ance with Chiang Kai Shek and Wang elections, stands expelled. This is the to the murder of thousands of CommunWHAT HAPPENED IN THE 1925 1927 CHINESE REVOLUTION?
trated economies. it stubbornly refuses, chin Wel; the payments still being made self criticism.
ists and of an even larger number of in principle, to grant the concessionary for the pacifist confusion and delusion picture of the party the deception workers and peasants by the blood thirsty WHY WAS THE SITUATION LOST BY THE PROLETARIAT?
any political rights whatsoever. With of the world proletarint by the signing which makes it possible for the party counter revolution, by Stalin allies of WHAT IS HAPPENING IN CHINA NOW!
the introduction of the the ex of the Kellogg Pact and Litvinor Kaut bureaucracy to insult the members and yesterday. The stands helpless in WHAT SHOULD THE COMMUNISTS DOO ploiting Kulak was granted definite eco skylsm anties every six months at Gen to forbid any criticism of the policies of the face of present events in China. The nomie privileges, yet Lenin the party leadership.
Communist Party of China does not exist.
These questins and many more are posed and answered in this him any political rights.
Lovestone himself, and fames But this cannot go on. The members The Anglo Russian Committee book. In Trotsky own words: The lessons and problems in the The worker makes a commercial Lenin in the bargain, in an effort to are beginning to realize that the party strategy and tactics of the Chinese Revolution constitute at the agreement to work for his employer and present Radek proposal, as well as the leadership is leading them into the vold.
The experiences in England are just present time the greatest teaching for the International proletariat.
to surrender the surplus value be pro party demand for the expulsion of the They will criticize. After the second as important. The history of the Angloduces so that his employer may accumu. Japanese diplomats. as isolated abber ballot, the party members will resort Russian Committee should be studied by ORDER YOUR COPY NOW!
late capital. William Green logically rations, as accidental deviations from even more to criticism. It is the task all revolutionaries who want to gain Money Is Needed extends this iden, he contentrates the generally correct line. Not at all of the Left Opposition to pose the declarity on questions of the United Front PIONEER PUBLISHERS economics into polities, and tells the They are entirely logical results of the mand for free criticism in the party into and who want to understand the present 84 East 10th Street, weakness of British Communism. The worker to vote for his employer at the fundamental line. The tree of national the foreground. It is on this field that New York, bloc of the Soviet Russian and English polls. And since war is a continuation socialism can only bear chauvinist fruit. we must drive the first wedge.
of politics by other means. ho helps. MAX SHACHTMAN. Dle Permanente Revolution combe ment?
Now on the Press!
Problems of the Chinese Revolution opposea eva.