BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyImperialismLeninLeninismMarxismMarxism-leninismRadekRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

PAGE TAE MILITANT SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 1932 The First Week of the Press Drive Lovestone and the «Pseudo Revolutionists»
the ond 49 Our attack upon the proposal made in ism. Lenin writes: Miscellaneous Izvestia by Karl Radek for a military We shook bands with the French We are off on the first week of our Once More on the Bronx and headless antics of the party bur Minneapolis is now far in the lead but alliance beweent the Soviet Union and monarchist although we knew that each eaucracy with their feet. They have drive to BUILD THE OPPOSITION Cooperatives gone over to the of union. The PRESS. This is a week to be devoted New York regards this as a small item the United States against Japan, bas one of us would be pleased to hang the devoted and sincere party members are to the distribution of recent back issues to be wiped out at its subscription drive called forth at least one reply. If the other. And however much the hypo alarmed. They will not allow the bur of our papers. Back numbers have been affair to be held this Saturday. The diplomats and statesmen in the Stalinist crites of Anglo French and American im NEW YORK, The conflict which has arisen between eaucrats to wreck the work for which malled and are already in the hands of idea of giving ticket holders an issue camp who hastened to endorse Radek perialism may howl and abuse us. they have since said nothing more on the clude a similar agreement with the the members of the Food Workers In they have offered so many sacrifices in the comrades. The thing to do now is sub to The Militant should draw a large idea promptly relapsed into silence and will not hesitate for a moment to con pleket line. They to distribute them and follow up these attendance and shoot it back into dustrial Union and the bureaucracy the union and on Anglo French armies (See The Militant, April 16, 1982) is con know the danger involved in tampering distributions with sales of current 18 lead. Minneapolis on your toes, the matter, at least thelr Right wing broth German imperialist robbers in case the stanly becoming sharper and has with the rights of the Union member sues and our literature. An encouraging Aght isn over. The showing made lasters under the skin have entered the field attacks of But such entirely legitimate agree aroused wide sprond interest among ship. They realize that workers Join the response to our appeal for our sympath week by Youngstown is very encouraging to break a lance for the embarrassed would require it.
In the current issue of the Workers Age ments are quite a distance from the Communist and Left wing workers all union not as fall Bedged Communists, izers to help us in this drive came in We still expect to hear from Cleveland, Stalinists.
but to better their conditions. They from South Bend, Indiana. The back Kansas City, New Haven, Los Angeles, over town.
As The Militant reported two weeks know that it takes time and patience and numbers asked for were in the mall Pittsburg, Springfield and Frankfort (April 23, 1982. the leading editorial is alliance proposed by Radek and Sustified union work three hours after receipt of request for In, Toronto. We also expect to hear devoted to a warm defense of Radek and by Lovestone in principle. What Radek anonymous assault upon our posl. proposed was the conclusion of a military ago, the clash resulted from the expres self sacrifice to develop Philadelphia Boston, St.
sed intentions of the management of the ers into hardened class fighters. The them. Comrade should remember that again from (air Louis, Newark, Montreal, Chicago, and tion, with the argument that even though alliance between the United States, as Radek is playing bad politics based one of the capitalist powers which at Youngstown.
Consumers Cooperatives in the Bronx party workers will not stand by and see all returns must be in the mail upon an unrealistic analysis there is the present stage do not infringe on her which stands under the control of the the bureaucrate drive the union workers mail) not later than Monday noon folMILITANT BUILDERS nothing at all the matter with the idea (the Soviet Union s) frontiers or interparty leadership to reorganize that en away from the movement. They know lowing the close of the week.
Upon consideration we found it The staff of Militant builders is mor. in principle, that it is quite in harmony ests. an alliance against imperialist terprise at the general expense of the what is at stake.
the Lett opposition has been warn isable to revise some of the quotas. Asing upward. This is one of the most en with the teachings and practises of Japan. That is how the issue stands. In food workers employed there. So they couraging signs. It means that more Leninism. The case is even helped along reply to this reactionary proposal we 10 per out wage cut has already been ing the party workers against the burnumber of cities and are closer to what and more comrades are being drawn into by the printing of a quotation from quoted from Lenin theses in Barch It is increased by one hour and a tax of 10 a pioneer in the fight. The party work can actually be realized. They are the drive. In our opinion we are ap Lenin which is supposed to put the im 1918, directed not only against the ultraput through, the working day has been eaucracy ever since its existence.
Minneapolis. 200; proaching the point at which the simple print of Bolshevism on the idea of a mill Leftist advocates of a revolutionary war per cent for the benefit of the ers who have come to realize the bale New York 325; imposed upon the Cooperative employees the party leadership must search deeper phia 40: Cleveland 40: Boston 10:tity far in excess of their sum. Our the Lovestoneites. As for our arguments, but also against the Mensheviks and So(the Left wing union center) has been talness of the bureaucratic methods of Chicago 100: Toronto 70; Philadel addition of numbers produces a quan tary alliance and, by implication, upon against Germany (Bucharin and Radek. barometer of progress is proving itself. they are summarily dismissed a fol clal Revolutionists who insisted upona Not content with all these measures, the for the causes behind them. Whatever Newark 35; Kansas City 30: St.
Soviet alliance with France and England bureaucracy has seen fit to engage non fs wrong with the leadership in the Co Louis 25; Los Angeles 20; Young The staff and its record follow: lows: operatives is also wrong with the lead town 10: New Haven 10; Montreal Hedlund: Cowl 5; Dunne That it is wrong in principle for the against the Hohenzollern armies.
unton men in place of the old help. This opening on a national and more than that, 410: Duluth 10: Springgela, JL 5; Dunno 5: Konikov4: Soviet power to form temporary alli Our poliey must be based, not on a aroused the members to the en an international scale. The roots of 10; Brankfort. 11. 10 Pittsburgh Barach 4; Basky 3: Roseland ances, even military alliances, with cap choice between two imperialisms but on point of exasperation.
The workers of the Con Coops brought the bureaucracy lie in the whole system 10; Trenton Which city will be 3: Skoglund 3: Coover C. Italist powers, only a muddled pseudo the possibility of strengthening the 80of Stalinism which has been leading the the first to reach its quota?
will main chalist revolution or at least on the nece to a Judging from the returns to date and Johnson 2; Carr 2; Sacharow revolutionary parecemember that warlessity of enabling it to offer resistance 2; Cheloff 2; Ray 2; Glott tain. For we must fact that a non member of the Union was Climo, to disintegration and impotence, especially from last week showing Min lieb1; Koehler 1; Winne 1: is the continuation of politics by other until the other countries join the revoluworking there and requested that he be ever since the death of Lenin. The work Anal word has not been said and any 1: Capelis 1; Zalmanott 1; economies. any principle that would fought our own imperialism, but replaced with a Union man. The man. ers who really want to fight bureaucracy, one of our branches which has been savager, an ex drug store boss from Wash will have to tight against the whole roting its wind for the drive down the home 1; Logan1: Kaldis 1; Ster if logically extended, forbid a political country by means of an alliance with Hermann 1; Swabeck 1; Glotzer forbid a military alliance must likewise, overthrow of the imperialism of were therefore compelled to lodge a pro distant when the best elements of the stretch may step out to the front of the ling 1; Curran treaty or commercial agreement. the imperialism of another, is a line of test with the Union.
party membership will realize this and race. For last week Minneapolis re The staff looks very much like a roll Utilizing Capitalist Antagonisms action that we reject both on reasons Tribesh, one of the organizers of the struggle side by side with the Left Opported 18 subs, New York, 6: Youngs: cait of the Minneapolis branch. The Have the Bolsheviks (or any other of principle and because we consider it to investigate the complaint. He inform party and the Communist International to miscellaneous. This brings the total busy and bolster up their end of the ro the right to utilize differences and anta ed the management that the Con Coope along thie Leninist line, along the line the branches is as follows: for the drive to 127. The standing of presentation.
Let us remember that this was written gonisms existing at a given moment in at a time when Russia need for allles were Union shops and that only mem of revolutionary victory.
Comrade Coover reports the following the camp of world Imperialism? Abso was infinitely more acute than today, at bers of the could work there.
Minneapolis FOOD WORKER from Minneapolis: No. team scored lutely, the right and the duty. So long a time when there was no Red army and New York 38 He demanded that the non member be nine points this week making their total as the proletariat in other countries has when (unlike the situation Chicago in Man removed and that he be substituted with from an Illinois Miner as of April 21st thirty seven and a not yet come to the aid of an isolated churia) the German forces had already Boston one of the many unemployed workers Youngstown quarter (37 4) points. No. team workers dictatorship, the latter must advanced upon Russian territory into from the Union Dear Comrades: scored sixteen (16)
points making their exploit the antagonisms in the camp of the very heart of the country.
The manager refused to comply with St. Louis total forty three (43. The total score world Imperialism in the interests of its of this Lenin offered objections in prin.
In spite It has been some time since wrote Newark the demand, and a temporary stoppage Philadelphia for the branch eighty and a quarter own preservation. The noteworthlest ciple to the proposals for an was the result. This stirred the anger to you relative to the situation in southalliance ern Illinois. Well, the situation is plenty example of this is the action of the Bol with the Anglo French imperialists. He (80 4) points.
Montreal of the Con Coops and Union workers. hot down here now. We warned Chicago and New York lsheviks when the German Imperialists The situation became so heated that a The strike is effective in every degree they had better watch out and we meant marched against the Soviets following did not withdraw them even when Kamslon of the Communist Party had to be throughout the whole state. The District chapter of the American Legion, all withSeveral of the Minneapolis Militant Brest Litovsk treaty in February 1918. withdrawal of that party support of their failure to accept the terms of the kov, leader of the Social Revolutionists, alled. After a long and weary session. Organization is pursuing once more the out solicitation.
The meetings of the unemployed down Builders have not been mentioned in the that is, while the Allied imperialists were the Bolshevik government because Lenin he following amazing decisions were This has caused a stir among the miners here pack every hall we meet in. Reliet Militant yet. The complete list is as still at war with Germany. Trotsky do preferred to sign the humiliating treaty Tendered from the large mines, especially here in has been rushed. This has developed follows: Dunne5 points; Dunne scribes the action is follows: of Brest Litovsk. To condemn the action of the Un Franklin County. In several local un. the enthusiasm of the masses to a point 10: Barach 8: Lain 84: On the twenty second of February Ion organizer.
ons we have pushed resolutions demand where they suddenly realize what an Ross 2; Forsen 1 2: John at the meeting of the Central Committee. Towards the end of the same year, To mildly criticize the management ing that the officials recall those separ ounce of organization can do.
Rough son 1 2; Curran 2: TIed reported that French military mis Lenin wrote to the party Central Comof the Con Coops.
ate contracts.
roads lay ahead of them and in the lund 17: Coover 5; Rosland slon had conveyed the French and Eng mittee: Now the least enlightened will It is only natural that the workers The negotiations between the bosses bumpings that they will get scores of 1 2: Skoglund 4; Barach 1; lish offers to help us in a war with Ger understand what cowardly treason to sohave been made furious by these decl and the miners are at a deadlock. The good fighters for the revolutionary Kalmaporr 2; Cowl 1 2: Gott. many. expressed myself as in favor cialism the Mensheviks and the sions. It is hard for them to swallow operators moved to adjourn sine die movement will develop. Young workers, Hleb 2. point is equivalent to one of accepting the offer, on condition of committed by accepting the alliance with the fact that the unheard of actions of the perspective is that a plenty hot who formerly were attracted to a distant dollar. The above Includes the subs course, that we be completely independ the rapacious Franco English bourgeoisie the management have the tacit approval struggle will develop. The District of Metropolis in search of employment, no Comrade Hedlund In turning in 11 arin insisted that it was inadmissible for Brest pence And again to the Sixth ent in matters of foreign policy. Buch with the alleged aim of annuling the lons of the rank and file with regard to the miners to accept a wage cut. Howodus. They are staying here now and for subs he got from members of his us to enter into any arrangements with Congress of the Soviets, Lenin declared the bureaucracy have been heightened to ever, they have not openly committed fighting is going to be on the order of union remarked: didn have much the imperialists. Lenin came vigorously lo retrospect. Fate condemned us to an unprecedented degree. And there is themselves to this proposition. Com the day.
time or would have got them all. to my sid, and the Central Committee isolation and after the Brest peace we good cause for their suspicions. few petition, stabilization, freight rates, are Tomorrow is a big day for the miners Comrades everywhere PLEASE COPY adopted my resolution by six votes have lived through a grievous period. We of the following incidents, known to all the substitutes for an energetie program of Franklin County. huge county de against five. As far as can remember were told: Better a new alliance with of the Left wing food workers will of struggle. That the District Officials monstration is planned by the miners.
now, Lenin dictated the resolution in the imperialists than such a peace.
show why.
are not as brazen as before is simply due Every local union has called a special BOOKS BY TROTSKY these words: That comrade Trotsky be mother new war together with the In the fall of 1930, there was a con to the fact that progressive forces within meeting and made plans for the parade authorized to accept the assistance of Anglo French than the yoke of this vio ference of the camp workers of all the the miners are fast developing and have and demonstration. We anticipate, conDRAFT PROGRAM OF THE the brigands of French imperialiem lent peace. We replied: if we address party summer campe. The conference attained a powerful following. On the servatively, 5, 000 miners. The advertisCOMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL Against the German brigands.
ourselves to the international working was shocked and outraged by the demand other hand Lewis has declared himself ing leaflet calls for a fight on Boss ScabA Criticism of Fundamentals This is the agreement (Lenin dell class, we shall be able to continue our of one, Doroshkia, manager of Camp to be after Wilker scalp to the end. bery. This is the latest maneuver of (Out of Print in paper cover)
140 pages, berately uses frontal quotation marks work.
Part and Kinderland, to reduce the wages of the This causes the district to cater to the the bosses to wedge in for open shop.
Around the word) to which Lenin refers As Lenin writes in the Letter pub 00 samp employees. The protest of those progressive elements.
500 of cloth bound of us marched at the Big Mine out in his Letter to the American Working lished by Lovestone: There are agreepresent was so unanimous that the party April 1st we held a huge mass meet near the edge of the town and pulled the STRATEGY OF THE WORLD Men. In reprinting excerpts from this ments and agreements. With one, the representative to the conference was ing at the West Frankfort Ball Park bosses out of the mine. After we did REVOLUTION letter, Lovestone, to justify his conten proletariat makes a revolutionary use forced to repudiate Doroshkin and to with several thousand miners present. this we threatened to put out all mainPart of the Draft Program tion, commits a little forgery which is of temporary divisions in the imperialmake an official statement that the latter we cooperated with the Communist partytenance men if the practice of using boss 86 pages 250 quite characteristic of him and entities ist camp; with the other, the proletariat would not be returned to his post the to the extent of using this hour day strike breakers was abused. MaintenTHE PERMANENT REVOLUTION the letter: On Alliances with imperial allies itself with the bourgeoisie of one following summer. But last year this celebration as a protest meeting againstance forces are the men who take care 158 pages paper cover 50 country, sacrificing its revolutionary cloth cover 00 same Doroshkin was right back in his Criminal Syndicalism. Our active young of the mines from flooding, squeezes, principles towards a reactionary end, old place and even much more of a slave militant, Gerry Allard, spoke and acted falls, etc. The bosses attempted to use PROBLEMS OF THE DEVELOPOpposition Press in to which we shall refer later on.
driver than before.
as secretary of all arrangements. This their stool pigeon crew of bosses instead MENT OF THE Lenin made one kind of agreement.
48 RON As was reported by The Militant on seemed to be much to the disappointment of members of the United Mine Workers.
paper cover 150 Czecho Slovakia When the Soviets were pressed to the August 1, 1931, a certain Newman, man of the Stalinites. resolution was unTHE FIVE YEAR PLAN This caused a commotion. As a result (out of print)
Our Left Opposition in Crecho Slovakia wall by the advancing Germans, he ager of the camp Wocolona, threatened animously adopted calling upon the min bell is going to pop out unless this de THE SPANISH REVOLUTION is publishing two organs, a theoretical readily accepted arms and ammunition to call the state troopers to oust a ers to mobilize their forces in defense of mand of the miners is adhered to. The 30 pages worker from the camp who had resisted the seven workers. It was also decided officials tell us, Boys, we paper cover 100 monthly, entitled MARXISTIKA REVUE from the French and English: he agreed conagainst his arbitrary mil.
and a weekly, entitled Delnicka Politika, to use their military specialists to blow The THE SPANISH REVOLUTION IN to call upon all local unions to send dele tract with the coal operators so what can DANGER Czecho Slovakia workers in America who up bridges and railroad lines in order party Central Control Commission, acting gations to the State Attorney demand we do about it? Hot stuff! We have 64 pages under the pressure of the workers fol may be interested in keeping in touch to impede the German advance.
paper cover 150 ing the release of the victims. The pro been busy thinking of slogans for ban COMMUNISM AND SYNDICALwith our movement in their own country Soviets bound themselves to nothing.
lowing this outrage, decided very dip gram consisted of prominent progres ners. Scores of banners will stream the ISM can obtain these papers writing to: They created no illusions among the lomatically to keep Newman from occupy sire mine leaders. In spite of the fact whole country.
paper cover 150 Marxistieka Revue, Fr. Kohut, Zizkov. workers of the world concerning any ing any paid post for six months. The that the Party opposed Edmundson hel The Party bureaucrats have been out THE TURN IN THE COMMUNIST Chavlickovo nam Prague. and to: friendliness to the Soviet republic or six months will be up in July. The spoke at the meeting. William Browder maneuvered on every issue where they INTERNATIONAL AND THE Delnicka Politika, Havlickovo nam nobleness of purpose on the part of workers are wondering: Will Newman, was squeezed in the program as present tried their Centrist policies, and where GERMAN SITUATION Prague XI the Entente brigands. They concluded like Doroshkin, be returned to his posting the D. This is the first time they attempted discredit those who (out of print)
100 no secret (or any other kind of) treaty once more?
that the Party representatives have been fought against bureaucracy. They have WORLD UNEMPLOYMENT AND ST. LOUIS, ATTENTION! of alliance with France. They continued While Newman gets this mild rebufr, able to speak publicly since the raids. been forced to like it on several occas 48 page. paper cover 100 OPEN FORUM the worker who resisted his bureaucratie to agitate unreservedly for the overWe have a powerful unemployed move sons. The artillery that they let loose GERMANY THE KEY TO THE throw of both sets of Imperialist powers methods, a militant worker arrested at ment started here in southern Illinois, against Allard for a while, has now the time of the needle trades strike last which the Party INTERNATIONAL SITUATION May 6th at P. by their respective proletarians.
attacked. We have stopped. It was doing them more harm SHALL FASCISM REALLY at the Under similar circumstances, the sowithdrawal of his ball and finally, with Coello, year, was faced with a very mysterious branches in West Frankfort, Herrin, than good and at the same time giving BE VICTORIOUS?
Crunden Branch Library Auditorium, vlets would act the same way today in Benton, Christopher Marion, Allard publicity on matters that reacted 48 pages deportation by the government author Johnston City, and paper cover 100 14th and Cass Avenues the conflict with Japan. In face of a Logan. Allard is very bad against them and Communism. HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN Subject: Japanese intervention against the ities.
serving in the capacity of general organ Now they are attempting to use Party REVOLUTION Vol. Lyneh Law, the Negro and the or even a threat of such a step, The case of the worker Napoleon, izer of the movement and Secretary of members of the rank and file to start 522 pages Retail at Scottsboro Boys the Soviets would be entirely Justified whose exceptionally militant ercord is the West Frankfort Unemployed Branch in sniping away him. But even this By Special arrangements with the Speaker: MARTIN PAYER In buying or accepting arms or ammuniwell known among the party members, with seven hundred members. It is has failed simply because his position publishers of this book we can ADMISSION FREE tion from, let us say, the United States and whose heroism was even made the really valuable experience that we all was unavailable. If any one is responsubject of poems that appeared in the have gained in this work. The organizasible for the uplifting of the terror offer it to certificate holders at (if it could get them from this imperialTHE REAL SITUATION IN MINNEAPOLIS, ATTENTION! ist power which, far from standing asido, Daily Worker, similarly arouses suspic tion is reaching greater powers every against Communists in this country, Al RUSSIA STUDY CLASS as Radek implies, is the fundamental on. Napoleon was expelled from the day and beginning to develop along milllard and a handful of militants are to 864 pages cloth cover 00 at the counter revolutionary force in the world Food Workers Industrial Union as a tant lines in spite of the weak beginning be given the credit. The Party came SINCE LENIN DIED Minneapolis Spartacus You. Clut counter revolutionary because he dared it had due to the lack that time of real forward on a May Day program (Continued on page 3)
by Max Eastman Elements of Marxism Leninism criticize the leadership. He happened leadership, also being infested with reagain we were instrumental in getting 158 pages aper cover 60e Every Friday Night to be out on bail for unlon activities in liglous cults of every description. Or various local unions to endorse the de In Preparation LABOR LYCEUM THE MILITANT the strike at the Zolgreen cafeterias at ganizing unemployed is like organizing monstration. It appears to me that the PROBLEMS OF THE CHINESE Sixth Ave. at Irving Published weekly by the Communist the time. He was never notified by the Negroes, the religious angle always Party is orientating itself to progres REVOLUTION Instructor: CARL COWL League of America (Opposition)
bureaucrats when to appear in court. breaks loose. Thus far we have exer sive elements, some with shady records. 400 pages cloth cover 50 at 84 East 10th St.
His bail was forfeited and he has been cized the greatest possible degree of cannot understand the sudden change paper cover 00 HAVE YOU READ TROTSKY left to rot in jail.
democracy, but by degrees we are placing of political lines. However, am fully WHAT NEXT9 VITAL QUES PAMPHLET ON GERMANY?
EDITORIAL BOARD The food workers are restless. They a check on it.
in accord with a united front of all TIONS FOR THE GERMAN The face of the labor Martin Abern James Cannon have been called counter revolutionaries Over 4, 000 members have joined our miners.
PROLETARIAT the entire world, and of the Communist Maurice Spector and worse by the bureaucrat Zack for movement in months period. Starting Your article on the Anthracite was 200 pages Arne Swabeck paper cover 60e workers in particular, is closely tied up daring to take a stand against the spuri out with five men the organization is ma very informative. received a personal Bound Volume of all the pam with the fate of the German workers in Entered as second class mall matter ous reorganization of the Con Coops. turing to a point where it will be a letter from a young miner from Shenan phlets indicated by Only 100 their Immediate political situation. To November 28, 1928, at the Post Office as Are they too to be left at the mercy of fighting, achieving organization. It is doah, Pa. He reported along the lines copies available. Cloth cover 00 understand this in its full and Marxinn New York, Under the act of the class enemy because they are cour comical to see all the crafts of the that you had in your article. Our next SPECIAL RATES IN BUNDLE implications, every militant worker March 3, 1879.
ageous enough to criticize the headmen? of come to the support of the more big step among the progressives is to ORDERS should read Trotsky pamphlet GERSATURDAY, APRIL 30, 1932 The incidents above and the latest oc ment after it atracts thousands of peo get our district forces centralized and PIONEER PUBLISHERS MANY, THE KEY TO THE INTERNAVol. 5, No. 18 (Whole No. 114)
curences at the Con Coops are not acple. All the locals in the then develop national contact 84 East 10th Street, TIONAL SITUATION Shall Fascism Subscription rate: 32. 00 per your; forcidental. Hundreds of Left wing work, country have Best Regards to all the Comrades, New York, Really Be Victorious. eign 50. Tivo cents per copy.
meninaryone AN ILLINOIS MINER.
Get your copy from Ploneer Publishers. Bundla rates, cents per copy.
The 64 pages on and movement of Mat Shachtman ers have already reacted to the arbitraryles, the Chilatelet, several church