AnarchismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismIndividualismItalyLiberalismMarxNazismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America Opposition Published weekly by the Communist League of Amerler (Opposition) at 84 East 10th Street, New York, Entered as second class mall matter, November 28, 1928 at the Post Omce at New York, under the act of March 3, 1879.
VOLUME V, NO. 18 WHOLE NO. 114 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 1932 PRICE CENTS Shall Tom Mooney Stay in Jail?
Demonstrate on May Day!
Debate we on The State and the Trade Unions in Canada After the Recent Elections in Prussia in the Governor Kolph of California has an as revolutionists should do must The forty fourth International Labor year, the American working class is all its imperialist aggressors, to show nounced his decision refusing to grant again remind of the previous call sent Tom Mooney appeal for a pardon. This from St. Quentin prison, in which Tom SOCIALISM Day on May 1, 1932 takes place at a called upon to rally to the side of its their inseparable community of interests time when the decline of the capitalist German brothers, to the defense of its with the workers of Germany in the face versus should neither prove startling, nor re Mooney, in full realization of the enorsystem is reaching new depths, when Victorious Russian brothers, to the yup of battle.
cord disappointed expectations on the mous task ahead, demanded that a genuCOMMUNISM the most intense and most wide spread port of the workers fatherland, the Make the May Day demonstrations part of revolutionists. But It should ine united front movement be organized Can the Program of the Socialist Party of its economic crises to approaching. Today, more than ever, the fighting demonstrations by manifesting serve to settle once and for all any il to force this plunderbund to let go of. precedented aggravation. Factories, solidarity of he international proletariat your undying hatred of American Imperlusions which have existed in the minds their victims. In such lies also the ialism your enemy, the enemy of the Yes: Young People Socialist League shops, magazines, ships are lying fallow: is an urgent need.
of credulous workers. We can now once guarantee for more effective steps to more ullirm that for militant workers ward the abolition of the capitalist sysNo: Spartacus Youth Club (Commun trade is at its lowest ebb, the bourgeois The party of the working class, the and of all workers. Make ist Youth Left Opposition)
factions are wrangling among themselves Communist Party of the Is hold the First of May a day of struggle there is no redress in appeals to capital tem.
to unburden themselves of the load of ing demonstrations in all parts of the against the capitalist system, against un ist justice.
taxation upon one another and the country to celebrate the First of May. employment and for unemployment relief Undoubtedly many workers have held Tom Mooney call was then and is now primarily addressed to FRIDAY, MAY 6, 1932 revoluworking classes shoulders; more than 30 Every class conscious worker, every at the expense of the bosses. Against such illusions. Moreover they have been tionary workers to the Communists, for at P.
deliberately and deceptively nourished them to take the initiative. There is no at the Labor Temple million workers walk the pavements in member of the revolutionary working wise cuts, speed up and long hours and search of jobs the world over; those class of America will demonstrate on for the maintenance of the wage scales, Not so much for the purpose of main other force in the movement fully con 14th Street and Second Avenue still at work suffer one wage reduction May under the banner of the Communfor better conditions in the shops, for taining expectations, but rather to pre scious of the goal and wit sufficient vlt Auspices. Joint Arrangement Committee lurks in every corner ADMISSION: 20 Cents after another; poverty and wretchedness vent and to disorganize any serious ef ality to take the initiative.
party. The American workers must the six Hour Day without reduction in It is high pay. Make the First of May a banner forts to actually set in to motion the time that the official party leadership The wise men of the bourgeoiste have sather on this day to voice their unflinch day of working class struggle against only real means at the disposal of the realizes that this it must undertake.
seen all their utopian schemes, all their ing support of the Soviet Union against capitalism!
working class to force the jail doors plans, all their remedies blown up like open its own mass pressure. The facts toy balloons by the ravages of the econof this contention have been clearly esomic chaos. Only one country has tablished. We do not address it as a thrown a ray of light into the world charge to the steeped in corruption and darkened by the shadow of the capitalist perfidy officials, of the of N TORONTO, ONT.
value of the workers commodity labor system. That is Soviet Russia, the land The Prussian elections of April 24 new argument. But he omits one littheir crime was infinitely worse. Their made the National Socialist Party of tle thing: That we start out on the preIn his final address to the jury at the power, nor his standard of living in of the proletarian dictatorship special representations, particularly those historical trial that outlawed the Com general are fixed automatically but by The successes of socialist construction Adolf Hitler the strongest party in that mise that the social democrats are estabin the state of California, have already munist Party in Ontario, the Crown way of struggle. The first attempts, in workers Russia have shown to the German province, which by virtue of the lished betrayers of the working class, on been exposed as the actual connivers in Prosecutor declared that the trade un however, to combine in trade unions workers of the world the possibilities of fact that it contains nearly two thirds the premise that it is necessary to wrest the frame up game. But there were spelons were not belng attacked. every encounters the savage repression by the socialism, their solution to the present the entire population of Germany and the millions of workers still under their cial capitalist agents selected to nourish institution throughout the country pro state. series of combination acts in anarchy. In spite of the mistakes of the holds within its boundaries the most im. influence away from them which can the illusions.
tected the trade union movement (Mall Great Britain declare a trade union an Stalinist leadership, in spite of the back portant industries in the country, repre only be done by means of a united front Tom Mooney, when informed of the de and Empire, Nov. 13, 1981. It is the unlawful society and the strike crime. wardness of the country, the example sents the key position to the Reich as struggle in which the workers themselves cision, said: It is a class decision with purpose of this article to show that on The penal codes of other countries like of socialist planning and control in Rus a whole.
can judge whereas Norman Thomas and a class motive, and along these lines it the contrary, the legal status of the wise deem collective bargaining inconsla has shown to the workers of the The Fascist victory signifies not only the other social democratie lackeys mere shall be fought out in the future. These Canadian trade union movement, are serious words coming from the lips carious enough before the repression of workers organize secretly and strikes to build up and maintain industry for tlons (their success there has been proership to achieve the function assigned of a sterling tighter. In reality that has the Communist party, is more completely break out despite long terms of impris the benefit of those who run it for those perly described as phenomenal rise to them: namely, to lead the workers to been the only way ever to fight it out at the mercy of the capitalist state than onment for the leaders.
who toil.
from seats to 159, but also a high the slaughter under the sign of the lessBut the American workers did not yet ever. For the trade unions (we do not Against the right to combine, the capiInternational Labor Day 1932 reveals point in their steady increase of strength er evil. That the social democrats will fully see that, and were held back. mean the officialdom) to accept the suave talist courts Invoked two doctrines (a) the irreconcilable contradiction between as a whole. In the run off elections for try to exploit the shortcomings and er The effective organization of that assurances of the Crown at their face the doctrine of conspiracy and (b) the the socialist system and the capitalist the presidency on April 10, they received rors of their communist opponents 18 fight now more than ever on the value would lull them into a state of common law rule holding as unlawful and system. In their agony, the defenders some 32 per cent of the total vote. Last only natural. But how does this fact agenda. But it cannot fulfill its objee false security.
combinations in restraint of trade. Ori of the capitalist system are trying to Sunday they received 35 per cent of all in any way excuse these errors and tive without all workers being given the shortcomings? That is something that most ample opportunity of participation.
with yet remains to be explained by the Daily Hostility to freedom of association in judges, when faced with the problem of tion of the Soviet Union and the utter The Hitler forces are flushed To overlook that, or to put obstacles in general is an early juridical phase of the association, extended the conspiracy subjugation of the workers the worla victory. It is inconceivable that they worker.
The proletarian Communista of workers over with it. The Soviet Union is faced should not exploit the moral strength of the way of its realization, condemn any capitalist reconstruction of society. The doctrine to combinations efforts to Isolation and impotence. Such the last decades of the elghteenth century with the threat of an attack from Japtheir success for decisive actions. While ranks of the International will not much Conspiracy could only directly and criminally play Industrial and the agreement to com. anese imperialism in the Far East and keeping up the mockery Hit longer allow themselves to be confused agrarian revolutions mit any unlawful act or any lawful act from the rapidly growing Fascist reac ler is already warning the government by the demagogie comparisons the stalinto the hands of the rapacious jailors released business enterprise from the by unlawful means. The attempt of tion in Germany. tremendous and itself against. Illegal actions. How Inist leadership makes between the soof Tom Mooney. It becomes, of course, letters of feudalism and mercantilism Om Toryism to question of fighting back the capital in favor of freedom of competitlon and wage rates fixed by Justice of the Peace, immediate danger is hanging over the Hitler will proceed with the seizure of cial democrats and the Left Opposition braces the issue of release of all class Rights and the American Declaration of power, was doomed. The Combination is out to crush the strongest ally of the center party or whether he will resort wer from them. The events themselves of long after the craft guilds had lost their ing class: the menace of Hitlerism which tablish a coalition with the Catholic order, they will demand a political ans war prisoners.
Independence breathe the same spirit of Laws, passed in additional fear of the the powerful German pro to a coup Etat is inconsequential. He are opening up the eyes of the workers.
That Tom Mooney particularly sym optimistic and rugged. Individualism French Revolution were repealed in bolizes the body and spirit of all these as Adam Smith Wealth of Nations :1824 26. The judges, however, gave letariat.
is determined upon drastle measures.
They want to know, why with all the class war victims is so amply illustrated the democratic state is conceived as a form to the doctrine that a conspiracy The First of May, International Labor He is on the threshold of fulfilling the undeniably favorable objective condtIn his call issued after receiving this re mass of free citizens, each of whom is in restraint of trade is indictable inde Day originated as a holiday of the Am task assigned to him by the needs of tions for revolutionary progress, with cent decision. In part it says. am an ultimate source of sovereign autbor pendently of statute.
erican workers, it grew out of the the German bourgeoise that of throt all the betrayals of the social democrats ready and willing today as always to ity, which would be impeded by arti The growing resistance of the work struggle for the elght hour day in the tling the working class of Germany. ther party, the Communist party has The inter Wherein Lies the Responsibility not been able to rally the masses for give my life to the cause of the tollera Bicial groups. The end of law was to ers, and the strength of their political lehties of the last century of the Social Democrats!
decisive and determined action. They of the world regardless of race, creed secure the absolute and universal natural agitation, combining with the circum national working class made the holiday In its editorial on Tuesday, April 26, cannot be led around much longer by my brutal frame up, is an insolent and for a century and a half the doctrina sulted, though with considerable uneven day, a day of international working class 1932, the Daily Worker poses the questheir noses. The enemy is at the gates.
the face of world wide protest against congenial to the English court where stances of an expanding capitalism, re of the American proletariat its own hollBut what is important now, Is not the sinister challenge hurled by a doomed of laissez faire masquered in the buisness in a stage of concessions. The Trade solidarity. On the First of May. this tion as to who is responsible for the menacing advance of Fascism. It comes to question whom to blame. The Aght has Union Acts of 1871 and 1906 gave the capitallat system into the teeth of the of publle polley.
the conclusion that the social democracy not been lost yet. The thing to do now unlons in Great Britain particularly, imMILITANT AFFAIR entire working class.
In the eyes of the law, the wage labor munity from Hability under the doctrine call upon the united militant and An intensive campaign by being con with its theory of the lesser evil with sto exert every force to make up or Its support of the notorious emergency lost time. This requires a thorough revolutionary working class of the ever was on a footing of formal equality of conspiracy in both its criminal and ducted at present throughout the counmisguid German and the International leadertire world to accept this challenge. They with all other citizens. But whatever civil aspects. That was a period when try to put our press on a sounder finan decrees of the Bruening government, reexamination of the policies of the must close ranks and raise louder than the philosophical speculation of Rous. democratie reformist appeared to have cial basis and increase our circle or with its deceit and systems the way ships. This needs an evaluation of the ance of the workers, has paved hund seau, the device of universal suffrage achieved great triumphs. Combination ever the demand that the plunderbund merely ignores economic classes; it does was no longer unlawful. The right to readers. In connection with this drive for Hitlerism. Is this true? Unquestion theory that the Fascists in power will the New York Branch of the League of California let go their victim.
dom, but for the abolition of the capitality passed from the landed interest to the the fear of the injunction we ste notast 10th St. on Saturday, April 30th revolutionist can deny it. But can any fruits of this theory (which is nothing They must fight not only for my free not destroy them. Sovereignty in real strike and to plcket were freed from holding an affair at its headquarters, 84 bly true. No one who claims to be a rapidly disintegrate.
ne mogu se power the hande nowe freedom here speaking of the United States. at D. The proceeds of the affair ork 62 August 4, 1914, trom the hench lesser evil. are already altogether ist system.
But to discharge our duty to this call ist entrepreneur. to the proletarian it more or less safeguarded from the juris will be turned over to Press Fund.
brought glittering prizes to the capital, Domestic and inter union affairs men of Noske and Scheldemann? Hasn too abundant and there is a lesson for From present indications the affair it been an B fact for Communists the Communists to learn from them, brought the factory system, low wages. diction of the courts. Their funds were will be a success Tickets are selling SERIES ON DIALECTICAL long hours, slums and unemployment protected against embezzlement But a reactionary counter current was well. An entertaining program has been that the social democrats can play no from the red referendum last year in Divorced from the ownership of the MATERIALISM precisely hendless competition of the Thaelmann working class? And isn It means of production, the wage worker at work even then. Already in 1902 the arranged, including a singer, recitations other role than that of selling out the Prussia and this year in Saxony. The On May 13 at the Labor Temple comHobson choice From the same prockbly Fabian Webbs had to record ate Admissions by ticket and is only the duty of the Communists to break leadership with the nationalist slogans rade Swabeck will give the first of a had only Democracy that 26e. The unique feature of the affair is series of four popular lectures for work very outset the employer was a combina in their Industrial The tion in himself. To speak of the free the public opinion of the propertied that everyone who pays for a ticket is through the deception and the betrayal and demagogy of the Fascists must be Materialism.
ers on Dialectical class againsk Fascism, road be cleared for an earnest approach to the rest of the working class, to the four lectures will be delivered on successive Friday night. The admission circumstances was a mockery. In the more hostile to trade unionism than it Militant for himself or a friend. Come against the classe enemy?
The Stalinist scriveners of the Daily Social democratie rank and file. Instead price will be 15c per lecture. Comrade later stage of capitalist consolidation was a generation ago. Under this ad and help us to enjoy ourselves.
wwwwwwwwwww Worker blame the social democrats for of the empty epithet social Fascist Swabeck will undertake an exposition of and monopoly, the unorganized worker verse bias the courts of law have for ever the subject from its many aspects.
is more than ever a helpless figure in the last ten years been gradually limit. THE STALINIST LOVESTONE UNITY Hitler forward march. We consider the tactle of the united front must be to be the legal NEGOTIATIONS!
the treacherous preparatory work of the applied to drive the reformist fakers to May 13 The Historical struggle be his own fate.
ing what were so, At the present NEXT WEEK party of Wels and Breltscheld as a mat self exposure. This is the road the Comtween Materialism and Idealism.
Trade unionism was the organized re rights of trade The outstanding and most significant ter of facu.
in Germany must adopt if they May 20 Dialectical Materialism Apfusal of the workers to submit passively day, the capitalist class is once again. new argument is brought for are to lead the masses successfully plied to Nature.
to the rigors of the sacred wage fund engaged in sharp restriction of trade new development in the internal struggle May 27 The Materialist Conception of and the inexorable laws of supply and union activities. The Emergency Powers of the American Communist movement is ward writes the Daily Worker editor against the impending Fascist constaught History, demand. The trade unions. In Marx scarcely to be regarded as landmarks between the stalinist Party officials and munists are responsible because we do. As a first step in this direction, the June Dialectical Materialism Ap phrase, were centers of resistance to the of greater class harmony in England. Lovestone, the leader of the expelled not forma united front with the social Lett Opposition of the proposes plied to Society encroachments of capital. Neither the which experienced the General Right wing. In next week Militant we democrats. This new position Strike will publish a report of these negotiations supported by Trotsky Cannon part congress to review all these ques goes on to show tions. It demands that these questions be In the Unlted States, Canada, and with an analysis and comment by James renegades.
06 that Norman Thomas also uses this discussed on the basis of party demAustralia, in addition to the formerJ. Cannon, merely permissive, there now coercive ocracy, that the worker Communists be allowed to volce their opinions. The harm To Our Readers and Supporters: the Left Opposition it can attained. legislation regarding strikes and lockalready done can thus be dispelled rapidGratifying results have been obtained It is urgently needed. Will you readers outs. Australia and New Zealand, the ly and conclusively.
in our subscription drive. It gives us an put your shoulders to the wheel with stamping felds of Labor Governments. have made compulsory both arbitration The capitalist press reports a semiexcellent basis for a yet more effective us?
wind up during the coming month, May through administrative tribunals and This month campaign includes The three militant marine workers, chip in and to work energetically so that turn in the German party already. Ae to June Its goal is 000 press as a whole. The funds received forbid the woscoet. peacefund picketing involved in the bomb plot frame up in our class war prisoners may be snatcheeling to a dispatch in the New York should be translated in to reading. More will be divided on a proportionate basts and even the simple strike. Use of the New York harbor have been sentenced ed away from the claws of the bosses, by the capitalist court to long sentences Thelr conviction is our conviction. When ists have decided to fight to the end This proposal wo address not only to Young Spartacus and Communistes. It these prohibitions is sanctioned and vio 12 to 25 years and Bunker and Trajer ton men to struggle for the betterment of Buscom Furthermore, the dispatch says, in Sing Sing, Soderberg received from they are indicted, the efforts of all against any form of Nazi government in our members but to our supporters and does not matter whether your help the lation of the statutes made punishable boy from to 25 years each. The first two their conditionemre in dicted not be per than the party leadership no longer te readers as well. In the subscription drive an outright contribution or a subscripcriminal proceedings.
a couple of our branches have particl. tion for a friend or comrade. Many of mark of the capitalist control, or rather are to be deported when they have served The enemy frame up must not be pervards the social democrats the chief pated excellently and set a splendid ex. you comrades, who read this notice, are dissolution of the trade unions was their terms. The prisoners were dentea mitted to work.
enemy as before, but the Fascists.
ample. Some of our readers have done not in a position to participate jointly reached The last meeting of the Marine Workthe right to reply to the sentences.
Untthe Fascist government their bit. But our aim is to extended it with our membership in the campaign. Italy which declared its policy to be the The dastardly frame up of the harbor Committee, the only organted action of the Red workers with the during the final month to include the ac it is to you particularly that we address break with laissez faire liberalism and sentenced trade unions is foretold. There are bosses has received legal sanction from ized movement to back the tivities of all.
One month of efforts to build the Left sistance during this month as generous dependent unions have been outlawed. conscious workers of the country must verdiet. It calls upon all workers and it is significant that the social democrats this request: Will you lend us your as the socialism of class welfare. The in the capltalist government. The class marine workers, decided to appeal the Indications of a change also in the sale orial in the Daily Worker quoted above.
Opposition press. This is a modest rely as you have in the past? Will you strikes are repressed like sedition. The be aroused against this new outrage of upon all labor organizations quest. We have published our proposal make serious effort to send a con Fascist unions are incorporated in the capitalist class justice. We must not funds immediately to its headquarters fets. If this information proves to be at 82 East 10th Street, New York City.
as to how we aim to attain it.
We want tribution, elther as an outright donation state machine, under the supervision of allow the class enemy to throw these Money is urgently needed to go through correct a good part of the urgent proto extend the circulation of our various or a subscription, direct to our office. Minister of Corporations.
three militant union men into his dun with the appeal. Do your share. The posals of the Left Opposition have alpapers and secure their financial founda Thanking you in advance, we remain. Continued In next Issue)
geons. That means their destruction. fate of three class fighters, the right of ready broken ground for themselves.
tion with the help of all supporters of THE MILITANT. MAURICE SPECTOR. It is the duty of every revolutionist tol union men to organise depends on it.
18 munists great And To the Readers of The Militant Marine Workers Sentenced to Jail in to rush are not once referred to as social Fuse