BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismLeninLeninismMarxismMussoliniRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 1932 THE MILITANT PAGE IN THE INTERNATIONAL OF LABOR Reviews and News of the Working Class and Revolutionary Movements Appeal to the Speech of Com. Seipold in the Landtag term Its the not and also the grave political errors of lete? Do not somehow the conceptions the representative of the rich farmers Italian proletariat and the Italian peo that the capitalist class will disappear rect. And why was it wrong in our party. The deep economic crisis and the every form of bourgeois democracy. The and of the Bulgarian party refused stag: We do not fear the Nazis. For solve Itself because it will have no more to build some sort of strike leadership enormous sharpening of the class strug core of the entire declaration doubtless to take advantage of the differences be when they come to power, they will very classes against itself and the interven. In which the Communists will have with reformism.
of the Communist party you have not paragraph 10 it is set forth that the extremely tense, the situation was would mean jail for the working classical test splendidly. It has done its share objective premises are favorable for the the ranks of your own party concerning system of the I, as it has developed influence. The masses looked toward the working class for struggle before Hit parliamentary elections, or that the del tasks and requirements of the country.
of considerable ideological confusion inary crisis and that the organizational strength but by its extra parliamentary can look that up. We must gather the of the German people can be decided by degree give expression to the actual tion to the dangerous consequences of tal situation for the working class. On revolutionary leadership on the eve of us as your leaders, then we will create cunning, with which he means to cover Reich army. but only and solely the The leading role of the Communist party of the Soviet Union in the Cominarose because of the victory of the proletarian revolution in the The Left Opposition Addresses the Centrist Party Congress the u. became the only party in the through which the Communist Party of The Voice of the International Left Opposition in the Prussian Parliament Due to the exceptional importance party out of the you will draw. which assembled the tremendous (Continued from page 1) mean at all, against Poland. For Hit involved in its own contradictions and and interest of hte events now takthe conclusion that membership in it is experiences of a great revolution. From ing place there, we are devoting the incompatible with Brandism and pact these experiences the young Communist democracy is humanizing the enemies of ler and Pilsudskt can very easily find crimes, will push Hitler on the road to International Page of the present fism. There can be compromise between parties should have learned and made the working class. Now, you can rest common ground against the Soviet Un the overthrow, we shall take up the Issue to the situation in Germany. bourgeois pacifism and revolutionary in their ow the strategy and tactics of the assured: when Hitler lets your head ton. To allow Hitler to get into power challenge in full preparedness. We shall Directly below, we are publishing the ternationalism.
struggle for the conquest of power of roll, then you can assume with certainty, would mean betrayal against the first say: Capitalism has wanted this very against well, we will raise our hand to Appeal of the German Left Opposi Does the Declaration of Principles the proletariat. As long as the Com your political integrity will have very workers state in the world, tion to the Congress of the Socialist munist Party of the pursued a little left to lose by this operation. Hit the Soviet Union. And that means, to throat, our knee to its breast!
Create Clarity?
Labor Party (S. Sozialistische (Intervention by Rep. Paul Hottman)
In so far as the separates it policy based on the experiences of the ler announcements are calculated for betray ourselves doubly.
Arbeiter Partel. the new Centrist No, the working class of Germany does. Yes, you are good theoreticlans. we self from the and the second proletarian revolution, the leading role blockheads and have the interests of heart. The not want Hitler to study his state sur party under the leadership of Left have wing social democrats who were re Principles and recognizes the dictator on all sections of the That was growth of the Hitler party unfortunately sery on its neck, nor on its body. We tacties, from your United Front only cently expelled from the reformist ship of the proletariat takes a step the period in which Lenin and Trotsky proves that stupidity in the German ne must not wait until Hitler power falls under our leadership. You demand forward. But in so far as it wishes to stood at the head of the Through the introduction of the calculating when he belleves that he will overboard, before his dream has become sure whether you can win it. This is To the members of the Socil establish its position toward the what Piatnitsky also said at the XI ist Labor Party of Germany) and of the and the It does not go beyond gen.
In 1921 In the which was made class as Wels, filferding and company Youth Section. Very true! from the benches of the Plenum of the The German To the delegates of the Party Confer spect it undoubtedly reflects the centrist pean revolution to materialize, thereed to coordinate the Welmar constitution social democratie party Intervention Communists have committed mistake ence.
Only a few months after the formation general formulas and even openly avoids cracy in the Soviet Union. Simultanes no doubt racking his brain over how We. We, the Left Opposition of the In the strike Leadership during of your organization there takes place the entire Marxist Leninist the revolutionary terminology used in ously with this process went on the pro it is possible to conciliate the tallena even though we are not for metal workers strike. That was the congress of your party. We turn to Just one example of this.
literature. cess of gathering the revolutionary pro of the Weimar constitution with the the national and social liberation of quite correct. Rep. Paul Hoffman: Quite correct. After it is letariat of Europe for the decisive bat you on this occasion to direct your at stated correctly in paragraph 3, part tles facing them.
Fascist armories. But Herr Hilferding the German people as you are, but for That was not quite correct, says Plattention in comradely fashion to those why the proletariat must destroy the the had to undergo tests of moIn the middle of 1028 may have to conclude the theme in the the proletarian revolution, nitsky.
emigraton, if the outcome of events is (Hear, Hear. from the Communists)
problems set on the order of the day by bourgeois state and build its own, it is mentous historic significance.
to depend upon the leadership of the because we know in the capitalist world (Rep. Paul Hoffman: That was quito correct. The formation of the reflects expression of the revolutionary aictator confronted with the task of leading the seat of the stalan social demoerats, who Friedrich Engels sala: After the working in our opinion it was altogether wrong the deep crisis of the capitalist economie ship of the proletariat. Why not the Bulgarian proletariat and the village also fought against the methods of Bol class has conquered power, it will dictate in yours it was quite correct, ulter Pilat system on the one hand, on the other state form of the victorious proletariat poor to victory by utilizing the differ the class betrayal of the social democracy is the dictatorship of the proletariat. ences between the Stambulisky regime shevism so long until they played the the laws itself and in such a manner, nitsky opinion it was not quite corthe.
of Germany. These three factors deter lations? It must be said clearly that ship of Zankov, the representative of extent, to which the capitalis class win and 150 or 250 social democrats in a plne also the basis of existence of your the dictatorship 10 reconciliable when Anance capital. The leadership or the Communist deputy said in the Relch disappear, the proletariat also will ale factory, then you can of course, manage gle bound therewith do not permit for is contained in the following paragraphs tween the stambulisky regime and soon exhaust themselves. Comrades, ever more superfluous, first in one sphere has no real basis, it is a fictitious struc tion of the proletarian state will become majority. But this strike leadership Party vacinating between reformism and sity for and the role of the se, they were of the opinion that democracy wrong point of view. For, we must not and then in another, until the state winture and can never reflect the actual desire for struggle in the factory. In Communism. The complete bankruptcy nelether more torresbo iné relation to the and dictatorship were one and the same wait. We must not consider the neizure wither away of itselt.
this manner, you remain up in the air Now, the Vorwaerts of March 15 writes with your centrist tactics. In this the has heigthened the dissat their unbridgeable difference from the thé Fascist dictatorship in Bulgaria. The for Hitler. That may be the point of in an editorial that hails from Paul manner you have isolated the party of of reformism, the now open betrayal of and the In paragraph This political stand led to the victory of of power by the Nazis as a simple test befriction on the ranks of the socialdem and the Second International result was the destruction of over twenty view of the bourgoots democrats. But Loebe: the proletariat.
ocratic workers to the point of breaking is set down and the winning of social thousand revolutionary workers and peait is in no case a Communist point of The first blow: Onward, Iron Front. Laughter among the Communists)
democratie workers to revolutionarysants view. Power in the hands of the Nazis The Iron Front has stood its first politi And all this at a time in which all the As a result of your incorrect appraisal policy is given as the important task. In In Germany in 1923 It demanded impera the gallows for its vanguard, Golgotha to spoil the day of certain victory for Communist party.
succeeded in introducing clarity as to Communist party and the showed tirely a revolutionary On the State Budget the revolutionary way out but, on the themselves unable to give leadership to Communist Party at that time became a But who said that. RemIt is ridiculous to believe that the fate Your budget does not in the slightest contrary, have only arrived at stage the proletarlan masses in the revolution mass party not only by its numerical mele did, on October 16, believe, but we revolutionat Only when you achieve full clarity we must affirm that both in freelng of helmer but the entire comintern leader ing class in a single united front.
workers movement difficult. At that time not only Brandler and Thalecome a reality. We must unite the work parliamentary calendar. The fate of the way, as it everything were normal. It German people will be decided by steel the Prussian government were thinking and lead. Only blind men or people who seriously of fighting against Fascism, from reformism ship failed it. Characteristic for that (Intervention from the communist purposely close their eyes can believe then that would be expressed in the will you be capable of leading your mem and in Winning of workers, the situation is the fact that Stalin demanded benches: And that is why you swiped that the problem of th fate of the Ger. budget, but there is not even an inkling bers and sympathizers along the right has proved unsuccessful until from the German Communist Party the the mandate from us!
man people can be decided by some sort of that in it. Who can offer resistance road along the road of the proletarian now. Why? Have you given thought to restraining of the armed uprising, while am utilizing my mandate in the inf parliamentary elections. be the to Fascism?
On this ground we consider it our duty hou could not win workers ization of the uprising. The German de But this united front cannot be decreed tions. Hitler assurances of legality. These shouts are worth as much as (Shout from the Communiste: You. to present to you our view on these ques. because you yourselves are not fully feat of 1923 signalized the danger which in advance, by saying to the non com. are nothing more than a thin vell of the shouters. Neither the police nor the tions in dispute and to call your attenclear as to the way out of this fright can be characterized as the crisis of munist workers: Come to us, recognize your incorrect understanding of these the one hand you have contempt for the the transition to armed uprising the united front with you! You can only Fascism are not worth a Pfennig more in this alm, to organize and to arm it.
his plans. Bruening speeches against working class. Therefore we must ald League of Nations, on the other hand The new defeats on the international set the leadership by gaining the consthan Hitler onths of legality. All are only in this manner can the question of Struggle against Pacifism!
gliding along the other of neutrality Please tell us, comrades of the you vote against the proposal arena, after the proletarian revolution fidence of the German proletariat in the If you want to make a revolutionary the one hand a clear for withdrawal from the League on in Europe previously had failed to ap dynamics of the struggle. Lenin sald: But statesmen have never led so much cialism be posed. Among the workers Communist party out of the how French imperialism, on the other, scords capitalist elements and the bureaucracy hegemony and the communist party radio was put at their disposal. The soldiers, but the youth which has not can you then permit in the pages of of praise for one of its most heubelere in the u. From this moment on be should and must become the hegemon fate of the German people will not be yet learned to handle weapons, is the your newspaper the rottenest kind enert sind.
pacifism? For example, proletariat, on the other visible curtion of the international character of let them come to power is already to classes with steel and lead. For it is workers in handling weapons. It must profound speculations as to whether the Pents for the overcoming of capitalism the Russian revolution and in the devel day frightened to death by them is toward this road that the Fascists are be decreed. In the factories, one hour. plan of the French imperialists is a work by democratic means with such ideoopment of the theory of socialism in scared to the marrow of his bones bis advancing and the working class must day is to be devoted to military trainheart is in. The working class must fighting. One day in the week street train the only constructive plan. On the 20t be won for the revolution. And how These theories led first in the years clusion that it is no longer possible to mercilessly against all lies that attempting and field maneuvers are to be held.
8th of March, Kleinelbst not only dedi does it look with the winning over of 1923 1928 to the policy of building so cates a most respectful notice to (Rep. Kasper Who is to the memory of the renegade Brland, under and the Organizational of the kulak, the rich peasant, in the lation before Hitler without a struggle from what source. In order to be able worker? Inability of the cinlism in one country with the help and logusequently ready for a capito tempt to lull them to sleep, no matter decree this. Shouts from the Communist benches) to fight against Fascism effectively, it is Patience. will also speak about that.
largest number of striking workers were to win over the Communist workers with der the leadership of Trotsky were con we shall discuss elsewhere as to how necessary to unite the factories, the. The unemployed are to train with the his Pan European idea that it reveats Communist workers have fought reform their demand for Industrialization and the Red Trade Union Opposition, the millions of unemployed within a single bare formerly been employed bepecta!
The demned and persecuted on sccount of far you have cot with your policy of shops, the working class quarters, the workers in the factories, in which they Indeed that far reaching socialistic tenism for some time, even when seydewitz collectivization. This theory was relin Red United Front, the national and front, with the aim of throwing back supplementary training can also be prodeney which bears in itself to a large Rosenfeld, for the sake of discipline quished in 1928, when under pressure social liberation. Just to what extent the watch dog of capitalism, the Fascists. vided for the unemployed. For this purextent the idea of organized economy. were covering up all the betrayals of roof objective difficulties and the criticism you have already proved sufficiently and For when the watch dogs are beaten pose, a sufficient amount of weapons This is the same socialistic tendency formism. It is not suficient therefore of the Lett Opposition, Stalin turned to will prove even more clearly in the fu down, the master is in danger. The must be put at the disposal of the workwhich the social democratic leader and to be correct on a few separate tactical the ultra left course of bureaucraticture.
workers have no time to lose, they musters. The costs of the weapons and the later editor of the Paul questions as against the but it tempos for the reconstruction of economy But this capitulation, this belief that organize themselves for defense, for training must be borne by the state. The Lensch, hade hon diy holiscovered in war is incumbent on the to explain without any consideration of the objec the victory of Fascism can no longer be struggle, for attack and for victory. Evernment of the social nothing but a bourgeois fraud perpe the If the differences are mainly from tive and subjective possibilities.
trated on the working class, then this merely of a tactical and organizational try is a reactionary theory which contra sell understood bankruptcy of the Nazis. proletariat will show him that it is only demeanor from the point of view of the The theory of socialism in one counism, on the grounds of an inevitable and the interests of capital. The German thing of the sort, for it would be a mis. the motives which give rise to it, is not concentrate all forces for the reform ism. The present weakness of the some time. Even the domination of the eats nature, why then a new party? Why dicts the foundations of Marxism Lenin Naturally, everything on earth ends at willing to be hilitarized in the inter high art of the state or that of proper proletarian revolution. parliamentary etiquette, and against the clearly the work of agents of French of the LE Why not support the Left can be explained only by this theory. hangman Mussolini will have to come to Against Fascism, which we consider the obedient devotion to the bourgeoisto. No how can you tolerate such ideas?
to is removed con. win!
GeTon the mattonalist side of to defeated questions must be answered clearly and ceptions. Stalin maye (Pravda, No. 28 of the time. But that does not change the light in the foremost front with our it is to ape the bourgeois statesmen and proletariat opporses not a nationalist june to not accidental that the weightiest to the alpetence of opinton consists in to deleat Cuarism and that in the mean evolution.
The baschet ware le cand fact that two revolutions were necessary brother workers as the vanguard of the to betray the interests of the proletariat. Disorder in the House)
eration programs and certainly not the part of your Declaration of Principles this, that the party considers it possi. time Czarisin succeeded in plunging the must smash up on the granite of the But only in this way can it be proved idea of a united Europe under the is also the weakest and the most general ble to overcome fully and the idea of the Soviet United States of what you want!
completely entire Russian people into an imperialist proletarian forces. When the capitalist by documents that the speeches of the hegemony of the French bourgeoisie, but in form. Here you must show clearly the inner contradictions and possible war. We say to the false optimists whol class of Germany, which has become ministers are a hollow sham.
conflicts by the inner power of the rev.
console us with the coming bankruptcy Europe.
The pacifistle conception is in no way Socialism In One Country or olution itself, while comrade Trotsky and of the Third Reich. Do not dare lull the monopoly of Kleineibst. You all Revolutionary Internationalism? the opposition belleve that these con. the German proletariat to sleep! Do not Now on the Press!
know that Kuester group is not better Opposed to the centrists in control of tradictions and conflicts can be solved chloroform it with sweet prophecies, do by a hair, yes, you must make clear the stands a Left wing. Un only on the arena of the international not dare undermine its will power now, to yourself that the centrist leadership there, indeed at times the will for it was not develop proletarian revolution.
when the will to struggle is the first and foremost condition of victory!
of Seydewitz Rosenfeld represents the lacking.
Lenin says on this subject: same point of view in spite of all radical Poor Russia will become rich when we are not for national and social lib(Laughter among the Communists)
phrases. That is clear from their be The clearest document of the Left wing it throws aside every misgiving, every eration as you are. We revolutionary haviour in the Reichstag when they comrades is the declaration of phrase, when it grite its teeth, gathers Marxists know that as long as the peo Foted against the proposal of the Rueck Duby Schaber. This document re its strength, strains all its nerves and ple is divided into classes, every concer in their opinion national Communist peats the worst mistakes of Stalinist muscles and grasps that the salvation is tion has a class content. When social to withdraw from the League of Nations. centrism in the international, especially possible only on the road of the inter democratic workers often say: Yes, we Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung reac Russian, questions. It separates itself national socialist revolution along which are for democracy, but for a pure demtinary newspaper.
from Stalin, exactly like Brandler Thalwe are already marching (Lenin, Vol. ocracy, then they also forget that in a WHAT HAPPENED IN THE 1925 1927 CHINESE REVOLUTION Besides, pacifism in the has helmer do only on German questions of 15. page 185. We have always de class society, democracy can only be a WHY WAS THE SITUATION LOST BY THE PROLETARIAT?
Its special meaning. Since reformism second rate importance.
clared and repeated that old Marxlan class concept. We Bolshevik Leninists WHAT IS HAPPENING IN CHINA NOW!
does not dare openly to enter the field The shameful end of the Brandler truth that for the victory of socialism have no illusions and will not allow any.
of internal politics in the present situa group has made clear that without clar the combined efforts of the working one to put any illusions over on us.
tion, it betakes itself to the field of ex. ity in interantional questions neither a class of several advanced countries are what a horribe historical catastrophe it These questins and many more are posed and answered in this ternal politics where it intends to hide revolutionary organizalton nor a revolu needed (The Infantile Disease of Lett would be for the world proletariat, it book. In Trotsky own words: The lessons and problems in the its face better from the workers tionary line can endure.
ism. the Nazis were to come into power in strategy and tactics of the Chinese Revolution constitute at the The revolutionary workers have noth In contradiction to this we consider it How far removed are these conceptions Germany! Once come into power, Hitler present time the greatest teaching for the international proletariat.
ing in common with the renegade Briand our duty to present several fundamental of Lenin from the hymns of victory of could only become the executioner of the and with the imperialist Tardieu. It is considerations. Although the limits of Stalin and Molotov at the 17th party con German proletariat and the agent of ORDER YOUR COPY NOW!
a violation of revolutionary thought to this document do not allow us a complete ference over the beginning of a classless French, British and American capitalism.
Money Is Needed swear in the same newspaper by Briand presentation of all the important ques society in the This is the sharp and the war for social and national PIONEER PUBLISHERS Leon Blum, Paul Faure, Paul Levi and tions of Comintern policies, we find it est difference between national Commun liberation which Hitler would conduct, 84 East 10th Street, by Liebknecht and Lenin.
necessary to take up the decisive er ism and revolutionary Internationalism. could only be turned against the East New York, If you want to make a revolutionary periences of the last years. To be continued)
and not against the West. That does not served as organ of the 7th of February contains recognition of the dictatorship of the which finds its expression in the nege over says: We do not fear the Nazis rendy said, by the open struggle of the ity must be created to train the young the democrat of the imperialism. Comrades of the Pwing of the Comintern and the The following quotation shows how far an end and the end of the Czarist power last stake of capitalism, we revolution that cannot be demanded from the great Problems of the Chinese Revolution