BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismDemocracyGermanyKamenevLeninLeninismRadekRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrikeTerrorismTrotskyWorking ClassZinoviev

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 1932 LETTERS FROM THE MILITANTS Opposition Press Drive: May June IN THE CANADIAN MOVEMENT the 33 18 are and The final month of the Militant sub time and energy to BULLD THE OP scription drive has been incorporated in POSITION PRESS.
a campaign to secure the left Opposition on bond or given short terms of imprisAmong the Unemployed From a Ford Worker press. This campaign will open on the Canadian miners opment. Buller, in charge of women Early this week comrade Coover refirst of May and close on the first of NEW YORK, THE MASSACRE MODEL In the lignite coal mining industry of work, who was not even in the demonJune. Its objective is to build a solid ported nine subs to The Militant and The 826, 000 persons, consisting almost The agencies and shops of the Fora foundation for our papers. Its central three to Unser Kamf. This shot Minn Saskatchewan anether wedge has been stration and to whom the jury recommended leniency, was sentenced to one year at hard labor plus a 500 Ane: Sam who are completely dependent upon the Motor Co. on account of the low price slogan BUILD THE OPPOSITION capolis to the head of the list in the dug into black layers of coal.
The developments are at present tak Scarlett received one year plus 100 and York Ing place in the southern portion of that Minister, two years at hard labor. The food and shelter, are abont to learn once cars, kept comparatively busy through be distributed as follows: 60 to The going to report in this way. But just them, too. The shops became empty Communiste: 10 to Foung Spartacus crossed the tape with one sub, its lone Province, at Beinfalt and Estevan, the sudse was capecially vicious with those Last society. This vast number does not Men were laid off. Dealers went bank. This division is exclusive of remittances contribution for the week, and they were centre of the soft coal mining camps. comrades who expressed thelr workinginclude. about man, who incurred the hatred of another, nor does it include the tens of Dealers suffered nervous tensions. While bundle orders. These proceeds will be realize its intention of giving the New Canadian capital. The town of Beintalt instance, one McLean, a checkwelgh drubbing. The standing is a typical company town of 2, 800 people, containing all the primi bosses, and whose crime consisted in thousands of others, who have been par that thousands of men were going back out division but will be included in their of the branches is as follows: dve conditions of civilization, wooden refusing to cheat the miners, was about 83 tlently starving while their casa are beMinneapolis to work and prosperity, the dealers totals.
shacks, earthen streets, company stores, to be placed on suspended sentence, and Ing Investigated.
heard nothing. The Ford Motor Co. had Quotns have been assigned to the New York etc. and none of its amenities, as far as the judge was expressing hypocritical In the Times of April 8th, Frank a new car ready for the public. But in branches. They are: New York 400; Chicago the miners are concerned. The bosses soliticiousness from his sick wife. McJ. Taylor, Commissioner of Public Wel the low market it would have been mere: Minneapolis 180: Chicago 100: Tor.
Boston of this district are virulently against the Lean informed the judge that his wife fare, stated that the Home Relief Bur ly another car. It was scraped. The onto 70: Boston 40; Philadelphia St. Louis workers organizing into unions of any needed bread and not judicial pentiment exu, taking care of 125, 000 familles, Ford Co. pursued a policy of watchful 40; Cleveland 40: Newark 35; Kan.
Newark kind and when, under the pressure of and McLean was given eight months Philadelphia would due to lack of funds immediately waiting. Now it is ready to spring, the sas Cits 30: St. Louis 25; Youngstheir conditions, the miners came out on at bord labor. These cases are being close fifty of its seventy five precinct real things. The curtain is lifting and town 10: Los Angeles 10; New Montreal Miscellaneous strike under the banner of the Left wing appealed.
relief stations and that food allowances we Haven 10: Montreal 10.
with the vs. the Massacre Model, Mine Workers Union of Canada against The suffering of the miners in the averaging about four dollars a week per behold a new phase of development of If any branch is of the opinion that This makes a total of 100 subs against their low wages and intensified rational West has made them militant, and family, would be cut ten per cent. He the capitalist system. The great adver its financial ability has been underest 87 last week, an increase of 13. No new ization, for an equitable distribution of sporadic strikes are still taking place.
admitted that this cut would compel those tising machine works better than ever mated in these quotas we will gladly bundle orders are reported.
work and the right to appoint their own call hne been issued for general receiving this small amount to live on before. While the big press is humming valse Its figure with appropriate self The situation in Minneapolis can be checkweighman, the operators had their strike, and under proper Left wing lead.
a very monotonous and that mal with heroic attempt of Henry Ford criticism. On the other hand nothing seen from comrade Coover words: The tools on the municipal council of the ership this strike activity may be develnutrition, that is, starvation, and illness to crank up the stalled machinery of can persunde us that any quota should No. Team (Myles Dunne, Capt. total nearby town of Estevan, where the min oped into homogeneous action. The would be the result of it, affecting es production once more, the Ford dealers be lowered. Each week we will published 1 points for the second week in ers usually meet. Resolutions were miners in Canada and the Are pecially children.
and their employers are rounded up and the quota and results attained by each April making that No. Team standing railroaded through prohibiting the min beginning to move, and may become the In the same article it is stated that submitted to truly official of the Ford These quotas can be realized by work. Vm. Curran, Capt. gain increased the streets, using this as a means to hin workers struggles.
high pressure sales branch for all to see.
28 4 points; while the No. Teamers meeting in halls or parading through harbinger of the upward swing in the to 30, 000, which means that over halt Motor Co. speaking at the roundup in ing along the lines already worked out their weekly total by getting 1 points, der the miners in their organization. It the daily outlay of 78, 000 is to be cut oratory. The high Information as to the exact economic of those workers and their familles now Ohlo treated his audience as so many and described below.
making their total 27 points. Not quite is also believed the gave Influences in the coal industry in the receiving aid will be refused further children. He never once even touched CAMPAIGN SCHEDULE cnough, however, to catch up with the the bossed their best advice on how to West, the status of the miners, striking assistance. But this is by no means the the fundamental function of the capital The first week of the campaign, May No. Team.
break a strike.
and non striking, employed and unem complete story. The Times carried an ist system of production: the increasing to May inclusive, is to be devoted to Total points for the Minneapolis arhiteles en Monday, April 11th, stating number of all kinds of commodities pro an organized distribution of recent back branch for April 13 stood at 55 14. The the union was successful in calling out playing there, and in general, the corre From the sparse reports received here, ployed, what role the reformists are been doing out since last fall. is prae which less and less people are able to and subsequent follow up sales of cur some keen competition between the rival decided to hold a parade and demon. party press here. Reports tssued that the 32, 500, 000 which the city has duced by labor displacing machines. Issues of our papers, and simultaneous next two weeks are going to bring forth a large proportion of the miners, who lation of forces, is andly lacking in the tically exhausted and that unless furth buy. No, the blame was put on the rent issues together with sales of our teams as the team having the highest stration in Estevan. It took place on merely of an informative and news charer funds are raised all relief will come dealers and their employers. It is the literature. The back numbers will acter. The Estevan case has aroused to a standstin on June 1st. 32, 500, 000 failure to meet the customer with the sent out simultaneously with this may seem to many an enormous sum of right service smile sticking out of a nouncement. The branches should im. the other team. League members and of the district, the parade started off be made a national issue among the an the guests at an affair to be put on by pathy and support of the poor farmers Intense feeling in the West. It should money, but it is less than the wages the brand new theater usher uniforan millions of unemployed workers in this the fallure to paint white border erature, and if short, should order at the hands of one or the other of the and thelr familles. Upon reaching the linked up with the general terrorism city would ordinarily earn in two weeks!
team captains before April 27th.
prevalling in Canada which was given Touched by the misery of these poor wide, that caused the prospective cus The second week of the campaign town they were met by a cordon of Royal What is there to say about this except Canadian Mounted Police armed with an the lead in Toronto with the outlawing untortunates the Commissioner calls tomer not to rushin. There is nothing May to 14 inclusive, is to be devoted to other branches please copy.
the Instruments of warfare; three of of the Party and sentencing of eight of The New York branch is holding an the trucks turned off the highway into its leaders.
the good work. But that the city has all mental. Worry kills, work throtrated, organized drive. Everyone who fair for The Militant on April 30. It the town, the occupants dismounted and GREEN.
lentele de aerodroma to pass at the buck now go to work and Spring Barat tips has an iota of sympathy for the ideas has a unique idea which can be copied the police came after them and arrested prekes ago. of the Block Alders. The and suffering. There are employers who should be ferreted out and asked to admission price of 25 cents entitles the In other trucks came down and proceedWage Cut Drive money on each block in the city to sup make things meet or payda de Rue donations and pledges should be solicit sub to The Militant. The anair is de ice, without warning, immediatels opened port the unemployed fire on the defenseless men, women and (Continued from page 1)
block, and by these means placing the to lay off men, who look optimistically and for payment during the month. We scribed elsewhere in this issue.
children, who tried to defend themselves organized sections it is no surprise at The staff of Militant Builders is grow. by throwing stones at the mountles. all to learn of the announcement made still have Jobs. While these workers still hanging on. Wo ought to have supporters to take collection boxes and ing. It now includes 25 comrades, an Three minere killed and anhmber in by the resident of the Board of Dir.
whose wages have been cut in half are enough decency not to bite the hands work actively in this collection The third week, May 15 to May 22 in increase of four over last week. Minnred. Peace, order and good govern ectors of the Steel Corporation that saddled with this huge task, the civic that feed us (the speaker was hitting new wage reductions are under consiassociation, composed of bosses cand at the grumblings of the dealers. What clusive, is to be devoted to a canvass for eapolis is more than ever its mainstay. ment prevailed!
new subs, renewals, and bundle orders The state and its record follow. Cow!
property owners, are clamoring for a would you do without the Ford Motor for news stands and bookstores. Thel Konikor 4; Dunne 4: orities had been in telephone conversa unniling reality, only the question of six hours later, after the local auth this board usually means to become an deration. To be under consideration by that the city reduce its expenses by cut. writer broke the spell and made the organization in the second week of the Barach: Basky 3: Skog. tion with the provincial Attorney Gener time being involved.
reduction in taxes and are demanding Co. providing Jobs for you? Here the ting the relief appropriations and by mental note that the workers of Amer campaign should be swung into line for lund 3: Dunne 3: Hedlund. al, warrants were issued for the arrest firing Targe numbers of its employees. ica and the whole world win sive morej premiums, combined sub rates, the time; do Forgen 1; 11. Capelis 1; doubt at the Instigation of the Sec cll there have been many grandeloquent this work3; Coover 2; Carterof all leaders in the.
They are well aware that these measures only reply to that question in the not will swell the ranks of the unemployed. too distant future. reply that will liness of comrade Trotsky writings, Roseland 1; Sacharow1; Zal tion 38 Premier, Bennett. 25 miners declarations for maintenance of the but they are concerned only with their startie the Fords and the Schwabes, the stand posters, return privileges on bun 1;4. Glotzer 1; Logan 1; Kaldis readers and charged with unlawfulations mean the opposite. It should HermanA. arrestedthree of their own profits, That the workers, all of whom are kick in the pants and take away from most.
workers will give them a tremendous de orders should be utilized to the ut 1; Ray 1; Sterling 1; sembly. rioting, et. al. The trials. therefore be about time that the rank Curran which have been termed by defense and file ask these gentlemen just how faced with these prospects, have not in them the means of production and or The fourth week, May 23 to May 30 ans considerable number begun to fight anime it on a different basisproduc inclusive, is to be devoted to the organi will see this staff grow to many times Province of Saskatchewan and the DomWe expect that the press campaign counsel as the great frame up in the serious they mean their declaration. But against them is evident. This is duel tion for use and not for private profits zation of affairs for the beneat of our its present size. The question now is Inion of Canada have just concluded and file to realize that nothing will stop it is yet more important for the rank primarily to the fact that the only party will provide a job for every one wanting press. These affairs can be either in. will Minneapolis have a prushover, or this constant reduction of their standcapable of leading them, the Communistone.
door entertainments in rented halls or are the other brancher going to wake Naturally, all were found guilty by the ard of living except an effective fighting Party of America by its false policies private houses, or outdoor picnics, bikes: up and give it a fight?
judge and jury: most of them were placed resistance.
and inadequate slogans, has succeeded and under stalinist leadership only in cutting All this while no hands are working whatever conditions make easiest most productive. If possible the affairs itself off almost entirely from the mass on the 8. The Massacre Model in thould be held during the week end on as a whole is backward is well known, room to another. The thousands of Lengue can wind up the campaign at the 1923 but the pressure of conditions, that a, men are still waiting at this writing for same time on a national scale unemployment, wage cuts and starvathe Anal word to start in (middle of (Continued from last 1s ue) It is this fact that created alarm in the the Comintern membership had never tlon cannot help but move them to ac for the American workers to learn to to organize its share of the campaign of October 8, the Central Committee re ret factional meetings (as Zinovlev later never read Trotsky articles. This polMarch. It is a life and death question. Each branch should elect a committee In addition to Trotsky initial letter ranks of the bureaucracy. In their sec seen the documents in question, had tion within the coming period.
understand the functions of this vicious work. The committee must report all celved, on October 15, a letter signed by revealed. it was decided to launch a sonous system of political discussion con its destruction in order to make room be in the mail not later than noon on sheviks, including Piatakov, Preobraz discredit him and the Opposition, and very heart of the International.
Voting capitalist system of ours and prepare for results by alr mall. The reports must 48 of the most prominent Russian Bol campaign against Trotsky in order to tinuod in later years until it ate into the CLEVELAND WORKERS ATTENTION! for the new system of production.
OPEN FORUM don let them kid you, if they yel Com ceding week. This is necessary to make ronov, Muralov. Antonov, Kosslor, Sere the bureaucracy in the struggle against ignorance and under bureaucratic com.
Every Friday Night munists. Bolsheviks. Reds. The Militant on time. All reports will briakov, Rafael, Rosengoltx and others, workers democracy in the ranks.
Carpenters Hall, 18508 Kinsman Road pulsion this was the despicable and. FORD WORKER.
be published in all our organs Left Opposition speakers All which presented virtually the same crit The pretext for the campaign was a self destructive method used to get the material necessary for the campaign win icisms and plan of action as were con series of articles written by Trotsky, unanimous denunciations of the Opbe supplied by the national office. tained in Trotsky letter. short time later collected under the title of The position.
APPEAL TO SYMPATHIZERS later, Radek also added his voice to the New Course. in which he elucidated the Zinoviev Revealing Admission In elties where we have no branches others, even if more cautiously.
whole situation with such a wealth of Two and a half years later, the whole we appeal to our readers and sympath The Bureaucrats Yield Ideas, a Marxian clarity thought, tragle burlesque of the first anti TrotThe crisis is still deepening. It is largely restricted to the belief that in zers to give us a concrete manifestation Under such a bombardment, the mos mastery of the historical dialectic and skyist campaign was exposed by Zinoenough to look at the latest Annalist dicators point to a check in liquidation of their support by actively joining in ority of the Political Bureau was como profundity of analysis as will make it viev and Kameney when they broke with (April 15) to and abundant evidence to and that unless further adverse factors the campaign. If they will write us pelled to act for fear that the wave of for decades a model of classic revolution Stalin. They revealed how the whole that effect. The graphs show that pig appear, a more hopeful outlook is justi immediately we will outline for them a discontentment would become so mighty ary writing and a textbook for the Rus thing had been manufactured in secret, Iron and steel Ingot production haveted. So speak the capitalist henslane plan we have already worked out.
as to sweep them away with it. faint Isian revolution.
how Trotskyism had been invented for tallen to new lows for the entire period of the pen. It is to throw dust in the All comrades should understand that hearted resolution on workers democracy Between the time of the sudden de factional purposes. These two were the since 1919. All the other indices of the eyes.
with our extremely slender resources we was drawn up which met with an in cision of the conspirators and the con leaders, the main teachers in the strug.
country production are likewise movThe authentic spokesmen of capitalism are issuing four organs in three langustant rejection from Trotsky. Knowing vocation of the 13th party congress a ble against Trotskyism. The declaraIng downward.
The expected spring upturn has proved Jordan writing in the April 16 Annalist rarely witnessed a similar achievement, and aspirations of the great bulk of the Russian party was treated to one of the of fundamental and decisive Importance speaks in a more pessimistie veln. ages. The revolutionary movement has that he represented to the full the hopes few weeks later (January 1924. the tion signed by them in 1926 is therefore to be another disappointment to the ways, in Pace the Facts: For two full We are determined to continue to go party membership, and especially the most disgraceful and criminal spectacles for every revolutionist in estimating the Babsons and the people who still swal years we all have hoped that the de ahead as soon as possible. What we masses of the youth who were chating known in the working class political 1923 struggle at its real value: low thelr stor. The economic messian pression in business had spent its force. need at the present time is a sounder under the yoke of an arrogant apparatus, movement. Without warning, without At present, there can no longer be 18m of Ford took the form of a machine 1830 was bad. 1931 was worse, and now inancial basis, an increase in our tech the Political Bureau majority was com rhyme or reason, a thunderous barrage any doubt that the kernel of the 1923 gun fusilade.
The purveyors of bourgeois optimism But the most alarming feature right now ers.
1932 seems generally worse than 1981. nical equipment, a wider elrelo of read pelled to scrap its own resolution and was told down against Trotskyism and Opposition was right in warning against appoint a commission resulted in the re Trotsky. Out of the archives of the his: the danger of abandoning the proletarian now restrict their dope to more qualified to that there seem to be few signs that all three are, of course, inseparable. pen. Its final publication as a unanim the permanent revolution, its. whole regime. Dozens and hundred of leaders solution being written essentially by historical past was dragged the theory of line and of the growth of the apparatus formulation than they used formerly: 1988 will be much better. If this is so. They can be achieved only simultaneous ous document on December constituted meaning deliberately distorted, trans of the 1923 Opposition ate, to this day. During the last week some officials ex way, it becomes most obvious that turganized along the lines described above ated by Trotsky.
Thus the New York Times of April 18 and there are many signs to point that is: That is why our campaign is or a tremendous Victory for the night initi formed into an underestimation of the kept away from work in the party and pressed, with what has been described ther and deeper adjustments must be We are confident that whoever sees the pousantry and a skipping over stages there are among them old worker Bolas cautious optimism. the view that the made. This is a truer pleture problem this way Unfortunately, the victory was a short and the resulting caricature attributed sheviks, tempered in the struggle, strangworst features of liquidation may be over of the perspective capitalism holds bewill contribute his lived one. It had been agreed in the to Trotsky. The press, completely in the ers to careerism and arrivism, in spite and that a turn in the tide has come or fore itself.
Political Bureau, on Trotsky proposal, hands of the bureaucracy, began a con of the discipline and endurance which soon will come, with slow recovery that he would popularize the program certed heavy drive to discredit Trotsky they have manifested.
from economie depression in this coun wage cuts! That is the meaning of And the remedy it proposes to apply MILITANT AFFAIR of workers democracy in the ranks, and the Opposition. White Guard les This statement might well serve as try! Expressions hepard now are Jordan further and deeper adjustwhile the rest of the Political Burean spread during the civil war about Trot the epitaph for the struggle conducted ments sky differences with Lenin on the against Trotskyism in 1923, were On Saturday, April 30 at P. the members would restrain it from ex DEBATE where to right at the start let us dis New York branch of the League will hola cesses from above. So overjoyed at the peasant questions were not only revived, not for the fact that the issues raised by On Friday, May 6th at P. at the pose of the element of sentiment. No 10th Street, for the benefit of the Mini: the discussion in the ranks broke 100e ment against Trotsky. Trotsky was the question of the party regime and Labor Temple ache Spartacus Youth doubt the capitalist class intends to tant. This affair is being organized by with a turbulence that indicated many falsely accused of arousing the youth workers democracy, have since become Club will debate the Young Peoples launch a new wave of waste cuts. The the captains of the Militant subscription months, and perhaps years, of pent up against the old Guard. He was a problems of such lite and death import Socialisten on Socialisms. com of the steel workers, announced recent. The entire proceeds of the affair will be lower the discussions with keen intermanent factionalism in the party. And revolution in the balance. The night the Program of the Social. the Ist Party Emancipate the American turned over to The Militant. Admission est. Pravda alone had to publish from in every nucleus, using that very same started against bureaucratism by the The workers must resist. That is the is by ticket and is only 26Tickets can 20 to 30 columns of discussions and mo system which Eucharin denounced 50 Russian Bolshevik Leninists in 1923 has will defend the communist position only way to prevent not only this at be purchased at the door by those comtions each day. All questions were put sharply in the speech we quoted above, never been so vitally urgent as it is toFrank Palmer of the Federated Prese tack on their living standards but the rades whom we fail o reach through the and discussed freely and frankly. The under the lash of Zinovlev, Kamenev, day.
will be the chairman. Both sides are will follow inevitaby If this one is peace of the affair is that everyone who pays hospelated hounds, stain, Zinovice and sky. The various parties of the Comin. of the period of reaction in the Russian further and deeper onslaughts which mail or otherwise. The unique feature popularity of Trotsky and those who had Stalin and Bucharin, the members were SHAOHTMAN.
The next article will deal with the been reporved for that evening. Admis. munist party falls the duty of organizing for a ticket is entitled to an eight Issueſ Co. who had stood in the way as long tern were ordered to endorse the mall party and the Comintern after the defeat The big hall in the Labor Temple has ably accepted by them. To slon is de ticket and is only 20c Tickets this resistance and giving it leadership sub to The Militant for himself and a as they could, came in for heavy critic ority of the Old Guard and to denounce of the 1923 revolutionary movement in are on stle at 84 East 10th Street. T, friend. Out of town branches please note. tem which boded them no great good. Trotsky, in face on the fact that 99 of Germany. FA.
Nine Years of the Struggle of the Left Opposition Economic Crisis Continues to Deepen ot