CapitalismCominternCommunismGermanyLeninismMarxMarxismOpportunismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

in the IN THE CANADIAN MOVEMENT Militant Drive at Half Way Mark The Turn in the were The ideas of the Left Opposition are work from the comrades who bore ft making their way despite all obstacles. until now. With these additional memof their national ticket. The P.
This was the situation when the wage Our members are learning to swim bers, the branch is already planning to Two Reformist Meets readers apparently plan an election deai Movie Chains Try agreement with the bosses expired on against the stream and their persistent increase the number of open air meetings March 30th. The union proposed to the efforts are bringing substantial, if not over those held last year. Two years MINNEAPOLIS, MINN.
bosses a renewal of the wage scale. This spectacular, results. The manner in ago the branch was able to hold but Two state conventions of rival reform return for state support of the latter for to Smash Union was nothing but a gesture as the scale which the Minneapolis branch carries on one meeting per week. Last year was not being enforced. To allay the Its activities is a good example. It is succeeded in holding two per week, and Twin Cities the Socialist party ton Slonin, late committeeman of the NEW YORK Sign Writers Local 230 in New York unrest of the rank and file the union organized at the inception of the Left have three. Through this medium, much neapolis, and the Farmer Labor Party in an unpasstoned speech, threatened to of the Brotherhood of Palaters. Decore bureaucrats proposed in addition to the Opposition in America, literature was disposed of last summer. on April 20th and 30th in the St. Paul Withdraw from the body is the fusion atopicand Paperhanserte of America: renewal of the wage scale that helpers The Minneapolis branch has certain expectations are for an increase this Auditorium.
opened up from the floor. The motion to ministration is a graft ridden, business tice work. This would enable the bosses advantages. Before coming to the supsummer.
To give a brief political characteriza leave the matter in the hands of the agent executive board regime. The bust to lay off some or all of their apprentices and increase the work of the help port of the Left Opposition many of its The weekly forums have been quitetion of these assemblies, it can be said state executive commitee finally passedness agent receives about 120 a week members had been deeply rooted in the well attended, sowe weeks drawing and excitement, both have adopted on concern is free to make any deal theyceive salaries. former business agent playing off one section of workers against that aside from the difference in sixe So the clique in control of this going the executive board members also ro ers. It is the old of trick of labor movement. This record afforda capacity crowd. The most successful was expelled because of his open collo another. The union further proposed them respect in the minds of the work single activity has been the class in the almost identical program of practical care to.
ers. It means also a degree of exper: History of the Communist Internation reforms with vague references to a new establisbed. al. led by comrade Shachtman.
In spite of all the ballyboo of the lib them and winked at violations of union the introduction of split time at the discretion of the union and under the conenced leadership already Our membership there cannot easily be advertised as a class, it has in reality The Farmer Labor Party of Minnesota erals there is little indication of a na conditions like an owl which cannot see trol of the union. The time cards of ignored by the trade union bureaucracy almost become a second weekly open is unique in American politics in being clonal third party ticket. Julius Reit. In the daytime. Such people have no in nor by the official party functionaries. forvm, judging by the attendance. From the only third party to elect a governor er of Rochester reported conference terest in maintaining union wage scales the workers were to be sent weekly to The slanders of the latter have therefore thirty five to fifty people have attended (Floyd Olsen. state and congress held at Omaha in February. His heated their weekly checks and in the graft they To this the bosses replied with proalso been less effective.
Comrades from Minneapolis have made for several classes next fall. The class stead. It is not surprising, therefore, argument for the endorsement of a third collect. The workers were aware of this posals of their own. Of the sixty uniondistance of 150 miles up the head of the Swabeck, entered into a thorough dicus Jaromed to the doors (about 1200) with the nomination of presidential was steady. Now they are resentful but for the moving picture chains. Loew, lake. Each time some small measuresion of important works of Marx. Coma motely delegation of farmers, bankers, electors, fell on deaf ears. The prevail. helpless and they do not as yet know Warner Bros. etc. These outfits would like to either employ non union of progress was made. Now there are rades of the class were drawn into a lawyers, labor officials and a sprinkling Ing sentiment, as expressed by numerous what to do.
speakers, was that the capital of the labor or union labor at open shop rates.
more direct results to show.
The local has about five hundred mem. Best of all they would like to smash the As The closer study of these works by acting of rank and file members Militant readers already know, comrade as reporters, thus enlivening interest and The Socialist Party state gathering of Party was not to the detriment of the ebrs. They are first second third, union. In the present situation they fourth and fifth year apprentices, help see their opportunity. They have taken supporter Left Opposition. He classes thus far, the shoula Minneapolls. say gathering advisedly Although the convention elected ers, mechanics and designers. For the the first step.
set to work ably and energetically, or be ready to start a Workers School of since it was not a delegated body, there a state executive, state secretary and privilege of being an apprentice a workUpon their instigation the bosses reganizing a public meeting and comrades its own, next fall.
being no functioning units in the state. state organizer, and some halt bearted er had to pay the union bureaucrats anjected the terms of the union; they want Cowl and Skoglund from Minneapolis The last week added another activity All those who consider themselves as speeches were made to stage an initiation fee of from to 50; the right to hire and lay off and fire at made another trip to Duluth to speak in the form of special drive for the socialists were invited to attend the comeback. there is nothing to indicate mechanic 150; a helper 500. The unwill; they want to strike out from the together with Bloomberg at the rousing Marino Workers Defense Committeestate convention that it will not go back to sleep after ion controls about sixty small shops. agreement the clause requiring them to meeting there. Our Minneapolis branch The pledge of the national organization While the LP. declared for a new the elections for another four years. The other four hundred shops are nonis now considering the project of send for an additional 100 has been met social system. the called for the at least in Minnesota. The putting up union. Many of the bosses of the union set the union permission for overtime ing an organizer to Duluth to follow up Your open air defense meetings were mand for Unemployment Insurance, full. endorsement of Roosevelt might abolitions ter capitalism The orde at de socialist ticket in the event of the shops are members of the union.
This is important to the shops doing and build the movement there. held by the Youth Club and branch in cost to the boss. is countered by the give it a spurt of life for the period of The wage scale was as follows: for ap theatrical work. The chains always shoot In the present circulation campaign the past two weeks, with from two to. federal and state unemployment in the campaign but little more. sayDrentices, from the first to fifth year: only by overtime work. The chains prothe Minneapolis branch bas attained ex four dollars collected at each meeting surance. the industries, corporations this in view of the fact that in Minnesota 15 to 11. 50 a day; for helpers: nose a 25 wage cut. These terms would cellent results. The manner in and it carries the campaigu through it is frame up vietime evidenced at each. constitute a large majority of the workabout the best. Cabe outstanding feature Ing. On Saturday and Sunday, April oth load na tedene the tax with emphasis on teretilo merely a loose faction of the ers in the trade The union bureaucrats would have accepted these terms were it not for the is the fact that the membership parti and 10th general collections were held the rich takes the form in the former.
Through one pretext or another dissatisfaction of the rank and file which this scale was undercut by the bosses forced a strike. The strike is now the younger comrades and the more ex round the technique of how to get some platform of a graduated, progressive inSo much for the news. In next week without protest from the workers or the taking place. Ticketing is being organperiences membership all taking part thing in the collection boxes and enthus: duce the present tax burden of the farm sent a political analysis and draw con: undercutting of the wage scate because Astor Theatre. Twenty shops have setcome tax, the proceeds to be used to re Militant the writer will attempt to preunion. The workers did not protest the ined. Acid was thrown on a sign at the and scoring their points.
The branch has its weaknesses too. visiting unions and other workers or declare for the cold age pension and the clusions with regard to the polition the sixty per cent of them were unemployed tled on the union terms. But not the and those at work were working part shops which get the moving picture easily out maneuvered by the Stalin always from the leadership at least from shorter work day.
The only point of real difference in CARL COWL time. They are afraid a) a chains orders. They are holding out.
petty functionaries from direct partici. the rank and file.
the two parties is the purely parliamentThe attempt of the chains to smash pation in a Mooney Conference organized The main problem of the branch reary one of national candidates. The the union is reflected in the struggle in.
by them. But that only contributod sub mains building up its contact with the Socialists endorsed Norman Thomas and side the union. The workers sequently to the complete stagnation of Party and sympathizers around it. Mayor Hoan of Milwaukee for the head shops which get the chains orders, who the Mooney movement in Minneapolis.
are a numerical minority in the union, Such out maneuvering is not likely to have no information to show that it is are more stendily employed than the happen often. The fact that our mem.
pressure from below. Certainly not from workers in the other union shops. With bers are deeply rooted in the labor the Canadian Communists and Left wing sixty per cent of the membership unemmovement makes their participution Industrial Union forces. One might almost draw the con ployed, this numerical minority almost necessary. It has also made possible With the issue of The Milltant the tracts from comrade Trotsky latest clusion that the leadership themselves alone carries the financial burden of the that they could be the driving force in subscription campaign is halt over. Al work on Germany. WHAT NEXT? Are TORONTO, ONT.
have recognized the depth of the failure union on its back. It is more outspoken many serious attempts of the organized though we got under way slowly, we are you making use of the literature preBefore beginning the discussion on workers to guard their interests more now moving ahead. Subs and renewals miums: a free paper bound copy of The the new turn in the Industrial union or their policies and isolation from the and hostile to the bureaucracy. But effectively. Our comrades played a leading role into local railroad workers age sube and renewals. This week the year sub of 12 issues: a free copy of spend a few minutes on its preceding account and are attempting to return to are coming in. Last week we reported Permanent Revolution with each 1 policy it is worth while going back to masses, have become frightened of the the bureaucracy always manages to outcouncil, as well as in the movement in The rift between this minority and the opposition to the of bureau figure stands at 87. The state of Mili The Strategy of the World Revolution history. Whie am limiting my remarks the only polley left open to them in the bureaucrats supported by a majority of with each half year sub of 26 issues to the Dressmaker local crats. The lesson in Minneapolis memtant bullders has risen from 17 to 21.
bership has learned quite well, that is to The standing of the branches is sub a free copy of any of our 100 pumphlets Needle Trades, it was this Union that hope of forestalling their complete ex the membership came to head with the pose.
with each 50 trial sub of 13 issues. Are was first organized and upon which the expiration of the wage agreement and To sum up. The beginning of a return the exchange of terms. This theatrical utilize every opportunity for propaganda stantially the same as last weck: New York you making use of the rate for a greatest hopes and possibilities for our views. The branch has thereby by the centrists in the direction of a show card minority anxious to continue Minneapolis combined one year sub to The Militant placed.
been ablo slowly and persistently to inChicago Industrial Leninist trade union polley will streng working was opposed to the strike. It and Young Spartacus? Are you using The organization of the crease its membership.
NEWARK, Boston the 2c sub rate for issues which is Union closely approximated the defeat them iste politie de the Life Wing Com: was and is willing to arbitrate with the St. Louis good only during the period of the drive of the left wing in the Amalgamated munists in particular and the Left wing idea of settling for a ten per cent wage In this city, as reported, Newark The promise of the first half of the where for over a year the Lefts were in Corees in general. Two indications point cut. It has no interest in the strike.
have an active functioning branch. It out also to the liquidation of third per It has called a secret meeting to dlaPhiladelphia Dressdrive must be turned into success during control. The formation of the is our youngest and its membership is Montreal the remaining six weeks. We have immaker local, met with good response. 1od tactics in the political field as well. cuss plans for the formation of sep not yet very large. It has, however, Miscellaneous portant tasks to perform. Wo must put several hundred workers immediately the question is, will not the new turn arate organization Independent of local made an excellent start. First of all, it New York and Minneapolis branches so The Militant on a sounder financial basis joined. Due mainly to lack of decision have the tendency to disclose more fully 230, and for a setlement on the basis of the opportunism underlying the theory a ten per cent wage cut. This extremely is beginning by sending in prompt rebegan mittance of ali materials received and accounted for fourteen of the fifteen subs so we can continue without retrenchment and leadership, the union soon of socialism in one country and the short sighted policy will get these workthe fight for the regeneration of the disintegrating.
for literature distributed. And that is reported last week. No other branch Party and the Comintern. year or so later the union was again false policies that flow from it in all era nowhere. If realized it will break the of quite serious account in the revolu reported. What is the matter, Chicago, Philadelphia, St. Louis, Philadelphia, If every comrade will take it this way reorganized bureaucracy become and their own isolation, leaving them to tionary movement today.
The Newark braneh, immediately upon ing to let New York and Minneapolis crowth of the staff of Militant builders introduced Newark, Boston, Montreal? Are you go and put his shoulder to the wheel basis. About this time or soon after not the Centrists Left Oppositionists, the mercies of the powerful chains who the third period trade union policies were weaker and the its formation, organized a public lecture have it all their own way?
reformist stronger? again reply in the aflirma will, of course, proceed to lower their living and working conditions even fur at which comrade Louis Basky spoke.
leadership became company unions. Live.
a criterion of the response to our ap QUARTER. ther through additional wage cuts, speed That was the beginning. The intention And what is the matter with Cleveland, peal. Here are the 21 Militant builders strikes called by the reformists were up and lay offs.
is to follow up with more lectures. Youngstown, Kansas City, New Haven, and their records the campaign: branded as fake stoppages in the inIn the ranks of the theatrical show Since then it has in a systematic and Los Angeles, Pittsburgh? Are you going CowISTA.
Konkowie, une interests of the bosses unity of the work: Governmental Red Baiting card writers and in the union generally planned manner visited meetings of to be left out of it? There are only six. Barach 3; Basky 8; cers was limited in the slogan of join Uneasy lie the heads that prosecute are several Left wing workers. These workers and of workers organizations, weeks left to June 1st. Get busy.
Skoglund 2: Dunne 2; Hed our union boring from within the well supplied with our literature. The race between New York and Min lund 2: Carter1: Ruskin1: formist unions was discarded for fearl Communists; this is the inference one workers should immediately work out a regular sale of The Militant is being esneapolis is getting closer and hotter. Curran 1; Zalmano 1; Sach of activizing them.
takes with the fasuance of a pamphlet program and present it to the union Last week the difference between them arow 1: Herman 1; Swabecktablished. New subscribers have been Disintegration and isolation continued by the attorney general of Ontario, giv membership turned in, and already a considerable wasten suls This Week it has been1: Glotzer 1; Tagan 1: Kalate and a year later the third period trade lug the judgment of the Supreme Court They must explain to the theatrical dis cut teleht. Will Minneapolis make Engel1; Bagama; Stern union policies were intensited with the of Ontario stating the reasons and show card writers that they have emfor declaris posed of. The Newark branch has thus good its promises to give New Yorking Let us increase this list. It addition of the slogan of unity with the use made a good beginning.
They must show their fellow workers NY ACTIVITIES setting worried. It is understood, us increase the number of subs per bulld workers in their shops, boycott of their ist Party an illegal organization in on themselves and the union as a whole.
The past winter months have witnessed course, that we are strictly impartial.
The case has reached its final stage as that this is playing the game of the Once more. everybody into the cam The Minneapolis team standing. ispaign! Get subs! Get renewals!
Tho strike called by the union had all a substantial increase in practically all Get the earmarks of adventure and failed. far as legal process is coucerned. The chains who alone will benefit from it.
activities of the New York branch. The one point) for the week ending April 6th bundle orders! Make free distributions: True to their colors, the reformists dial eight have been in jail for some weeks. Against the split they must propose a Was. Issuance of Unser Kamf, Young Spar Sell current issues! Make the sub drive their part, by sending their members to and now Attorney General Price has ad Aghting unity of the whole union against tacus and Communistes drew a number Team No 24 34 points a success! Increase the circulation of replace the strikers. The strike called opted a procedure, for the first time in the chains and the bosses for concrete of the comrades into real active work.
Team No 17 2 points.
The Militant, Unser Kamf; Young Spar by the International Union which the Juridical history in Canada, of issuing a demands to be worked out by the memThe branch total is 42 4 points. This tacus, Communismo, the Distribution of the papers has meant bership Russian Bul. Industrial Union sabotaged also landed publie pamphlet: spreading propaganda To the union membership as a whole added burdens membership. In total does not include the subs the Min. letin!
to popularize the verdict.
they must propose as an indispensable spite of that the younger comrades disneapols branch is steadily sending in for PRESS!
Certain sections of the petty bourge prerequisite for the fight against chains The net profit of both strikes, was that tributed their paper before many the workers are disgusted and disillu olsie and liberals are uneasy over the fight against the bureaucracy in the unUnser Kamf and Young Spartacus units and other places. The Jewish new bundle order was reported last sioned, and ignored both unions despite suppressing of civil liberties, especially ion and its scheme of setting off one seccomrades literally spread their paper far week from Duluth, Minnesota, by com ST. LOUIS, ATTENTION! the very bad conditions prevailing in the in Toronto, where esen some religious tion of the workers against another. Inand wide. Communistes created a stirrade Carl Cowl of our Minneapolis On April 22nd, at P. trade. Mass meetings called by the In organizations have felt the ban. The stead of split time they must propose the among the Greek workers. Practically branch. Verily, this is a branch! No There will be a lecture dustrial Union have dwindled down to judgment gives legal sanction to this wholly practicable slogan of the alx hour all outstanding news stands and meet other bundle orders were reported. What hardly more than local meetings, while policy of suppression.
The workers day without reduction in pay. And to ings of Jewish workers have been covis wrong, comrades? Newsstands, book THE WORKING CLASS STUDENT, the attendance at local meetings is very have not given the acclaim to the sen this they must add unemployment Insurered.
stores, which will carry The Militant THE SCHOOLS AND THE small. The standing of the International tending of Reds that the authorities exance at the expense of the bosses. They The acquisition of the group of Greek exist. They must be found ont. And CLASS STRUGGLE is no better.
pected. As comrade Cannon stated, the must also propose the elimination of the workers, the formation of the Spartacus then they must be revisited. If comrades by The delegates to the last congress of social conditions did not need the outfive categories of apprentices since the MARTIN PAYER Youth Club and the Unser Kamt Arbeiter will send in lists for their cities, we will the returned with the crepe lawing of the Party, and Bennett ad Introduction of machinery and mechan.
Club have attracted new and good ele run them in The Militant. This should The Crunden Branch Library Auditorium for the third period policies, Unions venture has raised certain sections of ical methods of production have largely ments to the branch. Most of these new help 14th and Cass Avenues.
under reformist leadership are no longer parliamentary circles, and even ch his eliminated the necessity for skilled use comrades have already partaken of conNo requests from out of town were reADMISSION FREE company unions. Strikes called by the own party, against his dictatorial methof the brush. Finally they must pro elderable activity and helped to some ceived last week for bundles of sample reformists are recognized as strikes that ods.
pose organization of the unorganized extent to relieve the weight of the whole coples for free distribution. Yet it is ST. LOUIS MAY DAY CONFERENCE can be developed into real struggles over The undercurrent causes the reaction. shope. As a prerequisite for this they Astonishingly easy to make these distri The St. Louis branch, Communist the heads of the leadership. Boring ary press to print continuous editorials must abolish the initiation fees.
butions. In the needle trades market in League of America (Opposition) has is from within is again accepted. Even the venomously denouncing those who even STAMM.
THE MILITANT New York last week four comrades dis sued a call for a Joint May Day Confer united front from below now includes dare criticize Section 98, or the case, and Published weekly by the Communist tributed 1000 Militants, Unser Kamt andence to be held on April 24th, p. at unity proposals made directly to the re at other times trying to pacify them into BACK NUMBERS OF League of America (Opposition)
leaflets in fifteen minutes. comrade the Soulard Library Hall, 7th and Soul tormist unions.
believing that outside of the Reds, those MILITANT WANTED at 84 East 10th St.
who went out on another occasion to ard Sts.
Thus far the new turn would seem to who keep within the law have the right! We are preparing files of the Multant make a free distribution of back num. All local working class organizations indicate a partial return in the direction of free speech. or course, EDITORIAL BOARD to keep for binding. We plan to bind in one bers was kept breathlessly whirling and political parties are invited to parti of real Communist policies. real Com within the law one has Martin Abern James Cannon around, trying to keep volume all the issues from Vol. 1, No. Militants into the cipate in arranging a Joint May Mass munist turn on the part of the leader his mouth shut. If there was no disto Volume IV No. 12, the last issue of Mar Bhachtman Maurice Spector workers outstretched hands. Last sum Meeting.
ship demands open admission before the quietude over the case why do they not the semi monthly Militant. We are missArne Swabeck mer in Cleveland hundreds of copies were whole working class and the union of let the matter drop, why do they finding the following numbers: Vol. I, No. 1, Entered as second class mail matter distributed in this way. And these dis CHICAGO OPEN FORUM their previous false policies and premises it necessary to keep formulating public November 15, 1928. Vol. 2, No. 4, Feb.
November 28, 1928, at the Post Office a tributions of back numbers increased the WILL THIRD PARTY HELP on which they were built. The broadest opinion. 18th, 1920; Vol. 3, No. 81; Oct. 1930; New York, THE WORKERS?
Under the act of subsequent sale of current issues. Com.
discussion and lessons are to be drawn. But it is to the working class that a Vol. 4, No. 2, January 15th, 1931. Vol.
March 3, 1879.
rades, It can be done. It is being done to Lecture by Finally, the placing of the responsibility final reckoning will have to be made. No. 10, May 15th, 1931. Will comSATURDAY, APRIL 16, 1932 some extent. But not enough. Order JOHN EDWARDS on the resposible parties, it is needless to Marie Antoinette told the hungry to eat rades who have these numbers Vol. No. 16. Whole No. 112) back numbers now!
remark that the centrists won do this. enke; Mayor Walker told them to eat ice send them in at once. Just as soon please Subscription rate: 00 per year; for Are you comrades taking full advan SUNDAY, APRIL 24th, at P. For them it suffices to throw the blame cream, and now Attorney General Price we receive these numbers we will be able eign 50. Five cents per copy. tage, as an inducement for getting subs.
at vaguely on certain local leaders. gives the working class pamphlets. to proceed with our binding plans and Bundle rates, cents per copy. of the appearance in The Militant of ex1485 Western Ave.
What lies underneath this new turn. GREEN. offer the bound volumes for sale.
32 24 we now 16 on a very much smaller Welds of work? think it will. Win1 union, accomplish the aim of the chrins re on to on