BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGerman RevolutionGermanyHitlerImperialismInvasionLeninLeninismNazismRadekRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking ClassWorld War

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America Opposition)
Published weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 84 East 10th Street, New York, Entered as second class mail matter, November 28, 1028 at the Post Office at New VOLUME V, NO. 16 WHOLE NO. 112)
NEW YORK, SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 1932 ork, under the act of March 3, 1879.
PRICE CENTS Crucial Moment Nearing in Germany!
on War and Social Chauvinism Alarm Signals Against Jingoist Trends in the Communist Party OPEN FORUM THE NEGRO QUESTION Statement of the National Committee, Communist League of America (Opposition)
AND THE In the Daily Worker we rend: SCOTTSBORO CASE In an article in Izvestia, Radek said: Lecture by The run off elections in Germany last fight against the Fascist danger, the soci Already, under the pressure from their. It challenged, the Soviet Union will have a right to seek temporary JAMES CANNON Sunday revealed another substantialial democratie workers will desert the own rank and Alle, Severing. Breitscheid, allies among the capitalist powers, which at the present stage do not infringe advance for Piscism and at the same Hindenburg Front en masse and recog Braun and company are forced to felge on her frontiers or interests.
time a considerable loss of ground for nize their class duty and the way to aggression against the Nazis, to speak The article implied that the United States would be the natural ally of FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 1932 the Communist party and with it for carry it out. Their present support for sharply to the Bruening government to Japanese sentiment in America.
at the the German workers. The results of Hindenburg is not a firm support, it is take steps for the disbanding of the But the words Russia under such circumstances and sald that there was a growing antiLabor Temple the poll in the second ballot are a dan. a result of a sentiment of impotence. Fascist organizations.
The Daily Worker, on its own account, adds in approval: 14th Street and Second Avenue ger sign for the entire working class. Only the Communist party, with a sin of the social democratie traitors will Although the vote in itself is not deci cere class polley, can sweep away this remain empty phrases as long as they Not rejecting any possibility, no matter how temporary and slight at at P.
can be, to utilize the contradictions existing between the imperialists for the sive for the future of Germany that feeling of impotence and make the work succeed in keeping their followers from of must be settled, in the last analysis, outing class aware QUESTIONS and DISCUSSION its of strengthening the position of the proletariat and the oppressed pur tremendous being confronted by Communist criticside of the parliamentary ADMISSION: 25 Cents arena the strength.
ism at every step and stage, as long as peoples, in their class struggle, this proposal means a new step of the peace reflection It offers the line up of the sopolley of the Soviet Union.
they can succeed in Isolating the masses Unemployed Workers Admitted Free The German bourgeoisie, pushed to cial forces is an alarming indication of Stalin, Izvestia, Radek and the Daily Worker advance this reactionary. Auspices: New York Branch Communithe trend of events. If this trend is crisis, surrounded by a chain of hostile spiring proposals of the Communists.
the wall by the overbearing economic behind them, from the clear cut and Inanti Communist idea in the name of Leninism.
League of America (Opposition)
In 1918 replying to the social patriots of Western Europe, in What is a crushing defeat of the German workerials, will take the only road that is this urge for decisive action on the part to continue, it can only mean one thing capitalist nations equally seized by the This treacheroux conduct of the social a Peace Program. Trotsky wrote. Social patriotism, which is in principle, if not always in fact, the execu: ers in the decisive combats to come.
open to it. That is, the attack all along tion of social reformism to the utmost extent and its adaptation to the im.
Hitler received 13, 417, 460 votes as the line against the working class. The of their rank and tile can be given.
proper outlet only by the establishment perialist epoch, proposes to us in the present world catastrophe to direet the And if the war breaks out with a Soviet Russia United States alliance in exist against 11, 389, 285 on March 13. Thael Bruening emergency deerees are only at the real broad, class united front.
poliey of the proletariat in the direction of the lesser evil by joining one of the two groups. We reject this method.
ence, what is to be the attitude of the mann, the Presidential candidate of the beginning. To gain succor at the ex Communist party, received 3, 706, 388 votes rense of the proletariat, the German The suicidal policy of Stalinism, the In March 1918, in his theses on Brest Litovsk, Lenin wrote categoricually: revolutionary proletariat in this country as against the 4, 883, 197 votes he received bourgeoisie must strip it to the bone theory of social Fascism which alienates Our policy must be based, not on a choice between two imperialisms, Logically, it should do overything to rethe March elections. This constitutes For that it is necessary to make the the social democratic workers, the but on the possibility of strengthening the socialist revolution, or at least, on: move all obstacles standing in the way a loss of 1, 276, 809 votes. Hindenburg in workers defenseless, to rob them of the slogan in the form of an ultimatumthe necessity of enabling it to offer resistance until the other countries Join of the maintenance of the alliance. It the revolutionary movement. We have always fought our own impershould consequently refrain from dis and Hitler his by more than 2, 000, 000. all their forms of organization. That ership of the Communist Party which creased his vote by more than 700, 000 mibility of common action, to destroy the Red United Front under the leadlalism, but the overthrow of the imperialism of one country by means of an Iturbing the ceonomie and political re alliance with the imperialism of another, is a line of action that we reject both lations in the country so that the effecHitler received an approximate per is the specific task of Fascism. That is maralyzes the Communist on reasons of principle and because we consider it inadmissible.
tiveness of the American partner in the centage of 38. per cent of the total why the bourgeoisie is not aggressive must Immediately be cast aside. unThere is the answer to Stalinist nationalism, made by Lenin and Trotsky alliance is not diminished. It is, in voto cast, compared with the 30. per against the party of Hitler, against the ited front of all proletarian organize banner the tions, which gives each tendency in the fourteen years ago!
word, to renounce class war and embrace cent that fell to his share in March. party which rallies under.
the policy of civil peace with its bour The Fascist gain in Berlin, in Red Ber hosts of the desperate petty bourgeoisie, working class the opportunity to point lin, amounted to 200, 000 Fotes, while the bloody reserve agency of capitalism. out its solution before the workers, must The problems of war put all policies wrote expressly on the question of the geoisie. This was the Bucharinist con112, 000 The German workers will realize this be set up at once. The Communists must world war submitted the international bands with one imperialist power for the the proposal unofficially made in the other working class districts a similar months. The lascists, encouraged by way out for the working class. They avodlivours the highest test. The lopermissibility for the Soviets to joinception, in essence, for Germany in 1928: from Communist total dropped other meaning can be extracted from from the figures of the first ballot. In more and more in the coming weeks and take the course of patiently explaining social democracy to its severest test, and struggle against another.
situation is to be noted. These facts their parliamentary successes, will grow must fight for the support of the workthe result of the slow polson of opporSoviet government organ by Radek.
But it is not entirely unprecedented.
tunism which had been eating into It a during the whole pre war epoch, was re that since Germany, under the Versailles with the theory of socialism in one coun language that the class enemy is making elections to the Prussian Diet on April not enough to call the social democratie In 1923 24, Bucharin advanced the theory The Daily Worker, entirely consistent tell the world in an altogether too clearly toward the open seizure of power. Theers, not demand It of them with haughty, bureaucratic command. It is vealed in one Illuminating tash. August system, had become a Hemi colonial try, which means in practise the aban enormous strides forward at a time when is the advance toward the planned Nasdemagogues by their name, it is neces4, 1914 was not the beginning of the country. it was conceivable degeneration of the social democracy, it Soviet republic to make a military alin the alleged interests of defending the down from one dangerous position to votes Hitler has polled in Prussia, the full view of the masses. It is not enough was the culminating point of a process liance with it against the Entente. Even Soviet Union from military attack, picks another.
more than 800, 000 votes he received in to claim to be the only party of the of decay which had set in long before this modified version was treated very up the Radek thread with all its imworking class Berlin, the capital of What Vote Indicates Prussia, are alarm signals for the Com it to the proletariat in action, in dally working class. It is necessary to prove The pre war Left wing, whose revold coldly, and aroused the protest of the plications elaborated upon even more shamelessly. Taking Radek cue, the The vote in itself is an indication that munists.
tionary superiority lay in its masters of Bolshevik elements in the International. editorial writer proceeds to address him a good many workers voted for Hindenuggle other tendencies, 90 Only a sweeping change in the self that every worker can judge for him.
the flow of social patriotic polson through in a motivation to this theory: Gerself to the American ruling class in order trurg with the idea, as a last resort, to the veins of the social democracy and many was a semi colony fighting the to show it that its best imperialist in stave off the advance of Hitler. The destructive policy of the German Com selt.
sought to check it at every juncture.
The decisive hour is drawing near.
imperialist powers; in allying itself with terests lle in a break with Japan and with its absolutely disastrous polley of working class from crushing defent.
The same task devolves upon the rex Germany, the Soviet republle would also an alliance with the Soviets. Yester the Red United Front whicho seeks That alone can create the possibility for the working class has the power to olutionist today. It is all the more im be helping to emancipate an oppressed day blaring headlines which announced to commit the workers in advance to a successful repulsion of the class en stand the tent. The Communists must perative for our Communist movement at nationality.
make them conscious of this power.
the present moment for two reasons: the theory of socialism in one country But who is to be emancipated in the to the readers that the United States sept its leadership to rally the masses lemy. Such a change requires a sincere victory is attainable if the working class for a unified class front aguinst Fascism, offer to all working class organizations. Is guided by correct policy. The Comis behind the whole anti Soviet move left broad layers of workers in despair social democratic, trade union, cooperaopens the veins of the Communist parties newly proposed alliance? Is America to Japanese yoke. Continued on page 3)
for the free infusion of nationalistic be liberated from the The vote for Hindenburg appeared to tive,. etc. to join in a united front of munist party is the key to the solution.
them to be a way out.
class action against the Fascist foe, In The present policy of Stalin Thaelmann poison; the sharpening of the world imperialist contlict, which has already The responsibility of the social dem defense organizations. Such united greatest obstacle for the German workthe factories in the streets, in militant presents the greatest danger and the broken out in a miniature world war in Chine, is posing all political questions ready been established. It is only na the Communists to convince the work. munists of the entire world, raise your starkly.
That is why every Communist worker Soderberg, Bunker and Trajer whol of the grey color of the one introduced the minds of their worker following that way to resist Fascism is the way that tuted for the polley of Stalin and Thaeland Scheideman to create the illusion In or months that remain, that the only International Left Opposition be subst!
tural to expect the coDemand that the Leninist policy of the Just raise a loud cry of warning against have been on trial for the past three by the defense would show white when Hindenburg will stand up as a bulwark lends directly to the proletarian dicta mann. To guarantee this change of polthe leading editorial of the Daily Worker were found guilty by the jury after dve erbers offered to put the shirt fet and obe stalinist press that Trotsky and the top store the socialdemderation makers. Demand that the Left Opposition to pletely devoid of a breath of proletarian Sentence will be imposed on April 25th. ney own photographer to prove the con we urged the workers to vote for Find pressure of their following to show up be readmitted. revolutionism, is one of the most dis The men were charged with a conspiracy tention. National Committee, Communist enburg is too despicable an invention their true colors.
graceful pieces of cynical flirtation with to dynamite barges in the New York The judge presiding at the trial reto deserve any notice at all. The postLeague of America (Opposition. chauvinism that has ever appeared in harbor in a struggle between the boat fused to allow this evidence to be intro tion of comrade Trotsky and of the Left the Communist movement.
owners and the Boatmen Union. The duced before the jury. The case went to Opposition as a whole is recorded in confronted here with some accidental from twelve and one half to twenty five apparently deliberate introduction of national Left and all the attempts of the American aberration. The well of in years in the penitentiary, falsified evidence by the defense. The stalinists to distort our position merely spiration from which the proposals are One of the chief factors the result distriet attorney skipped over all the have the object of covering up their own NEW YORK, center, to foster. With the drawn. is the official mouthpiece of the of the trial was the flagrant unfairness other evidence of the trial and concen criminal policies. It is these policies Some time ago, the Cooperatives in committee elected, the meeting adSoviet government, the Moscow Izvestia. manifested by Judge Allen in his rulingstrated his speech to the jury on the in:Ithat are responsible for the terrible set which the is in control closed journed.
According to a sensational capitalist Throughout the trial and especially on cident of the shirt. He contented that back in the elections, it is these policies their restaurants and stores, allegedly The foodworkers of the Cooperatives press dispatch which the Daily Worker at the important clashes between the since this piece of evidence has been that endanger the very existence of the for alterations. Immediately thereafter, have expressed their determination to reproduces as authentic, Radek, writing prosecution and the defense attorneys proven false the rest of the defense German working class.
the management of the Cooperatives is act as union men act against scabe.
in Izvestia on April 10, declared: If the bias of the judge came into play to testimony could be considered of the challenged, the Soviet Union will have help the prosecution. For all who were same quality. In spite of that the jury uine party of the working class. Its ac patronizers, in which it announced The Communist party is the only gen sued leaflet to all its neighborhood Many even began to discuss the prospect of pleketing the cooperatives. The sita right to seek temporary allies among present in the court room, the trial, as was tied up for five hours before a. tions, its strategy, its tactics effect the thoroughgoing reorganization of the nation among them is tense. The senti the capitalist powers which at the pre le progressed from day to das, was a number of its members could be pre very life of the class as a whole. It is stores and restaurants und promised ment against the bureaucracy is at sent stage do not infringe on her front graphic illustration of class just a tant Since then it has been learned that the stigmatize the present policy of the Ger and vailed upon to the verdict of guilty. In this sense that we must mercilessly better, cleaner and cheaper service. high pitch. In the Food Workers Union kers or interests. Japan would be likewise of the fallacy that Insane under such circumstances Last Saturday, the cooperative restau. as a whole, this sentiment 18. quickly create new fronts and arouse against courts of capitalism.
to workers can set a fair trial in the exclusion of the defendere con: man Stalinists, with all the confusion it rant on Allerton Avenue reopened. It spreading for there is talk that the herself a great country which at present But in spite of that, the acquittal of tentton about the blowl stained shirt Fascism and all the folationit has fired from the various enterprises con wise to undergo a reorganization. The stands aside. in the struggle that the defendants seemed to be a certainty was the decisive factor with the jury, 19 tearing the imperialist world to up until the very last day of brought the revolutionary vanguard trolled by the Cooperatives. The whole party bureaucrats are telling the worktrial The ruling of judge Allen on this point through the slogan of the Red United force protested against this action, es ers to mind their own business and The flimsy case of the prosecution had already being talked about in legal Front under the leadership of the Compecially in view of the fact that new that they must have the interests of The article has but one meaning, as been hammered down, and its witnesses circles as an absolutely indefensible and munist party which poses before the men had been hired who were not mem the movement as a whole at heart. The is recognized by the capitalist press and consisting exclusively of policemen and unprecedented one which wolated the workers bureaucratie ultimatum in bers of the Food Workers Industrial workers are countering the attitude of the Daily Worker: The Soviet Union is stool pigeons had been thoroughly dis formal provision of the existing law. stead of patiently striving to convince Union.
the bureaucrats with the cry: Who built hostile credited. Then the prosecuting attorney From a legal standpoint, reversal of them of the correctness and inevitability the union? They do not want to forget acts with the threat of an alliance with backed by Judice Allen executed one of the verdict on this round close is te of the Communist roadas policy Ziek, of recent date high priest of the they made for efter unlond Thegriffe imperialist America.
We may therefore the most outrageous and illegal moves sarded as a certainty if the case is a which can only prepare the defeat of New York organization of the u. u. that unton conditions must begin within assume that in the event of Awar, the that the history of the frame up game perled to the higher court. The chief the working class. The masses of Ger spoke for the leadership of the Food the enterprises under control of the porary alliance with Wall Street and defendants, had testified the bestial half of the defendants is tre financial have been driven by desperation to take workers present to take a broader How can we ask the bosses to recogs Washington for the purpose of defending tortures which the police had inflicted cost. The Marine Workers Defense refuge in illusions. This accounts for Its frontiers against a Japanese invasion upon him at the time of him arrest, and committee is now considering the mat. the loss in the Communist vote. The) veiw of the whole question, to consider nize the union many of them ask, and. of helping American Imperial showed to the jury the blood stained tere in consultation with the defendanta menace of Fascism, with the destruction eral it the reorganization was accepted to recognize ikers our own workers organizations are not om in turn to replace the Japanese in sirt which he had worn at the time of and the attorneys in the case. of the last vestiges of labor organiza The workers present could not see things the domination of the Pacifle and the the beating. This testimony, which sup tion that it brings with it, is staring them his way. They could not The final decision of the party and the Orient. Such an alliance, presumably, plemented that of the other defendants understand is also in the interests of imperialist and of the worker Larry Murphy who JUST ARRIVED: IN RUSSIAN above everything else, must be beaten of the whole movement must necessarily be showed up In the face. They feel that Fascism, why a reorganization for the benefit of leadership of the union is still pending.
The incident in the cooperatives has America, the country which at present had been under arrest and present at the German revolution and the Stalinist at all costs.
the bureaucracy in stands aside in the struggle.
brought about at the expense of many bureaucracy the time of the beatings, made a trem.
Stalinized party and in the revolutionary among them sacrificing their jobs. They organizations controlled by it as a full Where is the temporary alllance of The mute evidence of the blood marked (Vital questions for the German endous impression in the court room.
Growing Resentment of Workers any other kind of alliance with the Amshirt spoke loudest of all.
It can hardly be assumed that all the could not understand how the abolition grown menace. It is merely an indicathousands of workers who have voted of union control in the Cooperatives tion of how saturated the Communist erican working class, that is, with the by TROTSKY actual dam would aid the movement. Many of those movement is with this disease.
only class in this and every other counfor Hindenburg see in him The shirt shown in evidence was light 150 pages, price 750 against the ravages of Hitlerism. The present spoke with passion and protest of this bureaucratic growth should be try that provides any guarantee against grey in color. The district attorney then Also: Number 27 of the Bulletin of experiences of the recent raids on the ed against the bureaucratie proceedings exposed. All Communist workers must a successful attack upon the fortress of immediately introduced the police photo the Opposition (Bol eninista)
the proletariat? Where is even an al graph of the defendant taken on the day Hitlerite headquarters and the absolute Contents: An open leter to the praest refusal of the Hindenburg government to slon from the union and warned them This disgraceful intention of the StalZack answered with threats of expul turn their serious attention to them.
Ilance with the Chinese people who have of the beating. This photo showed Sod dium of the of the Soviet Union. take rastle action against the provoca that they would meet with the Pateinist bureaucracy must not be realized. really revolutionary interest in crush. erberg wearing a white shirt on that declaration of the Lette opposition tions of the Nazis could not help but of Trotsky This only served to stir. The reaction or the toodworkers to it is Ing the Japanese Imperialista? It does day, and the district attorney then raised on the White Guard plot against comrade open their eyes to a great extent. The the indignation of the workers even a healthy reaction and deserves the sup not exist in what the Daily Worker, with a big hue and cry and charged a deliber. Trotsky.
unconscious ominousness, calls a new ate attempt to introduce false evidence. Trotsky: The Contradiction between only continue to enlighten the workers to representatives, but the latter high time for the party comrades to stay future actions of the government will more. Many shook their fists at the port of all sincere Communists. It is step in the consistent and decisive policy At the next session of the trial, just be the economic successes of the the true character of the social demfelt himself protected by many of the the hand of the bureaucrats. The ontof the Soviet Union. What does exist fore the case was to go to the jury, the and the bureaucratic regime. Also many ocrats new militarist hero. The moment newly hired pople and continued with rageous action of Zack and company is an unprecedented, reactionary, un attorneys for the defense, Peter other important articles the Communist party takes the step his menaces until the gathering adopted would be repudiated. drive must be principled, diplomatic proposal which Sabbatino and Jacob Fishman produced Price 25c. Order from Militant toward the creation of a genuine united the decision to elect a committee for Inttiated against bureaucratism all along spits right in the face of what Leninphotographf experts who were prepared 84 East 10th St.
front of all workers organizations in the the purpose of appealing directly to the the line.
Biased Judge Convicts Marine Foodworkers Roused Against Bureaucrats plece.
the The roots