BourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyImperialismMarxismMussoliniOpportunismSocial DemocracySocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

Book Review: EDITORIAL NOTES RO Are they really 80 disturbed? And icl sense the book offers an excellent ex. and one or two others. Once a partner. He becomes struggle, of course, goes far beyond the they will join in the movement with the Party leaders is a false one, and suited to lead his class and follow the known as a hater of labor. There he engineer is thrown at the people. lle is PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, APRIL 9, 1932 burned up Lovestoneltes. The mystery another business. Preying on the was solved when the doctors caught the charity angle we see him now organiz patient napping and discovered that her ing the food relief to Belglom. This temperature had been induced by hot Job consisted of buying huge food sup.
water bags concealed about her person. THE STRANGE CAREER OF sold for hundreds of thousands of dolplies, secured through the money raised She was only fooling.
MR. HOOVER Under Two Flags lars, Hoover task then turned to that by exploiting the sentiments of the people If the Right wingers are simulating de By John Hamil. Wm. Faro, Inc.
of sending in detrimental reports. The during the war, and then selling this SCOTTSBORO the white workers for the fight. Once a lirium by some dodge of this nature, an The Scottsboro case reveals American good start is made along this line, the extenuating circumstance must be ac 384 pages, 75 result of these reports would be a decline food to Belgium at huge profits. It was capitalism in one of its most hideous enlistment of huge Negro contingents in knowledged: it is not often that they This book is a forerunner of a series in the stock values of this or that com easily done, Ince the head of the Bel The insiders knowing the oute gian Relief was his business associate aspects, and offers to the Communists an the common struggle will be a compara have a chance to get excited about the of books now published on the life of come in advance, would sell out their Franconi, who assumed the role of the exceptional opportunity to deal the whole tively simple mutter. In this question, system a mighty, world resounding blow. as in every important undertaking in the opportunism of other people. And they Hoover. In spite of its attempt at sen stock and leave the publie holding the virtual dictator of Belgium in those days naturally make the most of it. We now sation thronghout, the book has value in the government having moved its The deliberately planned assassination of class struggle, the trade union movement learn from the WorkersAge that the portraying the character of the individ bag. Or the process was worked in the capital to northern France upon the oc reverse With a poor mine that would the unfortunate negro children is notice exhibits its decisive to importance to stalinists demand for the expulsion of dial who stands at the head of the am not yield repayment for initial work, cupation of Belgium by the Germans.
to the entire world that imperialist Am trade unions ought to be alive at this the Japanese diplomats from America is erican government. To the author the Hoover was to send in reports showing But it was precisely in the years that erica, this pretended pacifist and friend moment with Communist agitation on chauvinistic, and that chauvinism in character of Iloover is responsible for the that these mines would yled anywhere Belgium experienced the largext crops of Justice, is in fact a monster. The enthe Scottsboro case. Here is an unex turn is the crassest form of opportun present crisis and the general difficulties from twenty to hundred percent profit and during the first years of the war deavor to thwart its bloody designs in ampled opportunity to explain to the orism. This is precisely the way they confronting the economic life of the Again stocks sold by the hundreds of hnd more than sufficient food. Through the present case calls out the deepest sanized workers the necessity of solid characterized Trotskyism few years country. The individual 1s all importhousands. The Insiders were becom arrangements with the Germans, the goes, every tant and therein lies the explanation of ing rich the public duped again and best human Instincts. The words arity with their black brothers, and to ago. But, as the saying and Bellum produce was to be sent to Gersolidarity and justice acquire fresh dramatize the argument with the mon season has its vegetable, and we will everything that is the explanation of left holding teh bung This was the many, at the food lover supplied was values, they become new again in the strous story of Scottsboro.
struggle for the liberation of the help Assuming a Communist Party that point now is that the Lovetsoneltes, view things would be interent. With this apprenticeship with this company until he food to Belgium and Belcium uld for less young negro boys who await their knows how to work in the trade unioning the present situation darkly, expect pronch we have nothing in common. We become one of its partners. He had its food to Hoover.
Between Franequi fate in the Alabama jall. It is hard to a lile response can be expected from things to get worse and worse. Chauv. regard the individual as part of the proven himself.
and himself the poils were divided.
think of a cause that could appeal more this agitation. The sympathies of the inism, they say, is being pumped into system of capitalism and its polities. We The rest of his career is well known.
The whole history of his work was He returned to the states after twenty strongly to the hearts of the workers organized workers can be quickly cry the veins of our Party, in ever greater are concerned with the why and where and all the oppressed than that of these stalled into a network of conferences quantities and in ever more Fresent fure of the choice of the capitalist party that of manipulating stocks to the advan: yesurxence. Ile wals made. Hoewer at the helm of the government. In this age of Noreing, Stanley Rowe, himself becomes a worker for the government.
obscure and friendless symbols of a The movement of the mions in this forum.
doubly persecuted race and class direction will give a tremendous impetus member of Tarding From the revolutionary standpoint, the to the propaganda among the Negroes: NO, why? It is true that the slogan orplanation. It shows Hoover in his true Hoover began to show more interest in envinet and participates in the infamous of light as the individudal who is best the work. In Australia becomes oil scandal. The myth of the creat immediate objectives of the court apthusiasm and hope. The concrete de peals. To save the lives of the intended monstrations of white and Negro soli. It is likewise true that it contains the dictates of Wall Street. More than that attempts to get the ban on Asiatic labor elected president and in that incity darity, ominously foreshadowing their serm of social patriotic deviation. But it is a profound exhibit of Hoover lifted in order to bring in cheap labor victims and restore their liberty is in deed our aim; but the only hope of ac coming union in the revolution, will im the motivation of the slogan is far from Class ideology and his hatred for the from the Orient with the object of de has more than once exhibited his intense hatred for the working class stroying the then powerful Australian press the judical hirelings more than al outright chauvinism. As a matter of fact working classe complishing this is to set a really im this at Hamil, effectively destroys the myth of mense movement into motion. And such thousand lawyers briefs; will make them it is not inspired directly by the attitude the engineer wbo was really a proan achievement could have great im pause and weigh the possible consequ of the Stalinists toward American im. The book begins with Hoover orphan miners union. On failing in Communist influence over the workers ists, as the organizers and leaders or ception of the defense of the Sovie a real estate shark. in Oregon. His the present high rates of working costs business life helped in a grand steal that plications for the strengthening of the ences of their murders. The Commun. Derialism, but by their mistaken con age and his boyhood life with his uncle tempt, he begins a campaign againstmoter and who in all the years of his In other words, lowering wages. Ineren made the ordinary business ethles and the Negro MSCS. All of this is the unprecedented demonstration, as the Union, which they disconnect from its uncle was in the business of selling real bound up together with the concrete loyal and capable champions of the most basie foundation of internationalism and estate that never existed. The town creating working hours, and refusing blush with shame. The author points out make better the working conditions of where these lots were supposed to be international revolution. Under the tutelthe mines. The death rate among the mining engineer must know chemistry, To separate the one from the other, as enormous prestige.
fight for the freedom of the prisoners. oppressed and persecuted, will gainage and corrupting pressure of Stalin conll not be found to this day, even muers grows at an alarming pace. He physics, mechanics, electricity. assaying.
metallurgy and of all of these loover wrote at that time: The disregard for was totally ignorant. But he was suited In such a perspective there is nothing these ex revolutionists and hired fune) by the official surveyors of the governthe liberal and socialist snivellers try to do, would only make the sacrifice or fantastic. It assumes merely an active clonaries have replaced proletarian in ment. Hoover got his first training here. human life permits mining by economy for his job with Bewick, Bloring Co.
Communist party which understands the fernationalism with the theory of social Tis uncle, a fraudulent land speculator in timber and the uskrieved relatives are He manipulated stocks, welched on his the prisoners doubly certain amply compensated by the regular pay debts, was sued by China for his steal The problem consists primarily in the essence of the Negro question, which ism in one country. Socialism is to was his first teacher.
At that time the Leland Stanford Unimobilization of the white workers for applies the tactle of the united front, and be built in the Soviet Union, and the the fight. In our opinion it is incorrect has not isolated itself from the trade mission of the Comintern is. to pre versity was being organized and Hoverment of 30 per man lost. And again. of the Kaiping Mines and through these years developed into the fit candidate of vent intervention. The revolutionary was dispatched there as a student. The men were cheaper than timber to view the Scottsboro case as a Nesto unlon movement. Even in the present workers in the other countries are as records of the school show him to bel The company expands. In China president.
issue. It is wrong to direct the main situation the deficiencies can be made signal to the debusing role of pacilst an extremely poor student who could not Hoover olject was exploiting and rob He stands out today, built up by agitation toward the negro people and frontier guards.
master the rudiments of English. Here bing the Chinese of their holdings. He great organizing enmpaign, as an able concrete the organization work around best way to serve the Scottsboro case is Motivated by these and to press for this.
conceptions, the he studied geology, on the basis of which participated in the steal of the Kaiping representative of the capitalists with an them, including their churches Stalinists of the American Party, imagin he later passed off as a mining engineer. coal mines, even to personally roba intense hatred of the working class. He lodges. Such a tactie will not be able WHY SO HOT?
ing the chief danger to the Soviet Union But a school Just organized could not safe to steal deeds covering the owner is a typical representative of Wall Street to arouse a movement of the necessary We have been watching with consider at the moment to be an attack by Japan afford to fall its students and Hoover ship of this rich mine. We find him in who adorns the presidential chair with breadth and power. And, moreover, itable interest, and even with a little and there also mistakenly. can think was graduated notwithstanding his poor South Africa promoting fake mines and all the qualities needed for one whose will fall even to make the desired im alarm, the steadily rising temperature of of nothing else but to concentrate their scholastie achievements, filching the small stock holders of Beijob consists of leading his class against pression on the Negro people.
the editors of the Workers Age about attack on Japanese imperialism. The The most important turning point in tain. The promoter together with his the workers. Selling Chinese workers There is no doubt that the Negro the poison of chauvinism which is conclusion is not without a certain logic. his life was his job with the Bewick associates conceives of a daring plan. into slavery, manipulating stocks, fraumasses burn with indignation at the scoping into the arty in their absence. It is false because the theory from which Moreing Co. of London. This concern Why not hire coolie labor to work the dulent mine promotions, sponging Scottsboro outrage and suffer their own if it is a real fever, and if it hangs on it flows is false to the core.
dealt in mine speculations Hoover was mines in the Transvaal region. The big charity and the sentiments of the peo thousand fola wrongs again in sympathy much longer and continues to get hot hired not as geologist but as claim campaign begins. In China the workers ple built up during a war period, makBut the Right wing were united with with the prisoners. But along with thatter, something is bound to happen, either the Stalin Centrists in the manufactured Jumper, snooper and a spy. In a are promised a virtual Eniryland if they ing himself rich by intense exploitation they cannot help being conscious of their to the patient or to the thermometer.
position as a hopeless racial minority.
of this counterfeit theory, and they still word he was to be a promoter for this would agree to work in the Transvaal of mine workers he has succeeded trom What they need to inspire them for perature. We have heard of such cases defend it no les ardently, National to Australia as their uning engineer sold into slavery. Hoover Chinese En strange career at all.
socialism the struggle is the problet deltation Etone West buffled the doctors with what ar agitation against a slogan that derives this dubious company or at least the few years ago a girl in the middle nicht wing politics. That is why their to send in reports on the conditions origineering and Mining Co. Ltd. did the ALBERT GLOTZER.
the gold mines owned and promoted by job. And why not? They received 10 will never wuflice for this.
whose standing for each Chinaman secured and 25 cach HELP DEFEND THE significant movement of white wrok in degree than the human system normal from this theory sounds the more arti. in London financial circles for passage to South Africa on their own KENTUCKY MINERS ers fighting on thelr side is the agitatorly can withstand. Hvery time they took cal as it increases in volume. This tremely low. There his task consisted ships. From Johannesburg he wrote the The Harlan Kentucky miners are still that will really move the Negroes and her temperature the thermometer regisseests the idea that they have a per of sending in glowing reports of gold following, describing this slave business on trial for their lives. They need your make them accessible to the Communist tered 110 or over. In spite of that the lect control over their own fever. In to be mined. On the basis of his reports as: the great sciene of extracting the help. It can be given by collecting funds organizers of that movement. patient appeared to remain hale and the camera mearly return to normalty on which were published, new stock was put createst possible amount of money from for their defense. Send all funds to The central problem of the Scottsboro hearty and in good appetite, as every General Defense Committee, 565 Lake defense movement is the organization of body will admit is the case with the public had been sufficiently duped, stock The war breaks out. Hoover discovers St, Chicago, ILI to an oll the DEMOCRACY AND FASCISM by LEON TROTSKY temporary in character. It signalizes the transition social Fascism. The Italian social democracy. he period, during which the social democracy is on the announced in February 1930, turns Fascist with the verge of exhausting its mission, while, in that same greatest readiness. Alas, the functionaries of official period, neither Communism nor Fascism is ready as Communism turn flunkies even more readily.
yet to seize power.
As was to be expected, our criticism of the theory The Italian Communists, who have had to study and application of the third period was decreed the problems of Fascism for a long time, have pro counter revolutionary. Nevertheless, the cruel experiThe XIth Plenum of the came to the with their parliamentary screens, no longer suffice to tested time and again against the wide spread abuse of ences that cost the proletarian vanguard dearly, decision that it was imperative to put an end to those hold society in a state of equilibrium the turn of the these concepts. Formerly, at the Vith Congress of foreed an about face in this sphere also. The third erroneous views which originate in the liberal inter Fascist régime arrives. Through the Fascist agency, the Comintern, Ercoli was still formulating views period was pensioned off, and so was Molotov himpretation of the contradictions between Fascism and capitalism sets in motion the masses of the crazed on the question of Fascism which are now credited self from the Comintern. But the theory of social bourgeois democracy and the outright Fascist forms petty bourgeoisie, and bands of the de classed and as Trotskyist. Ercoli at that time defined Fascism Fascism remained behind as the lone ripe fruit of the. The gist of this stalinist philosophy is quite plain: demoralized lumpenproletariat; all the countless hu as being the most thorough and uncomprising system third period. No changes could take place here: only from the Marxist denial of the absolute contradiction man beings whom finance capital itself has brought of reaction, and he explained: this administration Molotov was tied up with the third period; but Stalin it deduces the general negation of the contradiction, to desperation and frenzy. From Fascism the bour supports itself not by the cruelty of its terroristic himself was enmeshed in social Fascism.
Die Rote FAHNE begins its researches into social even of the relative contradiction. This error is typi geoisie demands a thorough job; once it has resorted acts, not by murdering large numbers of workers and cal of vulgar radicalism. For if there be no contrato methods of civil war, it insists on having peace for peasants, not by applying on a large scale varied Fascism with Stalin words, Fascism is the military diction whatsoever between democracy and Fascism. period of years. And the Fascist agency by utiliz methods of brutal torture, not by the severity of its organization of the bourgeoisie which Içans upon the even in the sphere of the form of the rule of the bour ing the petty bourgeoisie as a battering ram, by over law courts; but it depends upon the systematic anni social democracy for active support. The socal demgeoisie, then these two régimes obviously enough whelming all obstacles in its path, does a thorough hilation of each and every form of the independent ocracy, objectively speaking, is the moderate wing of ascism. Objectively speakin it is a habit with must be equivalent. Whence the conclusion social job. After Fascism is victorious, finance capital organization of the masses. In this Ercoli is absodemocracy Fascism. For some reason, however, gathers into its hands, as in a vise of steel, directly lutely correct: the gist of Fascism and its task con Stalin, when he attempts to generalize, to contradict social democracy is dubbed social Fascism. And the and immediately, all the organs and institutions of sist in a complete suppression of all workers organi the first phrase by the second and to conclude in the meaning of the term social in this connection has sovereignty, the executie, administrative and educa zations and in the prevention of their revival. In second what doesn at all follow from the first. There been left unexplained to this very moment. tional powers of the states the entire state apparatus developed capitalist society this goal cannot be achiev is no debating that the bourgeoisie loans on the social Nevertheless, the nature of things does not change together with the army, the municipalities, the univered by police methods alone. There is only one method democracy, and that Fascism is a military organizain accordance with the decisions of the sities, the schools, the press, the trade unions, and the for it and that is by directly opposing the pressure tion of the bourgeoisie; and this has been remarked plenums. contradiction does exist between dem co operatives. When state turns Fascist, it doesn of the proletariat the moment it weakens by the upon a long time ago. The only conclusion which folocracy and Fascism. It is not at all absolute. or, only mean that the forms and methods of government pressure of the desperate masses of the petty bour lows from this is that the social democracy as well the big bourgeoisie. How putting it in the language of Marxism, it doesn at are changed in accordance with the patterns set by geoisie. It is this particular system of capitalist re Fascism are the tools all denote the rule of two irreconciliable classes. But Mussolini the changes in this sphere ultimately play action that has entered history under the name of the social democracy becomes thereby also wing of Fascism is incomprehensible. Equally profound is it does denote different systems of the domination of a minor role but it means, first of all for the most Fascism.
one and the same class. These two systems: the one, part, that the workers organizations are annihilated; All questions as to the relation between Fascism another observation by the same author: Fascism and parliamentary democratic; the other, Fascist, derive that the proletariat is reduced to an amorphous state and social democracy, wrote Ercoli, belong to the social democracy are not enemies, they are twins. Now twins may be the bitterest enemies: while on the other their support from different combinations of the op and that a system of administration is created which same sphere (the irreconciliability of Fascism with the hand allies need not be born necessarily on one and in come to a sharp clash with cach other.
frustrate the independent crystallization of the prole ait other reactionary régimes established hitherto instructions lack even forma logic, to say nothing of lation that The social democracy, which is today the chief re tariat. Therein precisely is the gist of Fascism.
presentative of the parliamentary bourgeois régime, the contemporary capitalist world. It rejects all dialectics. Their strength lies in the fact that none The above is not at all contradicted by the fact compromise with the social democracy, it persecutes dares challenge them.
derives its support from the workers. Fascism is that, during a given period, between the democratic it relentlessly; it deprives it of all legal means of ex(Continued in next issue)
supported by the petty bourgeoisie. The social dem and the Fascist systems, a transitional régime is estab istence; it forces it to emigrate. TROTSKY.
ocracy without the mass organizations of the workers lished, which combines the features of both: such, in Metaphysicians (people who do not reason dialectically)
So reads an article published in the leading organs assign to one and the same abstraction two, three or more can have no influence. Fascism cannot intrench itself general, is the law that governs the displacement of of the Comintern!
in power without annihilating the workers organiza one social system by another, even though they are in Molotov ear the great idea of the third period. general and Fascism in general, so we are told, are in no Subsequently, Manuilsky buzzed designations, often directly contradictory. Democracy in tions. The parliament is the main arena of the so irreconciliably inimical to each other. There are per France, Germany and Poland were assigned to the way distinguished from one another. But in addition there cial democracy. The system of Fascism is based upon iods during which the bourgeoisie leans upon both front rank of the revolutionary offensive. The seiz torship of workers and peasants (for China, India, Spain. the destruction of parliamentarism. For the mono the social democracy and Fascism, that is, during ure of power was proclaimed to be the immediate task. Proletaran dictatorship? No! Capitalist dictatorship, per polistic bourgeoisie, the parliamentary and Fascist which it simultaneously manipulates its electoral and And since, in the face of the uprising of the proletar haps? No! What then?
gimes represent only different vehicles of dominion; terroristic agencies. Such, in a certain sense, democratic one! Somewhere it has recourse to one or the other, depending upon government of Kerensky during the last months of its revolutionary, it was no longer necessary to distinc. democracy differs in no wise from Fascism. That be the int, all parties, except the Communist, are counter in the universe, it appears, there exists a pure classless the historical conditions. But for both the social existence, when it leaned partly on the Soviets and at guish between Fascism and social democracy. The ing so, wherein does the democratic dictatorship democracy and Fascism, the choice of one or the other the same time conspired with Kornilov. Such is the theory of social Fascism was ordained. And the func from. the Fascist dictatorship?
differ vehicle has an independent significance, more than government of Bruening as it dances on a tightrope tionaries of the Comintern lost no time in re aligning and aby honest answer to this fundamental question from that, for them it is a question of political life or death. between two irreconciliable camps, balancing itself with themselves. Ercoli made haste to prove that precious the Stalinists: they ll let 1003e a few more choice tary resources of the bourgeois dictatorship, together condition of the state and of the administration is the. wrote a report in defense of the theory of the Orient is tied up with this question.
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