BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismLeninLeninismMarxismOpportunismRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking ClassWorld War

SATURDAY, APRIL 9, 1932 THE MILITANT PAGE IN THE INTERNATIONAL OF LABOR Reviews and News of the Working Class and Revolutionary Movements German Opposition Shows the Way Letter from Czeckoslovakia rades. For better or worse, the party that the Communists will make the at correct. And even when the powerful shine all over in the sign of Christ. In of the party. But the centrist party even when they demonstrate merely for limited economie demands. The sharp procedure of the police and the gendar.
merle appears to the workers to be all the more provocatory, since the strike Communists of Bruchal Apply Genuine Leninist United Front Tactic In international bourgeois opinion, the order of the day, the numerous mld movements in the last few years have been, despite the official party reports, In the town of Bruchsal, the local At first they tried to allow us to cooper ing) Party the Bruchsaler Bote wrote Czechoslovakia has always signified a dle peasantry is going under.
group of the German Left Opposition ate in the Red United Front organs. But on November 9, 1931: protective wall of peace and order. It The balance of the state budget la rather slight and have nowhere gone be is the only Communist organization when the Karlsruhe comrades of the The main speaker of the evening was arose on the ebb of the social and na shattered and has necessitated a foreign yond the framework of local struggles.
Free from the stranglehold of Stal Red United Front wanted to call upon the Communist alderman, Speck. He de tional struksle of the Czechpetty bour loan, which entrenches the dependence tion and the activities of the government, inism and its disastrous policies, our the Bruchsal comrades to speak as re manded united action on part of the sseointe and workers against the Habs upon French imperialism even more the voices of discontent among the reBruchsal comrades have been able to porters before the meetings of the un and workers in a relentless bure monarchy, the Roman church and Armly. Chained to the Western robbers, tormist majority of the working class carry on the work of the Communist employed, the bureaucracy put its foot struggle over the heads of the leaders, the German bourgeoisle and out of the not a natural island but a plece ehopped are constantly growing and find their party on their own initiative. Equip down and forbade this. They are now against emergency deerees, social Nac necessity of the entente powers to plant off with the axe of the world war from expression in the meetings of the trade ped with the Leninist orientation of atempting to approach the Bruchsal ortion and Proscism. Au power to the puro military base between the dangerous among similar pleces, bourgeois Czecho unions and the socialist Marties. The International Left Opposition Sanization by means of the International letarians, he said, we must fight for the countries of their defeated epenties in the lovakia can seeure nether peace with economic successes of socialist construcand intent on putting it into practice, Austria and its Labor Defense. The Bruchsal comrades dictatorship of the proletariat.
the Bruchsal Oppositionists have The Bruening paper concluded the arti Hungary, from which side there was the neighbors, nor work and bread in ron in the Soviet Union, and especial.
Czech declared their readiness to build up a side the country. In vain, the Is the fact that unemployment over there succeeded in establishing a success branch of the on condition that cle in the following manner: This is threat of revenge struggles and revolu. petty bourgeoisie bubbles over with en appears to have been overcome, are driv.
ful united front of all the local prothey receive a written guarantee that warning to the social democrats. The tions against the new imperialist balthusiasm for a Middle European unioning the masses toward the Coinmunist letarian mass organizations in the which is to form the heart of a unified party and open up tremendous possibil.
Opposition comrades will enjoy the same social democratic party has taken a dan ance of power. In this sense, the bour fight against Fascism. On the basis rights within it as all the other com gerous position, for it is not excluded exols desisation is to certain extent pan European, bourgeois Europe and itles for agitation and action on the part of their correct policy and action, they have succeeded in increasing bureaucracy had to consent to this. Al tempt to radicalize the moderate social wave of the industrial crisis swept over vain. For no matter how small the leadership is still repelling these vacilthe ranks of Communism one bun though we have declared ourselves pre democratic workers. The leaders of the America and Europe in 1929, it appeared states involved are, the contradictions in lating masses, but not merely restricting dred per cent within the last few pared to begin this work, the bureau will know what we mean bs and order. The Czech bourgeoisie, rulers are all the greater and a peacefulers, by declaring its intentions of exto be repelled by the island of peace the interests that separate the bourgeois itself to attacks on the trade union fakweeks, gaining in membership and cracy does not as yet seem to be satis this.
founding new groups of the Left which incorporated with its industrial unification of Middle Europe has as its terminating the trade union organiza fed. It has sought out several comOpposition in the immediate vicinity, rades in Bruchsal to undertake the Feb. 1932, on the other hand, wrote field and forest economy of Slovakia ana petitive interests of the textile manufac substitute for them anything but the The Communist Arbeiterzeitung of and agrarian territories, the backward pre requisite the uprooting of the comtions themselves, without being able to raising Communist influence in the shameful labors of destroying the Bruch: concerning a Communist meeting local working class into a factor to sal group of the Opposition. But what which the Left Opposition comrades of tute for the Austro Hungarian customs merchants and heavy industrialists. But in the Carpathians as a sort of a substiturers and hop raisers, of the grain puny Red Trade Unions which carry be reckoned with.
these comrades have done up to now Bruchsal presented their point of view, theld that it lost, and which exploited the the root is precisely the private owner to time with great advertisements, the local and isolated strikes from time Our Bruchsal comrades are carry bas only turned to the discredit of the the following: ing on their struggle with all forces They only proved before the national hopes of the Czech masses in ship of the means of production. The results of which are by no means an at The is being slandered by order to lower the standards of living proletariat alone can serve as the axe traction for the working masses. On at their disposal. This is in itself Bruchsal workers the correctness of the the Bruchsal Trotskyists. They are not below the average of the West and Mid important work. But even more im Left Opposition policy.
Political Developments much better in this than the social Fascale European countries, basing itself up portant is the example they have the other hand, it is attempting to arouse In a meeting of the unemployed in ists. It is therefore not at all strange, on French imperialism to raise its comshown for our German party as a If under all these circumstances in the workers by abstract enthusiasm for whole: the example of actual LeninBruchsal, to which these half baked that these frenzied petty bourgeois have medits and capital export, at first ap Czechoslovakia there nevertheless exists Solet Russia and to cure their reform1st mass work in the struggle for the party comrades invited a speaker from established a united front with the speared to escape the general economic or rather existed, a relative stability of ist and bourgeois democratic Illusions majority of the proletariat and the Karlsruhe, these comrades made the pro and trade union fakers for the al misery. But it was soon to be proven the political regime, then this is to be by strong words like social Fascism.
posal that a party comrade be allowed leged purpose of fighting Fascisin. Ac that the shrinking of the foreign mar explained not by the economic basis, All that is achieved by this is the isoladefeat of Fascism. In the present social ferment in Germany, the work to speak besides the reporter of the Left cording to them that is the same wiso kets, the rise of the competitive and cus but above all, by the conditions which tion of the Communist workers from the of the Bruchsal Oppositionists stands Opposition, and demanded that their pro: Bolshevik tactic that Lenin applied at toms struggles among the international permitted the Czech bourgeoisie to estab masses, the repulsion of the dissatisfied out as a light house Illuminating the posal be voted on. Through this stupla the time of the Kornilos putsch. That groups of capitalists and the decline of lish its state rule. It could realize its workers into the arms of the trade unonion bureaucrats or under the influence Bolshevik solution.
manner of action, they only got them is a base distortion of history. The the purchasing power of the impoverish imperialist aims by exploiting the nationthe Fascists.
We bring below a report of the selves an overwhelming defent. The Bruchsal workers, who are still followed peasant masses Inside the country al revolutionary and petty bourgeoisprogress of the Bruchsal Lett Opposimeeting of the unemployed, with an at ing these people must realize the coun would not fail to leave their effects upon democratic illusions of the masses of the The Policy of the Left Opposition tion. Ed.
tendance of 500 workers, decided against ter revolutionary role of this the main industrial and commercial sec people. It had the good fortune, not In contrast to these tactics, the Left votes, to reject the proposal. It is by agency. The workers must confide only tions of Czechoslovakia.
only to have under its sway patriotic Opposition raises the demands flowing The in Forst Joins the such methods that the party attempts in the the one revolutionary National Socialists and social democrats, from the direct needs of the workers Due to the influence of the Left Opto win over the masses in Bruchsal.
The Economic Situation party.
but even a leader at the head of the Com and demands a common struggle of all position, the local organization of the In the Communiat Arbeiterseltung of The juxtaposition of both these arti assumed tremendous proportions, The shutting down of factories has munist party like the opportunist of Eur workers organizations and especially of in the town of Forst placed February 4, they published an artiele in cles shows rery clearly what the correct number of unemployed has risen, accord 1923 defended the bourgeois democracy the coalition policy of the bourgeoisle.
the opean format, Smeral, who as late as the trade unions on this basis. Against itself on the positions of the Left Oppost which they call the Bruchsal comrades Communist polley is.
tion. As old comrades, the Communists renegades. We are also accused of glorple have realized the danger that they 300, 000, the figure for the part time state against the oppressed nationalities the proletariat, to be led by democratic The Bruening peo Doing to the official statistics, to some and the unity of the Czechoslovakian it counter poses the unified struggle of of Forst have not been able to allow all ifying the counter revolutionary Trotsky face in the united front tactic of the workers is even higher. In the most And when the advanced Czech workers ally elected organs of the working class.
that they have previously learned from and of still maintaining the anti Marxist Communists.
the to be called counter revolu and anti Leninist theory of Trotsky about to the leaders and the mention ber of the unemployed amounts to about their democratic and national bourge Pascism it offers a concrete explanation Therefore, their warning important branches of industry the num had gathered sufficient experiences with In place of the phrases about social tionary. They have decided to fight side the impossibility of building socialism in of the radicalization of the folhalf the number of those employed. Atoisie to er by side with the Left Opposition against one country. We are, they say further, lowers by the Communists this opportunis in the of the terconnection between the the false course of the to de telling fairy tales when we insist that If this is a counter revolutionary tacions receive unemployment subsides ac which had in the meantime begun to economie domination of capital in generthis, only workers organized in trade un party, the leadership of the Comintern, formist party, parliamentarism and the In view of the present political chaos, continea din salle minoritiesia coma solitarietic despite the fact that it has clashed, cording to the Czechoslovakian system sink into the morass of stalinist cen al. Precisely by not restricting itself to the comrades in Forst attempted to form who have taken part in the Red October upon the opposition of the social dem. of unemployment insurance, so that only trism, bemmed the party which hud pro exposing the fakeries of individual rethe united front with the social democra and that the stalinist bureaucracy does can be said of a tactic, which in contrast ceive a subsidy from the state at pre its development and cast it back into imitation of them, the Stalin bureau the workers according to the Bruchsal not even shrink from shooting them.
example. Unfortunately, it has up to All these contentions are merely calumnto the former, has not succeeded in precrats do, but rather by pointing out the now only remained an attempt, because les against the Another of our venting the formation of the iron Sent, while the rest are dependent upon Smeralist opportunism.
the support of the communities and the Only thanks to this impurity within basis of the capitalist system and by the workers have in the mean crimes consists in the establishment of a front. which has led to loss of influence population as a whole. Unemployment the party, could the Czech bourgeoisie pointing to the road of the united strugtime received instructions from the united front with the and trade among the workers of the and has been extended even to functionaries escape from the most difficult situations sle of the proletariat, the Left OpposiG. bureaucracy to create the Iron front. union workers. This is enough to give the trade unions?
and intellectuals. Bankruptcies among without a serious struggle, since the tion carries on the struggle against socFor this reason, the function a plcture of the ideological swamp in BRUCHSAL COMRADE small merchants and tradesmen are on! party of the proletariat occupied itself al democracy and Fascism in reality.
aries in Forst informed us, the matter which the party bureaucracy exists. The with minor trade union struggles, with Prague, February 1932 of the united front will have to be post Bruchsal workers know very well who out giving much thought to the questions FRIEDMAN.
poned until after the presidential elec comrade Trotsky is and what he has tions. All this only shows how strong contributed to the Russian revolution.
myopia, the party remained impotent the hold of the bureaucracy on the social We also know that Trotsky is right when (Continued from last issue)
democratie workers still is. In spite of he says that socialism cannot be built in The has not been able to carry workers will soon have the opportunity partial struggles grew into mass demonthis, we will not rest, as sincere and one country. The workers of Bruchsal out extra parliamentary actions for of being convinced of the effects of the strations (as in March 1928. When, On Sunday April 10th at 2:00 opened the eyes of the very last social Soviet Russia at the present through the stories, in the mass organizations of the They will see that Hindenburg is not had begun in February 1828 in the entire there will be the beste lena tien Bretator dieomgetatic workers to the criminal ac Sino Japanese conflict, after the comin. proletariat, with a membership composed only not a dam against Fascism, but International, was imported into Czecho: Ship Which should prove of interest to tern leadership previously missed the from 75 to 80 per cent, of unemployed that he is preparing the road to power slovakia as well, it led to the big crash New York revolutionary workers IC is How the Party Bureaueracy revolutionary situation and left Liquidates the o. in Bruchsal an isolated country. Only the extension position forming an ever more negligible into the government. They will learn ence of the party policy was quite evt being arranged by the Industrial Union. craey hus attempted with all possible scale can liberate the world proletariat whole, the party cannot conduct success evil correctly and to realize that their the whole party membership. In order anderen tegen teht. Dieta tres hipett Opposition The. order to smash the Opposition movement. socialist construction be made secure tary action. The party bureaucracy also services. Then the workers will seekership, the Jilek leadership, which had the United States a Dictatorship of the and Soviet Russia defended against the realizes this. That is why the activity the road to communism. It is the task obediently carried out the Moscow in affirthreat of intervention. When the Stalin of the was turned to the field of the to facilitate their apstructions, was sacrificed.
Proletarir Is Unnecessary.
The new Miners ist bureaucrats characterize this theory of parliamentary action, that is why the proach to communism. That is the task leadership continued the policy of the mative side in the debate is taken by Indusas counter revolutionary, then they only party has been directed toward referen of the moment. Otherwise, the Fascists Red Day and brought the Samuel Brandon representing adventurist prove that they have thrown Marxism aums and elections. By successes in the will come to power through the schism policy to a high pitch in the leadership trial Union League and the negative side (Continued from page 1) and Leninism overboard.
by Arne Swabeck of the Communist parliamentary elections, the Thaelmann within the working class and the disori of strikes and by its trade union tacLeague of America (Opposition. It tact with the field. One may ask, Where When these bureaucrats maintain that leadership had hoped to conceal the catentation of the social democratic work: ties, through which it facilitated the will be held at the Hollywood Gardens, was the contact it not with the field. the Bruchsal comrades have committed astrophic effects of its policies from the ers. Only by way of the united front split of the red trade unions the Ave. Bronx, The This is about on a par with the party a terrible crime by establishing the uni party membership. The party bureau of the decisive proletarian organizations. Right wing opportunists and renegades. admission is only 100 surgent strike. In that vital situation te union workers, then that only proves to atribute the guilt for the results to prerequisite for the creation of the car power precisely at the time when it was see on parete or Tone standing between and socialists, and, for that deanand for equalization of work. How which is the only road by which we can Bolshevik self criticism. But no argu lary action. In this field, the the positions of the party in the factor matter also, nestion, but it would futile is such analysis when one views escape the claws of capitalism. It is ments of the Thaelmann leadership win will and must take the lead of the classics and the trade unions, the party lead industrial unionists.
ership undermined its former positions be assuming too much to maintain that For us it is a simultaneous, isolated rebel movements caucrats of the who are the results of March 13 signify the utter bank The party bureaucracy has proven that and was in no condition to lead the this is the case with the working class which the party leadership could not see, negades. In closing, we want to call at ruptcy of the Thaelmann policy, the ut, it is incapable of a determined turn. As dawning left ward movement of the work in general. There is still dispute, even or refused to see.
The convention adopted the slogan recent convert from the sociale dem leadership and of its spiritual leader, within the party over the results of the with two half hearted turns to the are expressed somewhat as follows: It still leaves that main problem of un eaucracy arranged for him on his return This is from soviet Russia. He said: When the seriously a complete turn on the part there cannot take place a serious tur demands and the second in the fall of backward country: but in a highly adThe results of March 13 demand im entire policy of the Comintern and the right. the first in October 1930, by the Proletarian Dictatorship may be alright ification entirely out of account.
party leadership in the last nine years, readoption of the struggle for partial for Russia, which was an economically the real need of the movement for which comes into power, the Bruchsal of the party, the complete renunciation of the party. The party bureaucracy is 1981, by a fifty per cent change in the vanced Industrial country, like the Unithe revolutionary party is first of alll comrades will be the first to be stood of the present policy. Out called upon to advance a solution against the wall. All comment is super theory of socialism in one country. membership can only draw one conclu party sought, with a certain amount of its place will be taken by the industrial with the resisting this because it knows that the united front and trade union tactics, the ted States, it is not necessary, or else, The objective situation in the mine fluous.
fields is ever more richly providing the which is the root of all the evil in the sion! Away with the bankrupt Stalin success, to overcome its isolation, but union. On a whole this question is yet The Lying Methods of the Stalinist policy of the Comintern and the material ready to hand. Would it not Bureaucracy We must orientate ourselves toist leadership which has led the Con could not change anything in the basic one of vital importance to all workers.
munist world party from one defeat to ally false strategic line. In order to un. It is a vital part of the problems of the be a simple measure, entirely in accord When the Commitee of Action consist ward the actual organization of the brief revolution in America. With this in with the duty of a revolutionary partying of the Left Opposition. Weat European revolution. Out with the another. Reestablish the unity of the derstand this, we must cast a party, readmit the Left Opposition into klance on the political situation in mind we particularly urge the New York utilizing the National Miners Union as and factory representatives, called theory that the is the main en the party. Recall comrades Trotsky, Czechoslovakia.
workers to attend this debate.
the medium, to approach the rebelling a mass meeting of the Bruchsal workers, emy at present! That only icad to the Rakovsky and the other October fighters Present Political Currents miners everywhere, through their local in which comrade Paul Speck of the Left conclusion that Fascism is the Lesser to the leadership of the Communist organizations, through their insurgent Opposition addressed the many trade un Evil. The wheel must be turned to world party. These are the most imFor several years there has been rul WHAT NEXT groups, to the rank and file direct as lon and P. workers who had come ward: the erection of the united front portant conclusions to be drawn from uglu Czechoslovakia a broad coalition in Germany well as to their accepted leaders and to the Bruchsal organ of the Centre (Bruen between the latest defeat which the Stalin lead of Czech national democrats (the party will Hitler take power?
their imposed leaders, and seriously de trade unions and the other decisive proership has brought upon the German Otsie. the Crech and German agrarian ocratic workers combine to defeat Fascof the industrial and financial bourge. Will the Communist and social dem mand that in the common Interests of all letarian mass organizations. The theory proletarint. An extraordinary party con miners steps should be taken for united CHINESE REVOLUTION trade union course changed completely with a thorough pre congress discussion National Socialists (who in contradie. What is the relative strength What Happened in the of social Fascism must be uprooted, the gress on the basis of internal democracy capitalists, the Czech clerical party, the ism?
front against the common enemy! Would of the that not be the most effective way to READ the policy must be given this must become the demand of every tinction to Hitler National Socialists proletariat, the center and the Fascista?
defeat the designs of the imposed lead PROBLEMS of the up, mass work must be carried on in the Communist. There is no other way of are parliamentary democrats. the Czech These and many other questions are er, the corrupt office holders, as well CHINESE REVOLUTION trade unions.
It will not do for us to leading the proletariat to victory against activities of this administration, in which cial democrats. The posed and answered in is to clearly bring out the weakness and by Leon Trotsky command the working class, we must Fascism than that of creating the posWHAT NEXT?
insufficient of the timid and opportun 385 pages paper cover 00 struggle for the sympathies of the work, sibility for the party to undertake extra there are six socialist ministers are Vital Questions for the German ist progressives? Would it not be hailed cover 150 ers who are still outside the ranks of parliamentary action. This can Proletariat characterized above all, by the rise in by the miners as a serious step toward 3 off for certificate holders Communism for it is precisely upon them reached only by a complete change in the agrarian and Industrial tariffs, the By Leon Trotsky establishing a new national unity of NOW ON THE PRESS that the decision rests.
a new book about 200 pages, the policy of the party. And this, in increase in the military budget, the de their ranks.
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the oppressive taxation against the tollnot disappeared. serious united front PIONEER PUBLISHEHS ing battle, which will be an extra parliing masses, especially the possants in Pioneer Publishers movement must also proceed by build84 East 10th St. mentary battle.
Berlin, March 1932 Fascism is not yet deSlovakia and the Carpathians, and by 84 Fast 10th St. ing a Left wing movement within it.
New York, feated, it is still struggling for power. ROMAN WELL. shootings against defenseless workers, New York, Germany after the Presidential Elections are more interest The social democratike sand onreformis precisely at the moment et water the Debate in the Bronx cloth come be