BolshevismBourgeoisieCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerKaganóvichLeninLeninismMarxMarxismMarxism-leninismSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSURSS ConstitutionWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, APRIL 9, 1932 Open Letter to the of the LETTERS FROM THE MILITANTS. Militant Drive Yealds Results (Continued from page 1) of the fact that Stalin management is ship of Stalin independent of the apparin irreconcilable contradiction with the The question under discussion last, and ex Party members were present. 10. 50 worth of literature was sold, atus. Now to pledge loyalty to the economie, political and cultural devel. Leninist Central Committee would opment of Soviet democraes, and what Opposition Branch Formed week was that of the war danger. TheIn spite of the party decision to boycott and there was a substantial collection, point of view of the official party was the meeting.
Three subs were gotten and two new mean the same as openly to raise the is no less important with the historien. In Newark expressed by Norman Bersnick. Comrade Comrade Rourke, the chairman, who members joined the League. Workers, Avrin, of the Left Opposition took issue is an old Duluth militant, a en after the meeting, expressed amazement formula of loyalty is an oath to the name Kuard.
Several weeks ago a branch of the with the speaker stressing the danger to gineer, opened the meeting and intro that they could have been so deceived by of Stalin. Orator, propagandist, journ Just think of it. only after one decade Communist League of America (Opposi the revolutionary vanguard and the u. duced comrale Bloomberg. In an hour the arty press and asked for more such alist, theoretician, pedagogue, sportsman and a half since the October revolution tion) was organized in Newark, emanating from the threat of a and a quarter speech, marked by bril meetings with the present program of. must include in his speech, or lecture, the phrase of the infallabilits tern, Manuilsky. You know this person six members at the present time, but siven the floor three times during the told the story of Trotsky and the left force, there is every possibility of buildof the policy of the Central Committee o less than do. None of us over took there is a growing sentiment for the discussion to present the point of view Opposition, the alleged differences with ing a good tranch in Duluth which will under the leadership of Stalin wbich him seriously. During critical mo Left Opposition among the Party mem of the left Opposition before the 300 Lenin from 1903 on, the theory of sot able to help restore the contidence means of the infallability of Stalin rid ments he vacillated, was confused and bers and the Communist sympathizers workers who attended the forum. cialism in one country, the role of the and support of the working class in ing astride the Central Committee. retreated: always and ever he sought a This fact was amply demonstrated the This is a step forward in the develop Left opposition in bringing the Commun. Communism.
This means that every party member and master. In 1918 he declared print first lecture arranged by the branch on ment of a basis for clarification in the ist movement back on the base of MarxSoviet employce, from the president of that Trotsky saved Bolshevism from a Sunday afternoon, March 27th, at the ranks of the party members and xymism Leninis. For years was The Struggle Around the Council of Peoples Commissars totional limitedness. In 1923, once more Workers Home. 37 16th Ave. crowd thizers on the differences between the Judiced and poloned against the Left. the Volkszeitung openly, before the whole country an the creators of the theory and practice closest attention to the lecture, delivered under comrade Trotsky. We hope this took me two years of study and prac oath to the effect that in case of dis of the Communist to convince me that For some time now, a fierce struggle tee and Stalin, he, the undersigned, will sonal reasons? will not dispute it. Communist Movement. The speaker gave in this way, in viewing and discussing the international Communist movement New York Volkszeitung, long established agreement between the Central Commit. will say that he was motivated by pertion, the problems and Tasks of the ceneral party policy, because it is only Trotsky is right and that the hope of has been going for the control of the support Stalin against the To this But in that case he miscalculated. The a historical sketch of the origins and the differences openly before the party rests in the success of the Left Opposi as a working class nuper in the German level are now practically reduced the three save Manuilsky an ultimatum: development of the left Opposition since that real clarity and cohesion can be tion. Blomberg declaration was well language and at by laws of the party and the Soviet con either to start a campaign against Rak 1923 np to the present ilme, counter stained and training provided for firm receivel, time a Communist organ in this struggle, it now appears, orsky who was universally respeced, or posing the Marxian program of the Left revolutionary fighters.
stitution. Rourke then, introduced comrade Carl the yellow socialists are detinitely mainThis sort of thing is going further and to be crushed. You know Manuilsky: he opposition to the opportunist policies of. Cowl, the secretary of the Minneapolis ing the upper hand. The editorship is further. The official anniversary article chose the first. And now, frightful to the stalinist bureaucracy.
Branch of the Communist League, who in the hands of a socialist of doubtful on the Red Army (February 23) states think: Manuilsky is the leader of the large number of questions were ans. Trotsky Meeting in Duluth spoke tea Why the Centrist Bureaueracs pute, the policies are at one with those that the Communist Party with its Comintern. Citing of the Leninist Central Committee headed by The strategy of Marx and Lenin, the that some of the Party sympathizers DULUTH, MINN.
sefeats of proletariat in Bul press in ermany.
comrade Stalin is the leader of all the historical experience of Bolshevism, the made a statement that they came to the In spite of definite threats of a broken sarin (1923. Germany (1923) Esthonia The opposition to the xocialists is of.
means that the Red Ariny is called upon torted, maimed, slandered. Yesterday section with hostile feeling to the head if he speaks Friday ou Trotsky. 1824) Great Britain (1926) China ferved by members of the former Lore well known (1997) and the stabilization of capital organization, the Verbant Internation to be loyal to the Soviets of the work mistakes of the bureaucracy are not disreserved. After the meeting some of party member and a figure in the Win ism connected with these catastrophes, aler Arbeiter.
There har to he ing masses, to the proletariat and its closed and not refuted, are transformed them declared their intention of Joining nipeg General Strikes of 1919, addressed together with the weariness engendered among this powition not it few honest vanguard as long as Stalin will remain into an obligatory tradition and on each the branch.
a mass meeting of over 150 attentive in the Russian proletariat after the revolutionary workers who feel the dis at the head of the party. This means turn of the road serve as traps and pitthat on the day when the party will no falls. The leadership of the Comintern of the branch and a program was decid on the Truth About Trotsky. thus of the revolution and civil war, Cowl ex xeitung rather keenly. And yet it is The lecture was followed by a meeting workers Friday night in Mouse Temple heroic straining of forces in the years race that has fallen upon the Volks longer desire this costly leadersip, the has become an organized sabotage of the ed upon for further activity including a breaking through a ring of slander and plained the new contidence placed in the precisely the obstinnte contrist policy of Red Army will have to support Stalin international proletarian revolution. Its kystematic sale of The Militant, and it intrigue maintained by the Stalinist petty bourgeois trata of the city and Lore, the fllusions be created about a against the party. There can be no crimes are countless. And now before erature of the Left Opposition, a series against the left opposition for over two village and in the bourgeois elements of middle rond between Communism and other meaning in the oth to the name your very eyes is being prepared the of open air meetings during the sum years since the occasion when comrade the state bureaucracy who gained con social democracy that is most heavily re.
of Stalin. This is a new stage in a sys. most terrible of them all.
tematic, planned, persistent preparation The theory of social Fascism in which tures. still more elaborate program ing mark forward step for the Op E. The centrist apparatus, sup Opposition long ago exposed this decer mer, arrangements for other indoor lecshachtman lant spoke here. The meet siderable strength on the basis of the sponsible for this condition. The Left of bonapartism. Re read history! the ignorance of Stalin is coupled with is contemplated by the branch for the position in a city having a militant class porting itself on these elements and ex. tive policy and warnel in time that When you started the struggle within the irresponsibility of Manuilsky has fall suutson, including the organization struggle tradition like Duluth. ploiting the passivity of the proletariat, could only lend to abject surrender be the party under the name of the srugbecome a noose around the neck of the of an open forum.
It was originally scheduled to be hela crushed the Left, revolutionary wing of fore the reformists. By cutting his rergle against Trotskyism. you formed German proletariat. Under the whip of within the official Politburo a secres the stalinist clique the mecrables con Free Speech in the Party? to rented on a monthly basis by the Marxism Leninism. He depicted the ly or communism, lwy wiping out the fundaPolitburo, or the seven against me. thused, frightened, terrified of the You had your secret meetings, your dis German Communist Party helps with all MINNEAPOLIS, MINN.
Stalinites, the management was pressed ing and disloyal campaign used to poisonmental and unbridgable differences beinto refusing to allow the hall for a the minds of the party members. It is tween the Communists and the reformcipine secret from the party, your secret its might cannot but help the leaders The Daily Worker Readers Forum Trotsky meeting. As is to be expected. necessary to combat their lies with the ints, by vacillating between the two in code for communications with agents of of the German social democracy to heconducted by the Communist party each this bureaucratic attempt to suppress the truth, their disloyalty by comradely an attempt to exploit the shortcomings the ronspiracy in the provinces. The tray the German working class for crueSunday afternoon deserves honorable meeting aroused determination on the the working class by serious work. He prepared the ground for the domination baiting of Trotsky and of Trotskyism ifixion by Hitler.
went parallel with the stifting of the And do you think that the forged cedented step forward in the form of of view of the Left Opposition, and, in culled on every member of the audience the fakers.
party independence; one and the other serap of paper of February 20th will democratic discussion, since the expul spite of blizzard, made our meeting to hear the other side of the question is a lesson were equally necessary for the triumph stop the developments of Bolsheviknerite sion of the Left Opposition more than successful. few party members and by reading and subcribing to The MIL. The logie of the centrist position a number of TANT an UNSER KAMF and YOUNG here proven in practice. The honest, Now similar work, although in carica. our duty Frighten our adherents. SPARTACUS and the pamphlets on spe sincere workers in the Volkszeitung op tured, bonapartist form, is being per Already in not less than twenty counc citle problems before the world work position will no doubt draw their con formed on a new historie stage. Doubt tries there are cadres of Bolsheviks who ing class. Further, those workers who clusions from it. Their is the task now lessly the narrow faction of Stalin has by right feel themselves to be the conare in agreement with the principles and to find the road back to Communism.
its own secret staff, its slogans ana tinuators of the Marxian tradition, of aims of the Left Opposition, should not in their first anty not to stop with the pass words its agents and its codes; the the school of Lenin, of the commandIt is possible now to conspiracy say that the for larger subs. And when combined hesitate, but should join our ranks and attack on the shameful pro Hindenburg against the apparatus is men revolution. You drive is yielling results. It is cuough with the literature premimus that so help our cause.
articles of the Volkszeitung Int to view pushed full speed ahead, while the ap. will not shut them up!
to compare last week standing with with the longer subs (a free paper bound Comrade Carl Skoglund, member of the implications of the entire German paratus is still in conspiracy against the Of course, Stalin has not haul his last this week report to see what leap for copy of the Permanent Revolution with the National Committee of the Com situation today and to make clear for party. The despotism of Stalin under practical say. The arsenal of his means ward the drive has taken. To enable each year sub; a free copy of the munist League, then took the floor on the themselves as to which of the Commun them and everyone to make this comparison easily Strategy of the World Revolution with German elections and gave an analysis ist currents represents the true needle ever more finished forms from above. characterized them. But these means we give below both figures. The figure each 16 months sub: any one of our of the dangerous and compromising posi of the working class In this, the Left The party threatens to intervene in enn now suffice only for personal revenge. immediately following the city is last 100 pamphlets with a 50c 13 issues sub) to the Stalinists were leading the Ger. Opposition is rudy to give them all the the conflict which has started between the blows at the old intransigeant fight week figure, the second figure is this should prove irresistible.
Stalin and the apparatus. It must iner Rakovsky, the shooting of the trait week The results of the drive are also to what Fascism is and the stupidity of nid at its disposal. It will follow the tervene, lest the class enemy intervene. or Blumkin and his substitution by the New York, last week 17, this week be seen in the increase in the staff of the slogan: After Fascism the Workers developments more closely in coming isTo help the party intervene powerfully real stalinist Agabekof, the shooting at 20; Minneapolis 5:16; Chicago 3:7: Militant builders. It is now much larg Dictatorship, which betrays and disarms sues of The Militant.
Is the aim of the Left Opposition. 01 Bolsheviks interned in the solitaries, the Boston 4:4; St. Louis 1:1; Newark er. Minneapolis sticks out all over it the German working class in the primary this very thing Stalin is in mortal fear. small, very metest nad unnoticeable aid 1:1: Philadelphia 1:1; Montreal 0:1: Konflow still heads the list with struggle against Fascism. He revealed Attention er!
He wants to strangle the party complete to class enemies against a revolutionary Miscellaneous 12:15.
The others are Barac 3: the figures in the recent elections and ly before he setles with the apparatus. opponent for this the Stalinist arsenal The drive seems to be developing into Dunne 3; Cow 3; Skoglund 2: exposed the fulse analysis of victory To a Member of the in Browns.
That is why the XVIIth party conference will yet suffice. But not more than for a contest between the New York and Carter 1; Ruskin 1; Curran for the Communists who gained a few ville was treated to a new campaign against this!
Minneapolis branches. Our other branch. 1: Zalmanofr 1; Basky 1; hundred thousand votes as compared to We have received a letter from a mem. Trotskyism. That is why this confer You know Stalin no less than does should not permit them to make it a Sacharow 1; Swabeck 1: Glotzer six million of the Fascists. The German ter of the Young Communist League in ence was transformed into a roll call of Many of you, in conversations with me contest between themselves but should 1: Loan 1; Kaldis 1; Engel 1: question will not be solved in the elec: Brooklyn, which we are requested those loyal to Stalin. And that is why or with persons near to me, evaluated make strenuous efforts to overcome their Ray it was necessary to complete the confer Stalin more than once and without il lead.
On the negative side it is necessary the class struggle and finally by the of the letter is a criticism of some of the ence by your decision of February 20th. Iusions. The strength of Stalin was al They can take a leaf from our Minnea to report that bundle orders are stand united forces of the proletariat aguinst, activities of the Although we The meaning of this policy is that each ways, not in himself but in the appar polis branch. Comrade Coover in re ing till. Last week they were: Chicago the reaction.
The speakers were harassed with ques readers of the Militant, nevertheless we have no objection to printing letters from from a blow to Trotskyism. In this mained the complete incorporation of is off to a start on the drive and the increase. To build up this end of the adding to the interest of the meeting by Identity of the individual who has writ.
lies the strength of the Opposition. In bureaucratic automatism. Separated other branches are going to have to step drive we have printed posters for disthis lies the doom of Stalin.
You long ago substituted for inner apparatus Stalin is but an emply space. this goes for the New York branch as We supply them free. We a set bookstores. En ting the talde bestants albopati mureting ten the letter. We will of course upon party democracy, self. criticism. In The man who was yesterday the symbol well as the others. The score at the them immediately on request.
and others, some of which actually lication of the name, but in order to have the beginning it meant that one may crit of bureancratic power, will be tomorrow close of March is as follows. each Also on the negative side is the lack Borought laughter from the audience.
icize any one outside of the Central Com in the eyes of all the symbol of bureau for subs counts as one point; 50 as a of response for free copies for free dis There were some serious statements of guarantee of the accuracy of the facts and the genuineness of the document we mittee. Later it means that one may cratie bankruptcy. It is time to do away 2 point, etc. Team 1: Myles tribution. Militants storage are support together with a recount of criticize only those whom the or with the Stalinist myth. It is necessary Dunne, Capt. Fannie Barach 1 ders to be criticized. Now it means to entrust oneself to the working class points; Dunne points; Sam Lex. rozen asset. We have embarked on a Wimber of incidents in Duluth llys. must be informed of the identity of the that one may criticize any one but and its real, not fake party.
anti hoarding campaign of our own. Frating wrong party tactics, leading to correspondent. Will the author of the sin 12 points, Chester Johnson 21 Every branch, every comrade should call lack of contidence and disrespect and above mentioned letter please communiStalin and must bait any member of the Read again the resolutions the points; total for Team on March 31st on these Militants to come out of hiding finally isolation from the workers. cute with us. who does not swear by the name, plenums of the Central Committee for. 17 12 points: Team 2: Willian Curran, Put them in circulation. Just state the of Stalin. Above the party, above the the year 1928 and 1927, read again the capt. Cart cowl points. Carl skogquantity and say what they are wanted apparatus, Stalin. The law of his infallibility takes statements of the Opposition, you have and points: Sam Zalmanon points for. We ll pick out appropriate issues STATEMENT OF THE OWNERSHIP, Kast 10th St. New York. Max a fuller set of documents than have o. Coover point; Total for Team on and ship them right out.
MANAGEMENT, CIRCULATION, ETC. Shachtman 84 Fast 10th st. New York.
on a retroactive character. The history And And after they are distributed and REQUIRED BY THE ACT OF CON le stated and also immediately thereumof the party is rebuilt around the Stal And you will be convinced again that March 31st 1 points.
the whole evolution of the party, of the Myles Dunne Team evened der the names and nklresses of stockthe workers have had an opportunity to read GRESS OF AUGUST 21, 1912.
inist infaliability around a new axis. apparatus of the Stalinist clique were score with the captain of Team Wm. and judge for themselves we must fol of THE MILITANT published weekly holders owing or holding one per cent or more of total amount of stock.
Any one who has not succeeded in re foretold by us, all the milestones were Curran, when they indudeed one of the low up with sales of current issues. In at New York, NY. for April 1, 1932.
arming himself, inevitably falls under indicated before. The decomposition of Team members to turn over to a mem this way we can enlarge the readers of State of New York not owned by a corporation, the names the knife.
the Stalinist system accuses with the ex ber of Team money collected for a our press County of New York Maurice Spector, SI Kast 10th St. SS It was found necessary to turn a rev. act observance of the manner indicated sub; and then to add insult to injuryl Sub getters should remember that the Before me, a resident in and for New York, Arne Swabeck, St Fast se veti inte detrine which buses itself inon by the Opposition. Do you want to fol they outdistanced us during the first opposition press consists of four organs the state and county aforesaid. person och St. New York, Y, That the known bondholders, mortinto a temple where Kazanovitch, in the road further. Stalin has brought you the Team members swear vengeance or Young Spartacus because a workering been duly sworn according to law, Fakes, and other security holders owing role of high priest, burns incense to the to an impasse. You cannot come out and some of our heavy hitters are going has dificulty in reading English we deposes and slys that he is the Business or holding per cent or more of total Idol of eternal perfection. All that is on the road without Huldating Stalin to do some batting during the month of should try for a sub for Unser Kamf, Manager of THE MILITANT and that amount of bonis mortgages, or other the dogma of the Immaculate Concepclass, give the proletarian vanguard the their step Up to April 1st the total or Communismo.
theking to complete the system is that ism. You must trust to the working April. So Team had better watch or Cemmunistes, or the Russian Bulletin the following is to the best of his know securities are: None.
ledge and belief, a true statement of the That the two paragrapas above, tion te added to the dogma of infall possibility through free criticism from points scored by the Minneapoils branch Now everybody into the drive! Get ownership, management (and if a daily living the names of the owrters, stockability.
We are subs! Get renewals! Hunt un dig out paper, the circulation, etc. of the aforeholders, and security holders, if any.
Can there be anything more malignant. co to bottom, to review the whole so 17Watch out New York!
more debased and shameful than the in the accumulated rubbish. It is time, viet system and pitilessly cleanse it or after you.
newsstand, a bookstore! Order post said publication for the date shown in contain not only the list of stockholders This is the spirit. Minneapolis. New ers! Order and distribute back num the above caption, required by the Act and security holders as they appear upon troduction of supermonarchical author allyto fulfill the last urgent advice York is on its toes, hitting on all six. bers! Sell current issues! Increase the of August 24, 1912, embodied in section the books of the company but also, in ity into the party of the proletarint. of lenin: to remove Stalin.
It ready to take on all challenges. It circulation of the Militant! Make the 411, Postal Laws and Regulations, print cases where the stockhokler or security Perhaps you do not know where it leads Build the ed on the reverse of this form, to wit: holder appears upon the books of the In the work of the regeneration of the rerets that it can be in on that ban subscription drive a success!
to: Re read history. The dogma of life party and of Soviet democracy the left quet to be given by the losing team at Opposition press! That the names and addresses of company as trustee or in any other time intallability is the most the publisher, editor, managing editor, fiduciary relation, the names of the pertionable, the most shameful expression Opposition is ready to take a direct part the close of the drive. It means to come at any time. It can be trusted. It re out on top of the heap on June 1st. MINNEAPOLIS WORKERS and business managers are: son or corporation for whom such trustee presents a selection of revolutionists, Sub getters can take a tip from a subOPEN FORUM Publisher: The Communist League of is acting is given: also that the said two THE MILITANT whole heartedly devoted to the dictator scriber from Waubun, Minn, who in Every Sunday at P. America (Opposition) New York, paragraphs contain statements embracPublished weekly by the Communist ship of the proletariat. It is a priceless taking advantage of the combined rate 1530 East Franklin (at Bloomington) Editor: Mux Shachtman ing afhant full knowledge and belief as of for a year subscription to both leaven for the crushed, torn party, un Subject for Sunday, April 17th League of America (Opposition)
to the circumstances and conditions unManaging Editor: Max Shachtman at 84 East 10th St.
and Young Spartacus, dermined from the top by careerism and The Militant RESLUTS OF THE GERMAN der which stockholders and Business Manager: Arne Swabeck security servility.
writes: Times continue very hard out ELECTIONS EDITORIAL BOARD Post Office Address: 84 East 10th St. holders who do not appear upon the here but one must have The Militant and James Cannon Great problems are again being placed it is hard to pass up a bargain like the Speaker: CARL COWL New York City, Martin Abern books of the company as trustees, hold Maurice Spector by history on the order of the day: in present one in the drive. word to Admission Free QUESTIONS and DISCUSSION Mar Shachtman That the owner is. If owned by a stock and securities in a capacity other Arne Swabeck the Far East and especially in the centre the wise is sufficient.
Everybody Welcome corporation, its name and address must than that of a bona fide owner; and this Auspices. Communist League of America and addresses of the individual owners affiant has no reason to believe that any Entered as second class mail matter of Europe, in Germany. When meas the in. Opposition) Minneapolis Branch must be given. If owned by a firm, com other person, association, or corporation November 28, 1928, at the Post Office aures of great policy are needed Stalin creased number of 25c subs for issues.
New York, pany, or other unincorporated concern, has any interest direct or indirect in the Under the act of finesses with petty police measures. The Almost any worker who is not totally CHICAGO WORKERS ATTENTION. its name and address, as well as those said stock, bonds, or other securities Opposition will step over the decision of unemployeit can afford a quarter for March 3, 1879.
Open Forum February 20th as a worker on the way eight issues, especially now when inter.
SATURDAY, APRIL 9, 1932 of each individual member, must be than as so stated by him.
Sunday, April 17th at P. given. to work steps over a mud puddle.
Vol. 5, No. 15 (Whole No. 111)
ARNE SWABECK, Business Manager est in Germany is so keen and we are HUGO OEHLER speaking on The Communist League of America (Op. Sworn to and subscribed before me Subscription rate: 00 per year: for Bolshevik Leninists, forward!
running extracts from comrade Trotsky The Results of the German Elections position. 84 East 10th St. New York, this 30th day of March 1932.
eign 00. Five cents per copy. Prinkipo, March 1, 1932 latest work on Germany. What Next. at Headquarter Hall, Martin Abern, 84 East 10th St. LORCH, Notary Public Bundle rates, cents per copy. TROTSKY. This is, of course, as good an inducement 1435 Western Ave. New York, James Cannon, 84 (My commission expires March 30, 1933)
new blow at the party is inseparable atus: or in himself in so far as he reporting eleven subs, says: Minneapolis2: Newark This week there is 10 tions and discussion, few Stalinites cannot print leters without knowing the TE