BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismLeninismMarxismNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America Opposition Published weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 84 East 10th Street, New York. Entered as second class mail matter, November 28, 1928 at the Post Office at New York, under the act of March 3, 1879.
VOLUME V, NO. 15 WHOLE NO. 111 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, APRIL 9, 1932 PRICE CENTS Trade Relations with the OPEN FORUM Miners Resist New Onslaught on ing in China and a friend and supporter its main witness a shady Individual by in the army as a notorious liar and un murder of the Harlan, Ky. strikers is yetganizations on the basis of the documents enlling for data on airports, their crews Chinese masses. This is not at all the says he was a member of the Union and time and again contradicted himself as for those who may still have doubts. quarters in Prussia, sotne three weeks What most sorely tried the patience of The New York Times of March 19th, this is precisely one more reason why carried a Duranty dispatch, reporting aſ the American workers should not only WHERE IS AMERICAN front page headline in Izvestia, Rumors recognize their common interest with SOCIALISM GOING?
Unification of Rebel Movements Urgent Duty of Revolutionary Party about Intention of the United States to their brothers of the Soviet Union but The Socialist Party Convention and recognize the Suviet Union. The rum in a most effective way fight for the proIts Left Wing ors are based upon statements emanating tection of these common Interests. The Lecture by The insurgent strike of the anthracite time, hoping for better prospects to re serious thinking. And it is to those that from londoni reading about its follows: Soviet Union is compelled to rely on MAX SHACHTMAN coal miners of Districts number and main true to their role of being capital we particularly address ourselves. Over It is stated here that certain circles trade with the capitalist world. It needs has collapsed. The men who came out ist agents in the workers ranks. a period of more than a year the miu.
in Washington feel that recognition of credits in an increasing measure to con are again back at work, with no gulus The truce as could be expected re ers huve developed serious resistance to FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1932 Rusia may extablish an equilibrium oftinue to build its industries made, browbeaten into submission by the mains only so long that it benefits the the capitalist onslaughts. The militancy at the forces in the Far East. And then, if Demand Credits to the Soviet Union unholy trinity of the coul operators, these rumors bould be confirmed, the Labor Temple operators. In Indiana, for example, it displayed parallels their history of the American trade with the Soviet Union officials and the Pennsylvania has already, at the time of this writing. past. This was manifested alike in the first step would be the sending of grew rapidly up until the end of 1930.
14th Street and Second Avenue state police. Those who have been been broken. The operators have issued Pennsylvania Ohio strikes last year of commission to Russia to discuss a trade From a figure, both export and import at P.
picked as the victims and blacklisted, as in ultimatum to the miners and are at the in the anthracite insurgent agreement.
included, of 5, 908, 000 in 1923, to 138. QUESTIONS and DISCUSSION punishment for the insurgency, remain empting to operate with strike break strike, in the West Virginia strike, led While this dispatch occupied a rather 785, 000 in 1930. Due to lack of credits ADMISSION: 25 Cents obscure place Walter Duranty is never from the United States this figure drop ed who joined in the movement are left the governor of the state to have troops Kentucky miners strikes. It is develop Unemployed Workers Admitted Free theless known as one of those reporters ped in 1981 to a total of 116, 800, 000. It to shift for themselves and face the con. In readiness. Once more this verifies our ing in this present strike.
All of them who keeps his ear to the ground and is stands to reason that only an extension Auspices. New York Branch Communist tinued misery of starvation. wonderfully well informed. It should of credits will again increase this figure League of America (Opposition)
contention that the capitalist exploiters reinained localized and isolated without This strike brought out all the deep can always rely upon the service of the any efforts to unite them into one movenot be understood in this case to menn Undoubtedly the first step for Amer.
seated discontent coupled with the sterl government and its armed forces against ment. The official party leadership in actual possibilities of recognition. One can workers to take to counter any mask need not put much credence is such rum of recognition as a cover for imperialist unemployment pressing ever heaviering the mine fields. But the conscious in the name of their official union or at all exempt from this castigntion. And his sagac designs is to increasingly voice the demand upon the American workers, the prospect expression and conscious direction rothrough an insurgent movement. yet, in this lies the real problem which ors. But Duranty has pron views is for extension of large scale credits tol of increasing trade would be welcomed quired to face the overwhelming ity in representing the odds Serious clashes have already resulted For effective resistance against the op is becoming an ever more pressing one.
something entirely palatable to the cap the Soviet Union. Recently the official by them. prospect of increasing trade was not yet at hand. The strike was in Indiana and likewise in Ohio. Scabe erators and for a serious fight against italist interests and particularly to guard Communist party has become compelled with the Soviet Union, of American facentirely spontaneous in character, there interests in presenting the views to accept the Left Opposition slogan fortories producing in increasing quantities program and objective not clearly defined of the striking miners not even protected. the unification of these scatits have suffered in the determined picketing their servile tools holding office in the However, for the moment that is beside such credits. But so far only In hall for the Soviet market and of goods being and its leadership and not in the least by the tear san bombe used by sheriestered movements developing from differthe point. Let us rather dwell for an hearted manner. It should be made a shipped to help build the industry on the beating back of this insurgent move this situation may hold every rise above that level. Therefore, while forces. It is therefore clear that ent directions but essentially striving instant upon the two questions of im live slogan.
trolled by the workers there would have portance raised in the dispatch.
serious toward the same objective is the first American Imperialist Aggression set to work seriously and begin an active emphasize the community of interests of class defeat, it is nevertheless one of tuul power of resistance of the rank and The question of possible recogni campaign. We could well conceive of the the workers in both countries. It would these defeats harboring lessons which alle miners and their ability to circam. What Should the National Miners Unlon Do?
tion to establish an equilibrium of forces first steps being taken through the call thus also lay a more effective basis for can become a preparation for future vent the officials slimy maneuvers to e in the Far East.
ing of conferences throughout the coun actual working class defense of the So Suecess.
comodate the operators.
What can so far be expected from the The question of steps following a try of all workers organizations, speci viet Union in the present situation of the leaders of this strike were not at Can the Isolated Movements Be United Official party leadership is indicated in The all conscious Left wingers, not to speak look at the mine fields today proves the recent National Miners Union con possible recognition to discuss a trade and to place the proposals before them Party should not delay in taking this of being revolutionist. But they found how complete the discardly destructive vention. There is no trace of measures themselves in conflict with the degenerness has been of the break up and par being taken toward this essential unificaOn the first proposition. Does the in to demand the extension of credits. With step.
ated, corrupt union bureaucrats, and titioning of the United Mine Workers by tion. It is reported tha this convention terest of the United States and of the pressed forward by a membership chat its corrupt officials. It has long ago was put through the gymnastics of the Soviet Union in the Far East coincide, or even remotely suggest that sort of sense they expressed the rebellion of thel But should it remain so? That is the covered again the many weaknesses of an equilibrium? Of course not.
While rank and file. How ruthlessly the capi most important question. When viewing underestimation and shortcomings both are opposed to Japanese aggression The trial of the three marine workers mislead him?
talist owners of industry proceed to the latest isolated and localized strikes of the rank and file, of course. in China obviously it is because of en Plot. in process at General Sessions Answer: Yes.
tirely different reasons. The Soviet Court, reveals clearly the frame up char Question: Did you notify the police break down any resistance, incipient or much food for thought is available for which it summed up in insufficient conconsciously expressed, is testified to by those workers who are ready to do some (Continued on page 3)
Answer: No.
Union is opposed to Japanese imperialist acter of the case and its intent to break the fact that five of these strike leaders, It must be remembered that the pro undoubtedly with many rank and ble aggression in China, not only because it the Independent Tidewater Boatmen primarily because it is opposed to all to embroll the union in alleged dynamit sively on the vidence of this man. Upon blacklisten and comimperialist aggression. The Soviet Uning and bombing activities. It is for further cross examination it was dis panies immediately upon the return to ion is the opponent of further partition this purpose that it has propped up as covered that this name Hoyle was known work. And, of course, in the trial for tended ban of the National Socialist or documents contained mobilization plans The press this week reports an in Freemasons and prominent Jews. Other of the revolutionary awakening of the the name of Hoyle, a stool pigeon who reliable individual. On the stand Hoyle more eloquent and more brutal testimony seized during the raids on Nazi head and the number and type of planes.
case of the United States. As far as who has confessed to all sorts of fan to his concepts of morality, etc. He told Strikes Growing in Other Fields ago. It is significant that the rumors Herr Severing was the recurring referthis most powerful and most reactionary tastie accusations launched by the Dis stories about a ride for dynamite in imperialist power is concerned it has one trict Attorney.
which persons participated whom he is Badly scattered and isolated within emanate from the Prussian ministry ofence in the confiscated documents to the main object in view in attempting to Just to get a picture of the kind of tinable to identify and whom the prose local nelds as the miners struggles now the interior and not from the federal equipment and personnel of the Prusslan in China, namely, to, as far as possible, relies upon, it is significant to review The entire evidence of the stool pigeon their fighting spirit nevertheless remains these rumors is the fact that the social of arms and ammunition, as well as to In this we have again a pie democratie workers are bringing press the measures prescribed for safeguarding reserve this field for its own ruthless the cross examination of this stool bore an indisputably shady character. undaunted advance to the exclusion of all others. pigeon by the defense. On the On Tuesday, April 5, Thomas Bunker. core of what has been repeated so often ure upon the socialist Severing who the railway service.
It has its eye on a future Chinese marHoyle confessed to breaking padlocks on one of the defendants, took the stand, before. While the anthracite insurgent heads the Prussion ministry of the who This is enough to indicate with what ket, in order to climb out of the crisis the powder houses of the Trap Rock Codeclared the whole confession of Hoyle strike suffered its set back new strikes terior. So far Severing has only re thoroughness and how seriously the Fase a lie from beginning to end. Bunker said are developing and growing elsewhere. sorted to strong phrases. The federal ists are preparing for the setzure of on the knuckles and bones of the Chi. He posed as a shrewd detective, huntnese workers.
that he had not been at the time of the In that part of the central competitive government remains ing down dangerous criminals, yet admit arrest a member of any organization, field embracing Illinois, Indiana and and Severing will not by himself act oficials. To the news that these docunon committal power with the aid of army and police It is with this aim in view that the doing the Ilon share the work of but that he was a revolutionist and adoho, and at a few other points, ap without the consent of the Bruening ad ments were published and that a ban United States endeavors to end of in procuring the dynamite himself.
hered to the necessity of changing the proximately 75, 000 miners went on strike ministration.
the hypocritical role of the against his organizations is being planChina as a defender of a defenceless Upon the question of the defense at present system of society. As we go to on April first. It has been character The documents seized reveal, however, ned, Hitler has replied very briefly nation. Once more it is attempting to torney: Did you know you were stealing press, Bunker is still under cross exam ized by operators and officials broadly and precisely outlined plans on Bah! Pitele!
extend its imperialist domain under the found out that was stealing dynam and the outcome of the trial will apa strike. In many respects that is true power.
he dynamite? he answered: When ination. full report of the proceedings alikele sort of a truce rather than part of the Fascists for the sexure of Hitler knows very well that he has mask of being a champion of peaceite, made up my mind to follow it and pear in The Militant next week. In the The operators insist upon a draslle wase nothing to fear in so far as the interwhile feverishly preparing its armed Among the instructions to local Naziference of the bourgeois government 18 forces for war.
see where it went. This in itself is meantime money is urgently needed for reduction. This the miners are enough to stigmatize the stool pigeon. the defense and all workers are request set against and ready to fight against chieftains, says the New York Times concerned. He knows that he already With this enormous difference of policy in the Far East of the United States Question by the defense attorney:ed to hurry with their contributions, so much so, that the officials have not report, was a document calling for the has important positions in the adminiand of the Soviet Union, how much more. When you found out that Soderberg was care of the Marine Workers Defense as yet dared to cater into a wage cut names of the police, municipal officials, stration apparatus. What Hitler does leading fear is united action on, part of the hypocritical must sound the rumors one after dynamite, did you then decide to Committee, 82 East 10th st. agreement and are therefore biding their pastors, publie school teachers, working class. He knows that united recognition is a means of an equilibrium front of the working class movement of forces. It is therefore much more alone would strike fear into the hearts necessary to call out to the American of his following. That is why he is proworkers, and to the American Commun ceeding so carefully.
ist in particular, not to fall into the stead of gratitude, a kick Hitler strategy at the present mothe cracy, after some delay, to make the the stages passed and the discarded (Continued from last issue)
trap set by the pacist defender of de res platform of the Left Opposition, although slogans of the years 1923 26 28 30 32. ment is concentrated on getting fenceles nations. The official American On the international arena, the situa British trade unionists, who were bureaucracy in perverted and twisted form, the basis all these algags of bureaucratic blind measure of popular surcess with which a cumpaign of demonstrations against position fought in 1923 against the caplanade in 1928, a wbirlwind turn of 180 of its work. The political consciousness ness, and convince themselves with her to prop up the morale of his heterogenecha Communist Party has been carrying on tion was not much different. This Opcued by it, the Stalinist Japanese Imperialist aggression in China. tulntionist policies of Brandler who was degrees over our heads, only to plunge of the workers has risen to new heights. ror that the Stalinist general line is a ous following for a decisive blow. That Naturally Communists are opposed to supported on the Right by Stalin; against into a monstrous economic and political Now no historic force can compel them myth, an illuston, a hazy shadow of the is one of the reasons for his legalistie the apparatus Itselr. polley. He is hoping for a sort of par.
and should fight against, the Japanese the Stalinist theory of worker peasant adventurism, the accounts of which are to renounce the foundations laid by the vacillations of sion of her people. But abebe cupcainese communism within the front cage And again the Lett Oppositionists the planned economy verified in actual work, the settlement for the revision of the time as the postoper inomhen rustikeelere the is most likely that he will continue along erican Communists must tear this decep of the Kuo Min Tang: against the bloc true and only Bolshevik Leninists in the They will crush anyone who tries to drag basis of scientifie socialism, for this line until the elections to the Prustive pacifist mask of the American im of the Politburo with the clique of Bri ranks of the international proletariat:them back towards bourgeois democracy brazen vlolation of the party.
perialist aggressor. It is well for us tish strike breakers; against the whole quickly and decisively came out against and capitalism.
The mistakes and crimes of the bursian Diet next month. This is the eleto remember that the most powerful and opportunistic ruinous, shameful, thor the bureaucratie adventurism that is most reactionary imperialist enemy is at oughly treacherous nolicy of Stalin. who armed with the resources the work and more clearly which one of the pol are of this home.
for several years supported the stirrur ers government. We warned against itical groups was the real initiator of pressed unpunished. The stalinist system social struggle in Germany. The Fase a. The episode a Our one introduced into the economie work, would have seemned absolutely impossi modified its position of strategic retreat The second important question intim any when Chiang Kai Shek instituted warning has been fully confirmed. The adventurist race with extinguished lights. when wrote of the first creak in the has taken place under the pressure of ated in the Duranty dispatch is the one the blood bath of Shanghal. You your artificial race, not prepared either theor of trade relations with the Soviet Union. selves are sufficiently acquainted with the etically, or practically, not only The workers want to direct Undoubtedly there are powerful Ameri facts and know that there is not a it Impossible to solve this rather sport themselves and not merely to execute astonish anyone, on the contrary, it is further change along the same line is eyes toward the vast market in the is not for nothing that the history of the a series of disproportions which are makes behind their backs with the color a deeper process. The Stalinist ap of all workers organizations in the fight Workers Republic; the same as there Chinese revolution became a prohibited now, in a purely mechanical fashion, operation of damagers from the right or paratus has ceased to be the stalinist against Fascism is imperative. No time are powerful groups struggling against book in the Soviet Union: each page of driven into the foundation of the second from the left. The anxiety of the work apparatus. It has become a system of is to be lost. The enemy is at the gates any relations witever. In regard to it burns the fingers of the stalinist five year plan. The Opposition warned mute protests all this follows the lineers become ever more impatient with the confusionism must be brushed aside, German proletariat. Stalinist the latter, we need only recall the re clique.
cent demand made by a group bossing of the bureaucracy, the apparatus the proletariat of Germany and with it bers of Congress for an embargo on all Wherein does our counter revolution plete collectivization and with the idea of criticism of the left Opposition.
The strengthening of the economic becomes ever more distrustful of the the working class of the entire world, products of the Soviet Union. But to ary activity lle? Among the hundreds of the liquidation of elasses within foundation of the dictatorship the num leadership of Stalin; the two processes is not to suffer a defeat, the disastrous discuss this question it is necessary first of present day Stalinist theoreticians the period of the first five year plan.
of all to discard also in this instance (hired by the day or by the piece) who Now complete collectivization is haltederical growth of the proletariat and the are connected with each other. The consequences of which can hardly be cal.
two or three intermediate stages is trans to the strengthening but to the weaken Stalinist faction forced to fight for the vvvwvvv relations as peaceful overtures even world proletariat, there are not a though they may here also carry the volunteers willing to change white into ferred to the new five year plan. Also ing of the political position of the bur retention of its leading positions.
eaucracy. Its ranks begin to scatter. NEW YORK AFFAIR You started the struggle against cover of a hypocritical mask of pacifism black, or into any other color of the In this form the problem remains small minority holds on even more) Trotskyism under the flag of the ola As a result of HELP DEFEND With the crisis growing in intensity it rainbow. They will not change historic bureaucratie utopia.
nevik Guard.
founda forced and the violation strongly to Stalin as to an anchor of To the false precan be expected that the American Im facts, however, nor shake the of basie the Marine Workers of reassurance. The Besedovskys, Aga perialist will look for markets everstions of Murxism. The Left Opposition Now on Trial where. Capitalism has no scruples. It has the right to be proud of its strugtremely difficult food and the generalhekovs, Dmitrievskys, perverted career, man leadership on the part of Trotsky. Dance and Entertainment Germany. will try to cheat him as all robbers do.
GOOD PROGRAM swindlers how many of them are there ship of the Leninist Central Committee.
England, in all parts of the world reach In turning their eyes toward the Rused by the hand of the opportunistic ap right to be proud of the truly great nearest fence over which to makema. Leninist Central Commitee? The appar. Saturday Evening, April 9th, at P.
GOOD REFRESHMENTS The working class of Russia has the in the apparatus east about for the What has remained of the collective leadership and what has remained of the DANCING sian market these gentlemen do not for paratus.
one minute fall to keep in mind their the within the last few years. These achieve. The honest elements of the apparatus and of the party prepared the dictator Auspices. Communist League of America simultaneous effort to break down, 10 Knocking its forehead against possible, its proletarian regime; to forge kulak: deceived in its calculations on ments became possible only after thel fortunately. Continued on page Opposition) New York branch an armed ring around its borders. But friend Chiang Kai Shek; receiving in pressure of realities forced the bureau ten to the voices from below, compare by LEON TROTSKY Open Letter to the of the from some But the same workers realize more eaucracy for the nine years have not ment of greatest value in the present The Question of Soviet Trude Relations of Chiang Kai Shek and exchanged por the irresponsible conversion of the swe warned selected by the construction onnd water with the shale Trotskyist Taroslava The otheinl party has appreciably memproportions, the exRafety. The others look about in search tense, Invented by yourselves, of a one