BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyGermanyHitlerMarxismRadekSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1932 Fifty Years of Israel Amter WHAT NEXT. by Leon Trotsky Chapter 1: The Role of the German Social Democracy The April issue of maruny, there is nothTAG DAY FOR MARINE DEFENSE The Marine Workers Defense The hard life of the revolutionist is the Lovestone faction but became vociCommittee is organizing a Tag Day not without its compensations. The fret ferous about it. For several years, right collection to provide funds for the and travail of the struggle and the gray up to the day that the Comintern telelegal defense of the three New details of daily work are relieved from gram against Lavestone arrived, Amter York marine workers now on trial. Continued from page 1)
struggle tears away all the covers from the actual time to time by ceremonial affairs and was a Lovestoueite in all things great The collection will take place on of the Communists; and even so these mighty gentle relation of forces. During a direct and immediate jubilees at which, in contemplation of and small.
Saturday, April and 10. All or ganizations cooperating in the great men and great events of the past, men beg me a functionary, to save them from the at struggle for power, the proletariat, unless, paralyzed the militant may refresh his soul and retion to the Lovestone formulae and the But even after these years of habitua Marine Defense Committee are tack of another party comprising millions whose lead by sabotage from within, by Austro Niarxism and by new bis inspiration. The anniversaries called on to provide collectors. The ers may become my bosses tomorrow; things must be all other forms of betrayal, develops a force incomof the illustrous dead have been such Lovestone politics he did not become Communist League, Spartacus prety bad for the gentlemen of the social democracy, mensurably superior to its parliamentary expression.
Youth Club members inust turn out occasions. But nowadays, with so many rigid and doctrinaire about it. He reheroes still among us in the flesh, the tained his flexibility, and finally gave an in force, accr«ding to the decisions pretty bad for the gentlemen of the social democracy, Let us recall once again the invaluable lessons of hisexhibition of it that will always stand birthdays of our living chiefs become ocof these organizations. All mem functionary, to think about my own hide. And as tory. Even after the Bolsheviks had seized power, casions for official celebration. Not long in the history of the party as an exam bers report to corrade Stone at a result, the loyal. neutral functionary who vac and firmly seized it, they had less than one third of ago the masses were invited to felicitate ple for people who want to know how toll Militant Headquarters for station illated yesterday, re insures himself without fail, e. the votes in the Constituent Assembly; together with Stalin on his fiftieth birthday. And change their opinions and change them assignments.
ties up with the National Socialists, to safeguard his the Left less than 40 per cent. Yet despite now, according to the reports in the quick. This was on the day the C: Dally Worker, Israel Amter is about to cablegram against Lovestone cane. He own future. In this manner the reformists who have a fearful economic collapse, despite the war, despite APRIL Young Spartacus OUT!
reach the half century mark, and a great awoke on that fateful morning as loyal a loung Spartacus outlived their own day, work for the Fascists along the betrayal of the European, and first of all of the outpouring of spontaneous enthusiasm is and as red hot a Lovestoneite as you German, social democracy, despite the post war reacto be given outlet at an official mass could find with a search warrant. And which is now out on sale, has a number bureaucratic lines.
celebration of his birthday.
The social democracy, the hanger on of the bour tion of weariness, despite the growth of Thernidorian went through a few morning chores of of very interesting articles of particular It is needless to say that we welcome At twelve o clock he received a copy of workers. The character of the present One moment it catches up ideas of bourgeois econom fect fourteen years. And what can be said of Gercursing Posterites in a routine fashion. Interest to the youth as well as to adult geoisic, is doomed to wretched ideological parasitism. tendencies, the first workers government stands on its this event, for we were converted long the telegram to the effoct that Lovestone issue issuch that its wide distribution ago to the doctrine of flowers for the was no longer kosher. One hour later among the ranks of Communists and ists, and the next, it tries to utilize bits of Marxism. many? At the moment the social democratic worker living. that is, if one feels flowery he was hunting for Lovestoneltes to ex radical youth would be very valuable. After citing from my pamphlet the reasons against the together with the Communist arises to suizo power, the about them. And who could feel other pel from the arts, and was as thick Realers of the Militant should order participation of the Communist in Hitler retask will be nine tenths completed.
wise about Amter, who has done so much Nevertheless, says Hilferding, had the social demand isn finished yet? It is probable other.
tribute or sell them.
that we will not get to the celebration, The table of contents of the current is ing to add to these lines in order to explain the tactics ocracy voted against Bruening government and man with such a political blography sue is as follows: But anyway we will weave a garland of the social democracy as regards the Bruening govoverthrown it, consequence would ave of encomiuins in the hope that it will could not be denied recognition. He has Auto Workers Murdered ernment. Remmele and Thalheimer step forward, been the coming of the Fascists to power. That is the not be entirely burled under the floral a fitting place in the top circle of the Results of German Elections offerings.
hierarchy. His fiftieth birthday is Please take note, Hilferding relies on Trotsky. Away, perhaps, the matter may appear on a parliaTrotsky Deprived of Citizenship by Fascist yellow sheet steps forward in turn, Trotsky mentary plane; but the matter itself does not rest on a publie event and deserves a public de Stalin The ceremonial articles and coficial monstration of some kind. We disagree Students Barred from Kentucky is paid for this job by the promise of a visa. Next a parliamentary planc. The social democracy could review his life and deeds. We will fol. Why should it be a mass celebration. on one point. Capitalisin and Child Labor a Stalinist journalist comes to the fore and wires the refuse to support Bruening only in the event that it low the same pattern. And if we fill in Students Organize National Movement communication of a Fascist paper to Moscow. The decided to enter upon the road of revolutionary strugsome neglected details, it can be attri Why not a mass trial?
Scotsboro Boys Condemned to Death editorial board of the Izvestia. which includes the gle. Either support Bruening, or fight for the dictabuted to the fact that we write under unfortunate Radek, prints the telegram. This chain torship of the proletariat. No third course is given.
less constraint than the others and theredeserves only to be mentioned and passed by. The social democracy, by voting against Bruening, fore can speak more freely and sincerely.
One hero began his career as a piano a Let us return to more serious questions. If Hitler would change at once the correlation of forces. not player, and they say he was a good one.
can afford himself the luxury of fighting against on the parliamentary chess board, whose chess picces classle instrument were nothing to the ried the writer through the most importhe threat of arrest and revocation of a whole leans for its support on the back of that half tabtle but on the arena of the revolutionary struggle The tour just completed, which caring their property for meetings under Bruening, it is only because the bourgeois régime as might surprisingly enough be found underneath the rhythms he produced when he began to tant Industrial cities in the United license. The publication of revolution of the working class which is led by Hilferding and of the classes. After such an about face, the forces ment. Like the Jaxx composers in the ters in Canada allowed for some first mails (The Freiheit Party literature Company. If the social democracy had not put of the working class would increase not twofold but musical field, he specialized in the biz hand observations regarding the effects Opposition literature is barred from en through its policy of class betrayal, then Hitler, not tenfold, for in the class struggle, the moral factor arre and the unique. His self expres of the deep crists in Canadian as well try) Those receiving literature are lia to mention the fact that he would have never attained holds by no means the last place, particularly during sfon, through the medium of the revolu as American capitalism. It enables one ble to arrest.
tionary movement, took a distinctively to draw beyond the confines of New York single one of the charges in this article ing government as a life saving anchor. If the Com moral force, the masses of the people, one stratum Anyone arrested on his present power, would have been clutching at Bruen great historical upheavals. Under impact of this and did he was strictly Amter, and no industrial centers where the American einployees are instructed to assume the munists together with the social democracy had over after another, would be charged to the point of highbody else.
proletarint dominates in those sections role of sples and to open any suspicious thrown Bruening, that would have been a fact of the est intensity. The proletariat would say to itself with Amter made his debut on the national where the existence of the revolutionary packages and to fortwith inform the greatest political significance.
stage of the Party at the first under movement is imperative, for the future. authorities. The American Party which any case, would have risen over the heads of the lead and a higher direction to the life of this great nation.
The consequence, in assurance that it alone was called to give a different tracted attention by his fearless and un That which strikes one immediately is has thus far remained more or less silent ers of the social democracy. Hilferding attempts to Disintegration and decomposition in Hitler army tracted attenton by his tearless and on the extent of the economic crisis, its about the developments in the Canadiem find justification for his betrayal in our criticism, which would set in before the decisive battles. Battles of ganda of armed insurrection. to be pro the country, carrying in its wake misery Immediately and understand their sign demands that the Communists take Hilferding be course could not be avoided; but with a firm resolumoted by leaflets hurled into the midst for the masses. Miles of sidings are chance. It is necessary for our Canadian trayal into account as an accomplished fact. tion to fight to victory, by attacking boldly, victory of the masses from ambush. Soon after cupied by huge numbers of idle freight movement to organize itself with the he appears, or rather one of his leaflets Cars; small indudstrial towns with fac aim of circumventing the drive against Although Hilferding has nothing to add to Trot might be achieved infinitely more casily than the most appears, in the strike of the Brooklyn tories are silent. Smokeless chimneys! it.
sky words, he nevertheless does add something: The extreme revolutionary optimist now imagines.
Transit workers for wage increase of the largest cities have few factories at The massacre at Detroit and the plan correlation of forces, he says, is such that even in the Only a trifle is lacking for this: the about face of 6c an hour. With that mastery of the work. Thousands upon thousands of un ned drive against the Communists there: event of the united action of social democratic and the social democracy, its taking the road of revoludialectic which mand of the unsuspecting street car Giled with food. The vast numbers of shooting policemen are beginnings of aj forcing the fight, to overthrow the enemy and to seize the leaders after the experiences of 1914 1922 would bianche inked up this everyday de. There is hunger while warehouses are accompanied by frame up charges of Communist workers, there would be no possibility by tion. To hope for a voluntary shift on the part of But the majormiles and then the final con to their stru Jobless proletarians are not confined to definite attempt by the government to power. In this remark, glossed over in passing with be the most ludicrous of all illusions. called on them rise, arms in any one. the very crux of the question. ity of social democratic workers that is something hand, and capture the power house.
Falling in this maneuver, because of from varlous sections of the country ex ready these events have had deep reper According to Hilferding in Germany today, where the else again, they can make the turn, and they will make of bewilderedness, They cussions among the other workers who proletariat composes the majority of the population it it is only necessary to help them. And this turn fact that the third period has not yet do no yet comprehend the causes of the are repelled by the brutality of Ford and the deciding productive force of society, the united will be not only against the bourgeois government, but arrivedl, Amter made a slight strategical vicious crisis. But they are aware that gunmen.
front of the social democracy and the Communist against the upper layers of their own party.
retreat; but only for the purose of gath there is something seriously wrong with At this point, our Austro Marxist, who has nothering strength for another leap. Keep the character of the system. The Left Opposition is gaining greater party could not place the power in the hands of the ing his plans to himself, he took the There are few movements of the work support. Our meetings had a larger at proletraiat! When is the precise moment, then, that ing to add to our words, will try once more to bring capitalist forces by surprise with a sud ers.
Aside from the attempts of the tendance than previously. There is the power can pass into the hands of the proletariat? against us citations from our own books: didn we den leaflet in the Spring of 1921 entitled Communists no movements struggle definite increase of sympathy and sup Prior to the war there was the prespective of the auto write point blank that the policies of the Stalinist bur May Day of Revolution. Due to a exist. Those struggles taking place are port for our movement. In spite of the matic growth of capitalism, of the growth of the pro caucracy represent a chain of errors; didn we stighitch somewhere, this lettet didn over under the leadership of the Communist scorts of the Partye bureaucrats to pred letariat, and of the equal growth of the social dem matize the participation of the Communist party in the throw the Central Committee of the ed workers are organized to them. But more or less ineffectunt. The meetings ocracy. This process was cut short by the war, and Hitler referendum? We did write, we did stigmatize.
Party at a convention a few weeks later, they are still very weak and in many will be discussed concretely in a forth. no power in the world will restore it. The decay of But we wage battle with the Stalinist leadership in All the members of the swore cases ineffectuul. Through the policies coming article. The workers felt keen eapitalism means that the question of power must be the Comintern precisely because it is incapable of they had had nothing to do with the of the Party these movements have be your viewpoint on the German situa decided on the basis of the now existing productive breaking up the social democracy, of tearing the leaflet and knew nothing nobut it. but come narrow. They are sectarian and won, and the discussions at our meeting forces. By prolonging the agony of the capitalist masses from under its influence of freeing the locomopaganda had set a movement in motion ted Front, the best weapon through which many cities, the presence of Party mem regime, the social democracy leads only to the further tive of history from its rusty chain brake. By its that could not be apprased without some to rally scores of workers is cast aside bers, and of sympathizers with its line, decline of economic culture, to the disorganization of convulsions, its mistakes, its bureaucratic ultimatism, sacrifices, and the heads even of the by the Party and is one of the main helped to enliven the meetings through the proletariat, to social gangrene. No other per the Stalinist bureaucracy preserves the social demAmter next appeared as one of the headway. The Unemployed Councils. Each meeting brought forth news few. spectives lie ahead. tomorrow will be worse than today: ocracy, permits it again and again to regain its footthests, and leader of the goose caucus. heavy arms of bureaucracy and impede the more in clarifying our viewpoint on the leaders of the social democracy no longer dare The Communist party is a proletarian, anti bourIn this thesis our hero, disguised from their growth. Yet it is significant that all questions confronting the interna to look into the future. Theirs are all the vices of geois party, even if erroneously. The social democracy, his enemies by the pseudonym of Ford, the Communists alone have the courage tonal Communist Movement. the ruling class doomed to destruction; they are light though composed of workers, is entirely a bourgeois advanced the idea that the illegal exist and will to organize the workers in de There was an obvious of in: minded, their will is paralyzed, they are given to blub party, which under normal conditions is led quite ence of the Party was a matter of prin tense of their interests and in a strug teretit uintilour presenere Kamust be said bering over events and hoping for miracles. Come to expertly from the point of view of bourgeois aims, organization in itself a sign of counter ent everywhere.
created a deep impression on wide sec think of it, Tarnow economic researches fulfill now but which is good for nothing at all under the condirevolution subpect in which he later Certainly there are attempts of the re tions of the Jewish workers. Refer the same function as did once the consoling revelations tions of a social crisis. The leaders of the social demspecialized and took several degrees. In formists to counter the activity of the ences were made to recent articles in of a Rasputin.
ocracy are themselves forced to recognize, though unthis affair Amter suffered a temporary Party. This is to be expected. When the Freiheit articles of so low a charac set back, due to the Trotskyist influence ever and wherever the Communists are ter that they could be written only by The social democrats together with the Communists willingly, the bourgeois character of the party. Rethen prevalling in the Comfritern. His active the reformists rise as a wall to people who have received their political would not be able to seize power. There he stands, ferring to the crisis and the unemployment situation, was prevent their growth and to canalize training on the staff of the Jewish Daily the snobbish, educated. gebildet) petty bourgeois, an Tarnow mouths moth eaten phrases about the dislegalized, and Amter, defeated but not these movements. Father Cox arose to Forward. The Jewish workers are par utter coward, soaked from head to foot with distrust grace of capitalist civilization. quite in the manner of It was at this stage In his career that Party among the unemployed workers. bubble about the counter revolutionary and the Communist party together hold about 40 per wealth; referring to socialism, Tarnow talks after the The social democracy a protestant minister preaching on the sinfulness of he began to display that remarkable ad similar movements exist in other towns. Trotsky.
aptability that enabled him to keep The Socialist Party is conspicuous in the On the whole we can record a wider cent of the votes, despite the fact that the betrayals manner of this same minister when the latter preaches alive politically in any weather. Unlike wext by its inactivity, more so, by its intuence of the Left Opposition. We of the social democracy and the mistakes of the about rewards beyond the grave; but when it comes to the illegal leftists who kept muttering reformist preachings and aims. must strive in the coming year to in drive millions into the camp of indifferentism and even concrete questions, he assumes another tone: If on about armed insurrection after the In the face of impending struggles the course pour organizationale strengthen to National Socialism. Once a fact, the joint action of September 14th, this spectre (unemployment) had not season had passed, Amter got in step our reiste is preparing itseltete They are there on the tour widela ditacrepanes me these two parties alone, by opening before the masses hovered over the ballot box, this day would have been with the times, lod had arrived, the Pepper Lovestone the developments in Canada. There, the tween the two.
new perspectives, would incommensurably increase the written differently into the pages of German history.
group of leaders came to the front and answer of the government to the grow What is outstanding in the whole sit. strength of the proletariat. But let us limit ourselves (Report at the Leipzig Congress. The social demtegobrebice uolus o canter was one of choleers, as a result of the deep crisis, as the American workers.
The Communistler? But there are only these three groups that can count of the crisis, had revealed its authentic visage.
organization of to 40 per cent. Has Bruening perhaps more, or Hit ocracy lost votes and seats because capitalism, on acwho saw the light. He not only solned famous Article sur the Criminath code: muss of workers are unorganized. But rule Germany: the proletariat, the center party or The crisis did not strengthen the party of socialism. It was through this law that six mem the effects of this crisis are resulting the Fascists. But a notion is firmly implanted in the on the contrary, it weakened it, just as it depressed THE MILITANT bers of the Central Committee of their deep shanges in the whole character heads of the educated petty bourgeois: for the repre the trade turn over, the resources of banks, the selfPublished weekly by the Communist Canadian Communist Party were arrest of the American proletariat. Changes sentatives of capital to rule, 20 per cent of the votes assurance of Hoover and Ford, the profits of the League of America (Opposition) ed and sentenced to long Jall terms. We are taking place in their whole eoloey suffice, because the bourgeoisie, you see, has the banks, Prince of Monaco, etc. Today, one is obliged to look, at 84 East 10th St.
EDITORIAL BOARD the sentence was confirmed and the com they are genuine. The great mass of un the trusts, the syndicates, the railroads. True, our not in bourgeois papers, but in social democratic press rades sent to Kingston. In the Province employed workers are still in a dazed educated petty bourgeois made ready to socialize for the most optimistic evaluations of the conjuncture.
James Canton Ontaria the revolutionary movement state. The workers with jobs are in all thees twelve veare am But ich in tamil Can more undehatable nranfe of the hourronie shaman.
ncreas of Martin Abern