BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismLeninLeninismMarxismRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontVoroshílovWorkers MovementWorking Class

SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1932 THE MILITANT PAGE IN THE INTERNATIONAL OF LABOR Reviews and News of the Working Class and Revolutionary Movements For Communist Unity New Tendencies in French Politics masses, Have You Read Trotsky Open Letter to the of the An Open Letter of the Spanish Left Opposition World Crisis Reveals Long Latent Contradictions Between Social Classes (Continuel from page Continued from last issue) is being set for this meet, despite the pot remember which one it is, in the Paris, March 9, 1982. those of the British empire. Finally, continue to develop. The policy that has It has The revolutionary working class can participation of so called non party work numerical order. you were forced to The parliamentary elections are ap the reserves of one of the greatest French been pursued, is that of the not do without this indispensable weapon ers delegations, the congress will remain transform into a decree, directed supproaching. They are especially import industries, the tourist Industry. which turned it back to the united front, it in the revolution. the Communist party for every conscientious militant a burposedly against thirty seven persons, in ant, as they will take place in a period has declined enormously despite the exist opposed to trade union unity. In the The congress which has been called must eaucratic farce that will only impede cluding outside of members of my fam in which the equilibrium established atence of the Colonial Expedition, are no question of the election, the vanguard be made a congress of the unification real revolutionary criticism. After more lly, over 30 people who were draggel in Versuilles is about to topple over, in doubt going to diminish even more in of the woking class is divided under the and organization of all the forces of than five years of the dictatorship of the exclusively for the purpose of political which a decisive solution is imminent in the future, depriving French capitalism cover of the formula la gainst Spanish Communism and not the bureau Bullejos Trilla clique, a national con masking. Yon included in this list lead Germany, in which French imperalism of millions of francs.
class by maintaining systematically cratie farce that the national and inter ress is being prepared in less than ers of Menshevism expelled from the stands at a turning point of its develop The defeat of Germany and the achieve the party candidate on the second bulnational leaders intend to make of it. twenty days. This in itself is a suf Soviet Union with my direct participament. When the crisis had already been ments of the Versailles Treaty gare lot even if that is to the advantage of In the light of events, it has been proved clently eloquent fact. What the congression over ten years ago. Apparently it raging in a good many other countries, France a political importance internathe candidate of the reactionary parties that the polley proposed by the Opposi needs to the genuine participation of all seemed to Stalin that this was a mas France still appeared to be pared from tionally, entirely out of proportion with as against the candidate of the socialist tion is the only one capable of leading those elements who during each stage of terly move. In actuality the yellow it. The bouregois press attributed this its economie strength. The crisis is reparty. This so called tactic of class the party to victory. All sincere Com the Spanish revolution have pointed out threads stick out only too obviously to the ancient French virtues of or vealing this contradiction more and more against clas repels the socialist work munists will consider the unification of to the party the correct slogans to be pretending that only in 1932 it became der, harmony, etc. The socialist fol. every day, and the French tourgeoisieers, strengthens their parliamentary il all the forces of Spanish Communism and employed. These elements are precisely clear to you just what kind of work lowed in its footsteps. disenchant so proud of its stability in the past, is lusions and serves the reformist app The conti the readmission of all the comrades exthose who constitute the Communist Left Dan and Abramovitch do, you place the ment became necessary shortly after unensily expecting dark days in the fu atus of the bourgeoiste pelled for their opposition views into the Opposition, that is to say, the counter Presidium of the E, in a very unwards. With a somewhat different rhyture. That is, in part, the reason for tion of this policy another can hardly unified party, a prerequisite for any revolutionary Trotskyists. against whom comfortable position. You yourself can thm and with a be expected from the rent amplitude, its desperate struggle for the maintenconvention will further action on part of the party. Such the grave diggers of Spanish Communism not help realizing this, but also in this the crisis spres the causes which made diplomatie instrument of its past supre defeat.
out over France. ance of the Versailles Treaty, which is a only keep on accumulating defutter a unification can only take place through are at present directing their batteries. question you are forced to submit to the But, many of the convocation of a congress on the There can be no genuine reorganization Stalinist bureaucracy which works ever possible the great resistance to the crisis macy, as well as for the preservation of Progress for the Left Opposition basis of a democratic discussion of all of the party except on the basis of a more rudely, not troubling about the will tomorrow become the causes of a its military strength. On the other hand, Nevertheless, there are some germs of the problems regarding the labor move unification. The reorganization on the dignity of the highest organs of the Sov tremendous aggravation of the situation. It is redoubling its offensive against regeneration in this situation. We have ment and the Spanish revolution and basis of the bureaucrats, without any iet power.
In the first place, there is the existence wages and it intends, by inflation or by mentioned above the discontent in the on the basis of the submission of the real internal democracy, cannot in any It is too repulsive for me to dwell on or quite large intermediate classes, de some other modificaton of its financial Parisian region of the party. The critminority to the majority and will there way solve the urgent problems that come other traits and marks of Stalin fabric spite the fact that the war made France system, to increase its exploitation of the iciem expressed has often been confused, by lay the ground for a mass Communist up each day before the Spanish proleated list: In the intentional interchange a highly industrialized nation. These laboring masses and to expropriate the narrow, but in most cases it was not party which will be able to cope with tariat. What is required is the readmis of names for the purposes of additional intermediate classes the peasantry in intermediate classes.
a reflection of opportunist tidencies, domtne tasks imposed by the situation. The sion and the regroupment of all Com effect It represents a document of the particular formed an important These are as yet only its intentions, but of healthy proletarian sentiments.
historie needs of the present hour de munists, members of the party or com same moral level as the two above men estic market. The tariff walls, rising for the elections have not taken place. For the first time in years, non oppaimand this Imperiously. In this sense, rades expelled for their views. tioned forgeries which served as prepara like in England; the efforts of other na Serving as a sort of barometer, they tlonist militants have pushed their eritthe Communist Left Opposition will not There are innumerable reasons why tions for it tions, like Germany, to develop their permit us to judge with more or less icisms as far as the leadership of the fail in its duty. It is confident that the we cannot have any confidence in the Thermidorian Trick own agriculture: the fall in prices have precision, the reallignments of the class Thus, one unit speaks against the Spanish Communist workers will be con good fntentions of the International and You can conneet the Left Opposition considerably diminished the resistance of the general orientation of the toll. polley of Stalin. other comrades speak vinced that there are no more devoted the Spanish party in respect to the cor with Menshevism only in the order of the domestic market. On the other hand, ing masses and of the proletariat in view of the responsibility of the Some friends for the party than the members rection of the political mistakes and the police alphabet. In the political order, the intermediate classes, their eyes turn of the situation. In so far as they comrades refuse to vote against the of the lett Opposition. Furthermore, internal regime prevailing at the present your Centrism stands between the letted to their prosperous past, constitute present a factor in the class struggle, Trotskyists as counter revolutionists the Opposition has not retracted and moment. But, it is especially interesting Opposition and Menshevism. No artifices a curbing factor. French industry, which they should permit the Communist party in Sections and 15 of the Parisian re will not retract its determined effort to that within this document of the will change that. The decision of Febru tuin advantages in the period of pro tendencies and with correct perspectives, it is not suthicient to tell us that they with a correct analysis of the existing gion: In Section 4, others declare that cooperate in the forefront ranks, in the the greatest tolerance is shown toward ary 20 represents a finished amalgam in reconstruction of the party and in the the organization of sympathizers. the Thermidorian style to employ tactie which will hasten are couner revolutionists application of a correct and coherent Workers and Peasants Bloc, the most cillating between Marxism and national pushed rationalization as far as Ger the development of the masses in the proven first. We only cite a few facts polley.
confusionist and dangerous tendency in reformism, is forced It cannot be other many has. Thus, with the general de direction of the Communist solution among many which the virty press itself The meet that is to be held at setia, the Spanish labor movement, while the wise to combine and amalgamate its cline, French industry is not in a very There is already, indisputably, a trend is publishing its toward the left. At present it belng most fanattical intransigeance is mani retty bourgeois enemies from the Right advantageous position to prevlonial exploited by the Radical and the socialist festations, very feeble and very fustable But all these are only transitory maniis called a congress of the It fested toward Left Opposition, which and its revolutionary opponents from place in the world market.
would be much more appropriate to call is the only one to point out with prethe Left. In order to cover up by means empire, though it is important, does not parties in a broad campaign for peace, ones. But a great unrest is taking place it a congress of the bureaucrats, Decision the policy to be pursued, of such an amalgam, Its own emptiness.
by far offer any resources similar to for disarmament and touches those in the party. Theses are voted on, but spite the deftness with which the stage which has denounced the democratic wish to remind you that the first admasses who are disquieted by the Laval no one takes any stock in them. great petty bourgeois character of the Maurin vive concerning the expulsion of the Lort Germany After the Elections Tardieu polley that is isolating France deal of attention is being paid to what is from the rest of the world and who are said about the party, especially to what is ready to give its determined aid to kiven in print to Stalin by none other (Continue from uge 1)
anxious to enst of heavy burden of the Opposition has to say. In the meetthe conscious and sincere militants acthan trialov. Your decision will go anal of taking the fate of Germany into taxes imposed upon them by the ex ings that we hold in various places, in tire in the party, in the work of com down in history with the Thermidorian its hands, but of one in which they had penses of the monstrous military appar the party ings in which we partiel pleting the reconstruction of a genuine stigma.
to decide upon either Hindenburg oratus of French imperialism. Just to pate, we find an entirely different atmos.
These Works? party which will be up to the level of Stalin will tell you that it is not a Hitler. The lack of ability on the part what degree this leftward trend will be phere from that of last year. There are Its tasks.
question of isolated facts but that the of the to conduct an extra par transformed into ballots, depends largestill many fanatics, of course. But, by LEON TROTSKY As a concession to the unrest stirred decision is based on the whole counterliamentary struggle aided the ly upon the events of the movement. The the majority of those attending wants to up in the ranks, the International, in revolutionary activity of myself and of leaders to reduce the struggle against result of the presidential elections in listen they follow our words attentive DRAFT PROGRAM OF THE agreement with the Spanish leadership, my family. In general, which needs no Pism to the parliamentary field. to Germany will play its part in one sense y party members take part in heated COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL Criticism of Fundamentals.
is based on quite correct, but incomplete sary to resort to false documents and Hitler. to carry out their policy of the in any case, the leftward trend of the to extend our contacts, to establish con masses will clash with the imperious tacts with many party members and to Part and 140 pages.
criticisms. But it is not too much to ex to introduce elements of an unworthy leer evil.
paper cover 350 pect both leaderships to do all in their masquerade into the decision itself? He The National Socialists also achieved needs of the French bourgeoisie. This gain sympathizers. In the provinces, we cloth bound 00 power to make a dead letter of this cannot wriggle out of this. The fact a tremendous success. All the theories opens up perspectives for great class have also made contacts and our influ.
STRATEGY OF THE WORLD document, although this will only dis that after nine years of uninterrupted of the of the party, to the effect strongles. The left parties and the ence has grown considerably.
The Ligue Communiste (Left OppostREVOLUTION rupt the course of the Spanish revolu balting do not forget that the begin that Fascism has reached its high point, socialist party will be unable to tion) has not anfortunately, as yet been were overthrown. The Rote Fahne of their promises to the proletariat and the Part of the Draft Program tion. It is the duty of all revolutionary ning of the struggle against Trotsky86 pages 25 workers who have not been contamin. ism coincided with the death of Lenin settember 16, 1920 wrote that the Nazis intermediate classes. But only to that able to transform this gain of influence THE PERMANENT REVOLUTION dinate all their activities with the view the filthy sheets of Polish and German their rise with the Relchstag elections will be able to reach the hesitating mass ing first of all, from a shortcomiug that 168 pages paper cover of carrying out the turn in practice, chauvinism in order to this except the election results prove that they have es and gain their attenion, find a bridge the French party itself has been inflicted cloth cover 00 with all its consequences, in spite oftional law ainst me and my family to been able to penetrate into strong pro to them, will their development take the with the extremely weak conceptions of the national and international leadershide under an amalgam this fact alone letarian districts. That Hitler was not revolutionary road when the bankruptcy organizational forms. Then, there are HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN ships. It is necessary to open up in discloses and strips bare to the bone the elected President of the Relch does not of the other parties will become manifest our internal difficulties: we have not as REVOLUTION Vol. mediately brond discussion all over impotence of all the campaigns against at all change the fact that the Fascist in the eyes of all. If this does not take yet benefited from a test of great strug.
cloth cover the party organizations. But this dis Trotskyism and irreparably comprom danger has become even more prominent place, they will be derailed and used as gles, so as to be able to distinguish befor others 00 It has been clearly proven that the Red a mass support for the maneuvers of the tween the various tendencies in the orcussion will not have any actual effect ises your last creative act.
By Special arrangements with the it it does not allow for the active par An Expression of Impotence Referendum strategy of the worst brand of reaction of Fascism it ganization. These are the obstacles in publishers we can offer this book the way of an active crystallization of ticipation of all the members of the From the point of view of personal leadership with all its programs of naself, o certificate holders. 300 Left Opposition, who were the first ones revenge and this element as you well tional and social liberation and all their The Seventh Convention of the the germs of regeneration within the the To members of the Communist to indicate the mistakes and to explain know, enters into all of Stalin combina variations, its adaptation of Where is the party in this situation party. The Ligue is at work, striving League (0. at 10.
what the correct policy was, that had to tions the decree completely failed to phraseology of the Nazis, etc. have not what is its orientation? The Seventh to overcome these obstacles.
Enclose 10e postage per copy with PIERRE FRANK.
Convention of the French party is going be pursued. The Opposition demands to reach its aim. This time Stalin thrust been able to halt Fascism.
he heard by all the Spanish Communists himselr out too far from behind the why were the results so unfavorable to take place in a few days, after a PROBLEMS OF THE DEVELOP and to be allowed to work together with stage and carelessly revealed his real for the Communists? If the objective lapse of three years since the last conMENT OF THE tasks, to take part in the preparation of you to issue not without timid resist explanation for the defeat of the molley of the third period. The bar It will be devoted to the The New Book on Germany 48 pages paper cover Beginning with this issue, The Millthe congress of unification and reorgani apee. know. this unworthy decree of The political line of the party once of this policy is completely nextTHE REAL SITUATION IN zation. Every congress that will take ostracism. It was only because the pro stands to blunt contradiction to the tive: loss of membership, loss of influ will print a series of extracts from RUSSIA place without the participation of the found correctness of the Left Opposition political needs. This is revenge for the ence, deep coing disorganization. Sever comrade Trotsky forthcoming book on 364 pages cloth cover 00 Left Opposition will be a pure maneuver was revealed on all questions without Stalinist theory that social democracy al months ago, on the occasion of a turn, Germany.
SINCE LENIN DIED of a bureaucratie character and will only exception, domestic as well as interna and Fascism are twins. that everybody the leadership admited all this quite un In this book. Trotsky, with his usual by Max Eastman prove that the leadership of the party tonal, on which we waged a struggle all outside of the Communist ranks is a ambiguously in documerts, of which the incisive style, presents a thoroughgoing 158 pages paper cover 500 fears more than anything to have to face these years. The seemingly aggressive social fascist. Its trade union policy Militant has published important ex analysis of the political situation, draws WORLD UNEMPLOYMENT AND the point of view of the Opposition be gesture of Stalin is impotent and even has isolated the party completely among tracts. Now, at the time of the conventhe logical conclustons from it and makes fore the great tribunal of the Communmun pitiful self defence.
the organized workers. The disastrous tion, nothing of the sort is allowed. This the proposals, necessary for the carry THE FIVE YEAR PLAN ist proletariat.
The Opposition fought against the trade union course of the Stalinista en time, it is necessary to shut their ing out of a correct Marxist line, with (out of print)
Stalinist faction for industrialization, abled the treacherous trade union lead mouths. One huge thesis is the only out which the German working class 48 pages paper cover Communists!
100 for planning, for higher tempos of econers to lead the inembers of the unions document presented by the leadership cannot be led to victory.
THE SPANISH REVOLUTION Fight lu your units, in your sections, omy, aganst the stake on the kulak, for into the Hindenburg Front. The un for pre convention discussion. The entire Trotsky has been accused by the of30 pages paper cover 100 for a party congress that will be a real collectivixation. From the year 1923 on, ited front tactics of Thaelmann THE SPANISH REVOLUTION IN congress of the unification of the forces the Opposition demanded the preparation leadership has created the prerequisites activity of the Test period is skimmed ficial Communist party press of preach.
over in less than twenty lines. Selting an alliance wit Bruening, of subDANGER of Spanish Communism and not a con of a five year plan and itself indicated for the establishment of the iron front. criticism is reduced to its most barren scribing to the social democratic theory gress of intrigues which passes one han its basic elements. All the 64 pages pit per cover 150 economic The results in Saxony, where there is expression. As a perspective for the fu of the dred percent unanimous resolutions.
successes of the Soviet Union were theor no Centre strength and where the other ture, nothing is offered that is not con far fetalesser evil and of even more things. Find out what he COMMUNISM AND SYNDICAL Demand that all comrades expelled etically and partially organizationally, parties in the Hindenburg Front are mere tained in the last general theses of the really stands for! Read his pamphlet ISM from the parts for differences of opinion, prepared by the Lett Opposition. Your splinters, prove that the social dem. few scanty phrases are devoted Germany the Key to the International 64 pages paper cover 156 be readmitted into the party and permit president Kalinin, who supported Stalin ocratic workers there, who have always to Germany. the word Fascism does Situsion Read his new work on GerGERMANY THE KEY TO THE ted to participate in the preliminary from the Right against the Left Opposi stood to the left, have followed the not even get any mention in them. Dis many appearing serially in The Militant.
tion, knows more about it than any one slogans of the leadership entirely. It cussion has been as restricted as possi Send in your order for a copy of the. SHALL FASCISM REALLY Demand hat no irresonsible bureaucrat else. Yet, in April 1927, Stalin, in the has been proven once more that reality ble. The press has published a few book itself now. Judge for yourself why BE VICTORIOUS!
or adventurer be allowed to speak in strusele against me, with the support of buntly contradicts the reports of the resolutions of approval and several arti Germany is of prime importance for the 48 pages, paper cover, 10c your units of counter revolutionary Molotov, Kalinin, Voroshilov and others, Rote Fahne: There is not any disintegracles by leaders. against the com world working class at present. Judge THE TURN IN THE COMMUNIST Trotskyism without extending an in. declared that we need the Dnieprostroystion within the and the reform rader in the sections who dared to for yourself, what the correct CommunINTERNATIONAL AND THE vitation to the Oppositionists to present as a mujhik needs a phonograph. In this ist untons, but rather a complete execu think on their own hook. Articles have ist polley, which is the keystone of the GERMAN SITUATION our point of view.
formula is contained a whole historic tion of the slogans of these organizations appeared in Humanite in which party entire question, must be your advance (out of print)
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PROBLEMS OF THE CHINESE the Spanish Communist movement.
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secutions with it and we have the right different policy has been put forward. 300 pages Order from Pioneer In preparation a new book on WELL The leadership published the names of to be heard before we are condemned.
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Saturday evening, April 9th Party of Spain!
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