BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyImperialismLeninLeninismMarxismOpportunismSocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

AGE TIE MILITANT SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1932 Hearst Program and the Petty Bourgeoisie. LETTERS FROM THE MILITANTS. on the One The middle bourgeoisie is pressed bet wants the Nicaragua Canal to be started ween the two great contending classes of at once for commerce and defense. He Among the Drug Clerks On the Waterfront aries. Suddenly he was transferred to WHEREAS Ax a result of wollen Duluth, to take charge of the paper local tion of such modern devices and also as today, the capitalist and working classes. wants the army, navy and aviation under Is the leadership of the L. It would be quite proper, though there, but the party had a hard time a result of the present economic crisis It is finding its position more precarious a Secretary of National Defense. An un.
us the contradictions between socialized broken bridge spans Pacifim. Jingoism and especially, of the Medical Workers necessary, to attempt to describe or an out the New York membership to agree thousands of men and women have been to the transfer, thrown out of work and unemployment production and expitalist appropriation and Imperialism. Each serves its pur Union aware that a Drux Clerk Union alyze the general conditions unemploy Only increase. The deepening crisis is causing rose in a diferent way, but all for the was recently organized under the guard ment, hunger and wage cutson New Icterity sent to Boston after he had won to the point of uetual starvation, and Sanship of the of reactionaries. York waterfront separately from those the real support and cooperation of all WHEREAS, As a result of the present them to move, and at present they are me end.
running around in circles. American Dangerous Stalinist Slogan and is already counting close to 400 of other sections of the city or apart the rank and ble members of the Union improper control of jol by the Union capitalism. In concentrating and central In the workers ranks also opportunism members in its ranks?
from conditions in other basie industries. He had just broken all records in in our trade became so demoralized that Izing the industrial and financial struc makes strange bed fellows. The Sociall. read the Dally Worker every day. But they are not much different from dividual efforts of personally lining up the carpenters are suffering from such ture to a higher level. This squeezes Temocratic leaders played their role in south failed to discover in its news anywhere else, and when one reads in the more new members aboard the various evils ax overtime work that in detrimentme the ecolution de 1914. an America where columns any mention of the existence of leading article of the only reyolutionary Shop in New York harbor, for the Union ar to the therests of the members, the tween the classryto battle formations te any the enplatints and the workers. cott Japan for her present acts in China, Marine Workers Voice that the sailors his arrival, the hall in Boston was closed proven to be a failure, the present prateWas it printed in such infinitely small and longshoremen are not suffering an by the authorities. According to reports. tice of hiring and tiring which is conduct.
One phase of the middle class reaction the Stalinists want us io expel the microscope of an ap much in their fellow workers in other Koster, unable to get permission to red in discriminatory way so that a to this development is expressed through Japanese representatives in America. It type that ouly. advocate 15 point as their program for the road as far as the Social Democrats its presence? Is it ainst the principles clined to take notice of it and to look forced to punhan. He in the treets of ing the rest of the met destitute and.
with no consideration as to the misery reactionary and The same Ray Ifudson, who with unixer, has turned miner, and the last they have to face, and dictions of the middle clang and at the way thut led the Social Democrats on divulge news concerning or are these other delegates to the Soviet Union we heard of him was that he was in reformist trade unions? Or. minated only by having a proper and WHEREAS The above evils can be eli home fensive pulls in its wake this chnin of the worst imperialist, not papers for its own ends. The few sugar across the border. The Marxists fight socialism in one country, that such triftes Russian workers with the question: Who activities centralised control of the jobs in the podera meitures and out to be walls azuimt all imperialist birt FIRST and his infantile disorder of lignoring vestigation was forced to admit that the matter, as memberless. The defense controls the ring of men and carries are eye. you? and who So the nion leaderless and for that form of an Employment burean that which the reformers hope to erect heat all times against their own.
tween the Communist forces and the our special and nolitical task to unmask reactionary trade unions, which had lelegates were not at all elected but corp around the store or the element out the rotation of jobs, and that the working class. The burden, in prevent ing the building of these walls, rests American Imperialism in the Far Fast, Conemand senions, which Lienen had the Daily Worker of March 26) has the ily in the hall are hardly able to act tem of shon and job committees is estaitothe treacherons and despicable role of the concermine whichni smenin hits is rather things lected at this own admission is that takes care of the large kitten fam. proper control can be had only if a sys has since Lenin nerve to step ont and insult the seamen even as speakers at open forums or as lished, and upon the Communist Party hy means of in the langue of Nations, in the disarmadeath relapsed and appeared again in a by saying that the American marine chairmen at membership meetings. Det WHEREAS. Iecause of these miserable a correct Marxian struugle for immediment conference and at home.
ate demani a nainst a reformist pol. come measure of the Hearst program clube en best mppeared in the form or coworkers is exempt from general suffering alone cope with real organizational work conditions thousands who are unable to All this at a time when the party has their dues are tropping ont of the icy.
cial Fascism united front from below the other workers! To quote him in the opened up new Wants Cheap. Efficient Government publie works. This measure, headquarters for its organization and immediate relief must Hour of the fifteen measures are ad others, has enabled him to corral large only and other consequential complica semi yearly Voice (March April issue) waterfront section. No far, it has re be given to them to prevent a ton din.
vocated for the purpose of obtaining the bankers dole in the form of the two postatin, developed into a gangren the marine modesteyi berhe marine work by sending delegates to the various con Carpenters lawat nton No.
numbers of workers. Hearst is against have, under the personal supervision of it is of importance to note that actel to the new. Instructions from the interation of the nion, therefore be it presentation in the United States Hemateasainst a dole social insurance for the the lighting organ of the proletariat with thanh cay workers in all the basic in. May celebration in Moscow and still meeting on February 18, 1982, at 217 ernment. They call for proportional rebellion dollar credit rancan do the ons sore permeating the blood stream of ers have felt the effects of the crisis less ferences, more delegates to the First of 13. of of assembled in special which would kive the middle class and workers: smnll industrialist a better and it right billion that would be divided among the the toxins of cial Fascism and other dustries. Seamen, despite the rent unmore delegates to the World Unite Con sath Street, New York City. hereby ko ing the monopolies and trusts. They exploiters with a goodly share going to related toxins and this isolating it from employment, are relatively better ofl. Kress in Hamburx on May 20.
on record for the following: the living body the working masses.
Proposals for an Agreement alvocate the abolition of the clectoral the middle class and a few cruentes for It may be true that Hudson himself! The Union will start functioning in It is obvious that a trade union policy still carriese one of the weight he said only when the party bureaucrats are With the Employers college. They want to end the lame duck the workers.
Anti Working Class Program sessions so that the new president and Six hour, five day week reactionary and reformist trade unions he pilet on during his latest visit to the driven to the wall, when the party recongress can wit right after elections.
basis of 65 hour.
The three remaining planks we have is futal to the vanguard and the revolu Soviet Union. And it is quite true that turns to the Leninist line, when funerHiring of men to be done through They want the modification of the vol not ret spoken of are so clearly anti tionary movement, the terrible conse he has rince held a soft job in the Narty democracy is reestablished. This the lion Employment Bureau.
stead Act. These ineatenres would cen working class measures that even the quences of such a policy are being daily tional Office of the Marine Workers In alone will brenthe the breath of life into them.
Itecognition of the shop or job tralise, che pen and make more efficient blind could recognize Ilearstregistered on the pages of the history of austrial Union, but how can that be taken the Marine Workers Industrial Union committee is the representative the Government apparatus. Where on wants a federal tax and excise tax to not only the American revolutionary as an indication of the prosperity of the sain and cable it to gather around the the one hand, the demand for propor replace the income tax. Truc, workers movement but of that in all countries seamen as a whole?
nucleus, the leading element of proletar of the Union. Firing to be done with the tional representation in Congress is in must keep their eyes on the point of where Stalinists are in the lendership Refore his duarture for the Soviet fan fighters who have been expelled or approval of Nutid committee tended to satisfy the bik capitalists, the production and not devote too much time The medical Workers Union has not Union, Hudson was made to run around otherwise kept away from the movement. No man shall work more than six modification of the Volitead Act, on the to beating down the cost of living. They long ngo, made an atempt to organize the plers and docks as port organizer Then the conditions of existence themhours a day other hand, is designed for the workers must keep their eyes on the relation of the drug clerks. It failed. Has this and he saw the conditions at a closer selves will drive the Marine Workers to in order to catch their votes The forces between the classes. But the act ever been disclosed in the official range. At that time he could not find unity and aggressive action. n) On overtime no man shall work of bureaucracy and a large rection capitalist class can use the lever of taxes party press? No. Why not?
words strong enough to depict the misery At present, the marine workers should anore than hours, which ents one day pay of the workers are swept behind thic and prices and currency manipulations Is not there anything at all for the and starvation of the women. Now he ne to it that their rights as members (b) The above two points to apply middle class attempt to stem the tide to further worson the workers condi revolutionary unions to learn from such accepts the chair left vacant by Monk, of the revolutionary working class and rhons. And at this stage, the sales tax by these measures.
of the revolutionary nion are fully rewho is, by the way, taking his turn at mulere no more men are available an attempt?
in the Employment Bureau.
The Middle Class Demands just like inflation, will take its toll The mere fact that the dreadful situa delegating to the Soviet Union and speeted. Only by a freedom of criticism which makes possible a collective work All overtime to be paid ouble tank, Honest friendship with among the workers.
tion of the drug clerk and the chaotic despite the fact that the crisis has he ing out of our common problems, can the Only union wond work to be handled all nations entangling alliances with Hearst wants selective immigration and condition in the pharmacentical industry. come deeper during the last year and by union men.
none, in the worn out attempt to pull depurtation of desirable aliens, etc. has never been analyzed and a program the suffering more acute, the swives marine workers he brought into the line of guarantee bond to be deposited the results of the productive forevs of Ses, Heart Is longing for the good old of action has never een discussed in chairs in the National Office have been march of their class toward the con by the employers to insure comAmerican capitalism back into the past. for the docile American born the party press, is sufficient evidence replenished with new padaling and the quest of power over eapitalism.
tional boundaries. This plank is hope worker, who was satisfied with a full that the attempt at the organiza of radiator has been put into condition.
pliance with the agreement.
Orangizational and Relief Demands lessly reactionary and stopian. It can dinner pall. The Hearst program only the drug clerks by the Medical Workers But the unemployed seamen themselves Rotation of Jobs only stir up the nationalism of the ex shows some of the many contradictions Union was unprepared, without a clear know that they are not much better of Auto Workers in order to enforce the rotation ploiting rulers, playing upon the of the middle class In resisting the en perspective and program. Hence its than other workers, that the crisis hat triotism of the working class and microachments of the big capitalists they failure. This crror is, of course, noi not diminished any since Iludson ro No other indutsry has suffered of jobs, the Union shall establish in Emmake a gestire toward the workers. In new in the annals of the Stalinist leadturn from the They know much from the economie depression as the Bureau to be composed of rank und dle class youth, and plug the way for ployment Bureau for the whole district, a nationalism that develops into danger rear of the militancy of the working ership. From this point of view, one that wares have been cut generally and book the pantomobile industry, with the committees elected from the boules ous proportion as the crises deepens class, they support the most reactionary might excuse them for being silent but even more generally than had been ex dangerous against the working class. measures. Between these two great what about the varug clerks who arepected. They know that gratt and brinutomobile manufacturers have taken celstration of all the members tandvantage of the situation and have to cut the wages to they do not see the effects of the cries the middle class is fighting for its life. camp where certain defeat awaits them! that insults and exploitation in the Sellowest level in the history of automobile more hours than constitutes the union and trend of imperialism against the The stronger the pressure from either Among other things the Daily Worker men Church Institute and the company work day workers. And, knowing that an arousedside the greater the contradiction in their should throw open its columns for an all offices are just as sharp and as heavy production.
and class conscious working class may camp. The Hearst program is aiming sided discussion of the drug clerk pro as in the shore industries. They also No organized effort has been made to lowed to work more than half of the On overtime no man shall be al tip over the boat and still all the pro both ways, but ends. 13 all centre forces blem. program of action towing from know that the seaman has to wait in a resist the terrible exploitation of the specified number of hours that consti forms. These reforms have the purpose forces in the strugkle: since capital pharmaceutical Industry and not from office window often all day before he has time and again passed resolutions to put the work lay, which enwuls at um.
of creating. Instead of a class conscious ism and impwrialism is at present on the the heads of the leaders of the Medical is given his Hop ticket, that the distances orxanize this field, but it remains un in of the right of the bus proletariat, a contented and docile, Am offensive, the independent middle class Worker Industrial Union to be worked from South Ferry to the Muni. to York City, where a small local is stint In order to fight the present speederican working class. The propose such action. In its own special way, works out for the revolutionary drug clerks The Gold Dust or to the Brooklyn Struggling along things as a thirteen month calendar, with against the proletariat.
are still as hard to tramp with worn out all holidays falling on Saturday, and a HUGO OKULER On March 1st the automobile bosses in system and other evils in the shops five day week. But it all holidays full shoes and socks as ever. They also know New York notified the union that the and on the Jobs, shop and job committhat the seaman often has to spend the men must accept a 40 per cent wage est system of stewards appointed by the tees to be elected instead of the present on asturlay it will cut from under the night in freight wagons and dark door or no contract would be signed. More five day week. The middle class needs ways. Just as the jobless uptown.
So than half the members of the union were. Firing to be done only with the business agents a docile class in order to reap profits in why these mistatements, this exception out of work and there was no money consent of the shop or job committee, all their venues of exploitation. They alism for the senmen?
want a Secretary of Education, and Fed As we turn the corner to speed down! At the present time there is a wide The seamen are relatively better off in the treasury, but the men unanimously eral control of lucation. All in all the second third of the drive there be spread and intense interest in the Ger than other workers. Are the officials Farned down the proposition and declared which shall be under the supervision of themselves ready for a struggle. comthe Employment Burea.
reforms from the top in order to head sins to loom before 19 June 1st on man situation. The eyes of the inter of the waiting for things to of the pressure of the workers from be which date the drive closes. And behind national working class are instinctively become desperate before they make mitee was elected to serve notice on the eil Officers and Business Agents. one year term for listrict Counlow. Par sighted middle clasu politicians June 1st looms darkly the period of the fixed on Germany to see what will be real more to organize the paterfront pro full power to act.
auto boly manufacturers and was given 10. Referendum vote on agreements see the writing on the wall that the summer recession. Against their inex: the outcome of the struscle there. In letariat?
election of District Council Officers, and blind Stalinites cannot see. The slogan orable approach we are able to record the fire of the class struggle the lines with the When the committee met Such Watchful waiting rolicy has tasses it announced that the union would District Council By Laws and trade rules for the Six Hour day and the Five Day this week some progress over last week of Stalinism and the International Left been in evidence for many months. De week with no reduction of pay a class report. The standing of new am re Opposition are being weighed and tested. spite the fact that an effort at organi not accept the cut and that it was rendy our Union to be subjected to recall by. 11. All officers and functionaries of Blogun first magnitude to fight it out. This had an immediate a majority vote of the members.
immediate newed subs new bundle orders is as Now before decis moment, we antion is seemingly being made in the effect on the employers, and they agreed demands, that can be turned against the follows: New York 17: Minneapolis 5: must forward more energetically capitalist class and cement together a Boston 4: Chicago 3: St. Louis 1: point of view of the Left Opposition. We columns of the Daily Worker in the form to talk the matter over, with a view to that cannot keep up themselves, and the 12. Amalgamation of those small locals of editorials and resolutions, the actual larke section of our own class has been Newark Philadelphia 1: Misc. 12: must spread our press. Workers everycompromise. After several days of smerhed up and exploited by the middle New bundle orders: Chicago 2; Newark where will read it. They want to know less activity and has never been so dis arrived at Faced with agreeing to this the uno scale of wages of the carpentfact is that the Union has never shown bargaining 20 percent ware cut was reduction of the salaries of the officers to CIUN reformers because the Stalinites ers in order to effect don volnud tentaryd truckfee for immediate a little larger and reads as follows: the central inducement in a really intention was held and the Untou formed, at last se two year contract was signed empt from partnered duen bon the The staff of or accepting open whop conditions, the who This series of extracts must be made organized as at the present moment.
13. unemployed members to exdemands and a reformist utilization of Konikor 4; Carter 1; Curransive and sustained drive to get them.
1: Cowl 1: Zalmanoff L. Basky subs, renewals, new bundle orders and Splendid start was made. good basis hy both parties.
to be exempt from paying the per capita was at hind. real representative body Jingoism breaks Through. 1; Sacharow make mass distributions. If every comAlthough the 20 percent cut was a setThree of the measures are outright What our comrades and sympathixers rade and syropathixer will do his part of seamen was willing to sacrifice time back for the union, it was an unavoidable taxes for their unemployed members.
and energy in building the Union, but compromise, remembering the 40 per Insurance.
14. To demand Federal nemployment Jingolst planks, natural sequences of must realize is the necessity, the absowe will bound forward.
Heart a Mexican cumin and his lute in sheer necessity, of building the We give here again the literature pre to keep it from making headway. Many the unsnccessful attempt of the manufac OLIVETThat in use the employers It seems the party leadership did its best cent cut that was first demanded, and and be it further present Japanese campaign.
Heard circulation of The Militaut. on Sept. 29. miums with each other sopar ordrhet per splendid possibilities for the organization. Furers to destroy the union. He was the do not accept the lowe proposals for wants the French and English West In. 1931 comrade Trotsky in sending greetnewal of 00 a free cops of the Per dles as part payments of debts.
He sings to El Soviet wrote, The resolution manent Revolution by comrade Trotsky, that. strike shall be does not wait Woe to those that lag or a free one year sub to Young Span Everything of importance was left to vented the destruction of their organizaclared, and be it further further consideration and all kinds of. behind. With all my heart wish you taeus; with each half year sub or renewtion. As matters now stand, there is RESOLVED That a copy of this resoluMinneapolis Attention Great struexles are preparing in the of the World Revelation by comrade committees, but the ultra mechanical workers union that may some day be a manding immediate saloption and entorce The Militant and left Opposition lit. toward a decisive historical moment. In 1ssues for 50 free copy of one of our incompetency of its appointees on the submit the industry and not have to went of same, and be it further The German situation is developing Trotsky: with cach trial wub of thirteen control by the party leadership and the power in to compromises.
RESOLVED That the above program be erature can be procured at the following Spain further revolutionary struggles are 100 pamphlets.
National Commitee have throttled the GADFLY spread in all the locals in the District inevitable. We must not. dare not lag activities of the Union until it has befor their consideration and endorsement.
Engelson News Co.
behind MINNEAPOLIS STANDING come almost a wreck Resolution of the 234 2nd Ave.
We must strive with all our power to he rival Militant builders teams of The leading clement and active IN HONOR OF WINCHEWSKY reach a wider and ever wider circle of Minneapolis (whom we will call Rankan membership in the Union have melted Carpenters Union From workers of Minneapolis, we have Oleisky Newsstand received the following resolution in hon.
Washington at Hennepint We must penetrate with The Militant secret meetings and outlined their plans policy of alienating and driving away We have received the following re. or of the deceased Jewish poet, Morris deeper into the party and its auxiliaries, of action. Both plans are suspiciously new elements. promising militants, hax solution for publication Further in Winchewsky. The resolution (addresse!
hindler Newsstand into all working class organizations. The alike, and there is mutual recrimination been going on in full force. The party formation is to follow. to Mrs. Morris Winchewsky and family)
Hennepin, at 6th St.
technique for doing this worked out about every scout getting reports, etc. and the appointed officials in the Union WHEREAS The negotiations for the reas: literature premtums, combined subscrip The rules of the contest provide that are afraid and suspicious of any new coming agreement between the New York We, the assembled in the Labor ATTENTION, MINNEAPOLIS tion, Intes, special rates for bundle or suhs for all Left Opposition organs count members who show leadership qualities District Council of Carpenters and the Lyceum at an open forum Sunday, March SUBSCRIBERS!
ders, a special 25e sub for eight issues, au points, the unit being the dollar. All and in support from the membership, employers are now taking place, and such 20th, representing the the InAll Minneapolis readers of The Mill and ree mass distributions stpaid subs, after being ported to the team Such members are soon disciplined to an agreement must be in the interests of dependent Workmen Circle, the Worktant, especially those whose subscriptions the distributor.
captains, who keep a record, goes through remote parts of the For quite a the carpenters, and men Circle express the deepest wymhave expired, may expect a visit from Now: In addition to these inducements the hands of comrade Coover, the branch long time local secretary Johannesen was WHEREAS The application of machinpathy for the loss of your beloved hus one of our Militant burlers team who we are able to offer a political induce treasurer. He counts and credits the functioning as the driving force on the ery and technical skill in the building band, friend and fighter for the revoluare hot after subs and renewals. If your ment which in conjunction with the points and sends them in waterfront. He visited incoming ships industry in general and the woodworking tionary struggle, Morris Winchewsky.
sub has not yet expired, they will supply others should be decisive for subscriber At this writing, the standing of the teams and spoke regularly at the open air meet industry in particular has for the past and we pledge to continue his fight in the you with the name and address of aand subscription getter alike. We refer is roughly: Team 1: Dunn, captain. ings and Union Square demonstrations. years permanently and disastrously re future.
needy worker who will benefit by a sub to the series of extracts from comrade points: Team. Curran, captain everybody liked his straight forwardness Queel the necessary man power, thereby (Signed by the Committee)
Will you cooperate with our committee? Trotsky new work on Germany. What points. This does not include two new before the membership and his fearless necessitating a sharp reduction of workS. ZALMANOFP CARL COWL, Secy. Next? appearing in The Militant. newstands secured by Team II. ness in dealing with appointed functioning hours, and KATES FINNK Second Month of Militant Drive the cle may not prove to be taking behind. al of 00 a free copy of the Strategy results were promised by the incoming still a nucleus for building up an auto tion be sent to the District Council dethe