AnarchismBolshevismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyLeninLeninismMarxismRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismTerrorismTrotskyUnited FrontVictor SergeViolenceWorking Class

SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 1932 THE MILITANT PAGE IN THE INTERNATIONAL OF LABOR Reviews and News of the Working Class and Revolutionary Movements Statement on the Recent Decree Depriving For the Unity of Spanish Communism Comrade Trotsky of Soviet Citizenship This prediction of Tanin is being lle is gravely 111. The terror against the idea of expatriating comrade Trot. munism is a consequence of the funda adapt itself to the masses: sectarian nar pose as a definite condition, the demonThe Working Class United Front Against words, the Stalinist clique is concealing before Trotsky and his friends all the concrete data which it possesses concerning the planned assassination of Trotsky An Open Letter of the Spanish Left Opposition Addressed to all Communists (Continued from page 1) months and succumbed. Stalin killed In jurdical language, this manner of against the nomination of Stalin to the her as he killed Zinxadze, Blumkin, and action is called in case there is no dir Comrades: of the Spanish revolution, were formu. What solutions are proposed in this With the will serve as a peppery. This kakovsky is tied down to Barnoul, in Stalin understands that very well Letter of the Communist International it was insulted with the worst sort of remarkable for its absolute lack of com publication of the Open Sated by the opposition, and for which Open Letter. The whole document is cook has not yet exhausted the culin which the harsh climate is practically personal responsibility is only too clear.
to the the profonnd crisis which eritbets. The following accusations are crete solutions. It does not even prodestroying the health of the old fighter. Seeking for some way out, he came upon has been hovering over Spanish ary science completely.
Con made agninst the leadership: inability to veritied anew. The decree of expatria Rakovsky, besides having general poliesky. Stalin believes that if he with mental errors committed by the nation rowness: anarchistic tendencies: false strative elimination of the direct authtient was another and not the Tastatical causes, also has a personal motive. draws. comrade Trotsky Soviet pause al leadership with the full acquiescence analysis of the political situation issuers of these political crimes which are potoned dixh from the stalinist kitchen Stalin nurtures an old hatred against port, he will thereby diminish this own of the International bas broken out into ance of slogans incomprehensible to the denounced within it. These lend The deeree is the a munce in the to the same degree to which Stalin is attempt on the part of the white terror are stigmatised in this document, mis will to put them into practice: false onucracy too faithfully and are al.
product of wrath and weakness. The choice list of those expatriated is dictated by the Incarnation of bureaucratie brutality ists. In that case, it will not be a matthe necessity of a political amalgam. und disloyalty. Rakovsky is the image of ter of a Soviet citizen! This miserable to be that the Spanish Left Opposition inception of the role of the Soviets together to disposent to continua sent was the first to point out at a time when callure to understand the meaning of the Inu it, for the latter to get rid of them The Thermidorians have always com renuine revolutionary magnanimity.
all the other measures of a similar na have marked a victorious advance of the sulation of the expression of the rank the congress of the party, which is to bined the name of their revolutionary The decree of expatriation against ture adversaries with those of the representa Trotsky and his family has an additionrevolution. Only when This decree, born of wrath and im the tives of the counter revolutionaries, inal purpose and is linked with the ter potence, may cause comrade Trotsky blossoming within the party grow to Confederation of Labor. The Spanish democratie appearance to the bureautheir reprisnls. The names of Don, rorist designs of the White Guards and his family personal difficulties. Bu their full length does the international, Left Opposition believes and declares cratie maneuver that are now being pre Abramovitch. Potressow and the others against Trotsky: The Soviet government it will not change the fact that today, which defended and supported these era new change of policy. Imposed upon pared.
The leadership of the Spanish party would be compromising to the name of attaches an extremely great importance of the Soviet Repable and the leader of booksturoy the manner and tile and in that we have practiced. In this resp pelled at political ponents, the most It is a matter of creatine a combine that assination by Turkul in the Rote Fahne, maina, together with Lemin Teo Tokunder sponsible for them so resolutely. decide would not have been brought about with is dictated by the very nature of cen which is evidenced by the fact organizer of the victory of the Red Army the face of evident symptoms of the de eet, the Opposition sees in these facts a camble militants of the party, within trism which cannot help having enemies that it addresses itself officially to the moralization of the party. symptoms new victory of its defense of revolution the Inst few months and actived them of the horrible erime of not withholding from the right and the left and which Secretariat of the League of Nations, ad and that he is today the outstanding which are manifesting fighter themselves inary Marxism. applied to the Spanish rertheir criticism of the adventuristie polsets itself the task of throwing all into vising it of the danger threatening Lit. While Stalin is only the candidate for the their full force. Two days before the plution and the role of the party.
the same not in order to mark its Сen vinor on the part of the same White post of grave digger of the proletarian militants who had the courage to bring gistering this brilliant victory of its leadership was, in this manner. able to publication of the Open Letter. simple The Communist Left Opposition, in reicies pursued by this leadership. The.
Stalinists continue to fill up the places his disposal data of such an importance dictatorship.
up criticisms less severe than that of the point of view, is obliged to show to all maintain the condition of monolithie of deportation. The colonies of Bolshe. and such concrete facts, Stalin has never Nor will this prevent what is inevit. International in their units were ex proletarian Communists that the Open tranquility. nogrom atmosphere was vik exiles in Siberia and Central Asia theless not brought them to the attention able, the downfall of the dictatorship of pelled from the party with the sanction Letter is a direct result, although a be created within the party, an atmosphere are constantly growing. Those contined of comrade Trotsky, nor to this friends the degenerated Stalinist clique.
in the solitaries, after werving their time. up to the present; neither with regard downfall is inevitable. It will not be the crisis was not produced by a logical de clearly that even though we have been recution against all sincere militants Tube of international organisms. The present lated one of our criticisins. This shows terrorism against all independently thinking militants and of a systematic have been condemned to supplementary to the character of the terrorist organi preparation for the downfall of the proto leave the solitariex alive. Only a few nor its methods, etc. Only by being hopes, but on the contrary, for the deco say by means of a free discussion tion with it was undeniably a fruitful the leadership. In the face of these confonen entsteht not want them nation, its composition, its connections. Letarian dictatorship of the enemy class elopment of the organization, that is the lowed from the parts, our collabora that disagreed with these methods anders weeks ago the old Bolshevik Tulukidze aware of all these circumstances can the generation and the bloom of proletarian within the party, but was fabricated one. would be still greater the possibility of any sort of criticism and a member of the Party since 1995, was militants of the Left Opposition, to the democracy. It signifies the regeneration artifically: Imposed by the Internation. Opposition were allowed to occupy the in the face of the reign of persecution, finished off by a series of ignominous extremely unfavorable conditions of their of the Comintern. It has become the al bureaucracy.
place that belongs to it within the ranks many old militants left the party. The Thermidorias acts. This wick old Bol exile, take the necessary preventative indispensable premise for the success of It is logieal that the leadership of the that if the internal regime were one of all their internal political life.
of the party. It goes to show once more, bureaucraticization of the units killed off shevik, instead of being transferred to a measures. Comrade Trotsky compan socialist construction in the The International, those most responsible for free and democratic discussion, which leviers were more interested in upholdplace in which more favorable conditions cons in arms bave more than once add for the development of the interna the mistakes of the Spanish leadership is indispensible to every revolutionary in the personal prestige of the secret for her state of health exist, as she was dressed these demands to the representional revolution are doing everything in their power to proletarian organization, the criticism ary of the unit than in upholding the promised. was deported to Aklomiusk. tatives of Stalin abroad. No information, INTERNATIONAL SECRETARIAT cover up the catastrophie consequences would be far less acute than under the political line of the worker Communists the worst spot in Central Asia. In reno aid has been given to them. In other OF THE LEFT OPPOSITION of the polles pursued in Spain. Histor present state of division, and the cor active in the units. The active militants, ply to her protests, she was beaten.
Our unilinching comrade could not reically, the damage caused by these polterection of the mistakes would take place fearing expulsion from the party, cur sist his maltreatment more than a few tical mistakes is very difficult to make more rapidly and more effectively, and tailed their own opinions and did not good. When the rhythm of the revolu would be immensurably less painful. But follow the dictates of their conscience tion starts its process of decline, the the International bureaucracy fears the The militants were robotid: what was revolutionary truth and therefore per asked of them was not discipline, but Have You Read bureaucracy of the International posessists in keeping the Bolshevik Leninists blind obedience.
Reaction in Canada the question of the reorganization of the within the ranks of the Opposition, esIt is in such a situation that the party party. The International bureaucracy tranged from the party.
mission that their previous strategy was gave its assent. its support to every (Continued from page 1)
These Works?
The Open Letter takes special painsbe denounced in advance as a bureau convention is being prepared, which can opted this resolution since then the Un One of Isolation, and that to influence thing that deprived the Spanish prole to cover up those mistakes committed by cratie maneuver, with the aim of placited Farmers of Alberts and the United the masses. it is necessary to go intol tarint of its dod of the revolution. the lack of political understanding on resulting especially from the latest polrevolutionary party in the Spanish party, that derive not from ating the fermentation within the ranks, by LEON TROTSKY conventions, and the provincial Conxoo this development. To embrace a larger red with the cloak of its authority the from the theory that dominates the pre this very International leadership is Farmers of Saskatchewan at their last their organizations.
culminative period The Conference was but a begiuning in More than that, the International cov. the part of the national leadership, but itical mistakes of the leadership Yet, Criticism of Fundamentals DRAFT PROGRAM OF THE Councils have also taken this resolution bumber of workers within the movement split in the ranks of Spanish Communism sent course of the International Stalin torced to admit that the party is disortion of the Alberta Trades and Labor COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL on Part and 140 pages.
bureaucrats, the mass pressure from the in principle and theory, there can be no the party. Practically, the and the whole series of eclectie conceptions nary to reorganize it immediately. The paper cover 350 cloth bound 00 action. notice was also sent out call. Showariuma can be accomplished ont has Pumarega combinere revered the ropendat ours into the comme de the Chinese, check that the Left Opposition was correct and events has clearly shown STRATEGY OF THE WORLD REVOLUTION Our comrad in the various organiza for the Spanish proletariat by the Four. German. the Bulgarian and now, the policy corresponding to the needs of the ference in Hamilton, Ontario, for Feb.
Part of the Draft rogram ruary 6th and Tth, to plan further alons must see that this movement is teenth of April.
86 pages 21 program of work. The call specifically not allowed to drift away, but to bring In the Open Letter of the Commun of the wrong tactics that derives from party at every step in the revolution, THE PERMANENT REVOLUreproduced the the disastrous article known as Stalin are the proof for this. Once more, the All our activities and all our writings TION every body and person in sympathy with GREEN same criticisms that, since the beginning ism.
158 pages paper cover 50e the views of the Conference, regardless historie necessity of the existence of the cloth cover 00 of political belief or aliation.
Opposition has been justified, on a na tional as well as on an international the HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN Comrade Silver was sent to Hail Hamilton Conference as the representascale. Nevertheless, instead of readmitREVOLUTION Vol. ting all the Oppositionists expelled for 522 pages cloth cover tive of the local Toronto Conference, On the occasion of the fourteenth the First of March. During these early of the Red Army. They comrade Panitch represented an auxiltheir opinions into the party, the Open for others 50 had to live.
anniversary of the founding of the By Special arrangements with the iary organization, and comrade Green days of the creation of the army, Trotsky! And the patriotic sentiment also played Letter demands that the party carry on appeared as the tireless animator of the its part. And then, there were many ter revolutionary Trotskyism. For the Red Army, we reprint below an acwent as the direct official delegate of publishers we can offer this book the Toronto branch of the Left Oppost count of the event by Victor Serge project. We need a well organized who were to remain enemies of the resto certificate holders. 300 tion: all our comrades were seated. and several of the first Soviet docu army, a new army. he exclaimed at the Olution as officers in the Red Army purpose of struggling against Trotsky To members of the Communist ments bearing on the subject. Vietor In spite of the short time and lack of Moscow Soviet on March 19. We shall Conspirators appeared to install them ism. a whole factory of slanders and Lengue (0. at 50.
Serge is the translator of the French work twelve hours a day if against the Opposition necessary selves permanently inside the army. Trot and its most outstanding militants will Enclose 10e postage per copy with preparation in calling the Conference, it edition of the complete works of opened with 283 delegates representing but we will go forward in the way sky had to refute the arguments of those start to finction within a short time.
Lenin. He is a Franco Russian Com of discipline, of work and of creative who feared that the army in the con166 organizations, and 117 Individuals PROBLEMS OF THE DEVELOPmunist of long standing and a mem.
The Liberals, as usual, were prominent with full steam and in extra shifts. It action. Obstinate work, revolutionary adet of which the former generalx par will take recourse to verbal and Journal MENT OF THE by their absence of the 19 trade unions ber of the Left Opposition. The 48 Ages paper cover represented, over half were of chapter printed below forms part of carried them out, implanted them in the of the counter revolution. Composed of Istic violence at first and later on, even minds. The decree on obligatory and workers and poor peasants and held to the party bureaucracy will explate for his work Year of the Russian ReyTHE REAL SITUATION IN locals. The other delegates were from general military instruction was promulgother by a framework of Communist the mistakes it has committed, mistakes RUSSIA olution (in French) and is of espevarious auxiliary organizations, unemcated on April 22 upon his proposal. It commissars, it did not, he argueil, have fatal for the destiny of the Spanish pro.
364 pages cloth cover 00 cial interest at present in view of ployed associations, language and culthe Stalinist distortions of revolution tural bodies, etc. Comrade was a preparatory measure; a great to fear anything outside of individual letariat.
SINCE LENIN DIED ary history in general and that of part of the population remained hostile treacherles. He had to combat Silver was elected on the resolutions habits by Max Fast man the Red Army in particular. The committee and took an active part in the to the regime. The army about to be created by the revolution itself. For The Communist party will not be able 158 pages 300 paper cover Red Army. in the body: deliberations on that organization of organized, had to be formed of volunteers months, the military commanders had to take the road it must take, if it does WORLD UNEMPLOYMENT AND which comrade Trotsky took the anitch was appointed to the Advisory whose tirst qualifications were to be been elected. The election of command not begin its reorganization by completeTHE FIVE YEAR PLAN Committee. The eight arrested leaders, their social origin and political opinions. ers was the command of the necessity ly eliminating the whole leading clique leading part, was created as the (out of print)
then still out on ball awaiting the result army of the International revolution. But a modern army is a complicated of democratizing the old army. As long of adventurers which have led it to the 48 pages paper cover 100 of their appeal, were enthusiastically Today, on the fourteenth anniversary machine. Its mechanism cannot be built as the power belonged to the enemy class, present situation. These inept and ingreeted and appointed as honorary Presl.
THE SPANISH REVOLUTION of its foundation, with the sharpen up. Its functioning cannot be assured as long as the cadres of the army were capable lenders veritable illiterates in ing of the class conflicts and the im without skill specialist 30 pages dium members.
100 paper cover Where the instrument of this class, it was our so far as revolutionary Marxism is conminence of social struggles of an were the war technicians to be taken task to break the resistance of the com cerned, are those who are morally re THE SPANISH REVOLUTION IN Smith presented the political international scope, It is especially from? There were those of the old mand through the election of the com sponsible for the defeat of the Spanish DANGER report. Elving an outline of the crisis.
well to remember this, Long live cegime, those of the enemy classes. Trot manders. But today the power is in the revolution. All the worker Communists paper cover 150 the reasons for the severe reaction in the Red Army, the army of the world sky very early envisaged the utilization hands of the working class from the who love their party must demand the COMMUNISM AND SYNDICAL Canada, and cited the figures of the proletariat!
of these specialists. In order to carry midst of which the army is recruiteed. political condemnation of Bullejos and ISM Clase Terror in Canada in 1931, when this out, he had to overcome numerous Under these conditions tell you this in Co. The latter, with a stroke of remark64 pages 720 workers were arrested with 155 con156 paper cover obstacles and not a few legitimate fears. all frankness the election of officers is able political cynicism, are trying to ev victions: 78 workers were beaten and THE TRUTH ABOUT THE BIRTH GERMANY. THE KEY TO THE wounded, miners brutally killed in Even Lenin at first ohjected and only no longer of any political utility, it is ade responsibility for the debacle by re OF THE RED ARMY INTERNATIONAL SITUATION demonstrations Estevan. and 96 consented later on: and technically inadequate and a decree has sorting to accusations against the rank SHALL FASCISM REALLY and file of the party, who are guilty Finland, the Baltic countries, the Uk meetings smashed. The war danger was Without Rerious and experienced mill. already annuled it in fact.
Elven emphasis, and a set of organizaraine are occupled by the Austrians and tary men. said to Vladimir Llyitch Correct as these reasons were they werels of the crime of being too patient.
48 pages, paper cover, 100 tional proposals were adopted which the Germans. The finurkunde penteries Car ook een schoenen we will never set codente metode de testen e proletaWland were any longer to have all the blame for THE TURN IN THE COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL AND THE united front. Tim Buck and Tom Ewen. The British are occupying the Baku. The That seems to be quite true. But to be placed under the command. even to the party leaders. east upon their GERMAN SITUATION two of the arrested leaders, in their dis Rumanians are seeing Bessarabia. The what if they will betray us? though controlled by commissars (incom. heads. The national bureaucrats have (out of print)
cussions. emphasized again and again Japanese are landing at Vladivostok We shall attach a commissar to each petents. of generals who only yester learned from their International alles day shot them down and of counter the consistent method of submitting the that the Conference was not a Commun. April The revolution is surrounded one of them.
NEW Publications ist organization, but a movement embracin a circle of Iron and fire It needs an We shall attach two. Lenin cried revolutionary officers! It was necessary rank and file to a most abominable de PROBLEMS OF THE CHINESE ing any labor body and liberal elements army. This army must be created from out, two who will have a solid weight The creation of the army. Trotskytatorship and of casting responsibility REVOLUTION who agreed with its aims of fighting for the void.
said, is for us a question of life and for the failures on their shoulders. There There is no lack of strong arm Com cloth cover 50 free speech and assemblage, and the re On January (15. while negotiations munists.
is one more thing that the Left Opposlpaper cover 00 peal of Section 98. Buck also stated are going on at Brest Litovsk, a decree There was no administrative appartion cannot conceal. The present leadThe type of the leading organisms of Bound Volumes of all the pam that the pressure of the masses may is issued on the establishment of a Red the army was conceived in the following necessary for the formation of an army. from the party itself will not be able atus capable of mobilizing the forces ership of any other leading body arising phlets indicated by Only 100 eren force the of to take ac Army of volunteers.
copies available. Cloth cover, tion, and render them also liable to The Red general stafr whatever has ficer and two Bolshevik commissars, TheThe party, revealing once more the deel. to restore its political welfare if it is Section 98.
to apply to the Spanish movements remained of the former general staff military men, It appeared, accepted these sive importance tf its historie role, had going In preparation a new book on state. The Red the internationally Germany Perspectives disastrous methods SPECIAL RATES IN BUNDLE Due to the bankruptcy of the Stalin their initiative by constituting new corps, dificulties. Accustomed to passive obedi Guards, the partisan units (numerous in er stalinismi The Spanish revolution ORDERS ist policies, loss of membership, prestige, the battalion of 150 men to be adopted ience and to state service, they submit the inland country, but anarchic, indis is another proof for the world proletarPIONEER PUBLISHERS etc. the Party was forced to adopt the as the unit. This appeal did not go un ted immediately as soon as authority was ciplined, Infinitely difficult to control) at of how Stalinism leads directly to 84 East 10th St. Leninist principle of the United Front. answered. The real Red Army was to imposed upon them. In their memotres and a few other hardly regular unit defeat. This is precisely what the hired New York, This is a vindication of the program of be created later, under the cover formed the White Guard generals complained that survived from the old army were the Stalinites in Spain are attempting to the Left Opposition. The course taken for it by these first improvised units about the case with which the Bolshe first pithy war material of the Republic. dissimulate before the working masses.
in this conference is an involuntary ad Supreme Army Council was formed on viks recruited the technical personnel (Continued on page To be Continued)
are stated that the invitation was issued to it into further contact with the masses. ist International the Fourteenth Anniversary of the Red Army. comrade 64 pages 385 pages manner: