BolshevismBourgeoisieCominternCommunismEngelsFootballGermanyLeninismMarxMarxismSocialismSovietStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGE TE MILITANT SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 1932 Statement of Gerry Allard. LETTERS FROM THE MILITANTS the hurl back in the teeth of the Gebers and been in contact with scores of miners Rights elected a manager, secretary treal workers during the year, which means this is nothing more than an attack on in the coming period were inid out and Opposition Greeks the neco mal dedo Answer «Empros»
of we In 10 terest reclown so their policies. Llow «The Miltant» Needs YOUR Help Now!
office is hey are Oppositionist Answers Stalinist Slanders Pocket Book Workers workers. The rest are working only 2:30 at the Labor Lyceum, Gth Ave.
It is evident that the Stalinites in me. secretary was imported to hanpart time. The employers took and are Farmer Laborites in Minn. North and Irving Indications point to their campaign against the members of ale the whole situation. No one ever Prepare for Strike taking advantage of this situation. They wards the tevelopment of an active rer.
the Left Opposition, know no limit in leard of him. He immediately began to do not live up even to the rotten agree MINNEAPOLIS, MINX.
olutionary youth forve in Minneapolis.
their right to perpetrate their erroneous take charge with my whole heared co It is nine months wnice the fak. ment they signed. They reduce wages new age in Farmer Labor history An account of comrade Glotzer stay policier. Neither are they familiar with puration. It was not a week later heers in the pocketbook Workers Union constantly. They have introduced the hax been written. Anderson, the Farmer would not be complete without mention the most elementary line of ethics con bad run away with pennies of the unemput over their treacherous agreement, in speed up system. Workers are abused Labor mayor of Minneapolis has come of the banquet in his honor held for the forming with the principles of a revolu ployed workers of Bloomington and had spite of the fact that the workers voted and sulted by their bosses and fore ont with a new proportul on unemploy. Benefit of our publishing activities. Al allexing that testified in the courts of working for. had been in the Party gave away all union conditions. more a week. Inside manufacturers give their breaking up of the February 4th nem tively entertainment, featuring the much the capitalist class against active fight for years and there had never been a than the employers demanded, and with work to. contractors in non union shopsployment Mass meeting on Bridge sq. heralded Militant Quartet as well as ers of the class struggle are crude fab peek of irregularities along technical ou fight. As a result, the union remains and let their workers, starve, which is in which six workers were arrested and one of the Heavenly Discours skits rications that cannot stand the least lines, but yet the great leaders im today in the most deplorable condition against the agreement they signed. This convicted of disorderly conduct. the entitled Denver Brays For Rain. Hiere peck of substantiation, Dort an agent that virtually ruins months three months before the agreement ex book workers slave today.
is the condition under which the pocket solution offered by the mayor should not the laurels must be handed to the Dunne Needless to say, the charges are of of tellous work to organize a district pires.
the most serious kind. For a tighter in that had never known Communist organiHow is it possible that the employer in a press statenient to the Minneapolis Curran for their dramatie te musical be surprising to the workers of this city. boys, Grant and Miles, as well as to Bill After this rotten agreement was sign could get away and not live up to the Journal of March 7th. Mayor Anderson contributions. Glotzer spoke the class war to be charged with open xation before.
These are a few of the detail matters ed a rank and le movement sprane un agreement at a time when there is a propose to alleviate the depression and visit with Troky and the work of the conspiracy with the enemies of the under the leadership of the Limpartial machinery in the indudary cut down the expenses of loul admin working class in attempting to frame up that have caused the Party to be sharpas the workers revolted and ousted the League and brought a ronning collection First, there is the reorganization clause Istration by conscripting workers now for Left Opposition publications, son, is by far the most contemptible best things along with the fact that am administration before their term expired. we have had since the last agreement, receiving charity to do dywork such as trayal for which there can never be any an applicant for membership in the New elections took place which left thel which was forced on the workers by the clearing show, road repair, etc. for noth eapolis branch was held with comrade special organization of the Minn administration badly divided. The rebel betrayers. This clause is a club in the ing. that is, in return for groceries pardon. Agent Provocateur Leopold of Opposition. Left wingers won 14 delegates to the hands of the employers, over the head This, he claims, would in some measure on the work of the European and ChiGlotzer Monday night where he reported the Canadian Royal Mounteda olice is My recent activities in one specte of a scoundrel that will be convention at Indianapolis and Spring The rank and Ale committee elected two zation clause the employers have miners Joint Board. the Right wing elected 16. of the workers. Under this reorgani reply the city for the charity they now nese sections of the Left Opsition and jotted down in the memorandum book field have also come under the criticisms of the three business agents, but the right to discharge ten per cent of the dispense.
the International Secretariat. The prac.
of the revolutionary working class of the Party. In this manner. have In examining this proposal, we see that tical tasks of the Minneapolis Leagte and lying that it must contaminate the sympathy in due time. The Party there over the rebels. Members were wondering the workers. It was possible for the Commerce and the organized bosses was a bit over dit dollars. The Tashes that the allegations are no rotten and naturally correctness of policy gains surer two organizers, and one business five per cent every six months. The cmthe present public works wage scale and discussed.
agent, which gave them a small majority players used this clause as a whip over is a measure which the Chamber of very tongue that irresponsibly frotbed fore hus planned a campaign to annihil how this divided administration would employers to speed up the workers, be The net financial resnit of these meetthese contemptible charges.
Differences with the Party whereby they can force the league to work. They know that more than halt cause each worker feared that he would clusions from this step taken by the hoval. excellent. Minneapolis is looking Seven workers, members of the Com bring pressure down on me Anything munist Party, have been jailed, indicted to discredit Allard will be alright, as are the old guard of the Wolinsky, Shipganization came around, after the season Farmer Labories and examine more forward to the next national tour.
closely its connection with the veneral and releasel on hond pending trial, sim. long as they get him out of the way. lakot kang which were forced out of was over. The employers used another program of the pre shopers of this ply because they were active in the fight These are the only reasons that can office a few years ago. They are cor scheme. few days before reorganiza The radical Mo election proches, for the advancement of the interest of ind for the inventions that they are con upted and discredited by the membertion took place, they called the workers the lengthy promise to alleviate the lot the Illinois coul miners. They propagat tinuously fabricating about my personal ship. How can these two groups work into their office and told them if they of the workers, have lost some of their Miners Union was the only capable or. They have coased to make it a political facer such serious problems as making would not be sent away. The workerx appeal in the light personal the employers live up to the agreement knowing that there are over 2, 500 word: workers of Minneapolis are looking more administration. The ganization that could successfully lead struggle by Indulging in the The Empros. the Greek organ of the a the miners in the struggle against the character of their dissenters.
operators. They appealed to the miners April the 1st a mass protest meeting cipline in the union shops solving the another job, accepted reductions in and more cynically upon a state and city stalinists in Americn is carrying to spread their wild cat strike and to has been called by sympathizers and op problem of the shops moving out wages which amounted to 10, 20 and 30 in collusion with the Chamber of Com Herald but overlooking the machinery which has consistently acted one sided struggle agninst the National necessary transform it into a national struggle. ponents of the criminal syndicalist laws. town: the growth of scab shops and percent.
For these reasons, along with the gen. have been asked to speak and to pros above all: preparing and mobilizing the Second: the present administration merce. It role as democratic cloak exposure of the Atlantis.
In our Manifestos last November we eral pro sam of the arty, they are to be sibly act as chairman of this meeting. workers for a struggle when the agree which is known to the workers as the for vicious attacks of the bosses has attacked this one sidedness and imprisoned for long years, unles the unhesitatingly accepted the offer as in ment expires: and the winning back of Fraternal Club fung, gave the employ become clear to all thinking workers.
This situation is exceptionally favor warned the Greek workers of this faulty masses of coal miners and the entire line with every revolutionary duty. the lost conditions which the last admirers a free hand and collaborated with American labor movement come to their This meeting will proclaim to the en Istration cave to the employers, with them to bring down wages and under able for the Communists. Workers are and dangerous procedure of the Greek mine the conditions of the workers now beginning to understand the cor Stalinist, which they are still ursuing defense. The attack against these serenemies of the miners that we intend to out a fight.
in spite of the protests by many party At the same time the unemployment Communist workers is a direct attack break the terror that is taking place in After the employers reduced the wages ree of communist candidates op against the Illinois coal miners and the Franklin County and the right for work situation increases daily in great num of the workers, they called the union to Twing the reformists, and no longer remembers and sympathizers.
In the current issue of Communistis American labor movement. the ers to assemble and hold speeches bers as a result of which we have today a conference and demanded another reproach us for plitting the labor vote. The workers of Minnesota have no incourse of the Illinols miner fight, es out of 600 members, 2, 500 unemployed duction in wages of 15 percent. The adwe took up the slanders of the standard GERRY ALLARD.
ministration was willing to give u In the capitalist parties including ind type which was the only reply the pecially during the Rank and Hile Stalinists could give to our criticism of percent reduction of wages providing the Farmer Labor Party. The coming movement in Illinois, differed very the employers renewed the agreement ex elections will show more clearly than their failing. We told the Greek workers that the real supporters of the Empiring in June for another year. Whenever the growing strength and appeal of the general lince of the In the St.
pros are not the Stalinists who direct its a Communism for the mass of workers in Louis convention where the Left Oppost With this issue of The Militant the the date line of each unsold copy and the manager reported this offer to Tholicies at present but all the workers general membership meeting, the work. this state.
tion played a prominent part. The con subscription drive will be one third malling it in. SARA AVRIN.
and especially the Left Oppositionists vention rejected the policies of the Leftover. It is a logical time to review what We must also organize free mass disers rejected it. It was decided not to who fought within the ranks of the party Opposition: nevertheless, we were still has already been accomplished and say tribution wherever workers rather or renew the agreement so long as there before they were expelled. We still a part of that movement and throughout what remains to be done.
can be reached, of sample coples the whole movement we have in a min! The standing of new and renewed sub back numbers furnished free byth or is the reorganization clause in it, but Lett Opposition Activitie dicht for its correct orientation on the the na that the union should prepare and questions of the class struggle and reority position. The pressure of the scriptions, and new bundle orde is as ampul sam mobilize the workers for a struggle, when in the Middle West mind the Stalinists that wing forces made the rank and file move follows: New York 12: Minneapolis 2: ple copy. This indicates to the reader the agreement expires. few weeks the private owners of the Empros. We ment split from both branches of the hicago 1: St. Louis 1: Miscallaneous that subsequent coples are to be pula later the administration called another The three days of comrade Glotzer demanded again that they must attack reactionary miners union. The Party 11: Ney bundle orders! Chicago for. Thesee tree mass distribuions must membership meeting at this meetinz stay in Minneapolis were crammed full the Atlantis the royalist and pseudopursued an erroneous policy of sectarian Newark be followed up by sales of current is the Fraternal Club administration ter of erents fruitful for the Left opposi labor paper, in more bitter way because Ism, tralling behind the whole move This is a small increase orer last sues. Any comrade may order a number Forized the membership and maneuvered tion. The central propaganda meeting this sheet exploits the radicalization of. my week report.
ing a minority position in this massachus Fear the drive can be characterized Bach order should specify the number vious meeting. After a lengthy and heated Nonpartisan League Tame. Herabied 1 most to prevent them from joining the movement that events would confirm the by the contradiction between the tech and the orders should be limited to what discussion, the Fraternal Club na fire eating champion of economie and fighting ranks of the Communists. The utilize Therwone officially connected with the are aware of the low level of the labor meeting the distribution is intende chip more such vietories and the members ponent of rural radicalism relate a ser National Herald. But they were sadly The party refused this line. It branded retically worked out and its results. we should also specify for what group of petere cu previous meeting. They were who gathered at the Labor Lyceum were believing naively that they can this per in their struggle against the fank and kile movement ns fakers. The movement generally, of the Communist we can ship appropriate Issues and ship will do with them what hey have done per stories and anecdotes: entertain disappointed and surprised when this rank and filers were men fresh from movement, too, and the enormous impov.
the picks. Even if we knew that erishment of workers, but we are equally Finally we must build in every city administration won their victory this with the subject at hand: The cause line in defense of comrade Christdes: rank and file lendership would eventu aware of the inducements offered subwhere we have strength or influence ally mislead the miners movement, dne scribers and the absolute necessity for state of Militant builders. They must see them the power to negotiate a new and Cure of the Present Economic the business manager of the Empros, to their short sightedness and inck of increasing the circulation of the Mili when he was arrested.
understanding the laws of the cinl tasks is to continually bring in sub cut in wages including the clause of re Towe series of parables on capital The Atlantis is a class conscious bourit is not enough just to sit We must put The Militant on a sound scription, renewals and bundle orders organization which the membership son and numerous thrusts at the Hoover seals newspaper and in case of choice back and say, told you so! My mer financial basis. First of all we must not as an occasional duty but as a steady bitterly opposed at the first meeting administration could not stand up against naturally will support the National Then our misleaders at the next con comrade Glotzer clear cnt Marxian an. Herald. This the Stalinist could not derstanding of the correct Communist increase its circulation and thereby its consistent task. The staff and record position is to remain with the masses political nifluence. We must get new thus far is as follows: Basky 1; Reference with the Industrial counell pro alysis of enpitalist crises and the preunderstand, unfortunately, not for them.
posed to the employers a 10 per cent rescription of the proletarian revolution as selves alone, but for the working class and whom them HOW.
subscriptions. We must stress and Sacharow In the unemployment movement start stress again that comrade Trotsky writWe believe that it all of the points in de turers wices provided the manu. the solution. Following the meeting a which expects leadership from the col ing even before the state hunger march, the agree quantity of literature was sold.
ings appear in it: that with each new these notes are taken into account and facturers, in turn, prolong ment for umns of the Empros. The titles of the another year. The bosses crowd of about the same size heard exposures against the National Herald ployecl workers. was elected at especially the new subscriber, nay ada and speed we can successfully build the politely rejected the offer. They know comrade Giloter in the afternoon at the was active in the work of the mem subscription or renewal, the subscriber, acted upon with the necessary energy they can get from the Fraterual Club Communist League headquarters united front conference a member of the to his library one of the earlier works Streulation of the Milliset teow much administration 30 per cent in June. This Where Is Europe Genting Here se more fuses. It strengthens the conceptions of were written in the typical liberal Amon erican fashion which misleads and constate committee. Bychance it developed of comrade Trotsky, viz: with each 00 higher figure than it enjoys now.
that sympathizers of the Lift Opposition subscription or renewal, for one year of had a majority on the committee. The fifty two issues, a free paper bound copy The first score in the drive between tical leaders in an effort to help them serious tone prevailed since the speaker bourgeois justice, and at the same time destroy the union.
them dealt with the burning political world strengthens the patriotic traditions problems of the day. Both these meet the ideal Greek State. low otherwise arty, failing to control the movement of The Permanent Revoluion, or a free the rival teams of the Minnen polis branch Now when the Right wing leadership ings were marked by intelligent questions can be characterized the titles: Tatanis they had started, began very nently to one year subscription to Young Spar for Militant subscriptions and renewals taeus; with each 00 subscription or was made by comrade Curran who non have exposed themselves as working and enthusiastte discussion. Party mem before the Hellenic Justice.
Illinois, again was elevted by the un renewal for a chahe year of twenty on the chalantly strolled right into the rival annd sine hand with the bosses, the rank bers were present and registered their pon the arrest of comrade Chrissaemployed workers there on the commit sues, a free copy of the Strategy of the camp and got a sub from one of its memsappointment in finding 10 counter. fides the staliniste issued a manifesto tee. Some of the Party organizers becan World Revolution; with each 500 trial bers, Dunne by name. The latter clan wordt toeding were the majority of the revolutionary content to the meetings by appealing to the Greeks of America es TON WAS THE ONLY TOWN IN THE cups or any of our 100 pamphlets. These tions will set make a showing in the and clear policy. The numerous blon. However, did come forward with his own bers of the working class they forget that dors of the party and the peculiar brand of the theory of Norial whenever the Greek workers, whether WHOLE HUNGER MARCH THAT REpremiums apply, only during the period contest. The Curran clan has the advan must be avoided by SPONDED WITH MASS RECEPTION of the drive which ends on June 1st tage of some heavy hitters in the shape rank and file ism in one country that classes could be food workers furriers or of any other During the period of the drive only we does not in any way imply that the of Hedlund. Coover and others. This committee in the Pocketbook Workers abolished in Tussia alone which forced trade, attempted to reduce their 12 14 Union.
opel into one of the best down state also offer a special subseription rate of Dunne team has no persistent pluggers. bosses, as it looks, have decided to de sold at this meeting.
the speaker to publicly set him right. hours workday or day week, the Greek In June our agreement expires units of the whole Illinois unemployment 250 for eight issues. There are no litit merely says the proof is in the pudThe number of Germany pamphlets were bonnes did not hesitate to the gangsters movement. This was not enough the erature premiums with these subscripding, which, we know, is in the eating.
stroy our organization which took 80 third publie meeting was held with or any ohter conceivable medium of Party began to start the attack against tions. This offer should be a very greatAn interesting feature of the entir many years of bitter struggle to build about 1co University of Minnesota strike breaking against these very lellstrenes.
Tu inducement to subscription getters. SureAt this moment the rank and tile com dents at Burton Hall who attentively ly almost any class conscious worker who content is the wager made between themittee have a great task to perform. received comrade Trotsky views on the pose every lackey of the capitalist class Communist paper should always exNew York Classes is not totally unemployed an afford 25ca banquet for the benefit of The Militant There are only ten weeks left till June.
teams. The losing team agrees to make present world situaion. In this case, the National Herald and any other orfor a two months subscription. This of at which the winning team will be the The rank and file committee must carry however, the University authorities is unization or individual of the capital The first three lectures of comrade fer should result immediately in a large cuests of honor. Every member is on on agitation and education and prepare criminated against the wule of Left Opist class in firmly united with the entire Shachtman series in the History of the increase in subscriptions.
the workers for a militant struggle and position Hterature. campus detective structure of their system.
Communist International have proved so In addition to getting new subscriphis pins for action.
successful that if the present successive tions we must renew expired and expir be registered in the organizational colThe weekly standing of the teams win for the following demands: shoved his way through the crowd of Whole precious columns of a Commun(1) A40 hour, five day week which students lined up to buy, and brusky ist paper are devoted to prove that are increase in attendance continues. ing subscriptions or each new subscripumns of The Militant. So is necessary in order to relieve the un ordered the literature of the grounds. cording to the rules of the Greek orthowill be cessary to take a larger hall. tion will be balanced by an expiring one Militant for results. watch the employment situation and bring jobs to We protested the reactionary organizadox Church the editor of the National The attendance now is over fifty. in which case we will have a financial an additional few hundred workers.
The fourth lecture, to be held on Wed credit and political debit. 2) Unemployment Insurance must even the arty sold literature in the tain his priesthood and to prove that tions are allowed to sell pamphlets, that Herald should not be allowed to main serdekte for the Conguest of the Mass to increase the news stand and book «Soviet Challenge at the manfacturers only. At present the work sender Garlin spoke to the University may sound incredible but seu they here es. the Third Congress of the Comin store sale. Stands which will carry The ers pay from their meagre earnings their students. To no avail. His instructions facts in spite of their paradox. We fear tern in 1921. Workers attending this Militant must be shown their advantage Acme Theatre part of the fund. The only one who were specifie. No Trotskyist pamphlets it will continue until the Greek party lecture would do well to prepare for it the paper appears regularly: their profit benefits by the unemployment fund is will be soldi.
by reading comrade Trotsky Strategy is 2e per copy: for unsold dcoples they With typical stupidity, a members as well as the entire party The Acme Theatre, 14th Street and the faker, Dr. Hendin, who was re Party nitwit, too timid to take the floor membership demand vigorously in a real of the World Revolution advertised else receive full credit by simply clipping Union Square, is now presenting the warded by the misleaders for last year where in The Militant.
Soviet film. Soviet Challenge. an ex good settlement. He is still getting claimed outside to some students how from these bureaucrats.
in the meeting, nevertheless loudly pro Bolshevik manner to get an COMINKOHTAICHINA CHRISM traordinary and exclusive showing of a his 75 a week while the unemployed the counter revolutionary SWABECK CLASS IN MARXISM MINNEAPOLIS WORKERS picture not seen here before. The ple workers are starving.
Trotskyltes The Greek Bureau of the Communist The class taught my comrade Swabeck OPEN FORUM ture is based on The 5th Year and were in league with the University au. League of America (Opposition) will not (3) The rank and file committee will thorities. Several turned away in dis allow itself to become the football of in Marxism continues its instructive np. Every Sunday at P. was produced in the by Pro have to see to it that militant picketing gust.
plication of the teachings of Marx and 1530 East Franklin (at Bloomington) letkino. The film shows the progress should take place in order to stop all the National Herald or of any such bour.
Engels to the fundamental problems of SUBJECT FOR April 3rd and achievements in the Soviet Union. the scab ships during the first few days dents assembled op Saturday afternoon. the instruments of Atlantis. They will group of 12 young workers and stu. Reols agency as the Stanists became the revolutionary movement of today. RESULTS OF THE MINNESOTA On the same program the Acme Thea of the strike.
and after listening to comrade Glotzer continue to follow the Marxist Leninist The class meets regularly every Thurs FARMER LABOR CONVENTION tre will present an added feature, Songs (4) This strike will have to be con message on the tasks of American Comline and will not compromise with any day evening at pm. in our headquar Lecture by Dunne of The Cossacks This is the first ducted in a militant fashion not only muhist youth. decided to launch a Spar kind of capitalist Inckey.
ters at 84 East 10th St.
Admission Free Everybody Welcome time this singing pleture of the Cossacks against the employers but also against tacus Youth Club in Minneapolis. In the Communistis we have urged The class is still open. The remain QUESTIONS and DISCUSSION has been shown here.
the misleaders who are agents of the committee on preamble and by laws was every worker to support the ing sessions can be taken by registering) Auspices. Communist League of America special feature of Soviet Chal bosses.
elected and a date set for the first meet which is in perll from the attacks of Empros at once. Opposition) Minneapolis Branch lenge shows Trotsky at work. DAVIS. ing of the club; Saturday, March 19th the capitalists.
the class tant.
strangle of account