AnarchismBourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyImperialismInvasionItalyKamenevLeninLeninismRadekRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassZinoviev

PAGE SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 1932 THE MILITANT IN THE INTERNATIONAL OF LABOR Reviews and News of the Working Class and Revolutionary Movements Shanghai View on Chinese Events The German Opposition at Work «Stalin and His Creatures. The New Anti Trotsky Campaign lages from which they came, arms concealed. unidentifiable. awaiting their next opportunity.
Realizing the impossibility of tracing these annoying challengers of their might, and seriously perturbed by the SHANGHAI, CHINA tirely given over to the transportation three of the principal ports through which losses in men and guns, the Japanese February 16, 1932 of Japanese troops and military sup Manchuria import trade Hows, vin: Dal military command in Mukden have been While the principal scene of Japanese plic. Within a fortnight, the Japanese ren, Antung and Yinkow, goods to Jap considering punitive expeditions into the villages that flank the railway. It military activities in China has shifted independence of the section and re reduced tarist rates, in some cases duty was proposed that in the village closest at least temporarly, from Manchuria to named it the Shenyang Shankalkwan free, while other foreizin good pay the band one adult male out of every ten This is the first of a series of arti German Opposition objectively, its past Shanghai, Manchuria remains the focus Railway, at the same time guaranteeing officially levied duties. With the ex. should be taken out and shot as an ex.
cles on the current activtiles of the development must be taken into consiGerman left Opposition. Ed.
deration. The complete bunkruptcy of ing point of Japan colonial ambitions the interest due British bondholders.
on the Asiatie mainland.
tension of Japanese control throughout the Maslow Ituth Fischer Opposition With this important railway line under Manchuria it can be expected that this ample of others, and that this measure BERLINgreatly compromised the ideas of the The current happenings in Shanghal, their control, together with all branch system of preference, which is carried should be repeated after each raid. So The tremendous sharpening of class Left in the The policy conduct where major Japanese naval and mili: and feeder lines, and now, lately, the out sub rosa, will likewise be extended far there have been no reports that such conflicts in Germany, the dictatorshiped by rbahne contributed its share to tary forces are endeavoring to defeat partial sexure of the Chinese Eastern to all Manchurian ports of entry to the action has been instituted, although par policy of the Bruening government, the the extrangement of the Left Opposition from the catcres of the party. The init from Chapel, can be understood only Railway. Jointly owned and operated by ultimate severe handicapping of trade of tisan activities increasingly harrass the Fascist danger on the one hand, in relation to the immediate pre eminent China and Soviet China with the dis Japan commercial rivals. This is but Japanese forces and hinder the consoll treacherous policy of the socialdemtrigues of Landau entribute the rest political aim of Japanese imperalm. handing of all Chinese administrative one example of Manchurin gradually dation of their initial conquest. Were ocracy on the other, and finally, the false ud only helped to make the Left Opwhch is to expand its colonial of opposition and their replacement by Japanese products is at present surrepti effect of strengthening and intensifying have produced a powerful process of ſerbest Nections of the German working organs which made the slightest show closing door. The preference enjoyed by such action taken it would only have the policy and helplessness of the CP. Tition ridiculous in the eyes of the ions by the annexation of Manchuria and meanwhile, as first step to secure puppet governments; with all activities, ous, but the exigencies of the economic the spontaneous opposition it would aim mentation within the best sections of clans. It was on such promises that the and in the ranks of the the left Opposition had to resume its new trade to crush.
treaty recognition of the position it has governmental and economie, supervised crisis, which demands ever whole. This process work in Germany.
The growth of the artisan movement proletariatas taken there. Japanese imperialism hopes, and controlled by the paid servants of outlets, will compel, ultimately, the offdoor which in Manchuria has had repercussioin finds its partial expression in search it must be remembered, it was faced with by a display of its naval and military ton stitled by military terror, what more today stands only slightly ajur.
Japanese imperialism: with all opposle cial and formal scaling of might, and by wreaking havoc and deKoren, where the movement for inden for a correct line of struggle. The call struggle not only inxt the strong dence has been visibly stimulated. The for a united front of the entire prole est stalinist party in Western Europe, struction to terrorize the yellow politie is required to complete the pleture of The second difficulty encountered one Korean people have never been persuadtarian class in a defense against Fasc but gainst the strongest Right Wing ians and militarists of Nanking Manchuria as Japan newest colonial which grows constantly, is the Possession? It is needless to add that tion of the people over whom it seek ed of the benvolence of Japanese tiporism is the strongest factor in the Ger group in the world, the Brandler group. now opposi Loyang) into signing such a treaty.
as well The political and military spokesmen and points further west was accompanied deserted by the armies paid (ostensibly them. At the same time the Japanese ent in this situation. The present leads the Japanese drive against Chinchow to become the overlord. Betrayed and talism, less so today than ever with the man labor movement today.
before The Communist party remains impot Political and Organizational Activity of imperial Nippon havo declared ad by those acts of wanton destruction and at any rate) to defend them, people workers at home are voicing strong and its raise policy, to take into account the position on the most important political The German Opposition has taken a China territorial and administrative with wars of colonial subjugation Rail. In developing opposition to the foreign churia, and numerous huge protest de most important factor, the ceste of the events it day within the integrity, guaranteed by the Nine Power way stations at places where positively imperialist invaders. In early January, moistrations have been held leading proletarian class for united front. The realm of its ability: Before the Itefer.
Treaty, and to maintain the policy of no resistance was encountered by the however, the first substantial signs of cities showed of journeying through the three Eastern and such members of the station state themselves. The remnants of the disAll these movements bid fair to hind lying large masses about it, but it has tosition against the lled Referendum would all others with sound eyes and ly beaten up, in some instances seriously sant origin, discarded their uniforms and scorpions of repression will be released proletarian mass organizations. Thanks Letter to the party it posed, on the basis pravlaces has satisfied the writers it as remained at their posts were brutal banded Chinese soldiery, mostly or peaer, possibly defeat, the realization of hot succeeded in breaking down the def the Communist party carried on in Japan colonial ambitions, and all the factories, in the trade unions and in the the Permanente Revolution. In its open ears that Manchuria has virtually ceased maimed and even killed.
to be a part of China, and that the polIn their triumphant Invasion of Man lots in the villages to escape detection to subdue them.
to the false policy of the party leader of an analysis of the situation in Gericy of the open door scarcely con To counteract the growing opposition ship a centrist party, the Socialist LA many, the question of the united front tinues to exist except in the utterances curie, the Japanese Imperialists have by Japanese troopw intent on their ex of Japanese diplomats at Geneva, Wash. First, they have been obliged to take way. termination as hunghudxe (bandits. of the United Staes, Japan will seek to bor Party, has been able to raise its as the central political problem of the ington and elsewhere.
Forming themselves into small, mobile embroil the Soviet Union in war, assured head. For the moment, the prospect of Finally, the Left Opposition some steps to allay the misgivings of bands, reinforced by members of the that this will draw to her side all the a change in the line of the party is ra took a position toward the new centrist Quite aside from the actual evidence their imperialist rivals, notably the Uni Village poor, they swooped down on Jap imperialist powers, including the United ther slim. Social Fascism must first be party, the Socialist Labor Party, in the however, only a dullard could ever haveted States, task which, in the nature anese outposts under cover of darkness states. It is plain that the continued dofcated if Fascism is to be vanquish form of theses. Within this party, which imagined that the military campaigns of of the case, called for not a little to engaged the defenders in sharp battle will shortly find expression in more con State Department ed. the Japanese in Manchuria were under genuity. In this field, since no other often annihilating them completely, and creto form thun diplomatic notes of this situation? Do the German com the ground of communism. They reject is centristie in its policy, there are many taken in any other interests than those course was apparently open, they have then retreated into the night richer la protest. Not for much longer will Japrades know how to intervene in the ev. entrance into the on account What did the Lot Opposition do in youths who have placed themselves on imperialism ever shared the spoils of its fals of any intenton to annex Manchuria mendous losses were sustained was the an hollow declarations concerning her ents, despite their fumerical weakness? of its false policy. At the plenum of the colonial wars with its trade rivals and to renewed pledges to maintain Japanese forces, especially those guard alms in Manchuria satisfy her powerful In order to evaluate the work of the National Committee. a resolution On Have the imperialists of France, of the there, the open door. The factual ans ing small stations on the rallway line rival.
United States. of Italy, of Spain ever, wer to the first has already been given between Mukden and Chinchow. JapanThe final word, however, will rest with the Situation was adopted.
done so? Has Japan done it in the case above. Manchuria has been annexedese reinforcements would endeavor to the revolutionary masses of the Far East, of Korea? What basis exists, then, for de facto if not de jure.
Dunne has his competitors, noto very Lately, the political influence of the supposing that Manchuria will prove an locate and round up the raiders as soon in alliance with the workers of the Sov menacing once, but at least just as an Left Onposition has grown appreciably As to the maintenance of the open as It got Hight, but by then they had iet Union and of the whole world. xious and willing. In the new born (or in Germany. The entire prors, and es exception to the general rule? None Koor it is commonly known that at melted away into the neighboring vil FRANK GLASS, still born. Workers Age of March 5, pocially the central organ of the Comwhatever.
1932, another Trotsky killing knight munist party, Die Rote Fahne, is forced Since September 18, when the troop saillies forth with a wooden sword. Her to take a position toward the policy of of the Japanese garrison at Kwantung bert Zam. The Lovestoneites, after the the Left Opposition. The campaign marched out of the South Manchuria collapse of their attempt to argue us out against comrade Trotsky is enrried on in Railway zone and occupied Mukden and of existence with black Jacks, burglars full swing.
other strategic points, the war of conThe Dally Worker of March presents What is the content (by your leave. visa to Trotsky. We have no doubt und daggers, have retired to the ideo Still, it must be emphasized that the quest practically unresisted, has pro us with a new candidate for the protit of Dunne abuse? Trotsky is counter that the Soviet ambassadors and the logical front. After their representa organle growth of the Opposition does ceeded steadily Fresh troops and muni able honor of linging mud at Trotsky. revolution outpost in Prinkipo. The creatures of Stalin England, Germany tives in the Comintern and here voted not at all measure up to this political tions have poured Into Manchuria as re This time it is Bil Dunne who seeks preciso moment when the Soviet Union and elsewhere, did the same thing when with every available limb to expel Trot influence. That is due, in large part, quired. With the taking of Harbin, Jap to climb out of a recent obscurity on is faced with the sharpest offensive in the proposal came up there for a Trotsky from the party and to exile him to the immense objective difficulties, and completo. for the retaking of strategic ever one may think of the suitability is chosen by Trotsky to place himself ocratle governments of Kingland and Ger depths of disloyalty and baseness to be the material poverty of the organization points in Heilungkiang province can be of the candidate, one cannot deny him a with added venom in the imperialism of France and Belgium, and the repub olutionist, they now find, with an indig har felt Inck of forces and others.
many. like the reactionary governments Smirch and calumniate the great revin relationship to the necessary work: a accomplished at any time. General Ma certain cagerness to earn his spurs no camp. And, adds Dunne, for whom Chan shan, erstwhile Chinese national matter how deeply he must sink to find no secret is inviolate and nothing is comodated Stalin and refused visa. an act of shameful factional vengeance mination of Landau and his meagre fol lican socialist coalition Spain, all ac nation surpassing Dunne s, that it 18 The first few months after the elihero, has been bargaining with the Japthem.
obscure, It is no mere coincidence anese military at his headquarters in This is not the first time Dunne has that France puppet government of Why should Crecho Slovakia prove to be for Stalin. to deprive Trotsky of his lowing were occupied with a tightening Hailun for some two months or more, joined in the final burial of Trotsky Czecho Slovakia grants Trotsky permis less amenable to Stalin request? Where citizenship! Like the righteous burgh of the organization and with the resump is Smeral? He is no novice at negotiater in the melodrama, they cry out to tion of regular activities by the various and is now reported to have apologized ism. When we were first expelled from sion for a three months stay at the very ing with bourgeois governments on a the villain: You have shot my son. You local groups. That was a period of into his former opponents for obstructing the American party, Dunne hastened to moment he is preparing his counter rev friendly. Oh, on a most friendly basis. have raped them at the Nouni River. He is clearly cable from Moscow stateman like olutionary statement. But here, we redaughter You have ternal consolidation for the organization.
ready to strike a bargain on what he protest against our alleged use of his gret to report, Dunne courage falls There finally remains to attempt an shamed my spouse. You have stolen my The next step was the formation of nemay consider favorable terms. name. apparently under the Hattering him. If not his courage, then his invenexplanation of Dunne territle howling household goods. You have burned down live cadres, the winning over of new such the roof over my head. But have a care, members and the reconstruction of our When arrived at Shankaikuan, the illusion that the use of his name would tlve imagination. Why does he not con. Nobody would conceivably make a deafening nolse, even in so noble a Sir Marmalade, some day you shall go faction inside the party.
evacuation of Chang Iisueh liang arm be protitable to anybody. Now, laboring to lead against the Soviet Union the cause, if there were not some other sound too far!
In this field.
the Berlin organization, despite its reies from Manchuria had been completed under the same illusion, Dunno appears same imperialist troop of Czecho Slova that had to be drowned out. For ex: But this editorial comment is only put lative weakness has been able to register Forty five trainloads of his troops had to believe that if he adds his little sbare kla whom he was driving out of Russia ample, it is because of his past noises in to make Zam passed within the Great Wall during the of abuse and calumny to the mountains at the head of the Red Army at about that Radek now shouts so lustily against Trotsky and the Far East Crisis more re and in several districts party fac.
revelations about good progress. The membership Agures preceding three or four days, without of with reared by his equally willing col the same time that Dunne was publish. Trotsky. Or, if you want another ex. Dalatable. But it does not help one to tions were created. Despite the enor firing a single shot at the Japanese in leagues, Trotsky and the whole Opposting Robert Minor counter revolutionary ample, Engdahl or ledacht clamor algest Zam re warmed chopped straw. mously difficult objective conditions, the vaders. Thus was completed another tion will collapse under the strain, to anarchist drivel about how Lenin and against Lovestone. As even the unint and we will not attempt to offer any of group went ahead with the preparation chapter in the record of shameful capi be deserted by the honest workers still Trotsky were cruelly and despotically ated will suspect, the rule holds good in it to our readers. The three serious of open discussion meetings, at which 1920, Dunne errors of comrade (Ahem! Comrade. new members were enrolled. Numerous anese forces, having taken Chinchow parently stupid and misled workers for thon of Minor petty bourgeois friends wrote back to the United States from Trotsky are three feeble straw its miserable Manchurian ally. The Jap among its crew. those honest, but apstrancling the semulne Russian revolu the present case too. In men speakers were went out to represent our were advancing rapidly westward.
It whom every stalinist functionary sheds submit would the article be properly was foolish enough to express himself phantly cut down at oue blow. In this ines Moscow, and laboriously fubricated by Zum and trium organization at various discussion meetremained for them to ride triumphantly tears of commiseration.
rounded of.
plainly on the Internal Russian party zum is only following the established The Saxon and Hamburg groups have into Sbankaikuan on the iron road of What is the occasion for this new outthe Pelplug Mukden Railway to round burst which proves that Trotsky has make of Dunne article. He grows in perkul just After Stalin break with called how Zam elderly colleague wrote activity, especially of late.
na het dhe me nanother condita e criticism to ever let you get starih semenke vir die einde mo antes de lewat te doen nie wie copriedligere propagandistice out what has proved to be, initially, the finally joined the easiest colonial conquest on record.
counter revolution? dignant over the fact that Trotsky gave Zinoviev and before the formation of a whole booklet, a veritable American we huve been able to regiser an increase The interview granted by comrade Trot his interview to the Associated Press, the Opposition bloc. At that time there textbook against Trotskyism, to prove in membership. Especially instructive As an example of the cowardly refusal sky to the bourgeois press in which the one of the most useful agencies of Am was an interlude in the Stalinist strug what uuvurnished scoundrels were all are the experiences of the Bruchsal of those in power to even attempt to views of the Opposition on the shakl erican Imperialism. Dunne is right, cle against Trotsky and the Opposition, the allies of Trotsky in the United Sta croup. In Bruchsal, there is only our defend China soil, of their abject surners of the Stalin regime are briefly out only he does not go far enough. He based upon Stalin aspiration to bloc Les. Since Trotsky bad no allies in this organization in the field; there is no render to Japanese aggression, might, lined, and the newspaper rumor latter. party record that on the day prior to the ar Trotsky is to be allowed into Czecho in trying to break into a monopoly con Kamener. It was at this epoch that put out. simply invented them for Trocation of the Leninist united front tacrival of the Japanese forces at Shankal Slovakia for three months. At least this tractually owned by Stalin. We refer to Dunne wrote with unconstrained joy. sky, he proceeded, a few years later, attie, our Bruchsal comrades succeeded in kuan, a staff officer attached to the Cht is the formal occasion. In reality, the the fact that Tass, the official Soviet Trotsky is back with a vengeance. His ter his expulsiou with Lovestone and establishing a proletarian dass front, nese Garrison Headquarters rode out to stalinists are deeply troubled and dis telegraphic press agency, has an exclus pictures and busts are displayed every Co. to make the best of these inventions in which the social democratic party. or.
meet the invaders, to inform them that mayed. After years of the most venom ive reciprocity contract with the Asso. where next to Lenin etc, etc. Ele by uniting with them at the first oppor other proletarian organizations particihey would meet with no resistance in ous persecution, with all the resources clated Press in this country, so that the the event that they desired to occupy of the Soviet power and the Comintern correspondents of the former can usumentary compassion for a man caught tunity! In this way, all were pleased. pated. The result of this. polies was the town. And Shaikankuan, lying in at their disposal, after periodtenl fun atly be found in the offices of the lat short dictates that we resist the tempta Trotsky had his revenge for Wolfe futhat the local group was able to more mediately south of the Great Wallis erals for the Opposition, the corpseter, and the falsehoods manufactured tion to publish in full the hymn of re brications, and Wolfe made a good profit than double its membership (more than outside Manchuria. One cannot doubt turns out to be more robust and vigor against Trotsky, in the Stalinist forgery Joicing Dunne penned at that time to the out of Trotsky allies. Maybe there a hundred aside from these rul accomodating should the hungry maw under the feet of the grave diggers. mitted to the American reading public prospect of Trotsky coming back with is something in the blood of the Love new local groups have been founded in stoneites that gives them a kick out of the vicinity. Furthermore, new groups of Japanese imperialism demand the rest Nothing else can explain the hysterical by one of the most useful agencies of vengeance have been established in the following of China too. The freshest example is and brutal letter of Stalin against Slut American Imperialism. The broadcast The point is that this letter was al this way of conducting polemics. Applaces: Beuthen. Goerlitz, Breslau, Shanghal (Chapel) where the 19th Route zky and the other Trotskylst smuggling of Trotsky interview by the ways pretty much of an open secret in parently there are such people. Frankfurt on thee Muin. the Ruhr, Oran.
Army is stubbornly resisting the Japaners. a letter which breaks a silence is really a breach of contract with the party. Its existence is known to the Zum, by the way, is not at an end. lenburg. Magdeburg. Erfurt, etc.
ese forces despite the receipt of orders on the part of the greatest disciple of Stalin, and we know of no worthier cause stern party elders who never forget and There is more to come. He concludes Literature and Press from Nanking to withdraw and surrend Lenin which the revolutionary events for which Dunne should take up his hol rarely forgive. When Dunne advance his breathless battle by writing: Per The organization has from its inceper the ground without fighting.
in Spain, the turbulent situation in Gerlow cudgels.
many, and the world crisis in general ment to a higher rung in the Hierarchthaps a closer investigation will disclosetion made many efforts toward the creaStill another suggestion: Why should cal ladder is discussed in the sacred that the Trotsky Thermidor theory. tion of an of the immediate objectives of the San have up to now. sought in vain to plerce Dunne get so frightened at the prospect councils, some defender of the faith (a and the Trotsky theory of Japan peace material means did not suffice for a reanese Army, belonging geographically lently before dying out the stalinists of Trotsky coming to Czecho Slovakia? Browder, let us say, or a Hathaway) fulness are not entirely unrelated. Bab: cularly appearing newspaper. All efforts to the Tlentsin. Peiping area. Thus at have now launched a more than usually where is Smeral? Is he doing nothing ter perfunctory inspection of the rail poisonous campaign against our great when it was expected two years ago will say Yes, yes, but what about that were ashamed of such hesitaney. Why were oncentrated on the publication of way station and environs, the Japanese comrade. But like the dying candle the that Trotsky might get a visa to Franco Better. There lies the secret of the perhaps. People who related Trotinexpensive pamphlets, in order to carry Trotsky Mukden. the whole railway line was in smelled and properly classified.
Doannes Cachin. came running to Bessedováky, sure, of the shameless vilification, be should have no difficulty in relating were published in pamphlet form. From soldiery withdrew. From that station to odor of this campaign can already be that sterling old French patriot, Marcel terrific noise Dunne makes not, to be sky to a Wrangel officer, and the left on our propaganda on the are time to time, the circulaion of the pubyes, Bessedovsky, the man who was act. cause that is a commonplace with every any two things. Stalin creatures their hands. Before the advance west splutterings are part of this campaign found inside Stalin lications continued to grow. Several ward, the states of all stations had fled He fits with admirable accuracy into the ing as Soviet ambassador in France Stalinist creature who ekes out his place not only to be and had been replaced by the officials category to which comrade Trotsky re after the counter revolutionist Rak in the party today, but of the unusual party. Plenty can still be found among mistakes were committed in this field and workers drawn from the South Man: ferred in his interview and which makes stake cachette begged Bessedovsky with drowned out the haunting echo of his 1928 the outside to the comforts of their opere pare partiets. analewhich cachinote bereits normal traffic on the section was ob Dunne blue in the face: Stalin and his tears in his eyes to see Brland Immedi letter. Sincerely, we wish him the luck lost home.
structed and stopped and the line en creatures.
atoly so as to prevent the issuance of his labors merit. MONYAK (Continued on page 4)
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