BourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandLeninLiberalismMarxismRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGE 1AE MILITANT SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 1932 The Communists and the Agrarian Crisis. LETTERS FROM THE MILITANTS :appearance NEW YORK. the apthe knows les (Continued from last issue) trial city to which it is bound and from In America the problem of city and which American agriculture cannot escial Party, and criticized the policies of country has taken on new dimensions. cape, not retreat, not to mention the will not tolerate radicals in his unton. Stalinist Flattery or Drug Clerks Organize This antiquated mass of stupidity in hu.
the leadership The 1000 census reports a 68, 954, 823 ur financial network that encompasses man form has spent over forty years of Marxist Education ban population and a 33, 820, 223 rural agriculture and ties it, binds it to the NEW YORK. Yo attempt was made to center the his life in the darkest corner of the population. The majority are urban, the city.
charge on Inactivity, as my activity in The present chaotic condition pre world, the back ck of a drugstore, which with feudal Vailing in the pharmaceutical industry, fully explains his idiotic the branch will attest to the fact that overwhelming majority are proletariau in capitalist countries It is mildly entertaining to while, in the country where we seized carry overs, with peasant economy still which is merely a photostatie copy of the and low cultural level.
behold have always volunteered for work and accepted all the tasks assigned to me. of Sam the were peasants. kural, in no sense problem. Although at that level, capital structure as a whole, and the intense. This typicale labor bureaucrat, in a typi: pert come out in the Dally Workers interestne to note that previous to means farmers. For example of the has already shown itself rurals only 30, 447, 220 make up the farm of the house, it by no means has a free clerk by a degenerade middle class of intermed his manner of speech, harangued Year Plan has demonstrated beyond accounter revolutionars. enemy of Larm reten. The peasant economy weighs dependent drug shop retailers, by the the young recruits yet untainted by the shadow of a doubt that Socialism can working class my activity and member population is only 50 of the rural and heavy upou capital and its development, ever growing chain store magnates and statement considered wholly satisface of philosophy and manifesting be built in one country. a ship nagrade Hacker himself, person only 24. of the total population. The but nevertheless, capital, and in turn the the rich independent eut rate paras a good fighting vitality, and urged them which corresponds only too well with more bourgeois economist presents the problem proletarian class is the decisive force in ites, are threatening to reduce the stan to hang on and not to fight. the utterings of his comrade in arms, the ally asked me to preside as chairman at Here is one of his gems: Folks, times eminent Israel Amter, who only a week a few months ago at a large downtown the second Scottsboro Conference held country, for farmers and city people What is true in these backard sections lowest level of existence to that of the bad. Now is not the time to fight. previous to that explained that same hall. Evidently, the stamp of reneand the average worker has accepted where the country can eke out an exist. Chinese coolie.
Hang on to your job. Don fight. Wait. theory of Socialism in one country atrade had not yet materialized before this trash. The farm population as ence even if the city goes to hell, but The incurable cancer of capitalism Immediately after the close of the an Open Forum of the new Water Front his eyes element Section of the in the fol 24. of the total population are by no where in the city cannot continue with The chairman last night, a new memmeans furmers. This means all persons out the country: is more so true, in de unemployment has greatly augmented meeting, the more articulate living on farms without regard to eveloped capitalist countries like America. tho misery of the drug clerks and turned came up to the secretary and voteed lowing way. The average rank and file worker of her of the cranch angl. think, a party In fact, however, the problem is turned two thousand licensed and Junior pharm their disapproval with the president member purposely assigned to the branch cupation.
Taking this 24. and seeing what around. The city needs the country and acists of this city into the streets. Some attitude toward radicals and the don the Soviet Union knows more about the since he does not live in our district theory of Socialism in one country than refused to permit me the final say. He makes it up we find it is further war sand and one ties that bind the country on the breadlines. Others are still cling wait the cry of one of the militants men has recently been there. Is it sure to be has safe guarded this need by a thou of them have already taken their places fight. wait Idea. We came here to do work, not to Trotsky or Cannon, for neither of these insisted on his formal right ax chairman rowed by analysis. Uuder Occupations, to the city, but the country on the other ing to the last line of defense, their sava resounded.
prising that he should know more about Marangue on Trotsky menshevism of be the last speaker. He emitted a long gainfully employed, the census lists (1820 hand cannot exist without the city. noting, which they were able to build up figures the 1980 figures not available, in advanced America.
Here we see a familiar scene, so fre it than some expelled leaders who have 1908, adding incidentally that Trotsky are even more in our favor) as datry sent mode of production. That is only thanks to the dreadfully long hours of quently enacted in the labor movement. even attemped to study the theory? The from the time to the revoltion until ames farmers, farmers and stock raisers il possible by stepping back a stage or two work which made expenditures other the rank and ple seething with revolt, rank and tile worker accepts nothing as had done good work, when he was under ready to strike the enemy: the leaders final until it has been given actual trial 6, 201, 261, and for dairy farm, farm and and this is not an overnight step but one, than the mere necessities impossible.
the thumb of Lenin. long attack holding them back, telling them that the Trotsky rejects the theory without any on Trotsky, not permitting me to answer.
stock, laborers; 3, 041, 627. This means which would follow a chaos, when nel The legendary professional status of hour has not yet struck and thus break effort to demonstrate it. million farmers and million as agrither capitalist nor proletarian rules. the pharmacist in our capitalist society ing their morale.
There were seven comrades present.
cultural workers. But of these o milo The voy connections of city and coun Now, let us grant that the average has acted as an emollient to his sore huUpon the revolutionary drug clerk derank andd Alle worker of the Soviet Un The vote was called for. The chairman, Hon farmers we find (1920 ligures) tries under developed capitalism, slves man pride and lulled in him the rebel volves a great task and great responsib lon knows more about the interior of organizer, and Labor Defender Agent 2, 454, 804 as tenant furmers, 1, 461, 306 as the American proletariat the advantage lion against the degrading conditions unity. He must, in the words of Lenin. the new Palace of Soviets than Trot immedintely responded. One young commortguged farmers and 2, 074, 325 as of the problem of revolution once this der which he is workng. The sharpen brave all diculties, attacks, insults sky or Cannon. But does an average rade who works for district and is farmers owing their farms. However, is concretely put on the agenda for the ing and protraction of the present crisis and persecutions at the hands of the rank and alle member of the party also a new member of our branch, also am sure the 150 figures, when publish seizure of power. The very relation of has dealt a shattering blow to his le leaders to gain an opportunity to come know more about it than Trotsky or voted for my expulsion because he con ed, will show even less farm owners forces with the overwhelming majority endary status and made him realize his forward with a clear program of action Cannon? Or does an average rank and sidered Trotsky an enemy of the work of the population being proletarian and true status, tha of the wage earner, subtoday which, we believe, will cause a differenle worker of the party knowing class, although he admitted he had The big agricultural population in the the farmers divided into agrarian Ject to all the laws governing wage laboration in the ranks and in this manner more about the revolutionary movement never read single document of the op: last analysis boils down considerably workers, tenant fariner, mortgaged farm under this decaying capitalist system, render the formation of a strong Lettin America than Trotsky or Cannon position! When explained to him that The drug clerk has arisen and begun wing possible.
and the farmer as an ally does not lose er and capitalist farmer, with a section of the owner farmer as allies, makes to move. He is moving in the direction And what is there to indicate that an it was the epolicy of the to per any of his significance but he does lose average member of the party mit workers of any organization to enter much of his specifle weight for America, the problem different and in our favor of the trade union front.
The Farmer Labor Party is reactionknows more about the theory of Social the I, and work for it, he His vanguard, leaderless, without exThe farm population as 24 of the toagricultural workers, 25 tenant farm into the swamp of opportunisin, this fighting morale, has been intercepted by al (1920) is composed of about 40 free and will only lead the proletariat pertence and program, but in excellent The Dress Strike in Boston ism in one country than trotsky or reared puzzled, but voted for the expulthe Ainteres must admit that he only recorded against the two remainers, 15 mortgaged farmers and 20 years of blunders; but the idea after the of burcucracy and has do BOSTON party member generally has not seen the ink comrades were for abstaining, admit farm owners. This does not settle the Workers and Farmers Government and labor camp.
of a finitely landed in the right flank of the The cloakmakers under the leadership Soviet Union and has not lived in a Soesting that they were not acquainted with problem and does not prove that the the slogan for it that Centrism still of the United Front Committee wentalist commonwealth so that he can be the questions but decided to vote for the majority of the American Industrial peddles is dust as reactionary, and can was officially christened by Mr. Collins, der somewhat limproved conditions. The the nature, the problems and the air come to the District Committee and that On March 8, the Drug Clerks Union back to work already in some cases un said to have any special familiarity with the expulsion provided that it was to workers are not revolutionary. How lead to nothing but national reformism. national officer of the of and clow Jakers under the wadership of the ficulties of such a commodity. The theory would be given a chance to appear.
The agrarian workers must be won as chartered as the Drug Clerks Union of International went back to work with no of Socialism in one country is to the Comrade Tschindler. Labor Defender tive st shows the relation of the workers workers, the middle and poor farmers Greater New York, Local 681 of the Rewage eut.
average worker only an idea, in the agent, assured the comrades that would and farmers in the coming revolution as allies Recording to the form of the tail Clerks International Protective As.
problem. Negro and white, share cropsociation This block of agricultural workers on per. contract farmer, dirt farmer, etc.
Wages were cut pleny in the past two or elsewhere and certainly, lead e a chance to appear. hold him years.
cattle raising and dairy farms are not brief account of the installation an effort to get anything back. Now any study of scientific socialism are far more Section Executive Committee, and am describe the agreement is being made for the dress capable of judging these ideas than the only afraid that his confidence in workers. They are not allies, they bother us. The agrarian crisis will not condition of this new born habe.
approached a farmers, but are won as and the capitalist farmer should not meeting will sufficiently makers with no improved working con glorified let up, even though there will be ebbs average worker. Amter workers democracy of Hacker and are ours as a class The varied forms The meeting was opened by Mr. Fein ditions.
queer logie, to put it in another way company will not be substained.
of cropper dirt farmer and tenant fam. and flows its basic effects will not be who intro desire for ungty the work is equivilant to saying that because the was accused of being the cause of er which make up the poor and middle remedied through agrarian reforms.
For stone, president of the farmer are our allies. As for the own greater concentration and pulling agriof the ers was great. When we came on the sanitor of the Dally Worker building is the failure of the branch to grow. Any the remedy is duced Dr. Linville, president Teachers Union. Dr. Linville spoke at picket line it was one united mass pic more familiar with that structure than, comrade who is acquainted with the ers, yes even some of them will make culture more into the orbit of capitalist creat length of the trade union move ket line. The bitterness the workers let us say, Earl Browder, who appears to Yorkville English Branch knows that the good allies. for and will be treated as such. We will the basis of an industry of capitalism of focal, he distorted the revolu. three years on account of the divided Min Tungo generals and otherwise rev. the lack of consistent, regular activit.
but this lets loose dynamite, which has tionary concept of trade unionism and restruggles disappeared from their faces. olutionizing the Far East, he fought continually for a systemwarte no time in winning them over.
its most deadly explosive effects not in duced it to the Kleological level of his right wing workers and Left wing work more about the American revolutionary atle plan of meetings, house to whouse Our allies lie in the percentage between the country but in the city. For the class, namely the middle class. He fin ere walked armo in arm, discussed plans movement than the latter.
canvassing, educational lectures, distri.
the agrarian workers and the capitalist agrarian worker and our allies, the poor ished his oration wishing them success of taking down shops and other plans, and rightly pointed out the need of a Every one looked brighter, had a smile and tile worker in the Soviet Union has open air meetings, etc. myself held Again, Amter suggested that a rank bution of Labor Defenders before unions, lation to the workers in the problem of) and middle farmers, the remedy is nothprogram, which he, of course, hoped that on their face. The International was studied the theory of Socialism several open air meetings alone when the American revolution is the most ning short of the Proletarian Revolution the leaders of the union, with the advice desperate to see such friendship among country and has learned a great deal wis suddenly thrown of the list of one the district failed to supply speakers. and the establishment of the dirtatorship significant any proletariat in any ad of the proletariat. This is the means ofl of the national office, will be able to the workers and looked for ways and more about its correctness than one speakers, and since that time we never vanced country has to contend with, transforming of the negative base of the formulate.
means to divide them. When the police expelled leaders who never attempted maybe with the exception of England. agriculture industry into an Industry of In the Russian revolution, the minority, the socialist mode of production, com physiofuomy is a true reflection of his the International business agent who how the average rank and tier knows other week. it was accepted carried Next spoke president Feinstone, whose captain complained to Philip Kramer, to study it. We are not old, however, held them regularly advanced a plan the proletariat, was the decisive force pleting the cycle agriculture has passed intellect and vice versa. He delivered a came on the picketine weiteres in the police the correctness of this theorynor how out my share of the work. In all activ santry. In Americas a revolution which through and opening the door to a new speech of about twenty words, nine tenths of which he devoted What can do? They are from the know it. save by comparing the assump of any member of the will release the energies of the Amerportive cycle of its developroent organization. HUGO OEHLER.
to impress upon the members that he United Front and promised that the tion of the theory in question and the These things state, not to gain reward can proletariat, who stand as the vast next day there will be a distinction be fundamental principles of revolutionary for, but to outline for the comrades the majority will call forth proletarian entween our pickets and his pickets.
internationalism, scientifically. The dif The next morning they wanted to put ference is that the average rank and if they plan their work thus, the branch only way that see to build the branch.
ergy unknown in the past.
America has developed its wheat belt, arm bands with the of Initials fille party member simply believe in a on the arms of the International work. Stalinist theory without much effort at nant as before.
a will grow. if not, it will remain stagcorn belt, cotton belt and has its agri.
cultural states and its industrial states, ers, but to their great disappointment critical thought, while the The decision of expulsion is pending but analisis de class forces in the rev Militant became and weekly. Strohet apparel carry The Militant must be found. They and be divided Unity Sesite units to the question have discovered the telo he policy of the is to ad a long hard struggle The to the band before the District Commitolution. The line of demarcation beatus of its production, so to speak, has exist. The terms are liberal. The Mili. The desire to be united is felt by fallacy of national Socialism inherent mit all workers into its ranks. So long is of little value, because the most im. lice. Now it is necessary to build on a All that the stand keeper has to do is eyes. Why didn they come to the meet Not long ago, an average type got they carry on the work of the or portant industrial states are also the firm fonndation Its distribution appar clip the date line of each unsold opy we are tested here we have recoller energ: up in our open Forum and sprung that have provedthat have done so most important agricultural producers, atus.
agitated them, had conferences saying quite innocently and can continue to do 30. The only have a meaning when the problem is con During the epriod of the present drive the dealer on each copy is 3c. The pr Very few came. Those who have no jobs that the Communist International charge is Trotskyism. which is no fined within the states, and we show take an intensive form. First of all we have prepared should help to sell the custed with the International Just as ago, would mean the Russian Patriotic the Itselt sincerely hope the that the products from agriculture are must get new subs. Friends and sym paper from the stand.
many workers are. The others did not Society! We corrected him at that time District Executive of greater value than the products from pathizers anust be canvaseed. Where second and auxiliary. method of income, they were afraid of losing their by explaining clearly that this is not viously unfounded expulsion of myself reverse the obindustry, etc. But when one compares ever possible whole days should be set creasing the circulation is the mass de trial Union to do to get these workers uncomfortable to have him come around the Jobs. What was left the Indus the case. But we do feel a little bit from the Yorkville English Branch of the amount and value of the products aside for the carrying out of this task. tribution of free coples at workers meet. We should have called the International and put up such embarassing questions from agriculture with the agricultural This drive for new subs must be geared ings, demonstrations, on the street, where HERBERT CAPELIS products of the leading industrial states, to a high pitch. It must be sustained ever workers can be reached. We have leaders as well as the workers to unite again one Ands that the industrial states in at that pitch for the duration of the on hand a number of recent back issues one set of demands.
on the basis of one united strike with IC Trotsky and Cannon have never many cases are more productive in drive.
tried to demonstrate the theory of Soc ATTENTION, GREEK WORKERS agricultural products than the agricul. The literature premium announced in Upon request for them, we This should have been done at least talism in one country and we must give tural states, and where there is a close recent issues should be utilized to their them free of charge. They are for disso the workers of the International foolish that is because they have National Herald which supports the will mail couple of months before the strike them credit for never having been 80 bourgeois newspapers are published, the In New York City two daily Greek margin the industrial states make a good full value. We give them again. For tribution. In ordering such bundles it would have had time to demand of their shrewdly observed the absurdities of present democratie regime of Greece showing for themselves. New Pennsylvania, Illinois, Ohio and the each one year 00 sub (62 issues) a it is advisable to specify for what meet leaders to have one united struggle for such a theory, because they have a real while the other the Atlantis represents other important industrial states are free paper bound copy of comrade Troting or group they are intended, so that better conditions istie attitude toward the world revI feel quite sure the International olutionary developments and because takes a pseudo labor attitude.
the Royalist party of Greece and lately also states producing more foodstuffs sky the Permanent Revolution with we can pick out appropriate issues. The than the majority of the so called agri each halt year 00 sub (26 issues) a number ordered should be limited to leaders would refuse such unity. Then they are not the least inclined to mumble cultural states.
copy of the Strategy of the World Rev. what can actually be distributed.
The Empros undertook a one sided we would be able to tell the workers nousense. do not suppose that any of struggle against the National Herald and they would see it clearly themselves. the lenders of the Left Opposition has over Atlantis which is more dangerous Jetariat, the decisive force ot revolution, sue) any one of our 10 pamphlets. tonowed by up by sales of the current unity and we could expose them to the luck, but their commen sense has made because it appears with the cloak The industrial centers where the proolution; with each trial de sub (13 is These free distributions should be that their leaders are not interested in ever carried a horseshoe to bring him the any kind of attack against Inity the production of the food supply well as the new subs. During the per systematically the sale of The Militant Now the strike is at an it unnecessary for them to support such liberalism and therefore the Communof first importance for short periods. It lod of the drive comrades may offer a end. The foolishness. One glance at Don and istis our Greek organ attacked this erican increased. It is our experience workers are coming back to work with Amter logie is enough to show it is 18 not an easy matter to bottle al combined 00 rate for a year subproletariat in an industrial center it scription to The Militant and Youne that such free distributions of old cop no retrieval of the slashed wages, no im not worth trying minal neglect of the Greek Stalinism power is in their hands, with all the Spartacus. There is no literature premnot diminish the sale of current issues a hard time to get an agreement alto.
les on issues which interest workers do provements, and the International had vigorously. PAUL SCHWALBE.
a venues of modern transportation tollum with combined subs.
of The Militant, but on the contrary ingether because In the next issue of The Militant the nearby food supplies. The agricultural At the same time we are getting new bosses are interested crease it. We have no doubt that this in signing agreements only on two oe Greek Bureau will write Another Expulsion extensively worker will do his share and the poor sube we must nee the renewal of exupon this serious question which requires and middle farmer must be won over. pired and expiring subs, or the gains will continue to be the case.
casions: when they forced by the a correct and thorough discussion for All of this acivity should be conducted unity of the workers from the The tremendous grain elevators, meat of new subs will be offset by the losses when they can the enlightment not only of the Greek and food storage plants for the products of these old ones. In execution of with the aim of crystalling a permanent get something from the union.
speaking Communists but of all Comof the country are controlled by the this task the national center is co op distribution apparatus. It is not enough Two years ago, the International got On Thursday, March 10th, was formunists as well.
city and who controles the city controls erating hy systematie notification of the to print The Militant. IT MUST BE agreements by Just calling stoppage mally expelled from the Yorkville Eng this supply. American capitalism does subscriber. It these notices are neted CIRCULATED. What we want is a state and giving the bosses all the concessions lish Branch of the The main ST. LOUIS WORKERS, not worry about peasant economy ing back on it is do some other hold on promptly, the solution of the problem of Militant builders Beginning with for the privilege to collect dues. This charge was that was Trotskyist. capl will be fairly easy.
the next issue we will give a standing your there was not much to be n as and therefo my criticism of ATTENTION!
talist nations with carry overs of na At the present time the results in new of subscription getters and continue it the bosses took everything anyway. Na called united front from below policy At a recent Left Opposition forum tural economy where the rural popula and renewed subs are: New York 11: from weck to week. We will do the turally, the shops that were called out of the was incompatible with meeting two members of the official Com.
tlon can hold without the city. The ma. Minneapolis 2; Chicago 1; St. Louis same with new bundle orders, and re by the united front and the Industrial membership any longer.
munist Party during the discussion acchine development and its use on Am 1; Miscellaneous 10. The increase in newals, Union could not get much either because In Opening the attack, the organizer cepted a challenge to debate the Platerican farms in a lesser or greater de bundle orders stands at one in Chicago For a larger Militant circulation! Get they control only a small minority and of the branch went to some length to form of the Left Opposition. The degree forces the agricultural economy to as reported in the last issue.
subs for The Militant! Get renewals of those that went back did not get as much state my disruptive activities; e. bate will take place Friday evening.
rest upon the Industrial city. The Another important method of raising expired subs! Get newsstand and book are still out on strike can not say had committed the audacious crime of March 25. at the Public Library, 14th methods of farming, storing, transporta the circulation of The Militant and build store bundle orders! Crystallize a start now. What they will get when they go speaking with members of the branch St. and Cass Ave.
about the differences between the Left For the Left Opposition: John Scott tion, selling, etc. all bring capitalisting up its distribution is the expansion of Militant builders! Every comrade back, we will report later. Opposition and the leadership of the oth For the Communist Party. agricultural relations under the indus and extension of mass distrubation and symapthizer shoulder to the wheel Our Subscription Drive expelled for ot SO