BourgeoisieCentrismCivil WarCommunardsCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsFascismFranceGermanyHitlerLeninLeninismMarxMarxismNazismParis CommuneRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition Published weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 84 East 10th Street, New York, Entered as second class mall matter, November 28, 1928 at the Post Office at New York, under the act of March 3, 1879.
NEW YORK, SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 1932 PRICE CENTS Lenin on the Paris Commune Gains of Reaction Serious Warning against Stalinist Policy or be New Trotsky Series on Germany Starts Next Week We reprint below an article by taken prisoner to put down revolutionary Beginning with the next issue, The Lenin on the significance of the Paris. succeeded in rousing the back Militant will print extracts from comParis Commune to the international ward peasants and the petty bourgeoiste rade Trotsky new book on Germany.
working class. Lenin and the Bol of the provinces against the proletariat The book has just arrived and is bein Germany were breathlessly watched by a act accordingly. The menace of Fasc. was directly threntening them, against Last Sunday presidential elections in only natural to assume that Hitler will, united front against the menace that sheviks absorbed the lessons taught of Paris, and in surrounding half of by Marx and Engels on the Com Paris with a ring of steel (the other half tranhted into English. The table of mune and found these invaluable in was held by the German army. In contents are: Democracy and Fascism: were form by sconomic crisis and at the bene more heavily over the head of Fascism. Both social democratic and the Gerryan working class than ever. Communist workers had fallen in the their struggle for the Russian Rev some of the larger cities in France The Social Democracy and the Policy of the bourgeols philistine, for the addict How did the working class forces fare slaughter brought about by the Nazis in olution. On the sixty first anniver. Marseille, Lyons St. Eltenne, Dijon, the Lesser Evil; The Italian Experience of parliamentary cretinism, the elections in the elections? The only working class their punitive expeditions into Brons.
sary of the Paris Commune it is be etc. the workers also attempted to seize The Communist Party and the Working constitute a falt necompli, an establish candidate in the field, the candidate of wick. both reformist and revolutionary fitting for us to reprint this brief power, to proclaim Commune, and Class: The United Front Poliey (Fundad fact. Thus, for instance, the Amer the Communist Pary, Ernst Thaelmann, workers were victimzed in the dolly at writing tenned by one who helped come to the help of Paris, but these at mental Principles. The Soviets as or Ican press, in its comment on the ro received a total of 4, 000, 000 out of the tacks made upon working class meet carry out the tasks the herole Paris, tempts soon failed. Paris, which had fans of the United Front; The Russian sults of Sunday poll, sees a decisivo 37, 000, 000 votes cast. All in all, a gainings, groups and colonies. It was only lan Communards set themselves, continued their work, and began the first raised the flag of proletarian revolt. Experience: What Is Centrism; Buroera repulston of Fascism and a permanent of some 350, 000 over the 4, 587, 000 votes natural for the workers to feel the nec was left to its ow regd and doom tie Centrism (The International Stalin Victory for the Inherently conservative the Communist Party received in 1930. ersity of fighting first and foremost class revenge of the world proletar ed to certain destruction.
Faction. The and Its Future: character of the German people. Tit. When we compare this gain with the against the danger.
iat against the bloody suppression For the victory of the social revolo Brandier. Urbans and Others: Economie lor inability to muster Inrger wote 5, 000, 000 gain of the Fascists, when we The task of creating a united front of of the Commune by leading the tion, at least two conditions are neces. Struggles and Trade Union Unity: The than Hindenburg them spells Hit keep in mind the fact that Thaelmann active struggle against Fascism could ler defeat. For the revolution Russian workers to the victorious sary: a high development of productive Political Mass Strike, Workers Control was the only working class candidate in only be carried out by the Communists, ary, for the Marxist, the forces and the preparedness of the proof Produetlon; From Defensive to Ortions constitute merely a gauge of social ed a candidacy of thelr own if favor of duty of the Communists to force thee elec the Held the social democrats renounc by the revolutionary party. It was the Red October.
Forty years have passed since the conditions was present. French capitalletariat. But in 1871 nelther of these tensive.
and political developments. It is there proclamation of the Paris fore only natural for us to gard the the Hohenzollern Field Marshall and social democratic leaders, alrendy under Commune. ism was still only slightly developed, wwwwvvvvvvvvvbourgeois press comment with a rain finally when we consider the sharpness pressure from their rank and file, into According to their custom, the French and France was at that time mainly a workers of France but by the proletariat of skepticism. With them, it is a case of the economie situation, we can only this united front, to put them to the test proletariat are honouring the memory of country of petty bourgeoiale (artisans, of the whole world, for the Commune of the wish being the father of the admit that the Communist candidate duty clearly devolving upon the revolubefore their own followers. That was the revolutionary workers of March 18, peasants, shopkeepers, etc. On the did not fight for any local or narrow thought.
1871, by meetings and demonstrations. other hand there was no workers party. mational alm, but for the freedom of fears social unrest, abroad as well as elections. That is the bare fact: The What did the stalinist leadership do inThe American bourgeoisie suffered a disastrous defeat in Sunday tionary party from the gerjeral situation.
At the end of May they will again bring the working class, which in the mass tolling humanity, of all the downtrod. at home. worse than the dest. An ad entire import of this fact must be real stead. It rejected any united front what wreaths to the tombs of the common was unprepared and untrained, did not den and oppressed. As the foremost vance of Fascism can only mean an out. Ized by every communist fighter. bp soever with the social Fascists and fearful May Week. and over their methods of fulaning them. There were Commune has won sympathy the break of civil war in Germany. To hush every sincere revolutionist. The lesson called upon the social democratic work.
wherever kraves they will once more take the no serious political organizations of the there proletariat struggling and away the chimera of suchereld war of the election must be brought home to ers to join the Red united front under oath to fight untiringly until their ideas proletariat, no strong trade unions and suffering. The picture of its life and its press prefers to overlook the facts. the class conscious workers the con the leadership of the Communist party.
have conguered, until their cause has co operative societies.
To be sure. Hitler only rallied 11, clusions must be drawn from it before By the rejection of the Leninist concepbeen completely victorious.
death, the sight of a workers governBut the chief thing which the Comment which selwed the capital of the 500. 000 votes to Hindenburg 18, 000, 000. it is too late before the decisive blow bastion of the united front, the Stalinist Why do the proletariat, not only in mune lacked was the time to think out world and kept it in its hands for over But when we consider that the Fascist been struck.
Central Commitee of the German party France but throughout the entire world, and undertake the fulallment of its two months, the spectacle of the herofelguin amounted to some 5, 000, 000 votes The election defeat Thaelmann repelled the reformist workers, left them mund that he workererunnette Paris. Com programme. It hardly had time to start sruggle of the proletariat and its suf more than the 6, 400, 000 they received in does not mean a defeat for the working helpless in the face of the treacherous It mune as their forerunners? What was working, when the Versailles govern terings after defeat all this has raised the Relchstag elections in 1930, and class, defeat for Communism. That is machinations of thelr leadersh!
the heritage of the Commune?
ment, supported by the entire bourgeois the spirit of millions of workers, aroused when we look at this fact objectively, not decided by election, that is decided was in this manner that the social reThe Commune broke out spontaneous ie opened military operations against their hopes and attracted their sympath dlspassionately, we cannot fall to come to an open struggle, in the factories in the formists were able to swing the bulk of linea mea conseguely prepared to in Paris. The Commune and to think first to the side of socialism. The thun the conclusion that the elections reflected streets. It does mean a debacle for the deace or the electrihet behaled Femeinwar with Germany, privations during the end, May 21 28, It had no time to think the most backward strata of the prole advance on part of the Fascists. To be leadershin. It should serve as a warn. The result of the German presidential slege, unemployment among the prole seriously of anything else.
tarlat from deep slumber, and every sure, it appears that the Fascists have ing to all serious and devoted worker elections is a warning against the netariat and ruin among the petty bourgewhere gave impetus to the growth of very little resources left for further Communists in the ranks of the official farlous tactic of the German Stalinites.
olsle: the indignation of the masses In spite of such unfavorable condi revolutionary Socialist propaganda. This progress by purely legal means. The party. Tet us review the facts. The Ir It is not heeded, the working class of against the upper classes and against tions, In spite of the brevity of its ex is why the cause of the Commune dia percntage of their vote is considerably Hindenburg. Bruening. Groener regime Germany faces disaster. It it is taken the authorities who had displayed their stence, the Commune found time to not ate. It lives to the present day in lower than in the partial elections in has been represented in the eyes of all into account. the tactic must be changed complete incapacity, an indefinable fer carry out some measures which suflict every one of us.
1931. But that only increases the proGerman workers, the social democratie immediately. More than that, the theory mentation among the working class, ently characterize its real significance The cause of the Commune is which was discontented with its lot and and aims. The Commune replaced the forceful attempt at the as well as the Communist workers, as of social Fascism which is the source the ability of a was striving towards a different social standing army, that blind weapone in the social revolution, the cause of the com selure of power by the Hitlerites. The the dicatorship by emergency decree, as of all these disastrous developments, uprooted. It is this theory, very character of the social composition the government of increasing misery, must ayatem: the reactionary make up of the hands of the ruling classes, by the arm plete political and economie emancipar of the Hitler camp, the fact that it is der of the reduction of unemployed in olutionary party into one pot without National Assembly, which roused fears ed people. It proclaimed the separation tion of the toilers. It is the cause of subject to violent fluctuations in political surance to the point of starvation of distinguishing between them and withas to the fate of the republicall this of church from State, abonshed and many other things combined to drive State support of religious bodies (1. e. in this sense it is immortal.
the the proletariat of the whole world. And sentiment makes the thought of a peace the abrogation of the most elemenary out exploiting the various conflicts among the population of Paris to revolution on State salaries for priests. gave popaful growing into power of the National working class rights; of the Introduction them; which bears all the earmarks of March 18. which unexpectedly placed Jar education a purely secular charae.
Rabochaya Gazeta, No. 5. Socialists improbable. No one knows of National Socialists into he army. No the Lassallean theory of the single power in the hands of the National ter, and in this way struck a severe blow April 28 (15. 1911. this better than Hitler himself. It is worker could possibly overlook these reactionary mass condemned and refutGuard, in the hands of the working class at the gendarmes in priestly robes. In facts.
ed by Marx in his Criticism of the and the petty bourgeoisle which had the purely social sphere the commune The Social democracy. versed in the Gotha Program. it is this theory that Joined in with it.
could do very litle, but this little neverways of working class betrayal, called has left a trail of confusion in the minds upon its followers to vote for this regime of the Communist militants and one of history. Up to that time power had popular, workers Government. Night in the presidential elections, neverthe disaster in the development of the class customarily been in the hands of land work in bakeries was forbidden, the sysThe militant mass funeral of the Ford have invaded their homes less. More than that, it was actually struggle.
lords and capitalists, e, in the hands tem of fines, this system of legalized massere victims registered the angry of course that did not matter in the able to rally its followers behind this The main danger seen clearly hy every of their trusted agents who made up the robbery of the workers, was abolished answer of the Detroit workers to the least to the automobile kings.
a man. That worker in Germany today is the Fascist so called Government. After the revolu Fnally, the famous decree was issued wanton murder of last week. The vic concern is for profit only. But the work is astonishing at first, but it must be un danger. is the Hitlerite danger. Every tion of March 18, when the Thiers Govaccording to which all factories, work tims were laid to rest with full prole ers slowly began to learn that, first of derstood. Why did the social democratie worker regards this question as one of ernment fled from Paris with its troops, and workshops which had been abandon tarlan honors. The Imposing funeral all, they must combine their efforts and workers vote for Hindenburg? The soe life and death. The Communist Party of Its police and its officials, the people re ed or stopped by their owners, were to march lent further emphasis to the grow definitely present their demands for all democratic misleaders called upon Germany must realize this fact, if it is mained masters of the situation and be handed over to associations of work their worker followers to vote for Hin.
ing working clase demand for unemploy. relief. In this they followed Communist derburg as the lesser evil against not to pursue its rond to destruction, 1r power passed into the hands of the proers in order to resume production. And. ment relief.
leadership, and correctly so. The desocial letariat. But in modern sdelety, enslav. as if to emphasize its character as a In this automobile capital the curse monstration on that memorable Monday Fascism. Did the the working class of Germany is to avoid democratic tarlat cannot dominate politically unless the commune decreed that the salarles y acute. It is openly admitted by the unemployed workers demands through of hunger and starvation for the work butchers, ed economically by capital, the prole truly democratic proletarian Government, of unemployment has become particular came to the Ford company to present the workers actually believe that this regime extermination at the hands of Hitler The tremendous vote rolled up by the it breaks the chains which fetter it to of all ranks in the administration and city authorities that the jobless ranks a committee elected by them. This is ing class will fight against Fascism?
capital This is why the movement of the government should not exceed the are growing. In this respect the index the essential background of the Ford Hardly. Why, then did they neverthe Parlsts last Sunday, far from being. Sochallat colouring to begini seriv. case should derceed 6, 000 francs per merce rives illuminating figures. It reemployment and the lefticulate demand of seemed hopeless to them, because it was of power, toward the open attackets and no prepared by the Detroit Board of Com massacre: the terrible scourge of unless vote for Hindenburg? They voted setback for the Nazi forces, is only a for Hindenburg because the situation step in her march toward the selzure ing for the overthrow of the power of year.
the only cholce left to them outside All these measures showed with sul 68. per cent of what was considered al. Wroughout the country unemployment the bourgeoisie, the power of capital, to class.
months will no doubt witness more daring and more impudent assaults the destroy the very foundations of the pre ficient clenrness that the Commune was bormal monthly employment average of is on the Inerense. It is to be expected the united front of the working of the proletariat. The coming weeks and sent social order.
a deadly menace to the old world, found 100 in 1923 1925 for the whole working and hoped that the workers everywhere Whose fault is it that the proletarian workers organizations by the Fascists indefinite Was extremelyed on slavery and exploitation. There population. In the month of February will also realize th an increasing mens united front was not established? Can than ever before. The workers are At first this It was folned fore bourgeois society could not sleep this year there were 50, 000 less employed ure the need of combining their forces the social democratie leaders be expect bound to feel the Hitlerite cudgel even by patriots who hoped that the Commune peacefully so long as the Red Flag of in Detroit than the same month year in the struggle for rellet. No amounted to establish the united front. Never, inore sharply than before. Their reac would renew the war with the Germans the proletariat waved over the Paris ago. With no unemployment relief, save of brutal suppression can overcome the Their entire composition, their character tions toward the threat and their feeland bring it to successful conclusions, City Hall. When at last the organized for the scant charity crumbs, the work unemployment conditions. Yet the Ford as luckeys the capitalist class, as ing for the need of working class unity It was supported by the small shopkeep force of the Government had managed era conditions have become ever more massacre and the planned persecution of agents of the capitalists within the ranks are going to be much more profound in ers who were threatened with ruin un to defeat the poorly organized forces of desperate. Stark misery and starvation the Communist Party show how the capt. of labor, makes such a step on their the future. The tactie of the united less there was a postponement of pay the revolution, the Bonapartist generals talist rulers aim to answer the work part unthinkable. Yet, what the front will be on the order of the day ments on debts and rent (the Govern who had been benten by the Germans er demands. This only shows the need workers really desired was mentata not want to give them such a and who were brave only when fighting Remember Our Prisoners nation of the movement for the demands a fighting more than ever. SAM GORDON.
postponement but the Commune gave it. their defeated countrymen, these French of the unemployed. For this the responthe bourgeois republicans, who feared organized such a slaughter as Parishadtionary qualities of a workers organi munist Party.
Finally, it had, at first, the sympathy of Rennenkampfs and Meller Sakomelskys, One of the surest tests of the revolusibility rests primarily upon the Comthat the reactionary National Assembly never known. About (the back woodsmen. ignorant land were killed by the fericlous soldiery, zation is its attitude toward the working The Detroit workers at the funeral de The three marine workers, who have bor, and a number of workers organizalords) would restore the monarchy. Butabout 45, 000 were arrested and many class fighters in the prisons of the class monstration have given a militant ans been confined in Tombs jail since last tions, including the Communist League the chief role in this movement was or of these were afterwards executed, enemy. Remembrance of the class war course played by the workers (especially thousands were imprisoned or exiled. In prisoners must take a practical form. Wer to the massacre and the threats of November in the New York Dynamite of America, Joined forces in the Marine the artisans or Parla. among whom all, Paris tout about 100, 000 of its sona, unceasing struggle for their liberation be emulated elsewhere. There will be of General Sessions, Division The their defense. On Saturday the defense further persecution. That answer should Plot. went to trial Monday in the court Workers Defense Committee to provide Socialist propaganda had been energetic including the best workers of all trades and material provision for their prison growing possibilities to swell the move first three days were consumed in the Committee issued a new appeal for the ally carried on during the last years of The bourgeoisle were satisfied. Now needs.
ment of protest. This will enhance the examination of prospective jurymen. As solidarity and support of the workers the Second Empire and many of whom we have finished with socialism for a Comrade Morgenstern and Goodman opportunity to broaden the movement for the Militant went to press, eleven Jury on the eve of the trial and emphasized even belonged to the First International long time, said their leader, the blood have a special claim on us because they unemployment relief.
men had been selected and the defense, the need of funds for the legal expenses.
Only the workers remained loyal to thirsty dwart, Thlers, after the blood are our own people who have been vlc In regard to this we have emphasized conducted by Peter Sabbatino and All readers of the Militant are urged to the Commune to the end. The bourgeois bath which he and his generals had artimized for their fight for our cause over and over again that nothing short Jacob Hishman, had exhausted nineteen respond to this appeal and to send funds republicans and the petty bourgeoiste ranged for the proletariat of Parls. But Their claim on the members and sup of the correct application of the united of its twenty peremptory challenges.
to the Marine Workers Defense Commit afraid of the revolutionary Socialist six years after the suppression of the the stronger because they have been de ment of the masses for unemployed re tions, in the selection of the jury, on soon broke away from it, the former these bourgeois crows cawed in vain. porters of the Communist League is all front tactle will suffice build a real moveThe prosecution concentrated its objectee, 82 East Tenth Street, New York, proletarian character of the movement, Commune, when many of its fighers were serted by the defense organizations mainstances, the of union bureau liet. Compelled by pressure of circumand the others dropping out when they still pining in prison or in exile, a new talnd by the workers for the benefit of race has given tip service to the idea labor movement in any way or who were all who had been connected with the Next Week Forum On Friday, March 25 at P. comdefeat. Only the Frencht proletariat new socialist generation, enriched by Therefore, let us take care of our own! bureaucrats, eat and satisfied, do not the plan to put the dynamiting charges rade Cannon will speak at the and huntiringly, they alone fought and no whit discouragd by their defeat. pick prison relief fund for the benefit of our mean it but for the rank and fle mem over on a wave of red balting was in pen forum at the Labor Temple on died for it, for the cause of the eman. ed up the flag which had dropped from comrades. Our readers are requested bership, it is a question of growing dicated in the detailed questioning of The History of the Russian RevoluMarxist History and Bourgeois Criticism cipation of the working class, for a bet the hands of the fighters of the Commune to send contributions to this fund clay the ground for a concrete united his acquaintance with or knowledge of be an oral review of comrade Trotsky vital importance.
That contradiction every one called for Jury service as tol tion and Its Crities. The lecture will ter future for all toilers.
and bore it boldly and confidently for The Miltant, 84 East 10th St, New York Deserted by their allies of yesterday ward, with cries of: Long live the soc City. Itemized reports of all recepts to the whole the the various radical labor organizations work and reviews of it which have ap and supported by no one, the Commune al revolution! Long live the Commune! of this fund will be printed regularly trade union movement.
or the individual members of the Marine peared in the press.
was doomed to inevitable defeat. The And a few years after that, the new and the proceeds forwarded to the comNow, more than ever, the Communists Workers Defense Committee, which is entire bourgeoisle of France, all the workers party and the agitation raised rades in prison.
have an opportunity to make that ap conducting the defense movement in be NOTETO OUR READERS landlords, the stockbrokers, the factory by it throughout the country, compelled proach. The right of workers to assem half of the prisoners, owners, all the great and small robbers, the ruling classes to release the ImprisFor technical reasons, we have been Friday, March 18. ble in peaceful demonstralon, so brutally The defendants are members of the forced to postpone the final installment all the exploiters, combined against it. oned Communards, who were still in the THE GERMAN ELECTIONS violated at Detroit, is one additional is This bourgeois condition, supported by hands of the government.
Independent Tidewater Boatmen UnLecture by sue. It should be presented in the form of Rakovsky article on the Five Year fon. The charges against them Bismarck (who released hundred The memory of the fighters of the have SAM GORDON of a definite united front proposal to the been exposed as a conspiracy against un Plan until next week.
thousand French soldiers who had been commune is not only honoured by the at the LABOR TEMPLN trade union movement.
ion organization in the New York har THE MILITANT.
all New York Marine Workers Go to Trial SES of