AnarchismAnti-imperialist LeagueBakuninBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyEngelsEnglandFascismFranceGermanyImperialismIndividualismLeninLeninismMarxMarxismMarxism-leninismRadekRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismSyndicalismTrotskyURSSWorking Class

SATURDAY, MARCH 12, 1982 THE MILITANT PAGE IN THE INTERNATIONAL OF LABOR Reviews and News of the Working Class and Revolutionary Movements Party and in England Rakovsky on the Five Year Plan to the immediate needs of the regardless of revolutionary prob.
lems confronting the proletariat of the Few Lessons of the Anarchist Uprisings in Spain In 250 LONDON quires some freedom of action for its rank and Ale, must adopt ourselves, is Our new line, to which we, the party (Continued from last Issue) percentage of slate in the production of goods. According to the figures of the Our party is admittedly weak, back development, and that is what our lead a line of Internationalism, of revolution In the following metallurgical factor coal increased sharply, reaching in some people Commissariat of Workers and ward in revolutionary action, and shot ers lacked in addition to theoretical ary action, of rapid expansion into the ies and types of enterprises, the amount instances as much as 18 per cent. Only Peasants Inspection, the percentage of through with social democratie tondene understanding, mass of the workers. We need to of defective goods was 20 per cent of the bricks produced could defective goods in the needle industry ies. We are accustomed to blame our We think that the present leadership warmly greet workers outside the party, Djerdijinsky factory stand up under the established methods amounted to 30 per cent this year as selves for this. We have used sell of the Comintern the Stalin leadership, instead of lecturing them as inferior (wrought iron plates) 32 per cent of loading. Matters are still worse in against 10 per cent last criticism to the point of self abasement has allowed things to slide in most sec beings. Away with sectarianism! Into Djerdjinsky and Petrovsky year. Defec light Industries, in which textiles broke tive goods in the production of rubber But is it only ourselves who are to tions of the organization. It has been the masses. Concentrate on our own factory (steel parts) 40 per cent all records. According to the figures of reaches 14 per cent, of shoes 13 per blame? Is it not rather the fault of content to let our fossilized bureaucrats revolutionary problems! The best de Verkhnye Turinsk factory ten quoted, the average percen age of cent. There is literally not a single those in the Comintern who have ner carry on here, provided sufficient re fence of the Soviet Union is a fire (steel parts)
100 per cent defective goods in the different trusts branch of industry where the problem lected the British party and its difficult ports were returned, Russian triumphs and sustained attack on our bourgeoisie Lapayevsky factory was 50 per cent. The press also quotes of quality is not a very painful one, and ies neglected not only the British party, giren publicity, and defence of the here. new world revolutionary with (sheet metal)
the figures of the lusses in millions of there is almost not a single branch but all those parties which, in capital Soviet Union advocated. We say that tion lies before us. Our own October is 10 per cent rubles, connected with this drop in qual where the current year did not bring ist, countries, are striving to overthrow the Five Year Plan has absorbed prae not far distant. The capitalist class is Nadjejdinsky factory ity. It is characteristic that the new a deterioration of quality. It is clear, the bourgeoiste?
tically all the attention of our Rus going to give us the war. Let us give it (high quality steel) 30 per cent factories do not remain behiud in the in connection with this, that where the The course of events in the party lend sian comrades and that we have been war in return a civli war for the in Marti factory (steel) 32 per cent percentages of defective goods. The produce has to ership has been as follows: certain Brl forced into the position of mere distant ternational revolution for the dictatortextile factory of the Melange Syndicate, stages in the process of production or go through several tish comrades, by virtue of their mill admirers of Russian working class suc ship of the working class, for the World many times.
This list can, of course, be increased It is a matter, therefore, which has been recently constructed, through several branches of industry, tant activity, commended themselves to cesses.
Soviet Republic.
not of single defects, but of a whole produced in April, 23. 98 per cent. the poor quality. In one branch Ismai the Russian revolutionaries in the early To back up this statement, we gire BRITISH WORKER.
days of the Comintern. They were the following extracts from system of producing defective goods. The land in May 92. 37 per cent defective tiplied by the poor quality in all the recent other branches To what conclusions taught some of the elements of Com speeches of two well known Russian does an examination of the question of munism, and returned to England to party officials comrades Molotov and quality bring us? There are two conlead the proletariat over the long and Litvinoff. Molotoy at the XVII Conclusions. 1) The deteriora ion of the difficult course that lay ahead, From ference (Moscow) of the all union Comthat time on their assimilation of munist Party on January 30th last, said: The recent revolt in upper Llobregat, they left the door wide open for the They paid dearly for their generous quality of production makes the quantiMarxism and Leninism ceased. They The foreign polley of the Soviet Union aver had completely paraiszed the power to annihilate them. Their concept is to were fighting to make a better world. Even Kuibishe was compelled to admit in Calleut suvia, Bergu, Bacolo and car exploiters to return, to reorganize and and Mcalist spirit. by Idealists who tative indices more or less fictitious.
masses, immersed in routine work, and obvious to all that we are totally ab red lag of the workers waved over the simpls proclaim the social revolution of the rebellion there only remains, the Supreme Economic Council, where he incapable of initiative, for initiative resorbed in peaceful construction in our city hall in several of the towns. Au but reality is not so simple. You can apparently, the memory of a handful of declared. The figures of the tremendous prevent all new imperialist attacks on country and are doing all in power to the currents of the Spanish revolu. proclaim the social resolution and raise men who, in jails and prison boats, growth of Industry become relative if the Socialist Illepublic. Moscow tionary movement again tested their the red flag today and tomorrow find dream that the desired triumph will we take into consideration the qualitaHave You Read News. Feb. 1982)
theories in practice. The party press white terror at its helghts unlessade come in the near future. Yes, it will tive changes. Ekonom. Zizn. May in Amerca, which had ignored the Span quate steps are taken to follow up the only be a dream if the same strategy is 22, 1930) Za Industrializatstu of July As if this was not enough to make ish revolution for months and months, first victory and to smash the enemy, to repeated, a dream for some but more 18, expresses Itselt still more emphatiThese Works?
clear the indifference of the Russian authorities to revolutionary work in all of a sudden broadcast the news that smash their state and all means of ex bloodshed and misery for the workers. cally, when it declares that under such capitalist countries, comrade Litvinot they had established Soviets in several ploitation that goes with it and establish In avoiding bloodshed they only bring conditions all our quantitative achieveby LEON TROTSKY on more bloodshed and prolonged misery ments would not amount to a farthing on Feb. 11, at the Genera Disarma towns in Spain. And among many other a workers dictatorship.
counter ment Conference, announced that, The things, they said the the Left Opposi These generous and idealist spirits and leave the door open for ON THE THEORY OF commun. revolution to give the workers a blood In a whole series of instances, the de solo aim of the Soviet Government is tion was playing a counter revolution who established libertarian SOCIALISM IN ONE to build up Soclalism upon the terriary role in the struggle. But a few days 1sm say. In every place the Civil bath terioration of quality not only annuls The anarchist leaders have learned the quantitative achievements, bu, even tory of the COUNTRY Soviet Union. Daily passed, and even the blind could see Guarls, sheltered in their barracks, where Worker (London. Feb. 12, 1932. Draft Program of the Comthat, sad to say, the Communist party they take refuge; the boargeoisle locked nothing from these events but the work converts them into the opposite For munist International the key to the whole desperate situr more is sold or heard in the Party press revolution had triumphed and the rev bourgeolsle claims. They have learned work in the textile industry for the first by these revolts. Our document from half year. Za Industrialisatsiu. April Criticism Fundamentals tion of the revolutionary organizations or its meetings about Spain, yet the olutlonists cannot imitate their former parts and outside the Soviet Union, and especial struggle has not stopped, in spite of oppressors, by forcing them and the otaera Spain, says in part: In spite of the 20) we read: In many enterprises the incapable leadership and organization plan of production is fulfilled at the ly in Great Britain. It repeats plainly the fact the Centrist press 140 pages, hard paper cover, 856 is silent to share their ideas. This is nothing of the anarchists, the workers of Car expense of a growth in Industrial lossCloth cover. 00 the assertion of Stalin that socialism the previous a Strategy of the World can be confined to one country. This now, as they were anarchists do not know the elementary able solidarity and discipline and with ed and half finished manufactures. The Revolution assertion was most glaringly made in months, difference between a successful social drew in perfect strategie order and with ultimate result shows that this makes an interview of Stalin with a United The leadership of the National ConPart of the Draft Program Press correspondent in December, 1930. federation of Labor again showed its revolution and a successful Battle in a minimum of losses, when they were the quantitative achievements negligible 86 pages, paper cover. revolution, which not immediately The Permanent Revolution ist and Communist systems co exist flaming the revolt. The vanguard ac followed un will result in defeat. The The most important fact to be re textile industry and to national economy do not know the elementary difference corded in the uprising of Cardoner and as a whole. Finally, in several groups 158 pages, paper cover 50 peaceably? Stalin replied: It 18 pos tion of the American Stalinites in pro Cloth cover 00 the ruling Llobergat is the distinct political char of commodities, the cost of production sible, and the best proof is that they claiming leadership of the struggles between the bourgeoisie as ON THE RUSSIAN have lived peaceably (slet side by was followed by the tail endism of the power. The former exploiters, are left acter. The workers had seized the city is not covered, not o speak of any acQUESTION side since the conclusion of the civil Spanish Stalinites in the struggle. The stone by the anarchist leaders and the halls and hosted tho banner of the pro cumulation. This is the reverse side War and the Intervention period. socialist and anarchist role adds new enemy reorganizes its forces after the letarian revolution on top of the build of the high tempo of increasing produe History of the Russian. Moscow News, Dec 17. 1930. Rawelght to their role of betrayals, all of first wave of revolt and comes back in ings themselves. That is to say, they lion.
Revolution dek followed this up six months later which is summed up in a recent docu the form of bourgeois terror, that should had seized political power for themsel Only a comparison with the qualitative (at the Dzerzhinsky Volume The Overthrow of Club) with the ment of the Spanish Left Opposition by all means cause us to congratulate ves. In some places, the anarchist cle: indices makes it possible to judge the statement, Bolshevism ts no article of published in The Milltant, Feb. 27. and honor the generous and idealist ment had proclaimed openly that their quantitative indices. Without aking Czarism 00 export. Moscow News. June 18, But since this document, we have new spirits. the anarchists of Spain! The aim was the establishment of the die into account the quality of the products, By Special arrangements with the 1931)
material on the Anarchists that further anarchists in Lyons in 1870 decreed the tatorship of the proletariat. This is the quantity figures represent a publishers we can offer this book Contrast the point of view thus ex confirms the prisition of the Left Op state out of existence and established a big step forward that the Communists statistical fiction, which does not nene to cerificates holders for 00, pressed with the teaching of Lenin, position on the role of the Anarchists libertarian communism but before 24 can point to.
all give a picture of the actual state To members of the Communist who said: It is as impossible to pass in the Spanish revolution.
Yes, many worker followers of an of affairs. It is entirely clear that only The Indus hours hnd passed, the state, in the form League (0. at 50.
from eapitalism te soelalism without trial Worker of March 8, carried an ararchism, seeing of the National guards, returned and ism in practice drew the conclusion that the qualitative ones, can a true picture libertarian commun. by dividing the quantitative indices by Enclose 10e postage per copy with breaking national frameworks, as it was ticle by de Guzman, from the La Tierdispersed the rebels. And once again they must establish a dictatorship of the of reality be obtained. Such a pleture order.
impossible to pass from feudalism to ra. translated by Olay. This arti Problems of the Development capitalism without adopting the idea cle proves the anarchists have learned history repeats itself, only this time as proletariat. This is a big step forward. would be considerably different from as a nation. Lenin, Collected Works. nothing since their master, Bakunin a farce.
the one drawn in flippant articles by the of the Vol. 18, page 72)
official press. Unfortunately, there are captured power in Lyon, France in 48 pages, paper cover, 150 The present leadership of the Com 1870 not as yet such indices, with the help The Real Situation in Russia munist International has, by its own In Spain, Figols was the first town of which it would be possible to deter364 pages, cloth cover 81. 00 statements and action travelled a long to revolt and the last to be entered by mine the level of the quality of producSince Lenin Died way from the decisions of the Second troops. The town was for five days, The confusion existing in the ranks of left the door wide open for blunders. tion and through that, also the actual by Max Eastman Congress (1920) of the International, from Monday to Saturday, living a re the Communist movement on the Agra They have left unanswered the whole level of its quantitative growth. This 158 pages, paper cover, where a resolution extracted from the gime of libertarian communism. LADrian question cannot be settled until we question of: What kind of a revolution is our first conclusion.
statutes of the First International was ertarian communism? And we ask, trace it to the source and at the same What will it look like. Lenin and (2) The qualitative indices so World Unemployment and the unanimously adopted. It was resolved what may libertarian communism be? time present the determining factors of Trotsky answered this for Russia. We achieved, not only disclose he great reFive Year Plan at the Second Congress: That the eman. We are informed that, Anarchism has American agriculture. The agrarian cannot be satisfied with merely saying: lativity of the quantitative indices at the Out of Print.
cipation of labor is neither a local nor been a reality for a week. And at no question in America cannot separated Soviets and dictatorship of the proletar present, but also their possible trerid in ON THE SPANISH a national problem, but one of a social place or time were there killings, rob from the establishment of the Third lat. What will the Soviets be like, when the future. At the same time, the qual character embracing every civilized berles, and excesses which according to International, after the successful Rus we take power, in comparison to the ita ive indices also demonstrate indirQUESTION country, and the solution of which de the detractors of anarchism are their sian revolution and the establishment of Soviets established by the first workers eetly the degree reached by the intenThe Spanish Revolution pends on the theoretical and practical very essence. These kind souls, these Soviet Power. Up to that time, the class rule and in a backward countrysity of labor, with which they are cooperation 30 pages, paper cover, most progressive humanitarians, the subjec individuals Second International had a bundle of with the majority of peasants? In place closely bound up. Intensity of labor is countries.
The Spanish Revolution are more concerned with the bourgeois confused ideas on the agrarian and color of these answers we have revisionism ariven to such ilmits that the worker The leadership of our British party opinion of them, then they are with the nial questions on the problem of the for the advanced countries expressing who produces the amount demanded of in Danger should be the first to agree with the interest of the workers. What of it, it relationship between town and country. itself as: The peoples revolution him is no longer able to direct his 64 pages, paper cover, 15e above resolution, for in an introduction the bourgeois slander revoluitonists, call In fact, the Second International revised Workers and Farmers parties and the tention to the quality. All the data ON THE TRADE UNION to the Thesis on National and Colonial them thieves, murderers, robbers and Marxism on this question, leaving the Workers and Farmers Government; Sell indicate that (further on, we shall once Questions of the Second Congress, the enemies of society? Can you expect peasantry and colonies as open stamping determination for the American Negro more come back to this) on the given QUESTION of the concluded with anything else from the exploiters and grounds for imperialist robbery. and the Anti Imperialist League, etc. technical basis, we have arrived very Communism and Syndicalism Finally, the ultimate aim is indicated their funkles? Have exploiters ever Marx and Engels present a clear an One question we must settle and that close to the boundary, beyond which a 64 pages, paper cover, 1BC in the World Soviet Republic, to be called the exploited nice names when the alysis of this question in their writings will throw considerable light upon the further increase in quantity through an reached by an ever expanding Federa: slave class desire to throw off the bur and Lenin and Trotsky (Trotsky, Our problem for the advanced capitalist increase in the intensity of labor can ON THE GERMAN tion of Soviet Republics, wnich shall den of exploitation? If the exploiters Revolution 1905) brought this question countries is the question QUESTION organize world production, distribu confine their opposition to nasty names down to practical working class polities Agricultural conditions today. Once weterioration in quality. The quality of tion and transport as a single problem. We would have no trouble in taking in the 1906 period, so successfully car lay down a Marxian analysis on this production is a signal warning that a Germany the Key to the Already, the economie needs of today Power, but sad to say, this slandei is ried out in the 1917 revolution by the question we can more readily come to further increase in quantity at the exInternational Situation calls for this world economic organiza only a slight breeze of the hurricane Marxists. Through the Third Interna a proper understanding of the question. pense of an increase in the intensity of Shall Fascism Really Be tion, but the rival capitalist camps they let loose on us ever chance we givetlonat this material and these lessons The problem for colonial countries will labor is no longer possible.
Victorious. are from their nature incapable of un them. The Individualism of the anarch have become the property of the whole not be taken up here. We will contine (To be continued)
48 pages, paper cover, 106 ity. That task awaits the World Sovists is more concerned about their sub class throughout the world. expressed ourself to advanced America.
Barnoul, July August 1930 let. The Turn in the Communist jective feelings than about the interest by their vanguard. However, since the Agrarian Development under Capitalism CHRISTIAN RAKOVSKY.
establishment of the Stalin regime and And no doubt the leading officials or of the workers. proper elevation of the problem calls International and the German our party do agree with the Second The anarchists, to make sure the bour the gradual crowding to the background for an understanding of its historical Situation These figures were taken from ser Congress resolution in principle. But geois learn how Christlike or Ghandi of the Marxian ideas, we have witnessed development and relation. Under preOut of Print in action they follow meekly the line like anarchism is generous and idealist a revival of revisionism on this question. capitalist conditions agriculture and eral issues of Za Industrializatsiu as or Industrialization. and EkonomitIn Preparation lald down by the exponent of social spirits that they were once triomphant This time, from different angle than manufacturing were established Problems of the Chinese ism in one country.
with the social revolution proclaimed that of the Second International.
unity with manufacturing subordinated chiskaya Zhizn. Economie Life. at Revolution Do we need a new line then? Cerdid not think of squaring accounts: they This revisionism takes on two differto agrculture (manufacturing used in the the end of the firs: half of the fiscal year tainly we do true Leninist line. We 385 pages, cloth cover did not want to shed blood, they did entforms, one in the colonial countries, obsolete sense hand tool production. 1930. But if there has been any change need is to get away from the apolognot even bother to humilitate them, and another in the advanced countries. Domestic handicraft and manufacturing since then only for the worse Ch.
whole flows labor, as side fasues to agriculture, which Bound Volumes of the pamph etle attitude we have been adopting. They seized all arms to prevent the In turn, the problem as lets indicated by limited to 100 constantly blaming ourselves for all enemy from attacking them they post from the theory of socialism in one forms the basis, is the prerequisite of THE MILITANT coples. Watch the MILITANT for the faults and shortcomings of the Bried guards avold being surprised, and country. In the colonial countries, Stal that mode of production upon which naPublished weekly by the Communist prices. Let us know if Interested. tish party. Of course we have faults, leaving everybody in absolute freedom Inism poses the question of the 1906 tural economy rests, in European antichiefly those of theoretical backwardLeague of America (Opposition)
SPECIAL RATES IN BUNDLE ness and of Inexperience, but the roots fore, without thinking for a moment that and comes to the conclusion of the dem. the Indian commune of the present day.
at 84 East 10th St.
ORDERS of our extreme outside social revolution ocratie dictatorship of the proletariat in which the traditional organization EDITORIAL BOARD PIONEER PUBLISHERS James Cannon. are to In the would release them from digging coal and peasantry. its concrete expres has not yet been destroyed. The capt. Martin Abern 84 East 10th Street, polley of the Stalin leadership of the from the entrails of the earth. More sions have been manifold, with outstand talist mode of production completely dis Marsbachtman Maurice Spector (Marx: Cap.
New York City Comintern most strikingly Arne Swabeck condemned confusion in fewer words is very airing points of revision such as: the four solves this connection.
clasa party in China, Workers and Pea ital, Vol. page 913. The capitalist by recent events concerning China, but ficult to write. They did not think of sants blocks, Peasant International etc. mode of production destroys this unity November 28. 1928, at the Post Office a Entered as second class mall matter always at fault in the past polley squaring accounts. They disarmed In the advanced capitalist countries and of agriculture and manufacturing and New York, CHICAGO, ATTENTION. of goling over the heads of the working them and left everybody fat inabosolate particularly in America its opposite ex. by the concentration of the means of March 3, 1879.
Under the act of OPEN FORUM class (e. flrting with Hielos, Purcell freedom. Without expropriating and pression is manifested. The problem of production and their transformation into and Co. of overestimating the strength imprisoning the main forces of the en the farmers and the agrarian crisis is capital they are able to expropriate the SATURDAY, MARCH 12. 1982 Subject: Einstein, the God Builder Vol. 5, No. 11 (Whole No. 107 Speaker: HUGO OEHLER and stability of capitalism (unpreparemy class and finishing those who are not understood and Centrism, in refusing direct producers and change them into Subscription rate: 00 per year; foredness to meet the present world crisis) sist, without establishing a Red Guard to pose this question by Sunday, March 20th, 1982, P.
showing the wage workers. These wage workers are 135 No. Western Avenue and of making everything subservient and a dictatorship of the proletariat, proper relation of town and country, has eign 50. Five cents per copy. Continued on page 4)
Bundle rates, cents per copy.
The Communists and the Agrarian Crisis COC far 100 of be