CapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyImperialismImperialist WarNazismParis CommunePrivate PropertyRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorking Class

UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition Published weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 84 East 10th Street, New York, Entered as second class mail matter, November 28, 1928 at the Post Office at New York, under the act of March 3, 1879.
VOLUME V, NO. 11 WHOLE NO. 107 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, MARCH 12, 1932 PRICE CENTS Ford Thugs Massacre Starving Workers Police Give Workers Lead instead of Bread the sup The Allignment of Class Forces in the Campaign Struggle We are reprinting below an inter Socialism cannot confine view granted by comrade Trotsky forces in the Proerustean bed of nationthrough the intermediary of Simon al States. The Socialist economy will On Sunday, March 13 elections of en speed. That gives expression to their and Schuster, the American publish develop on the basis of an international ormous historical consequences are tak menacing strength. Moreover, in a rapers of his latest work. The History division of labor, the mighty foundations ing place in Germany. Behind these idly sharpening revolutionary situation, of the Russian Revolution to the of which have been laid down by capelections stands the mobilization of its role as the final means of maintain Times italism. The Soviet Industrial construe forces to decide the sue of who ing capitalist rule becomes so much The presentation of his views tion is in my view, a part of a future shall prevall, Communism or Fascism. mure pronounced. And so it is now which are those of the Interna Ional European, Asiatic and world wide SoIts historical consequence lles not 80 The Nazis can count on growing numLeft Opposition is here given in a cialist structure, and not an independent much in the direct outcome as to which bers of direct supporters amongst the concise and trenchant form, so that national whole.
candidate will win; but in the expres great monopoly institutions On Monday, March Ford cossacks, which the Communists are the vanguard every reader can at once grasp the Soviet Russia and the Capitalist World fired on a crowd of jobless workers de tighters.
sion these elections give to the line up its true character as the darkest force general outlines of our position as Question: Will Soviet Russia be com monstrating before his plant at Dearand the strength of the class forces in of reaction, combining its aims of bruAction Teaches Lessons well as the elementary causes of pelled to come to some sort of a com born, Michigan.
Four workers were tal working class suppression with a the struggle we are carrying on. promise with Western capialism, as shot and killed because they had come tical experience, from action. And it is The workers can only learn from praeIn its purely parliamentary aspect the philosophy of adopting pre capitalist can ending sort suming that she may not be le to pur to demand from the apostle class present line up represents itself as fol forms of economy, was expressed, per guide or key to the other current sue a Socialist policy single handed peace work. a chance to earn their livin action that Communism shows the lows: To the Right the extreme reaction baps unwittingly, by a reporter of the writings of our comrade and to the What form would such wompromisa ing. Among those killed was Joe York, workers most clearly what they are up of Fascists (Nazi) nationalsits and steel New York Times of March In describ literature of the Left Opposition as assume?
Answer: The compromiso the district organizer of the Young Comagainst and how they can overcome it.
helmets, in the Center the bloc arounding the economic program of the parties a whole, between the Soviet and the capitalist munist League. Communist workers to carry out this historic task, the forethe candidacy of Hindenburg of the to the Right he said: All three groups Appraisal of Five Year Plan various capitalist center parties systems is not a question of the future were in the Arst ranks of the struggle front fighters of Communism have once and (Nazis, Nationalists and Steel Helmets)
but of the present. It is already a fact were the first to be wounded.
more proved their fearlessness, their Question: Will you give your appraissocial democracy, to the Left the Com fervently believe Germany should adopt al of the Five Year Plan and the ecotoday, although not a very stable one.
daring, their absolute devotion to munists a polley that they call autarkle. or nomic perspectives confronting Russia. How will the interrelations between The demonstrators, upon the call of cause of the working class, their utter Thus while the blurring of the class economic independence. They admit this Answer: The question of industrializathe isolated Soviet Union and world cap the Unemployment Council of Detroit, deflance of the class enemy. Joe York, Liness still expressed in the fact of would be ditlult, but think Germany in tion, and particularly of the Five Year italism develop? Here a concrete pro were marching in orderly fashion and a valiant young Communist warrior, has workers under social democratic intu the long run could succeed in cutting Plan, was one of the chief points of phecy is not easy to make, but in genbad intended sending up a committee to fallen at the hands of the boss class.
ence being swung into the camp herselt oft from Western Erope and condict between the Stalin faction and eral should cast the following horo the management of the Ford plant, to The answer of the working class of porting Hindenburg together with out feeding herself from her own land with the Left Opposition, to which belong. scope: European capitalism is far near present their demanda. Ford, the idol America to the murder of York and his right capitalist reactionaries the two the help of the Eastern European agri Up to February, 1938, the Stalin facer to a Socialist revolution than the Sov of the post war social democracy and three comrades must be a more deterforces on either side of this grouping cultural states. It would involve writtion considered it necessary to rest its iet Union is to a national Socialist soc all the other preachers of class colla mined, a more teracous struggle against remain distinct. The strength of these ing of parts of the vast capital power upon the strong peasant and re lety.
boration, the symbol of Americanis the master class than ever. The best two forces will be decisive for the im many has put into her industrial plant, fused to compel him to make sacrifices Question: What are the prospects of tion. immediately ordered his gunmen class vengeance for the murder of our mediate future. Fateful indeed will with a view to following a course ex in the interest of industrialization. The Soviet Russia relations with other to pour lead into the masses calling for Aghters 1s organization. The fight for this event be for the German working actly opposite to flooding the world with very principle of planning was laughed countries in the political field if such work and bread.
which York and his comrades died, must clasa manufactured goods. It would involve at by the bureaucracy. We depend a compromise proves feasible? Answer: The whole horrid shape of humane be carried into every factory, into every As to how decisive for the future this an economie revolution and a terrible upon rain, not plans, they said. In The Soviet Government is interested in American capitalism stands exposed trade union. The whole proletariat coming recording of strength of class strain on the nation.
1925 published a book, Toward Cap maintaining peaceful relations. It has before the workers of the world. The must be rallied for a militant protest, forces will be is amply testitled in the Here we have, though not yet clear italism or Socialism? in which proved demonstrated its will to pouce, and is pacemaker of modern industry and of the banner of the Detroit martyrs must pre election campaigns. There are ally formulated, a theory capitalist na that with proper leadership industry still demonstrating it by every means at industrial democracy whose hands be held high.
an ready the evidences of the contiet being tional self sufficiency with implied could show a 20 per cent yearly increase the disposal of a government. It is are dripping with the blood of militant Every worker in the United States transferred ever more out of the purely aspiration to become the spearhead of or more. Stalin and Molotov consider true that in Paris they consider the So workers, will become identical with the knows what hunger means, every workThe parliamentary field into sharp street armed intervention for subjugation of these figures fantastic and accused viet proposal of universal disarmament darkest and most reactionary forms of er knows what wago cuts mean.
battles. In this respect violence against the Soviet Republis. return to pre the Left Opposition of superindustrial heroic example of the Communists does the workers is on the increase. But capitalist forms of production and ex ism. These cursory comments on the Moscow, and on the other hand the reThe heroic manifestation of the De not pass them by unnoticed. But they there are also the accompanying hope change of commodities, squeezed in with history of the thing are sufficient to defusal of France to take steps toward distroft workers, coming in the midst of are still apprehensive, they are not as ful signs of increasing working class in national boundaries. return to monstrate my attitude to the Five Year armament they regard as an expression general depression, will be a light house yet convinced of the correctness of Com.
unity in such skirmishes against the barbarism with the terrific strain to Plan: consider it a gigantic step for of her peaceful Intentions. Following of courage to the millions of unemploymunist polley. The Communists must Fascist reaction. On the other hand rest upon the shoulners of the working ward in the development not only of the the same logic the French official pressed workers all over the country in their take into account the degree of consclascism is now more clearly proclaiming class.
Soviet Union but of humanity.
Communism as its real enemy.
IS THE WAY OUT THROUGH Question: Do you believe that the dean act of civilization, the Chinese resis Aght against starvation. Their fearless ousness of the masses. In order to lend THE WORKING CLASS FASCIST DICTATORSHIP DIVIDED IN TWO MAIN GROUPS Today there is way for Germany strengthened or weakened the possibility cording to this logic, are not those who the face of ley cold fire hoses and ma class foe, they must be prepared to go from her present economie dilemma on of building socialism in Soviet Russia break into other people houses, but chine gun fire will be an inspiration and with the masses as far as the masses share their miserable fate under the gle with the working masses they have situation the working class to still in its economically declining capitalist Europe, lines in the rest of Europe? Answer: Boult to concur in this As already indicated in this fateful capitalist basis. It exists within an alone without cooperation along similar those who defend their own. It is dir. a standard of battle for all those who will go at the moment. In common strug abominations of the capitalist system. the best opportunity for winning them main aspect divided, by organization and ever more receiving the imprint or be This raises the question about socialism Attitude Toward the Stalin Regime The most powerfully developed indus over to a Communist line of action.
Question: What is your attitude to try in the world and in history can main groupe under the for the actual the more powerful American imperial or socialism flows historically from the ward the Stalin regime today and why? sive the masses of the population only Relief Struggle Growing situation, rather sumptuous names the ism. German capitalism, after its re fact that the present productive forces Answer: To answer this question what the blackest regimes of the past of the necessit of resisting further un The masses are at present conscious of of humanity have become incompatible distinguish sharply two different concep have given them: hunger and lead. The employment, further wage cuts, and of In the former is included the trade un 1923, has accomplished two successive not only with the private property in tions: the Soviet regime as the regime workers are waking up to the fact that wrenching from the capitalist class lons, the Social Democratic party, the waves of nationalization of its industrythe means of production but also with of proletarian dictatorship and the as long as the profit system, as long as measure of relief for their misery.
The republican Reichsbanner and the sports labor Existing within declining capitalist present national boundarles, especially in organizations. Their lenders Kurope ano out off from its former col Europe. Just as medieval particularism Stalin regime, which is a bureaucratic private ownership controls the means of workers are still bound to their reformare the social chauvinists of onies, its economic problems become hindered the development of capitalism perversion of the Soviet regime. It is production, all technical progress canist leaders by Innumerable prejudices, traditions and organizational ties. If It has of course nothing in common with today that much more acute. Even a In Its youth, now at the peak of its with the aim of strengthening and de merely serve to enslave them. That is a workers iron front, but represents an temporary relief for German capitalism development capitalism is strangling inveloping the Soviet system that wage al what the Communists are out to teach they are to be brought into action, their (Continued on page 4)
the workers, that the condition against leaders must be pressed against the attempt of the treacherous social dem through a Fascist dictatorship could, of the limits set by the national States, ocratie bureaucrats to swing these work course, only serve to further intensity wall. The united front of working class ers into a servile support of the re these contradictions.
struggle against boss misery must be However, the actionary capitalist government of Hin menacing threat in such a temporary organized. That is the way to carry denburg and Bruening for the main way out for German capitalism is the the banner of the fallen Detroit fighters tainance of the capitalist system. Yet sinister prospect of the crushing of the up higher. That is the way for a suc these organizations who make up offered to branches the national center notifies the cessful advance of the forces of Comthe German working class movement, and As we swing into the second week of, subs. The free pamphlets Iron front embrace the bulk of the with that the enormous danger to the the drive it is possible to report an en subscribers during the period of the subscribers. These subs must not be munismy. That is the way of winning a redue allowed to expire for want of attention. majority of the workers for the prolefront is under the leadership of the of above all to the Soviet Union and the rades and sympathizers. Some expirention in the cost of a sub and are un Their importance lles in the fact that as tarian revolution ficial Communist party, but unfortun Communist International.
The Communist party has once subs have been renewed. Some new doubtedly a strong inducement. They along they will offset the number of ately it is not a united front. How only To German capitalism, and to world ones have been sent In. At present the should be nsed as such. With each 00 new sube. As a political loss, of course, more, as often before, been the party to show the oppressed and explolcould it be with all the other workers capitalism, the crushing of the German record of renewed and new subs is as sub for fifts two issues (1 year) The they are even more important. Reneworganizations mentioned not included. Working class and, in the first instance follows: New York 7: Minneapolis 2; Militant will give a paper bound. com als count as new subs. Literature preted workers the way out, the road to a The iron front embraces the workers its revolutionary section, once more already be Chicago 1; Miscellaneous. There is comrade Trotsky the Permanent Rev. miums apply equally to them. They are fighting solution. It has shown that it is the only true purty of who are still under the intuence of soc. come a life and death necessity. The also one new bundle order for a new. olution; with each 00 sub for twenty included in the standing given above.
ial democratic ideology. The red un German revolutionists must recognize stand to report. This is from Chicago six issues (6 mos. a copy of part The thing to do now is to drive along the working class. It has proved that ited front embraces the workers won this fact. The issue is more than ever But this progress is not enough of the Draft Program the Strategy the three ways outlined above. Sys the workers are not going to remain for the Communist ideology. serious communism or Fracism.
More must done.
of the World Revolution by comrade tematic plans should be worked out by passive before the onslaught of the division in face of a dangerously vicious COMMUNIST PARTY FAILS IN already accomplished indic. Trotsky! with each trial sub of. 60 the branches. Every supporter of The bosses common enemy bent upon the destruc (13 issues) any one of our 100 pam Militant should take it upon himself to Government Persecution Coming GREAT POSSIBILITIES tion of all vestiges of working class or ates that it all our comrades and sup In sending in subs comrades bring in at least one new sub, or get Already, the boss government is initiganization.
Communist party in this situation of wheel we can make a success of the should specify the literature which goes one renewal, or get one newstand to ating ferocious campaign of persecuWhat is the position of the German Porters will put their shoulders to the phlets.
with them.
The Social Democratic party bureaucarry The Militant, or better still cracy is about to complete its course being made by the bureaucracy to is favorable. Workers are interested menacing threats? Strenuous efforts are drive. Certainly the objective situation In addition during the period three.
which passed through treason to complete depravity. No long under the sumptuous name of the iron be assumed that a large working class rate for a combined year subscrip put on a sounder financial basis now. Clase justice, with its criminal syndide petite and swing the bulk of the working Packages never before in communisms terested of the driver comrades antigues de repro which the ahead The Militant must be The whole frame up system of capitalist er even useful to rule on behalf of Ger front. into support of the Hindenburg reading publie exists. It is necessary tion to The Militant and Young Spart Every effort must be made to insure the culism laws and other vicious devices is being set into motion. The entire man capitalism they face the final test candidacy, Into support of capitalism to reach it.
acus. This will include fifty two weekly success of the drive.
working class of the country must come of ability to sell the workers whom they and, in its ultimate sense, Into support to the defense of those attacked like a influence for Judas silver. Their lead of preparation for the Fascist reglme. ways.
This can be done principally in two issues of The Militant and twelve monthsolid stone wall. Every worker fate, ership over so many years has brought obviously, this latter aspect is not yet First it is necessary to get newly foues of Young Spartacus. In the case of combined subs there is no litevery worker elementary right exist erature premium. Whenever a combined ence, is at stake.
for the workers of Germany. Today wages hold under the plusion that at the bomo Paris Commune Affair sub is sent in it should be clearly in OPEN FORUM The Communist party is calling proare cut to the very bone. It is estimated ment their support to Hindenburg will dicated as such.
test and memorial meetings all over the that to million workers are in the offset the Fascist advance. To what The members and sympathizers of The second way of increasing the sale Lecture by country. It is the duty of every class ranks of the permanently unemployed extent and by what methods has the the Left Opposition in New York of The Militant is by increasing the ARNE SWABECK conscious worker to stand behind the army, while starvation and misery oflicial Communist party endeavored to going to celebrate the sixty first anniver bundle orders of branches, newstands, party of his class, and to demonstrate stalks the land. The social democratie shatter this Illusion?
sary of the Paris Commune on Saturday and bookstores. And by increasing the LESSONS OF THE his solidarity with it. Against bureaucrats have given up their last Undoubtedly here was an excellent evening, March 19th, at the Irving Plaza, bosses offensive, against government Militant. This can be done more eas shred of pretense of fighting for a re opportunity to split the working class 15th St. and Irving Place. The cele number of newsstands which carry The DRESMAKERS STRIKE at the form program. Their whole course of forces away from the center lock obration will take form of an entertainpersecution, for the workers right to 1ly now by means of the newstands demonstrate, for unemployment relief posters we spoke of in the last issue.
abject servility is now reaching its cul reaction now supporting Hindenburg. ment and mass meeting.
Labor Templo mination in the fact that they have pre But that would pressuppose the Com and unemployed insurance. Against wage Comrade Arne Swabeck, National Sec These have been delivered by the print 14th Street and Second Avenue pared all the prerequisites for a victory munist party genuinely offering a united retary of the Communist League of Am er and come up to our expectations. The cuts and for the six hour day, five day of Fascism, severe test. The workers are rapidly objectives of working class struggle the Paris Commune.
upon request. It should be remembered parations and for Long Term Credits to extricating themselves from their ideo There should even have been no objec Workers Russia.
logy and domination. The Social Demtion to serious efforts to find the comAn elaborate social program has been that we haven too many. They should at P.
All New York workers will show their arranged for. Achorus of forty Hun be placed only on stands and in stores ocratic youth has long shown dissa mon grounds for unity around one workgarian comrades will present a number which carry or will carry The Militant QUESTIONS and DISCUSSION solidarity with the Communist party on faction with their toleratoin policy. ing class candidate as a means of util of revolutionary songs. group of third method of boosting the sub Friday evening, March 11, at the Centra.
GROWTH OF FASCIST REACTION izing these elections to further stem the young female comrades, members of the list is bý renewing expired sabe. Every ADMISSION: 25 Cents Opera House, 67th Street and Third THREAT TO WHOLE WORKING tide of Fincat reaction.
Avenue Unemployed Workers Admitted Free branch and the Spartacus Youth week a number run out. From this it CLASS At the 1926 German presidential elec Club, have been preparing several ori can be seen that the renewal of expired Auspices. New York Branch Communist Workers! Make your protests against In elections held during the last couple tiong there were three candidates, the sinal dances. We will also have a subs is a regular task. The nation cen League of America (Opposition) the Dearborn massacre a powerful deof years throughout Germany the Fasc Communist, the social democrat and the plano recital and group singing Re ter notifies the brnches in advance of monstration of solidarity that will strike ist gains baey mounted at a dizzying (Continued on page 4)
freshments will be on hand.
the expiration. Where we have no fear into the hearts of the bosses. Press Circulation Drive yet What are the at tworker also rehele plans front embodying the serlous immediate erion, will speak on The Signitiennce of posters will be shipped free Immediately Friday, March 11, 1932 weekeAcainst the imperialist war pre Paris Commune Celebration Saturday Evening, March 19, at Irving Plaza