BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCommunismCommunist ManifestoCommunist PartyEngelsEnglandFranceKamenevLeninLeninismMarxMarxismParis CommuneRosa LuxemburgRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSViolenceWorking Class

The History of the Russian Revolution. Rakovsky on the Five Year Plan Uphold Our Revolutionary Classics conPAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, MARCH 3, 1932 BOOK REVIEW own natural boundaries. Neither the Intensive exploitation of the machine nor the intensification of labor can be Increased endlessly. This sort of methLeon Trotsky: The History of the Rus rearming of the revolutionary party, and od has another meaning entirely and stan Revolution. Volume 1: The Over the orientation of the masses subsequ We are bringing below a chapter from efficients. have already pornted out series of Idle periods for equipment of view when it is applied only for a short that too, from an economic polnt of throw of Tearlem. Translated by Max ent to that, lent it its specifio, ultimate a larger work by comrade Rakovsky that growth in the quantity figures a purely technical character, then it is period of time and when, parallel with Eastman Published by Simon and character. In the chapter, Rearming Although the figures elted have, in part, themselves does not represent an adequ probably not far from the truth to as its application, the possibility is given Schuster, Inc. New York. 00. the Party. the role of the proletarian grown antiquated and, in part, been ate criterion for the evaluation of the sume that 16 per cent of the increase to create within just as short period With the enforced leisure imposed Vanguard and that of the revolutionary surpassed, this work is nevertheless of actual growth of the productive forces, in production de to be attributed to the of time, the material basis: a new inupon him by the stalinistraction for leadership as a whole, is expounded with exceptional significance. For the first ner even for determining the existence introduction of the eve day week, the vestment capital. But this same fact, Red Army, the comrade in arms or Lento, ot Lenin, bis indispensable value for the ist examination of the results of the ineyardstick for the increase of the growth in the number of workers; to upon and that it is clevated into a sys.
has forged another great weapon for the program of the masses to power, la cast Ave year plan and of the process of de oro con production, and consequently other words, to the rise in the Intensity tem, is precisely the proof for the treet international working class in its strug. in its true light. His great historical velopment in the Soviet Union are raised a guarantee for further raising the quan of the exploitation of the equipment. that we are far behind with the creation gle for a higher form of society, for significance is enhanced by an objective and subjected to a thorough analysis.
tity figures, can be given by the follow The remaining 12 percent are to be of the material basis. The measure of liberation from the capitalist yoke. And Marxist evaluation. Lenin was the Christian Georgevitch Rakovsky is one which these quantity figures have been attributed to the increase in the pro depression in the working class with that is precisely what his History of the power of determining the conditions of of the most prominent personalities in achieved. 2) the relationship between ductivity of labor, to the increase in whoseald Centrism hopes to make up Russian Revolution is. weapon, a man the consciousness of the masses and of the international revolutionary move the quantity and the quality coefficients: the intensity of labor and to the extend this backwardness is. The essence of ual of action for the proletarian rev. actively orlentating the masses by a ment, with a record of versatile activolutionists the world over.
method of successive approximation. Itles and of participation in the revolu extension of Industrial capital. 3) the measure of accumulation and son of Investment capital. As we shall the present situation consists precisely If the Russian revolution in itself and it was this power of Lenin. com tionary movements of several countries Two main types of increases in the attributed to the increase in the inten come evident that this backwardness cantarian fighters in every country the spirit made of the party itself in the rearm 12 years of his life ever since 1889 antity figures are posible. 1) an alty of labor, which diminishes the spe not be liquidated within a short time increase on the basis of the extension cifte welght of the influence of the two merely with the aid of the internal re History of the Russian Revolution, by by Kamenev, Molotov and Stalin) that ing class movement. Halling from Dob of investment capital, which is generally other factors with regard to the quan sources of the country. Before go the scientide analysis of its inner pro brought the Bolsheviks to the fore as ruga (formerly Bulgaria, later Hunan connected with a rise in the productivity titative growth proportionally. repeat over to a consideration of their question cesses, will teach these fighters how to the veritable leaders of the revolution. la. he still enjoys the greatest degree word: e, an increase in the product whole series of details out of considera which prove from different angles and deal with three factors put that spirit into practice.
or especial value to the theoretical of confidence on the part of the Balkan of labor, figured per person, on the basis tion) is only approximate but it is sul in different ways that with regard to Without for one moment leaving out considerations Involved in the estimate proletariat. In the years 1906 1907 he of sight the broad historical outlines or of the February revolution, the ap: Counded the Romanian socialist Party er level. 2) an increase on the basis clusion with regard to the growth in very closely to the boundary, beyond of the transition of Industry to high ficently exact to permit at least one con the increase in quantity we have arriver the event, Trotsky dleplays a painstakpendix to ing devotion to detall, penetrating pre Russia Development. The dangerous partielpated in the Zimmerwald conferench consecuentes for investment capital quantity: the growth in quantity was which a further growth on the stren impossible.
metion, policy and thought such as only conception of the dialectics of economiehim from Imprisonment in Rumanie basis) at the cost of its more intensive the cost of an Increase in Investment The first and most important of these oceupation with the minutost shadings of practical implications of schematic ence. The Russian revolution Uberated and consequently on the old technical produced, in a decisive measure, not at craftsman is capable of. The whole development are pointed out in all their Since then, he occupled some of the exploitation. In the latter case, a rise capital and not at the cost of an im factors is the quality of production. It in the quantity figures is generally bound provement of the technical basis, but it sigantic scene, all of its complicated starpness. Without a realistic, Marx. most important positions in the cows up with an increase in the Intensity of the cost of a more intensive exploltation safices to pick up anyone of our papers mechanism, rlaes before the reader with ist view of the specific character of Rus war. Elected president of the Ukrainian labor and with a relatively ble growth of the investment capital that was to become convinced that in this regard the whole lucidity of its deep internal sia, without applying the Marxist theory Soviet Republic, he remains at this post of the labor forces. In practice, both hand, with the increase in the number the situation is catastrophic. Netther logle. Neither the intrigues and coun of the permanent revolution to it, it is for four years, when he is sent to hostile ter intrigues of the reactionary camaril impossible to grasp the logic of the England as the Soviet Ambassador to figures generally go hand in hand, and in the intensity of labor on the other. nor measures of a jurdical character these methods of increasing the quantity of workers on the one hand and the rise agitation nor administrative measures, las within the decrepit Romanov mon events of 1917. How can the Impotence that country. From this post he archy, nor the nuances of policy among and the amazingly rapid elimination from transferred to that of Ambassador to the task before us consists of determin. But such a method of increasing the have been able to put halt to the proing the share of each. An exast calcu quantity bears within its bosom the cess of the deterioration of the quality.
olale, nor the squirming and vacillation derstood without It? How can the dom faithful to his revolutionary Internation case it is impossible on the basis of mention the fact that It In no way guarot the most obvious exampes.
the facts are sufficiently well known so. proper place and welght in the continulty of, from different point of view the life of an exile when he saw the of indirect indices which, in my opinion, quantity very rapidly clashes with it out of account. Each is accorded its weak Russlan proletariat be conceived exchange his position as Ambassador for it becomes necessary to employ a series dustry. To Be Continued. of the narrative, each is evaluated from those who are inclined to consider bis leadership of the of the Soviet Un suffice to give a general conception of CHRISTIAN RAKOVSKY.
the polint of view of the tactics of the characterizations of Kerensky, Milukortion deviating from the Marxist inaine. the state of affairs. It is indisputable dertakings Data regarding several isolated un Such a method can be dictated for.
the big Ever since he in branches show that example by condition of war when the The major place, however, is of course and the petty bourgeolate as caused by exlle, at first in Astrakhan. Physielany that in the course of the last year al these figures are actually even consider questions of reproduction generally recertain extension of Industrial investably higher.
ceded to the chief actor in the immense personal malice only fail to give the pointed out that Rakovsky would not ment capital has taken place regardless cede to the background.
dramd to the masses. The most indu slightest attention to Trotsky scienti at his age, be able to bear the life of of the non fulfillment of the plan in the bitable feature of a revolution is the dir tically grounded analysis of the social an exile, that he was doomed to physical main fields of production and regardless ect interference of the masses in his basis that produced them. Trotsky can destruction there. After this, stlain de of the insufficient amortization.
It is torle events. And it to the study of the not be held responsible for the ridicul ported him to Barnoul in Siberia! Stalin indisptable that this also the case in revolutionary coneclousness of the mass ous spectacle of the Kerenskys and Mill knows that the frightful cold and the the course of the present year, so that When young comrades, who are tool es in action that makes the book doublyukove any more than he can be held general elimate of that place will do an increase of quantity has, to a cer much impressed with their own import introduction, draws a sharp distinction It is perfectly true that Engels, in this valuable for the Communist militant. responsible for the precarious position of stroy this fighter physically. Every sin tain extent, taken place also on the ance, expressit in superellious scorn for between the conditions of 1848 and those Here, the masses are shown marching the Russian bourgeolele in 1917. That dere worker must raise his volce against basis. But when we approach this questhe revolutionary classics, it is time to or 1806. This Is Me kt should be. And ahead with determination while their was merely due to the peculiarities of these shameful deedds. Rakovsky must tion from the other end we are easily issue a serious warning. There is only it is particularly in this respect that the leaders turn and twist and attempt to historical development. And the same become the model of the revolutionary convinced that in reality, the rise in one short step from such an attitude deleted parts assume their enormous avold struggle. Here the masses are bolds true for the portraits of Stalin, youth that flocks to proletarian interna quantity has taken place on the basis into ether the camp of the useless petty significance. we shall quote only one shown smashing through the hardened Tsereteli, Kamenev and the others, astionalism. The campaign of physical de of the methods of the second order. We bourgeois Intelligentsia or else. Into the shell of the conservative ideology accu well.
struction conducted by Stalin against the have, above all, an enormous Increase in toul pollution of the most abominable aference in the two periods Engels In drawing the sharp distinctions of mulated by them in the course of perceThe chapter of The Peasantry Is Bolshevik Leninists cannot destroy the the burden borne by the old Investmeal what happened to one of our young comrevisionism. The latter 18 precisely ful times by bold, revolutionary, every particularly significant in so far as it ideas of the Left Opposition. In spite capital through of the introduction of says: Does this mean that the street day activity.
explodes the myth of the Stalinist ept of everything, they are forging thead the uninterrupted working week and rades in an article entitled Honor Bolbattles will play no part in the future?
The picture of the marges streaming gones of an eternal alliance between and penetrating the masses of Commun increase in work shifts.
shevik Leaders and appearing over his Not at all. It simply means into the streets in February to proclaim the proletariat and the peasantry 18 lat workers. Ed.
According to the control figures, the signature in Young Spartacus No. He dittons have become far more unfavorthe downfall of the Romanovs, while the though it were created in heaven. It increase in the labor product per worker stepped with both feet into that foul polable for the civiltan fighters since 1848. democratle Milukovs plead with the was certainly not Lenin who developed lution.
and far more favorable for the military The extraordinarily strong quantita should have supported itself only in a doomed dynasty for constitutional re this disastrous theory which has since tive iporease in production over that of very slight measure on a rise in the inIt is said in that article: Rosa, in forces. Street battles in the future may sime: the picture of the masses demon his death produced such trightful reinst year is absolutely Ianisputable. The tensity of labor. In practice this has her inaugural address, again investigated be successful only if this unfavorable ukov in April, while Kerensky and Teerconception of the alliance with peasantry quarters of this year (1930) amounted first half year the number of workers conditions of the war and post war per factors. Such fights will therefore be for tell and the other conciliators tremble like Trotsky s, was based on the tem to 11, 706 millon Rubles (prices remain increased 14. per cent in comparison tod. She re examined the teachings of low usual in the earlier stages of a great of revolution, than in its further course, lost the bourgeoiste leave all the power porary relationships of forces within the ing qual)
as against 91, 374 inillion Rus with the same period of the past year. Marx and Engels on the questions to them; and once again the picture of country. It was precisely the weakness bles for the past year. This is an in. The increase in the number of workers force and violence and concluded that resources of strength. Such battles will Warfare, and will have to be fought with greater banner against the offensive in June, velopment of capitalism in Russia, Trot increase t8 per cent lower than that more than fourfold. In so far as the history had once again placed on the rather resorts in the great French to outlaw the Bolshevik 40 German always incapable of Independent action to be considered as exceptionally higher les concerned, that amounted in the and Engels in the Communtat Manifesto October 31st, 1870, 10 Parls to open sples, are only a few of the impressions more amenable to an alliance with the This would be sufficient ground for first half year to about 18 10 per cent in 1847 8, but later proclulmed by Engels attack than to the defensive tactics of the barricades.
that will help bring home the isson of proletariat. The agrarian problem of timism, were we to stop with the mere instead of the 26. percent prescribed by outlived. Emphasis ours the tremendous historical importance of the Russia of 1917 and the actual atti mention of the fact, without going into the plan. If we could determine with In criticizing Rosa Luxemburg Lenin Is there in this powerful testimony the mass to the who are dedicated tude of Lenin towards it, are presented an analysis of the accompanying cireum precision to what extent this increase goce quoted two al ple attes from any evidence of Engels having proclaimed to lead them in the struggles to come. with telling proof stances and phenomena which are bound in the product of labor took place at Russlan proverb: It sometimes happens the tactics of the Communist manifesto The masses are not to be trifled with.
the cost of improvement in the technical to eagels that they descend lower than as outlived? None whatever. On the up with this rise in the quantitative coIn the last analysis, it is they who debasis and to what extent at the cost of chicken, but chickens never succeed in contrary, the letters quoted contain the clde, who and what shall prevall. And is a challenge to the bourgeois historiana The History of the Russian Revolution rise in the intensity of labor. that mounting as high as eagles. and he add wrath of the revolutionary teacher It is this fact that the Communists, who would, of course, throw even more light ed, she was and remains an eagle. In Such accusations made against Enoutrageous are needed by the masses just as much It Is challenge to the social democrata Lovestonites in A, W. on the subject. But at present we can Ita reversed form this would apply to against the monstrous falsiflers.
as they need them, must understand. and the Stalinists as well. Retracing the (Continued from page 1) only give an approximate calculation on our young comrade. The For better or worse, the revolutionary events step by step, Illuminating each The Necessity of Correet Polley the basis of the figures cited above. The statement emphasized above looks toe gels become a blot upon the Communist movement wihch we must eradicate.
Introduction of the five day week, in much like the attempt of a chicken to With our modest meang we must hold party bases its tactics upon a calculation step with frrefutable facts and docuwith correct policy. It is posible to connection with uninterrupted work in mount even higher than the eagle of the changes of mass consciousness. ments, Trotsky bullds up the Bolshevik In ascribing these vlews to Engels our cularly so in the Left Opposition. We aloft the banner of Marxism and partiJust to talk about the masses and their resume of the February revolution, and reach the mass of clothing workers at the factory, signifies in itself an Increase role, is not enough. It is necessary to Hings historie truth in the face of all this time and get them behind a serious in the working time of the factory young comrade cites in parenthesis can well afford to be humble students understand what is going on in the slanders and distortions their this great event has been subjected in Hillman officialdom, Hillman grip on cent. If within these three quarters of to The Class Struggles in France by minde. However, the processes taking the past. It once more proves that only the organisation has been greatly shatplace in the consciousness of the masses tered and his prestige irreparably damthe year about 50 per cent of the work. Marx. Perhaps he was unaware of the teachers. We must guard against this are not unrelated and independent. the Marxists can afford today to red. His betrayal of the tailors in theiers, that is, about 2 of the industry. fact that long ago evidence has been un Superellion, know it all attitude which tion of social reformism. Comrades consciousness is determined by condi what is, to speak out the truth.
tions. To understand the conditions telgning historical impartiality, beneath strike of last July and the recent wage went over to the the day week, then this earthed of how this introduction, when steps with both feet into the foul polluand their reflectione in the mind of the the clonk of which reactions desper cut imposed on the hitherto privilege Incroneed exploitation of investment cap appearing in point by the Berlin Won guilty of such an attitude must be callthel ed to order sharply.
a revolutionary, Marxist Party ately attempts to spread its deadly dal cutters have created the conditions for increase in production or about 8 per German social democrats of the revistonA unlfled struggle. The cutters who pata cent.
The increase in work shifts must ist school, notably by Bernstein. The ARNE SWABECK.
veeded for the active orientation of son, Trotsky dres a fearless and objecthe price for Holman fake struggle bave brought an increase of 2 per cent. extent of this garbling became clear tive account of events as they took place against racketeering are now approximations. Without the masses by a method of successive The right to draw his own conclusionsthelr common Interests with the tallora tended in the same direction; since it Engels manuscript, of which he has. NY. Paris Commune Affair realizing the increase in the number of workers when Ryazanov discovered the original understanding of the character Marxist from the facts no one can deny him. Hillman policy of serving the bosses strook place in considerable measure at since produced photostats, showing the of the That is his revolutionary duty. But. in Russian revolution, of the relationship order that his conclusions may be most the expense of the mass of clothing the cost of an increase in unskilled important deletions which had been The Paris Commune Celebration of class forces within it, and of the spe effective for the progress of the revolu workers is forcing him to wipe out all workers, that meant an opportunity for made. Some of the results of his findings be held by the New York Branch elde period of time in which it broke tion, the Marxist knows that he must all branches to the lowest level of work.
vestiges of union conditions and reduce the skilled workers to better exploit the Ryazanov published in Unter dem Ban Saturday evening, March 19th out, successful conclusion was unbase them upon reality.
thinkable. And it was just this under ing standards. The borges have succeed equipment. Finally, when we take into ner des Marxismus (Vol. No 1, Ger Irving Plaza, 15th Street and Irving Comrade Swabeck, Nastanding that Lenin brought to the Bolso packed with action, so closely cem the workers but also in weakening the to uninterrupted work in the factories were reproduced The great work of comrade Trotsky ed In not only breaking the condition of consideration the fact that the transltion man edition. In English these findings Place will be a folnt mass meeting and ed by Trachtenberg in the entertainment.
tloanl Secretary of the Communist Leashevik party in April 1917, when the ented with documents, so Impregnated Hulman administration. The times not meant the automatic abolition of Workers Monthly for November 1925.
Bolshevik leaders, along with the other with powerful revolutionary What Engels himself thought of the gue of America (Opposition) will speak lessons, far when they will be ready to discard printing of the introduction and of the on the significance of the Paris Compolitical chiefs, logged behind the con that a brief review like the present even teh services of the Hillman bureau CHICAGO ATTENTION Barbled version becomes quite clear in mune.
sclousness of the masses.
cannot, by far, even attempt to do it cracy as these services are approaching There will be a his letters to Kautsky (then still fighting There will be a chorus of forty HunLenin rearming of the party is re Justice: The History of the Russian the point of exhaustion. When Hillman Special Meeting revisionism. First in his letter of garlan comrades, group of dauces by garded by Trotsky as the most impor Revolution de not merely a new publica becomes useless to them, the fight March 25, 1895, he says: My text has members and sympathizers of the New tant factor in shaping the course of the tion, it is a creation that will become against the will be the next Wednesday, March 9th, 1932, P. suffered some because of the scruples of York branch, as well as other forms of revolution. Just as the Interference of part of the life of future revolutionary stage in the history of the industry.
Speaker: AL GLOTZER our Berlin friends, due to timidity over entertainment.
the masse formed the unmistakable generations. We shall come back to it The Left wing must be prepared for Subject: American Polleles in the the anti socialist laws which, under the There will be refreshments on hand.
general feature of the revolution, the again from time to time. great struggles. The Rank and File Far East circumstances, had to consider.
Committee has a great task to perform.
at the Again in his letter to Kautaky dated The Lovestone Right wing combination ATTENTION. BOSTON!
Open Forum at 1436 Western Ave. April 1895, Engels said: To my as LECTURE OF INTEREST THE MILITANT holds no gains for the clothing yorkers. What Is Europe Heading For CHICAGO OPEN FORUM tonishment saw today printed in the TO JEWISH WORKER Published weekly by the Communist but it can, however, temporarily succeed Sunday, MARCH 18, at P. Vorwaerts, without previous knowledge, The first lecture of the Left Opposition League of America (Opposition)
Lecture by in misleading the workers and cause LESSONS OF THE PARIS COMMUNE an extract from my Introductions in the Jewish language in New York at 84 East 10th St.
Albert Glotzer more betrayals. The Rank and File ComLecture by mittee must stave off their demagogie EDITORIAL BOARD Who has just returned from Europe, CHARLES CURTIS worshiper of legality quand meme (in will be given by comrade Lewitt, advances. This cannot be accomplished Martin Abern James Cannon after a visit to TROTSKY. He will spite of all. The more pleased am Sunday, March 6th at o clock in the Max Shachtman Maurice Spector by merely disrupting their meetings, give us TROTSKY views on the 1435 Western Avenue in the Neue Stuyvesant Casino, 2nd Ave. at 9th St.
that now the whole appearepression His subject will be: What Does Left OpArne Swabeck even though they may not deserve any Zelt. so that this European situation.
other treatment. There should be a conMINNEAPOLIS is obliterated. shall tell Liebknecht position Stand For Its Program and Fontered a second class mall matter sistent ideological preparation of Left WORKERS OPEN FORUM very definitely what think of this, and Alms. Following the lecture there will November 28, 1928, at the Post Office a wing forces and the adoption of a correct Sunday, March 20th, 1932, P.
New York, Under the act of also those, whoever they may be that be questions and discussions. The price Sunday, MARCH 13, at P.
and clear polley. thorough analysis THE PARIS COMMUNE Kave him the opportunity to distort my of Admission is only 10c. Unemployed March 3, 1879 ELM HILL BLDG.
of the past error and a correct approach Lecture by meaning.
SATURDAY, MARCH 5, 1932 workers will be admitted free. This 532 Warren Street to the present situation will clear the Vol. 6, No. 10 (Whole No. 108 CARL COWL Engels spoke in a similar vein, of the lecture will be held under the auspices Silver Collection at the Door way for a much needed Left wing moveSubscription rate: 00 per year: formean Joke played on him, in his let of the Unser Kamf Arbeiter Club, an or.
1530 Franklin Street elgon 50. Five cents per copy. Ausploes Communist League of America ment in the ter to Paul Lafargue, dated April 5, ganisation of Jewish workers sympathBundle rates, cente per copy. Oppoution. Boston Branch. ALBERT ORLAND Admission Free Everyone Welcome 1895.
etle to the Left Opposition.
Without is to on the on at on at the at