AnarchismAndrés NinBolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCentrismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismGermanyHitlerLeninLeninismMarxMarxismNazismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

THE MILITANT PAGE SATURDAY, MARCH 3, 1982 IN THE INTERNATIONAL OF LABOR Reviews and News of the Working Class and Revolutionary Movements German Political Scene ERE Greek Oppositionist Victim of Terror new Com at our The Spanish Communist Party in the Revolution our orThe sent movement ten!
the promises is hard to describe the extraordinary BERLIN, Feb. 16, 1932 popularity that comrade Trotsky enjoys made their attempt the establish within the ranks of these workers who ATHENS, GREECE putated, but the polson spread all over took place between police and ArchioThe terrible effects of the crisis, in ment of one like it superfluous. Part are coming from reformisin to the revcreasing in its intensity, are apparent to of them have gone over to the Centrist olution. No wonder. These workers Municipal Hospital of Athens, comrade martyrdom he succumbed.
On January 23, there died in the his organism and after 50 days of Marxists resulting in one policeman be an. At present, the articles of the Am party, the others want to go back. What feel no need of the theoretical margar Theodore Papoucoupoulos, for two years ing wounded and in the arrest of seven Here is a version of the incidents that workers.
erican reporter. Knickerbocker, are mak will become of this former part of the ine of Brandler Thalhelmer or the stam a member of the Archio Marxist Youth. took place on the day of bly burial, acing their way through the world press. Brandlerites in the further course of mering of Thaelmann; they are anxious Comrade Paboucoupolos and nine other cording to the bourgeois journal Eler the demonstration At the time of their arrest for It must be suid that he does not exag. the process of development inside the to learn Communism at its source. This members of our organization were ar toros Anthropos of January 24.
of the Fourteenth Anniversary, The Communist Ineldents of Yesterbetore the Tribunal that they comrades declared and prostitutes are growing on the streets tainty, in advance. The perspectives to a new campaign of slander, but even on the Fourteenth Anniversary of the day!
were daily: a symptom of the constantly are not very good for them, since Watch Brandler could not sleep peacefully in Russian Revolution and condemned to. The Communist Injured at Averom rade defended them.
Bolshevik Leninists. lawyer comspreading misery. But even those who er, Froelich, e. have a very great, the too had contributed in his mori 49 months of imprisonment and depor Dien The official do have work, and it impossible to live but nevertheless very questionable tradi bund little sheet, his compound of falsitation. Imprisoned in the Averore Re During the Funeral Fighting Takes word of all this and classified them as organ of the party did not breathe a a normal life on their ever more and tion (1923) behind them.
fica ion and insults under the mislead formatory he was savagely maltreated Place more reduced wages.
It is also juite Indisputable that with ing title, theoretical article. which was by the guards because of his revolution Clashes between Police and Arehio our paper Pali Ton Taxeon brought news members of the party. Seven days after Under these circumstances it is rather even the mengre activities of the German quite worthy of a Yaroslavsky. But ary attitude. All the comrades were Marxists of the crime committed in the prison. Attacks Made to Snateh Away astonishing on first consideration, that opposition, great parts of the this will not stop the comarch of the treaten up for 10 consecutive hours on the the party paper launched no strikes whatsoever broke out at the will, ater they have convinced them which millions of workers feel as a nee this maltreatment, our comrade Pabou: Trotsky pamphlets, which speak ou that the fint of their feet. As a result of Corpse an attack time of the last wage cut, in January aaginst the state for the maltreatment Yesterday morning the young Com of comrade Paboucoupolos, whom it despite the fact that the agit selves of the impossiblity of their fun essity.
coupolos suffered from swelling and munist Paboucoupolos died at the Mun called a member of the Young Commum uted for strikes with all its forces, once damental idea (or rather, fundamental BAUER a gangrine developed. His leg was amferred from Averor Priyon, to which be where he had been transist League affiliated to the party. The again sacrificed a good number of the young martyr wrote a letter, published was committed with other Communists in the Pali (The letter mentioned ap few who still remain with it in the fac tories. But the cause here is the same for violating the Anti Communist Law, peared in The Militant of January. 1032 as that for the lack of all the other ac and at which he was maltreated by al Ed. tivities. By its false third period guard. At the Hospital, his foot was tacties, the party has isolated itself from Points of similarity in the Russian and Paris with posters announcing: Nothing inexcusably surrendered to the mercies amputated, but it was impossible to save word about it, but continued to exploit the masses organized in the trade un the Spanish revolution can be found in has changed in Spain. of the Right wing faction of Maurin and him. The death of the young Communions, who form the decisive element for numerous questions. It is when a comCo.
any sort of action. In this manner. parison is made between the state of to the fact that a revolution had taken to say that the internal regime in the hospital physicians, to septic poisoning take the floor. At the same time, the ist Paboucoupolos, due, according to the the fact in the branches of the without leadership, and the leadership that the striking contrast is found. The ceeded to act with determination from the one prevailing in the other na battle between police and Communist Send Him either medicaments or food.
that wants to fight without masses. Bolshevik party under Lenin and Trot. While the masses of workers and peational sections, is already enough to at his funeral yesterday. The fighting the day of his death they went so far This new bankruptcy of the trade un sky was fully equipped for the struggle sants, and certainly the petty bourge sive any even half experienced Commun was provoked in the following manner: ion tactics in the course of the strike for power and drove inexorably and oisie, were still recling deliriously under ist worker a clear idea as to what is As soon as the death of the young al, although the deceased was a memals to demand the corpse for the funerattempts in January has caused the bur successfully towards that aim. In Spain, the influence of their democratie illus. meant. For months during the early the Organization of the Bolshevik Lenin fact that his brother is also a sympathworker Paboucoupolos became known, ber of our organization and despite the caucracy to carry out a certain turn in the Communist party, deprived of rud ions, the party contended itself with period of the revolution, the Madrid ergy: that is, all forces are now being storms of stalutsen has floundered hely zan: Down with the bourgeois repubile: handful of bureauerats, ruled despotical safet printed below among the work outraged all those present trade union policy with increased en. der, salls and crew by the ravaging dinging into a void the radical do Executive Committee. composed of astx (Archio Marxists) circulated the izer of ours. At the Krave, a Stalinist with the shout Down with the Archio Fascists. antons.
But unfortunately, this work is served as one the prinel pal factors of land by the peasant, were scornfully without any mandate except the rights Workers: Your comrade Paboucun but the worker members of the party being carried on in such a spirit that slackening the progress of the proletarian pused aside and in their place the slo arbitrarlly conferred upon them by their closis dead. victim of great successes cannot be expected.
san of Soviets was issued as a slogan Moscow superiors, in the purely papal savagery, this young worker has given enced him. The party membership conNAZI TERROR INCREASES It does not always take a revolution for immediate action, and of course, sense. Critical and even questioning his life to the struggle for bread and sidered the dead as a member of the The most striking feature of the stary situation to demonstrate the disastr Soviets under the leadership of the voices in the ranks were either com freedom of our class. The butchers have working class. But the stalinist bureauuation and one should not be distract ous effects of eight years of the domina Communist party. Naturally, neither manded to be stilled, or else their pos slaln him in the prisons.
crats attempted to exploit him for their ed from this by all the parliamentary tion of Centrism in the Communist in the workers nor the peasants paid the seasors were summarily expelled from Workers: Do not allow this crime own ends, not mentioning anywhere that maneuvers is the growth of the Nation ternational. But such a situation does slightest attention to such fantastle at the party. Bullejos Trila Adame. this to pass unpunished. Raise your voice the victim was a mmbrof al Socialist movement, if not in numbers, reveal with the clarity of a flash of surdities. The Stalinists acted through unholy trinity has become by word in in protest and prepare the ferment of ganization.
then in power, in spite of all the minor lightning the wreckage in the field of out like the man who has come to the ranks of Spanish Communism, and revenge.
All out to his funeral today Pall Ton Taxeon, in its editorial on injuries inflicted on Hitler. The extra ideas and organization which the Stalin. Inte for his train and then after going even inside the official parts. Workers at o clock near the Church of the January 28, drew the following concluparliamentary activity of the Nazis bus et current has left in the wake of its home because there is still time for supporting the left Opposition found First Cemetery. Follow our young com sions: once again taken a big bound. Only to campaign against Trotskylsın. that is, the next one. misses that one too. themselves promptly removed from the rade to his last resting place! Down The death of comrade Paboucoupolos way. have taken place right in the midst The tragedy of the Chinese revolution is aroused in the masses by the fall of the and most popular leaders and founderstyrs of our cause must not be forgot has given the members and sympathizers of the Communist party an opportunity to be attributed to it.
of Red Berlin. un assault by Nazis on to demor setbacks monarchy found no reflection in the ne of the Spanish Communist theit a workers colony in Felseneck entirely suffered by the proletarian movement in civities and slogans of the official party that is why such comrades as Jaun Anents. Despite Organization of the Bolshevik. the efforts of the Stalinist bureaucracy were expelled for Trotskylsın. and England during the big strikes six years Nelther by word or deed did it give the drade, Andres Nin, Henrl Lacroix, Luts after the Italian model and the dis Leninists (Archio Marxist ruption of a protest meeting attended by ago, in Austria during the Vienna in masses any indication that only Left Opposition to explolt comrade Paboucoupolos, as is its custom in other working class quesseveral thousand Communists by a few surrection in Germany for the last few proletariat and its revolution could real Palacios, Esteban Bilbao and scores of At o clock promptly, the Archio tions, the workers of the party under hundred Nazis. The latter case is al years, in short, wherever the common ty solve the demoeratic tasks with which others of the same caliber are today Marxists began to arrive in groups and stood that the victim was a victim of together unheard ot. It is the first time ists have been confronted with historie Spain is still confronted. In this an outside the ranks of official Communism, demanded that the corne die handed their class and they realized the united such a thing has happened. Here, tasks, may be traced directly to the poper, it lengthened the term or imprison which does not, it is true, diminish thele over to them for the funeral. The bro front with us in their chagrin at the well as in the case of other murders of sonous doctrines distilled in the labor ment to which the popular masses were activity for the revolutionary movement there are the victim and his paregut the actions of the bureaucrats as they have workers, and in the scuffies at the uni atories of the Stalin machine. Now the condemned in the ranks of the repene by one tota.
peared the same purpose. But.
versities it is naturally the Communists great organizers of defeat are diligent lean and socialist demagogues who werel Whole districts and groups have been police gathered in front of the Hospital, For them, the Archio arxist Paboucouerally set free. Is it at all surprising, Spain. The responsibility for the situacourse of unfulfilled and unfulfillable consequences. The best example of the Department, refused to hand over the of a revolutionary Communist organiza when Minister Groener and that is very lon lles directly in the hands of the Archlotion. The Stalinist bureaucracy is relatter is the case of the Catalonian Fed obdy of Paboucoupolos to significant too who still hauled Nazi central Stalinist clique, for it has rutheration which resisted the false trade Marxists. In view of the refusal of odlers before a court martial a year lessly extirpated any sign of independent. In the trade union field the ago, today opens up the republican thought and leadership in the national piled blunder upon blunder. And Thereunion line of Messrs. Bullejos and Adame the police to grant the demands of the sponsible before the workers of having army for the Nazis? In order to rouna sections, substituting for them puppets it had to deal not only with the social and fought against party bureaueratism. Archio Marxists and the insistance of attempted to transform the dead into a out the picture, we must also mention in office who practise a servile obedience democracy which was already discredit. The arbitrary expulsions which follow he latter on taking possession of the banner for its own exploitation against it.
which we have spoken above, and in aition which has one advantage: it makes (although it still remains no mekarker like Maurin being enabled virtually to belonged to them. the incidents men judged them and condemned them for The Memorial Meeting particular a certain Count Helldorf, it impossible for these chiefs to unload tor. but with the anarchists and syn take over the Catalonian Communist tioned above took place. Seeing that have all been acquitted.
the responsibility for defent upon any dicalists who had a revolutionary pres: movement, while the official party re the assembled would not depart even if them by On the First of February, our organthe Ization organized a memorial meeting With regard to the presidential elec body else, try as they will.
MANUILSKY ADMITS ERRORS intelligent Marxian policy could possible out the district. But for that, elements force, the police tried to remove tions, we have reported before. It of course, self evident that the Left op It is a trulsm to affirm that no small shake. Instead, therefore, of sinking have made their way into the party who corpse through a door at the rear end for comrade Paboneoupolos. 1500 work place in front of the cemetery where the position will, as always, support the can question is involved. The question of the roots of the party in the Nation can only disgrace its name. The worst of the Hospatad, out of the sight of the ers participated. Bloody clashes took After the transfer of the corpse, the police force attacked with stones for a renunciation of a candidacy of its own Spanish revolution. Only anarchists can catist) and the General Union of Work Pumarega as editor of the party rein favor of Hindenburg by the believe that without a proletarian van ers (Socialist. the party was forced by cently established daily paper in Madrid. Archio Marxists were informed that the whole hour until it was finally forced perse them. Later on, demonstrations will naturally offer exceptionally favor cuard organized into a political party its leadership to waste invaluable time Pumarega is the creature who, while dead had been interred in the First Cem to shoot at the demonstrators, to diswere held in the town proper. 111 were An attack against the Police able opportunities for the Communists in for the purpose of leading the class to in what the official Comintern critic imprisoned with other Communist lead tery.
power, and capable of reaching that (Stirner)
the election struggle. The task imposed goal, the workers of Spain can achieve creation of small and lifeless Red trade from his cell to plead for medcy and now calls the premature ers under the Primo dictatorship, wrote Following this, the Archio Marxists arrested, but due to the broad particlby this, namely, to take advantage of actuality unions. Result: in the socialist trade liberation on the basis of his complete turned en masse the First Cemetery. pation of the working class and its milithe parliamentary gain for extra parlia their emancipation. But in one of the main for the persist. unlous, the Communist influence remains renunciation of Communism and the as But a great contingent of police gathtant manifestations, the arrested were mentary actions will, however, be posolitics. ered there, with Chief of Police Nascas set free. This has aroused the fury of the bourgeoisle and the judges responsile only with a turn in the tactics of the ent strength of the anarchists in the quite negligible. In the anarchist unsurance that he would quit all Spanish labor movement has been the fons, with hundreds of thousands of the release by the magnanimous Primo at their head. At the First Cemetery the Archio sible for the acquittals have been sev.
UNTED FRONT IS ONLY SOLUTION absence of such a party. Just look at members and the decisive influence upon of this despicable renegade only enabled the following, great condensed record of the workers, the party hold is just as the latter to devote his talents for a Marxists again demanded that the corpse The Stalinists fixed another hour for The position of the in the the official party leadership, registered, inconsequential. In fact, throughout long time to the reactionary gangster of Paboucoupolos be given to them, but the memorial in order not to permit presidential elections is naturally break moreover, in a revolutionay period when Catalonia, the industrial heart of Spain trade unions organized Martinez the police refused and occupying the their sympathizers to come in contact ing up its iron front. created under uncorrected small errors assume down and the seat of power of the of Anido in Barcelona. Now, such hopeful circumstances, almost im right threatening proportions. the Communist party does not even party is carefully purged of all coun from entering. Upon this attitude on the with us. We defeated this maneuver by mediately. That was a bloc of all re.
Every Communist infunt now knows exist because the vast bulk of the orter revolutionary Trotskyists. the cen part of the police, the Archio Marxists appearing at the hour set by them. We took the initiative in the demonstration publican organizations for struggle that one of the unforgivable crimes of canized Communist workers have been (Continued on last column)
began to climb the walls and in several and we transformed it into a success minutes they were all inside the cemagainst Fascism, carrying on a thea. ric. Trotskyism is its penchant for leapetery. Once inside, they attacked the the official organ of the party was forced for our organization. The following day.
al campaign with many well attended not distinguishing police, entered the chapel of the cem meetings, which had to be sure, veryling over stages. between the democratie and the socialist to admit that Paboucou polos was little practical value for the fight against stages of the revolution. This stupid FOR YOUR LIBRARY etery and took possession of the unfor Archio Marxists.
the Fascists, but did nevertheless effect falschood has been dinned into the ears tunate Paboucoupolos. Immediately they hoisted the dead on their shoulders rongly that the growth of the Social. No doubt but that the present leaders of Books by Leon Trotsky and started to sing revolutionary fun Spanish in Revolution ist Labor Party (the split off from the the Spanish party accused eral songs in preparation to the intertheir own reenS. for example, had come to Oppositionists of the same thing. But ment. The police, with fresh THE DRAFT PROGRAM OF THE (Continued on column four)
a standstill. At the present, only when the monarchy forcements, commanded the Archio Marx tral party organ is edited by the turnwas overthrown, COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL united front polley, as outlined by com these revolutionary savants, far from Criticism of Fundamentals ists to abandon the dead and to leave. coat Pumarega, which is perhaps, as it rade Trotsky in his latest pamphlets.
They refused. lively scuffle took should be, under the Stalinist regime.
Introduction by Cannon leaping over any ages, simply failed is needed to drive a deep wedge Into to see that a new stage had been 140 pages hard paper cover place between police and Archio MarxWith the conditions in almost perfect ists. The police finally succeeded in disharmony for the progress of the Com their ranks.
renched. In this line of thought they THE STRATEGY OF THE WORLD persing the Archio Marxists, chasing munist party, with virtually everything To report more in detail about the were merely giving a faithful imitation REVOLUTION them with nightsticks among the graves in its favor, the party has neverthele very much space is required, of Manullsky and the other annointed (Part of the Draft Program. Later on the police burled the dead only made the slightest galus, gains for this prototype of a Centrist party leaders of the Comintern, which did not 86 pages, two colored paper cover 255 after an official ceremony.
which, considering the possibilities, are has almost as many tendencies as mem prevent one of the official scapegoatIntroduction by Max Shachtman But the incidents of yesterday dia really closer to losses. Instead of dombers. There can be no doubt that a finders from stating (correctly, but more rapid process of differentiation is going than a year afterwardi) that: THE SPANISH REVOLUTION not end at the cemetery. The dispersed inating the stage of events, official ComArchio Marxists reformed their ranks in munism drags out a distracted existence 80 pages, paper cover to take place within On the one The party was taken by surprise by side, in the direction of reformism, to the fall of the monarchy; it saw in it front of the University to protest the somewhere in the wings. Staliniam has THE PERMANENT REVOLUTION unjust seizure of the dead by the police. robbed it of its vigor, paralyzed its wards which a great part of the leader nothing more than a change of front, 208 page book cloth bound 00 ship doubtlessly tends, and in the dir without seeing the change in the class Three speakers harrangued the crowd. limbs, upset its ideological balance, divpaper bound 50 attacking the police, condemning its in exted it of its power to attract the massection of munism, to which a great relation and in principle it roundly THE HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN part of the worker members stands very denied that the bourgeois democratic rev.
terference and characterizing it as unes. Only a stiff artidote of Marxism close. Not a few of them will stop at olution has commenced.
REVOLUTION movement Translated by Max Eastman Stalinist Centrism, if it will not only Marxists headed for the Court House will enable the Communist who In other words, the Stalinista, Vol. The Overthrow of Czarism question.
committee petitioned the District Attor to shake off this noxious disease. Comturn slightly in the German These are sided by preparatory work on have introduced into Marxism the posiSpecial price for shareholdets 00 ney, protesting against the attitude of munism is not dead in Spain, as its For members of the Communist the first emies hope. It has only been momentarthe police and declared for the part of hose Brandlerites in the tively gifted idea of the bourgeois res League of America 50 who preach against critie olution growing over into the socialhave not y prostrated by Centrism, and it will time, relatives and friends been allowed to bury their dead, en revive with new strength under the inism in the international and the Rusist revolution, made the simple mistake Ploneer Publishers trusted to policemen with nightsticks! fluence of the Left Opposition. The sin questions. It is well known that of not recognizing the bourgeois demThe District Attorney declared himself Bolshevik Leninists of that country althe genuine Braindlerites themselves ocratic revolution even when it burst before them with a deafening roar. Al84 East 10th Street incompetent to set in the matter. After ready number a thousand strong and are on their way back to Stalin. The ter the fall of the monarchy, the French New York City the committee left the Court House, new they bear the future in their hands.
creation of an equal Centrist party has Communist Party plastered the walls of Incidents were provoked. skirmish MAX SHACHTMAN.
is, an 35c 100