BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCentrismCominternCommunismDemocracyEngelsFascismGermanyLeninLeninismMarxMarxismMarxism-leninismRussian RevolutionSocialismStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontViolenceWorkers MovementWorking Class

Lenin and Trotsky in 1905 The Workers and the Wage Cut from. Story of Boss Violence in the Illinois Mine Fields whet comPAGE HE MILITANT SATURDAY, MARCH 3, 1932 olution as this is now done by Bukbarin who has turned an angle of 180 degree. Criticism of the Draft Program. And to this day the revisionist rank this On Some Stalinist Distortions of History movement above the bourgeois democratic Militant Looks at Conditions in his Industry and Reviews the Past revoultion.
All of this revamping of history in The Russian Revolution of October bureaucrats, it is not a matter of ignorrelation to the 1605 revolution is neces.
The article printed below is a cuses of this kind of deserting the un movement, the principal blame belongs 1917 can only be written adequately when ance It is a matter of plain dles, of resary on the revisionist part, first to discussion article we have received smash the Marxian position of Trotsky the role of Lenin and Trotsky are provisionism; Just as the social democrats and second, to enable them to build a ions in the most critical moment, thus to the shop men themselves, for it was making the further onslaught of the cap they who placed the weapons wttker long active in the in this italist class less difficult.
faker hands by their past policies.
time on this event elevated the role of state, giving the rank and ble a wrong democratle dictatorship of the proletar Railroad industry. It raises importLenin and Trotsky to its proper height picture. Let me quote just once more lat and the peasantryas it appears in Every militant worker knows or should the shop men are also to be blamed ant questions with regard to the in relation to the 1017 prelude of the from 1905, page 207 08. Our rev the sixth World Congress Program. In know, as was pointed out in a recent for their feeble effort toward the bringCommunist approach to the problems leading article on the wage cuts, Ing of the several other of world revolution. The attempts of Stal olution, which is a bourgeois revolution of the transport workers, which can in The Militant, that the acceptance of Railroad unions into a closely knitted Inism to revamp this part of blatory, according to the immediate tasks it grew onder to do this, they must not only not be overlooked nd which deserve one wage cut does not arrest the wage strike aliance and making the and to delete Protsky role from the out of, knows, as a consequence of the throw overboard all the facts of Trot the attention of all Communist trade pages and replace instead Stalin, of extreme class differences of the Indus: of Lenin on this subject. This hypothe cutting drive. On the contrary it only Department of the of something unionista. The columns of The Miniwets the appetite of the master clans. more than a soft spot for such job holdno avail. The source of material within trial population of no bourgeois class tant remain, as always, open to all This was the lesson of the events leading ing scoundrels as Bert Jewel.
our party and throughout the world pro which could place itselt at the head of tical slogan raised in 1905 was discard.
ed events concretized the perspective points of view among its class con up to the shopmen strike of 1912. Preletarian camp is so voluminous for this the popular masses by combining its so through the 1917 revolution. It was disscious, working class readers, on this servation of the unions, as weak workers are compelled to suffer the conIt is just at such a time, when the research that stalin attempt to erase sal weight and political experience with carded by Lenin, but not by the epigones as well as on all matters of import as they are, is of paramount importance sequences of past indifference, that the Trotsky role only complicates matters revolutionary energy.
to the revolutionary movement. Ed. to the workers at the present molessons flowing from past experience for Centrism.
worker and peasant masses, left to their although he criticized them on this very The recent wage cut of the work ment.
must be hammered home to them. In But the 1906 Revolution leaves us no own resources, must take it upon them. THE DEMOCRATIC DICTATORSHIP ers has once again brought the MUST ACKNOWLEDGE MISTAKES such a time, the logic of the militant such source of material, as to the post selves to create, in the hard School of The introduction to Lenin valuable unions to the foreground the Amer In the struggle to develop the class minority has tenfold force. Those who tion of Lenin and Trotsky.
the haters of Marxism and international necessary political and organizational book of 1906. bosass Because of this can labor movement. The several art: consciousness of the working class it is waste too much time on the scoundrelly ism tall back to this period and slur the preconditions for their triumph. No called the dress rehearsal not only of event have brought out most of the base their weak sides as well as their strong divert attention from the more permanposition of Trotsky. Fortunately though, other road is open to them.
October 1917, but of the World Oct factors of the immediate developments points and the role of the bureaucrats ent lessons that the working class must we have the material and writings of Does this look as if Trotsky did not ober. Because of the colonial conditions However, to a certain extent they have must not be allowed to serve as an ex learn before any lasting improvement Lenin and Trotsky of this period, and understand the relation of the proletariat of China and India, etc. In other words, one common fault. They are uniform in cuse for the short comings of the rank can be made in their status.
since the party leadership only lies about and peusuntry in 1906? Does this look 1906 is the dress rehearsal for the back playing up the betrayal of the officials and fle. The novice fears to criticize Unless the events over the entire per Trotsky position it is necessary to con as if Trotsky did not understand the ward countries na revolu 1917 with very little criticism of the rank and workers because stantly bring this material forward, so nature of the bourgeois revolution of the dress rehearsal for the industrially Ale for their past activities or inactiv fending them. He is likely to relie upon understood and explained, all comment is afraid of of iod from the end of the war onward are that the revolutionist and Marxist can 1906Let the revisionists talk. They developed countries.
the condemnation of the officials instead. on the present situation will be well decide the facts for himself, as to the have their day as the leaders of the In answer to this, we can show that it is true enough that, in so far as But every experienced agitator knows nigh tinless to the Railrond worker. The position of Lenin and Trotsky.
second International had theirs. We, the Marxista, are sure of victory. Material 1917 has been the dress rehearsal not the immediate aspects of the situation that the first step toward any militant whole history must be reviewed and in On THE FEBRUARY REVOLUTION Stalinism not only endeavors to mis tacts and Marxian truths are greater auro for the revolutions of industrial are concerned, the betrayal of the action is to set the workers to see and terrupted in language understandable to than all the lies of the epigones.
Europe, but also for the Chinese workers by the labor skates stands out acknowledge their own fallings. This is the working class. Treachery of the ofrepresent Trotsky position in 1905 but Also attempts to falsify the role of Lenin. LENIN ON COLONIAL REVOLUTION evolution of 1925 27. But to this day in bold relief. It is also true that the less difficult to accomplish than it may ficials either past, present or future must the Stalinites and Right wingers have not workers (the great majority of neem, for the working class is not eas not be allowed to become an excuse for for the purpose of covering up the blun In the Dally Worker article, quotedd recognized this historie fact. There can those involved at the present time have ly offended by sincere criticism and they individual desertions from the ranks of ders of the present epigones in the 1917 above, they say, The task of organizing be no other than a dictatorship of the been in the industry since the war) over instinctively know that they have been the old unions. The weaknesses and period. After Stalin corrected history, the united front of all the exploited and proletariat or a dictatorship of the cap. the period of the past twelve years have guilty of many offenses against their mistakes of the rank and file must not be one of the lesser lights followed up in oppressed under the leadership of the talist in content. The form will vary been guilty of inactivity, self contered own best interests.
minimized. They must be brought out in the Daily Worker with an article on proletariat was raised by Lenin to the but the form of the proletarian dictator ness, narrow craft psychology, passiv. It is handling the question superfically the open in order that they may be over The Historical Experiences of Bolshev. level of the world problem of the rev. ship in backward countries will not be aty, white chauvinish, bourgeois prejud. to lay too much stress upon the lack come and they can be overcome only by ism and the International Proletariat. olutionary alliance of proletariat of the a democratie dictatorship of the pro icos, etc. While the latter fucts do not of activity and preparation on the part militant activity and real solidarity.
One of the many blunders of the article advanced countries with the enslaved proletariat and peasants. On the contrary, excuse the labor skates for their be of the officials when it became evident There must be no deserting of the un reads as follows: The Lessons of the ples of the colonies and semi colonial the more backward the country, the trayal neither does the betrayal absolve that the present wage cuts were the imlons at the critical moment. The workyear of 1905 enabled Lenin to draw up countries. This is a Jumble and 18 not weaker the country is economically, the the rank and file from their sins of om mediate goal of the Companies. ers must be made to understand that that strategie general plan which led the position of Lenin. As Trotsky says. more open will our dictatorship with the ission and commission, To accept such a viewpoint is to aid the the crying need is One Big Union of all American Stalinism constantly demon official in erecting a plausale excuse for the Railrond workers from the track laruary and afterwards in October 1917. tion movement, the colonial insurrection hold power with a minority of the prostrates to us that the only method known their capitulation The labor skates be borer to the Foger and that the way This thought conveys the idea that long and wars of the oppressed nations to letariat and here we have the revolu to the bureaucrats for winning both trayal goes back much further and much to get it is to work for it. By substitutbefore the arrival of Lenin in Russia the level of the bourgeois democratic rev. tion in countries with the majority of black and white workers for militant deeper than that. Likewise the behavior ing unity for dissension, and solidarity and long before his famous April thesis, olutions, particularly in the period prior the proletariat, the more proletarian struggle is by a system of patronization of the rank and fle. The history of the for petty self interest, the Rallroad work which amounts to the rearming of the to the Russian revolution of 1906. But democracy can we have in the early But the history of the American labor struggle in the Industry over the er can not only regain all lost ground party. Stalin and his like, who were in Lenin du not at all rank the national years of our role.
movement teaches that workers in such period of the last twelve on fourteen but can march ahead to new victories Russia, were carrying out a correct Bol liberation wars above the bourgeois rer. HUGO OEHLER. situations are prone to seize upon ex years is full of events.
If the rebel and the six hour day for the entire Railshevik line. In other words, Lenin worker is to be of value to the road industry.
arrival and Lenin April thesis did not workers in the present situation he must AGITATOR.
correct anything, the proletariat were be able to skillfully present both sides led to victory Orst in February. In of the picture. Those who are incapable trying to bury Lenin April theals to Andy is a young coal miner. He works attacks against them are stifled, not by Andy, his wolfish eyes gleam like a de of seeing the weakness of the working Lectures on the History of lod the Stalinists create the source of income of the big coal mines of southern the forces without about the these forces mordered the darkness of the night. The polets at the critical wolnok their strong the Communist International additional blunders.
hazardous in the mines. He runs a loco themselves in handsome salaries. temporarily floored, the bullet strikes UNITY SOLIDARITY CRYING NEED On Wednesday, March In the introdudction to Lenin pam motive on the main line. Andy and It was inevitable that all work rade Shachtman begins his series of In the local union, as in every mass Andy in the back, plercing his abdomen.
phlet of articles on the Revolution of started into the labor movement at the section of organized labor is present a The other bullet strikes another youngers as well as the unfon in geneight lectures on the History of the Com1905 the epigones rehash history again same time. One evening an organizer) stool pigeon of the coal company.
One miner in the leg. waiting automobile eral would sconer or later suffer from munist Intrenational, the Left Oppost.
In one place this introduction says, On of the Young Workers League came to gangster by the name of Whitlow. For rushes the bandits away whom the enthe defeat of the shop men in 1922. The tion, in New York, will take another the other hand, Trotsky, who had never our mining camp. He flayed capitalism, merly on the district payroll of the re raged miners, speeding to the sherif favored position granted to the Brother step to provide workers with an edcuahad a definite conception of the nature of he spoke of the struggles of youth in actionary clique, alleged to be on the office. The gangster receives the protec. hond unlens during and after this strike tion along Marxian the bouregols revolution of 1906, for this the working class general light through payroll of the Lewis machine at present tion of the County Jail, as his blood was little short of a bribe for non sup Stalinists have distorted to hit the needs port of the shop men. The Brotherhood of their factional strangulation of the permanent revolution when he denied Ing. Our early experience had taught us casions to break local wild cat strikes Andy is rushed to the hospital along members are now receiving the second party. The stabalt stran chosen with the possibility of the revolutionary als that he was right. We joined the Young and to slug and kill Communists. gen with the other victim. Doctors hurried. Installment of interest on their policy. this view in mind.
llance between proletariat and peasantry Workers League and became absorbed eral rumpus takes place in the local un ly speed to and fro, as the young vic No amount of excuses can eliminate the The lectures will trace the rise and to be the immediate aim of the revolu best we could, we studied and everything offense to the remarks of the delegates. goon. Tundreds of miners swarm the side (two hundred and Atty pounds of development of the Third International tionary uprising. And to this be logi. in line with our class duties, was fulf11 The miners boo and jeer the agent of the dark shadows of the trees surrounding while the shop men were putting up Tenin death, and its future perspecsolid anchorage) and pulled the throttle under Lenin and Trotsky: its Staliniza tion and degeneration subsequent to cally attached the conception that with ed to the greatest extent.
bosses. Andy calls his bluff and chal, the hospital, awalting news, hoping out direct and governmental aid from Nine years later, we again were to lenges him to lay aside his brass against hope that their young leader berole but losing battle. Not a few of the European proletariat the working gether at the recent Indianapolis con knucks and his gun and to come in will live. At home, a young wife with them, monkey wrench in hand, got out tives. The lectures will be popular and selt in power (Our Revolution, page 278 Kention of the Unitd. Mine Workers of the center of the hall like a man. The her intant will have to be notified. and got under. It was thus that Casey designed to raise class consciousness as America. We joined together in a room complexion of the gangster turns pale. What a task!
during the two weeks in the convention later it becomes green as his cowardly While Andy fights for his life, while their stuff in perfect unison. Even the the trainmen and conductors were doing actual data theoretically along the lines of Marxism Leninism, TROTSKY AND THE PEASANTRY city. Every morning we fourney to constitution falls him in a man to main every tissue and corpuscle exerts itself Fire Boys with their militant tradiCan you say these Communists mis gether at the conclave. We listened at Aght. The gangster, like the rest of his for iste, as his gentle face is covered by tions and from whose ranks came the HISTORY OF THE COMMUNIST quote Trotsky position in 1905 because tentively to the orators. The infamous ilk, is expuwed. He must suffer the hum. a deathly sweat, the officers of law and undauntable Gene Dets, shame facedis INTERNATIONAL Series of Eight Popular Lectures They quote the above from his book. Our national Union, bellowed and growled now in the dark corners of the street gangster has nothing to fear from the beneath the leaky hollers. This was not For Workers Revolution and in that bok is sufficient away at the insurgents. As we watched sanging militant workers, his hand 18 law. he is encouraged to murder by the first but second offense. for the by et la procede the correct position of Trot leader of our unton, prance around is tense, every miner is determined that all. shooting a Communist, especially a the out law swtichmen strike at an evidence for any class conscious worker the portly, pot bellied, bushy browed, called by a young miner. The meeting the very enforcers of Justice. After Brotherhoods did the same thing during Max shacht man March 9th Origins of the Third Insky in 1905 These epigones are quoting with his air of sophistication, we began no other aides of the gangster will in hunky, is no more serious than shooting earlier date.
ternational Trotsky as the social democrats quoted to wonder among ourselves, where such terfere. But like all other cowards, the a niggor, they re worse than niggers.
species of conl miner had ever or gangster and four of his lieutenants This is the report from the county of in gympathy with the shop men in spite Could the Brotherhood men have struck March 16th The Founding of the New Marx and Engels.
International We saw with our own sneak out of the hall with a mad rush. fice of the great American democracy, Trotsky in 1905 said the workers of lginated from. March 23rd The Twenty One ConditRussia needed all from Europe, other eyes and heard with our ears, this be Andy follows them outside, the young the land of equal opportunity. pursuit of their officials? The shop men set the tions of the International wise they could not maintain themselves trayer of the miners for years and his militant indignation is past control. We of happiness and symbol of world free example in the victorious out law strike of 1919 when they told their officials to March 30th The Struggle for the Con and according to Stalinism this was cohorts. We had not made any mistake follow Andy. As we approach the GERMINAL jump in the lake. Militant support of quest of the Masses wrong in 1906. But Lenin, not in 1905 in the nine years that we had opposed way, the gangster has a dead aim on the shop men in 1922 by the Brother April 6th The Last Leninist Congress but even ni 1918, said the following: This this tool of the coal operators.
hoods, leaving the job in sympathy, would April 13th The First Victory of the Is a lesson because the absolute truth During the hectic sessions of the conhave welded the workers together is that without a revolution in Germany vention we took our place in the fight Right Centrist Reaction we will perish. Vol. 15, page 132 against the erroneous policies of the of April 20th The Triumph of the Epihand of solidarity. It would have left Russian edition. And, Lenin again, Our, ficialdom. Andy is not an orator, his gones an undying tradition in the unions.
The third method of boosting the cir.
backwardness has thrust us forward and early beginnings in the plt had not per In the center of the drive to build the Do the shop men then have anything April 27th The Future of the Third we will perish if we will not be able to mitted him to get the education one de Opposition press stands the task of culation of The Militant is increase International What Next bold out until we meet with the mighty serves. Like scores of steeled fighters of boosting the clreulation of The Miktant. the newsstand and bookstore sale. Totocrow about? Very little. After the at the of the other countries (Vol. 16, page measured by the wonderful language of necessary to increase the paid subscrip: stands and in book stores we have print rank and file allowed themselves to be LABOR TEMPLE 14th St. and 2nd Ave.
at P.
subject in 1918 was equally, if not more formed daily into action by his fights the subscription drive will take place: Trotsky and the simple statement Leon self satisfaction. The plea on the part of so, true in 1905.
against the mino bosses and his service The branches of the League should take Trotsky writes every week for The Mill. a few militants to take the maintenance Admission 15e per lecture for the course Did Trotsky deny the possibility of to the membership of his large local unthe revolutionary alliance between the son do which he serves in the capacit: The New York branch nas organized two should be placed on only those stands the role ro che non solo destined Thes. Young Spartacus» No. Out period, as is claimed? Trotsky, in 19106 of the Lewis machine throughout the ench. The progress of the team will be the publication of the first volume of the too closely associated with common the Young Sparsald, It is self understood that the pro entire proceedings of the convention, recorded on a specially designed chart History of the Russian Revolution win some of the so called labors had almost tacus is ready for sale and distribution tallile its mission, supported upon the the minds of the officers the union were with each one year subscription for 00 licity. It is our intention to ride the ers. Several of the shop craft unions comrade Trotsky on Germany and Faber letariat, as in its time the bourgeoiste, Andy teeth critted, his mind was where on the bulletin board. During the drive no doubt he attended by a wave of puble muskel as the shop crafts) labor. It contains a summarized article by proletariat leads the village, draws 4miners back home, the miners in the unbound copy of the Permanent Revolution: be ordered immediately, and placed im. aterard voor beins contaminated by the petalist War and the class struggle, Into the movement, interests it in the organized fields, suffering, starving, dy with each six months subacription of mediately. The bundle orders should Neem workers (who wanted nothing bet report of the Young Communist League success of its plans. The proletariat, ing like rats.
however, absolutely remains the leader.
This is not the dictatorship of the pea for the regular local union meetings. of 60 any one of our 10 pamphlets made to persuade them to increase their white fellow workers) then they were of Simms, one of the Logic of the Theory Upon our return home, we prepared tion; with a three months subscription carry The Militant, an attempt should be while shoulder by shoulder with their an article on the murder of National Socialism. a brief biosantry and proletariat, but the dictator Duty bound, we take the fight back to Everywhere our comrades should canvass orders. The posters will be furnished the bosses.
The writer knows whereof he speaks, graphical sketch of Karl Marx and ship of the proletariat supported by the the coal miners of southern Illinois. our sympathizers and their friends for gratis. But they should be distributed peasantry. 1906, page 281. Many more once more the United Mine Workers of subscriptions. The progress of the drive discriminatingly as our supply is limited. los time main part of his effort during other interesting items.
equally important passages can be quoted America has met in an International will be reported in The Militant It all our comrades pltch in this drive the maintenance of way men into the effective distribution and sale The comrades should make efforts for to prove that Trotsky understanding of Convention, and once more the Lewis should make it possible to raise the cirshop federation. Opposition came not Young Spartacus.
of the the pensant problem in 1905 was equal machine has further bog tled the coal! The second way of boosting the circulation of The Militant 100.
only from the officials but from the rank to any and far superior to the epigones miners of the continent. Andy, as a de. culation of the Militant is by going after and Ale as well. Even where there was Spartacus wishes to apologize for The editorial board of the Young of today who lived at that time. Many legate from his local union reports to expired sobe. Our branches will be WANTED sympathy for the idea there was little tour blank pages which accompany some such quotations can be had in Our a well attended meeting. He exposes notified regularly in advance of the exLiterature Agents concrete action and much passivity. In of the copies of this issue. Due to a Revolution, translated by Olgin, or in the packed convention, the professional pirations. They are expected to canvass Renewals will be consi Unemployed comrades who can de the midst of the strike of 1922 every misunderstanding the form of the Trotsky pamphlet on the Permanent hand clappers that were brought in by for renewals.
shop man realized the mistake. But it Young Spartacus was removed from the Revolution in which he quotes from his th Official wrecking crew. Nothing was dered on the same basis as new subserip vote a few hours daily can help was then too late. Instead of admitting press before the press work had works of 1908.
done for the miners! To send delegates tions and will be entered to the credit of themselves and at the sime time the mistake however, some of them took completed, and its contents distributed.
been The rank and Alle Communist members to such a convention is like sending de the comrades. Where we have no branchspread the literature of the Left to blaming it all on the then President we had no alternative but to use the repeat these slanders against Trotsky legates to hell, Andy tells them. The es, if our comrades will undertake this opposition. Write for particulars. of the Maintenance of Way Men. Al eight page coples (four pages printed because they do not know the truth and miners knows it. Thefr freedom to fight work, we will inform them regularly ot PIONEER PUBLISHERS though that culprit deserved to be con and four blank. These coples contain repeat what they are told. But for the the coal operators and thelr murderous further expirations.
New York City demned and kicked out of the labor the complete issue of our paper.
The Militant Subscription Drive med the