AnarchismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismEnglandFascismFranceGermanyImperialismLeninismMarxismMarxism-leninismSocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition VOLUMEV, NO. 10 WHOLE NO. 106 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, MARCH 5, 1932 PRICE CENTS The Dress Strike Settlement Some Lessons the Left Wing Must Draw from It Imperialists Jockeying for Position in Coming World Clashes Soviet of all entrance between the employers and Lovestonites Disrupt Rank and File Movement in the Unton Lecture by The New York dressmakers strike party and the industrial union leaderARNE SWABEOE came to an end with the workers re ship.
turning to practically the same cond LESSONS OF THE tions as before that is, to the sweats propose? It established a shibboleth What all the official party leadership RES MAKERS STRIKE Japanese imperialism of the armistice and conscious class to lead it, the Kuo American workers to class consciousness The day news hails the acceptance by pected. In the absence of a resolute Secondly, it is necessary to educate the shop. This was not because of the lack which it called the united front commitat the proposals made by the League of Na Min Tang bourgeoisle has for the moby the concrete example of socialist of a fighting spirit on their part. On tee. It called upon the dressmakers to Labor Templo tions. That this peaceful gesture is ment succeeded only in making a foot construction in the Soviet Union. This the contrary. At a time of general work support this committee, informing them 14th Street and Second Avenue merely a continuation of the aggressive ball for the imperialists, of the Chinese can beat be done by linking up the maging class acceptance of wage cuts with that they did not need to belong to policy of the Toklo statesmen along new nation. The most progressive class 10 nificent successes of socialist planning In out resistance, these dressmakers set either of the two unions. What argu Friday, March 11, 1932 especially the Wall Street spokesmen attered a frightful defeat at the hands of saginot the metery brought abete by is the Chinese masses, the proletariat, suf the With the struggle bringing a considerable number of work stitute for either, or both of these two Washington who know this ers along from the unorganized shops. unions, what is needed? Obviously that fact and its own bourgeoiste during the Chiang capitalist anarchy, by linking up the ab at P.
bring their actions in accord with it. Kal Shek Borodin Stalin alliance in 1925 solute need for international solidarity Their ranks were solid. But their of could not be the need and ultimately it Japanese acceptance of the truce en 1927. The slaughter of the flower of in the work going on in the Soviet Un lals of the dominant union, the Inter would negate the very right of the inQUESTIONS and DISCUSSION only take place under conditions favor the Chinese working class by Chiang ion with the fight agalst unemployment national Ladies Garment Workers, were dustrial union to exist.
ADMISSION: 25 Cents abue to the Invaders. Tokio does not Kai Shek and the frightful depression in this country. The Left Opposition primarily concerned about not inconvent The revolutionists among the needle Unemployed Workers Admitted Free conceal these intentions, it is simply following it could only be counter acted for this purpose long ago proposed the encing the jobbers and manufacturers. trades workers must first of all tell them Auspices: New York Branch Communist putting into play a diplomatic maneuver by a slow and patient regathering of sogn of long term credits They themselves proved to the hilt our categorically that union organization is League of America (Opposition)
which it is confident the French reac Its scattered forces, by wide spread Russia, with which to buy machinery often repeated warning, not only to watch the vitally necessary instrument of tionaries and a strong pro Japanese struggle for the most elementary rights, needed for the fulfillemnt of the five their declarations but also to watch their struggle for their everyday needs. Next Tory group in the British cablent eas was proposed by comrade Trotsky and year plan, and which in turn means fingers signing new agreements. Yet it they must make clear what kind of untually the backbone of the present con the Lett Opposition at the time. The Soviet contracte for American factories must be said: Above all, this strike de ton is required, certainly strewing the slogan and implies a simultaneous fight servative government will support.
Lallure of the Staliniste in control to and considerable measure of rellet to monstrated the disastrous weakness of superiority of the industrial form. They for certain definite conditions. We do It is only natural that the Hoover re realize this Marxian tactic and thelr per thousands American unemployed a situation where workers are divided must in actual practice help demonstrate not propose unity merely in its abstract gime is disgruntled with this state of Sistenece in sowing illusions about the workers.
in struggle.
the tactics of a militant policy as a sub sense but for the attainment of specific affairs. One thing is certain the con Red peasant movement in the rural dis Thirdly, is necessary to exert all Inevitably this situaton is reflected institution for the treacherous connivance working class objectives.
clusion of the truce, if it should get as tricts, which was only a faint and be forces to Imbue the working class with the stttlements made by both untons. with the employers. But the most powerfar as that will hardly mean the end lated echo of the immense revolutionary militant Internationalism. To constantThe for example, agreed ful weapon of the revolutionary party Despite the present situation of the of the Far Eastern episode, but will upsurge of the earlier years, is again ly stress that only the international with the jobbers and inside manufactur remains the one of unification of the sweatshop stil obtaining in the garment much rather bring it more closely with largely responsible for the Impotence of Aghting solidarity of the proletarlut acn ers upon certain measures of when and workers against the common enemy and Industry future growth of the In the framework of a broad struggle the Chinese working masses in the pre once and for all free it from the yoke how to fix prices of plece work, but against the treacherous influence of the is not precluded. But with that also among the world imperialists themselves. sent situation. Its revolutionary reof capitalism. Concretely, to explain to without any guarantee of the demanded yellow leaders. That, of course, would growth of the problems of this union for The United States, through the mouth of birth will most probably come with minimum price amounting to 1, 10 per in its first step mean a united front of satisfaction of the demands of the work Stimson, in his letter to Senator Borah, new wave of proletarian struggle in the them every day what it is that blade hour. The employers demand for a 10 the two organizations and final trade ers. Certainly this implies possibilities has already expressed its determination other countries, and not in the last their interests up with those of the of per cent reorganization right was reunion unity.
of formation and growth of a Left wing not to recognize any new transtotions, place within the Japanese empire itself. of the Far East, with the success or Jected, but still leaving provisions at In some cases there is no other way within the unfon. With equally as much involving China, that will break the At present, it is first beginning to refailure of revolution in Germany.
their command for reduction of the out but by separate unions. That was certainty we also point to the pro boundaries set by previous treaties (The cover from its tragie defeat, under very working force at the end of the season. 90 at the time of the formation of the spects which are available for growth of Nine Power Treaty, etc. The Japanese difficult conditions.
The differences that exist on these certain form of union recognition is industrial Union. At the present itme, the industrial unton provided it proceeds militarists will not pay any attention to questions between the Lett Opposition The events in the Far East and the and the stalinists are differences of his granted, but it amounts in this case to however, the question of trade union correctly. To that can be added the gen them.
sharpening conflicte among the capitalist facilitate the froning out of conflicts be unity looms as a serious one, and parti eral prospects of a developing workers tween the various strata of bosses. The cularly in the needle trades. That at resistance to the enemy onslaughts which they started out on thede Manchurian selves. They are part and parcel of the catheter the revolutioneren movement. They have already too much at stake. nations cannot be considered in themtorle Importance, questions of life and jobbers association has agreed to contine least should be a lesson from the strike. 18 destined to assume real proportions adventure because they saw an opportun entire economic and social development to fight against the reactionary theory of the future. From this must be con ity in the present unstable economic of the epoch we uve In.
The world of socialism in one country which crip ors association. The union obtains the urge the workers in the d. to cluded that on a whole the need and the positions of the other powers, to get crisis has brought the course of this de out which the workers in America ples that international solidarity withright to protest any working in shops over and above the five day week, do not propose this slogan of unity on these organizations who are rivals today own hard pressed Industries. In view of capitalist producton, based on the well as those in Russia are doomed to but even that ds left for final decision the basis of whatever conditions the will increase. This contains a warning the belated arrival on the scene of Jap prodt kystem alone, can only be main defeat; to fight against the Centrist of the impartial chairman. On a whole, reactionary officials may desire to lay which must be heeded.
no practical change from conditions be down.
anese capitalism, that was only to be tained by a widening of the market for ploicles and tacties of Stalinist CenNot at all. It is a fighting fore the past agreement expired, but expected. In the meantime, the boycott each capitalist nation. But a widening tristm. united front from below. 80leaving plenty of loopholes for further of its goods in China and the rapidly of the market, in so far as the capitalists al Fascism. etc. whleh abandon the growing war expenses are further dev are concerned, can only mean the sqal working masses to the reformist fnkers; their union agents.
ouring the resources of Nippon indu sition, in an economie sense at least of to unfurl the banner of Marxism Leninism as gulding light of the revole stries. Already the various organs of the foreign territories. The fact that Did the Left wing forces in the induTaklo government the Privy Council territories outside of the capitalist Worlationary vanguard, today when it is be strial union fare better in regard to rethe cabinet are very wary to make nave already been gathroated mot et de red. In the mud the Left Optual atriko gains? In this situation that further levies on the population for the such new aceualtions can only be position is ready to undergo all the could hardly be expected. As a matter The Loveetone Group in the Amalgam a course that is more in of fact it had to rest content with agree ated Clothing Workers Union has for their traditions and aims, that is accord with conduct of military operations, especial achieved by sharp struggles among the hardship in the world. The persecument obtained one by one in Individual long time been in search of a suitable negotiate for positions and powers be the desired success. But it is impossi achievede by sharp struggles among the cracy cannot for moment hinder us shops, generally speaking also on praeally among the discredited and dis hind closed doors ble to conceive of anything like a peace various imperialists.
tically the same conditions as prevalled carded officials with whom to initiate It is characteristic for the Right wing tul retreat on their part.
tween Japan and the United States at the ble for a Leninist party, without which prior to the strike.
an opposition movement in the group to find an excuse for their bur The The Serious Woakness of Two administration. The recent develop eaucratic control in the intentions of the whose aim It has American gentlemen brigands, present moment is the most recent illu there can be no proletarian victory.
Separate Strikes Such is the balance sheet of another ization finally gave birth to a group capture the movement. The Rank menten in the New York. organ. Rank and File Committee members to coption of the present crisis, to and our present system can only benefit the ton will patiently continue its coura settled confilet in which the workers, which is compelled to rise against File Committee, in spite of its erron its foreign market, specifically in a centerest in it and solution for it by a vast extension of Imperialists. The workers have no in which is the course of regenerating the While American Imperial Communist movement. It is the hardest the mere object of maneuvers. Thele tive covering to be able to rally the cous policies, has the reputation of an tralized bourgeois China, look with great ism is waging struggle for markets on and most important task of the moment.
grievances were identical. All were workers in a sham fight against the while the dep sed right wing officials More immediately. American Industry upon the standards of llving of its own working in the same industry. Yet there Hillman machine.
have on their record a whole series of has alreday sustained losses in its recent working class on the other. These two were two strikes, called separately, con ducted separately and settled separately nomy reorganization or the trademam york the tatlors at Hillman behest, which about Toy ele e creation to cha ndemanau kot capitalist solution of the economie erlals, Glotzer Tour Meets Succes dsepite the unity obtained on the picket Joint Board as a result of which a num even the Lovestone cover would not hide American products, subsequent to the The solution of the working class can lines. This could not be conducive to ber of officials tell out of their positions. The tailors will not readily follow them, devastations of last year flood) through only be that of persistent and intranet The best meeting yet held for the left report wringing great Sunbosses. That the industrial unton that found. Between these officials and the the Rank and File Committee.
concerlons from the Thus the long sought for ally has been even though they remain inattentive to the stege at Shanghai, which hardly higeant struggle against its own bourgeois. Opposition in Chicago is the proves the attitude of Washington. The le, against its war alms and against its of comrade Glotzer lecture, is the Let wing side of the fight was Lovestone group known under the name day Feb. 28, on the prospects of the conducted in the name of a united front of Progressive Circle, has been created tallers in the This question in the Pacific, and the maneusers can Who will organize the revolt of the concentration of the United States fleet wago cutting drive, The capitalist antagonisme, between revolutionary movement in Europe. About 150 workers attended the meeting parcommittee altered nothing but brought a united front against the Hillman polis constantly heard from the lipe or tending it, are especially significant Japan and the United States, betweeen more confusion to the serious objectives cles in the Amalgamated. massLeft wingers. What can be the answer when viewed from this angle, although the United Staes, France and England ticipating in an excellent discussion af of actual workers unity.
ter the lecture. This attendance really The actual situation in the New York meeting of tallors was called to launch to it? What does the party do to meet not in a direct sense.
cannot a rank and file movement under their the need of organization of a Left wing In China itsell, the valiant fight put course delp but lead in their further detted all the efforts of the local party to social convulsions, to revoludress shops is now, as before, one in leadership. The tailors responded in in the What is the reason for up by the Nineteenth Route Army in Its tionary situations. In the meantime, it leaders to prevent its success.
which working conditions and plece work big numbers. The situation in the in the failure of the Rank and Ple Com. defense of Chapei has not brought forth is the task of the case conscious work Instructions had previously been 1prices are practically the same in unor understand sued to all party units that no member ganized shops, in shops controlled by conditions in the shops and the wide ment in the In spite of the fav.
dustry is deplorable. The intolerable mittee in developing a Left wing move the nation wide response that many exers to prepare themselves, what is going on about them, and to was to attend Glotzer meeting on pain the and in shops under indu act accordingly.
of disciplinary action for any violation That, of coure, spread unemployment are driving the orable situation? There seems to be this rule. special party observer Shachtman. Tresca Debate Alongside with the danger of war was selected to attend, and to attend organize. After all, to the rank and program for improving their conditions blunders of the left wing in the past among the imperialists, and not at all in alone in order to check up on possible and for Alle the most telling argument for organisme et at following among them. But seedte rrades industrial Union in the man and Carlo Tresck on communism vs. war against the Soviet Union against failed to put in an appearance while the The debate between comrade Shacht contradiction with it, is the danger of a recalcitrants. However, the observer zation is one of conditions obtained by that was not furnished by this combina other needle trade branches have had Anarchism in Spain, the detalls of which the workers the union. That is truo even for the tion.
dressmakers who have such a splendid their repercussions in the men clothing are announede elsewhere in this issue of from being the outpost of the world revfighting tradition. In the same measure it must also be emphatically stated that, beginnings ocures the leadership of the stoneites could not succeed in gathering event which is all temps rare today in the tire capitallet world, the Soviet Union representatives have to say The Right wing combination from the situation. year or two ago the Love the Militant is an important educational olution, which is most odlous to the en eager to head what the left Opposition From Boston the tour went to Monwhile ft cannot be expecta that the left movement having arranged the details handful of workers at their meetinga. American Communist wing Industrial unlon, as a minority or of the meeting. The speakers and the Thelr own following in the Amalgamated such debates, workers have an opportun capitalist exploitation, while the first treal, Canada, The that stywe have no FAP ganization, can forge far ahead in gain resolutions, left no doubt about the consists of less than a half a dozen peoity to hear and Judge for themselves the danger is most prominent in the became possible to gather a small meeting conditions, if it cannot at least ad character of the movement they were getting a response among the workers Labor movement. For Comumnists, a many. The prerequisite for a capitalaring of about 30 Communists which reple. Today they are more successthi in programs of the various currents in the East, the second centers around Ger Vance policy which stands out clearly out to create.
sulted in more convinced supporters for as superior to that of the Right wing The Rank and File Committee (an or credited elements. spite of their association with the dis debate with sociallets, anarchists, wyn attack on Workers Russia is the crush our platform. Toronto was the next officialdom it fortelts its possibility of gnaluation under Party control)
The Lovestoneltes dicalists or reformists is an opportunity ing of its most reliable ally, the Ger stop. The handicap to be surmounted winning the masses. Mere propaganda came to the meeting had little dimeulty are exploiting to their benefit the false to present the Communist program to man working class. And that is why the Inthat city are already known to our for the left wing position in its abstract in exposing the character and aims of trade union movement. It is signifpant reacher and to demonstrate to them the lar attention to the Fascist menace on all working class and revolutionary het sense is not suficlent. When it degener, the combination that called it. The that in their resolutions presented at Fallacy of their political credos, and even that country, the success of which cantivities now pursued by the capitalist Ates to pure and simple demagogy, as a meeting ended in a commotion without the meeting emphasis 13 laid on the in certain cases, the treachery of their only mean the destruction of the German government is particularly aiming to now the case of the official party lead accomplishments. The Lovestone group necessity of categorically rejecting all leaders.
ership of the industrial unlon, it be in a statement published in the Jewish proposals for a split in the Amalgamat comes actually harmful because the re papers, Forward and Day, accuses the ed. The resolution also urges the re Trotsky polnted out, has it last his In Spain today anarchism, as comrade the speech and of assembly. Under these sult is that the workers lose respect for Rank and Tile Committee of breaking tection from the ranks of the movements torle opportunity to demonstrate whetherl Far East and of the class struggle in only under the greatest difficulties. Ner.
Sharp solutions of the crisis in the conditions a meeting could be arranged the Left wing and lose confidence in its abuity. Moreover, the gentlemen in up the meeting.
of all persons who are committed to a its program can lead the exploited and Germany are inevitable and close. The ertheless there was an attendance of charge of the are far more Who Will Organize the Revost policy of splitting the Amalgamated or oppressed masses to its emancipation Arst task of the Communists in prepare about 60 workers, including a good many skilled in the art of demagogy and have The truth is that the Right wing comhave loyal duties to a dual organization from all slavery, exploitation and war. ing for the revolutionary situation that official party members and close party proven alert in maintaining their hola bination adjourned the meeting to suit The Rank and File Committee, how. In the England, Germany, etc. will result 18 to entrench themselves and sympathizers.
upon the workers on that basis In this themselves. The continuance of the meet ever, has never made clear its policies anarchism is not a tactor in the class the influence the workers. This can der the auspices of the local branch of of Communism among the In Buffalo comrade Glotzer spoke un.
strike the left wing union, under immer ing would mean its complete discredit or adopted a clear cut program for the struggle. But in Spain it is. It has broad masses of diate party directio did not at all of its control. They did not men clothing Left wing, Coutus on a strong base in the peasantry and is only be done by means of a Leninist the Proletarian Party Opposition group.
show supriority of policy or in leader wish to concede to the demand of the prevalls in thelr own ranks. great able to set masses into motion. Upon united front policy. By patiently ex. While not the most effective advertise ahlp of struggle. Here was a plain pro Rank and File Committee members for number them still therish the idea its role in the developing Spanish rev plaining to the workers, by sincerely ment was made, nevertheless Afty workblem Workers two organizations a committee to be elected from the floor of splitting the Many among olution will depend the final verdict of striving for unity in action on the issue ers attended, including some official Party struggling against a common enemy, because such a committee would displace them consider themselves a part of the history over the philosophy and program of the day, by foreing their reformist members. Discussion with these against conditions commonly abhored them from control. Neither were they Needle Trades Workers Indhstrial Unanarchism.
leeders into the strugglee so that their opposition group comrades have already and commonly hated. What was the willing to discuss anything. Their re ion. The Rank and File Committee in Carlo Tresca is a well known anarch true and treacherous character will be served to clarify their understnading of burning need, if not that of common solution was to be adopted and their general ts marking time, lacking const, and is a recognized spokesman for come apparent to the workers this tour position. As a result the Buffalo struggle and common working out of leadership recognleed. So the oppoal Adence in its own forces in spite of the anarchism. Comrade Shachtman is par the way to prepare the ground for et branch is proposing to its national group the immediate objectives in such a way tion movement in the has increasing favorable opportunities for a tleularly well equipped to discuss the rective action in the revolutionary sit to orientate itself in the direction of to help truetrate sell outs. This was a burst like a bubble. It is to be expected Left wing movement.
question by virtue of his recent four uation to come, this is the Communist unity with the Communist League of plain duty confronting the revolutionary that the organizers of it will now adopt (Continued on uage 4)
weeks stay in Spain.
road to the mase.
America of