BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismEngelsEnglandFascismGerman RevolutionGermanyImperialismLeninLeninismMarxMarxismParis CommuneRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1932 Proletarian Party Opposition Pioneer Publishers. Notes. Pravda» on the Second Year Plan on tatio WHITHER ENGLAND Some Fundamental Problems of Its Future Course Discussed Many of the younger elements in the Communist and general labor movement The opposition Communists who were tarian, separated and isolated from the of Trotsky earlier works Whither the convulsions of the world crisis are forth full panoplied, like Minerva from national wealth based upon a highly de National Socialist Utopia or the Leninist Conception of Socialist Economy?
now facing the important issue of the dently some of the members of this group England. as it was recalled from clr tearing wide gaps in the edifice of inter the brow of Jove, at the end of the socveloped machine technique all of which next step to be taken. This the group have hopes of making the Workers culation by the International Publishers national capitalism. seismograph re ond Five Year Plan adopted at the cou must. moreover, keep pace with the con proposes to approach through a nation League, organized by them basis for Trotsky was a renegade We are now tons of bourgeois society at the present tolle revelations of the time, the first of population us has only begun in the al conference preceded by a discussion. new party. But what a pure and able to get about 300 copies of this book moment would show jagged, spasmodte Five Year Plan, which was to be com Soviet Union and which cannot be Its should be. It, In addition, the group proposed program envisages struggle it out with a paper cover for alty of Hine of a dying man whose blood runs the Soviet Union having caught up with the basis of the efforts of kussia ecowhich for its particular position become exclusively by levy on capital and large veren dve cents. If you are interested, hot aixa cold in turn. Everywhere the and outstripped the most advanced cap nomy alone. Pravda informes use that the most essential, it should be able incomes, with the elimination of the premasters of a great tomorrow are awaken italist countries, Pravda now informs u8 the proletariat of the is to further accelerate its development in sent charity character, administration of a progressive direction.
ing, becoming more rebellious, moving at (Daily Workor, 23 1982) that, accord in possession of absolutely all the possithe funds to include representatives of PAMPHLET ON GERMANY various speeds owards the insurrection ing to the report of the incomparable bilities, all the power, all the means and So far this is already ludicated the labor movement and co operating in If you have not yet bought your copy which is to destroy an outlived social Molotov: all the resources for the victorious fulin various views expresed by some of its attainment with working class organ or the pamphlet Germany, the Key to structure. Revolutionary problems of the The basic poltical task of the second ollment of this gigantic plan of construc ple, been recorded, views in favor of This as a foundation or a purt make up ism Really Be Victorious. be sure to conscious vanguard everywhere, Spain, of capitallet elements and of classes in lod, that is, in another five years. But.
these comrades. There have for exam. Izations on the basis of the united front. the International Situation shall pase createst magnitude confront the clase Five Your Plan is the final liquidation ton of a socialist society in that perthe organization of a new party. In our for a new party could at best only be set it before it is out of print, as it is cermany, China here are only three of general, the complete extermination of bearing in mind the classic detiuition would not at all be considered a problem that many good militants may be found out the story deale with the politiet situat boiling points in all three to mention tinctions and exploitation, and the con root false, but is based upon reaction Communist movement quest of the remnants of capitalism in Ary outlook in the strictest sense of entirely incorrect to set such an objec should be properly conceived as a part the Germany, and the possibility bends beneath the tremendously urgent the word, particularly for the following tive. For Communista, la respect to this of a general united front unemployment of a Fascist coup Etat there. In his historical tasks it is called upon to the economy and in the consciousness of reason question, the problem is not the building movement and as a bridge to the mass usual keen and polgnant manner. Trot solve because no other movement is cap the people; the transformation of the Socialism and World Economy of a new party, but the one of building es.
sky analyzes the International political able of everi dealing with them, much whole tolling population of the country Socialism is a form of socio economie single party which will embrace all Will This Group Continge In situation in this pamphlet, draws his less solving them.
into conscious and active building of a relations that must rost upon a far Communists and which will be capable Progressive Direction?
conclusions and makes concrete propos More than ever is the Communist claseless socialist society.
higher plane than that occupied by the of taking up its serious tasks. sec. But let us again return to the vital als of polley to be followed.
movement in sore need of guidance, of What is to happen in the rest of the most developed capitalist unit. It is an ad.
ond question which already occupled a issue of That there are BOUND VOI OF PAMPHLETS wise advice of the lessons and expert world while this stupendous project is vance from capitalism and to no respect prominent position from the inception of three distinct currents within the ComIn the very near future, we are planences of the past. They are justified in being acomplished in the brlet span of a retreat to pre capitalist relations. Now, this group was the one of its further nuutst movement today these comrades ning to bind 100 copies of all the pam looking for this guidance and advice to dve years (or will it be four? or three. not a single one of the important cap attitude to the Proletarian Party. In know and acknowledge. The corrents phlets issued thus far in one volume. the country in which the theory and its authors do not inform us, nor are italist powers has developed its produe this respect it is true the group has a have their organized formin factions. Watch for further announcements of practise of the proletarian revolution they ocncerned. For whoever seriously tive forces on a strictly national scale.
certain duty to perform; primarily to Can their group remain Ideologically in prices and other news. If you are in were successfully tested in action, that believes that Russia will become a class. The growth of capitalism in its classic win the rest of the membership for pro dependent or neutral of these currents terested, let us know at once, as we will is, to the Soviet Union and its Communless, socialist society, in which the Anal cradle, England was based essentially gressive development. As a third ques and still remain Communist? Obviously only be able to supply 100 orders. Some ist party Ilsuldation of capitalist elements and ot upon its world connectious, that is. its tion arose the problem of approach to this is quite impossible. For the Stal of our pamphlets are already out of The Disregard for the International classes in general has been achieved, ever closer interweaving with world the working masses which are now man Inists, the problem appears to be very print, but they will be included in this And here lies the great tragedy. The that it will do this before the workers commerce. world economy. The low festing signs of awakening because of simple just denounce and calumniate volume. We have set aside 100 of each leaders of the Soviet Union party not in a culturally (technico industrially) point of capitalist strength in the United the effects of the crisis. It assumed an the others without any argumentation or for this purpose. only fail to give them this advice but more advanced country have taken power States which has more internal readded importance by virtue of the en endeavor to prove one or the other they do not even concern themselves with and come to Russia aid, has detinitely sources than almost any other country deavors of this group to get away from wrong. But these comrades are not the burning problems of the rest of the turned his back upon the prospect and was nevertheless the period HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN of its the Proletarian Party sectarianism and mere Stalin puppets. At least this is international working class. In 1923, the idea of the international proletarian isolation from the rest of the world.
REVOLUTION its insistence upon a struggle for imme the very method to which they have Central Committee of the Russian party, revolution. Such an oleomargarine Marx. Like every other country. It became the diate demands.
taken exception. Hence, there can be The History of the Russian Revolu keenly preoccupled with the impending ist has an infinitely more optimistic economic and political colossus it is to For Communist organization this is only one conclusion they must deine tion by Trotsky, published by revolutionary clashes in Germany, called view of the possibilities for capitalist day by its increasingly inextricable asalways a problem and particularly to their attitude. They must orientate to Simon and Schuster, is now available together a special conference on the world stabilization than is entertained by sociation with world economy. Indeed. so to speak. On March 11, 1889, in the thay must become organically a part of League of America can secure it at of the largest local organizations. It ture Inteligence. Iespite his fine day supervened. essentially, because the period of formation of the Second Inter the current whose position they adopt. 60. Certificate holders of the Plon adopted theses on the problems of the holiday pretenses, he believes in his bonds that the it all into the waters of national, Engels wrote in a letter to Soine of these comrades may want to cer Publishers can have it for 00. German revolution, mobilized the whole heart that the foreign Communist international economy in which the most Sorge: The workers will follow those follow the method of the little bur Send your orders and checks at once. party, and through its representatives parties would dle without our wasted backward country is as much a necesthat know what they want and how to caucrats of merely brushing this issue Add 10e for postage.
in the Executive Committee of the Com subsidies. He to convinced deep down sury component part as the weaker, were get it. That, of course, for. Com aride, of not adopting any position, or NEW BOOK ON CHINA intern, organized an international con that these parties and their leaders, cut at vital points by contradictions muntst group. prosupposes first of all of maintaining a double position, at ang By March 15th we expect to have Trot ference. In 1932, with the tension of the whom he regards with scarcely concealed inherent in commodity production itself.
that it defines its principle position and rate for the time being. We hear some sky manuscript on China ready for the class struggle far more compelling than disdain and contempt, will never seize Socialism. or even the transitional strategical objectives. And so it becomes of them say: These are international is press. It will be a 385 page book deal. It was nine years ago, the Russian party power in this generation, at least; and. economy which prevails in Russia on the necessary to conclude that the main issues, or even: These are only Russtan ing with all phases of the Chinese Rer acts in a totally different manner. The it that is the case. what is to be gained road to socialism, cannot be based upon sue just now confronting the Proletarlan issues, we will come to them later, trst olution and the role of the Communists. cannon roar in Shanghai may be the by this iterminable din and agitation an increasing withdrawal from world Party Opposition is the one of defining we must build right here. But the all The book will sell for 00 paper cover first thunderclape of a world catastrophe about a world revolution. especially economy, but must be predicated upon its principle position, that is, its orien decisivo question is to build what?
and 00 cloth cover. Certificate hold of imperialism, Fascism and Communism when It antagonizes the forelgu bourge an extended participation in it. That tation toward the existing currents in If the issue of the currents in the Com muntst movement is only a Russian one just as on all our publications.
ers will be entited to a discount of 3 may be coming to death grips in Gerolsle who must, above everything else, is why the second Five Year Plan, with the Communist movement.
many, the lava of the social revolution de prevented from intervening with its consecrated nationalist ideal is conSome Serious Progress Already of what enormous importance would it may soon inundate the Spanish bourge troops to disrupt the bureaucratic Eden celved in a reactionary Utoplan spirit.
The emergence of the Proletarian still be with the occupying olsle. but all this appears to be happen. of a national socialism? Legion is the not by accident, but as an inexorable re.
Party Opposition we have already char the position of the only proletarian die Letter from a Militanting on different planet so far as tht name of those decadent Stalinist bur sult of the by your leave. theory acterized as present loaders of the Russian Communieaucrats whose conduct is animated by of socialism in one country. For it is step. It arose out of a struggle against international issue but as such It affects Dear Comrade: ist Party are concerned.
these ideas based upon the fantastic Idea of a comthel the sectarian sterility of the It the very root and foundation of That is the only conclusion one can hope this will reach you all right.
But despicable as their attitude is to plete withdrawal from what Lenin chari demanded revolutionary activity frst by movement no matter in which country received your letter and receipt for come to after the accomplishmenets rewards the International problems. the acterized as that international market Insisting upon an attitude toward and the specific problems arise. It is fully The Militant subscription. had to bor corded by the Just concluded 17th party bureaucrats have an equally reactionary to which we are ubordinated, with which a formulaton of immediato demands. and completely interwoven in every marow the dollar in order to make it. conference in Mosow. Outside of agita and far more Utopian standpoint towards we are connected and from which we Concretely, in the unemployment situe or question of principle, policy, strate have not had a job for wages except tional references to the contrast between the problems of Soviet economy. Here cannot escape. To refer to but ono tion, it proposed a struggle for mea sical objective and tactle of the move about one month. Since you saw me the advances of industrialization and an objective consideration of its complex example: a striking rise in the crops.
sures of reliet. It demanded Left wing ment here to becomes part of every last. stayed around Fargo a number collectivization in the Soviet Union and structure is replaced by adminlstrative exceeding domestic needs would soon policy for trade union work not to ex. revolutionary problem here. It deter of months but it was hopeless trying the increasing misery of the workers and commands to race at top speed for new show in a glaring light how subordinated cluide co operation with the In cermines the building of the revolutionary to get work at any kind of wages, even der the world capitalist crisis, we do not records which are not always a un the is to the world market. tali practical tasks. Particularly in re cadres.
It is, of course, impossible to deal gard to the Communist InternationalThere can be no doubt that the fret the farmers are not hiring help any know of a single problem of the inter. blemished as they appear. In manyl moro.
national revolutionary movement that perhaps in the majority of the cases, the in a short article with all the problems and most Proand that important this opport letarinn Party Opposition to decide to am certainly sorry that am so was given an hour of serious considera records are achieved at the expense raised by the second Five Year Plan, tlon a distinct from there. It recoge the one of its orientation toward the ex helpless to do anything for the cause in tion at the congress. Not a single move either of a dangerous tenstle strain on most of which have already been analment has yet emerged from this assem the physique and perves of the workers yzed in anticipation in the works of comolutionary activities with the world Com logically the group is not so far a homo. cannot even afford to get Trotsky pam party, dealing with the tasks of the Com quality of the product turned out. Yre moment to point out that the plan and nized the necessity of functioning in rey. Isting currents within Communism, Ideo the way of an occasional donation. My of what was once Lenin Bolshevikor else of a marked, inferiority in the rade Trotsky. It will suffice for the muntat movement, simultaneously with geneous one and could hardly be when phlets. Up to now have kept the Daily unists in the capitallat countries quently it is both. For a short period the whole environment surrounding its criticism of and fight against the op we recall its compromised background. Worker, but now must give it up too To compare the proceedings of the pre and under the pressure of a partial aim. elaboration, once more reveal, perhaps portunism There is no advance guarantee that it have no income at all. Anyway, it bain this respect, the background and can determine its orientation untedly seems to be continually deteriorating Internet een with one held under com such strains are concelvable. But to more harshly than ever before, the origin of this opposition group assumes anclex. But it has a revolutionary duty er en trial. take the keenest Interest ruthlessly the party chiefs of today have bear up under the concert pitch to which Allst theory of Stalin and the abyss he from which it came, proclaimed itsete to put this issue at the very top of its in all that is going on in the movement chopped down the propafter another they have been tuned for the whole has placed between himself and the reve pre conference discussion agenda.
everywhere and especially our own op fram under the bridge which, despite the historical period that separates us from Olutionary Internationalistessence Communist. As such it should have re ARNE SWABECK.
cognized that there can be only one Commedle gratifying progress in the last year traditionally connects the nationalistical Ignorance which threatens the existence advance1t would even be easy to write munist party. It gave complete endorreally wonder how you manage to y degenerated apparatus of 1932 with of the workers republie more than de them for the puld scribblers the ans the party of revolutionary Internationalthousand deliberate sabotagers. wers that will be made to our arguments, sehen senderish te hout refused The Anti Trotsky Campaign wrote up conditions around Furgo, for elemente esto note murderous indtetement What Socialism Means the accusations of pessimism and to give the slightest recognition to, or (Continued from page 3)
This should be an obvious truth. unat us because the Left Opposition which counter revolution that will be flung have anything but condemnation for the Chinese masses after their crushing do smuggled them to the packing house ser leadership penking in the name of the policies and leadership should direct ald of Stalin Borodin Martynov) atmosphere of repression of fear, of the Olution beat upon the closed doors of ent from everything we have learned which was expelled while trying to conAmerican ption. Its endorsement of feat by the Kuo Min Tang (with the workers. wish could describe the Marxism can be conceived of today than leng one is a blind official whose idea fought for years for plan in economy, have male obligatory upon it to unite counter revolutionary thesta helplessness that grips the workers of the 17th congress of the Rusalan party from the teachers of our movement. 10 vince the bureaucracy of the progress thle: the waves of the International rev of what constitutes socialism is differ for industrialization and collectivization, with the official OP. on the conditions our Don does not bother to explain at Armour plant there in West Fargo.
without the bureaucratic congress man those for whom Marx. Angels and Lenin that Russia could make in socialist con1ald down by the But despite its all Nor does he as much as utter endorsement, it remained a second party word of explanation as to why the ChtIs my organizational activities that picked delegates to as much as get his social system in which everybody has theles refuses to be a party to duping What miss more than can tell you agers allowing a single one of the hand are not outlived. socialism 18 not astruction with a correct policy neveroutside the Comintern. It sought to renese proletariat, up in arms against the took part in, in Chicago. It seems like feet wet.
been levelled down to a common low the working class with fatal Illusions or place the offlelal In reality this Imperialists in 1928, 18 not to be found the best part of my life 18 missing. The The concientious Communist worker plane of a socalled quality buta became the sharpest reflection of its nec leading the strugkle against the Japanese way things look now am not at all to whom internationalism, is something society in which the classes have really drugsing them with theoretical opium.
tarian sterility and its narrow, national plunderers.
ist position. The remnants of the Proleable and a great deal les embarassing who hold that this crisis is just another holidays, will not only feel humiliated between town and countrge has been can answer in advance, with finality, by It is much more comfort prepared to agree with those comrades more real than a badge to be worn on been abolished. In which the distinction These accusations about pessimism we tarlan Party may still endeavor to seek to resort to the legend of a Chinese periodic capitalist depression. believe and mortifed at his state of affairs in eliminated. In which agriculture no long the words of Lenin which are as applie comfort for this position in the national Soviet Republe and to exaggerate the it is entirely possible for the present the ranks of the leaders he is instructed er exists as an economie entity but has able in every sential today as they socialism of Stalin; In the theory of 80c strength of the Chinese Red Army.
These slimy and excitedly incoherent tion and in that Judgment do not for. will reflect upon the basle crue that rise has been accomplished in produc We have not even finished the foundatalism in one country but this, instead on to develop into social revolu to obey blindly as infallible chiefs. but become an Industry, in which such a were when written in 1922: of helping in the least, merely emphas attacks against Trotskyism are part fres its contradiction.
of a renewed and wide spread campaign ret for one moment the backwardness of make it possible, or rather, that make thon that there can no longe rbe any! tion for a socialist economy, this can Can this group of Communist oppost by the Stalintst faction against an evil Militant never tires of putting it, Where our workers in general. But as The It logical and inevitable comparison between the living conditions again be taken from us by the hostile The Second Five Year Plan tion comrades now conceive of emulat. they have a thousand times over again is our Party to lead us if such a situaof the workers (1. e. of the whole popu forces of dying capitalism. This must ing the from which it broke away, declared dead and buried. It is Stalin If the congress had nothing absolute lation) under the new society and un be clearly recognized and openly admittion arises?
by proposing to also become a second treacherous answer to our question reyI nothing to say about the problems of der the most highly developed capitalist ted, for nothing is more dangerous than party by building a new party? If so, garding his attitude towards the White. the international revolution, it had state, and above all, in which the state Illusions and attacks of dizziness on more than enough to say about the power and coercion are beginning to dte high places. And in this recognition it can only become doomed to the same Guard murder plots against the organiz Wauburn, Minn, problems of the Soviet power. And on out and to be replaced by the adminis of the bitter truth there is nothing terdontradictions it endeavored to extricer of the Red Army. It is Stalin manthis point we witness the canonization tration of things.
rible. nothing that gives any just cause ste itself from. It can only remain sec ner of encountering the mounting current of sympathy for the ideas of the Left Paris Commune Celebration in a veritable nationalistie orgy of the But this assumes such a tremendous for even the slightest despair, beacuse Opposition everywhere, and especially in theory of socalism in one country rise in the productivity of labor and the we have always defended that element.
THE MILITANT ary Marxian truth, we have constantly the Soviet Union. But he will not sue celebration of the Paris Commune which, we are now taught, is to spring MINNEAPOLIS repeated. that for the victory of soc Published weekly by the Communist ceed. All the tens of thousands and even is to be held by the New York branch NOTICE WORKERS OPEN FORUM Lallam the joint efforts of the workers League of America (Opposition) millions of posters Agathst Trotskylam of the Communist Lengue of America Coal Miners of Southem Minols. What What In Manchuria at 84 East 10th St.
Saturday evening, of several advanced countries are nee the vanguard of the counter revolution (Opposition)
ALBERT GLOTZER Lecture by Oscar Coover eggary. Works, Vol. XX, part 2, page ary bourgeoiste will not stem the tide March 19th at Irving Plaza, Irving Pl Member Communist League of EDITORIAL BOARD on 487. Martin Aber James Cannon of rising revolutionary conviction in the and 15th St. It will be a mass meeting America (Opposition)
Sunday, March 6, 1932 MAX SHACHTMAN.
Mar Shachtman Maurice Spector Soviet factories Great social develop and entertainment.
Will Lecture at the at Arne Swabeck ments, tremendous opportunities for Com An elaborate social program has been LABOR LYCEUM 1580 East Franklin Street Entered as second class mall matter munist action are unfolding before the arranged which includes a chorus of (Number Two, Orient Hall) Ausplos: Communist League of America ST. LOUIS, ATTENTION ALBERT GLOTZER November 28, 1928, at the Post Omce a international proletariat. Trolskyism about sixty singers from a Hungarian West Frankfort, II. Opposition)
New York, NY. Under the act of Leninist Bolshevism will Hve and come workers singing society, and a series will speak at the on March 8, 1879.
into its own once more, despite the de of revolutionary dances given by Central Library Hall MARCH 1st, P. Claas in the Elements of Marxism SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1933 sperate and helpless efforts of the Stal group of our own comrades. It will also 14th an Olive Sts.
Subiect: will be given Vol. 6, No. (Whole No. 105) Inlet revisionists. The new wave of the include dancing and refreshments. TROTSKY AND THE INTERNATIONAL Hold the date, Saturday evening, March Every Friday Evening Subecription rate: 00 per year; for world revolution will sweep away the Wednesday Eve. March 2nd at 7:30 WORKING CLASS MOVEMENT All Interested get in touch with: Auspices: St. Louis Branch, Communist eign 50. Five cente per copy. Stalins and all the dungheaps of Dons 19th, open. Watch the Militant for fur ADMISSION: 26 Carl Cowl, Instructor Bundla ratos, cent per copy and Browders with them. 8, League of America (Opposition)
ther announcements Ladies and Unemployed Workers Free 828 Hawthorno Ave Apt ADMISSION FREE as of in on on