AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCominternCommunismConfederación Nacional del TrabajoDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerItalyLeninMarxMarxismMussoliniRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1932 THE MILITANT PAGE IN THE INTERNATIONAL OF LABOR Reviews and News of the Working Class and Revolutionary Movements The Character of Fascism Lessons of the Recent Events in Spain Stalinist Comintern leadership to citer entiate between Hitler, Bruening and Wels.
confused be The Latest Anti Trotsky Campaign struggle proves that the differences in An Analysis of the Composition of the Hitlerist Camp en die an tourgeois democracy beleid erase. An Official Document of the Spanish Left Opposition on the Results of the Struggle ism are constantly being wiped out, and (Continued from last Issue)
are actually, in practice, wiped out al.
manner, they hope to save themselves ready. Can anyone attempt to prove that, Today, the task stands before uy, be the high expense of democratic reforms, for example, the policy of the German The folowing is a circular letter have been declared, for example, one or (1) Everything permits us to ascer before the Communists, to gather the and it possible, also the new expense in social democracy with regard to the counsent out to the local organizations two days after the successes of Arnedotain that the working class will unwaventire working class around the slogan herent in a Fascist overthrow. try of socialist construction the by the Executive Committee of the had aroused to action, the entire prole oringly support a revolutionary moveof the struggle against the threatening Unfortunately, however, Theelmann, is any more progressive than Spanish Communist Opposition, tai lat.
mnent whose aims are clear and precise.
Fascist overthrow. There is no doubt, who characterizes this situation as Fase the poliey of Italian Fascism. Report which evaluates the revolutionary (3) The National Confederation of We must intensify our Communist prothat this struggle will also bring about ism and who neglects entirely the econ of Manuilsky to the XI Plenum of the events that broke out in Spain in Labor did not assign concrete tasks to paganda with all our means, making it a conflict with the lesser evil. There omic relationships and the political per our emphasis, the middle of January. Ed. the movement. This disorientated it clear for the working class that only is no doubt that the struggle against spectives that lle in this situation, has Dear comrades: That means: the final touchstone in wage robbery, which is a struggle in not yet reached the conclusions of Trot the policy of the Stalinist Comintern in collecting facts and documents which and was the principal cause of the fail the establishment of the dictatorship of the trade unions and in the factories and sky!
The Spanish Left Opposition, engagedure, as was made evident by the strike the proletariat will enable them to in Barcelona.
achiere emancipation, which constitutes an inseparable clement will the bourgeoisie be able to take er the world revolution but the conleadership, whose basle task is no long will permit it to make a more detailed (4) It was a manifest mistake to de (2) This fight will not remain a lost of the formation of the united front, this path? To its actual conclusion and struction of socialism in one country, are snalysis of the recent events, considera clare the strike on a Saturday. On such night. But the working class would ocwill also bring about a struggle against for a prolonged period of time most the foreign trade relations of the Soviet curgerity and as briefly as possible, a few. If in Barcelona, the strike had take addvantage of the movemerotutioner cupy stronger positions if it were to The Struggle Against Social Democracy, seoisie cannot build up a regime that derable lack of sensitiveness arises in considerations brought forward by the started Friday morning, when the move the creation of Soviets and revolution: and the United Front will allow it to base itself in ment unfolded in Cardoner and Llobreary Juntas.
peace these people, their eyes glued on Musvelopments of the movement.
No one (and least of all ourselves) ful manner, on the workers as well as solini, with regard to the Hitler ques desires the suspension of the struggle on the ruined petty bourgeoisie, without tion. But even in this case, these peo features of it.
We shall first approach the negative sat had not yet been put down, and dispersed by the authorities, this arst against the the suspension of bearing the expense for the social reple, xeneralizing mechanically, are fall: limited to 24 hours, the proletariat of experience will not remain in vain and criticism reconciliation. But it is forms or for the convulsions of a elvuling into error. In the instance, the often ity. Beginning in the heights of Llobre played a unanimous manifestation of arise again in the new and inevitable (1) The movement lacked in continu Barcelona would undoubtedly have dis the Irrepressible organs of struggle will necessary to realize that the struggle war. The contributions are too great, misused argument of the difference be rat and Cardoner, it received the back solidarity. The situation did not permit conflicts that the immediate future will against the must be conducted in they will be broken in one direction of tween Germany and Italy is very much ing of Barcelona and other places 10 it to go further and the results obtained produce. To this fight, the Communist the form of a united front tactie, under the other.
the slogan against the seizure of power Crisis. Trotsky, The Austrian in place. Mussolini means011 exports. Catalonia, when it was already crushed would have been undeniably far greater party and the Worker and Peasant by Hitler. Lenin demonstrated very Dangers of Calling Present Condition But Hitler means war of Intervention. In the former towns. This spelled death cleverly the essence of this tactic when Fascism The nationalist attitude towards Marx. for the movement. One of the most im itself with ridicule, calling for a strike struggle the Communist Left Opposition he recommended that the English Comism, which in Germany has led through portant lessons to be deduced from this, anew, on the 25th, when the would have conducted itself were it not The fundamental error, of character the program of the national and social is the following: a strike of such am. National Confederation of Labor) had for the fact that in numbers it is as munists support Henderson under cer izing this condition as Fascism, is av liberation. to use Manuilsky own plitude must arise simultaneously or be already decided to go back to work with yet a small force in Catalonia talin conditions Infantile Leftism, page onged by the prognosis. We have already Jargon) to the descent to the level of initiated by the large industrial centers this, they once more compromised the (3) We have repeatedly contended for them that they would support Hen Centre Fascism. What even more not in the Bolshevik manner. here too no case in the periphery of the country es of the workers and merely proved ments in the Iberlan Anarchist 78 German edition. By making it clear heard above, of Thaelmann prolonged the middle classes, in the Menshevik, and (Barcelona in the first place) and in prestige of Communism before the mass that there are sincere revolutionary ele.
derson as the hangman rope supports grotesque, is the sentence he attaches to proves to be fatal.
that the only aim of its leaders is to Fed. whose driving force remained ster(2) The movement was immature. It remain in the rood graces of the Comile because of the inconsistency of their the hanged.
Manuilsky and Thaelmann make very the preponderance rests with the social the quotation brought above: At times. BAUER lacked an immediate impulsion capable Intern la cancracy, not even shrinking, doctrines. But in the last events there light of the matter, by substituting here democracy and that will probably (Berlin) of pushing the masses forward. It should hack from wasvatug all the immense pos has been initiated, although also, for the question of a concrete an. true, from the class point of view, also sibilities that the Spanish situation of and timid, an evolution toward our point alysts, for the question of the varying in the future, up to the proletarian rev.
fers to the development of Communism. of view. It is necessary to give struggle on the different fronts, a nonolution in Germany. 7) Finally, there was demonstrated evolution an impulse, intensifying the Marxist commonplace like: the main the abominable Influence exercised in the propaganda of our principles and makA truly annihilating prognosis, this enemy is the dictatorship of capital that In the February 10 20 issues of the why doesn he complete the quotation the classification of the group of thirty the for immediate action, which by the elements that go under ing an attempt at practical approach to 1s, every bourgeois government and its prognosis put forward by Thaelmann: supporters. According to this schema, Germany has already reached its Fascist Daily Worker, there finally appears the That part in our thesis (The Militant. Pestania, etc. who, by opposing the however does not mean that we give up It will always remain a mystery, why form and it will remain so. Year after American edition of the latest Stalin July 25, 1931) reads: declaration of the strike in Catalonia at our freedom of criticism.
the Bolsheviki fought with Kerensky year, the genial Braening will continue tragicomedy cutitled For Political Del The Soviet Union, too, which has not the Regional Conference on Thursday, against Kornilov and did not carry on to rule, nourished by the starvation of cisiveness and Clarity in Our Anti War and cannot be liberated from the press called forth a counter attack by the local are organizing themselves. 4) The reactionary bourgeois forces the struggle against Kerensky in a stere the patient proletariat, Interchangeably Activities (the European title wasure of world economy has also felt the Pederation of Barcelona, led by the events have provoked a panic among the The recent otyped fashion supported by his zealous and inexhaust something like Against Kotten Liberale effects of the international crisis, to a anarchist) elements, who decided bourgeoisle who had seen in this chaotia tiveness to the development of events, Party of Germany and social Fascism. of the Counter revolutionary bourgeois talist countries it is true, but it has been stances had already become unfavorable possibility of avictory. In order to opIt speaks of a high degree of insensible retainers, the not to want see the Facsist danger, in which case the sexure of power by ie) a version rendered by one, Sam influenced by them, nevertheless. The Nevertheless, the movement also had pose the danger that menaces it, it will not to want to see the practical conse Hitler is just as unlikely as the disinte Don.
radleal international decline of co its positive features hasten the organization of counter quences which genuine Fascisun will gration of the unth such time, when, probably after the completion The cast has not yet, it appears, been dity prices has seriously affected Soviet (1) For the first time, in the course olutionary forces to annihilate the flower bring.
People who regard Bruening as Fisc. of the second five year planthe peo selected. But it should not be difficult exports, that is, its growing connection of the revolutionary period, the prole of the proletariat by installing a Fascist to find a few native talents, American with the world market which becomes an tariat had entered vast movement of alctatorship. In order to avoid it, an ist, that is, the overture as the opera, ple revolution finally arrives.
can very easily become altogether blindi It is clear that this prognosis is some. Slutskys, and even Yaroslavskys, what increasingly important factor in the dev a distinct clasg character. And this is inmediate united front of the working of enormous importance.
and dear.
class becomes Imperative without diswhat dulled by the struggle with the with the unemployment raging every elopment of its machino facture.
Can Don prove that this is not true. 2) The working masses showed tinction of tendencies for the organizaThaelmann Fails to Correct False Vlews Nacis. It is clear, that the party and where and the dramatic industry, false, its Brandlerist page boys underestimate wather, not being excluded. For the Is it an act of dissipating and disarming clearly that they had almost freed them. tion of an armed defense. It is a mattheory, has deepened it by the article and mock at the significance of the present, however, we shall restrict our basis of this fact, as well as on the basis strong in the September strikes, which (5) The elements constituting the in the January issue of Die Internation slogan of the General Strike (which we, selves to the text.
of the fact that Yet, the successes and makes the conviction ever more deeply group of 30 ale, composed by the group of anthors for our part, have never separated from The prologue which constitutes part of advances of the Soviet Union stand out inrooted that only the proletarian Insur: the Reformist Center. notand the leaders of the that works under the pseudonym of the question of immediate partial the monolog given by Stalin himself at even more prominently in contrast to the rection can solve the revolutionary crisis withstanding the fact that there are disThaelmann.
strikes. the Sixteenth party congress of the universal anarchy and decline of capital that the country is facing It may be assumed that the execu It is clear that the entire Ideolgical still leaves us fairly cold, the its economy. the advances toward tinct differences between them, constitute tion of the dictatorship of the bourgeois confusion with regard to Fascism can accompanying comment reminds us some the socialist ideal are being made clear ship and organization of the Anarchists of the revolutionary movement. To ell(3) In spite of the incapable leader today a check against the development le no matter through what methods, lead to capitulation at the moment of what, by its structure, of the ancient to ever greater millions throughout the and particularly when it is a question of the establishment of the Fascist dieta coritantes. It is unclear just what is world (same thesis. the Left Oppoal fought with admirable solidarity and dis workers organizations is an indispensithe workers of Cardoner and Llobregat minate them from the leadership of the Fascist methods will in the first in torship, because these people will say heing driven at until we read (at last) tion proposes to the American working clpline and withdrew in perfect strategic le condition for victory.
stance, and in the long run, be in the just as the despicable Kolaroffs, the To disarm and dissipate the revolu class the slogan of a demand for long order and with a minimum of losses, hands of the Centre in a very strong Bulgarian Thaelmanns, did on June 9tionary forces, the bourgeoisie brings into term credits to the Sovlet Union. The when they were convinced that more evident is now that a powerful Commun measure. Die Internationale Vol. 33. 1928 Why get excited particularly now, play and makes use of Trotskyism the Dons and the other sycophants of the ment was defeated.
No. 1)
when one Fascist is merely replacing an. Vanguard of the counter revolutionary Stalinist court have only one answer (4) The most important fact to be the masses capable of fusing and leading ist party a truly revolutionary party of The content of the present situation is other Fascist. characterized crudely but not incorrectly has most unhappily capitulated to Fase to an extent, we wonder: just how does socialism in one country. And that is recorded in the uprising of Cardoner and the revolutionary attack of the prole by Thaelmann: Today, the Centre is the ism three times already (Bulgaria, Pol the bourgeoiste do all this? We do not quite truc. For it is this saxe theory Llobregat is its distinct political char: tariat is what is needed. But this party careler of the polley of an interchange and, Finland) coming to another have to wait long for an answer: The that prevents our Communist Interna halls and had holsted the banner of the is not to be an organization like the preable exploitation of the social democracy cross road. The very reserved criticism Militant, in the pre conference theses of tional from utilizing the tremendous opproletarian revolution on top of the sent official party, dominated by the most tatorship of the bourgeoisie. With this, mand serves no purpose at all as long as the Soviet nton is not immune from the tion for revolutionary action. It is this building themselves That is to say unbridled adventurism and the most he has finally reached the catimation his own theories, false to the roots, are convulsions of the world crisis!
formulated by Trotsky in the following not cast aside. What is the class meaning of the stroke on the entire communist more selves. In some places, the anarchist masses, nor like the the work manner in 1929 We must pose the question here: why above statement. soliloquizes our Don. ment, in the face of impending socio elements had proclaimed openly that er sand peasants bloc) an organization This will also determine the policy this fatal error in the problem of Fasc. To carry out the main aim of our class convulsions in Germany and the flat their alm was the establishment of the of sympathizers and not an lustrument will adopt in the ism? Simply by referring to the think enemies, the armed intervention against Bast. It was the theory of socialism in alctatorship of the proletariato Tesists that can only issue out of scenery near future: to force the social deming ability of the Thaelmanns and Man the Soviet Union! Nothing less.
one country that was responsible for the a big step forward that the Communists congress of unification and deserve the with pride.
opportunist Anglo Russian Committee and can point ocracy, with the aid of Fascism, to reuilskys, this question is not solved for it clear? Clear as mul The general conclusions to be drawn confidence of the masses.
construct the constitution, so that the the Marxist.
As a contribution to political decis the subsequent betrayal of the British bourgeoisie will be able to combine the Basis For False Analyses and Tactics iveness and clarity in our anti war se General Strike in 1828 and that is some from this hasty review, are the follow. considerations that we gather from the advantages of Paseism with those of Manullsky has, however, perhaps untivities. these profound words probably thing very hard to forget.
latest events. Due to its small numerdemocracy, those of Fascism in essence, Intentionally, informed us why it is im. have no equal. Every worker will grasp And it is this same theory which makes Ical force in Catalona, the Left was not those of democracy in form. In this possible, in the last analysis, for the this: not the Japanese looters, not the Stalin and all his little Dons so violently Kal Shek in the crushing of the Chinese able to play a decisive role French reactionaries not the gentlemen antagonistic to the Communist slogan of proletariat in 1925 27 by the infamous a great indigence in this movement, but brigands of Wall Street, but frotsky and a Soviet United States of Europe bloc of the four classes. while Trotsky its members participated in every possithe Trotskyltes the vanguard of the of Europe has been wracked violently by was being shouted down as an ultra ble way, and some of them have fallen FOR YOUR LIBRARY counter revolutionary bourgeloste (Stal. the reparations problem, by the tarift Leftist for demanding the creation of at the hand of the enemy. Now taking in. are the war mongers to be feared conflicts ever since the war. For the Soviets, dares accuse the closest comrade advantage of the lessons that the moveby the whole proletariat past two years especially, has this proof Lenin, of being against a Soviet ment offers it, will continue with in Books by Leon Trotsky Anal how does Trotskylsm dissi blem been in the forefront of contin China. Cheap slanders cost these pe transigennt tenacity its work of renovatpate and THE DRAFT PROGRAM OF THE forces. Simple. By polnting out the shown themselves incapable of coping can very easily substitute a quotation Ing the Communist movement, dedicating COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL Thermidorian danger Involved Criticism of Fundamentals theory socialism in one country while hold on European economy has been from Stalin; for Communist arguments, all its forces to give to the Spanish proIntroduction by Cannon Stalin and Molotov find a place for Gro tightened, the only result of the efforts they can easily sustitute a few of the letariat the arm that it absolutely needs, 140 pages hard paper cover 35 man and Ossachi and Ramsin in the eco of the bourgeois powers has been an ad great master pet epithets. Just why the powerful Communist weapon that THE STRATEGY OF THE WORLD nomle councils of the Soviet state. Byvance in the preparations for a common Trotsky slogan of a Constituent Assem will lead it to victory.
REVOLUTION pointing concretely to the danger facing attack against the Soviet Union. But, bly Issued as an immediate demand for The Left Communist (Part of the Draft Program. the Soviet Union in the event of a Fase nevertheless, if we belleve the Dons and the purpose of once more rallsing the Opposition of Catalonia 86 pages, two colored paper cover 25 (Continued on page 3)
Barcelona, Jan. 26, 1982.
Introduction by Max Shachtman Stalinist press chokes itself on unintel United States of Europe is counter revTHE SPANISH REVOLUTION ligible and confused abstractions, and olutionary. Why? Because the Union of the Socialist Soviet Republies. TIMELY DEBATE NO WORKER CAN doesn mention the German situation by 30 pages, paper cover AFFORD TO MISS!
as much as one word. By analyzing the is the central problem of world politics THE PERMANENT REVOLUTION factors making for revolutionary solu today. is the very enlightening answer 208 page bookcloth bound 00 tlons to the critical situation in the Par of the Stalinist scrivener. Why. BeCOMMUNISM Vs. ANARCHISM paper bound 50 East while the Stalinists lull the mass cause the disorientated Stalinist appar.
IN SPAIN THE HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN es with the legend of a still to be atus, smitten with the dreadful disease For Communism: of national socialism, fears a social upFOT Anarchism: REVOLUTION achieved Soviet China.
MAX SHACHTMAN CARLO TRESCA Translated by Max Eastman But, enough of this. Does Don think heaval in Western Europe, let it should of Czarism he is fooling anybody but himself, when infringe on the Five Year Plan in Rus of the Communist League Editor of Il Martello Treachery Special price for shareholders. 00 he takes quotations from The Militant sia. But let them beware!
of America (Opposition)
well known Italianto the cause of the world revolution can out of their context, when he picks on only be paid for by an inevitable fallure For members of the Communist Just Returned from Spain, American Anarchist.
League of America 50 half sentences and isolated phrases? Is ROGER BALDWIN It not a sign of the weakness of his own of the Five Year Plan and socialist conChairman Ploneer Publishers political position that he finds himself struction in Soviet Ruskea can be Friday, March 4, 1932 at P.
at IRVING PLAZA, 15th st. IRVING PLACE incapable of coping with the complete guaranteed by an extension of the pro84 Eant 10th Street idea of an opponent? Why should he New York City Admission: Thirty ve Cents letarian world revolution alone.
avold explaining the lines accompanying Tickets can be procured at the offices of The Militant, 84 East 10th St. Finally, this despicable scribbler, the quotation he makes from our thesis, whose masters gave actual ald to Chiang and Martello, 82 East 10th Street, New York City.
exercise 100