BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerLeninismNazismSocial DemocracySovietStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

THE MILITANT WORKERS OF THE WORLD UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition Published weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 84 East 10th Street, New York, Entered as second class mall matter. November 28, 1928 at the Post Office at New York, under the act of March 3, 1879.
VOLUME V, NO. WHOLE NO. 105 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1932 PRICE CENTS Germany Before the Elections Workers Militancy Attains Unity on Picket Line of The Glass Steagall Bill. Measure to Aid the Bankers on OPEN FORUM Lecture by The latest dispatches from Berlin ref Hitler policles have lost nearly every port the long expected anouncement of thing that still held the workers in their JAMES CANNON Hitler candidacy in the coming presi ranks attached to the social democratic THE COMMUNISTS AND The New York Times of February 24, democratie electorate will undoubtedly The Meaning of the Geneva Conferencement Workers Union Suod iT HR trol. Only the intenso pressure of the unity and determination les the hope dential elections to be held on March 19. party. very great part of the social DISABMAMENT Since the International Lady But the same leadership remains in con defeat. But in the very rank and Ale 1982, in its editorial comment on this vote for Thaelmann in the elections, resubject, chides the German reactionary cardless of the decisions of their leadat the call in the New York dress shops os membership brought the issues of abo that it can be circumvented. victory bruskly for his tactical mistake. Byership. And this fact is of great importLabor Temple Tuesday Feb. 16, this battle has gainel lition of the sweatshop to a head now of the dressmakers strike will become a lining up with the venerable president ance for the Communists, provided they 14th Street and Second Avenue in momentum with a clamed 20, 000 work and resulted in the strike. The officials powerful Incentive to stimulate general of the Relch. the Times goes on to say, can link up the extra parliamentary ers out and approximately 60 percent of aid everything in their power to ward working class resistance to the capitalist he would have added to his dimensions struggle for the social democratie work Friday, February 26, 1932 the shops closed at the time of cotuk to or struggle. Surely this suficient wage cutting offensive.
as a responsible statesman without sur ers with it.
to watching of these rendering anything of his prestige as a Unfortunately, the German Communist In this situation the responsibility of at P.
sign of working class resistance to the officials. Sell outs are their practice and the official party leadership in conrtol of crusakler. It is quite plain that Wall Party, bound hand and foot by the utQUESTIONS and DISCUSSION slashing capitalist offensive.
only the rank and ole itself can pro the policy of the Left wing receives acStreet is rather vexed with the develop terly false tactics of the Stalinist leadWith the needle trades workers this perly guard its own interest.
centuated importance. Continuation of ments in German Internal policy. Re ership, with its disnerous heories of soc ADMISSION: 25 Cents is a tradition. While they have rutteredThere is a considerable difference in blunders can only strengthen the hands conciled for some time now with Ease al Pescism and the unted front from Unemployed Workers Admitted Free untold misery from the sweatshop on this strike compared to the one two of the Right wing officials and thereby Ist ascendancy It nevertheless dreads the below. has not been able to progress Auspices. New York Branch Communist aitions under which they have been work years ago. That was too obvlously a benefit the class enemy. The present thought of social convulsions conjured very far in the struggle for the reformist League of America (Opposition)
ing for years, they have always been made up atrair of collaboration with the course of the otheial up by the pleture of a break with leg workers in the factoles. Despite the enfound in the very front ranks of the bosses. The latter were actively help plishes precisely that policy accomIt still proalism by the Nagl leader, to whose omoas increase in the Communist vote class struggle. This splendid tradition, ing In shatting down the power and ceeds from a proclaimed intention popularity with international reaction it durig the elections held in the course however, has continually been most out ejecting the workers from the shops. The smashing the company union and has, of late, contriluted not a little. In of the last two years, with the lines of a brond proletarian struggleraceously abused by the treacherous sell difference now is in the fact that the smashing the fake strike.
the cannon stili in full swing in the in the hands of the social democracy instead of persisting in its ostrich polley 1922 Tete with the aid of the class en The central issues in the strike are ty earnest. They cannot bave any too the present, what with the rambling of in the factories still remains well with against genuine Fascism, as outlined by cuts, vletimization and expulstons which workers are more definitely asserting culous that must sound to the thousands comrade Trotsky and the Left Opposition is the record of the union officialdom. themselves and pressing for their de of workers on strike one can well im agine. They mean their strike in dead Far East, overy abrupt turn in the sit 83. out of every 100 Works Councy which amounts to a surrender to the mythe corrupt officials were able to the demands for abolition of the sweat great ilustons of Intentions of the Right ean countries is a cause for the greatest per cent go to the Communists. With class enemy without a struggle.
continue themselves in power and sup shop conditions, for a minimum plece wing leadership But what they require anxiety on the part of American capt out an advance in the factories, all the The presidential elections, considered press the rank and file revolt. But the work price of not less than 10 per is assistance. Their fight is one against talism already dlazily spinning in the gains in the parliamentary election will not a decisive struggle, but as an op price paid was the one of re establish hour, and for the forty hour, five day sell outs as well as against the class whirlpool of the world crisis.
have no meaning. But in ortler to push portunity to rally the workers and to week. The jobbers and manufacturers obenemy. They should be able to look for But, in Germany itsell, it is not only forward in the factories, the German force the breach between them and their ment of the misery of the sweatshop Alect, of course, particularly to the min such asistance from the left wing.
the National Socialists who are orien. party must give up its false, un Leninist reformist misleaders, offers another great heavy price for a union to pay imum wage demand and want to maintated for sharp and open class warfare. conception of the united front, cast aside opportunity to the Communist Party of The garment workers union has suctain the privilege of the right to reorgan workers in struggle. The remarkable Unity has a very distinct meaning to The entire bourgeoisle is prepared for the obstructionist theory of social Fase Germany to make up for lost ground. ceeded in recuperation in the sense that ization in the shops. that is the biring achievements on the picket line should it, knows that it must come, and lends ism and reorientate itself along the SAM GORDON the ranks have again been strengthened and firing at will.
The strike has become a powerful one that the essence of this word cannot be be a serious warning to the party officials the most direct aid to the Fascists in their aims. Only a short two weeks one Immensely adding to the ranks of played with. This strike is only one ago, Groener, Hindenburg Minister of those following the call of the Left wing the Reichswehr lifted the ban against union entering into the contllet one week stage in the series of conflicts which the future holds; but it does offer an oppor.
the army, American Collaboration with the Hitler hordes. law, is making strenuous efforts the pre outstanding or the credit available, will be class (2) government bonds. This, med This has served to reduce actual possibilitzadea Welding this week or when equivalent to an open offer of military squirming under the lash of ceconomic creasing of the total available currences secure paper of the present inelist cedea in establishing unity on the picket work in the last were to find this is where on the capitalism twisting and The capitalists assume that the mere in. In addition to the above also (1) the ley in the strike the workers havo sue tunity for refolutionary Dolley.
blatt, brings an even more interesting after plan is belng thrown at the counthis money. Through a false interpre gold of the country. But how can any manufacturers Whave begun to feel dis. as by their agents in labor ranks.
Germai, newspaper, thie Spandauer Volls sent time to bring about a revival. Plan insure that Industry will use or destre of course, increases the amount of free sexbbing to a minimum. Naturally the much dreaded to their emplorer rang, weil report: try, only to go down in defeat, leaving tation of concomitant variations of the one hall as epoch making a bill that does turbed which has become particularly Negotiations for settlementstriarenih For weeks, intensive military exer barely a ripple on the declining crisis past they are attempting to rouse the nothing but make legal that which is acheld expressed in the statements made by the ready in progress. The industrial union grounds of Dobberita (near Berlin. The creation of the Reconstruction Finance of credit. This would be possible only of the Holy Water they merely make actions of negotiations depending the parade curves. But a few short days after the body of Industry by wagging the tail tually taking place. With the sprinkling jobbers and inside manufacturers assoct reports several shops settledte The Late participants in these exercises are Na Corporation and the administration at were there shrinkage of avaliable legul that which they are unable to pre the inroads of the strike into the unor no efforts to accomodate the bosses. In tional Socialists. As many as 3000 men Washington announced the new, bil part credit today. But today, the figures of vent.
bave been counted at each field day in isan, anti depression moulure, the now the Federal Reserve itself show that On the other hand, the bill is satur inroads are made can be gleaned from wash from the Lovestone group which ganized shops. That considerable such this they can count upon a coat of white the course of the last few weeks. much heralded Glass Steagall BlII. there has been presented rediscount ated with a sort of concentrated nitro the fact that while the has ta already laying its basis by accusations The exercises take place on the pro. The captallet class of this country of commercial paper only 400, 000, 000 by glycerino. An ever mounting pyramid of within its monks only about 15 percent of scabbery by the left wing. That, of perty of the Reichswehr. In front of talling to see any indication of a coming the banks of the country. They stim government bonds, increasing paper of the dress shops, nevertheless the course, will prove primarily how far tala the entrances, soldiers stand on guard. revival, oven now, two and a half years ve eligible for rediscount in ther currency. In addition to a growing budget strike has become about co per cent et group has traveled in deserting the Left These are entrances bearing signs to the after the stock market crash, effect that civilians can pass only with tempting to, through a series of well of commercial paper, in addition to sing gold reserve. The new bill increases are at vaults a total of about billion dollars deficit, all to be supported by the shrinktective.
wing and all it stands for. But above the permission of the commander. timed and big scale maneuvers to restore billion dollars of United States Govern the free gold, but what does it put in With the striking ranks attaining un all it again emphasizes the responsibilIn addition to all this, there is, of this confidence that has supplanted all ment Bonds. Furthermore, it has been its place? Nothing but paper values ity on the picket Yne the monstrous polity of the revolutionary party. corat gust ian quarters, which goes on unabated, actual analysis of the proposed steps that total 7600 in the system have exhausted wind. It is not for nothing that the much more outstanding. The G. liminary actual and genuine struggle for old a united front in this strike, a united without any interference on the part of their valuelessness as measures for re ther eligible paper.
officials are still pursuing their Any expansion of more objective of the American scon came or working hand in glove with one front which will bring the two unlons the police. On the other hand, all attempts vival can be exposed. Particularly is credit that industry desired could have omiats do not assert with all positiveness of the working class to take measures this true of the present Glass Steagain been taken care of by the present system that America will not go of the gola set of bosses helping them against an into common struggle for the immediate against this terror, are put down with bill.
The problem they have to solve is that standard. The danger becomes more im. other, of working with the jobbers and common objective, would now spell a out much ado, no matter from what see Big Free Gold Gain. Credit Ex of creating the desire for credit, not the minent daily.
tion or tendency they arise. In one of pension. Increased Currency. we read supply. But then, there is nothing like Congress is busy with these ballyhoo ganized contractors. That is playing the serious step forward in organizing the It general working class resistance to the his proclamations to the army, the same in the newspaper headlines. What are a bombastie gesture measures hoping to bring to a stop the bosses game and benefits them only Groener declares: the actual facts? Is there a stringency will never tolerate the preparation of credit at the present time? What that connected with free gold can be rallying center is the one of psychology.
The second feature of the present bill, declining production Indices. Their contains the very germ of sell out and capitalist offensive.
of an auxiliary mblitia, as it has been might this big free gold lead to? These bailed as a great step forward only by Falling in this, they are preparing the spoken of in certain Relchs Banner (re are the questions to be answered. those who still believe that Hoover le ground for a collapse worse than that formist) clrcles. Such organizations Any economlat will admit that were to inaugurate the era of engineering of the past three years. The failure of lead in the last instance, to workers there a demand for credit at the pre prosperity. Under the present law all the ballyhoo campaign will bring with In Canada the infamous Section 98 ted front repeal conference held in Hamand Soldiers Counclls and similar rev. sent time and the banks were unable to Federal Reserve Notes must have a back it more misery for the working class of the criminal code is being inforced ilton, Ont, our comrade Green was seat olutionary formations. It must be re satisfy this demand, any stops taken to ing of forty per cent in goll, the other The Communists must prepare now to with a vengeance. Its most outstanding ed as a representative of the Communitat membered, in passing, that the Reichs relieve the credit strain would be steps sixty percent to be made up of gold or take advantage of this movement for the case was the trial and conviction of League of America with Silver representBanner is not even as exclusively work for revival. But is this condition pre commercial paper backing, government overthrow of the entire capitalist system, Buting the Toronto conference district. Seling class organization by the composl valent today? By a mere glance at the bonds being definitely excluded. This The opportunity presents itself in ex olght Communist Party leaders.
tion of its membership. But the fact low interest rates of the past year one provision of course was inserted to pre posing the sham of this type of manthat was only a prelude to a yet greater ected on a delegation to present demands objective.
upon Premier Henry in regard to the alone that the Reichs Banner does in would be forced to give only one answer. vent the backing up of the paper cur euvers of the government, and counter clude a great many social democratic Industry desiring funds for investment rency by bonds; which are also paper. pose to them the concrete proposals of their worthy brothers in every other cap silver.
The Canadian bourgeoisie, the same as repeal are our comrades pector and workers, makes it insufferable to minister of the democratic German ke is no credit crisis except on the side of quires the use of gold above the 40 per. all the slogan of long term credits to the out of its crisis primarily on the backs publie. for which the Scheldemanns and the borrowers.
cent limit, leaving less tree gold to take Soviet Union. The Soviet Union needs of the workers. And of course, the the Eberts saw flt to destroy the flower Now, to examine the actual measure care of large scale withdrawal by foreign these credits; the capitalista of this of the German proletariat in 1919.
While the Fascists are feverishly pre of the Federal Reserve system are per can be seen from the following figures a move will all the Soviet Republic as tense attack upon the working class in Under the existing laws, member banks countries. This shortage exists now a country have the necessary funds. Such criminal code prosecutions are primarily the beginning to a general and more in Response from the various cities to paring for their attack behind the mitted to rediscount (borrow on) cer Federal Reserve well as the unemployed workers of this the effort to reduce the standard of liv our second national tour have been exscenes, the attention of the entire Gertain commerdal short term loans from Notes Issued 2, 828, 000, 000 100 country who will benefit by Soviet oring. It is significant of the role of capcellent. In Buffalo, the local man nation is occupled by the forthcom the Federal Reserve Bank. This so call, Eligible paper dors forthcoming to American industry Italist agents within labors ranks that branch of the Proletarian Party Opposling elections. The Fascists have selected self liquidating paper consists of 989, 000, 000 ed Hitler, the Centre and the middle loans secured by actual commercial and Gold required 34 on the basis of long term credits. Now precisely in this situation Mr. Moore oftlon made arrangements for public 1, 936, 000, 000 68 the opportunity presents itself for the the Canadian Trades and Labor Con lecture for comrade Glotzer under its parties, Hindenburg; and the Commun Industrial goods to be realized upon soon.
ists, Thaelmann for their respective pre Thus should industry demand that in his opinion these men had a sidential candidates. The social more hele liquidating paper could be used at every workerer en herlinge in the area cress steps forward with the statement own cuspices. com dem credit, the various member banks can as backing for the sixty percent feature torles, in the unions, and among the unfair trial.
Arrangements are now also being completed for a radio address to be deliver derats are chiefly concerned with ways apply to the Federal Reserve system (aside from gold and gold notes. The employed.
During the year 1931 there have been ed by comrade Glotzer from the St. Louis and means of making the former Hohen with these eligible notes as securtly for STONE.
within the borders of Canada over 700 station KMOX, on Wednesday afternoon rollen Field Marshall acceptable enough loans in the form of increased currency, present measure would permit to be used working class arrests. Over 110 years March 2nd. Further announcements of for the workers in their ranks, as the which money is then loaned to Industry.
of imprisonment was handed out by the this we expect to make in our next 1defender of democracy! This despicable The cry is now raised of the exhaustion courts In 156 convictions. Working class sue. In Minneapolis our branch is prealm of the social democrats, which falls of the total of eligible paper. Item num.
in line with their entire tradition of bor one of the new measure would make meetings were broken up and in many paring for a debate with Townley, working class betrayals, 18 one that eligible for rediscount less secure paper cases entirely prohibited. Revolutionary the organizer of the Non Partisan League.
literature was banned. The Daily Work The fact that comrade Glotzer has stands open to successful attack on the than at present. This is halled as the part of the German Communism. The powerful tonle to aid our slekened in even under objectively favorable condi supporters to assist us in finding the best into Canada. Workers upon whom any Trotsky, able to give first hand informaBullding the revolutionary press sticularly call upon all comardes and or and the Frohelt are prohibited entry just returned from a visit with comrade social democratie workers are just about nauseated with the shilly shallying of dustry. Will it do this?
tions an ardous task It requires un way out of this present altculty. Br possible suspicion of revolutionary Intion of the discussions with the revolutheir leadership, who by their tactle of Any analysis of the facts shows the ceasing activities by those willing to de tension of our press, building its circula clinations can be placed are stopped and lonary leader in exile, able also to give questioned in the streets. This has al first hand Information of his impressions plece meal capitulation to the Bruening futility of the measure in this regard vote themselves to its acomplishment. tion is the way out.
Without doubt the conditions today are Can we have this assistance the ready been the experience of several of the movement in the European counCOMMUNICATION objectively favorable. We have received form of concentrated activities during of our Left Opposition comrades. Some tries, is proving of real Interest and a many tokens of the growth of sympathy our three months clrculation time ago the book The Proletarian Rev. stimulous to the projected publle meetdrive.
for the Left opposition, but we can, of Every new subscription, every addition olution by Trotsky was banned. Justings. At the time of going to press course, not overlook the fact that many al sitle extends our press and helps pro DOW oru new pamphlets Germany the the swing through Canada has been com workers are not able to translate their vide the revenue for continuation. It Key to the International situation has pleted and comrade Glotzer is heading suffered the same fate.
west. The schedule for the balance of sympathy into material support. Yet we drives an additional nail into the coffin It is encouraging, however, that the this tour is as follows: must find the means to overcome such capitalis official Communist party of Canada, by West Frankfort, ill. March handicape.
We call upon all our supporters to these serious experiences at least have Lecture to be at Labor Lyceum (NumSituation In the stream of turbulent events of partielpate, to endeavor to secure sub learned one valuable lesson. It is actu ber Two Orient Hall) P.
St. Louis, Mo. March the present period the Left Opposition scriptions for The Militant, The Interally making some efforts toward building genuine united front morenent for Lecture to be at Central Library Hall by LEON TROTSKY press stands out sold as a rock. But we national Communist vi. appear the repeal of Sectious. The re 14th and Olive Streets, 7:30 cannot at all say that its foundation has April frat. the Young Spartacus, Unser Sponse of working classe organization In bundles of or more Cente Kansas City, Mo. March Single coples. 10 Cents Order Now been secured in the sense of providing Kami and Kommuinstes.
have been so broad and wide that it Minneapolis, Minn. March 5, 6, the means for its continued existence. DO YOUR SHARE!
gives gratifying testimony to the power Chicago, IL. March 10 Pioneer Publishers, 84 East 10th St.
Yet that can and must be accomplished. HELP BUILD THE LEFT The Latt Opposition and validity of this policy.
Cleveland, Oblo. March 11 is partielpeting Youngstown, Ohio. March 12 It is hace USG of this that we today par. OPPOSITION PRESA! fully in this movement. At a recent untPittsburgh, Pa. March 18 Canadian Workers Fight Against Reaction Glotzer Meetings held Our Press Needs Your Help GERMANY The Key to the International