AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismItalyMarxismNazismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTerrorismTrotskyUnited FrontViolenceWorkers MovementWorking Class

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1932 THE MILITANT PAGE IN THE INTERNATIONAL OF LABOR Reviews and News of the Working Class and Revolutionary Movements The Character of Fascism The Government Reprisals in GreeceThe Stalinists in Bulgaria as Sharp Changes in the Foreign Policy of the French Imperialists An Analysis of the Composition of the Hitlerist Camp respondent. On December 1851. Immediately, this bestial policeman at AGRINI, GREECE January (Our cor they discovered in his pocket.
Use Violence against Oppositionists in the Prisons In October 1930, the central commit several Aragonas will go over to Fase trlos Mylona, President of the Panrefu tacked our comrade with a black Jack We are bringing below the docu of our faction, incapble of conducting tee of the decided overnight, ism, it is certain that the reforinist or gees Organization of Agrini, and led him shouting that he is a member of the Un ment of comrade Gatchelf Incar an ideological struggle and of withstandthat Fascism is relgning in Germany and sanizations to themselves will be totally lackeys passed him through the third Monday. Confronted with the Bolshevik to the Police Hearquarters. There the employment Committee which met this cerated in the Philipoppel Prison In ing our tactica, resort to personal atthat Bruening is its prophet. The 11th crusled.
Bulgaria, mentioned in the February tacks, provocation and threats, employ Plenum of the CXC. put its seal degree and locked him in dark cell 6th issue of The Militant. It speaks ing all the means unworthy of a rev.
upon that, and all expectations, nourish Fasciam, nourished by the social dem. At midnight, the Chief of Police Angs courage of our comrade, the beast con highly of the revolutionary quality ocracy, will and must eventually crush olutionist. They have more than once ed by the deviations and inconsisten its skull, in order to reach power. The spoulos arrived at headquarters and tinued his attack with rabid madness for of our Bulgarian comrades, whose published all sorts of stupidities about ciex in the resolutions, in the speeches of Immediately begun examine our com a whole hour until our comrade began to splendid morale should serve as an us, for which they have never brought Austrian social democracy does all it can rade. During the bearing our comrade bleed. At the end, he did stop with the Remmele, etc. that the German central to facilitate this surgical operation for declared that he is a communist and as threat that he is going to kill him in example and as an inspiration to all any proof. We have answered all these committee would revise this decision and it (Trotsky. Communists, and to the Left Opposi provocations in a fire and disciplined take reality into account, have come to tlonlsts in particular.
manner, by pursuing our course, the naught. Under the mask of a theor, Fascism is not only harmful in agitaThat is why the formula of socialried the book and a protest leatiet, which case he continues to be an active Cometical elaboration. a large current of munist.
To the District Attorney of the Phil! course of the Marxist Left Opposition.
lipoppel Court, Petition of the Prisoner They have threatened our friends that confusion is flowing through the party tion, but also false as a political proanonis.
into the minds of its membereship and The following day they called comrade Dmitri Gatcher, sentenced to life they would throw them out from the It is, however, conscious deception to the only one of the four credos of the When we consider, after this brief characterize this order of things as the Mylonas for another hearing.
long imprisonment, a member of the In third floor windows of the Central Prison.
Thaelmann article in December which is analysis of Fascism, the present day lesser evil. the socialdem But how Anastasopoulos was able to ternational Left Opposition under the They have sput into their plates to de actually being preached, 18: We live Bruening government, the differences are ocracy is doing. Because the lesser learn of the meetings of the Unemplos. and Rakovsky, against Ognianoff, granted by the class enemy. They have leadership of the brave comrade Trotsky prive them of the mengre nourishment under Fascism! Faseism and social unmistakable. Its social basis consists evil Bruening attempted to of Fascism in the last analysis are two dif unfortunately, as yet of the reformist by the and not fought by it. ment committees which are illegal re Nikoloff, Boris Dimitroff, etc.
at the hands of paid assassius. At the ferent shades of one and the same basis workers chained to it by their treacher it becomes by itself an ever greater mains a mystery. In this organization Mr. District Attorney: Haskovo Prison) they have crushed the for the bourgeois dictatorship (Manullous leaders and not of the petty bourgeois evil and is enabled thereby to prepare al committee Stalinists also participated should never have desired or toler skull of one of our friends. They have sky report to the 11th plenum)
masses of Farotsm even though it does the greatest evil so impudently. It is and there it is possible that this treach ated your interference into our fac made attacks upon the lives of our friIt is therefore not at all strange that indeed maneuver with the latter from clear that to differentiate between Bruenery is the work of stoolpigeons which ex tional disputes. You are a representa ends in the prisons of Silven, Vidin, etc.
the resolutions of the 5th world congress time to time. The ideology of the Bruening and Hitler does not as yet signify a ist in the Stalinist ranks.
tive of the power of the bourgeois class They have stolen letters directed to us have been raised from their graves and Ines who base themselves upon a parlia polley of toleration. The Marxist man that Stalin theoretical intantile mal mentary majority, is conservative and ner of posing the question is given by The condition of comrade Baboucopou against which we are fighting and for. That has become a system with them.
los continues to be the same and the which we want to substitute the power of They murder our friends in Russla, in adies, like social democracy as a mod not quasl revolutionary. The terror of Trotsky in his latest pamphlet: wounds in his shoulders are not healed the working class. We are a faction in the fatherland of the workers and per acy and Fascism as twins and other ab urso. It restricts itself to the toleration Hitler, together with Braun, os compon bed. The Muntelpal Hospital shows you are one of the representatives. But sky, Rakovsky, Murator and others. They the state apparatus is as yet in its em. We Marxists consider Bruening and and therefore he can move from his the labor movement hostile to your class sants. They imprison, they sentence to ortions of the same sort are being preach of the Naxl terror. The foreign polley ent parts of one and the same system. criminal neglect and the same attitude in the moment in which my opponents have shot upon our friends in China and ed as eternal truths. It is only being of Bruening is not that of Hitler. That The question which one of them is the is shown by the Our comrades of the other faction turn to you and deelsewhere. must emphasize that all consistent for a Warner Hirsch (Die is what differentiates Bruening from lesser evil, has no sense because the have to enre for him. In the meantime mande justice from you. am forced to these deeds have not been committed by Internationale. Vol. 15, No. 1) to coun Fascism. What brings him closer to it system against which we terpose democratie England and France we know full well; It is the regime of needs all these elements. But for the to Fascist Germany!
emergency decrees, the factual even 18 moment, these elements are in conflict prisons walls remains the same and we bring the truth, in the first place, be the Communist party but by one of the The question of the evaluation of the not formal, suspension of democracy, the with one another and the party of the urge the formation of a committee of fore the working class and then also to factions and that is the centrist fac situation, the question whether we really active support of the Nazis, etc. If we proletariat must take advantage of this light the criminal activities of the War the attention of your tribunal. At any tion, which is only bureaucratle and to rate, the responsibility for this inter paid apparatus, with Stalin as its head.
have Pauciem Already in Germany, is of want to evaluate the Bruoning sovern conflict in the Interest of the revolution dens who are alming to exterminate our flete cour Internal disputes, rests upon desire of the Communist party and in terence on the part of our class enemy They act without the knowledge or the the greatest strategle importance. Itinent as a whole, we must characterize.
one takes an affirmative position on this it not as Fascism but much more prefighters by every device of terror.
Berlin my opponents.
this manner they stab a knife into its question then one must come to an en cisely as the government of the transi(To Be Continued)
We are informed that our comrades For a long time there have been ex heart and into the heart of the working tirely different point of departure, to an tion to Fascism, of the active prepara This gentleman, still convalescing of the Averof prisons are going to desting several factions within the labor class.
entirely different and distorted) evaluation (Groener. of Fascism.
from the Merker malady, is seeking to clare hunger strike because the Min movement; the Right the Centrist and Ever since my arrival here, these Althy tíon of Hitler, as well as of the Fascis The difference between Hitler and squeeze his way into the front ranks of istry of Justice did ont reply to their the Left. of late, the approach of deci affairs have also begun with regard to danger in the perceptible future. For Bruening consists not in the aim but in the buren ueratte Jackals grain, by howl demands.
sive struggles between the classes has myselt. have more than once chalin that case the question of a formulation the social basis (what Thaelmann, Manuing himself hoarse Against Trotsky The Students Syntrofia circulated brought about an aggravation of the fac lenged them to make public their acbecomes the question of a prognosis of alsky and Co. say about their common Trotsk, an agent of Hitler Fascism. leaflets and appeals to every intelligent tional disputes.
cusations and to counterpose the two the most likely development.
social basis is pure twaddle. It con in his day, he himself, after leaving the person, worker or intellectual to particiThe theoreticians of the Comintern are sists in the methods. And that is some did not disdain the role of a pate in the rally which is scheduled to exists at present, came to the fore to ed this and have been continuing their The Left faction in Bulgaria, as it points of view. They have always avoidoperating with commonplaces like thing that must not be overlooked. genuine agent of Ullstein.
be held at the Trianon.
wards the end of 1928. The opponents attacks. Bruening and Hitler are both merely On the 11th of this month, after some dictators of the bourgeoisie. Between an similar quarrels and provocations, met open Fascist dictatorship and the BruenG. Ognianoff. told him that they would ing government there is in no case any remain cowards and rogues as long as class difference whatsoever. These are they would not adopt an open declaraelementary truths for every Marxist. Continued from last issue)
The necessity of an internal struggle Thus, once more, and this time with for an alliance of the countries in tion. Upon this, Nikolor and OgnThe essence of Marxist analysis does not, however, consist in the recognition For the reasons enumerated in the against the proletariat, the growth of a character of extreme urgency, the which this revolution will be victorious lanor almost simultaneously tell upon the clashes tetween the imperialists show with the of the general, but of the particular, of Arst part of this article, the Laussane unemployment, the awakening of This perspective me with the cry. Traitor. Nikoloff the concrete. The ende of valla conference, which is to occups itself with labor movement, combined with the need the way to the only genuine solution is false. The United States of Europe beat me with a stick over my head, Ognianoff struck me in the righ teye with political characterization does not consist the question of reparations, that is to to mask the aggressive policy of France the overthrow of the bourgeoisie and the require his first. This was the cause of the enof the ability of fastening it on to every say, in the last analysts, with the ver and perhaps also the defeats which it installation of the dictatorship of the on the basis of Socialism will complete fusion with the tire scuffle. The result was: One of our but to a definite, political situation.
sallles Treaty, will be confronted with has undergone, beneath the vell of paci proletariat which alone will solve the the head. As a characterization for specife pol if it is to be a matter of taking up the radicals and socialists will play this role Europe. The Is at present engaged Europe, it is not suficient to counter myself in my ear, and one other also on itical phenomenon, for a definite situa Young plan, the French will refuse to and will doubtlessly consciously prepare in a struggle along the lines of the nation? It can. But in that case, what is participate in it and will maneuver to the play it much more openly in view of tionalist and social liberation in the pase the harmonious économic devel. and several sufferings delighter wnguarded different countries. It provides further opment in the for it is not That is the whole truth, the rest is pure Fascism actually? review of Eurostpone it. Germany intends to play a matter of a simple hypothetical com Invention opean, and especially Italian Fascism, its own game there, taking advantage permits us to elaborate certain specifie of the attitude of the England parison that remains abstract in the eyes In No. 16 of the Russian Bulletin, comA TIMELY DEBATE NO WORKER CAN features of it, without any difficulty. considers it futile to lose its time there.
or the proletarian masses. As against rade Trotsky, condemning the attack AFFORD TO MISS!
Fascism is a unique and new phenomenon if it should be impossible to include the th pseudo etficiency of the inperialists, against members of the Left Opposition of the period of monopoly capitalism, a question of the debts to the As to as against the European unions. as in Canton, states: We will never emproduct of post war capitalism, an off. Italy, she wants to make of it a tribune COMMUNISM VS.
ANARCHISM against the conferences of Lausanne and ploy terroristic methods in the factional shoot of reformism.
from which to appeal to the mercy of the IN SPAIN the European united front. it is neces struggles within the labor movement. It sary to counter pose the agitation around is the task of the Left Opposition to take As the collapse of economy spreads, who are in control of all its railFor Communism: FOF Anarchism: as reformism begins to disappoint the road stocks, putting forth the threat the slogan of the overthrow of the bour special cure with regard to this. Firm.
MAX SHACHTMAN CARLO TRESCA Keoisie, for the realization of a Sovietness, will power and discipline are in masses looking for a way out, Fascism of united front is saddled everywhere with the task of It is indisputable that the development of the Communist League Editor of Il Martello United States of Europe. The internal dispensable! Yes, we are fighting against intercepting the radicalized masses who of the crisis and the movement of the of America (Opposition. well known Italianruin of bourgeois Europe is characterized the system of provocation, terrorism and are about to turn revolutionary channels proletariat and the impoverished peasant Just Returned from Spain.
American Anarchist.
by Its extremely chopped up. parcelled cold blooded dmurder within our ranks.
and of faking them useful once more for classes of Eastern Europe require some ROGER BALDWIN of economie pleture. This tattered char. Can we also make use of this? No and the purposes of finance capital. It is a sort of a way out for the bourgeoisie.
Chairman acter is an obstacle to the economic dev never! We can never employ provockmatter, in this case, first of all, of radi Germany, Poland, Rumania, Hungary Friday, March 4, 1932 at P.
eolpment of society as a whole. But tions, terrorism and murder against our calized petty bourgeois masses and con live on top of a volcano. Each bourgeat IRVING PLAZA, 15th st. IRVING PLACE the bourgeoisie seeks only profit and the comrades. But once we are attacked, sequently, we see everywhere, as a parolsie is conducting a flerce struggle Admission: Thirty. ve Cents advantages of competition. Only the we must defend ourselves for we are not ticular feature of Fascism its brond against the working class, rolning its Tickets can be procured at the offices of The Militant, 84 East 10th St. proletariat, only the broad exploited dogs. Our factional opponents are at petty bourgeois mass basis. Further own home market, and consequently, and Il Martello, 82 East 10th Street, New York City.
masses can realize the socialization of present playing in the role of the thiet more, we se as a consesuence of this also the foreign market of the others.
the principal means of production, after who cries: Stop thief!
the super radical and quasi revolution reducing the working classes as a whole the overthrow of the bourgeoisie and the They are organizing more attacks.
conquest of political power, as well as They are employing more provocation ology, the desecration of the Idols of tey is insufficient to resist the monstrous the socialization exchange production and and they tell stories of threats and proyesterday democracy, pacifism and the onslaught of America, coupled with the planned economy for a broadened mar vocations coming from us. We declare (Continud from page 1)
idealization of the most brutal strong strictures of the economie crisis. That mann and Company first drop the theory ket, through the elimination of the that we shall answer all their threats man dictatorship. We see further an is why the struggle against the proletar ry struggle. For us it must be clear that the main danger the social dem manifold national barriers winding and provocations as we have in the past, unrestricted terror of the Fascists against ist cannot go on without the intervention that the elections can at best act as ocracy.
around Europe. This is the perspective with firmness and discipline the working class and all its organisa of a certain amount of agreement among a certain barometer of the tendencies to the party does not at once change which we counterepose to the bourgeois We shall not employ the same weapons tions before and after its seizure of the rival Imperialism, that is to say, the political situation.
its orientation, the leadership of the citoplas.
as they do, and accuse them of being conpower, through particular organs (Fase without some of the imperialisms achler However, to plan the campaign of the together with the will LA VERITE. nected with the management of the Storm Divisions, etc. terror ing certain temporary advantages over party without bearing in mind the sit be held responsible for the defeat of AACMAMCAMINCOMINCIDENTES prison, but we shall tell the working of such a great siqnantiete proportion the others. France intends to maintain nation as it will appear after the electhe German working class. It is they class that they are being tolerated by that it becomes transformed into a spe her own, advantages. For this price, she tons, the trend of the struggle in the who are responsible for the fullure of CHICAGO OPEN FORUM this management and that when they cific quality. Fiwilly we see the na is ready to tolerate the Fascist counterevent of a defeat or victory of Fascism, such a change today and for weakening WHAT IS EUROPE HEADING FOR! raise thely hands against 19 they are tionalist ideology as a maneuver of div. revolution in Germany, in order later is to lose oneself in a purely parliamen the position of the workers which sign Speaker: ALBERT GLOTZER acting unconsciously as a tool of the ertint attention from social misery and on to drive its polnt against the tary struggle. Such a situation would les, in effect, strengthening the position SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1932 bourgeoisle.
as the basis of an aggressive foreign The East European states are also result in continued defeats of the party of Fascem at P.
Stalin himself is unconsciously a tool polley, which is possible only on the boing encouraged by France to prepare and victory for the black forces of reThe elections will decide nothing deof the Ramsins when he shoots Oppoal.
at backs of a defeated working class, for for an armed struggle against the action.
tion fighters, when he exiles them, throws fintely. At beat they may postpone for whom the revolutionary way out 1s Bat Germany is still seeking to What should the party do now? it a short time the decisive struggle. Be 30 Wells St.
them into prison. And the Ramsims ADMISSION: 15e closed. It is especially significant to liberate herself from the letters of Verare the conscious instruments of French take into account, as Alfred Karella has sailles, from the tributo. For that is should prepare for the struggle that will tween Pascism and Communis only the and International Imperialism, History done, the strong war sentiments cur the only means of easing her difficulties, follow the elections. The Opposition has armed struggle for power will decide Auspices: Chicago Branch, La of Oppoal ion)
also has its logle and that is the logie but also at the same time the one by pressed for a change of line on the part the future. Supposing that the Centre rent among the Italan workers.
of the class struggle.
Its origin and the tasks asigned to which to shatter the hegemony of France of the We have attempted to social democratie bloc should win the make the party realize that the situa elections. It will at best give the workEDMONROLUNMUNICORNICI protest not only against the situation, by the bourgeoisle, account for the post in Europe.
that my opponents remain free (1.
The development of this situation tion in Germany is a revolutionary one. Ing class more time to prepare itselt for THE MILITANT tion of Fascism with regard to the socthey are in the regular prison. which ial democracy. Fascism, which cannot which has been maturing for several that it ought at present prepare its forces the final struggle. victory of Fascism Published weekly by the Communist permits them to hunt up witnesses and tolerate any other party, not even a petty months has brought about a displacement for an eventual armed struggle for pow. will push to the foreground the extreme League of America (Opposition)
to continue the slanders against us bourgeois one, at its side, can least of In the directing apparatus of the French er. The elections should serve as an acuteness of the situation, and force it at 84. East 10th St.
protest against the fact that we, who all tolerate those for whom It must sub bourgeoisle. Briand was the man of the Indicator of the relation of forces and to a head. In either case the election EDITORIAL BOARD have been wounded and beaten without stitute, because they have compromised period of ascent of French Imperialism, If the party is to succesfully defeat result will not change the perspective of Martin Abern James Cannon any guilt on our part, are condemned to and outlived themselves. It is quite true on the basis of the Versailles Treaty, help in the preparation for the conflet. struggle Max Shachtman democratie leaders would after the defeat of the Poincare foreig Fascism and all the forces of reaction.
Maurice Spector solltary confinement and subjected to The party must foresee all the imArne Swabeck an insufferable regime. Is it possible like to rule together with Fascism, but polley. Faced with new difficulties, he it is necessary that it first change its plications beforehand. The elections Fascism would not share its power with has little by little withdrawn from the analysis of the political situaton, and must serve it as a means of organising Entered as second class mall matter that for the necessary enjoyment of sun air. only 30 to 40 minutes are to be them. Despite the offer for a coalition scene. Heavy blows are in store for reorientate itself accordingly. Concrete its forces. The must begin to November 28, 1928, at the Post Office granted to us in the day?
made by the Baldest of the Socialist France from the outside. The recently, this implies an acceptance on the part Under the act of shall furnish you with sufficient evi.
March 3, 1879.
of of the workers and the can ations.
Party of Italy, the was proscrib ministerial crisis has reflected this fore of the ce. of the extreme danger actually promote a genuine united front New York, dence that the responsibility does not ed even before the Despite all cast. Some demagogle reserves still ex Fascism in Germany. The most impor. The perspective must be that strug Vol. 6, No (Whole No. 104)
rest upon my shoulders without attempt the services renvered to Pilsudski by the ist; they constitute first of all: the radi tant task confronting the party is the cle to defeat the Paselst front as the Saturday, FEBRUARY 20, 1932 ing to throw it on anyone else. The Socialist Party of Poland, its leaders cal party, which has just asserted, that organization of the united front of all step toward the proletarian selzure of Subscription rate: 00 per year; for working class alone will judge who is eign 50. Five cents per copy. really guilty and it is to it that adBrest Litovsk. Just as it in certain that its program jibes with that of Laval. But for this it is necessary that Thael power. ALBERT GLOTZER. Bundle rates, cents per copy. dress myself. GATCHEFF The Presidential Elections in Germany es, that the