AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyGermanyImperialismLeninRussian RevolutionSovietStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

PAGE TE MILITANT SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1932 The Jailed Marine Workers thel. Open Forum ORGANIZATION NOTES AFTER THE WAGE CUT BOOK REVIEW The Sims Murder The subject of comrade Shachtman Our subscription drive is getting under more comrades joining the ranks of The Soderberg Explains the Disruptive Role of the Stalinists in the Defense Negotiations Lecture on Saturday, February 13, bold way. That there are real opportunites Militant builders, The New York branch has elected a (Continued from page 1) him a statement drawn up by Carl cept LD attorneys as associate coun ers, was Imperialist Aggression in China for extension of circulation of the Left special committee in charge of the drive.
turned us down with the excuse that they Harker, District Organizer of the sel with Sabatino as chiet attorney, pro. the danger of War. The facts and opposition Press is indicated by letters Each member is required to bring in dia not want to reopen friendly rel. LD. which in effect asked us to viding arrangements could be made with arguments adduced by comrade Shacht we have receved recently. We quote at least one subscription. The record be man constituted a brilliant confirmation from one received from a comrade from of accomplishments will be kept on the forget it. After some discussion it was we pointed out to him that it would be impossible due to the obvious belligerant sky in November, in his pamphlet Ger while reading The Militant and the pa be in the lead. Comrade Tom Stamm tions with Soderberg. He told me to the Attorneys Sabatino and Fishman came evident, however, that this was of the forecast made by comrade Trot. Pittsburgh: What learned for a short bulletin board. This branch expects to with a view of cooperating as an attorney now but in order that no one should say towards SabatinoHe informed sabatuation there is no threat of an im per from Greece called PALI TON scription drive in his capacity of being and that the get in touch with that we turned any defense offer down, ino that he did no understand the case, mediate and acute danger to the existence TAXEON (Class Struggle) never learn. in charge of The Militant circulaton.
the committee. To date, Brodsky has we would be willing to accept the knew nothing how to defend it, etc. It of the Soviet Union from the Far East. ed for six years reading the Empros, the nor called on Sabatino Our Second National Tour nor Fishman. attorney as associate couspel if that should be borne in mind that Sabatino From this date, November 15th to Janu would be satisfactory to our attorneys had gone through the case carefully inists saw in the Manchurian events prin Communist Party of America.
While the Daily Worker and the Stal Greek language paper of the official This week, comrade Glotzer is starting re. ont on his nationnl tour. Publie meetary 19th and two days before we were That evening sent a letter to Stern several times but as far as Buitenkant cipally a series of maneuvers against ceived your Greek paper COMMUNISTES ings have been arranged in the various scheduled to go to trial, nothing more informing him that was willing to go was concerned, he had not even looked the Soviet Union, the Japanese iinperial which was sent to me, and found it very cities which will serve to further bring was heard from the to any extent to make this a real unt up the indictment and certainly had not ists were preparing the attack on Shan interesting. The comrade subscribes the views of the Left Opportion on the On January 19th, Stern, Organizerted front of the defense.
asked us what it was all about. As ghal. With the realization of their to The Militant for COMMUNISTES and burning issues of the class struggle beSecretary of the New York district of stated, however, that would not Brodsky stated, It is an ideal Immediate objective in Manchuria, they orders some literature.
fore the American workers. It will serve the called and saw me here in under any circumstances tolerate a dual casa. We have the dynamite. We shifted their scene of operations southFrom Chicago comrade we received the branches as well as to make more to give added life and added strength to prison. He said the had sent defense movement. endeavored in my have the workers framed. And we have ward, leaving the Daily Worker analysis find him to offer the services of that organ letter to make all kinds of concessions the stool pigeon.
ization. pointed out to him that we in order to leave the door wide open for were going to trial in 48 hours so what the to come in. The following the case to date, yet an attorney that the beginning of an assault against the seription to The Militant. am out of couple of blg features of this tour are That is all the knows about the Daily sees in the attack on Shanghai, money order for for renewal of sub form their contacts with the Centre. sound savings had are gone and live on from St. Lonts and a delate with been too busy with other cases. As far ney, arrived and we had a discussion. case does not know how to defend it. creation of bankrupt Stalinism.
charity at the present time. That has Townley at Minneapolis.
as he personally was concerned, he had asked him to explain the previous actions it was evident that we could come to no While the cannon roar in Shanghal never happened to me before. The only The subject of Glotzer meetings will Just arrived from Puttsburgh where he of the D. where they had spurned arrangement after this. The following and the civil population is ruthlessly thing they could not take away from me Scho main conter around the issue of the had been at the time of our arrest and us and even referred to me as a stool day we went to trial and a mistrial was slaughtered the suave diplomats meet in is the same old hatred which feel for creational movement, and particularly therefore did not even know we were pigeon. In reply, he stated that they decla Upon returning to my cell Geneva to discuss disarmament! To this arrested until his arrival in New York had been mistaken, that their previous found a telegram from the D. orgy of hypocrisy and jockeying for fay our wonderful order of society. the of Germany. Comrade Trotsky calls individual was can a couple of days ago. How sincere this actions were erroneous but that they now offering to take over the detense. Allorable position comes that bright star of capitalist system. hope the comrades Germany at present the key to the interjudged by the were willing to rectify the errors.
We propose to follow up regularly in.
fact that at that very moment was restthe corent this time was certain that Soviet foreign policy Litvino. Not are able to keep the Militant golng as toprolosituation. It is decisively asked him to leave, so the defend the desires of the leadership be outdone by Grandi, the Fascist spokesThe Militant columns with information Ing In my pocket letter written to some ants could discuss the matter. was was not so much to defend us as it was man, he proposes as the only solution to This should be a good incentive to of all developments in Germany and friend of mine dated New York City. warned during this discussion by had endeavor to make a searching analysis both to disrupt the defense committee, still the problem of war complete disarma The Militant builders. We have Nov. 20th, with an official let Bunker and Trajer that the LA Was und wired the that my stand was is willing to accept less as a beginning cent menthe unch comrades a Hedlund promise that in addition to wanted to keep the welcome sign up ment! But not to seem unpractical, he among the most active ones of the re into the events and perspectives. We terhead and telling my friends that not sincere in this offer. refused to and Glotzer Soderberg has usociated himself with believe it at the time. could not con still unchallenger. e. was stil will So clear was the opportunistle polley from Minnespolis, Sacharow from Chi meetings the branches should wherever some racketeers. was an enemy of the celve of an organization playing with the ing to accept the attorey with of Stalinism at Geneva, so evidently in cago, Schechet trom Boston and Goodman possible bring the subject forward at workers and finally that this is not very lives of three workers. could not our attorneys, but that there was a dan correct was the Stalinist analysis of the frim Philadelphia. Comrade Goodman open forums and public meetings arger of disagreement among the de anLL. Cue and warning my imagine the extent of their irresponsibllo tendants and that there still was time there was no discussion in opposition to but we expect the Philadelphia branch an opportunity is available, endeavor to that is now going to serve his term in Prison ranged by them. They should also, when Manchurian and Shanghai events, friends to keep hands of. knew ity and treachery. How correct Bunker he was lying when he spoke to me but and Trajer were later events have proven to fight, in view of the mistrial. comrade Shachtmans presentation of the to follow his time example and to keep have our comrades speak on this subject did not want to do anything that Later Buitenkant returned and shortly This is a true picture of happenings point of view of the Left Opposition up this work. And we count surely on before lahor organizations. We expect would prevent the from Joining after, Sabatino and Flaman arrived. since our arrest and up till January the situation in Germany to become a with the committee in the defense. We informed Buitenkant that we could 25th. On that date, the offical organ of subject for serious discussion lay our told him that was still ready membership as there are many important and not and would not supplant our present the party comes out with a vicious atwilling to accept the in conjunc attorneys por discharge the committee tack upon the Marine Workers Defense lessons to be learned in such discussions tion with the committee.
Alove all should this opportunity be few hours that had worked faithfully for us. My Committee and accuses the committee of later an attorney arrived bringing with stand was that was still willing to ac betraying the defendants. As one of utilized to spread comrade Trotsky those defendants state openly and In our previous article on the Railrond, responsibility to the workers whom we pamphlet on Germany far and wide.
have knowing the full meaning of my state Brotherhoods, we quoted a United Press represent and our conntry, we ment, that the betrayal is at the hands report to the effect that on Jan, 14, Rail. weighed the urgent needs of the railrond of the D. ledership. Not only have road capital and Railroad labor sat industry and the demands of the public welfare in this present unparalleled sit they betrayed the three defendants and down across a conference table deter uation against the Individual sacrifices Unemployed Councils in St. Petersburg The terror of the boss class in Ken In 1906 by Serge Malysher Workers not applicable in their exact form for idarent, that is sacred in labor prin men.
While the suggestions of Lontn are they have betrayed an that bacle, that vestors and work for unemployed rail requested of the railroad employes.
In the hope that our action may improve tucky knows no bounds. Not content Library Publishers.
the unemployed movement in the United clple.
the health of our industry, may improve with brutal repressions and beatings, Accordingly, the recent Chicago railmurder. Cold This pamphlet is an interesting and that is, that the unemployed themselves rest of the working class as open colla. Dose. First, to provide more profit for and employes, may stimulate a revival planned. premeditated murder.
States, nevertheless, the essential idea. They have shown themselres to the road wage conference had a two fold put the cooperative relations of management they have resorted to popular account of the unemployed movement led by the St. Petersburg Bolshe cannot compel the bourgeoisie to allevi borators with the prosecution first at the millionaire Investors in railrond of business, and may advance the general on Wednesday morning February 18, vike in 1906. Although the situation inate their condition to any appreciable the time of the arrest when they left bonds and stocks, more money for the welfare, we have decided to accept the William Simms, nineteen year old or this movement developed is radi: extent, but mus gain the support of us at the mercy of rich who do not need it and did not proposal of the rallroads to the emganizer of the National Miners Union the police and cally different from that which surrounds the employed workers, remads per treacherously sneaked away and actual earn it, and this money was to be taken places whom we represent, that the unemployment here of today, never cularly true today. In theless one reads these pages with the bere the workers had already expert thinly veiled provocative articles in their needed it badly for food, clothing and each pay check for a period of one year orbin Miller in the employ of the Rocke Siren bietersbur, assisted the authorities with their from the poor railroad wrokers who Ten per cent shall be deducted from trague was shot down by deputy thiet under rent, the very necessaries of life. Well, beginning February 1, 1932: which are Instructive for the commun was proper to go to the factories to ob excuses of wanting to correct these past the first purpose of the wage conference Basle rates shall remain as at pre vile, Kentucky. He died a few hours later. Lawson Green, a or.
Ists at present. And to be sure, this is what the support of the employed workerrors, came in and came with one pur was accomplished by taking 215, 000, 000 sent: to be found in the tactle used by the era in the United States, unfortunate pose only that of smashing our defense from the rail workers wages and giving This arrangement sball terminate sanizer, who was with him when the shooting took place was arrested. As it to the railroad capitalists. But what automatically Jan. 31, 1933.
Bolshevies in involving the employed, this cannot yet be done, that is not in their eyes we are but political pawns happened to the second question on the Simms lay dying in a Knox County hosworkers in the fight for the interests of on a mass scale. for the workers are not Our lives mean nothing to them. They conference program, to provide work for to this acceptance of your proposal. We attach the following conditions pital the inhuman district attorney kept the unemployed.
ready for it. But it is possible to go are not concerned. They have played a plying him with questions. All urgings The unemployed council movement into the trade unions. It is possible to come in this case so despicable, so utuly a bluff in the first place. The Bro. 1) That the formal notices served from hospital nurses and friends of the torture het ware of the 1905 revolution, which participation in the unemployed more one wonder and ask, why? at what keherhood misleaders, who have nothing by the rallroads whom you represent young organizer, to have that had already attained its climax in the ment. This of course requires a correct their purposes?
Moscow uprising of December, The trade union policy and a correct un never had any intention from the begin whom we represent, seeking a fifteen attorney finished his inquisition the bed of one thing am sure, if we are ning of getting any work for its unem per cent reduction in present rates of was saturated through and through with fright which the Russian rulers had exemployment program, nether of which acquitted at our trial it will not be beployed members by accepting a volun pay, shall be withdrawn and further the red blood of the young miner and perienced as a result of the revolution the stalinists possess. The proposal of cause of the but rather in tary wage cut for those who were unem Communist. The end came a short while ary actions of the proletariat plus the the left Opposition to organize the un spite of the There is one ployed. Ignorant, incompetent and over (2) That the railroads whom you after.
well organized movement of the unem employed councils on the united front gratifying feature about this case. For maid as these Brotherhood officials are represent will agree that without attach: Murderer Orbin who went ployed enabled the Bolsheviks to wrest basis is in accord with Lenin idea. This the first time in modern Labor history they nevertheless know, and admit in ing any limitation upon the use of funds through a formal arrest was later releassome concessions from the St. Petersburg would transform them from their pre has it been found possible for Anarchiste their final agreement with the railroads, derived from this pyroll deduction, the ed by county Judge Baker of Karbour city Duma for the unemployed. The un sent feeble and insignificant state into Syndicalists, and Communists of that wage cuts will not create more work participating railroads will make an ville. The reason given being that he employed situation itself had been arti. Organizations of influence, really cap different factions and of trade but diminish it.
earnest and sympathetic effort to main. the depntymurderer) shot either in defically created by the bourgeoisie through able of conducting a fight to help the unionists, to sit at the same table and tain and increase railroad employment. tense of himself or his accomplice. So a lockout of the workers in the last unemployed, and develop the class con discuss ways and means of freeing memComplete Harmony prevails at the We trust the foregoing proposition it didn matter. But it does matter!
months of 1905 in retallation against sciousness of the proletarląt.
bers of their class. This is an achieve.
Wage Cutting Meet will meet with your favorable conflit matters to the starving and strug their revolutionary demands and actions.
The author traces the progress of the ment but it is precisely this achievement According to Cashen, one of the deration gling miners in Kentucky. It matters In the beginning the St. Petersburg Sov. St. Petersburg Unemployed Council and that the party burocrats with their participants at the conference, there was Very truly yours, to all those impoverished dsouthern let had assumed the responsibility of the successes it was able to win until blind, mad, factional rage are trying no disagreement between the Chiefs on. signel) Robertson workers, black and white, fighting for caring for these tens of thousands of its liquidation when the reaction became to split. They tried, by lies, to stampede the question of taking the ten per cent Chairman, Railway Labor the right to organize. It matters to the locked out workers, but after its sup very black. Of Interest is the story of the workers at our arrest. They did not cut for the men. The only difference of Executives Associaton. entire militant working class.
We believe that the above letter conLawson testimony in the mock trial organization of the unemployed coun: a whole series of strikes with funds ob ask comrades, workers everywhere. Sup was over the policy of procedurestitutes the most open and shameful be against killer Orbln Miller was rejected.
cils. Unlike the present unemployed tained by the unemployed council from tvort the Marine Workers Defense Com. The policy agreed upon was to take the trayal of the rattread workers in the an. His testimony was rejected because he councils which consist of all unemployed City Duma. This was who wish to Join them, the St. Peters other ways by listing the strikers as un the full and undivided confidence of the The Chefs did not want their crony Dan The two feelle conditions incorporate Sected to final da bere herdered to the burg unemployed councils were represenemployed. The author narrates a num defendants.
tative bodies. The unemployed workers ber of other interesting occurences which JACK SODERBERG, elected their delegates who composed makes this pamphlet very readable.
cut through the mill of the Watson are both pure fakes, and are merely put their serf like existence. His testimony was rejectedd because he dared tell them Tombs Prison Parker Law, because that might have de In there by the labor skates to cover up the unemployed councils. The first unorganize. In the County Court of BarG.
of thirty February 1929 layed the cut for another thirty or sixty their treachery to the workers.
employed council consisted delegates.
days. As a matter of fact the Brother. The request for a fifteen per cent eut bourville, Kentucky, Ortin Miller testihood Chiefs were so anxious to serve referred to in condition (1) was never mony proved valid and just because he The author relates how after its or ganization he and the president of the Il and please the rallrond Chiefs that they a serione proposal in the first place. It has a general reputation as a killer.
FOR YOUR LIBRARY worked overtime on Saturday, January it had been, it would have been put into Because he served a sentence in Jail for Unemployed Council went to Lenin to re30, in order to get their letter of ac effect. In all probability it was an This degenerate testimony was placed port what had been done to organize ceptance in shape for presentation to gestion by the Brotherhood leaders to the council. Vladimir Ilyitch heard Books by Leon Trotsky the railroads on Sunday, Jan. 31st, so the enable them to make the workers believe against the testimony of Green Lawson, what we had to say, and then said he cut could be put into effect on Monday. that their leaders saved them something, miner and organizer and the court de had some doubts as to whether the UnTHE DRAFT PROGRAM OF THE February 1st And tp show by their As a matter of fact, everyone knew, who cided in favor of the degenerate, the killemployed Council alone could fulfill its COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL own words the brazen betrayal of the studied the matter, that what the railler.
program by its own efforts. Criticism of Fundamentals railroad workers at this fake wage con ronds really wanted was a ten percent Lenin told them: Through this or Introduction by Cannon ference at Chicago by the Brotherhood out and they got it. Press reports reganization alone you cannot quence 140 pages hard paper cover leaders, we will quote in full their let. leased at the very beginning of the con From the Needle Strike Front the bourgeoisie; you will not be strong ter to Willard accepting everything the ference on January 14, stated so frankly unemployed enough, and the THE STRATEGY OF THE WORLD workers (Continued from apge 1)
rallroads asked for. Read it carefully: In condition (2) where the Brother.
REVOLUTION themselves will not be able to develop hood Executives stipulate an earnest workers: openy or behind the backs of The Palmer House (Part of the Draft Program. this work on a broad proletarian class Chicago, Illinois and sympathetic effort to maintain and the workers these class collaborators and 86 pages, two colored paper cover 250 basis. Therefore, you must immediately parasites will give up what still remains increase railroad employment. they got of the conditions that the dressmakers January 31, 1982 Introduction by Max Shachtman extend the Unemployed Council to in Mr. Daniel Willard nothing. The rallroads agreed to two won through many bloody strikes. It clude representatives of those einployed THE SPANISH REVOLUTION things and those two they got, namely: in all the factories and mills in St.
80 pages, paper cover Chairman, Committee of Nine Is this danger of leaving the conduct of 10 per cent wage cut, and the offer the strike in the hands of the Schlesing 100 Railroad Presidents Petersburg. You must now begin to agl.
THE PERMANENT REVOLUTION on the part of the labor leaders of co Chicago, Illinois tate in the factories and mills for this!
operation with the railroad manage that makes imperative for the Left wing er macine and their Lovestone helpers 208 page bookcloth bound 00 purpose, and immediately arrange After a painstaking review of the ments. Items (4) in the final agreement to call for. paper bound 50 the election of those representatives. The proposals and arguments whiel have reads as follows: THE HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN Unemployed Council must consist not UNITED PICKET LINES.
been ably and forcibly presented in be The parties unite in expressing unREVOLUTION only of 30 representatives of the unemFOR IMMEDIATE FUSION OF THE half of the railroads, we fool compelled qualified approval of whole hearted. TWO STRIKE COMMITTEES (3) FOR ployed, but of 100 or 150 from all disTranslated by Max Eastman to reiterato our previous opinion that operation between management and emas a matter of pure right and justice, ployes and agree to do everything they SETTLEMENTS JOINTLY.
Vol. The Overthrow of Czarism CONFERENCE TO CONSIDER THE tricts, from all factories and mills. This will provide the unemployed with a genSpecial price for shareholders 00 the railway employes could not be called can in support of this policy.
For members of the Communist upon to agree to a ten per cent reduc. The only thing the rallroad workers again be raised high among the thousands The banner of the Left wing can ulne proletarian leading body which will really be able to exert pressure successLeague of America 50 tion of their mengre earning. Nor do we got out of the Chicago wage conference of organized and unorganized dressmakwish to give any assent to the theory was another costly lesson on the bankers in the struggle for unity. In the effully on the City Duma and on the bourPioneer Publishers that wage deductions are to be regarded ratpey of its overpaid bureaucracy with fort to bring about One Union, in the geolsle generally.
ordinarily as the appropriate means to its class cooperation polley and the useIn accordance with Lenin sugges 84 East 10th Street promote prosperity. We cannot believe less character of the craft system of workers. The great mass of dressmakfight for better conditions for the needle clone, the organisers proceeded with the New York City that the public welfare is advanced by organization.
further formation of the Unemployed reducing the purchasing power of labor.
ers will marich under the Left wing Counoils. To Be Continued But, with a profound sense of our banner when they see it unturled it for Miller 386 for (1. 2)