CapitalismCominternCommunismDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismLeninNazismSocial DemocracySovietStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

THE MILITANT WORKERS OF THE WORLD UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition Published weekly by the Communist Lague of America (Opposition) at 84 East 10th Street, New York, Entered as second class mail matter, November 28, 1928 at the Post Office at New York, under the act of March 1879.
VOLUMEV, NO (WHOLE NO. 104 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1932 PRICE CENTS Labor Fakers Before Congress World Powers at Loggerheads Japanese Repulsed in China as Laval Cabinet Falls in Paris The Presidential Elections in Germany Glotzer Meetings The of Bureaucrats Finally recognize the «Dole OPEN FORUM Lecture by The other day one hundred of, flunkeys but, on the contrary, as a means ARNESWABECK a of further drawing the distinction beFederalounemployment rellet to proste warenehage capitaliste agents and the The Left Opposition and dent Hoover and to Congress. The one rank and file workers, as well as a means hundred marched one whole mile to the moving the masses ahead to build the the Unity Ruse of the The events of the last week have ready piled heavy losses for her in Soviet Union and the world proletariat.
White House. It was not exactly a movement.
brought about a very noticeable shift dustries. And it 18 primarily the breakhunger march, this dandy crew of wellThis petition for Federal unemploy. Lovestone Right Wing in the relationship of forces among the ing of the boycott that Tokio is concerned lative to the supposed sentente entre groomed portly per capita absorbers. It ment relief and what it implies should powers involved in the recent struggle with at present, after the first flush of the Soviet government and the Japanese must have been a rather grotesque look offer an added opportunity to penetrate The unexpected and rasher remarkable victory and the ravenous ambitions ac. with regard to the transportation of at the ing affair, in the present unemployment the ranks of the of L, in building Labor Temple resistance put up by the Chinese at companying it, have dimmed. And even troops on the Chinese Eastern Railroad.
situation, the movement for a struggle for unem14th Street and Second Avenue centering on the Far Eastern question, then, it is questionable if the imperialism Despite the disgustingly non revolutionBut this is not the point. There is ployment relief. As yet however, no serChapel has vexed the Japanese aggresors of the East could repair its losses by ary stand of Litvinoff at Geneva, dealt whole affair. For the of high the embrace the ception given French delegation at tion stands today, At any rate, it may fact that at the officials it represents a considerable unlons.
at P.
Geneva, has not served o encourage be safely assumed that in the coming Conference only constitutes another step change of front, since the convention Tokio any either. The French Imperial. weeks, the diplomats at Toko will be in the Stalinist degeneration, it is, ney.
The Daily Worker, in its issue of Feb. QUESTIONS and DISCUSSION held at Vancouver last tall. Above all, rary 11th, says editorially in commentists have up to the present been the much more reasonable in their negoertheless, Inconceivable, that there is it is important to know the reason for ing upon this petition: The workers ADMISSION: 25 Cents only ones to play the role of apologlats tlations with the Great Britain any truth whatsoever in these rumors.
this change of front.
answer should be a wider campaign for Unemployed Workers Admitted Free for Nipponese militarlem.
and the others until new factors Inter Any such entente could mean only one First of all, it signifies further evt. unemployment Insurance, building up the Auspices. New York Branch Communist The bold stand taken by Tardieu has, vene.
thing in betrayal of the most elementary dence of the slowly growing pressure fighting ranks of both employed and unLeague of America (Opposition)
within the unions, of discontent caused employed, fighting hunger and the rotif anything, only been of service in the The temporarily successful defense of duty of a proletarian power that of inconsolidation of Wall Street influence in Chapel has no doubt raised the morale transigeant antagonism to the imperial.
by the ravages of unemployment. The ten capitalist system which produces it.
Europe. Isolated internationally by their of the Chinese troops. That the Kuo Minists and their designs against the op petitioners, so humble in this role, but in the ranks of the of L, the move strong headed drive for a sharp solu Tang politicians attempt to exploit this pressed colonial massee.
tion, the French reactionaries have suf situation is only natural. But it is not the imperialist powers are busy premembership, fear Signs of the coming mente de un solo en la recerca en ole tell the party. regardless of the militaneytered an internal defeat, throngh a com their intention to make use of it by paring their households tor the coming discontent. They fear its becoming direct.
displayed, have constantly decreased in bination of circumstances, by the down rallying the masses for a real struggle. test of strength. Just how finminent ected against the rulers of a system This is absolutely correct. But working class participation. The Febru. fall of the Laval cabinet. The inevit. For them, it simply constitutes capital this clash is, may be gathered from the can wry. They tear to becoming expressed be made a reality in only provided the than the proceeding ones. That down succeed Laval, will not fall to take into Ananciers. Washington is not at all re chambers, away from the din ot oratorial in genuine class consciousness. Hence party leadership pursues polley of the they hurry to head it off if psible.
We recall the traditionally reaction. The opportunity for it has been avatlineralient les recomalee Table bor hele verdens Washington government in continuing, noe hourgeolate. The centralization of their subject the very proaste matter of ing before the desires of the politically nounced, moreover, its acceptance and attitude toward the party leadership struggle for European hegemony. After stable market for American goods, hasing on clvlitans, the distance to borbe distinguished to Washington. It is this practice has become an imperative need. and its policies. And the in a situation all the money bags will remain the de always been one of Wall Street dreams. tablished between battle lines, tot de which has particularly distinguished its The efforts of the party in the strug of growing pressure from mass discon termining factor in imperialist politics. Any opportunity to realize this dream utmost watchfulness is required of the tent.
Japan, weakened already by her Far will be taken advantage of by United International working class. We too, leadership as agents of capitalism. At gle for unemployment rellef, while havmust be prepared. The tension in Gerthe Vancouver convention the assembled ing something on the credit side of the hangt met be clear that here a complete western adventure and losing ground states imperialism.
high salaried busdness agents despite balance sheet (for example by way of change of polley is necesary. Not mere continually in her diplomatle disputes But the Kuo Min Tang has not yet many, in the face of the March electhe changes in the phraseology of the dramatization of the issue) still carry ly a change on paper but a change in with the West, finds herself entangled in succeeded in establishing a stable bour tions, may well give vent to an explosion orators, reinforced this polley in full. a mounting record on the deficlt side. reality?
a net of strangling contradictions. On geols power in China. All the experi that will shake Europe. The outcome of They trothed at the mouth against the The very demonstrations organized by the one hand, the Manchurian expedition ences of recent years have helped to the class struggle in Germany will serve dole. They went on record against unand the attack on Shanghai have already strngthen the hatred of the masses of the as a signal for Imperialist action. It is employment Insurance and any form of proved to be extremely expensive, have people against the foreign robber powers, the task of the Communists to lay the federal unemployment relief. protracted stay in China can only ly look upon the Kuo Min Tang flirta of the proletariat. The first requisite Would it now seem, in view of this mean the collapse of her financial structions with Wall Street, with suspicion for that is Internatioanl solidarity. And petition, that the traditional of policy is undergoing a change. We have received about a dozen letters non partisan. On the following day, after ture. Discontent at home is maturing This fact cannot help but increase the It is on this point, that the Stalinist fear it would be entirely to optimistic from party members as well as having appeared in the Magistrate rapidly. Despite ethe censorship, reports opportunities of the Chinese Commun leadership in all the parties of the Comto have such expectations; but these members during the last week. All these Court and after having pleaded not of anti war demonstrations in Tokto and ists to build up their influence and to intern and especially in the Soviet Ungentlemen are quite alarmed at the pro letters deal with the same question suilty it became evident to me that the in other cities have found their way into take the lead in the struggle, supported ton must be called to order.
spects of seriously rising discontent that of the and its relation to did not intend to take the case, the press. The economic crisis and the by the prestige and the backing of the And that much their petition reflects the defense of the prleoners involved in Realizing that we were facing the newt unemployment it brloge can only agvery distinctly.
the cat have not enougt stampe or of our life in prisoy if the frame up was gravate this situation for the Mikado for direct federal rollet; for cessation of dividually so this statement of facta mut obtain legal advise somehow. 1, nese boycott of Japanese foods has alwage cuts; for the five day week, for will serve as a reply to all those concern therefore, put through a telephone call the enactment of the Norris anti injuneed. If am judging correctly, it is evt from Tombe prison to Mr. Fishman, an All political parties in Germany are the bead of this drive stand the socialtlon bill and, of course, they also asked dent that a misunderstanding exlsts in attorney who had successfully defendretrenching themselves for the generalists. The object is to retain Hindenburg for the inevitable 75 percent beer. many a comrade mind as to my personal ed me in another case. Mr. Fishman At present the nominations are taking and also to keep Bruning at the head of How disdainfully Congress Ignored the stand on the question of the arrived the same afternoon and upon The national tour for cumrade Glotser place and the most important parliament parliament, plea of the humble petitioners, was shall endeavor in this statement to set hearing the case told me that he would orientating them shown by its adoption at this moment tle that very question once and for all. see us through, fee or no tee. He has is now under way. For the information ary drive in the history of German pol The Fascists are selves for the drive. To them the elec of our readers in the various cities hiaitics is under way.
At the time of our arrest Nov. 16. kept his promise.
of a number of measures of relief to dates are quoted below.
Hindenburg has accepted the candidacy tions do not close the question. They are capitalism. There are the examples of 1931 we were entirely at the mercy of On the 19th of November, three days the establishment of the two billion dol the polloe and they know It only too after the arrest, received Previously we announced that comrade of a coalition drive to defeat Fasc confident that they can defeat this conlllar reconstructing finance corporation, of well and acted accordingly. Hence, the from comrades Cannon and Treson, Ina letter Glotzer has just returned from a vist lsm. He will have the support of the tion even on the election field. The Nas the Glass banking bill, etc. On the very inhuman and beastly 3rd degree and forming me that due to the fact that to Europe in which he also spent about social democracy, the Centrist party, party and ther counter part, the Nation same day of the Aling of the petition the brutal beating. Bunker at the time, no one had seemingly come forward to four weeks of fruitful discussion with the People Party, the Economie Party Allst party, are grooming their ranks for Senate leaders girded their lolns to de asked me whether thought the defend us, they had in conjunction with Lenin closest co worker, comrade Trot and the Democratic Party. In a word. united stand against the coalfton us. feat even the moderate La Follette Costi would come forward to defend gan bill providing an appropriation of replied that was sure they would as other comrades retained an attorney who sky. It is the result of this discussion, the democratie forces are uniting on The Fascists are now attempting to force which will form the kernel of comrade the basis of a defense and resistance through Hitler citizenship with the would call to see us. The following day, At aim of legalixing his participation in pol375 million dollars for federal unemploy the organization of the D. was sup Mr. Sabatino called and has since the Glotzer lectures. His subject will be: against Fascism and Communiem.
itics and acting as a candidate for his WHAT IS EUROPE HEADING FOR?
ment rellet. Undoubtedly more atten posedly non political and in any event handled the case as chlet counsel with party.
tion would have had to be paid to the Mr. Fishman as associate counsel. On The following is the schedule for From the Needle Strike Front It would be the greatest danger to the of heads if they had underor about the 15th of December, one Glotzer tour: working class of Germany and the whole taken to lead substantial section of Oppositionist Victim of month after the arrest, received a letBoston, Mass. February 19 the millions of unemployed in a march ter from Mr. Brodsky Informing me that The struggle of the dressmakers in world, and particularly the internation New York began a week ago under the the Fascists will terminate their drive al Communist movement, to believe that upon the White House. But that, of White Terror in Greece Montreal, Canada. February 21 he had been instructed by the course, they had no intention of doing.
to offer his legal services. want cor Toronto, Canada. February 23 24 Industrial Union. The Right wing con for power with the end of the elections.
of It is precisely to prevent demonstrations, BULLETIN rades to bear in mind that this was the Buffalo, February 25 trolled International Ladies Garment Quite the contrary. In the event of a which can easily fan a flame of real profirst offer we had from the and calling defent of Fascism at the election polls test and seriously advance demands, Meeting under ausplees of Proletarian Workers Union postponed the The Bourgeols press ports the it came 32 days after our arrest. Bunout of its shops for more than a week, they will begin instantly with a conthe petition came forward, and came secret funeral of our comrade ker, Trader and myself discussed the Party Opposition at 416 Pearl st.
forward in the manner It did. The gov Baboucopoulos in Athens, Greece. letter and it was decided that should Chicago, Ill. February 27 28 with the sole object of isolating the certed drive for power through an arm ed coup.
ernment need not at all take serious 200 comrades forced their way write Brodsky asking him to call in orfight of those dressmakers who are strikWest Frankfort, Ill. March At the moment of this writing, the deheed of such requests. It well knows through the police columns that were der to enable us to discuss the question ing under the banner of the Left wing.
St. Louis, Mo. March Wille the response to the Left wing was Nationalist front are unknown. There talled plans of the combined Fascist and the intentions and designs of its obedlguarding the gates of the cemetery of the committee and endeavor to find Kansas City, Mo. March not such as would be desirable, the ranks ent servants.
in order to bid farewell to the victim ways and means whereby the LD Minneapolis, Minn. March 5, 6, of the medieval terror that the VenThere may be workers, however, who and the committee could get together on remained intact all the time since the 15 certain uneasiness in the ranks of Chicago, Ill. March 10 The conditions of the dressmakers are they do not know how to resist the the democratie coalition because of this take this change of front at face value, izelos regime exercises against our the question. Nothing was heard from Cleveland, Ohio. March 11 now in danger now more than ever. Fascist driva They fear the results of thinking that it indicates a more progres Greek comradee the until days later, when Youngstown, Oblo. March 12 sive attitude and hoping that real leader The police forces were reinforced Brodsky came. asked him how the The Schlesinger machine will not fall Pittsburgh, Pa. March 13 ship for unemployment relief can be ex. from the military garrison and they could explain its attitude in view The meeting for Glotzer in Montreal It will again look for all shades of Im event, Fascism will resort to an armed to live up to its record of betrayals: election defeat of the Fascists bepected from the of high salarled succeeded in arresting all our com of the fact that when approached by ill be held at officials. Such hopes, of course, are rades whom they are deporting imme workers shortly after the arrest they had 85 East Craig St. Sunday evening, Feb. Alize the industry at the expense of the struggle against the government.
doomed to disappointment. It is true diately to the island of LORTOS. Continued on page 2) 21, 1932 (Continued on page 2)
In this situation the role of the Comthat even these reactionaries are subject nunist party is of highest importance.
to a change of front under Information from Germany demonstrates and pressure. They may even under that the is now concentrating such conditions take steps forward and on the elections. Thaelmann is the in a progressive direction. But by their party candidate for president. The party position as defenders of capitalism and is now too, preparing for an intensive hopelessly reactionary make up any such Slowly we are developing a group of which we assure all our supporters is THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNIST has been published at the minimum of parliamentary campaign as a fight on Fasciem the actual needs of the workers Bonen entirely too small, and the results have this we propose to take up particular REVIEW, to appear Apell ist as a new expenses so as to provide literature of two fronts: hea metalen gainst tially they remain brake upon the therefore remained scant. To make the ly during our coming three months sub addition to The Militant, the Young high quality at a price workers can and against the Centre social democratie afford to pay. As to the quality that coalition, stressing at the same time movement and looking for the first op provertdal power of the presa have a scription drive, covering March, Aprill Spartacus, Unser Kamf, and Commun we are willing to submit to our readers that the most important fight must be portunity to betray. Nevertheless, the meaning for the Left Opposition, the and May. Our readers have noticed the 1stes. Secondly, by the special books and pressure upon them, by the deepening first step must become an active build special inducement offers. First, In the pamphlets offered for new subscribers to judeo. But we expect they will also, made against the Centre social democr circulation. announcment of the theoretical organ, during this period. All of this material do their part to help build the Left But the danger in the present situation of the crisis and by extension of the wagej ing and extension cut drive, will increase. This pressure and today, with several organs being HERMAN Opposition press.
lles in that the party sees no further would be deliberately and consciously published or about to appear, the extenDuring the period of the drive, we of than the elections. It is correct that aldod, organized and directed by Left slon should embrace the whole Left Op fer for Militant subscriptions the fol the party should carry on the struggle wing militants. It should be made a position press. This is our Immediate lowing onditions: gle on the election field. But that can teulate and effective, not based upon ex alm.
One year subscription: 00. copy For the Communists it is more important not be the final aim of the struggle.
pectation of results from the official There are still a few months of the of The Permanent Revolution (paper to see further than just the parliamentwinter season left which offers the best bound) by D. Trotaky.
ontinued on page YOUNG SPARTACUS AFFAIR opportunities among workers being more Six months subscription. 004 copy The Spartacus Youth Club of New attentive, participating more in meetings, of The Strategy of the World Revolution York (formerly the Marxian Youth Club) and being more easily within reach of (paper bound) by Trotsky.
MINNEAPOLIS will hold an affair for the Young Spar our propaganda. We naturally depend Three months wubscription: 50 COMRADARY tacus at the Militant Hall, 84 East 10tb upon our comrades to support us, to at by LEON TROTSKY copy of any one of our 100 pamphlets.
for Street, on Saturday evening. February tend these gatherngs, to make their conTHE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNIST UNSER KAME 27th. There will be entertainment, tacts, to sell a copy of the Left OpposlSingle coples. 10 Cents In bundles of or more Cents REVIEW will appear in 48 pages, bl Saturday. FEBRUARY 27, 1932 dancing and refreshments tion press and to endeavor to get a Order Now monthly in the beginning. The price per P.
All youth are invited to attend this new sub. When practically organized copy will be 15c. Subscription will be at the home of affair as well as the regular club meetPioneer Publishers, 84 East 10th St. 50 for 12 issues and 00 for IBNUGA.
IELKIN Inge held every Sunday afternoon at and carried on, this will also help us Help us bulld the Left Opposition Press!
in replenishing our depleted treasury 1127 Gerard Ave.
8:00 at the above address compulsion Aid Our Circulation Drive GERMANY The Key to the International Situation