AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCominternCommunismDemocracyEnglandFascismGermanyKaganóvichLeninLeninismMarxMarxismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorking Class

EDITORIAL NOTES In Spain: The Socialists and State Power. From Comrade Trotsky Letter to the National Sections PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1932 by Caballero colleague, de los Rios, minister of Justice, in his interview to El Sol last November Opposing this standpoint is the group headed by Besteiro, more popular flg.
Reformists Maneuver to Avoid Responsibility before the Laboring Masses ur in W. WISDOM The founder of the German labor chairman, as well as the chairman of the parts, who 18 in fact, ita Some comrades who have contributed movement were not without shortcomings The party with the strongest influence pelled to sacrifice the monarch to the by the reactionary bourgeoisie, out of Cortes Bestelroopposes a socialist the , and the president of the money to the General Defense Commt. In the field of theory and tactics. Marr, among the workers and peasants of furious advance of the insurrectionary fear of disillusioning the masses who tee of the to belp in the de who was his contemporary, explained Spain today is the socialist party. In people, wisely provided themselves with still have measure of faith in them. coalition until the party fs in a strong fense of the Kentucky miners As the them sufficiently and they are known to the coalition cabinet of the Cortes it is a buttress on the Left side in the form The Parpose of a goelalist enough position to carry out the full Militant suggested a number of times the students of socialist history. But, represented by three ministers, Cabal of the bourgeois socialist coalition in the socialist program for the reconstruction have called attention to the statement for every serious revolutionist, Lassalle lero, de los Rios and Prieto. As a con revolutionary commttee which subsequ Government in the Industrial Workert of February remains Lasalle, the sword and the sequence of the relationship of forces ently constituted the government.
In addition, the problem should be The Reformists Fear the Consequences of society.
to the effeet that the Trotskyites have flame of the proletariat. We do not in the country the question of a socialist regarded from another angle. bour.
never donated a single penny for the grant to anyone the right to disparage government in power has become one of The Socialists in the Coalition whole Between both viewpoints, geols government in which the socialists relief or defense of the Kentucky min and belittle him and thereby to distort the most acute iues in the present day merely participate but do not govern essence of the issue is juggled around ers. and the profound conclusion: him altogether and to obscure his grand polities of Spain.
The drawing of the socialists into the necessarily brings down upon itself grow. with an elaborate and pompous cynicism. Classify the Trotskydtes with the other lose historte import.
coalition had a double advantage foring measures of popular wrath. Neces. The socialists are the strongest party in traitors who have sabotaged the Kenfucky miners. We can only attribute spoke of Lassalle many times, and almore despicable role in Spain than the mediately placed at the service of the compelled to inaugurate reactionary power as a pure socialist government Lenin, who was not so presumptious, body in the country that has played a clection apparatus of the was im bourgeoiste, to consolidate its position, tion in the Cortes. They do not take One can scarcely point to any other the bourgeosie. In the first place, the sarily, for the simple reason that the the country, with the largest representathe indignation of the comrades in ques ways with respect. He began his fam socialist party. During the period of the joint coalition no small matter, for the proposals which rob the masses of any for the simple reason that they fear the tion to Inexperience. If you have any ous brochure What is to be done or by Primo de Rivera dictatorship with its constituted after the proclamation pretense to democratic rights and which conesquences of assuming so heavy a to dealing with the you have to quoting in thests form, from a letter record of reaction and repression, the of the republic about the only political Haunts all the promises made in the sponsibility before the masses. real and not take them too seriously. It is he speaks of the historical service Les with the dictatorship. Largo Caballero, organization. Secondly, the presence of tivity of the masses, rebelling as they tle more and little less than socialdem.
just the way of writing out salle rendered to the German labor the leading spokesman of the socialist these socialist and trade union repre are against these proposals, increase, eratle governments have done in the recepte.
movement. Trotsky bas referred to party and Secretary of the socialist Gen. sentatives in the government served to the bourgeoisie, or at the very least, a pust in such countries as Germany, Bel What is more important to notice is him in the same manner in Our Revolu eral Workers Union, was a Concillor of give it sufficient of a rose tint at the substantial section of this class, find it glum and England. It would carry out, the approach of the Industrial Worker to thon and in other works. Such exam State under Primo, and by his assistance outset to attract the support of masses the best part of wisdom to put the serious defeats suffered by the workples were lost on the reviewer who ap to the dictator purchased a legal exist of workers and peasants who, still dom wall between its domination and the the bourgeoisie, to which it is bound by Left in every essential respect, the policy of ing class in the convictions of Jones praised Lassalle in the Militant.
and Hightower. In these defeats, there It is necessary to protest against the organization, both of which were con would have regarded a purely bourgeois ence for his party and his trade union inated by strong democratie illusions, assaults of the masses, in other words, a thousand threads. But carrying out les brevealeden deplorable weakness of the utterly false eraluation of Lassalle inverted into docile agencies of the state government with constderably greater hope will more easily absorb the shocks without the possibility of furnishing pre point of analysis and discussion by every no less important to react against tor of State, who elaborated the notorof mass action. Another section of the texts or shifting responsibiliy, would militant who considers things from the the spirit it manifests. We have to lous law providing for But such an inconvenient combination bourgeoisie, it is true, bolder and head basten phenomenally the disillusionment standpoint of the class and its armament be careful that such a movement as ours paritarlow, consecrating by compulsion cannot last forever. That is to say, the ter, demands even stronger measures for of the masses who still follow the soc.
for future battles. But the Industrial which is obliged, especially under pre the system of class collaboration through development of the struggle, far from the establishment of law and order talist party and are beclouded with dem.
Worker one 18 to Judge by its ex: sent conditions, to emphasize the crit out every Industry. Until virtually the moderating is becoming increasingly measures which lead straight in the ocratic fantasies. Upon the background tended comments on February has not scal side of its work, does not become a last day of the monarchy, the socialist acute. The masses are demanding direction of Fascism. Thus is establish of a socialist government would be starkshame drag the dictatorial cash payment for their revolutionary upled the division of opinion in the ranksly revealed all the cowardice, is why its comments are so barren, 60 venue self assurance. Tendencies of this Juggernant other the prostrate hettes et rising which ushered in the republic of the bourgeoise. the latter standpoint ossness, impotence and reactionism of pormeated with petty factional recrimin. kind are to be seen now and then, es the Spanish working class and peasantry. they are demanding the fulfillment of te represented by Lerroux, who 18 al the social democracy. In such a manner ation and so devold of any proposals for pecially among the youth. The parvenue the future organization of the class fight spirit is the petty bourgeois spirit. It The intensification of the revolutionary those multitudinous promises with which ready proceeding to organize a Fascist as would become clear to all. That is the bourgeoisie bought their support. band throughout Spain; the former why the socialist lenders recoll from in surh a way as to make good the deis alien to an organization of proletarian station, marked by flerce general issues are therefore being put so pointed standpoint is advocated by fairly pow. the prospect; that is why even the most feats.
revolutionaries and has no legitimate strikes in the principal localities served ly that it becomes increasingly difficult erful organs of the LASSALLE and now re three times before taking such a steprights within it.
to cut the reluctant socialist away from for the socialist leaders to take the ample, the ex monarcbtet class, for ex hard pressed bourgeois thinks twice and for after it might come the revolutionThe editorial board of the Militant the dictatorship. The bourgeoisie, com same position towards them as is taken publican dally in Madrid, El Sol.
The Attitude of the Socialists ary deluge.
owes an apology to its readers for the publication, in the issue of January 30, In the ranks of the socialist party What Is the Official Dolng?
of the book review dealing with a releaders themselves, however, there is a In view of this situation, the official cent biography of Lassalle. The super.
division of opinion on the matter of a party obdurately refuses to adopt the socialist government. or more accur slogan and tactie advocated by the Left fine pant and presumptions to me, have have received No. of the organ schev was at once tlme sentenced to the thought the staliniat bureaucrac declared tely, of a socialist coalition. for none Opposition which is for driving the soc been remarked as more appropriate for of our Bulgarian friends, Osvobozhdenie death.
claimed: Coflin, finished. the New Masses than for our paper. The (Emancipation. This number contains Greece and so socialist cabinet. Largo Caballero, one to take a stand in the government forth. Is it so long ago that it was of the least popular bat strongest of the which will facilitate the winning of the entire article contradicte our attitude truly astounding material of the mal2. have received a group picture established: The Right opposition is socialist leaders, ruling Agure in the masses for the revolutionary cause: the toward the grekt historie figures of the treatment of our comrades in the prisons of 23 Greek comrades, Bolshevik Leninproletariat, among whom we count Lae by the Staliniats Imprisoned there. It sts, Archio Marxists. who are incarfrom now on the main danger! Now minister of labor in the cabinet, slogan and tactle which Lenin Bolsalle. Its appearance in these columns appears that a group of supporters of the derated in Singros prison in Athens.
selle onttrely hecidental. We are decide Left opposition has been formed against This picture gave me a living and direct that Trotskylsm has penetrated into a clared pubitely the readiness of the soe revolutions in Russia. Against this we have a new turn. Trotskyism is and ruled by an uncontrollable ambition sheviks applied with such exemplary suc ly against the attitude expressed the the prisoners in some of the Bulgarian idea of the composition of our Greek the institutions of learning into the most talst party to constitute the government position, the Stalinfats adopt. thor: article, and we re still more against penitentiaries. Against them, a rabid and section. Shameless, paid bureaucrats important the spirit of it.
text books and even into the and its cabinet. In the interview which oughly sectarian and sterlle attitude.
thoroughly polsoned, that 19, a purely HOMTOMIC COM Stalinist baiting 18 carried on, which is have had the cheek to call these prole commentaries to Lenin works. The Cen he granted a couple of months ago, he Bureaycratic boasting replaces revolutarians whose revolutionary spirit fostered by bureaucrats from the outside. written upon their countenances Pasetions by telegraph that while the Right emphasized however, that the socialists tionary tactics.
CHICAGO OPEN FORUM 18 tral Committee informs the organiza The Two Billion Dollar Credit Pool, One need not doubt that among the incarists! Wherever the faction of the Bol wing opposition seeks points of supports would not take over the Crisis and the Workers cerated Stalinists there are not a few honInclude in cab Inactive expectancy, waiting and hoping Speaker: Hugo Oehler est and upright revolutionists. But when shevik Leninists in Greece has sunk firm on the land, in the Kolkboses, etc. thepletely, but womto the government com The party is forced into a position of inet the representatives of other parties, for the socialist party to lose influence sunday, FEBRUARY 21, 1932 in the name of the Comintern they are roots in the working class the future Trotskyists raise their heads in the for they realize that they have not among the masses automatically, so to toid all sorts of atrocities about the Left Ino Marxism. salute most warmly our Amsterdamer, presented a speech before is not ripe enougl for the socialists ist party leaders have conducted their Kaganovitch, the enough strength and that the situation speak. It is quite true that the social1435 Western Avenue.
Opposition, atrocities which they cannot verify in prison, they prout out their Imprisoned comrades.
Auspices: Chicago Branch, of prison hatred upon the Left Opposition Russia fills up a whole page of the Pravda, on to put through their complete program selves before and since the proclamation (Oppostilon)
ists, that is, they take the road of least, Just two months ago we received the need of opening up a struggle against The same point of view was underscored of the republle in a most hideous manCHANC ner, which has undoubtedly resulted in a certain decline of its influence. Une tlonists that these accusations be stated which characterized the theoreti: political significance of this campaign, we will have to express ourselves espe Pioneer Publishers Notes fortunately, this process is by no means nies and physical collisions.
cadres of the Left Opposition. This ma: being, it is sufficient to mention a few does not follow a straight line. If it The Catholic Church exercises a strict took place in a vacuum, one might even In Plovdiv (Philipopel) a few com terial consists of a few hundred small facts that leap particularly to the eye. censorship over the books its flock is per establish with mathematical accuracy Glotzer spoke to an audience of about rudes were heavily wounded, the Stalin sheets which are written with such mie The Stalinist top is compelled to draw the mitted to read. In this tranner It keeps the point at which socialist influence upOn Friday, February 5th, comrade ignorance, and on the masses would rech the vanishing members on the subject of Communism with a complaint against our comrades spirative dispatch that it took some less and less, can it base itset upon these therefore docile and obedient to Fascism in Germany. Comrade Glot who were thereupon completely locked six weeks to decipher it with magnify: who repeat the general incumbent form Church, the point. But it takes place, on the conwhy It Invents trary, in a live and complicated onvironist die eerste Germany for the interm. eldent a letter of comrade Gatscher, along the best peale come la cea behind supplementary formulae, ever more enor parties have learned from the Pope so often resulted in a strengthening of The readers of the official Communist ment. Just as socialist opportuutsm has tional working class, including the Sov. addressed to the state prosecutor, on ary efforts that are concealed behind!
lot Union, and sharply criticised the October 16, 1931, 18 published in svob them. The material received after en mous, which finally culminate in the have they never forgotten their early anarchist and syndicalist ideology in the So dogma of Stalin Infallibility. Every training? They too dictate to their masse Comintern present capitulating policy.
The outstarding incident of the discus as the editorial board correctly writes in the Buletin of the Russian Opposition. ection whatever, leads inevitably to con. Trotsky or any of the Left opposition ozhdenie. An excelent document which long a delay, we have begun to publish attempt at Marxist research in any dir flock: You must not read anything by masses, so also does anarchist sectarian ism and Impotence frequently drive the sion which followed was a presentation. bespeaks the high proletarian morale In No. 25 26 there is reprinted a large fiets with the ideology of Stalinism. An writers. By this prohibition they home disappointed masses back into the arms of the Stalinist position on the German of our Incarcerated friends. In my op article by comrade Rakovsky and pro ever greater number of people who are to keep the membership Ignorant of the This is being proved in Spain today. One of the social democratic opportunists.
comrade argued that India or China, not in the whole international press of the reader will be convinced without dime thing whatsoever, who are, on the can there as in the Catholic Church, dar need only point to Barcelona, where question. Incredible as it may seem the inion this letter must be brought out grammatis thests of three exiles. Every not connected with Trotskyism by any.
Germany. was the key to the internation: Lett opposition; it deserves it in every state of how the the Russian apposition. trary, even hostile to it, fall under the ing individuals rebel against being kept strengthen this the storie erme in years ago not precipitate intervention in the International Lett Opposition. Further nal discussions in the Left Opposition important Marxian seats of learning in they are to polemize Intelligently. For by the anarchists. Thus these two victory of Fascism in Germans woulding out that its author belongs to the The maxerial, which contains the inter other hand, it appears that the most duty to read the opposition material is a result of the hopeless cohese purses on it says: Mr. State Prosecutor, evidences the high level upon which the all the higher educational institution are the benefit of these, as well as others who tremes of the labor movement feed upon Comrade Glotzer summation of the have never wanted and would never per theoretical political level of the Russia apitulated. This fact demonstrates in which have torn the Communist more have nullified many of the splendid op choy compositionists who have want to know what the disputes are each other parasitically. Worse yet, the discussion shattered these arguments to mit your interference in our factional Bolshevik Leninista is unfolding. In it a anties and incapacity of the Staliniste bits. He showed again, upon the basis struggles. You are the representative new generation of Marxists is taking directly, but very convincingly, that a ment of the world into factions, we have of the Stalinist move, the trightful con of bourgeois class rule against which we shape, which will not permit the extinc serious theoretical life exlsts only within undertaken the task of publishing for the portanties which communis one is dem Sequences for the the trade are fighting in order to replace it by the top of the theoretical spirit of scientific the Lett Opposition, so that the stalinist first time in English all the manseripts fered at the expense of the sociale pent: unions, all working class organizations rule of the working class. We are a communism. The less opportunity the bureaucracy is compelled to use rene which have been suppressed by the Pocracy in Spa phase ore det spel ist eitincluding the social democracy, of a fraction in the class struggle movement Russian comrades have to let themselves gades to occupy the most important seats Aclal party.
Pasciat victory in Germany: the inevit of the proletariat which is a foe of be heard from at the right time and of learning.
uation we leave to the forthcoming arable world wide reaction that would fol the class which you serve. Since his audibly, the more resolutely and intransTHE DRAFT PROGRAM ticles.
The fact that such a tremendous state low, and the certainty of intervention action opponents nevertheless turn to geantly the foreign comrades must re and party apparatus is compelled, after Draft Program, smuggled out of Russia.
The first of these manuscripts was The MAX SHACHTMAN.
on the the state prosecutor, Gatscher consider bell intrigues and insinuations of all eight years of uninterrupted and bitter Months later we discovered that this was The forum was a demonstration that ed it necessary to put the truth corsorts, regardless of the source from struggles against the Left Opposition, to only part of Trotsky criticism submitdespite the shameful silence of Stalin rectly. Further on the tragle episode which they come.
and the Comintern generally and the of the collision is presented in detail. The January Conference of the the struggle against Trotskyism. shows then secured the balance, and published concentrate all its forces once again forted to the Sixth World Congress. We MINNEAPOLIS Daily Worker in this country, on the After Gatscher has quoted Trotsky WORKERS OPEN FORUM burning Importance of the situation an article on the impermeability of ter Conference of the u. are en The Russian Left Opposition still bus ategy of the World Revolution. This pam. What It Means to American Workers The preparations of the January the imperturbable vitality of our ideas. It separately under the title of The Stra The Kentucky Miners Strike phlet is in reality the second part of the is still alive even in the ranks of the Alghts of the working class, he continues tirely under the sign of the struggle great historical word to say.
against Trotskyism. How long ago is)
party ptifled by the bureaucratic leader TROTSKY. Draft Program.
We cannot make use of provocation, at 1630 Franklin St.
ship terror, swindle, calumniation, killings, Sunday, February 21, 1932 TIMELY DEBATE NO WORKER CAN CERTIFICATE HOLDERS Auspices: Communist League of America nom mm etc. in the struggle against comrades. Opposition)
But when we are asaulted shall we not AFFORD TO MISS!
All those who have subscribed for ADMISSION FREE Everyone Welcome THE MILITANT defend ourselves? Yes, we defend our certificates in the Pioneer Publishers Published weekly by the Communist selves because we are no christiana.
paying the 10 in full or in part, are League of America (Opposition)
ANARCHISM requested to send their names and adBOSTON The letter ends with the following 84 East 10th St.
words. The real judgment will be given IN SPAIN dresses so the certificates can be mailed Class on the Fundamentals of EDITORIAL BOARD For Communism: by the working clogs. It is to it that Communism For Anarchism: at once. Those who have not yet subMartin Abern MAX SHACHTMAN James Cannon appeal. Similar incidents took place Instructor: Comrade Konikow CARLO TRESCA scribed are urgently requested to do so immediately. Payments can be made on Maurice Spector in other prisons. The public opinion of Every Tuesday at P.
Max Shachtman of the Communist League Arne Swabeck the working class must be informed as Editor of Il Martello a weekly or monthly basis. All holdof America (Opposition. well known Italian ers of certificates are entitled to Elm Hill Building. 532 Warren St. Entered as second clase mall matter widely as possible about these facts.
Just Returned from Spain.
American Anarchist. 33 3 discount on all of our own ROXBURY November 28, 1928, at the Post Office Our Bulgarian comrades must feel that ROGER BALDWIN Under the act of they are not alone, that there are hunpublications and 15 discount on books Auspices: Boston braneh, A.
New York, Chairman of other publishers handled by us. Opposition)
March 3, 1879.
dreds and thousands of comrades with Friday, March 4, 1932 at P.
With a little additional capital we will VOL 3, No. (Whole No. 103)
them in every country and that the PLACE TO BE ANNOUNCED LATER be abe to extend our publication work NEW YORK BRANCH Saturday. FEBRUARY 18, 1982 Admission: Thirty. ve Cents and include in our list a number of the Classes.
Tickets can be procured at the offices of The Militant, 84 East 10th St. Subecription rafe: 00 per year; for number of their friends is growing raMarxian classics now out of print and Marxism: Instructor Arne Swabeck eign 50. Five cents per copy. pidly.
and Martello, 82 East 10th Street, New York City.
some never printed before. Send for To Begin Soon. Register At: Bundle rates, cents per copy. It should be added that comrade Gatapplication blank to day.
84 Fant 10th St. at CONTINDIHMIDOMOWA at