AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCentrismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyImperialismItalyLeninismMarxismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1932 THE MILITANT PAGE IN THE INTERNATIONAL OF LABOR Reviews and News of the Working Class and Revolutionary Movements German Opposition Forges Ahead per the factories which will have the et Reactionary Policies and the Working Class Movement in Spain Growing Sentiment for a United Struggle against Fascism THE SPLIT IN THE BRANDLER GROUP the ing place on the basis of the sentiments fect of negating the policy of the leadership. It has become a fact that even the followers of the the red trade union Opposition. are not pre pared to continue along the lines of the party leadership. The partial strikes, carried out on command, lead to great The government of the republie con declaration of Azana, when he took over Very encouraging processes are taking rejects common action, not only with the this policy of the party leadership which torles, without in any way strengthen tle and Imaginary dangers which, accord. stupid and reactionary phrase, the resacrifices for the Communists in the fac stantly threatens the people with fantas. the presidency of the government, that place in the labor movement today. In but with the the new is bound to culminate in a bloody de ing the intluence of the party therein and ing to it, endanger the republic and public will make itselt respected, and if the factories, in the trade unions, in the centrist Socialist Labor Party) as well. feat of the German proletariat with an on the contrary, causing its further en which each time are increasingly immi not, then feared. if we take into aca Every worker is expected to accept the the necesary sharpness, the party func fecblement. The Rote Fahne of January nent. Those responsible for these dan count the mildness and considerateness powerful impulsion toward a united leadership of the in advance as tionaries, in their press, daily pour their sth reports that in Wurttemberg, Silesia. gers are those who carry on acts char with which the government has profront is furrowing a path for itself at the one chosen lodgership of the work rails of refuse and slander out against Saxony, Berlin, the Ruhr, etc. there acterized by ter a long period of marking time. Skep ing class, violence against publiceeded against the reactionary religious tical over the ability of their leaders to By tearing themselves loose from the writes that comrade Trotsky has landed phenoient which were hardly possible language used by those who under the us in the repressive policy which is bethem. The Rote Fahne of January 8th exist opportunist deviations. These are peace and order. This naturaly is the orders, there will be nothing to surprise establish the united front of their class, by realizing that only through on the position of Noske and Greexin several months ago. It is undoubted: government have shut off the voice of ing carried out today.
the workers in the factories are begin the dictatorship of the proletariat will sky. The editors of the Rote Fahne, for the more strongly the desire for a unt the people and above all. the voice of force a nuited front upon their leaders. have brought an expression for the fact than anything else and for whom the rank, the harder it will become for the asked for the fullllment of the promises the nmuths of the working classes who ning to set up a united front from below they achieve socialism, the workers whom their jobs are more important ted front makes its appearance in the the proletariat, when this voice has he subjected to a special law, to shut It is said that the religious orders will The decision of the Berlin Gas Work that they have entered the terrain of revolution is merely a phrase, are great comunists in the factories to carry which the same government made be demand the immediate expulsion of the ers is of great significance in this re revolutionary class struggle. By the heroes when it comes to fighting with out the policies of the party leadership. tore proclaiming the republican regime. Jesuits, the friars and the monks from spect. The factory councilmen of these creation of the they hav works are recognizing the seriousness of nounced in adance that they have no con position, but when it is a question of diction with the party leadership despicable methods against the left Op They inevitably come into contra This language is used to justify the re the country, but this law has not yet the situation at the resent perilous fidence in the present leadership of the the slightest activity on the part of the pressive actions of the state hour, expresed in the program of the And it is precisely the polley class enemy, they fall into the greatest to follow up this process in the party The republican government of Spain proletariat, to crush the rebelliousness power been passed; another law was passed It is the task of the Left Opposition against the people.
and approved, to shut the mouths of the Nazis to transform Germany into of the present leadership of the Companic.
bloody dictatorship and felt by the workmanist party that forces them to have It is not intransigeance in principle necessary to cause those party comrades reactionary policy: social democracy, ing for bread and justice. The law for with the greatest attentiveness. It is leans ever further toward an essentially of the working masses who were clamor.
ers of the is works and by the work purty of their own, to nourish their that cause them to reject a united front who are already beginning to understand collaboration with the present govern the defense of the republic was approved ing class as a whole. The workers illusions with the policy of certain lead with and but political that the policy of Thaelmann and Rem ment constitute the false mask of of against the wishes of the people and in council has issued an appeal to the leaders of their party, namely, that it is helplessness and the simple fear of bemele is leading the party to a precipice, ficial democracy, in reality a hypocritic order to crush the people. The Civil ers of all parties, to do everything in necesary to create a new Communisting overpowered by the opposing parties to take further steps on the path of the al reaction. The constitution with which Guard has been charged with making their power to establish a united front party since the one that exists cannot in united front.
of all the workers. The workers coun change its polley. What does the reconstruction of the party, to organize the Constituent Assembly has endowed respected the law passed and promul The fact that the Rote Fahne of Janu.
cil will undertake all the necessary leadership tell these workers? With ary Sth must occupyy itself with the them into a firm faction. Therein les the defense of the republie. Was al pated by those who placed among the steps to create and assure the united your organization we cannot have a Trotskyiteswith the vanguard of the the only guarantee for victory in the ready reactionary and retrogressive first of their demands the dissolution of united front since your leaders are only counter The functionaries of the Berlin Shoe Left wing social Fascists You must proves how deeply the ideas of the left party.
revolutionary Bourgeoisier decisive struggle for the Communist constitution outmoded and anti dem the disastrous Civil Guard when they ocratic at bottom, even from the stand were conspirators.
Workers Union have adopted a resolu destroy your organization and enter the Opposition are penetrating into the point of the bourgeoisie. If we add to tion: all proletarian parties are to enter a Only PERMANENTE REVOLUTION. this constitution and to this law for the the workers are openly The recent and present struggles of into a united front, commitees of ac united front of a proletariat, e. the party. In the party, a process is takand frankly (January 15, 1932) defense of the republic the shameless struggles for the dissolution of the Civil toin are to be formed, etc. red united front be realized.
The workers are obliging their Guard. Here is where the government leaders to take the path toward a united alone bears the responsiblity for the fact The present party leadership, which has exposed its truly reactionary and refront. They demand a united front with that these workers who have torn thempressive character, defending the mur.
the From the Rote Fahne of selves from the have not come ders perpetrated by the Civil Guard, January 5, we can clean that pressure directly to the Communist party, which protecting and defending what its memfor a united front has also been brought On January 12. a number of the lead. Right was a bridge to the social dem Czech republic. Shortly after its forma bers had characterized as a atal body.
by the party organizations in Wurtenis doing everything to hold them backing founders and spokesmen of the Gerocracy. The Left Opposition made this tion, the Brandler group yielded such The very laws of the republic, these bure. sitesin, Saxony, etc. These phen from that at present, belleves that the man Brandler group were expelled by aflirmation at a time when the Right wing lenders like Rosl Aschenbrenner, Xavier some reactionary laws, are vlolated and despite all difficulties, the working class low their call and destroy thelr own the policy towards the newly formed power with centrism, in the highest in the party of Wels, Noske and Schelde of the government itself. The law on wing of the social democracy, the Social stances of the Comintern and the Rusmann. Not long itself is beginning to realize the united party.
afterward, Messrs. Individual Hberty is ridiculous le Really, the Communist party has never ist Labor party (8. of Seydewitz sian party.
We made this characteriza Miller, Levitch Co. quit the Lorestone Today men are thrown into fall without What is the party leadership doing? pursued much a light headed, irrespon and Co. The expelled leaders include tion at the time when Bucharin was the group for the more fertile and massy taking the least account of this liberty.
all of its such people as Walcher, Froelich, Koeh principal theoretician of the Communist fields of the social democratie progres and the government behaves in social Instead of supporting the first real steps site and criminal polley ler, Rose Wolfstein, Enderle, Karl Frank, International when Itoy was one of its sives and worse, while the Lovestone and political conflicts as in the best per towards the creation of a united front existence, of) Ir the iron front signifies betrayal Thomas and many others. The expul main spokesmen, when it was planned group as a whole became positively lod of the dictatorship of Primo de Rivfrom the factories. Instead leading them into revolutionary chan. of the working class, then polley of sions, which are tantamount to a split, to put Brandler and Thalheimer back thunderstruck with admiration for the era and Berenguer. The Law for the Defense of the in the factories with such accusations of a united struggle of the working class. the central and stratet section of when the right wing ran the American, tion in the American Socialist party.
nels, it casts suspicion upon the workers the red united front sigulties sabotage de centre stage Str the development of into the leadership of the German party. revolutionary, pro Soviet Militant Republle Swedish, Alsatian and other parties.
as the following: The factory This is the opinion of millions of Ger The Walcher Froelich group stood up After the sixth Congress, when the Right Walcher Froelich faction (and also a lic was nimed exclusively at the workNow, the numerous supporters of the The law for the defense of the repuborder to harness the working class for afiliations. Not to take cognizance of the ground of wirtualis liquidating Whitewas expelled broughout the inter number of supporters of Brandler ana ing class revolutionary movement. The councilmen only want a united front in man workers regardless of their party onderpolicy are betraga promulgated by this correct class instinct means to work with Brandlere organization and morning motions werepeated pour characterized Thalheimer, their organ reports, social democracy, which sees in Wels.
Cannot participate in the united front and it is precisely this that the present grouped around Seydewitz. In other out that it would not occupy for long al social democracy of the more despicable eet enemy, has taken the most direct and that is why only the red united day leadership of the party is doing words, they planned to eliminate even position between Communism and the and cowardly and treacherous type and persistent part in the training of front remains. The party leadership Because the left opposition condemns the last nominal pretense to Communion counter revolutionary social democracy, that is, of the Left wing.
this law.
of the Brandler Lovestone Roy interna ials from the Brandlers and Lovestones. flowers for the social democratie bouquet. and present, against this brutal represThus the Right wing produces the The working class movements, past tional. The dissidents have already bela More than that, they treated our asser. Each shading of the Right wing mores son have had the defect of being purely witz lenders and their formal entry into they not being made by the Trotskytst its bridges to the social democracy in spontaneous and lacking in leadership PARIS, FRANCE possible to say that the policy after the the Socialist. Labor party is merely a counter revolutionists. who had broken its own particular way. Some rush for: We have seen workers defend themselves The internal crisis of the government, thnt is to say, first of all, the shelving the negotiations with Bruening, who af fact. Wy this writing the marriage has the expulsions which the Bucharlm, at the failure of the promised masses socialists and non party men forming a of Briand, has a far greater significance firms that the German bourgeoisie will probably already been consummated.
than Humanite assumes. Here is the not pay any more reparations, is not the When the right wing first took shape against them? But time is replete with to the left wing of the socialdem the leadership has not been realised the opinion of the party paper. 16 32. same and ennn be the same as the in the Communist International the Bol perences, particularly for the Marxists ocracy still others capitulate cultely by cause the leaders have not wanted bt change in policy? Not really! There one pursued before that.
is a profound Identity between the pol Laval, Tardieu and Co. under section of Communism declared that the the form of history against the calumny. dropping out of working class politics en There has not even been created a real icy of Briand Herriot, Briand Poincare stand that very well. The triumphant the violence, the misrepresentation and tirely: and the rest oscillate leverishly political united front, no orientation has Brland Blum, Briand Laval and the pre voyages of Laval to Berlin, London and the philistinisin of the Right wing liq. with the winds, waiting for the most been given to these proletarian movefavorable opportunities, regretful sent day Tardieu Laval policy. How can Washington has not fooled them at all, wants France grant concessions, udators.
The has not seen these events: this policy vary from the other today? although they have attempted indeed to France whose little clients and valets The Right wing condescendingly ex. the impatient ones have reduced their It is hardly to be expected that the throw sand in the eyes of the middle (Poland, Czechoslavakia, Jugoslavia, plained to us that they could not share barsenining power with those before its leaders were occupled with sterile crisis is going to calm down the feroe classes and workers. The actual results Belgium) are agitated by unrest, raises our sectarian point of view. They, you whom they are prepared to capitulate internal discussions, and divked into two in the end.
lous intent of our imperialism. Quite of the Berlin trip and of the establish her head and makes believe that she basse, were for winning the masses, for Lorestone only a few weeks ago wrote anarchists, likewise pure. This div.
the contrary.
The editors of Hanianite are deceiv (with the aid of Jouhaux) is the de is to say, upon her rights. upon her. We retorted that they would never win that the differences between Brandler ision has paralyzed the activity of the ing themselves completely. They do not claration of insolvency made by Bruen einnon. Under these conditions, Pase the masses, certainly not for the pro and the minority were not so fundament.
The official Communist party has not even take into account the fact that the ing on the eve of the Lausanne confer ist Italy, whose economy is in a state letarian revolution and Communism. alor serious. We want to be recorded in complete agreement with this thonght. Neen them, as it has not seen the need to the actual result of the of full fledged internal decomposition, Time has here again vindicated theortssecond part of this paragraph literally ence, contradicts the first part. In fact it is voyage to Washington that has brought attempts grand gestures which are com cal considerations. The Right wingers. It is largely a difference over stages. for correet Bolshevik tacties. It has precisely the crisis which, by making only increased pressure of the United mented favorably in the entire imperial have long ago started to go to the orer tempo Patience is never wore not known how to take advantage of our imperialism more ferocious. to em States on the internal polley of the Eur 1st French press: it is necessary to estab masses. of the social democracy. warded. Let us wait but a while. Who favorably for our conquest of the mains ploy his own impression, imposes cer pean governments, not to speak of the tsh a united front of the European In Czecho Slovakia, the bulk of the much is hold enough to say that where Walches. The Spanish Stalinists, the same tain changes in the political orientation insults proffered by Borah to our chauv. creditors against the Thus we are advertised Right wing group promptly er or Bert Miller is today. Lovestone who on the day of the proclamation of of the burgeoisie. One has to be blind inlsts. Under the veil of a very rela witnessing u transformation in a double proceeded to shift its activity into the or Brandler will not be tomorrow? the republie launched slogan, Down not to understand that. In MARSH with the bourgeois republie. today, has to be not only blind but as limited tion the real weakness of French Im sure accentuates the rivalries and the ranks of the social democracy of the when the working class needs to be as the Stalinists in order not to underperialism, which is doomed to lose part dissensions among the European Imper.
orientated and guided in its struggle stand that the economle development of the fruits of its pillage of 1918, are ialisms and on the other hand the self with the Civil Guard and with reaction, attempt that is to say in the last analysis, the revaling themselves. And this turn in same pressure obliges them cannot find the appropriate slogan, but their FOR YOUR LIBRARY international and national class relation the situation is not to have serious reper common efforts with regard launch a far different one, contradicting ships necessitate different reactions on cussions in the ranks of the bourgeoisie mammoth rival. There is not the slightthemselves, mutilating their own slogans, the part of the bourgeoisie as a consequ. itself? And yet that is just what est doubt that the present phase will Books by Leon Trotsky disorientating the masses who need the cnce of the situation with which the lat Humanite wants its readers to believe. bring about an accentuation of the pro most absolute simplifications of the proter is faced. In this sense, It is false! In the month of June, the Left Opposi cess of dissension. The capitalist untTHE DRAFT PROGRAM OF THE blem.
to say that COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL The Workers Solution Briand or Turdieu bears the same traits. tion showed how America was going to ted front is merely a utopia when it is a matter of going against the Critieism of Fundamentals The solution lies in the united front If one wants to speak of profound profit from the crisis by which the prin Introduction by Cannon of the proletarint, but in a real and selfidentity in their policies simply in the epal European duntries have been It can only be of reality when it turns 140 pages hard paper cover 35 respecting united front, not in the un sense that they are all bourgeois politseizedem order to reinforce its tutelage sainst the Soviet Union. Against the ited front and the maneuver which the ticlans and the representatives of cap. Burope to content itself with its ra2. THE STRATEGY OF THE WORLD Soviet Union, imperialism can realise official party proposes.
REVOLUTION italism in the government, then that is the united front and is realizing it. But tions. Part of the Draft Program. The dangers which threaten the remerely an elementary truth, but it one publie the government itself protects what Laval has attempted to break the against America, that is to say against wants to say and that is just the capitalist competitor who monopolizes 86 pages, two colored paper cover 21 and defend them, by betraying its own Humanite does want to say that all strangle hold, trying to take advantage by himself almost half of Introduction by Max Shachtman the world promise. We say its promise. because united the reactions of the bourgeoisie in the of a particularly difficult tinancial confront is possible THE SPANISH REVOLUTION we believe that the republican governcourse of the development of events are juncture in the His little black market, no 30 pages, paper cover 100 ment has not betrayed the people, as always the same, that is a profound mis mail me at Washington did not meet very attempt at a union among the THE PERMANENT REVOLUTION anarchists and Stalinists preach, which of them attempt at hegemony by take. The policy before the occupation with very grent success. And now, capitalist countries can but signity an 00 208 page book cloth bound would mean believing that the republle over the others within European frameof the Ruhr in 1923 is not the same as Hoover turns to ravage Europe and de paper bound. 50 ans could fulani a promise, which that after the failure of that occupation. clares: The reparations are your affair. work. Briand European Union was THE HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN they have not fulilled when in The polley after Locarno is not the same It was not we who signed the Versailles an attempt of this sort to definitely setREVOLUTION reality the republican government aras that before Locarno, and now it is treaty. On the other hand, the payment tle upon the others the domination of Translated by Max Eastman rived for the purpose of defending the of your debts to us is our affair. That France. In this sense it was an attempt work of the Versailles to concl interests of capitalism against the atVol. The Overthrow of Czarism ST. LOUIS OPEN FORUM must be carried out.
tack of the proletariat.
Specint price for shareholders 00 treaty. The Anschluss was the. emFor members of the Communist This attitude on the part of the bryo of an attempt of the same order There is therefore nothing strange in The Religious Fakers Confuse the League of America the activities of the government. It is 50 Unemployed must of necessity bring dissension of the ly Germany. But these attempts have accomplishing its historical mission.
Speaker: John Scott most serious proportions into the camp crumbled pitifully under the pressure of Pioneer Pablishers This is how the working class must ap Friday, FERUARY 19, 1932 of European Imperialists. Germany feels America. Now less than ever will they proach the problem, to give it a correct 84 Enn 10th Street 14th and Cass Avenues herself encouraged by this attitude on succeed to revive them.
solution, New York City Auspices: St. Louis Branch, Communist the part of Hoover. England, coping (To Be Continued)
Madrid, Jan. 10. 1932 League of America (Opposition) with difficulties within its own empire. LA VERITE. HENRI LACROIX.
Changes in the Policy of French Imperialism Loover that ments to to one