BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismEnglandFranceGermanyImperialismLeninSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

Philadelphia Oppositionists Sentenced WORKERS OF THE WORLD.
UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition Published weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 84 East 10th Street, New York, Entered as second class mall matter. November 28, 1928 at the Post Once at New York, under the act of March 3, 1879.
VOLUME V, NO. (WHOLE NO. 103 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1932 PRICE CENTS Dressmakers Strike OPEN FORUM Workers Unity against the Common Enemy Imperative Lecture by MAX SHACHTMAN In the New York dressmakers strike, tionary party, nor is it responsible for French and Americans Wrangle for Leadin Struggle against Ing class unity. But it will be attained ively with its own policies for which it Imperialist Aggression in The Imperialists are shuffling their thelr discomfort and vexation in the face of an agreement between Tokio and only with a policy based upon that ob must render an account to the working cards once more at Geneva. Despite all of Tardieu proposals, the head of the Washington, on the one hand, and be jective. And so far the exact opposite class as a whole.
China the Danger of War the bourgeols press comment to the Washington de entration, Ambassador Catween Washington and the Qual Orsay, is the case It is true that the official party leaderat the Every working class action constitutes ship has made progress from its one the French proposals are the real name that it perpared to consider Labor Temple part of the historical laboratory testing time posltion of the industrial union It is quite indisputable that the moet trump. Wall Street statesmanship has any form of military limitation and re serious danger at present is that of a the program and policies of the revolu members staying at work while the mem14th Street and Second Avenue always been known for its pacitistie duetion which promises real progress to war against the working class of Ger!
tionary parts and servers me to fundoute bere one then the premier counter the Saturday, February 13, 1932 dedemament conference now la station er et libero tenis niet eeneprise de reservation the political crisis develope, the oppres for its democratic gestures. At the ward feeling of international security many and against the Soviet Union, As felt for these duties, however cleverly small and far from sufficient in the preat P.
proposed, circumvent this test. Its sent much more exacting situation. The of the American delegation to the Tard on the part of the Hoover regime with look more and more to the European proresults will only be new contusion and requtrements are much greater than that.
QUESTIONS and DISCUSSION ieu offer is easily understood in this regard to the French proposals. And it letariat, for suecor. Upon the leaderstrengthening of the enemy hands. That The rank and file pressure for struggle ADMISSION: 25 Centa light.
will be remembered that the United ship of the revolutionary European pro completely holds true also in this in has vastly increased. So much so that Unemployed Workers Admitted Free In the general comment on the pre states Imperialists once before joined letariat devolves a role of the foremost stance in the needle trades market the Right wing officials are compelled Auspices: New York Branch Communistsentation of France delegate.
How do matters stand in this strike? to heed their demands.
League of America (Opposition)
dealer attention was devoted to the the That was in 1919, al. now with a moeking intransigeance to Last Monday the Left wing, the Needle Trades Workers Industrial Union, issued ton today. The workers of both unions But let us again recall the exact situaern Europe. And it is not idle talk. Wilson troops was sent to Vladivostok ward the social democratie workers or ganizations, to heedlessly overestimate is the bourgeois press felgas to believe without any definite instructions to co the importance of the Red partisan more the call. Obviously that was in accord are in a direct conflict with the common The W: is a minority: to say that the French proposals are operate with the other Westerm power ment in China, to subordinate party leadership which controls the un. diately threatening danger. Its defeat crushed within the former. Yet it is a Soviet government and against an event than from Wilson with the policy of the official Communist class enemy. It represents the imme but the Left wing spirit 18 by no means directed to the first instance against the one could hardly expect less from Hoover thing today to the needs of the Five every ton. For some time the union under Year Plan alone, means to head for irRight wing control the International complished separately at all, or are the movements. In this situation, the party one needs only to bear in mind the said rather apathetically, that the cur: an epoch making defeat.
In liberal bourgeois circles, it is being reparable losses, to drive blindly towards Ladies Garment Workers, has been presponsibilities better when united? Cer leadership can square its responsibility French applause of the Japanese actions rent Geneva Conference will be the last decision with the actual date not yet set. This decision, of course, Is the dirother a Right wing policy, be complete on the common strike objectives. unt Paris, to realize this.
one followinx Left wing policy, the and genuinely fighting for a united front bomatic plots sponsored and initiated by developments in the Far East and in be aroused to the danger facing it. Only ect result of pressure from the rank and ble leadership. In the center of the united at once? Hardly. That will ted front from organization to organiza demands of all workers stands the abo mort el proceed through several contion, from movement to movement.
Con Street and American Imperialism optention. The Japanese in the Orient, who ments of the berole struggles of the It is not at all surprising to find Wall there is a great deal of truth in the con the Soviet Union, can keep the achieve of the standard of living, enforcement of thes, for practically identical set of solnt strike: for a joint strike teadershipposed to the French plans. An intercan hardly afford the all too costly ex. Russian workers intact and carry them the reduced work week, and insurance enemy, a united front could and should tlements. The party leadership shontal trol of the League of Nations, would in tion, proposed to the other powers, the capitalist World To do thts, the possifor the unemployed. These demands are be established. There will be objectors, tell the workers in the shops who belongevitably have to act under the hege demilitariantion of the main Chinese bility must be created to speak to the demands and for the defeat of a common to jointly work out the demands forse national police force under the contension of their Chinese looting expeds. further beyond the boundaries of the made by the workers upon their common enemy.
enying the Right wing leadership are to the not to leave their mony of Gallie imperialism. The French ports, or in other words, repartition broadest sections of the masses. Every army is the strongest and best equipped ink of China The Americans naturally little mistake, every obstacle lightly The condition of two unions existing the out and out emisaries of capitalism. organization, not to forsake it for military force in capitalist Europe. And this Japanese design unacceptable. put in the way of reching the masses, To this we answer: that is completely within the needle trades is not one or iginating today and cannot be changed true, but how can these emissarie counterfeit Institution but to fight with France is, of late, one of America most. What they need most is a centralized is bound to prove extremely costly not be in for a united front. Undoubtedly, it at will. To that extent the workers are defeated except by the unity of the would produce a powerful and favorable) powerful rivals. Wall Street can have China, to serve as a reliable market for only nationally, but internationally, bot naturally and of necessity divided. But workers. united front, the Lettecho. This is the way to defeat those no interest whatsoever in compact the deflated American Industries. An only for a year, but for a whole epoch. o.
it is precisely of working class unity because of this condition wing would, of course, not for one min. who have designs of betrayal. Incident European army under French direction indications polnt, however, to some sort that the ute cense Its criticism of nor its Algbt ally it will also be the way to re estab. The same holds true for Great Britain, has become the crucial issue. For this against theso Right wing capitalist lish the seriously damaged prestige o especially if we consider the recent to flunkies.
ancial obligations of that government the Left wing: reason the only policy of the revolutionary to the United States bankers.
If the Communists should not endeavor which can stand the test in This policy, the Left Opposition has COMMON ACTION this situation is the one which is founded to unite workers who should? Does a repeatedly emphasized.
It is the polley AMONG IMPERIALISTS Bulletin proletariat and all the workers with upon the united front of all workers call upon those workers in the of Lenin. In this decisive moment, in them are not to muffer the inevitably their However, while we are disinclined to established union the face of a serious conflict, it has be schematically outline a united Imperialist involved in the conflict. This policy, to leave Comrades Bernard Morgenstern and harmful consequences.
which, in other words, is a fundamental bring unity? No, experience has showncome so much more imperative front in advance, as the Stalinists do, it Leon Goodman, members of the Comrades Morgenstern and Goodman duty of the revolutionary party, the that this is not the way. Another course We call upon all the dressmakers to does remain important to point out the Philadelphia Branch of the Comwill serve their term In prison. They Stalinist leadership as constantly ev must be found and the direction for that need the strike call, as far as the Left possibilities of common action among the munlat League of America (Opposihave been sentenced for distribution of aded. It has constantly followed the course is clearly indicated.
Opposition members are concerned, they robber governments in the event of a tion) have been sentenced by Judge leafletc of the Left Opposition emphasopposite direction. It has pursued a By far the largest section of the or will strike with the Left wing. war against European working class, Reed of Philadelephla to ninety days ising to the working class that the final course which culminated in a complete ganited dressmakers are in the G. A, While the Americans have not concealed Imprisonment. They were found solution to the unemployment problem emasculation of the united front policy guilty of violating the notorious can be found only in the proletarian rev.
in the establishment of a counterfeitFlynn Sedition Act of the state of olution. For its realization they are the socalled United Front Committee Pennsylvania. Comrades Morgenstern prepared to fight regardless of their which does not at all proceed from the and Goodman were arrested a year incarceration in the capitalist bastilles two unions as its base. It does not pro ago for distributing leaflets issued by (Further news of the case will be vide a bridge for unity in strike action the National Committee of the Com tond on page Two. of the two unions but rather a preven The Dally Worker of January 8, 1932 Guard emigre. Turkul, to murder Leon the first leader of the Red Army, Leon munist League of America (Opposltative Therefore it must be said unequt reports a White Guard plot to assassin. Trotsky, in his place of exile near Trotsky, the comrade in arms of Lenin, tlon. explaining the causes of unvocally that in the crucial issue of work ate Maxim Litvinov, Soviet Commissar Istambul, Turkey.
is in danger of losing his life at the employment and stating that the Com. Glotzer National Tour ing class unity, the policy of the official of Foreign Affairs. In addition it quotes The report which has reached the hands of White Guard murderers! Every International proletarian revolution party leadership completely falls the from a note sent by Krestinsky, acting Daily Worker omits that part of the further attempt to neglect precautionary alone can bring a real solution to the Our second national tour is abou. to test Commissar of Foreign Affairs to Sir Eric story printed in the Rote Fahne.
We measures against the would be assassins, misery called forth by the capitalist start. Comrade Albert Glotzer, member There need be no illusion of the strike Drummond, Secretary General of the want to know, first of all: has the Daily every attempt of the Stalinists to wash system.
of the National Committee, Communist intentions of the Right wing union lead. League of Nations, in which it says: Worker done this wilfully, under instrue their hands of the whole matter will be ership. They have gone as far as they Our authorities have learned reliably tlons! Secondly, do Stalin and the Cen. Interpreted only as assistance to the League of America (Opposition)
will The case of Morgenstern and Goodman speak at a series of meetings now being past experiences prove its treacherous led by Miller, Dragmilov and Shattlov, intend to content themselves with merethem. The workers of the world will has been moet shamefully sabotaged by rade Glotzer has just returned from a visit the stalinist bureaucracy heading the In: to comrade Trotsky. He spent about role and fully justify the most severe were given orders to make an attempt only casting of the resposibility for an understand that full well.
ternational Labor Defense, who have not four weeks discussing with Lenin clotIndictment. It would be foolish to expect Latvinov life.
eventual murder of our comrade by the Let every worker Communist, every turned a Anger for them and it to have reformed today. Within this. That the White Guards are planning White Guards, as was apparent from the sincere revolutionary in the Communist polley it has become to defend only mem est co worker some of the pressing prounion, the Lovestone group occuples ato marder a number of Russian revolutenor of the Roto Fahne report? Thirdly, Party of the demand an acbers of the Stalinist faction and not all blems of the world revolutiomry movepeculiar position, though one quite in tionists has been known for some time will the Stalinist leadership continue to counting of the leadership. The ques working class prisoners, for which pur ment today.
accord with its general orientation. Does The menace is imminent en the Comrade Glotzer was also fortunate most sabotage the protection of comrade Trottion must be posed to them sharply. opse the was originally found this group now demand from the direct and immediate sense. Several sky despite the fact that it is they, as What do they intend to do with Trot ed. All workers, all revolutionists, alll in being able o get a first band view that it immediately decide upon months ago, on October 22, 1931, the heads of the Soviet state who have dis sky? Do they intend to leave blm ex. Communists must be aroused to this of conditions now existing the strike date in common cause with Rote Fahne, oficial organ of the Com covered the plans of the White Guards? posed to the doggers of a White Guard fact. The dangerous and criminal sab England and France. An account of his Germany, the workers of the industris union who munist Party of Germany at Berlin, are already out? Do they take up the first exposed this plot, bringing news at We demand an answer promptly. assassin? Is Stalin in a united front otaging policy of Stalinists must be impressions should be of extreme ImporThe organizer of the October victory. with Turkul?
fight for a united front of all the dress the same time of a plan by the White tance to American workers, particularly stopped, if the staunchest fighters of the In view of coming decisive events in makers within that union? There is no Germany. This will naturally be the evidence of either. Despite all of their subject of his lectures and contain an clamor of participating now in a progresIntimate account of comrade Trotsky sive movement the fundamental faet reviews on the threatening Fascist danger mains that when they unconditionally reand the problems of Communism in Eurturned to the folds of the Right wing When we launched our Expansion press is the fighting Instrument of the The International Communist Review, position press? We remain confident ope.
controlled unfon, they deserted the Left Program about this time a year ago one revolutionary movement. For the Left this task should become considerably fac that with this new addi lon we can count His subject will be wing and all it stands for.
It is a well known fact that the right was the publication of The Militant as it will only become that fully when it possible further improvements of the most important steps contemplated Opposition that holds doubly true. But llitated. First because it will make upon a serious extension of the gener WHAT IS EUROPE HEADING FOR?
of The ous support given in the past. We know wing leadership have with every possi: a weekly. It became a reality. But a reaches to the farthest corners of Its Militant. It wil become a means of we can count on yet grea er sacrifices The following is the schedule for ble means reststed all efforts for work serious extension of its circulation sin field. when it reaches every live, think seriously broadening its appeal and glve from our comrades to make this possible. Glotzer tour: ers united front. That they will con remains ahead. Can we now ask the co ing. militant worker. This is what we its character a more popular touch. It But we ask our supporters everywhere Boston, Mass. February 19 will enable us to further consolidate to begin immediately to show their symone moment. But their views and pol operation of all our comrades and sup aim to make our immediate task Montreal, Canada. February 21 porters to take this up in earnest? Wel With our newest addition to come, an our position.
pathy in ad ion. The best form in which icles are not determitted by the revolu propose that all put their shoulder to nounced in our previous issue that is Toronto, Canada. February 23 24 Will our supporters assist us in this this can be done is to forward their con Buffalo, February 25 mmm the wheel and make a real effort during with the addition of a theoretical organ, task? Will they help build the Left Optributions to our office at once. First of no the coming three months: March April all the beginning should be made Chicago, Ill. February 27 28 and May. This is the time of our re IRONIO HOME by actual building right now. Bx Other dates will follow.
gular subscription drive.
tend the circulation of the Mulitant. The meeting for Glotzer in Montreal Our weekly has appeared now without Universite Ouvriere, you, who read his announcement, be will be held at For the Benefit of the Imprisoned fall for some than seven months. Our come an active partielpant in a circula 86 East Craig St. Sunday evening. Feb.
Marine Workers readers, we are sure, fully appreciate tion drive during the three months 21, 1982 Bunker. Soderberg Trajer this accomplishment. But what they March, April and May for the Milltant and for The International Communist may not appreciate so well, is the fact at the Three months subscription: 00 Review that it has been running on mere STUYVESANT CASINO shoe string Second Avenue and 9th St.
During this period we offer for MIDI copy of either one of our 10e pamphlets.
The International Communist Review This, however, has not affected its tant subscriptions the following induce will appear in Friday Evening, February 12th.
48 pages, bi monthly character in the least. On the contrary, ments. in the beginning. The price per copy Auspices of the we feel confident we can also say that by LEON TROTSKY One year subscription. 00 copy will be 16e, subscription will be 50 for Marine Workers Defense Committee the weekly appearance has increased its Single coples. 10 Cents In bundles of or more Cents of The Strategy of the World Revolution 12 sues and 00 for tasues.
Show your solidarity with these vletim theoretkul, Its Informative and its fightOrder Now (cloth bound) by Trotsky)
There will be no delay in preparations of the frame up system. Come ing quality. It has become a real source Six months subscription: 00 a copy for its appearance. We count similar and bring your friends of adaltional strength to the Left OpPioneer Publishers, 84 East 10th St. of The Strategy of the World Revolution ly on no delay in your response. Help ADMISSION: 35 Cents position. This is at it should be. The (paper bound) by Trotsky. This bulld the Left Opposition Press!
Help Build Opposition Press. DANCEGERMANY The Key to the International Situation