Bolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsFascismGerman RevolutionImperialismImperialist WarKamenevLeninLeninismMarxMarxismOpportunismRadekRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking ClassWorld WarZinoviev

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1932 THE MILITANT PAGE IN THE INTERNATIONAL OF LABOR Reviews and News of the Working Class and Revolutionary Movements Terror against the Greek Opposition German Opposition Documents is possible that they may have to open this. too. Our comrade is passing HISTORY MADE TO ORDER ala STALIN member of the express their fenrs.
Characteritic of the bestiality of the ATHENS, GREECE foot became sore. When my comrades for the hourgocis class. All be horri capitalistle regime is the criminal indir The capitalist regime of Greece is and myself protested we were told: ble tortures, all the crimes which Greek Terence that the administration of the False Strategy False Tactics carrying a reign of terror against all have not got anything and when the pol capitalism purenes in order to exter Municipal Hospital shows coward the revolucionary workers and is concentrat lution progressed and the gangrene rotminate the victims of the prold arian condition of our comrade.
Ing its efforts capecially to exterminate ted my foot and threatened my very life struggle must be brought to light. Ilis food is miserable, medicine are Dangerous Perspectives from Hamburg present. He said: We by all means at its disposal, the com they brought me here and ent of my committee of workers and intellectuals refused himn. The comrades collected tades of the Opposition (Archia Marxist fore and at present am struggling with must be formed to visit all the prisons money among themselves for the pur Germany would open up a new epoch for from above. for only opportunists will Just as a proletarian revolution in definitely do use the united front Bolsheviks) on accoun of their valinnt death.
activities in the front ranks of the class in which revolutionary workers are de chase of medicines. The Labor Defence the revolutionary proletariat. Fascism go into a united front with the social Another question that wish to poseained and undertake a broad and does not follow at all the condition of in Germany will open up a new epoch Fascid leiders; we make only a red struggle.
is this: The Rizospastis tempts to pre thorough investigation and bring to light our comrade and has neglected to meer of reaction in Europe. victory for united front from below.
Now that the edifice of the capitalis sent me as their own comrade. declare all the criminal activities of the capital bis needs Fascism would lead to the last attempt NO UNITED FRONT!
system of GrGeece is enfeebled by the that denounce the Rizospastis and the ist organs agnind the imprisoned and The stalinists do not allow any dis downfall for decades through the de the kind of united frout made in England of capitalism to postpone its impending on my objection that did not mean acute economie crisis, the bourgeoisie of Stalinists and Chat was and ll always deported revolutionary workers.
Greece are desperately trying owup be Bolshevik Leninist (Archio Marx The Vletims of Capitalist Atrocities cussion at the Branches on this struction of the proletarian movemen. press every workers resistance by ex ixt. question in order to conceal the fac at he time of the General Strike or in Are In Danger that he is an Archio marxist. victory for German Fascism means China with Chiang Kat Shek and the Kno terminating the vanguard of the prole The life of our comrades in the war against the Soviet Union. An alllMin Tang, but to officially offer the The assassins of comrade Rahoucopoultariat, the Communists. They imprison prixons is in danger. The state is plan los refuse to give even medicines. Com tested vigorously against Many workers organizntions have pro anee between a Fascist Germany and the and the trade union, without bind them for many years in dark cells, and ning aksassinations. Fight for general rade Baboucopoulos is the viction of the methods.
the Czarist other imperialistic countries, France noting our hands in any way, a fighting in they deport them to desert Islands, and nesty Fight. o save them!
can Ism of the watch dogs of the excepted, in a campaign for the annihila itel front, side by side. Against the very often apply terrorist measures, as With comradely greetings, The Leather. Workers, capitalist regime, and is in a critical conin the case of our comrade Theodore he Cigarette tion of the Soviet Union is more than Fascists, as the Bolsheviks dld in 1017 Theodoros Baboucopoulos, Baboucopoulos.
Should it come to that, it against Kornilov cossacks, he replied ton. The fever fluctuates bed ween 30 to boxmakers and Lithographers, Stevedor. probable.
Comrade Baboucopoulos has been a Municipal Hospital. 40 degrees centigrade.
es. Ha el Workers, LD branches of would mean :hat the social revolution very weakly: This is a different situsThe Crimes of the Capitalist prisons Following the amputation of his fout, Toumbas Salontea Neapoleos, etc. would be made Impossible for an entire tion: there was an immediate demand of member of the Archio narxists for he must be brought to light!
last two years and has participated with crushing Kornilov army. Our main entwo wounds were opened up on his shoul Needle Workers Union, and Cafe and epoch.
all the Archlo Marxists of Athens in the ling with death. This horrible crime Our comrade Baboucopoulos 18 strug ders and one on his arm.
Confectionery Workers Union, are among Does that mean, that there is no way emy is now the who tolerate demondration that the party called on shall not be left without consequences of pus has formed on his o her arm. It During the last few days a new bag these.
out of this situation? To maintain this everything that Bruening or the capital PALI TON TAXEON.
would be pessimism and would signityists did ate He wanted to talk with Omonia Square to celebrate the 14th anniversary of the Russian revolution.
a compide surrender of the faith in the me alone later on, but never said a word inner forces of the proletariat. Should about it again. He admitted that they The Rizospastis, the Stalinist organ in the Comintern and the party change their had a big fight in the Central Committee Greece, merely reported the arrest of a strategy and tactie, were he Soviet Un about the Red referendum but he said few Archio Marxists, and Inter mention ion and the Red Army to actively take it was from tac ical point of vlew, ed our comrade as a hero, inferring at their stand as the onenixing forces of question regarding the moment they the same time that he is a We must come back once more to the tremendons activity he unfolded in spite the revolution. The effects of this de he German revolution, Fascism will will be able to mobilize the masses and the Youth League. The Pali Ton Taxeon, article by Stalin in the revue Proletarian of he resistance of the so called old cree have not failed to become evident. not even reach the threshold of power that they had to take such a vital issue organ of the Left Opposition, In its Revolution in which the General Sec Holshevike to get his theses adopted by We read in the entire Soviet press, tha To allow Fascism to get as far as the out of the hands of the nationalists and sue of December 20, 1982, prints a letter retary of the Russian Communist Party the entire party.
Yaroslavsky, one of the unfortunates threshold of power, that is to permit Fascists, to make it a red one (Sie. sent by comrade Baboucopoules from his which exists among the Communists with the history of the party was not yet the in his History of the Party has recog means to clear the road for the full sely for those witch Hambus rien vilted cotha down But the rending of these passages of blamed for the Trotskylst smugglery them to enter a coalition government, just heard, a: a functionaries meetin We bring his letter in full below: regard o Trotskyism To the Communist Organization of What is the reason for all this wrath whole legion of censors and obedient go ahead emergetenlly with the door are of power by Fascism. To helleve comrade from Hamburg will come down that the right moment for an action again to organize the group here and Bolsheviks Leninists (Archio Marxists. of Stalin s? The chief of the world functionaries who the published Comrades, revolutio proclaimed as such by all Trotskylst Idens have not only slip on the bistory of the partyIn order to against Fascism is the Ame of its exthat am golng to be a fund fonary with posure in a coalition government with plenty to do. As is known, was arrested with the bureaucrats, who dare no deny their ped in the historical article of some root out Troksism. Radek who was Bruening only people who are planning The activity of the party group here member organization, master anything, and celebrated as such party candidate, some Slutsky, but that mentioned very indirectly in the Stalin to dodge the enemy and to capitulate is very low, they have not had a memcomrade Cotone for the events of the at all othelal occasions and by the entire in the complete works of Lenin, the article, che per le repentede his home are capable of. At the moment rascism bership meeting for more than two johanring the demonstration at Rotzi o to fear from Trotskylam which has distortions of history which have to be stored brodenouncinhver be given for a struggle against the proward that they don even know the most iair by the lackeys of Charalambidi, who teen crushed and annihilated for yenrs? rectifed immediately. It was discover Luxemburgist errors which have led, as letarint. The only answer to that is the fundamental teachings of M:rx and followed us about and they sentenced And moreover, who are those rotten 1ibed, for example, that a certain Oriannt it fatally, to the Trotsky is opposition proclnfiation of the General Strike. That Tenin.
comrade Coonis to three years imprisonerals who have introduced the Trd skyistkov, working under the personal super STALIN DOES BIT OF is the point of time at which he defenment and two years deportatoin and my polson Into the history of the Russian vision of Kamener, wrote in Note 79 to REARMING alve of the working class begins, which phlet nowadays, you are sure to find some If yon plek up a ponty paper or pamself to one and one half years imprison party without his knowledgo?
Volume XIV of the Complete Works of is transformed in the course. of strug ment and two years deportation STALIN CREATES Lenin that (1) Trotsky published in Thus, the history of the Russian revolgle Into the offensive. The General the Text Opposition. This is a good kind of a polemle against Trotsky and relation Vienna a popular working class paper. Olutionary movement and They threw me and other Archio HISTORY OF APOLOGETICS In his leisure time, wherever of It is the Pravda destined for sign.
Russia and ships with the revolutionary movement Strike will deal the Fascist bands their Marxist you hg into the cave that the granted to him by the affairs of state that Trotsky broke with the lenshe. of the West, is going to be recast Stalla first blows and open up the mass struktion with its Marxst Leninist under.
It shows that the Lef. Opposlbourgeoisle calls reformatory and they stalin has taken the trouble loo overviks. that Trosky at the begin is going to make his history to order. will be neither Fascim nor a Bruening and it is sure is necessary, for great gle against the bourgeoisie. Its outcome standing is taking rool in Germany too.
began our extermination by aplying the history of the revolution and thening of the imperialist war adopted a just has he has made his apparatus to the archate methods of the Holy Inqu. Russian party. Imagine his surprise clearly internationalist position The moment the united front of know. the more try to think of see that in almost all the publfentions this same Note the author dared Teanor of his funcions as director of the proletarian class is established in the deal depends on the 0. In the immeit the dizaler get. Later on, when n conducted by people who are loyal to pent the Trotskyist legend according to Mars Engels Institute, Stalin began conse of struggle, the real disintegra WINNING WORKERS his own person, his role as leader of which it appears that he led the insurwell. prepared scientific Marxist basis tion of Fascism begins. am also often partielpaling in disovercome the danger hanging over me. the Russian party ever since the first red in agostober 35 posible to tolerate wants the History of the Party (instkiute) trade union masses de la ciuther bare nogers and they are still an influence here, of Decem for an apology of his policy. Now, be Nearer to the social demoern le and CURRIOns with sorti democratle work ll write you in detall. The last scene took place because tore Lenin arrival in Russia. he has such Trotskylst smuggling. we protested against the suppressed not been presented in sufficitly landa RED HISTORIAN the same servile and unworthy role not to end in a defeat United forut with a strong as ever. Their influence is measures as a means of punishment, tory terms Certain his orlans sald, for DARES QUOTE LENIN But just as socialism cannot be con the and G, Trnde not shattered at all, as should be by they forced us to run like bornes around example, that immediately upon his arstructed in one con ry, history cannot Union) organizations is the command of the Communists, what with the continual open betrayals of Ihele lenders. am the prison yard.
Another historian, Volosovitch, did not be made in one country. Stalin muy, per the hour.
rival in Petrograd. Lenin found it necdoing my best to win them over to the When we refused to run, the bestialessary to radically change the orienation merely contert himself with narrating haps, succeed in suppressing all. PERMANENTE REVOLUTION or at least to make them friendguards knocked us down unconscious and of the Bolshevik party led by Stalin and the historical events already known un lications of the History of the Party (January 1932)
Iversally from the testimony of John and the complete works of Lenin in the 1y to che party.
then they placed our feet into the trop Kamener up to that time. To Be Continued) hope ll be able to do some good bars, locating ns for hours at a time un Others, like Slutsky, eren went so, tal Reed (Ten Days That Shook The World) and replace them with his til our feet begando bleed of the wounds as to employ the term rearmine of the the February revolution and the shame ner, he will undoubtedly be able to de work here before get bounced, but or from the memoirs of Shllapnikov on own history of apologetics. In this manthen of course, am going to devote and only fatigue exhausted our, hang party used by comrade Trotsky in his tul role of Stalin in that period. Volos rall, for a certain time, the young Com.
myself entirely to Opposition work men. was left within the prison with history of the Russian revolution, Lo de ovitch also attempted to analyse the fans munists in the Sortet Union. But the hope that things will start rolling our out a doctor care for den days and my signatethe April These of Lenin and the And the political positions adopted in history of the revolution, which is unique way soon and that the proletariat will the past, by the Bolshevik party, to draw and universal, and which, for a Marxist, come out as the vietor. We ve got some the logical conclusions flowing therefrom. ought to be not an apology of political tough work ahend of us for Che next Here 18 what the Pravda (12 17 1981) positions, but a concrete and coherent few weeks and months.
says about him: The historian Volos. Image of the actual process of the rev. HAMBURG, GERMANY BILL (V. Continud from page 1)
have joined The slogans: For workers dem ovitch proves (this plehora of quotation of ion Trotsky: The History of the As you probably know, Comrade is a German worker ocracy. Against Nepentan, Kulak and marks is the Pravda own brand of Ressian Revolution Ruslan edition) the party in Germany and they are beWHAT REALLY HAPPENS?
and a member of the Communist 19279 Naturally, the Opposition ulso par party. were considered naturally no pose the question of building socialism ments and living testimony of the epoch ite. At the ins meeling. detended the What really happened on November 7, Bureaucrats. For the unity of the drony that Lenin in 1915 did not is a bistory written on the basis of docu sinning to inspect that am a Trotsky League of America (Opposition. actielpated in the demonstra ton of the by the working masses but by the Stalin one country. Volosovich distorts the by revolutionary Marxlis in the various line of the united front and denounced tive in New York before leaving for Tenth Anniversary.
Its representatives inist apparatus as counter revolu. ionary history of the party in the Trotskyist countries. The History of the Russian the Red Referendum. asked why it) Germany several months ago. We marched together we thelf shops, fac Nevertheless, at that time no of manner by opposing the tasks of the Revolution by Trotsky written on was that we (the are na hope to bring more correspondences torles, institutions of learning and Sor the apparatus people dared as from him written on the field of Jet Institutions. Many Opposirion groupe speak of an armed uprising such a complete possibility of building socialism numerous testimonials by active parti satning all be votes that they are loringwas action In coming 18sues. Ed.
carried their banners in the general parinvention would have seemed altogether in one country, as it was posed by Lenin cipants in the revolution, will permit the ade. It was with these banners that they too shameless and Insolent in the eyes (our emphasis In falsifying his younger revolutionary generations of all left their shops and other institutions of the participants in the demonstration tory and in slandering Lenin, Volosevitch countries to reestablish the image of SIMON AND SCHUSTER Inc.
Whe, sort of counter revolutionary ban When more han a year after Trotsky writes that for Lenin the ques fonts he actual process of the revolution. MILL Ders were they? Let us recall them once had been exiled by Stalin, the GP not posed from the point of view of the more: accused him of preparing an armed up growing over of the bourgeois revolution (Paris)
announce Carry the testament of rising. It was not with regards to the into the socialist revolution but solely Lenin!
demonstre son of November some from the angle of the fundamental Bol: Left Opposition in Toronto the publication, February 27, 1932 Direct the fire toward the Right thing quite new, which the could shevik slogan of the given period, notagainst Nepman, Kulak and bureaucra!
not, however, refer to by name. After ably, that of the transformation of the TORONTO39 For genuine workers democracy! the exiling of Trosky, this accuration Imperialist world war into a civil world Our Toronto comrades have recently Against opportunism, against was not repeated by anybody. Stalin dia war. Consequently the question of bulldsplit for the unity he Leninist not dare introduce it into the press. The ing socialism in our country does nd begun to unfold adivities which speak very promisingly for a real growth of party!
very memory of disappeared, went up even enter (Third Edition. page 64)
the Canadian Left Opposition in the near Volosevitch even goes further. He de.
like smoke. For a Lenini Central Commitfuture.
clares that even when this growing over Only when the facts began to fade (mentioned above) becomes an es ablish!
They are among the most active par.
Workers; employees, soldiers of the from memory, did the stalinist school ofed fact, the question of building socialtem tilpads in the open Forum being con: OF THE led Army. dents and pupils walking falsifications begin to spread the legend in our country lone while the other ducted by the Toronto Workers Club, at emburg. during the course of which no clashes. Not a single worker with certain degree, become the central pola question for the present. Page 65. save a sucessful lecture on Lenin Lax were carrying their banners. There were the fact that this legend has, to countries remain capltallatie, 18 not a which comrade Maurice Spector lately discussions of a more comradely nature sound mind could interpret these han of the campaign, is politically significant THROUGH TEN EDITIONS ners as banners alreeted against the That proves than the real actions of the And Smth, the author of the article than has been the custom for some time Soviet power and the parts. Only after Bolshevik. Leninists do not appear to be in the Pravda, cannot contain his wrath took place, with leading members of by LEON TROTSKY several individual factories had joined erlmes in the eyes of the masses of any longer, concluding: And it is there the official party taking part in them.
workers and party members. Stalin ae smuggled Trotskyist gods that Volosothe general current of the demonstra The Toronto group is also REVOLVed tlon, did the send out special tually complains that despite the elght vitch offers to the reader under the divisions upon Instructions from the years long campaign Trotskyism is sticloak of quotations from Lenin, pro right in the midst of he struggle against Translated from the original Russian Stalinist secretariat to assault the de being regarded as a Communist tendency found meditations, etc. This unhappy Communist Party of Canada, which goes BY MAX EASTMAN banners peacefully. Ater that several reprisals, Stalin needs some basis of sup bit erness later on in the same articles Movement Delegates from the local clashes took place, consisting entirely port that lies outside of the real activity that what is most revolting about the branch of the Communist League of Am.
of attacks hy the divisions of the Pof he Left sition. This basis of whole affair is the fact that these saugU. who ore thelr banners away and support, he tries to find in the police gled goods have gone through ten edlerkea (Opposition) were seated at the conference called by the party defense Volume The Overthrow of Tzarisme beaped blows upon them. selected myth of the rising of November 7, 1927. tions Stalin artkle in the Proletarian Revals and views for carrying on this work committee and the Opposition proposagroup of Red Army commanders broke Even If we had no other signs, this fact down the door of Smilga quarters and alone would suffice for us to say the otution was not only a manifestation of are gaining ready ear, some of them (February to June 1917)
forced their way in, on the balcony there personal dictatorship of Stalin and his impoent wrath in the face of historical Already adopted and bringing good rewere hanging the banners of the Oppost plebiscitary regime are in a bad way. truth, it was also a decree for all the sponse. Articles dealing with the exon and the portraits of Lenin, Trotsky in a very bad way!
state publshing houses to make a comceptionally interesting developments in and Zinovlev. This, then, was the up TROTSKY. plete revision of everything relating to the Repeal Section 88 Movement win mang November 7, 1927.
January 1982 he history of the Bolshevik party and shortly appear in the Militant.
the pubA Letter from Germany The Uprising of Nov. 7th. 1927 one out of THE HISTORY tre!