AnarchismCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyFascismGermanyLeninMarxSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

LAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1932 Organization Notes For Fighting Unity of the New York. Food Workers with Leon The Struggle of the Railroad Workers Amter Speaks on the Radio KANSAS CITY, MO Our second forum was uveu bet. er than the Erot. More than sevents people were prezent. The majority of them were party members and sympathizers. ComWhat is the situation in rade Clarke spoke for an hour and a crkers Industrial Union? Was it in significant few who accept its leadership reformists and above all thelr Left wing the Food incapable of defending even those in is the only way that one can preren, the half in an exposition on the causes of the Interol of the Left wing movement and go on strike, as in the Crusader Cafe agents from opposing to the practical Active Militant builders we have but Left Oppo lon the Workers war: che contiet between the Imperial: to split away from the F. Are teria? At he last convention of the task of the class strurgle, the formal entirely too few. If there were more, League coming in for a good share. No, ists in the Far East, the danger of a there any results in organizing the un unlon, Obermeer, its national secretary. Slogan of unity. And precisely if the it would soon tell in a serious way out the enlisening part was attained mother war against the Soviet Union; and the organized? All the same tme the mer said: We must recognize the fact that polley of the genuine united front is one our subscription list. As is, only the in the opportunity this gare to: he speak problems of the Chinese refolation. Not bership of the union must ask themsel we should not have been so much in a of the means of libera: Ing the workers efforts of the few keeps it growing, but er to further clarity for the audience one person left che hall before the lecres why the third year of the crisis the hury to split away from from reformist influence by confronting growing very slowly.
Yet we bave no many of the disputed issues within the little uneasines noticeable. The stal tending the interests of the starving un should organize itselt better before task of struggle for immediate demands, What he meant is that the left wing the reformist leadership with concrete doubt that there will soon be more com Communist movement.
rades joining the ranks of the Mhitant builders.
On the following orening comarde Swa program not once in the whole course ion is unable to give any advice as tonizing the mistake, so to say, organiza struggle if initiated by the Communists For a couple of months there has been boek spoke before the branch member of the presentation and summary did no account in these columns of this phasesh Due to its recent expulsion from they heckle or interrupt. Although they coming here for it? why it is equalls refuse to recognize its suicidal stupid serve at the same ime as a basis for what to do with those hundreds who are sonally of our activities. That as not due to the Prolo arian. Party, it naturally faces dissipated themselves in slander, calling ity for the movement in the industry as the slogan of unity, for amalgamation, stands all but merely to the absence of number of problems in common with Clarke a skutek and other very high the secretary on a national tour. Hence the rest of their expelled Opposition minded commendations, and one worker Inlarly with the Fascist danger in Germore criminal because it keeps the aw Ax comrade Trotsky in the same ar icle whole. The half truth becomes still for creating one union in the industry.
forth, we shall again render a regular compradorecalehese problems, the male de proclaimed in a hysterical toice that many and the position of the 6. akening workers trom a correct estim points ont it would be the thorough his none of these readers who merely send them artistes quebecome intens permette skall with the right or wrong. Arst, last character of the party policy and the from a possibility to exert their pressure front to that of the units of the trade union organizations.
hemselves but only such who make sut beck which together with the answers sunk in. Ater the meeting they eager in Germany which would result in a set THE MISTAKES OF THE PAST ficient etorts to secure subscriptions begiven helped considerably in making the ls took the Militant and there is no back for the in ernational revolutionary Without such a revolutionary, ComOnce for all must be statel, not in mundi prilicy, all the talk of the bursides their own. th are those listed Left Opposition views clear to them clonbt but that they will be present next movement Comrade Glotzer pointed on a half way confession, but in a real caucrats of the U. of organizing below with the number of subscriptions From the inception of their opposition to Monday.
the need of exercising pressure upon Communist manner, that the split was a the hundreds the rola arion Party regime these But thousands of slaves in turned in wince January 15, 1939 Last Thursday comrnde Clarke also the arty in order to forve a change mistake, that without full recognt lon of the packing industry, Palo comrades have recognized that they R. Dunne, Minneapolis food factor the fact and all thee devastation it has les restaurants, bakeries.
cannot remain isolated or independent of poke on furion, before one of the in their present policies. he grocery Konikow, Boston the main currents of the Communist favorabls received In fact he has been bronght, no correct policy can be adopt clerks will remnin futile talk. And the Shechet, Boston ed, and do way out of an unbearable active members of the union must begin Hedlund, Minneapolis sination can be found. The truth all to understand what all hiladelphi early and pronouncedly turned toward invited to another council. It appears to work the Left wing. They are now making a dering negligence and arrogant bureau. In Boston ites, through blunlowed on the organisational facts only that they are trying to making the BUFFALO OPPOSITION serions effort to get away from the stale letres a rat hole for sneaking back into un function according to the depart.
INDORSES LEFT Metarian atitude which prevailed in the cracy have alienated and antagonized BOSTON, MASS, the company unions (A. 80 mental sysem. Improving the function of By Invitation of the Buffalo roletar roletarian arty, but they have no 11 there councils in which there are several Three months after the Mooney Con that those who are there shall nai be the krlevance committee lending small lan Party Opposition comrade Swabeck luxions that the mere orleriation toward porty members, who feel the same way spoke at Lenin memorial meeting armaxx work can substitute for the real about the abuse of the burdaucrats. ference in Boston, what are the achieve called social Fascists any more, but ranged by is members on Jan 24th task of building of the revolutionary ca There seem to be excellent opportunities monterencebe committee organized at the it is certainly not a starting poin for thing In itselt. That Slone at the maxconference? What has been done to the woption of a correct polley as to tricate the union from the position The meeting was held under the auspices rex. While they have taken active part for us but nothing can be said definitely rouse the broad masses to tear open the how to reach the organized, how to was forced to by the third period bnrof the Workers League of Buffalo It! in common with the efforts of their op abont the ontcome.
Bates of San Quentin and liberate Tomaht for the memployed. At the same caucrats and by the polley of unted Mooney?
time that polley certainly cannot poln front from below. These neitsities can had a fairly good attendance, listening position center to help in he creation of PHILADELPHIA, PA.
On Sunday January 31, comrade Alattentively to the speaker clucidation an unemployment movement it is their Withou. soubtthe significance of ont the way how to reach such a unity only be ancorary improvement of the of the Historial role of the great worla intention to press on for a definito orlenwert Glom spoke an open net in the case together with its recent devels of setion for the workers in the food in organization in preparation for the polley bers of the official communarty were fully recognize the validity of the ques Commune League of Amerien Oppas comments prescuted the left wing we dustry, which would live prestige to the advaneed to the Lett Opposition in the among the audience, tlon: Whose views Ieft, Center or tion. on his visit to Trotsky, and the golden oppor units. Has the left wing Communist party and left wing more trade union morcement as a whole.
hureaucratis high There must be put an end to all that avalled itself of these opportuntles? Soment. And if the of the third perlo bronght kind of stupid talk as of the reAs could be expected, this latter fact Right Will the roletarian Party Oppresent international situation.
far as Boston is concerned we can say with it the split of the food workers or presentative of the Central Executive very muh helped enliven the discusrition accept and to which of these There were fifty workers present who emphatically, no.
rion which followed the les tre. Not so curred will it adhere? They agree listened to an account of Trotsky in The October 25th conference called by mantention: if that split together in the Committee at the convention about usmuch by virtue of the arguments present that this question must be put first on famous and illegal deportation, and his the New up like a bubble in the united front from below played havoc Inc two fists, one of the united front of ed by the party members who took the the agenda and their answer was already exile in Turkey. Comrade Glotzer spoke atr. At the conference our delegates with the left wing movement and at the the rank and file che united front from floor, as they presented only the old given unequivocally in this meeting to at some length on the present interna correctly pointed out the necessity of same time crippled those unlons who re below. a distortion denying the genuine time slanders and condemnation of the the Left Opposition.
tioun political situation. He dealt par broadened activity and warned against mained entirely at the mercy of reformunited front. and the other fist, of oplat mislenders: then it is all the more the canizinx the unorganizel. Objectively, the dangers of lefng sa sled with more duty of the and 1. to lasue means continuous playing into the delegates received our remarks well the slogan of trade union unity.
Comrade Trotsky, in hls article on the formats together with the harm that while the apparatus men tried to distort those remarks and prepared to fall into cuestion of trade unton unity, wresta kind of polley brings with it.
heir usual state of lethargy.
relation to the united front that his FOODWORKER Despite the fact that a number of the delegates pledged their utmost adivity This is the third of. series of thi.
the higher paid workers who were begin. capitalism, their contentions have proven which, if carried on with the sincere clex on the conditions of the Railroad wlog to live helr jobs on account of la correct and will be proven wrong only cooperation, from the leaders, could have workers. The other two huve apbor saving machinery installed by the when the railrond workers take the developed a strong bovement, the leadpeared in previous is of the Millrailroads.
tant. More are to follow in subwoyuThe Brokerhood officialdom have had class struggle replaces the policy of several weeks after the conference. In What can be done by a revolutionary plotism the entire broadcast, having ex.
en issues. Ed.
and have now at their disposal enough class collaboration three months of its existence only working class leader to develop class hausted Its allotted time, was cut ofr.
Already in the early part of 1931, at money and men on permanent salaries, The lack of planned railroad construc were very poorly attended. each places ita prens at his disposal was Wickersham proposals for a way out roads that wage cuts were looming up ou for the purpose of organislug and amallariven the railroads in a tight corner. reaching the workers and organizing the New York Tribune. at which have and the empty abatractions of Solomon, turbulence of the present crisis has Opposition stressed the importance of the leading Anglo American newspaper, Against the bankruptcy of Spreckles he indudstrin horizon for the railrond kumating the railrond workers. The This cannot be denied. However, its them, of visiting organizations on behall now been engaged for eight years la Communist presentation would have workers.
Wage cute always follow in the wakeers, fustead of twenty one should be ex contention: hat the anarchy of capital were visited by our delegate. But wha: Feonomy. by Lenin on numerous ce like a clarion call on dark night. In which result plained and advocated at every meetfrom the inherent of Industrin depend the profit Ing. And if the leaders would do this Int production must be replaced by soe was the result? After the third meeting casions and more recently by Trotsky, our opinion Amter should have made a dud on was showing up and many roads algamalon at crery turn, it would be possible by establishing a workers dicton to bring a report to chester Guardian, reprinted in part in of the workers misery in the present were reducing their working forces. But come possible to hold an Amalgamation other hand, even if we confined ourselves ing of the Mooney Committee.
Weeks have passed since the last meet the Times of April 13. 1931 crisis, followed by a brlet explanation of He range rate, vth the beginning of 1031, Convention within one year and there to the figures presented by the railroad ecutive committee does not function SOVIET POINTS WORLD PATH. How Communist solution He should have The ex under the title TROTSKY SAY Its causes and a concise outline of the it should have been clear to anyone call to launch an Industrial Culon of Rall. magnutes we can show thu. they do not all, or at least the present writer, who a working class leader can misuse the mentioned the various capitalist atempts ing himself a labor leader that unless rond Workers, certain energete organisational steps But instead of using the Brotherhoods ther pon the foundation of the force of know of its netivity. Not a single mass the working class was demonstrated by the war danger and the And were taken to strengthen anul solidity money and press to pc on an OTKANIA: the capitalist did atorship and Its llars meeting was called to organise the mass. Stalin in two interview he gave o re the reailroad workers, wage reductions tion and rumalgamation campaign, the and fakers.
then he should have emphasized that the es for the release of Mooney. Not a presentatives of the New York Telexram only solution was an International proand further loss of working conditions Brotherhood bureaucrncy has been buss Mr Willard, in the Chicago conference leaflet was printed to bring Mooney be and New York Times toward the end of letarian revolution, that in preparation would soon be knocking at their doors. selling the useless and expensive Craft However, the best time to bull and System, with its useless and overpeta said that despite the reduction of oper: fore the eyes of the masses. And all this 1930.
ating expenses many roads face bank in the face of the greatest opportunities FATAL INTERVIEW for it we must figi unitedly against the strengthen the labor union is under No leadership to the railroad workers. The cannot meet the presewe!
ruptey because they sweeping capitalistic offensive, for immewhen Grand Chiefs have been assised by txed charges of 1931. He says the fixed workers are not losing their jobs hy the curral oranizers and general chairmen charges for 1931 are 605 million dollars the latest developments in the case, with to emulate his master, Stalin. It is true mea: Insurance. His conclusion should Last week, Amter, faced with a choicediate demands such as the six hour day, with the significance of the case, with between these methods, strove mightily credits to the Soviet Union, unemploymillions through Inek o Bra herhod leaders had a splendid op local or union meetine which would be which only teves 89 million btal net masking the ince of the master class that Amter was not interviewed. He have explained the role of the Communportunity to do this from for immediate milion men and women (and how it is radlroads, who did not belong to the rate che se predmete. placeone inna To whom does the in:erest sº it it does meetings are being called, she tries AMTER FAILS MISERABLY ormous resources which there leaders help keep the Reds out of the not go to the capitalist class, no matter get out of a difficulty by answering that the ocasion of the broadenst was had at their command practically noth anton Both men in the locomotive cab whnt section it is. Is not bis 49 mil no one can be gotten to come to meet dinner given by the Association for Bed But this is precisely what Amter did ing was done to set these workers into are now engineers. The man on the lon, to say nothing of the 784 million, Ings. Such an answer, however, callster Citizenship Ine. attended and ad not do. He began by at acking the dinthe unions. There were millions of dol. Left side has been engineer for years obtained, part of the capitalist surplus for another question. Why?
The ans dressed in addition to Anter by Rudolphers. Having ranquished them, he laro avilable in the Brotherhood treasury still two organizations are maintained further how do they figure this? In re lamentable altuai Yon is that the of the Socialist Party, and Wickersham Join the Communist party which fights robbed from the ratlroad workers? And wer is that the trae reason for such a Spreckles, the financier, Chas, Solomon, called upon the unemployed workers to for the printing of handbills, leaflets and in the unemen and general organizers fation to the variable capital? No ofinstend of earrying on as a mass organ of the commission benring his name. To hunger. Similarly he called upon the this strange position had lite brought employed workers Join the Communhands of every railrond worker in the pull members from one union into the relation the total watered stock. It es The Stalinist machine 18 satisfied United Staes and Canad, telling him other. As a matter of fact, the only is true that in times of crisis much water to time the D. to a handtul of sel up Opposition meeing to speak the Negro workers to join the p or her of the Importance and necessity of interest the these 15 sete labor is squeezed out bu: this is only partially ected Stalinists and blind followers who ing over the radio at patriotle dinner or fight for sociale. political and economie Joining the unions. In addition, the lead skates have in working men is to colleet right or wrong, will carry out their masto her with financiers and a social quality. He denounced Walker open ers had the Brotherhood Journals and dues from them and to keep them satis the case with the big roads.
So long as the workers are not organ ter will. The next must follow. The Fascist! We do not wish to be misun shameless submission to the bankers of the weekly paper, Labor for their tied with things as hey are.
use and control. These publications While this article 1e being written, ized properly, are not under class strug tew tru worthy members are derstood. We believe that it is correct Wall Street. At this point be wees in rench many railroad workers in every January 28, an extra is appearing in gle ideology and have the type of rell already so overburdened with the many to utilize such opportunities to speak to distinguishable from a Republlan Party that de porters, misguldet by Amter and co forth he rambled without plan.
ther Big Salarles to Organize Although it may require one or talist cau sell below valne and still make of the meetings with the results who call Trotsky a coun er revolutionthe Workers more speclat articles to properly discuss profit and we know the capltalist class scribed abore How much longer can this go on? Isary because he writes for the capital non Communist worker listening o In addition to the printed page with and explain this grows betrayal of the Enve been striking at a rategienl points: Tom Mooney to suffer the consequences ist press. We have our Judgment of Amter would have come away not a whit which to reach the workers, the Brother leaderhip we wish to point out hood ofisials had literally thousands of brand now the the railroal workers the increase of the number of political or are its leaders going to wake of its appearance bot upon its content. What the communist party stands for.
such as nastant presidents, vice pret accept or reject the wage cut. The prisoners and of deportations. These up to the sense of genuine united action from this poift of view Amter speech nor how It proposes to fight hunger, wage cuts, lynching, deportation. Nor would we have sipected that the American general chairmen. severnl thousands of them. The excuse the bureaucrats adworkers wage ed are of vital importance who called the conference be THE CAPITALIST SOLUTION Communist Party Is a brother section of them) business agents and legislative re class. The capitalists of America are their duty o Mooney as representatives Association program of systematic ical historient moment, upon white suepresenta: Ives who mamnged to hang on foolish end sille as the one they are tightening up on the home base in or of the revolutionary movement? If there enlightenment of be ter citizenship pro cers or fallure der to prepare for greater onslaughts on is a red spark in their hearts and minds posed, among other things, as a solution against Fascism depended to a large exuniting the masser we bave Jewell at the head of the he world market against rival imperial these leaders will my with deermine for the misery of the working class, atent his own fate. Neither would he railway department of the F. of ists, in the struggle for the redivison of tlon, No, not until we have organized tax on short saels on the stock exchange, have dreamed that a war is brewing nor a department which does not exist except on paper.
The Recent Wage Cut the earth. Are we gong to stand by idly a genuine united front as called for by a tax on the export of capital to provide would he have been enlightened on how while this tremendous international con Alooney in his August 20th appeal wil an unemployment insurance fund; and to fight the war danger With all the money and personnel at flict is in be making. No, all signs we have fulflled our revolutionary duty prohibition! Solomon gave polite, in their disposal, the Brotherhood leaders. The railrud workers have tnkona To the objection that Amter could not point to an increase of class battles in and carried out the will of Tom Monocuous and abstract exposition from could have put on a real organizing cam 10 cut and once more the folly of the the United States. HUGO OEHLER. ney!
palio in every railrond terminal within hoes is paid for by the workers. Althe socialist point of view of the clam in ten or twelve minutes give an exhaus SHECHET. tiruggle. It conld have been given in the analysis of :he entire world situathe jurisdiction of the Brotherhoods. rendy the effect upon other industries MINNEAPOLIS toto ten years ago so little relation dia tion, we can reply: Marx, in writing the have coupled up the organiz has been fel: wage cuts are the order OPEN FORUM ST. LOUIS OPEN FORUM It have to the reales of the present for program of the First International was ing campaign with a concen rated wage of the day in all parts of the country. Fascism or Communism in Germany?
movement to shorten the day without a The railroads through their committee ternational and national situation. Nor forced to present his ideas in such Lecture by Vincent Dunde Friday, FEBRUARY 12, 1932 cut in wages and to raise the minimum informed the workers that the only way did Solomon offer any solu on except a manner that he conclusions, which for at 1530 Franklin St. The Geneva Disarmament Conference description of what socialism is! Wick political reasons he could not include wast level in the railrond indus ry to our of the Impasse was a wage cut, and Sunday, FEBRUARY 14, 1982 and Soviet Russia the Fire Dollar Day mark This pro properly so crom their standpoint, t ADMISSION FREE Everyone Welcome ersham who followed Amter and was the would follow inevitably in the mind of gram would have attracted thousands of is the path of least resistance. And up Auspices: Communist League of America Auspices: St. Louis Branch, Communist the physical grandeur of our country. polnted out Anater is na! Marx.
Speaker. GEOGE ROBERTS last speaker launched into a eulogy of the reader But, as we have already lowly paid workers and also many of to the present, with the labor flunkles of (Opposition)
League of America (Opposition) As he was completing his lyric of peT. STAMM.
all observer of the developments on the railcenter, on a united and concerted scale her means of transportation and the meeting, the delegate of the Boston Lett tanght us by Marx eontributor on of the crisis was becoming clear to even the casual to hold union meetings at every railroad tion, the increased competition from three meetings were called and those consciousness when the capitalist class We are therefore unable to comment on system of prodution. Even in 1930. pro instead of fighting and obstructing am. Inilst planned economy which is only of our committee one had no organiza particularly in his statement in the Man. short statement of the extent and depth nearly one Lame ducks have been appointed as the founded debt alone was 495 million workers to its banner. Yet when an orth Amter is not Marx, nor Lenin, nor demands today, and circulars, to put periodically into the lire kept on the job by bd hunions tourse not, they gure their profits in zatlon, has isolated itself from the magamter; from directing gangs to break ist party to fight wage cuts and upon Brotherlood Officials Too Busy Enjoying Acce: Slash for One Year. 18 a head. And easy plekings. We know the capitions that they simply cannot attend all nothing in common with those party sup congressman Machudden. And so on and line Vance for accepting this wage cut is as for the living standard of the whole satisfied that they have now falalled Spreekles as his contribution to the the German which is facing a crit They