AnarchismBakuninBourgeoisieCommunismCommunist PartyEngelsFootballGermanyGuerrillaLeninMarxMarxismSocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 1932 EDITORIAL NOTES The Recent Outbreaks in Spain and their Meaning no :Book Review: rethe Time (Continued from page 1) dicate, throughout Andalusia and Catal. The light hearted gambling with the pro. 23 82. Unfortunately, this FATHER COX help in the organization of united which will surely be amplified and consona. Everywhere, the popular demand lems of the movement, ignorance and big mouthful is miles distant from the was raised for the dissolution of the ineptness, the stage juggling with the truth, if only for the reason that these While unemployment increases daily front of labor for the defense. All this Armed by later information.
and the suffering and misery accumulates they refused, and the work went on Law for Defense of Republie Civil Guard. The republicans and social burning trade union question which resame journalist manufacturers and their to the explosive point the militant move without them. Now they come forward The republican socialist coalition which ists in power, cavalierly oblivous of sults in the absence of any deceive Com Spanish colleagues have done everything ment of the workers around the issue to protect the prisoners from the be took over the goveroment with such their solemn promises before the fall munist influence in the powerful they could to keep the masses from the completely falls to keep pace: The un trayal of the defense committee which clabore promises for the welfare of the monarchy to abolish the black. or the UGT, for that matter Communist party.
employment movement shows many signs did the necessary work which they re the masses and took such deliberate hatted bandits of the Guard, promptly has made it possible for the anarcho The Daily Worker is not alone. The pains to proclaim Spain of regression, or at best marks time. fused to do or help in doing democratie proceeded to send comrades of the same syndicalists to debilitate the worlkng current issue of the Workers Age, which This is the price of false and inadequate This eleventh hour discovery of the republic of the workers. has not fail Guards to suppress the strikes with all class without encountering effective re contains an outraged article by Gitlow Dally Workered to reveal in action its brutally antsthe ferocity for which they are ontorloussistance from the Communist forces in against the blufts and exaggerations of policies and bankrupt leadership. In the merits of the case by face of such a contradiction the way is has not occurred without reason. It labor character. Not only has not Despite the militancy of the strike the principal mass organizations. So the Daily Worker, does an elaborate opened for all kinds of charlatans to bears testimony to the effective work of succeeded in solving a single one of the movement, which sporadically and spon much fuvaluable irretrievable time has plece of bluting on its own hok. It in get the attention of the hungry masses the defense committee in popularizing problems posed by the democratie rev taneously went so far as to take over been lost by the antics of Stalinism! So forms us of the widespread revoluThe situation is made to order for them, the issue and it indicates the pressure olution, but it has steadily instituted control of local municipalities, it is clear much more time threatens to be lost un tonary nprising under the leadership of and those who show skill in the work brought against the bureaucrats by the regulations and procedures which have from even the meager press reports that leas a turn is made!
the Catalonian Communist Federeation of deception have the capitalist press for Communist workers who were ashamed steadily increased the discontentment of it has been driven back by the concenThe pitiful attempts of the Stalinist (the Right wing group of Maurin and a publicity machine. The most consple of the things done in their name. But the workers The Cobal point of the collere and with the present state of press to cover up the bankruptcy of and the syndicalist unions That uous and successful of these traffickers the new approach to the case shows rift between the masses and the ruling the movement, nothing else couldd be ex. Bullejos, Adame, Trilla and Co. in the syndicalist untons are leading the in human misery that has yet appeared cynical contempt for the intelligence of class it has brought to opwer bas be pected.
Spain, deserve a word. Taken complete movement is undoubtedly true, but on the scene is the Catholic priest of these workers. They will stand for a come, to a great extent, the infamous The fatal weakness of hte movement ly unawares, the Daily Worker clamored more. The story about the leadership of Pittsburgh, Father Cox.
great deal as the continued existence of law for the defense of the republie is its leadership and outlook. Practic for days about eight towns having Maurin and Co. is nothing but blurt, pure The exploits of this clever sky pilot the Stalinist bureaucracy demonstrates and the existence of the aqually infam. ally everywhere, it is under the domina declared the establishment of a Soviet and simple, manufactured entirely out are crowding the legitimate workers but they have not forgotten the record ous Guardia Civil which is maintain tion of the leaders, either of the Republie. Such abymsal ignorance of typewriter and a plece of paper.
movement out of the daily news. While this bureaucracy has made in the case ed to enforce the Draconian measures pure syndicalist brand or of the about establishing Soviet Republics Ls The revolution in Spain is still on the this can be attributed, in part, to a more of the marine workers, and they will of the law. pure anarchist brand. Practically ev. to be expected from the bourgeols press order of the day. It is only necessary or less deliberate policy of the capital not forget it.
Before the adoption of the law, and erywhere, the actions are consequently and from Stalinist dunderheads. Then to understand the dangers it faces, and ist press, it must be admitted that his In order to refresh their memory and now legally under the law, hundreds precipitated without genuine preparation, we learn that the workers of Spain are to overcome them in a serious, Marxian methods and program have a superficial to put all the issues clearly before the upon hundreds of active militants have with the vaguest, least practical, most turning in masses to the revolutionary manner.
attraction for many workers. He stole workers the defense com volttee has de been arbitrarily arrested and detained idealistic aims, without national co leadership of the Communist party MAX SHACHTMAN the thunder of the Communists with his cided to issue a statement giving an ac without trial or indletment. The sys ordination, without foresight as to the Tomer reports, made just as good a ment, which will adduce documents and tearoy Ferrero en Rivera, has been carried and centralized bourgeoisie and its a Washington and count of its work and policy. This state tem of de enciones gubernativos (arbi results or the mean provided for reshowing. He demands immediate re facts on every point, liet. government appropriations and blow to the disrupters and thereby over under the Republic Characteristi paratus of suppression. The inevitable similar measures, which have a prac strengthen the defense of the persecuted cally, under the dicta Porship this vicious result is that the anarcho syndicalistes, tical sound and make a certain appeal workers facing trial.
system was declaimed against by such contempt for the state, are completely Lasalle. By Amo Schirokauer. Trans onal jealousy, by these gentry, or to to the desperate workers who are stag.
PROGRESSIVE TENDENCY present day authorities as Azana, Prieto, discomfited and checkmated when the Inted by Eden and Cedar Paul The Censome disease. If Lenin differs with Marcelino Domingo; one of its most social myth of the state turns up tury Ca.
gering under the heavy blows of the Plechanov and Martor he is jealous.
crisis. This is indicated by the attendThe draft of a program published by ardent opponents under Primo was Gal at every corner and confronts the hero of all the figures in the labor move Trotsky disagrees with Stalin it ance of fifty thousand at his Pittsburgh the Opposition group of the Proletarian arza, who today perpetrates it just as eally confused workers with serrled ment since the beginning of the era of a personal issue for power. These creamasy meeting. It is not altogether out Party gives further confirmation of the ardently in the capacity of Director Gen ranks of trained Civil Guards bayonets scientific socialism, none stands out 80 tures see everything through the of question that his project for a na progressive tendency represented by the eral of Security in Madrid. Just as un fixed and rifleg levelled.
romantically and baughtily as does the fraction mirror of their own petty bourtional convention at St. Louis should new group. The document leaves a num der Primo and Berenguer, working class The concern every revolution figure. has geois souls. And so Marx and Engels arouse widespread hopes and attain ber of the most decisive questions unans papers are now administratively supist must meer over these events in der not only been blographed by so eminent dislike and distrust of Lassalle is placed measure of success wered, but in spite of this limitation pressed by the minister of the interior the fact that the petty bourgeois ignora critle as Georg Brandes; but he was right at the door of personal jealousy or his representatives.
One thing is incontestable: The Intot which is easily understandable in erable burdens of unemployment are group that has only recently taken shape and Mundo Obrero, organs of the Comdicalist leaders resulted in dress parades pages of no less a novelist than the that the political differences between arousing millions who can no lorrger the programmatie statement of the Opmunist party, have been suppressed or of an unprepared and undirected work great vlotorian, George Meredith, who Marx and Lassalle are barely skimmed bear them in silence. They are moving position gives a fairly clear Impression harrassed. In Catalonia, the civil goving class against thoroughly fortified painted Lassalle with the cellophane over or entirely neglected. Marx critwith irresistible force toward some form of the nature of the revolt against Pro crnor, Anguerra de Sojo, completely sup bourgeoisie, unnecessarily exhausting the coating of fletion around him as Alvan, cism of Lassalle Gotha Program is of expression. Whether will be a letarian Party leaders who lived too pressed the weekly paper of the Left forces of the workers, weeding them the Jewish firebrand and reformer, in not even mentioned. But then, what can fighting program or a compound of re long. in peace. The faction fight or. Opposition, formist and religious illusions, whether more correctly, the split in the Kerachdaily paper of the Solidaridad slowly in futlle skirmishes, preaching his novel The Tracle Comedians. And you expect of a social democrat, and the superiority of primitive guerrilla as a tragle comedian he has been ad a social democratic Intellectual, at that!
it will be led by revolutionists or dem er organization is a fight of revolution. Obrera, has been seized regularly. parti warfare when only the strategy of ceni mirel and parlor gamed over by ever so One more point. In the conluding reagogues this remains undecided. It is ary workers against a sterlle and conser cularly since it passed into the hands tralized war is applicable practising many well meaning intellectuals, liber marks of his blography, Mr. Schtrokaver of the anarchists gives himself over to reflecting upon the not written anywhere that the workers. vative clique.
the theory of sporadie advances and disals and romantle socialists.
in the first stages of their awakening, The sections of the program dealing Trade union and political centers organized retreats under the fatally er That he should have been taken up by career of a man who not only died once will take the road of militant struggle with unemployment and the trade union 02s have been closed by the authroneous impression thut it is the hour bourgeois intellectuals of this time and but three times. Lassalle is dead. His Neither is it precluded. The policy and question show the strong sides of the orities in the most high handed manner. grobie which will thereby be weakened after is hardly to be marvelled at. Con workt are dead. His. International factor in this question. The conditions or official faction. On both those points, visit to Spain, the press reported the ture and unprospective mosquito attacks. with decided semtle features rising to sees a faint light a gleaming. He argues work in a progressive direction, but the so vitally connected with the daily work shutting down of the anarcho accomplished by taking unwise advantage the point of contounding the aristocracy. thus: The chief bone of contention be leadership fumbles every time and turns in the class struggle, the opposition syndicalist) unions in Cadiz: the illeg of the just resentment and militancy of and what more, the rising bourgeoisie tween Marx and Lassalle was the matthe movement back.
group vitally important. Every er of the sectarian passivity, garnished Tallroed workers union in Malaga: the the masses, means that the anarcho syn. whom he evidently hated more) up to ter of National va. International Social ror and every delay increases the danger with high sounding pseudo Marxist talk, outlawry of the autonomous the come July days Into weeks and perhaps genulous argumentation that resemblea Sociallen in one country and the Per that the course of the movement will be which has characterized the Proletarian trades union In Bilbao, led by the Commonths. It constitutes a terrible threat to more the haggling of some snelent Talmanent Revolution. Now the spirit of turned aside. The spectacular successes Party from the beginning. The pro munist party and the Left opposition: the real progress of the Spanish prole mudists than the Dialectics of anybody. Lassalle, the spirt of first Interna of Father Cox are a sharp warring of gressive and revolutoinary tendency of and with the tacit consent of the tarian movement.
be stands up in court and defends the tona. a good nternational is a dead the reality of this danger.
the opposition in this regard is undubit three socialist leaders who are in the coalition cabinet. the closing up of The other side of this situation is the notorious Countess Hatfeld. defense International nowadays) is coming up ATTACKING THE MARINE able.
WORKERS DEFENSE The attack on the Marine Workery acterization applies mainly to its program Estremadura.
It must be noted however that this char. socialst unions) and even Social blonbersin permanence of the Spanish which lasts well on to a decade and cul over the horizon. For have we not got 11 party centers in their stronghold, Communist Party. We have often point minates in making him the darling of Socialism in one country in Russia? And ed out the veritable crimes ayainst the the haute monde are we not instituting a variation of Defense Committee in the Daily Worker on these points as compared to the ofof January 25th is a continuation, under ficial policy and practice. The formulaIn one strike after another, the gov revolution which the Stalinist bureau The turbulent days of 48 End in Las National Socialism right here in Germany, now a new form, of the policy of the parts tions of the opposition are by no meansernment the Madrid center as well as crats have committed in the Spanish salle a nolay and forceful, it at times, Each acute situation only logical leader. He electrifles with his Thus we find, at last, another foreand the In this case since its adequate, and they are lacking somewhat openly on he side of the employers. reveals this horrible fact more glaringly. speeches. lle crushes with his denun. ano matter how wrong so long as you re inception action the prisoners to their defense committee the danger can arise of an uncritical Che Civil Guard, cordially despised and 18 against but at bottom the attitude remains the plunge into mass work for its own has been used time and again to crush pretentious drama in blank verse. The doing something; hatedb virtually the entire population, hook is on the Greek philosopher, Hera through theory when the opportune mofate of the prisoners and concern only for the ment in a swamp. If this is defended as even fre polnt blank into workers clitis and it is written not so much to ment arrives.
enlighten anybody as to lay a philosophie. GTN.
factional interests of this corrupt and a necessary reaction to pure theory meetings, Our first open forum held Monday, background for his aggregious behavior.
All these measures and acts January 18 marked a real success for the Nothing is too much for him. He is the degenerated clique. The attempt to dis of the Keracher group, it must be rememrupt the defense on the very eve of the bered that it was not the preoccupation are now elevated to the plane of cow Kansas City Left Opposition and speaks eagle. He says so himself. All the Communication prosecution no less than was the state cal questions, but the shallowness and Monaries, socialists and even Macia addefense of the republie. voted by reac workers, among whom were a dozen or or another. Love and action are in nt of the Daily Worker on the day talsity of its thoeries, that determined herents, which puts more arbitrary and ment so party members, participated in a very scribed in letters of fire on his spiritual We have received the following after the arrest more than two months ita isolation and its futility. dietatorial power into the hands of the Lively and Interesting meeting ou Why coat of arms. He is as helpless without statement for publication. It is of Ago. If the conspiracy to railroad these especial interest because it expresses workers is defeated as we trust it will ican labor movement the The pramount problem of the Amer minister of the interior than Primo ever Trotsky was Deported from Russia. the one as the other. And so the draft a growing resentment among class prerequisite presumed to fake! All this by the grace The speaker, George Clarke, elaborated caused by his running from the political be It will also be a defeat for scountor its development on the revolutionary of the socialist ministers and with their on the basic difference between the left scene to the bed room never ceases unconscious workers against the habit of drels who, in the name of Communism, path in the next period is the consolida benediction Opposition and the Stalinists; told of the til the bullet from a pistol shot in a making the defense of class war prishave done and are doing their best to tlon of a firm cadre of political vanguard ruinous consequences of the centrist duel over his lady love, the comely Helen oners a factional football, whether deprive the prisoners of the solidarity. Aghters, that is, of revolutionary MarxThe Arnedo Massacre zigzag in the Soviet Union and de The flames of resentment in the ranks seribed the fatal disasters in the Interher a week hence. lays him low.
von Donneges. would he have loved this be done by the Stalinists, or as in this case, by the When the Communist workers finally theory takes first place. The specific of the working class, which were reduced national resultant from the non Marxian Now in the sense that the book deals New York, NY call these NCRVengers to judgment their weight of even a small group of this to a smokdering for while back, now theory of socialism in one country with these situations which are by now January 15, 1932 reckless sport with the lives of labor character will be far greater, and its seem to have flared up again. From The talk was well recelved by the prisoners will not be the least count in influence on events in a rising wave of what can be gathered by reading the audience. During the question period a legend in the ranks of the radical In The Militant St. the indictment that will condemn them class struggles incomparable more deci most recent periodicals, the recent strike the party members were quick to selzetelligentsia, it is better book than any New York City outbreaks were precipitated by a horri the opportunity for questions and discusthat has When Soderberg. Bunker and Trajer movements which leave aside the fun sive, than a hundred amorphous mags ble maacre of workers in Arnedo, prosion. But as usual most of the time of Donneges affair which has been made Comrades: so much of by other commentators has The following is a resolution unaniwere first arrested their friends ar damental problems for future considera vince of Vixcaya.
Right into a crowd their discussion was occupled with eas here been minimized to its proper promously passed at our last meeting: pealed to the for aid. This ap tion. At our Special Meeting held on Jan.
peal was rejected; this organization, fire of the Guardia Civil. with the result way serious arguments were old ones, portions. The book in general is welt The formation of the cadres of the that besides the many wounded, there vix: Trotsky wants to rob the peasan en with a gusty savor that 15th, 1932, at Aristocrat Hall, 69 which is maintained by the revolutionary vanguard need not be contrasted to the is now a toll of ten dead men, women try and Neither Stalin nor Kalinin does manage to recapture the personal. Marks Place, our Delegates reported somehow workers for such purposes, refused even to hear their story and to inquire whethe condition for the revolutionary effec years old boy.
to send a lawyer to visit them in jail, mass movements, but their formation is and children, among the latter a fifteen could be centrists since they had been Ity that was Lassalle. The style is about the Conference for the Defense of in jail and Siberia for their activities rapid heetle and in keeping with its the Kentucky Miners, called by the Genther they were being mistreated. The tiveness of the latter. If the opposition Througholut the country appears to these the speaker replies appeared subject. So much for the formal as eral Defense Committee held on Jan.
6th, 1832 at Labor Temple, 14th St. and Daily Worker on November 1th dis group of the Proletarian Party Bees the to satisfy most of the listeners.
avowed the men and denounced them as thing this way Its revolt against the dead that this was the final straw.
But the social democratie bias from Second Ave. New York, We endorse the stand taken by our they lay helpless in the hands of the routine of Kerucherlam can become the Guard, which symbolizes oppression, an On Sunday, January 17. at the Negro which the author writes can never for delegates to invite all other Labor or Worker on that date: Soderberg, secre bution to the Communist movement. Web rariness and police brutality to the Progressive Club comrade Clarke spoke a moment be mistaken. With all the ganizations, regardless of their political third degreee torturers. said the Dally starting point for an important contretary of the Tidewater Boatmen Union, hope for a fruitful collaboration with Spanish workers and pensants, spilled to an audience of approximately 100 painful efforts to be objective the bias beliefs, to join in the defense of the on crisis. a al whom the capitalist press calls a Red. them on this line. The best way to be section after another, general strikes of communism and the Negro There Ziegfeld chorus, The Marx Lassalle dis Kentucky Miners as well as of all polWe believe 19 our for being a suspicious element and also frank discussion of all the important called some for 24 hours some for two struck sympathetie chord among the sonal point of view. To bourgeois in struggle really effective, Isbor must unJ.
from the Marine Workers Industrial questions.
days, some for an indefinite period. Negroes gathered, for the ball fairly rang tellectual or social democrat, a ite all its forces in the strugige against in San Clason facet shtresa Trajer. Reilly and THE MILITANT caya, and, as recent press dispatches in speech. This is the second Negro meet ent political opinions is always personwith applause at the conclusion of his agreement between two people of differ the oppression by the ruling class.
Workers Industrial Unoin as bad ele. Published weekly by the Communist mein Kansas City in which the Last Dachar diners with Bakunin and fereneg for the Kentucky Mineras Defense Oppoetion has Lassalle. It placed will make an honest attempt in that ments. And to this, the Young Worker League of America Opposition ary idea. We hope to continue propamm direction added. Soderberg is a stool pigeon. at 84 East 10th St.
gandizing Communist theory and practice We hope that you will give publicity Now, when the case is alrendy on the EDITORIAL BOARD among the black workers of Kansas City.
to this resolution.
calendar for trial they come forward and For the Benefit of the Imprisoned offer a class struggle defense. What Martin Abern James Cannon Fraternally yours, Marine Workers kind of defense did they offer in the Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Secretary (Signed)
Bunker. Soderberg Trajer Gretings on the appearance of days after the arrest when defense was Arne Swabeck KANSAS CITY Semi Monthly Jewish Organ of Left Bielotzerkover Br. 417, deperately needed? Nobody stood in Entered as second class mail matter their way. The initiative was taken by STUYVESANT CASINO Opposition and to celebrate the The Left Opposition Program Return of Comrades Swabeck, thers only because they would do noth November 28, 1928 at the Post Office at ST. LOUIS OPEN FORUM Second Avenue and 9th St.
for America Shachtman and Glotzer ing nothing but denounce the prisoners New York, Under the act of Friday Evening, February 12th, and leave them to their fate. For this March 3, 1879 Speaker. GEORGE CLARKE Volume V, No. Whole No. 101 Irving Plaza, 15th St. and Irving Place LENIN, TROTSKY, and the reason also the Marine Workers Defense Auspices of the MONDAY, FEB, 8th at P.
Saturday, JANUARY 30, 1932 Saturday Evening, Feb. 6, 1932 at P.
Committee was formed at the request Marine Workers Defense Committee 914 Grand Avenue Speaker: Martin Payer of the defendants. The and the Subscription rate: 00 per year; for Show your solidarity with these victims Second Floor ADMISSION: 50 CENTS Friday, FEBRUARY 5, 1931 eigh 50. Five cents per copy. of the frame up system. Come Party were invited to participate, to Auspices: Communist League of America Auspices: Y, Branch Communist 14th and Cass Avenues send speakers to the mass meeting, to Bundle rates, cents per copy and bring your friends. Opposition)
Auspices: St. Louis Branch, Communist League of America (Opposition. League of America (Opposition)
In Opposition trial is an act of collaboration with the of the Proletarian Party with theoretiuitutional law by the new law for the well for our future work. About sixty time he is making love to one woman st it dis DANCE BANQUETat the