AnarchismAndrés NinBolshevismBourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsFascismGermanyHitlerKaganóvichLeninLeninismMarxMarxismRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGE SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 1932 THE MILITANT IN THE INTERNATIONAL OF LABOR Reviews and News of the Working Class and Revolutionary Movements The Fascist Danger and the Need for a United Front of the Proletariat Rumblings in the German Social Democracy In Bulgaria In Spain There is not a single worker, no matter how little conecious he is, who does Letter to a Comrade by Leon Trotsky not understand the necessity of forming a single front with the comrades who work with him in the same factory, in the same shop, in the same mine. The Factory Committee, elected by all workers of the same class without exception, whether or not organized in trade unions, Dear comrade: by the wisdom of the Stalinists, but, We, the Left Opposition, are weak. We (Continued from last issue)
or belonging to the or the has deepened the split still further What is missing are mass orenza Three or four months ago the Party, Aliation may be offers them the effective questions raised by you as briefly as snap what happens in the country of the The cadres of the or whatever their political afI will try to express my views on the much rather, that they do not care a are growing slowly. But we are patient.
tions, such as the Soviets which assem. faced with the open collapse of forenera de posibility of realizing their unity in a serie de tenie Sisontegrations the brancher October revolution. Up to February 26 revolutionary, elements or of neutral Comintern consist the instrument of the insurrection and gave up the spliting tacties, which had fore be begun from below, by undertak there is missing a strong communist nounced the transformation or the Re: ing an energetic campaign in favor of evitable. revolutionary faction which ly said: The Opposition program of been broken. What is sailing now under party, without which victory is impossi: construction Committee into Onity the constitution of Factory Committees has no doctrine, no general conception of Industrialization and collectivization is the flag of Leninism, is only a mishmash ble. If the working class 1s conquered Committee.
throughout the country, the world situation, no elaborated strat utopla. Beginning with February 16, of the most heterogeneous elements, com yithout a battle or after a heroic but in The Spanish Communist Opposition way from below, the working class, imOnce unity has been achieved in this between Communism and social dem gram of Stalin which was only a cari authority of the October revolution has egical principles, is doomed, as a cross they immediately approved the new prosented by blunt stalinist ignorance. The effectual putsch, its defeat, its passivity greeted this turn with satisfaction, Aspelled by the very logle of the strusle ocracy, to a hand to mouth vegetation cature of our own. One can more read become an obstacle to revolutionary devwill favor the evolution of the petty it was the same thing as an implied re will reach the conclusion that it needs and cannot withstand the convulsions of lly understand why it is that the Stal elopment. That is the dialectie of hisbourgeoiste to the Right and will be remont cognition of the accuracy of its critte not ya! the united front, but unlty from heimer, the leaders of the international difficulties and contradictions which they revolution becomes Kaganovitch. Under the present epoch. Brandler and Thal inists, under the immediate pressure of tory: reason becomes nonsense, October ing a death blow against the proletariat. the Communists to prevent the turn an tional scale. This road is apparently slow. tartana. Now, when we do possos al eve Right wing opposition called us secare incapable either of overcoming or such conditions, how can the Marxist Under these circumstances, Fascism wil nounced by the party from remaining on or than that of the fusion congress which certain amount of cadres and begin changing their position sharply and to a express spoed? In order to master of understanding, are engaged in tendency be expected to move forward And a magnificent basis for its develor paper, which there was reason to tear 18 tavored as the first and last sten steway to grow, these alleged representa taking refuge behind les, but it is really the international situation, ment.
from the persistency with which the butine reality it is much faster. and diverse mate action find themselves in repulsive to see these two Berlin pee changes, etc. a certain theoretical level This perspective is possible, but not party stuck to some of its fundamental above an, inanitely inevitable, far from it. The working mistakes.
the midst of complete class must keep it in mind in order to foresee all the dangers, and to attack the concerned. fald the Central Committee already by us in the past. As far as the trade union polley 18 other invaluable advantages pointed out Half of the leaders want to join Stalin, out taking any part at all in the affair of political experience. The masses can In enemy more surely and more decisively for the opposition in the open letter ad place, it offers the proletariat a magni ot yes men with regard to everything that that the right wing opposition tolerates confirmed by them. Example: Our small the first Brandler and Thalheimer take the part pointed to high functions. And the fact withstand the test of events and are enevatele reap theo ciklyhere bers of the party, the symptoms are donne, control or production, exercise goes on in the Soviet Union, that does the likes of them in its midst, nay, at its German organization is making a serious even more disturbing. Concrete propost by these Committees the project for not prove at all, that they are blind head, is in my eyes very characteristic step forward proelsely because it is hold solution. The bourgeoisie keeps conso tions for a united front have been made so called workers control worked one by nature or that they have been dazzled of that organization.
Ing its own in this eventful situation, lidating its position in a desperate efto the but Reconstruction while the Brandlerites are forced into fort, but stumbles over unheard of dit Committee continues to function, and concealed form of class collaboration.
by Largo Caballero, which is only bankruptey.
ficulties in trying to consolidate them even after the eircular of the Political Com. st. belleves, according to what In the second place, in the course of definitely Secretariat announcing the turn in the development of revolutionary events in you say, that there are unreliable, conIt tries to gain time by constituting policies of the party, has published var. our country, the Factory Committees can fused and even discrediting Cantonists a government presided over by socialists. ious manifestoes over its signatures.
among us, especially in gency decree policy of Bruening which true, in Austria there exist, to be sure, Austria. It is The working class must take account of the wishes of the Executive Committee serve as a powerful stimulus to the ap LEIPZIG, GERMANY this and not give the oburgeoisie mo are sincere, it must prove it in practice pearance of Soviets, those irreplaceable The counter revolutionary situation, clears the road economically and pol not four but insofar as have been that is, the situation immediately pre itically for Fascism. On the other hand, informed two groups who count themment breathing spell. In revolutionary The members of the party must imposed organs of the proletarian Insurrection.
periods such as those in which we are their will in this direction on the lead propaganda for trade union unity and its peculiar laws and phenomenon.
Let us therefore abandon the empty ceeding the Fascist overthrow, also has the dissatisfaction in the ranks of their selves as members of the Left Oppoalliving, events develop with extraordinary ers.
proletarian following, whose wages or tion, both of which we are, however, for speed. The revolutionary consciousness Our fears were more than justified. planned by the party, only deepen the certain weakening of the social demo cut and who watch the continual growth conrse outside of the framework of our those efforts which, like the conference Apart from the objective factors, a unemployment dole are constantly being the time being, allowing to take their of the masses progresses similarly in geometrie ratio. What is missing is a The party. far from orientating itselt split, and let us work actively and re cracy (without strengthening Commun of Fascism with great wingivings, is organization because Just now. we lay party to concretize this revolutionary alncerely toward unity. emphasized its solutely for real and immediate unity ism and accompanied by a general de also very great. An expression of this more weight on quality than on numbers.
crganize the masseste for action. This the more or as it tries to present stores ing forward with the greatest energy the required to make the social democracy mous election losses of the and when the cadres maintain themselves by of.
party does not even exist, although there on the outside, formaly, as the most recreation of Factory Committees incapable of securing the further exist all the lesser elections of recent months their quality, that is, by their ideas, is potentially an intense Communist solute defender of unity.
Barcelona, Nov. 27, 1931 ence of bourgeols soeiety outside of its (about 25 per cent. Unfortunately, we and methods. When will the great sue spirit in the country. The working class Its decision to call a so called Trade ANDRES NIN.
Fascist form. Furthermore, this re must however admit that the cesses come? That cannot tell you.
must be given this indispensable instru Union Unity Conference. using as in quires the going over of the decisive, instead of gaining more and more of The Left Radleals remained a small minment for its emancipation. great rev. 1925. the Federation of Working hitherto democratie sections of the big these votes gets less and less orlty in the German social democracy olutionary proletarian party must be Class Organizations of San Sebastian.
bourgeoisie do Fascism. In the last two of them and that a continually growing for years. The Zimmerwald Left conforged, unifying all the Communist forces can only lead to a second edition, revised weeks trese two processes have developed section is becoming altogether indiffersisted of single comrades from various which exist in the country, and giving and enlarged, of the Seville Recunstrue rather rapidly in Germany. fast tempo entAn expression of dissatisfacton was countries, and they were not as comrade it a clear and precise program. Only Intion Committee, that is to say, to the On the afternoon of October 11, 1931, was conditioned not in the last place also the expulsion of the opposition and St. very well knows among the best: this way can the Fasclat danger be av creation of a third central body.
It is evident beyond a doubt that only a bloody dispute took place in the court by the abrupt a gravation of the cries, the creation of the centrist a young Norwegian poet, the confused erted; and the Spanish proletariat, allied with the peasants, can advance with alan insignificant minority of trade un. Yerd of Philippopel Prison among the which proceeded in the wall of the (Socialist Labor Party. through which Hoeglund from Sweden, Jullus Borch. They succeeded, the orientation Arm, the methods cor.
leads to victory.
ence, and that the great organizations of rades who have fought and suffered for cerning the British tarifes which are hoped to attain peace ruinous for German trade.
The possibilities of success in the the and the will not the cause of the proletariat. This quarto be sure to repelling the organized rect, that is, appropriate for the epoch.
Insofar as the turn of opinton in the opposition but the spontaneous dissatis and out of this small group, the Third circum rel, called forth by factional differences, in the constitution of a strong communstances, can the conference produce any deeply shook the sentiments of the stop for a moment, first of all, on the unions has not ceased to continue to the intermediary of the October revolustruggle against the Fascist danger and send delegates Under these 1st party will depend principally on the other result than a new split?
field of the political super structure, on grow. The is still selyed with ton. Great revolutions always consume ability to put an end to the trade union The experience of the last few years working class clrcles.
of Stalin tools Beho, the press. It is of the greatest signid disintegration whole generations, and that is just the split which has torn apart the working shows that this rond 18 not the most workers Action, etc. was filled with cance that a sheet of such world import. An expression of the pressure of the case now. To a certain, but only to class of our country.
o desirable one to reach the unity In this sense, the Communist party is dently desired: that with unity confer. declarations and protests of prisonerance and democratic traditions, as the membership for struggle, for action, was certain degree, it is necessary to begin called upon to fulfil a role of the very ences and proposals for fusion congress of the Stalinist faction. Our excellent Frankfurter Zeitung, demands in all the united front proposal of Breitscheidl anew at present. In this, the most imfirst importance, by struggling implacably ea, absolutely nothing to accomplished. comrades, at the head of whom stands earnestness and with the greatest deter which the answered with the portant task is to preserve the continuagainst the chronie. of in practice to the proletariat that it de sted front. The struggle against the positionists, were treated to these de porno coltiopinion that the bourgeoisie is with another, to wit, there is no dieto transmit it to the younger generation anarchists and the by proving ter passing through the phase of the untenced to death like so many other Op It can easily be understood from this main enemy stres unity and by an ardent struggle bosses offensive, the problems presented clarations as a hord of bandits, as a persecuting with the greatest brutality terence between democracy and Fascism. The confused Cantontsts, who discreder: to attain unity.
Unfortunately, the Party in this field before the eyes of the working class the of the prison warden, against whom to the old liberal traditions, who have article. Of Thaelmann which the Mirt choose one path according to the lands bas followed fundamentally false necessity of coordinating and unifying punishment and removal were demanded. remained ante. Fecista number 37 tant (No. 37. has dealt with before. Te mental, determining. Objective factors Seville Conference and in the constitu lessly crushed by the enemy, and the desisted from shooting, imprisonment Ostetsky has already been mentioned. struggle against this fundamental ten pressions of one groups or another one tion of the Reconstruction Committee, bourgeoisle, allled with the landlords, and deportation of people of the rank the case of editor Hoellerine is likewise ency as expressed by the Thaelmatin followers of the revolutionary tendency.
Min article and that we must explain to the Engels once wrofe to Bernstein some which created a deserved unpopularity will accomplish once and for all the of Leon Trotsky and Christian Rakov important. On the demand of sky, are all alarmed over the incidentsister of the Reichswehr, Groener (who party membership which is being de what along these lines: We (1. e. Marx for the Communists in the and strangling of the revolution.
in the Philoppopel Prison. They are has breakfasted more than once with celved by the modest and incomplete and Engels, naturally) remained in the calling for the intervention of bourgeois Hitler) he was discharged by the Jewish criticism which Thaelmann practices on minority all our life and were gulte comjustice and are confiding to it the de democratic publishing house of Ulstein, the question of the peoples revolu tortable at that. do not mean to my cisions of Inner party disputes.
without notice because he had revealed ton on capitulation and individual by this, that we should make this our FOR YOUR LIBRARY In this, just as all the other lackeys army! it is also typical that the alr armaments of Hitler private terror that it is not a matter of an ac atm. In my life. It also happened that in the rest of the world, they are treaterto republican police officers of Severward. The self criticism of the bur those who onstantly rave about the hithtual turn, in order to drive them for was among the majority. But all Books by Leon Trotsky ing their opponents of sliioning have openly declared thei as traltors, or as tools of the bour with a major who has been brought up not permit them to exploit it, we must trually attain It, at least not for revolu.
lidarity eaucrats must be utilized, but we must masses and the majority never se THE STRATEGY OF THE WORLD geoisle and of The masses are not won REVOLUTION neither the courage nor the ability for activity (that is, by the way, a contri doublefacedness. This taette, naturally over by a special mass technique, as 86 pages, two colored paper cover 250 Introduction by Max Shachtman both methods that of Lenin and that peaceful acquisition of the state apa combine of all republican organizations. In this field, the trade union fakers are THE DRAFT PROGRAM OF THE of Trotsky which assured the proclama paratus. We are intentionally quot after convincing their followers that sky high superior to them the masses COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL tton and the entrenchment of the revoluing only such examples as have to do united front with the Communists is are won over in our epoch, full of events Criticism of Fundamentals that of Stalin and Molotov, who are with the camp of the formerly democratic impossible. This combine which they and crises, only by a clear revolutionary.
Introduction by Cannon subjecting all the acquisitions of the growth of the National Sociallete. be sure, accomplish very little insofar as bourgeolate. As to the direct and stormy boastfully dub the iron front will, to social conception.
140 pages hard paper cover 35e great Ruslan revolution, both the ideo enough has already been said to make the Fasciats are concerned, but it will man situation will be decisive for the inThe further development of the Ger.
THE SPANISH REVOLUTION logical as well as the organzatonal ones, things clear to everybody 30 pages, paper cover 10e to an international danger by enfeeblecontribute a great deal to the paralyza ternational labor movement, and in the THE PERMANENT REVOLUTION The social democrats are supporting tion of the proletarian forces. 208 page book cloth bound 00 More than that, the political prison with suicidal steadfastness the emer Since it is impossible for the the German proletariat be victorious paper bound. 80 ers, poisoned by the Stalinist opłam. to change its policy of betrayal, it has this can only happen by the greatest to attempt, by means of personal changes tension of all the creative forces latent who ate nevertheless our comrades, in comrades, which are Inspired by a sin in the leadership, to create among its in it then the dictatorship of the empty THE REAL SITUATION IN RUSSIA Introduction by Max Eastman the same class and in the same strug core and deep effort to find the straight membership the illusion of a change in and brutal Stalinist bureaucracy will im864 page book formerly now 00 glo, go as far as to issue before the ed way to the social liberation of the airection. These personal changes are meiliately fall, grent ideologieal strugMY LIFE 600 pages 00 whole working class of the country, be proletariat.
fore the entire world proletariat. In Osvobodenie is not publishing any pro the fact that the leader of the Reichs will have a fructifying effeet on the roalso signs of the Internal crisis. And gles will be solved, the Left Opposition COMMUNISM AND SYNDICALISM the stalinist press, which could find not vocatory articles as the political prison Banner, the infamous and notorious novation of the labor movement in Ger The Trade Union Question a single word of fraternal conciliation, ers at the Philoppopel penitentiary elalm. Hoersing has been deposed, is only a many and in the entire world. Should Introduction by James Cannon and reciprocal toleration, this declara. See the Echo, No. 227. sign of how deep going the crisis is.
18e 04 pages, paper cover tion: It will be impossible to prevent The tragedy of Philoppopel Prison While the membership turns to the the Fascists, then all will be orer with THE SPANISH REVOLUTION new attacks upon us, bloody confficts are must arouse the conscience of the pro Left, the leaders (Severing. Hellmann) the Comintern and possibly also with IN DANGER inevitable. And since the Stalinites are letariat so that the Stalinist action will are travelling ever more openly toward the Soviet Union. For the world pro64 pages paper cover 16e in the majority, it is quite apparent that one day be forced to cense Identifying it the Right and it is due to the idiotic letariat, that will mean a set back for a new bloody attack is being organized self with the proletariat and to realize policy of the alone that these long years to come. Under these tragle PROBLEMS OF THE DEVELOP.
against our comrades, which is already that highest law which rules the norinal contradictions do not MENT OF THE now prepared paychologleally and just development of the protetarlant struggle and more openly to a head. The Stalin over the task of continuing to expand ome more rapidly conditions, the Left Opposition will take 48 pages, paper cover 15c Ited in advance.
is the principle of Inner party democracy 1st leadership, far from changing its the Marxist idea, but certainly no longSpecial Rates In Bundles of or more Whom do these tragle quarrels serve? which allows for the broadest and most course, has begin, on the contrary, to er within the formal framework of the SINCE LENIN DIED Comrades on both sides, come your truitful development of the idea of the carry on in Germany too, an Insidious, Third International. We have a long By MAX Eastman senses! Can you sum up sufficient freedom of the proletariat. In the naine nolay and Althy struggle against Trot run perspective. The events can acceler1924 moral strength to rise above these alof this inner party democracy, the pollskyism. especially since it is beginning ate our development, even give 158 page book printed in London together too primitive methods of strugitical prisoners of the Left Opposition to feel more and more the strong re feverish pace. All the better! We are, gle, of application for Judgment from of the Philoppopel penitentary. have action, the deep echo to the latest pam however, also prepared to carry on pro Ploncer Publishers the authoritatives of our class enemies? brought their first sacrifices. Let us phlets by comrade Trotsky in Germany. pagandistle and educational work 84 Erst 10th Street Are you going to show yourselves incaphope that these will be the last sacri on which the entire press was forced to long years as setcarians. In order to New York City able of rising to the level of proletares, and that the opponents will gnce comment, and which are being quoted prepare the yeast for the future.
lan ethles? Can you not find the strength more be united fraternally before the everywhere.
With best Communist regards, for this by respecting the views of your common class enemy. BAUER. TROTSKY.
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