AnarchismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyGermanyLeninismSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 1932 Bureaucracy in the Brotherhoods Unemployment and the Party se da than Lovestone Splitters Call for Unity for Father Cox Gets Free Hand in Pittsburgh lette Nothing Done to Rebuild the Unions Since 1922 practically nothing has been done by the Brotherhood Gicials to rebuild the unions. In spite of the millions collected in dues, in spite of the (Continued from last Issue the re biring of laid off workers, etc.
cles on the conditions of the Railroad to produe anything but a craft system war, the role of its leadership has been Brotherhoods payroll, regardless of the continue to fight. What we must do, is the movements not to be united. on this This is the second of a series of arti to the present time has not been able, ers took their first pay cut after the thousands of salaried officials on the For us, it is axiomatic that we must But what it there are no strikes. are workers. The first appeared in the honeycombed with overpaid officials. an unbroken process of betrayals. In fact that the leaders were well provide to add to the slogans Militant of January 16, 1931. Fur For the past seventy years, a period 1921, in spite of a nearly 100 strike with both men and money, they Unemployment question the resolution is silent.
have ther articles will appear in subsequ. through which all of the present twenty vote to resist the cut, the leaders aconte and educate the raltrond Workers sans which, while answering to the celves the right for unemployed insurdone nothing in a concerted way to or Insuratice and relfer those practical sloIt is apparent that the party still couent issues. Ed.
road transportation has gone through an cepted it with the excuse, that we can instead of building the unions and get needs of the workers will appeal to them ance as a movement primarily of the the Railroad In our first and previous article on almost unbroken era of expansion not strike against the government and ting them to amalgamate towards an in in terms of work. Such slogans exist. unemployed. This is borne out by the pointed Through this period of railroad develop this in spite of the fact that the Ronda dus:riul union the leaders tried to bulld They are principally: the slogan of the organizational forms by which the resoluout that the railroad workers in this ment the workers, although always poor, had already been returned to private Banks und Investment Companies. The six Hour Day, Five Day Week with tion proposes to carry out the party pro country pweze kept zdi vedea binto twenty: were generally kept busy. They worked management. In 1922, eight of the low net results of these ananclal ventures to reduction in pay and the slogan of sram on unemployment. On this subswarms of overald craft officials who also overtime. As a matter of fact, about cut. Seven of those crafts forced their for a costly lesson to learn that the Soviet Union. In addition to their ap of organization of the unemployed counarticles to follow we will take up more per day. During this period the craft section men was able to hold his organ or leadership, un citypical bureaucratic fashion the from working more than sixteen hours Grable, the 14, 000 a year Tender of the investments as they knew successful la working class both at home and abroad, by the workers in the neighborhood, unwhich has been elaborated ir the columns mployment agencies, soup kitchens, etc.
of the Militant and by comrade Trotsky. 10, no douut, will be the purest form from such an arrangement and point out all the needs the workers required of strike. So Grable together with the ther with the condition in which the which is so necessary in the present cir no mention here of uniting the employed zation in check regardless of its vote to In the next article we will deal furthese slogans have precisely that quality of the united front from below. There is to the railroad workers, and workers in them. Because the workers are kept bureaucrats at the head of the other railroad workers find themselves in the cumstances.
general, that under present Industrialny, although their hours are long and eight higher paid crafts kept their mem face of unemployment and wage cuts and unemployed. This makes mockery conditions the craft form of organization their wages low and their demands of bership from interfering with the smashThe Six Hour Day, Five Day Week, en of the resolution declaration that, 18 not only useless but extremely ex the capitalists through their unions are ing of the Shop Crafts by their employ. 48 result of a bankrupt leadership.
tirely possible with the high develop These organizations of the unemploy.
pensive to its members.
At the conclusion of this series of the periods of industrial expansion, em usually very modest. And also duringing of the shop Crafts by their employers ment of American Industry is slowly ed) must be organized on the united winning the approval of sections of the front baals. Nor is this distorted conarticles we will submit a few recommenployers are able to give the workers a dations which, we hope at least, will concession now and then to keep them American working class. It appears ception of the united front redeemed by reasonable to them and a means of re adding at the very end of the section around which to organize that growing times of steady work and overtime are lleving unemployment, by cutting down dealing with this question, the sentthe working day, and week and cutting ence, All the unemployed councils have minority in the railroad unions who be practically gone. Problems are piling up lleve that Labor Unions were instituted before the railroad workers, as well as men to work. It is urged even by sec representatives of employed workers.
resolution for an entirely different purpose than to before workers, in general, which tions of the capitalist class. These gen. It is not explained in the the The Lovestone faction has once more, front to liquidate the ideas of Communtlemen Intend, of course, that the six how the employed workers who have almereley furnish a fat meal ticket for a craft union and the craft bureaucrat can put forward an appeal for the unity of ism and the Communist movement it hour day shall be accompanied by a cor ready signited their refusal to enter the lot of unnecessary officials.
not solve for them.
letter self? Hardly: the Lovestone appeal is responding cut in pay. We propose that existing mechanically controlled, narrow The Brotherhood Bureaueracy Unemployment, wage cuts, speed up addressed to the official party, to itself, just an elaborate and solemn farce at there should be no wage eut. The work councils are to be brought into them.
The Labor bureaucrat and the craft and loss of working conditions are now and to the left Opposition. Such an ap the expense of the genuine sentiment for ers will decide. It the party were to peal costs the right wingers nothing. revolutionary unity which exists in the take up this slogan and launch a move. poses that the unemployed councils be union are closely related and both of staring the railroad workers in the face The program of the Opposition prothem are products of the times through And as we are now dealing with the To Lovestone and Co. it is a purely four ranks of the Communist workers, which we have been passing, namely, the Brotherhood bureaucrats we will look nalistic gesture which obligates them to The whole appeal of the Lovestone sections of the working class and stir genuine, broad united fronts consisting en of capitalistic expansion and devel into what they have done or rather fail no retreat from the positions to which group is based upon falsehood and a them into motion to realize it. of representatives of organizationg of opment. Workers can only learn through ed to do to meet these conditions with they have been advancing for the past niis translation of the actual state of workers of all political or no political experience and the railroad workers are which the railrond workers are now contwo years and more, but with the ala affairs. As for ourselves, we want no the slogan ot credits to the Soviet Uners from agencies, etc. This, of course, The work aspect, so to speak, oftendencies, as well as unemployed workexception to this rule. The experience fronted.
of which they hope to cover up or ex. part of any movement unity!
which the rallroad workers have had up Since 1921, when the railroad work. cuse the course they have followed up against the Communist party. Towards relations with the Soviet Union as a program and a regime of working class ion is no less valld. Increased trade is possible upon the basis of a correct to now.
the Right wing liquidators, the left OpThe solemn hypocrisy of the Lovestone position has an unchangeable attitude result of a movement led the party democracy in the councils. The Stalin appeal is unexcellable. The leaders of of intransigeant hostility. We have no organized along the line laborated by ist version is now too well known. It the Right wing, who expelled the Left cause for conccaling our alm of liquid. Unemployment and the Five Year Plan. and out of it. On this store, the rePITTSBURGH, PA.
is the workers Messiah. The workers remotest protense at democratie dis and ineffectual methods pursued by the of the American workers for the social an ominous sign. It signifies that the Opposition from the party without theating the liquldators not by the stupid would result in concretizing the interest solution is silent too. This silence is Pittsburgh, the center of three of the to listen to anyone who discusses with lowers in the art of the blackjack and ideological and political struggle. The lat solution is expressed in the Soviet policy of expulsion for holding non comare approachable and show a willinguess cussion, who sought to train thele fol Stalinist incompetents, but by an intense greatest basie Industries: coal, iron and profit wrung from the sweat and blood They show an eagerness for a program dealing with the counter revolution slide the Communist movement exists and ment here by opening factories now tinue. On such a basis there can be no steel, has yielded to the masters fabulous them their real canditions and problems. brass knuckles is the sole means of ante rest of workers in the disputes in sconomy, and would alleviate unemploymunist and anti Stalinist views will conof the toilers exploited in these mines against their masters. Yet it is hardings by thurgery. assaulted our com burlesques upon unity. but by an open will fight.
of unemployment activities und night ists. who violently atsrupted our meet should be gratified. Not by Lovestone closed. For these slogans the workers united front.
mills and factories. Pittsburgh was al It is plain that the party program All these considerations together lead on unemployment and the organizational ways considered the baromece of caplParty made the slightest effort either by our offices.
to recollect a single instance where the rades physically, and even burglarized and free discussion of the contentious talist economie conditions.
this great industrial city still continues confidence of these workers, to explain them has been to lie and misrepresent by a publie debating of the question together, these three slogans constitutsiume as those with which it has failed To day traternization or by leaflet to gain the date of the weather tone been trinution and Right wing. such an end is best served should be the central slogan and that whose sole contribution to issues. That is our position towards the to the conclusion that the six Hour Darforms it proposes are essentially the to be a barometer but a barometer of an the entirely different nature. It now gauges les and the practical revolutionary way with them to achleve unity in order presented the Lovestone group a chalthe revolutionary perspectives of this out.
masses, both employed and unemployed Insurance. There is, therefore, no need country. The mines are shut down. workers striking, mills and factories On Saturday, January 16th, the day united In one powerful Communist To this day. the Lovestone faction, which This is the program of the Opposition. It whitewashes them. The present depratically silent, and thousands upon designated for the unemployment demon. party.
now coos 80 softly about unity, has not Unfortunately, the party does not see velopments do not require a change in thousands of unemployed worke idly stration of jobless women, some 70, 000 Furthermore, what: sort of horse play iterate the challenge here.
eren replied to this challenge. We re the problem in this light. The Dec. 3rd polley roare the streets, driven by of hunger and fear of evletion, to redoperation workers men, women and children, turnresolution of the Executive ed out under Father Cox leadership, at Is it with the highly important and ser is still in their hands. Let them ansCommittee affirms again that memploy. defeat for the fight for ubemployment in The Stalinists are preparing another sort to begging, charity. petty pilferage the Pitt Stadium, to demonstrate and de los problem and slogan of Communist wer it. ment insurance must be the central slo surance. The results will be disastrous.
suicides, and Father Cox. All this in mand relief. The general character of unity when the Right wing chiefs Invite gan: We must strive to organize the The despicable demagogy of the Pittsthe land of Mellon. a city synonymous this mass demonstration presented 221 the Lett Opposition to achleve unity with wealth and prosperity and the the ear marks of a political campaign Coal and Iron Police.
ens with the demand for unemployburgh Reverend, Cox, is a warning that if the Communists do not learn how several brass bands, patriotic music, Hy on the basis which they very cleverly Ing tlags presentation of flowers and calculate will automatically exclude us The third Innue of Young Spartacus, the demands for a seven hoor day and to lend the fight for unemployment inment insurance in the center. Although surance, all sorts of ritratr will divert men, women and children who come toing to out do each other in their eulogies to celebrate their unity appeal, Gitlow, reports on the Anti War Youth Confere are included they are not conceived sal movement into channels barmless to the It is appalling to note the number of medals, and numerous speakers, all try from a united party? At the meeting official organ of the Opposition youth is trade relations with the Soviet Union off the press. In this issue are featured the door begging for food and clothing of Father Cox, proclaiming him the speaking in their name, set down the ence, and the convention of the Young levers to unite the masses and set them capitalist class.
They tramp in from the near by mining tional hero of the day. It was the usual bases upon which Communist unity was People Socialist League. In Against this danger and for the cor addition in motion. This is obvious from the driven by the pangs of hunger and desti: demagocy of the church and not at all to be attained, and included in them one the youth section of the thesis of the method laid down to overcome the sep:rect policy, the Opposition will continue tution, abandoned by the coal and iron surprising. What was striking, however, which called for the unconditional de Russian Opposition 18 reproduced, also, aration of the unemployed movement to fight. For this, it has been created.
harons since there are no more profits was the absence of the communist Party tense of the workers fatherland. With an article on Trotsky and the youth.
from the red union movement It calls upon its comrades in the party Subscription rates are 50 a year, and This unity is to be affected as fol to fight shoulder to shoulder with it for son could the holy, flag waving Father it much wiser to stay away and not in berate falsification of our standpoint, on 5e the single copy. All comrades and lows: in order to abolish these weak the six hour day, unemployment insurmission as a Messlah for the workers portant event as the assembling of ceive that we are to be invited to join order bundles of Spartacus for distribu strikes to draw the unemployed into the ine united front unemployed councils: This man whose breast is filled with 20, 000 workers demonstrating for unem in a re united Communist party partion and sales. Send in all orders to strike committees, Into the mass picket against bureaucracy, for working class pure altruism for the victims of this ployment reller under the leadership of ticularly when they have not, to this YOUNG SPARTACUS lines, and on the other side, to place democracy in the councils; for the unity capitalist brutality and who is prepared the boss class. Not a single effort was day, repudiated their action in expelling 84 East 10th Street in speelfle shops concrete demands re) of the Communist vanguard.
for ever greater and unselfish and un made by the stalinist leadership to apus from the party which they at one New York, N, garding the unemployed. For example, STAMM.
sparing efforts in the interests of the un proach these workers or explain by time controlled?
employed, even if the reward be but leatlet the breakdown of the capitalist The whole affair smacks of that cheap presidential candidney. His popularity system cuusing their unemployment and and pettyforging kind of maneuver which continues on the Increase dally with his misery, and to present to them accept is so characteristic of Lovestonian high puble soup kitchens where hundreds and able slogans such as the struggle for politics, which is neither conceived her hundreds of helpless, discarded workers the hour day without reduction of pay, executed with any spirit of responsibilare fed soup, coffee and bread, his Hun the day week and extension of long ity or seriousness Matters become even ger March to Washington, his Shanty term credit to the Soviet Union, slogam clearer when the appeal is eximinedence to fight against Criminal Syndicalist broad mass United Front Confer. mouth.
United Front but also forcefully ejected Town. speeches over the radio and on which are momentary, realistic enough in the light of the recent past and the Laws was held here in Peoples Audi stand Gebert when he talks, under this Italian Workers Club. This action came While ordinarily it is difficult to under comrade Joe Giganti delegate from the monstration at Pitt Stadium in which mediate. Not even the constructive relationships between the Right wing torium by the last Sunday.
Jatiuary 16th as a climax, the mass de for the workers to respond to in the impathological condition it was almost im after III Gebert, the stirred up 70, 000 workers, men, women and chil. plan of physical attack of the jobless and liquidators and the Communist move It was in every respect a united possible. However, plecing his words the lesser bureaucrats with a speech in dren assembled to voice their protests break up of the demonstration came to ment as a whole.
front of the against their miserable conditions.
At just what moment was Lovestone lety.
ent day stalinist var together here and there, we heard such which he said there are stool pigeons Whether the workers who were to pass All the o. D. Unem cholee bits of slander as Ray Edmund and counter revolutionists in the hall The sight of a soup kitchen is quite carry out such strategy. saw through struck with the burning need of unityployed Councils and sundry organizations son, Illinois mine faker, ally of thel and pointed to these two comrades.
tamillar to all of us these days but a the folly of this hooliganism, it is hard of all the Communist forces. Up to of the Communist party were there. Trotskyltes. He also attacked Gerry Much resentment and protest was shown Shanty Town such as exists in Pittsthe present time, the course that he and There was also present comrade Frank Allard are to say, but not unlikely.
burgh, the workshop of the world. 18 It is important to note, however, that his colleagues have pursued, has been a new kind of home for scrapped work the maximum of activities on the part one of the unity of all the anti Commun. Backley, delegate representing the Com he appeared as witness against him in moved on and a dead and dry conter: Joe Tash was chosen by the bureau was a strike breaking organization.
the National Miners Union in Illinois ers of Industry, a real eye sore and of the vanguard of the working class here ist and reformist forces against the munist League of America (Opposition. the Benton, III. hearing and testified that ence of about 200 went on The membership must resist such antiworking class action by the bureaucrats.
rotten flcer upon this decaying society. under the stalinist regime amounts to communist party. It is precisely this course, which has become a stench in the crats to dever the main report to the Upon an open lot, the rear of Father standing up within their own Httle sec nostrils of every honest reovlutionist in Conference. He talked. He told the stool pigeon to apply to the whole Left representatives of the most revolutionFrom this he generalized the term The bureaucrats cannot throw out the Coxe church, located at Liberty and 17th talking about means of breaking up workers unemployed demonstrations, in the country and has lost. Lovestone what: this modern mode of living wenke vir lending some real cotomunist ever little support he ever had in the audience that the bosses are fighting the Opposition. Pointing with his finger at ary wing of communism without at the same for unemployed workers when the boss leadership in their daily struggles on to Communist ranks, which the recent and workers. He admits at the same time comrade Joseph Giganti, delegate from strata of workers moving in the direces can no more use them to extract propeal is intended to cover up. But ther that he does not know so much about the the Italian Workers Club, he called for ton of Communism, Scores of such exCriminal Syndicalist laws themselves. mob action. Without even a chance to amples can easily be pointed out but AtsLittle shacks, the size of out the proletarian revolution.
trick will not work.
houses, slapped together from every conI. ARCY.
He also warns the audience against the utter a word in answer to the cowardly one of the latest in Chicago is the ceivable kind of refuge material, from a bring about Communist unty by pro celves in the hall he said that this bunch of hoodlums and forcibly rejected Mooney Harlan Conference of two months ago which promised a bigger and broadrusty old iron beds as welghts to keep uidation of the National Miners Union, advance a project for a united front with key in the same manner, but out of and nothing tas been done to mobilize the roofs from flying away when a wind We are sure that Unser Kamf the National Textile Workers Union, and the fakers of the A: of blows. Gas pipes, sewer pipes, etc. act will delight our comrades: for the first the Needle Trade Workers Industrial respect for his huge size, the hoodlums the workers for Mooney who still rots in Comrade Buckley immediately took the were more cautious in handling him.
as chimneys. The workers roam about time, comrade Trotsky article on the Union, working for the end in collabora: floor and attempted to refute the lles or idly, insufficiently elad, half starved and situation in Germany will be printed in ton with all shades of reformism? Was Tash, stating correctly the Leninist unl eral more hours. It was successful ball out of the case.
jall while the reformers and politicians The meeting then dragged on for sevare taking advantage and making a foot.
on their faces expression of complete abandonment. They look forward only the Jewish language. Greetings from it for Communist unity that Gitlowed front principle that workers organi Stalinist united front and the delegates our French comrades, who hope to spread Zimmerman and Co. went to Paterson as to the pititul handout that may come her komt among hundreds of Jewish the agents of Muste. and the fakers of Zittone, rrespective of political tendency all went home deeply Imbued with a through fear and inability to withstand The unseating of the Left Opposition through this benevolent underhanded polout Marxian criticism at the same time itical capital out of the misery of these from our comrades relating to the strug: der to smash the Left wing movement the capitalist class on such specific is ods of the present party leadership carried with it the constructon of a huge Jobless workers.
unnatural wall between the class.
In the face of such scenes of work cular, industries from all or the couns as we polnted out, by the criminal blan could undoubtedly rally behind it large ders of the Stalinists? Is It for Com sections of workers, even those who for STATEMENT OF THE Morgenstern and Goodman are sentenced ing class misery it is only natural to in Pennsylvania for Sedition and their want to know how the Communist Party Every Jewish speaking worker a sub munist unity that Zimmerman, the the present may even be against Com CHICAGO LEFT OPPOSITION of Pittsburgh, the vanguard of the work seriber to Unser Kam should become Right wing spokesman in the reaction munism.
No sooner did comrade Buckley sit of our class forces to fight the bosses right to speak, when he calls on all to The crying need of the hour is unlty representative in Chicago Is dented the tng class here is handling the situation your motto. DO YOUR SHARE TOary needle trades unions, unites with such notorious labor skates as Levy and down when Bill Gebert, of the offensive, but once again the criminal ac unite to fight the Criminal Syndicalist with rega: Father Cox and unem MAKE THIS SLOGAN REALITY.
il ye are unemployed send your name reactionary anarchists as Bluestein. to party takes the floor. His face was red tion of the Stalinist bureaucrats scatters Laws and for its victims.
In contacts with some of the unem. and address to us and we will mail you mention but two cases for the purpose and blue. His eyes rolled violently in our forces. They again demonstrated We call upon the workers and sym.
of combatting the Communists? In a their orbit. The gleaming white of his their deadening Influence upon our Compathizers to work for a broad united ployed under Father Cox the paper, while you are unemployed.
leadership Rush your subs to: word, do the Love uneltes expect the eyes could be seen in the back of the hall munist party at the Sunday conference front movement, to fight for the release which by the way is the only unempoly.
Communist workers to take their Comh and might have furnished an excellent to fight the Criminal Syndicalist Laws of class war prisoners and against the ed movement noticeable in the city, it UNSER KAMF munist unity appeals seriously, when target for Colonel Prescott men at the They not only ejected comrade Frank Criminal Syndicalist laws and support was sy to detect that not all of his 84 East 10th Street they have demonstrated no incessantly battle of Bunker HM. He tumed and Buckley, delegate from the Communist the In this work as far as it followers are convinced that Father Cox!
New York City that their conception of it is a united stormed and the froth dripped from his League after he spoke ou the Leninist willego.
Young Spartacus Out Employed at the themploydal Comune Chicago Stalinists Disrupt Conference piano box to ordeehicken aterate ako and Unser Kamt off Press try.