BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismInvasionItalyLeninLeninismSocial DemocracySocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

THE MILITANT WORKERS OF THE WORLD UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America Opposition Published weekly by the Communist Lo ague of America (Opposition) at 84 East 10th Street, New York, Entered as second class mail matter. November 28, 1928 at the Post Office at New York, under the act of March 3, 1879.
VOLUME V, NO. WHOLE NO. 101 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 1932 PRICE CENTS On the German Situation OPEN FORUM Japanese Invade Shanghai!
War Threatens the Far East and against the Soviet Union 1s Utilize Feb. Meets to Build Jobless Movement serious tempo Lecture by ALBERT GLOTZER An Appeal to all the Communist Trotsky, supported by the international Workers by the National Committee Left Opposition, for a united front to Germany. Fascism or prevent Facism from coming to power, As we go to press, the wires are still tion in dealing with the hardly delectable of the world revolution Workers Rusof the Communist League of America a new campaign of calumniation and Communism humming with the latest dispatches of demarches of their Oriental competitor. sh is the immediate and common ob (Opposition)
falsehood has been launched, initiated the Japanese selzare of Shanghal. Bat. In such a heated atmosphere as the sective of all the powers that be.
tles between Nipponese and Chinese The danger of Fascism in Germany has and approved by the central Stalinist not dimipished. On the contrary, while hundred times, has now been rediacov.
bureaucracy. Trotskyism. killed Labor Templo troops are in fall blast all over Chapel, present, even the fact that several AmAnti Soviet Advances the noive part of the town, and the Shanghai, appears to be a mild form of erican worshipe have been ordered to the Communit have registered a 14th Street and Second Avenue The Rengo News Ageney (Japanese)
ber of important advances, they have ered in the highest instances of the toward the scene of the fighting. After indignation. But it would be foolish to reports the selzure and operation of the butelie to obecorreren babeste te lad dem: viations are being revealed in the Ger Friday, February 5, 1932 hours of terces skirmishes and all think that this. Das been so because of branche ne between Harbin and Chang raids, dard of their party, and the Fascists man and French parties. From Moscow report says, the occupation their good will. or because of pacifist chun of the Chinese Eastern Railway by Iselt, the at P.
being circulated have been striding forward wtih seven throughout the bourgeols and stallist further removed Japanese train troops! Add to this the is not yet completed. But one thing is scruples. Nothing is planned invasion of Jehol valley and certain the crux of the Sino Japanese from that.
league boots. It should now be QUESTIONS and DISCUSSION confliet is already here.
The reason why the Wes ern powers Mongolia by the notorions Russian White to all that the Hitlerite hordes are de press that Trotsky has gone over to ADMISSION: 25 Centa liberately preparing themselves for the the German social democracy. that Undeclared Open War are refraining from prompt and drastic Guard general, Ataman Semlonov, im adaction to curb their yellow brother un venturer definitely known to be in the seizure of the state power. Their Bruening, by the Intermediary of KautUnemployed Workers Admitted Free The minions of the Mikado have been der the skin 18 that the present world pay of the Mikado government, and strength multiplies. All the recent elecsky. 18 coing to give Trotsky a visa to steadily proceeding southward for weeks situation is as combustible as a powder you have as arrogant provocation tions show a distinct and threatening We warn the Communist workers that Auspices: New York Branch Communist ever since their first easy successes in magazine. Unemployment driving mil. against the Soviet Union al can possibly shift to the Right from all the bourManchurla. This time, China proper is long ba choice between extermination be ha ched up. The signal for an atLeague of America (Opposition)
geols parties. The bourgeoisie is stak these lies, these criminal and lightthe object of the imperialists operations and bitter, uncompromising struggle tack against the light house of the ining upon the victory of Fascism as the minded diversions, are desperate maneuThe game of the Japanese has been to Germany on the verge of social eruption. ternational proletariat is being given in counter revolutionary issue from the) vers of a bankrupt bureaucracy which lop off one teritory after another, while Unrest in Poland, class fighting In Spain, the East.
terrific crisis in which it finds itself. can discuss and argud on Marxian Lenprotesting against breaches of the treaty tormoll in Austria, Hungary and the The government of the inist strategy and tactics only by sland The big bourgeoisie press of the coun of 1916, while declaring the absolute other central European states. That is watchful and cau lous. And in a situaSovlets tries bordering upon Germany, like ers and police concoctions. The issue IN OUR NEXT ISSUE: altruism of their motives. At this rate, what the capitalist world is faced with tion surt as this, it must be. But, it France, is already preparing to re cannot be settled in this way. Fascism will not be destroyed by lying about the The Armed Uprising of the official declaradon of war ought to today. working agreement for the we are to believe quotations from concile itself to a Hitler regime.
November 7, 1927 come just about at the time when the time being, or at least an entente is Pravda and Isvestis in the capitallat Left Opposition and its leader, comrade WHAT WILL DECIDE Trotsky, by Leon Trotsky Nippon capitalists are ready to sign the the most natural thing to expect among press, the stress is being pu altogether peace treaty.
the various nasional master classes. The and exclusively for the present, at But Hitler march to power has not WHAT FASCIST VICTORY MEANS 2: The Second Artlele in the Series yet been crowned with success. His vie on Spain So far, the other imperialist powers throttling of a social contlagration and on the danger at the Eastern frontier victory of Fascism, which threate by Max Shachtman tory or his annihilation will be decided ens in Germany, means If Italy teaches have shown creme restraint and cau) the vetorious subjugation of the fortress of the That danger ts hardly to be underestimated. It can and by the relationship of forces, and pri us anything the crushing of the com probably will serve as the spark of an marily by the course which the German munists, the social democratic workers, round attack, Communists will pursue in the coming their trade unions, their press, their But, for a revolutionist with open eyes months.
it cannot help being clear that the real The German Communist Party, to this bloody extermination of the whole work There will be another unemployment main factor in this. It therefore also movement can hardly be disputed.
and the main danger is in the West.
day, has folowed a false policy. It has ing class movement.
for the not yet adopted the course which wouldl. victory of Fascism would mean the day with matlon wide demonstrations carries the main respoised. As the to the party that the unemployment de drag, must drag, because of the physiIt might also be appropriate to propose Developmens in the Far East generally successfully exterminate the Fascist dan reactionary. ocunter revolutionary solu for unemployment rellel on February objective conditions mature furiber this monstrations be no longer opportunities not being cal character of the land, because ger.
undivided tion of the present erists, not merely 4th. It should receive the responsibility becomes heavler and the concieved of the lack and inadequany of transportaFollowing the last Reichstag elections for the German bourgeoiste but also for support of the working class everywhere. party failures become real obstacles in, purely as objectives and means of advertion facilities, because of natural din and for many precious months there the bourgeoiale in other countries, in. But it is imperative that it become more the way. Its fallures have been appartising but on the contrary to be con culties. Should Fascism, however, suc than just one other demonstration.
after, the party leadership lulled the cluding the United States.
ent in the slogans presented in its atti ceived primarily as an integral part of ceed in crushing the German proie Arlat, masses Into false security with its victory for Fascism would break Can it become more than that? We tude of approaching the unemployment agitation and organization activities to baseless assurances that Fascism had the spinal column of the Communist In believe It AD. There can hardly be any situation mainly as a field for maneu build a movement. The demonstrations and therebey pave the way for a combined effort of imperialist reaction, this real substantial vers and reached the height of its power. The ternational at its strongest point outside question that with a vertising sthants. It Lan themselves will not become effective un menace would increase at furious events that followed every such boastful the Soviet Union Germany. It would section of the millions of unemployed ure has been apparent in the utter lack less actually sponsored by a ak sertion brought me proofs of the ad be a direct and immediate tbreat to the workers actually and serlously particio efforts for a class education, in the movement. Not until then went the ser position is entirely the reverse. tew On the Wes era frontier, the vances of the Hitlerites.
very existence of the Russian workers pating in a movement for rellet it can. bureaucratic methods of restricting the stallst class and its government pay ser. weeks of successful military operations But that is essential. Under all con Instead of steering firmly towards win republic.
by the European imperialists would place ning the socialist workers, the Stalinists It certainly should be in order now in their hands the Ukrainian granary The Left Opposition, contemptuously more than workers to be tolbetale med hand opposite to the one of anting the work engaged in a vulgar and reactionary rejecting the liquidatore standpoint, doen metallihen net meer than they orders in action. This, of course, is all to also to really begin to remove all the and the heart of Sovlet Industry. Not copying their slogans, seeking to outbld Fascist victory in Germany. On the ously ready to fight for.
the Stalin agents everywhere.
employed organizations. present there aid of its most powerful and most valuAll the demands and the pleas30 The direct results to the organized un is no broader apeal to the working able ally, the European and more immeHelee the most aby smeanne depths of Na the united strength of the German pro far made by the army of unemployed employment movement, whatever there is class than the pne concerning the varie alately, the German proletariat.
tional Bolshevism.
letariat, assisted by the International have been rejected with scorn by the of it, have been that the councils lead measures for unemployment rellef.
Chinese Experiences Not Forgotten had grown to a size which compelled the without great diffeulty and prevent them the state and muplelpal governments to the possibilities available. Their elementary elas8 unity could be attainThat is what every Communist work.
from coming to power.
throughout the country.
whole working class to look at the sit But for this, the Communists must governments were Republican or Dem ston of the workers and elimination of organizations regardless of how reaction: the world revolution is dear, must keep Whether the scope is restricted by bureaucratie divi ed. It should ring out to all workers er to whom proletarian Russia, co whom the media or copean referendum in prest Germany, a radical and genuine change the capitalist class as whole fools party control wikh La imposed upon entirely unorganized. On this bass er, especially, must keep in mind. And of the present course of the party. Not Itselt sufficiently strong to contine the them. They do not suficiently attract serious efforts could be made for work. It is precisely for this reason that the sia, which not only helghtened the wall between us and the socialist workers, bureaucratie maneuvers which leave nemployed millions to the charity the workers and those who join, come ing class unity of action.
policy of passivity and Inaction of the but added new fuel to the Ares of Puse nothing contentially unchanged, but crumbs which shey have seem at to set and work But above all it should be necessary Stalinist leadership of the Russian ComSome Practical Steps Proposed the theory of social Fasciam and a turn come their fears of a rebellion from to pursue a thorough method of class munist Party and of the Communist InTo all this, the confusion was worse towards the real united front as Lenin those they so haughtily scorn. Maybe. It would be a good beginning for the education. That is not to be contenternational in this situation is criminal confounded by the theory Anally devel. Comintern taught it.
though, they are wrong in this feeling party to consider rounding out its de with merely what directly and Immed and treacherous.
It was these same people, onw masoped, in blatant contrasto yesterday The German social democratic work of security. It is certain at least that mands for unemployment relief by addately concerus the spontaneous movement boasting that the victory of Fascism was ers, who number millions and who hate a real serious and determined movement ing the practical slogans which can ap but rather to proceed from that to teach que trading as Intransigeant dortrinar inevitable. The fact that in the October Fascism with all their heart, who will would soon make them change their peal to the broad strata of the work the workers in regards to the far more les whose principles do not allow them agreements against 1923 crisis, Stalin himself declared that not reacncile themselves with Hitlerism mind. It would soon bring the unem ers, including those now employed. We serious problems they must face toto force struggle German Fascism upon the social demthe seizure of power by Fascism was as thelr leaders will in a crisis must be ployed masses within reach of obtain have in mind, as we have often emphas reach their revolutionary goal.
ized, to add to the slogan for unem None of these proposals, however, can ocrats (the social Fascists. who even preferable to an attempt at power won for the united front againa Fase Ing actual reller.
by the workers, does not justify the ism. The Communist Party, as comrade Possibilities for Movement Growing ployment Insurance also the ones of the be approached with the method of tur were responsible for the slaughter of policy of Thaelmann and Co. but server Trotsky, and the Left Opposition have to miluminate the source of its inspira advocated, must put to the Germantenere movement. It would be foolish tor Com or long term credits to the Soviet Un with a movement. They require forstof under the banner of the Martynovist bloc no But there is not yet suche serlous Day as well as the logan for extension eaucratically maneuvering and playing the flower of the Chinese proletariat by of four classes. All the futile and empty unlons the proposals for a united front munists to close their eyes to this fact. lon. That it would offer better pokal all the attitude of serious minded rev THE RUINOUS THEORY OF such bultles for the olutionists. shouts of the Stalinist press about the STALINISM to resist the advance of Fascism. Only It is precisely Chinese Red Army and the powerful in this way, which puts their leaders to mountebanks, oficial dispencers of dopo, as the Pittsburgh Catholic prlest, Father Chinese Soviet Republle (Daily Worker Under the pressure of the increasingly the wall on a concrete, burning to Cox, can step on the scene and rally acute crisis, of the discontentment of will the masses realize that the Com thousands of unemployed upon a pro1 29 1931) cannot cover up the fact that the impotence of the oppressed Chinese manges in the face of the Imperialist agof the hammer blows dealt this theory Ele for liberation and for the detext of gram of pleas to congress. The purpose by the Left Opposition, the theory of reaction.
of his appearing is, of course, to act The old world is burning at both distant rumble of a proletarian reply. gressors today is the retribution for the inevitability is now being formally and as a preventive for a real movement by ends. In the Far East, the Imperial Now in Spain, the workers headless crime of 1925 1927.
leading the attention off into such futhypocritically thrown overboard, the ACT BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE All Out On February 4!
soapegoats found for its advocacy in the displaying a fighting disposition, vigor It the official party leaders miss the ile channels. But movement learning to lust has mounted to the head of aand unled though they are are again The Left Opposition, under the leader approved bureaucratic manner and the opportunity which is still before them know that the workers will get only Japan rendered desperate by the crisis and a resourcefulness that offer magol ship of comrade Trotsky issued its warnett for that has eaten into its vitals and it has ficent possibilities for shortening the lo ing then. It is warning the party now.
traces thus covered up. But unfortun if they persist obdurately in their pern what they are prepared to ately, in all their practises, in all their clous course, if they allow Fascism to would leave no room for such quacks.
a conquest of prostated China that only terlude between the democratic and the only an acute turn of oplley in the subsidiary theories, and by the per come to power without organized resist Fallures Should Be Recognized the a spark needed to set off an interus proletarian revolutions. The sonal conduct and preparations being ance, the revolutionary workers The Communists lead whatever fighting tal conflagration. In Germany, the of the strike movement, partner gence Communist Inernational, only an immeIn diate reorientation toward the old Lenmade by the party leaders, it is clear world over will hold the Stalinists dir Chalonia, Andalusia and Vizcaya. Iseinist line of International proletarian unemployment movement there is. The death rattle of capitalist mingles with that the party course is still directed ectly responsible for the inevitable cataSoftleial Communist party is by far thel he noise of Fascism sabres and the Declally heartening in view of the pre metion can save Soviet Russia, can pretowards a capitulation before the adotrophe that will ensue.
ceding period of depression that set 1n vent the pillage of the downtrodden of vance of Hitler. We still hear that the The times are pregnant with great SEMESTERHUMAN MILICONEOMOURIDORRONOMICOS the working class right after last year China, liberate the working class and series of heavily defeated strikes led and the oppressed colonial peoples from the Bruening regime is praotically Fasc events, with victory or defeat. The right lem: that Bruening is no different from road may still be chosen. The Commismanaged in classic syndicalist style yoke of capitalism and Imperialism.
Hitler. With the thoroughly false die munist workers in the ranks, here as by the head of the National Confedera Enormous dangers are facing the work.
tum of Stalin that e social democracy well as in Germany, must speak out. They tion of labor (C. At the same era of the world and tremendous posal time, the events which have just be bilities for successful action are opening is a moderate wing of Fasciem. with cannot arrange their passports to flee the equally disastrous theory and praeto safety from the consequences of a curred, during which a number of mun hour, tise of social Fascism. the party lead Fascist viteory. It is up to them alone icipalities were apparently taken over up for them. Every day, every every minute wasted can bring unforeers still contend that for the crushing to act and to turn the course of the Comby the workers and the Red flax holat told consequences at this stage of deof Fascism, it is first necessary to 119. Intern in the right direction. The Left ed, give ground for some concern for velopments.
the immediate future of the movement in uidate the socialdemoeraey. Such a Opposition, conscious of its duties, 18 The official party is calling upon all standpoint means that Fascism is to be ready one more to join with the parts Spain: the silver lining has a ellud.
workers to volce their protests against allowed to come to power while the to arouse the proletariat to action, and The distance that separates us from the Japanese invasion of China at the Stalinists are engaged in quidating the in Germany It must act before it is too Spain and the thoroughly unreliable re nation wide demonstrations on February social democracy an alm which they late. Let every Communist worker reyourwill not attain with their present course. flect carefully. Do not permit all revolutionists ports of the bourgeois press make it Let all workers, turn out in mass at these demonstrations.
Not darng to defend publicly the theory falsehood. Demand an accounting now.
selves to be swayed by Blander and dimdult to evaluate and to analyze las Le every Communist bring pressure of capitulation, and incapable of meeting Today, the acision is still in your hands by LEON TROTSKY week events in proper detall. But upon the party leadership to wako the criticisms of the Left Opposition, the for it is not yet too late. Tomorrow, general knowledge of the Spanish situa up to the danger in Germany as well as Stalinists, beginning with Stalin him. It may have passed into the historical Single coples. 10 Cents In bundles of or more. Cent tion and the most recent coples of the to that in the Far East. Let every sinself, are laying a smoke sereen to cover records of a great catastrophe. Order Now revolutionary press that have arrived. cere revoli sonist help the Left Opposlup their indefensible standpoint and to tlon bring back the Communist party.
make it possible to give a momentarily divert attention from the real needs of NATIONAL COMMITTEE, COMMUNthe vanguard of the working class, to Pioneer Publishers, 84 East 10th St.
IST LEAGUE OF AMERICA adequate pleture of what is going on the Leninist path, to the path of prolethe hour. Instead of dealing objectively with the proposals made by comrade (Opposition. Continued on page 4) tarian vietory. SAM GORDON.
COM mation with alarm, the party leaders.
en actu The Recent Outbreaks in Spain Off the Press Today!
GERMANY The Key to the International Situation