AnarchismAndrés NinBolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsEnglandFascismFranceGermanyImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninMarxMarxismMussoliniOpportunismRosa LuxemburgRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

PAGE SATURDAY, JANUARY 23, 1932 THE MILITANT IN THE INTERNATIONAL OF LABOR Reviews and News of the Working Class and Revolutionary Movements ROSA LUXEMBURG For Communist Action!
of tion Rosa wrote: Whatever party could muster in a historical moment of courage, energy, capacity of action has been completely accomplished by Leuin, On the Anniversary of Her Assassination by the German Social Democrats Documents of the German Left Opposition Trotsky and their comrades. Their Oet.
ober losurrection was not only the aetual salvation of the Russian revolution We are reprinting below excerpts, prouch all political groups, trade un(Contined from last Issue)
but also rescued the honor of Internarolling up ominously. There is no lack, Interests of the ideology of the future tional socialist. In from several locuments of the Gerions and workers organizations who de the posthumous The differences between Centrists and of documents of the pre war socialist Third International which in his mind work on the Russian revolution publishman Left Opposition, which appeared clare themselves prepared to tight against lett crystallized another stage in the opposition to imperialism. The best was already clearly projected, he sub ol by Paul Levi, sbe submits certain a few weeks ago in their organ er ascism, with the aim of a common apensuing debates on the significance of known resolutions emanated from the manente Revolution. With firmi pel for the formation of a Joint Council imperialism. The Right wing openly desluttuart (1907) and the Busle (1912) comradely criticism. He considers it a Zotkin say that she had revised these mits certain of its views to keen though ism. Her friends Warski and Clara Communist conviction, nur German of Action against Fascism. This appeal manded equal rights or our industries Congresses of the second International: defert that social opportunism as a dis views and had not intended the docu.
brother section raised its voice in must contain: in the coloutes (Quessel at Chemnitz At Stuttgart, Rosa Luxemburg intro tinet current is not alrectly enough rement, written in prison, for publication.
warning and made positive proposals The creation of Committees of AcCongress 1912)
To oppose colonialisin ancel the amendment on behalf of the lated to the current social patriotism as That is very likely but iu uny case bls for a change in policy to the Central tion consisting of representatives of Macwas utopian, Lunditex smashing machin Russian and Polish delegations. There Committee of the German Conimunist torles, trade unions, political groups ery. Kaut ky detined the Centrist post was never a word breathed in these re an explanation of the betrayal and col tory has proved that her criticism was Party. The ideas of the Laft Opposi and other workers organizations. It is tion in the Neue Zeit (1912. Traperlul. Nolutions of tion rent upon the experiences of th of the createst importance, that all the national defense as a la we, thus leaving the problem of the substantially incorrect. Thus she fall ism in the endeavor of an industrial justification for socialist truce with the open. He also takes exception to the aspects of the ugrar un problem and the split in the International dangerously ed to distinguish between the strategie kreat Russian resolution. Despite per existing tendencies in the revolutioncapitalist nation to annex agrarian tercapitalist state in the event of war, which thesis that in the era of unbridled imper. problem of a collectivixed rural ecou secution by the state and the bureau ary working class of each locality netu.
ritory. As such it is only one form of id not prevent the trutors later from talism no more national wars were Sony. She took a position on the mation cracy, despite cuilluminatin and really be represented in the committees of capitalist expansion. From the economic covering up their enlistment on the side stble. In this Imperiallat war it was al problem that resembled Bucharin pression, these Ideas are irresist bly Action.
viewpoint there were forging abead. They are bound to be The Joint Council Action wards the formation of an all embrac Marx, Engels and Lassalle, referring to true that Russian imperialism stool boater: that welf determination under come the ummo property of all revis to be constituted at engen ing world trust, a super Imperialism that 1830. 1845. Oficially the International hind Serbian nationalism, But it was capitalism was unreal. Only socialism olutionary workers. EI. of delegates from these Committees of would eliminate competition and strug pledged itself to utilize the war crisis wronk to dogmatize. The wars of the could realize the self determination of TO THE CENTRAL COMMITTEE OF Action in the entire country, which sections of the bourgeoisie who were in the imperialist struksle for markets, to Napoleon the imperialist Seven Yeurs communist party, the dispersal or the slo. Ile urged rapprochement with the which was characterized as a product of French Revolution were national in their peoples. Similarly her views on the red THE shoukl be convoked without delay. This congress is to represent the proletarian his opinion not interested in Imperial the overthrow of the capitalist system. War between Dear Comrades: concentration against the concentration ism, to be achieved by the advocacy of The outbreak of the war contirmed beyond led to national France and England Constituent Assembly. She would in all Victory is possible, victory is probl of the reactionaries the policy of disarmament and the Undoubt that opportunism was the fore.
wars later ited States of Europe under capitalism. runner of social patriotism. The virusperialist war is of course possible on sty these views in the light of a more Ists pove the question. Im likelihood have been compelled to mod it. Only in this manner can revolution in advance as the proletarian counter able, everything must be done to assure The congress must be organized For Rosa Luxemburg, imperialism was of adaptation to the legal and constitu the basis of serfdom or primitive intimate study of the problems of the parliament in the event of a Fascist not merely a polley preferred by a murtional conditions of the bourgeois state capitalism. If all wars are to be brand dictatorship. Some of her criticism of The question of the victory over Fasciteichstag, or instan extra parlia.
row clique, but the last phase of capi had rotted the very foundation of the ed as reactionary it would afford an ob Lenin policies however which completeism in Germany is also the question of mentary or urliamentary scist govtalism, pregnant with revolutionary conuternational. Rosa Luxemburg had enjective basis for pacifist and disarmamently missed the mark might be applicable the fate of the regardless of crument.
sequences. The limitations of this arti tertained more than a premonition when illusions and militate against the true to the seamy sides of the policy of the whether it is considered from the com The congress must omle, the political or the purely mill tasks concretely: solve three cle preclude the detailed discussion her she uttered the warning note at the party cle of the workers and the colonial peoStalin epigones.
views merit as set out in her rigorous Congress of 1910, we thunder against ples. Finally he criticises Junius selectary Mint of view. But that means that (a) the preparation of the general Accumulation of Capital (1912. In 1918 came the revolt of the Kiel so as to be able to assure the future It militari in time of peace but when tion of the 1848 slogan that the best strike to prevent the reizure of must suttice here to state that she con war really breaks out. The refer means of national defense was the unsullors and soldiers of Berlin. It open of socialist economy in the power by Ingenberg and Flitler: ceived the problem of imperialism to be ence was to the seizure of Chinese ter ited German Republic to be achieved by ed the prison doors. The socialist trait the Soviet Union must stake all its (b) the formation of one common, u problem of the realization of surplus ritory by German imperialism. And later class struggle. This was in place as nors atempted to persuade Wilheim to strength on the victory over Piscism of value and not of monopolist extra when she attacked the official leadership watch word of the bourgeois democratie stay to the last. Pailing to guide Cer the European revolution with which it mon. party workers defense corps (c) the elaboration of cominon min.
profit under finance capital, Lenin for its passivity in the Morocco crisis revolution against feudalism. But the man capitalism Into the channels of al is inseparably linked. This alone can be imum program with regard to the sees it in his well known brochure. She (1911. In the acid test of 1914, Kant slogan now must be the conversion of the constitutional monarchy they ylelded to the strategle line of the Communist party.
next steps to be taken by the comthe the idea of bourgeois republic. Their takes as her point of departure the critic sky hastened to lend additional just imperialist war into civil war for The must adopt a position of mittee of Action.
ism of the diagrams in Marx second ification to the socialist rogues with his realization of socialism.
hatred of Bolshevism outmeasured ev. departure that rests upon irreconciliable volume of Capital. Dealing with the inimitable thesis that the International Inter a correct leadership such a reproduction of social capital as a whole, was an instrument of peace, not war.
The response of Rosa Luxemburg to erything else. They particularly feared and ruthless struggle against useism, she indicates the inanner by which cuplthe October revolution could never be in Spartacus which had constituted itself for the purpose of destroying Faxe ist in defense action contains all the necessary The Left wing stood by its guns. To doubt. She was no stranger to its prol as a separate party with the slogan of the inevitable and open sruggle for the elements with which to load the prole tariat, in view of the objective possibiltween the two great sectors of economic purused the chauvinist fury of the social Russian Ferotution was telebated at the rounded by the Hohenzollern peneral. The united revolutionary class action is described above, not only against to of the activity (a) production of means of pro democratic Relchstag faction by his re Landon (1907) Congress of the Russian unleashed the white terror. The Spar of the proletariat must be organized duction (b) production of articles of rural bourgeoisten whole.
vote the war credits, Rosa Lax social democracy and Lenin detended tacists were shot down by the thousands against the vietory of Fascism.
Such a polley is possible only after the ever growing mass of commodities ground and illegal organization that led Larxemburg along with Lenin represent. were murdered in the most bestial fash revolutionary forces, no matter in what radical change in the course of the party.
consumption, and is enubled to absorb emburg borcan the work of the under the position of the Mensheviks, Rosnl in bloody civil war. Rosa and Karl This can be realized only when all These theoretical fiction and misleading to boot. democracy. When she was released from formula for the bourgeois democratic was dragged up months later from the the order of the day. We know lagramy, Rosa proveeds, are al to Spartacus and the split in the socialled the viewpoint of the Bolsheviks. Herlon. Her body in a disfigned condition camp they stand at the moment, unitel The experiences of the French speak for this common action that stands on an inequivocal language. Thespite the If capitalism could profitably realize prison, together with Karl Liebknecht, revolution in Russin colne kled with Trot. Spree river.
full thir period. despite the ultra Left its surplus value within its own frame the organized and participated in the sky the dictatorship of the proletariat well that the premises for such an actrade union tactic, despite social Fasework, how account for the fact that never to be forgotten herole war demon.
German mengherism and the bourgeton are extremely unfavorable. But in ism and similar slogans, the party has production outstri consumption, and strations in Berlin in 1916, for which sherike attempted to build up a differoiste hus triumphed. Vae Victir! But spite of this, the C, as the his beca. forced by the pressure of objective expluin the fact of the struggle for they were immediately imprisoned.
markets and colonies. There would be it was at that time that Rosa proence of conception between that formu: the spirit of Rosa Taxemburg und Karltoricaly chosen organization must in coulitions and partly also, on the basis lation and Lenin But the latter him. Liebknecht marehes on in the million view of the seriousness of the situa of son proposals made by the Lett nec obiettivo impediments to capitalist duced her brochure The Crisis in the best in 1908 wrote the formula prole of German workers who today are again to make the attempt to realize a gem. Opportion, to change its coruse radicalsity of the social revolution.
the second willot, the Parliamentary Conweudonym Jantus. Lenin in Switzerland mains entirely within the bounds of the The day of the reckoning with the social To this end, we submit the following Party of Prince for common action on Marx analysis is based on the us roeted it cordially as by and iarge and very dictatorship of the proletariat and democracy approaches.
proposals: sumption of an all inclusive capitalist excellent work of Marxism. But in the peasantry. or the Norember revolu AURICE SPECTOR. The is immediately to press for the establiment of trade unworld with but two classes, where in ion unity. It is high time to draw reality it functions in a non capitalist the consequences in Germany and to reenvironment. It is to this latter third establish the unity of all genuine Conaperson that capitalism must turn to a munists.
market its surplus. Imperialism is the We declare emphatically that, despite political expression of the process of profund differences in a whole series capital acentnulation in its struggle for of questions we will support with our annonneeil relicanism. With the fall of monarchy When Azana became President of the of its most important reserve weapons. party. Young Spain. the rest of the still noccupied non capi Council of Ministers after the resigua cently, is the first important step in this and the proclamation of the republic, innerinos convictions and witohut any The socialists, who are fully aware of direction. Its organization, based on the petty bourgeoisle gave free rein to its reservations, every step undertaken by lease of life for capitalism and its rare hon of Maura and Alcala Zamora there digger at the same time.
of ministry as an evolution to the left. the entire responsibility for the state a distinctive costume with the attri lowed the demagogues of the left. still strength and that we are completely and objection, on both theoretical and empir new governmeny was typically petty The theory of Rosa is open to serious Maurin went so far as to say that the power and declare themselves for combutes of the legion, gras green shirt the Illusions are disappearing and entirely at the serrice of the party in should preside. Largo Caballero was in and a collar of the sime color. Is these great fluctuating and indecisive any instance whatsoerer.
leal grounds. Undeniably. As a matter bourgeois and to put it on a level with hurry to state that such a government. Ing to abstain from Joining made to to that social class which offers a clear for the LEFT OPPOSITION OF THE With Communist greetings.
of historical fact, capitalist development the Kerensky government. We, on the by its very composition, would be unable ent. modeled on Italian Fascism. The warn masses find themselves irresistibly drawn does proceed by the systematie extension contrary, from the first moment main to realize the party program.
Yet, ac the timorous and cowardly, and those and concrete program, and has the un BOLSELEVIK LESINISTS)
of its buse. To extricate itself from its taimed that this solution of the crisis cording to the declaration of the Minis who are not capable of facing all the shakable determination to put it into The National Committee internal contradletions every national meant a step forward in the direction of (Contined in the next inte)
capitalism turns to the reserves of the the big bourgeoisie and of its bloe with ter of Labor, the party, having model dangers of a blody battle show clearly practice.
That class can only be the big bourge world market. Lenin haul occasion to the socialists.
Kreater renunciations than any other for what are the intentions of the promoters olsle or the proletariat. The big buur advert to the problem of the external the welfare of the republic, will accept of this new organization.
Shachtman Lectures market in his olemles In reality. we said in the third num. this sacifice too for the national Interagainst the The proletariat would commit an error geoisie has this program: the crashing Narodniki (populists) and the legal ber of El Soviet. which was confiscated est which might have fatal consequences of workers organizations, the consoll Marxist The conditions that give by the governd of Barcelona, represent Under ircumstances the social. It does not give this fact all the attendation by fire and sword of the dominarise to the foreign market are not the ing the so called Kerensky government. program is being policles of the government, will contri in the announced intention of this group realization of this On Friday, Janunty 14. comrade Max structly considered, but extended circula roux, that is, the big bourgeolsie. Stm bute to maintaining democratie Illusions more than a mere manifestation of forged by Lerroux and h1 Young Spain. Nothing is ensier than to at Shueltman ke at the Labor Temple tion of commodities and the tendency of the time has not yet come to take on among the masses and will make it pos boasting.
capitalist production to the growth of the mask, to take over completely thesible for the bourgeoisle to consolidate It is more than probable that Young traut the disllusioned petty bourgeois on the impression he acquired during ence of about a lundred workers llsgood dose of demagogy old regional and state barriers ro see in Lerroux, as he seld in his speech socialist screen, a genuine Fascist die men which it needs to put out the dem. Let us not forget that, at the beginning the productive forces break down the reins of power in the name of those who its position and to prepare, behind the Spain will fail to recruit the 500. 000 maxsex with this procam, conveniently a four weeks stay in Spain. An audi tened attentively to comrade Shachtman duction is anarchically carried on for at Santander, the lifebuoy in which thetatorsbip. The Azana government was ocratie revolution for good and to crush of the punish workers, the betrayals of an unknown market, resulting in the dis whipwrecked man sees the hope of wine the first step in this process: the gov the proletariat. Still they can become Italian Fascism declared itselt anti doseription of the miserable conditions capitalist and republican.
tion proportional development of the various ernment presided over by the socialists an imposing force tomorrow. The worst branches of Industry and recurrent crises The facts have proven, and keep proc. will be the second.
thing we can do is to close our eyes to still, there is a second factor, no less the panish social democracy, the impotence of the myndicalists and anarchof over production. The higher organe so that our evaluation was correct.
this incipient danger. In 1920, and even important: the proletariat, which has its at the criminal blunders commitLerroux, the Spanish Miliukov composition of capital, technical prol on the adoption of the law for the der the direction of the Comintero led gress, leads to a fall in the rate of profits defense of the republie there followed The fusion of banking and industrial a policy, continually more aggressive contirm this evaluation. While publie was nothing more than Bandit gangs the power. The objective circumstances by statin.
capital known as finance capital, which of repression against the working class opluion is being prepared for a largo without real torce. These bandit caugs could not be more favorable Comrade Nhachtman brought back end. But subjectively it is clisurmou.
arise under conditions of the concentratanil of systematic wtrangulation of thel Caballero government, and the alert took the power at the end of 1922 and From a trade union point of view it is heartening new the growth of the tlon of production, seeks to counter net democratic revolution. Nourished by the ness of the masses for being put to sleep dragged along with them the large divided: the leaders of the con Spanish Opposition which has now more this tendenecy by means of monopoly, in weakness of the working class organiza lerroux, in an interview given to the retty bourgeois masses, these same massthe home market by protective tariffs. tions, the incapacity of the anarcho syn. editor of the reactionary Madrid jour les who had followed the socialists laborate openly with the bourgeoisie, and than a thousand members, and of its abrond in the strakkle for markets and dicalist leaders of the who have nal Ahora. expressed the opinoin that who, disillusioned by the downtull of those of the either fall into al fight for the unity of the Communist reformism which fully equals that of ranks. Niitlant was the fact that colonies for the export of capital (raw learned nothing from experlence, and the socialists in power, far from being the proletarian revolution, threw them Largo Caballero and ca (the Pelro comreleTrotsky was extremely popular materials, cheap Inbor cheap and the absence of a strong communista difficulty would be prudent colla selves into the arms of Mussolini.
Pestana group) or into adventurum (thej with the Spanish workers, thnt editions War is not merely the armed conitiet for party, the bourgeoisie keeps onsolidat borators. In a few truly classie words.
the annexation of agrarian territory buting the ground which it has gained, and stripped naked, without reserves the Are there factors in Spain which are which can only lead to a bloody of his pamphlets were literally pubbled up. In Spain, as elsewhere the workthe struggle of monopolist finance capl lying in wait for the opportune moment class character of the regime: can capule of favoring the development of a and profitlegs putech.
ern despite the slanders and lies of the ANDRES XIX.
strong Fascist movement? There are tal for the repartition of the world marto set the democratie cart and to in assure you. he said, that am realisStanists refuse to helleve that Trotsky Barcelona, Nov. 27, 1931 ket, in other words the contradiciton bestall its unmasked dletatorship.
Ing the prophecy which made years beyond a doubt.
and the Opposition are counter revolu. To Be Continued Whither, the Party Bourgeoisie!
tween the productive forces malured for The Socialists and Democratic Illusions ago when sald. too emphatically, as tionaries u socialized world economy and the Today this is not possible. Democratie some thought. will govern. Now The first factor, and the most importThe strugule of our Spanish comrades can say that am governing, since govant, is the petty bourgeoiste. As in tionally limited, capitalist methods of Illusions are still quite alive among the ernment and not the power. Lerroux Italy, the urban and rural petty bour. THE MILITANT carried on under much greater hardships appropriation.
petty bourgeoisie masses and a large part then we face here must be an inspiraRosa Luxemburg theory has certain or the working class. The bourgeoisie one can have the power and not the geoisie constitutes the immense majorefforts to regenerate the American Con htts common with Kautday as finds It necessary to maintain these 11. government. One can have the governity of the population. Because of the Published weekly by the Communist them to 15 to double and relouble our ment and not the power. have the gov. very role which it fulfills in the economie League of America (Opposition munist party and to reunite the Comunun.
at 84 East 10th St.
endence on big could explain the seizure of a backward political force which is not completely ernment and not the power. Lerroux life of the countryIst vanguard.
agrarian region but how would she ex. disuredited among the masses, and by otsie, the Spanish Millukov: the workers and out its own policies, and constantly is the representative of the lig bourge capital this class is incapable of carry EDITORIAL BOARD plain the lunt for Lorraine Belgium its name at least, represents a guarantee must not forget this.
James Cannon She seeks to establish absolutely objec of radicalism. This political force vacillates between the big bourgeoisie Martin Abern tive barriers to capitalist development by Maurice Spector Let them not forget, too, the socialist party, whose leaders show that the and the proletariat. To win it orer, or Max Shachtman Arne Swabeck is no at least to neutralize it. la taxk of her conception of third persons but themselves disposed as usual to serve leader of the radleal party Due to unforeseen technical difficulties, platonie individual. When he entertains fundamental importance for the cause of the fact is that the contradictions of as auxiliaries to the exploiting class.
Entered as second class mall matter the leading news article in our last is capitalism lead to proletarian and colostili, to form an exclusively socialist the masses on the tambourine of the the revolution.
November 28, 1998 at the Post Office at entitled Japs Subsidize Russian nlal revolutions while the greater part inevitably it could do nothing else than ing serious preparations, not only government would be a risky adventure. socialist government. Lerroux is mak After the ruin of the great working New York. Under the act of Whites. appeared in garbed and distorted form. Infortunately, the neressary to class movement of 1917 1920 it supported March 3, 1879.
of the world is still composed of third continue the policies of the bourgeoisie, govern on the political stage, but to in fact the dictatorship of Primo del Vol. 5, o. (Whole No. 100)
corrections could not be made in time persona. Her theory does not throw and the socialist party would discredit take over the power, to become the di Rivera. Still, since this experience did Saturday, JANUARY 23, 1932 But we shall come back to this subject into necessary rellef either the national itself irretrievably in the eyes of the ect instrument of a bloody dictatorship not free it from the burdensome load Subscription rate: 00 per year; for dealt within this article in the Immeor colonial problem.
working masses. With it, the bourge of the Fascist type.
which weighed down on it, nor improve elgh 50. ive cents per ropy. dlate future, in more extensive form.
The clouds of the coming war wereoisle would find itself deprived of one The constitution of the nationalist its situation, it developed toward repub Bundle rates, cents per copy THE MILITANT.
The Fascist Danger and the Need for a United Front of the Proletariat geribility for the promete es necesare de cate ori esterno der har vi free. at Opposition Forum The events of the last few days fulls with disdain on the Fascists, whom they battle to the bourgeoisie and to take kuch an and Correction