BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCommunismDemocracyFascismGerman RevolutionGermanyHitlerImperialismKamenevLeninLeninismMarxismRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking ClassZinoviev

UNITE THE MILITANT Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition Published weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 84 East 10th Street, New York. Entered as second class mall matter. November 28, 1928 at the Post Office at New York. under the act of March 3, 1879.
Hitler Prepares to Strike Stalinist Leadership Impotent in Face of Impending Struggle Lenin Last Words to the Party tel.
OPEN FORUM The Left Opposition Alone Carries on the Work of lyitch Lecture by Once again, the working class of Eur The hour is not distant today, when ARNE SWABECK ope is facing a period of colossul his the hosts of Leniu in Russia will have torical opportunities. The world crisis to answer the call of the hosts of LiebThe Heritage of Lenin Behind the social volcano of prescut a similar scene in the Reich.
el and arming class enemy. The Thael of capitalism has produced a revolution knecht in Germany. The Stalinist reday Germany, there is unfolding poli Hitler and the Weimar Constitution manns and the Itemules and all of theſe ary situation in Central Europe. Com gime is revealing itself as an obstacle at the tical scene that has many lements of Hitler is defending the Weimar Consorry ilk abble in sterile theories, at munism is about to stand another gig in the way of the work revolution, Labor Temple a farce in it. And that is not at all titution, the birge of Klory of the tempt to theorize themselves out of antic test. Clarity, firmnes, Bolshevik more sharply at the present than ever. criminals of November 1918. Answer their hul prexsell position. The Stal.
14th Street and Second Avenue boldness are the demands of the minute. The Left Opposition, with Trotsky, the strange Times of revolution, dy preg the appeal of the Weimar Centrist: Iulst incompetents offer nothing. abao And it is precisely at this time, that closest collaborator of Vladimir Idyitch gnant with human convulsions, always Bruening to agree to an avoidance of lutely nothing to bring the workers inby revolutionary inspiration of all working and action. It is sounding the alarm in personalities as a whole in all possible President von by Kelebin covering up their own tracks.
class fighters. Lenin represents the victime. To the German Communists, to at T.
and imwible shapes, like a refraction tax decree, the new defender of Wolmar Thaelmann Co. Prepare For tary of the Russian revolution, the the workers of Soviet Russia, to the proror. No it was in the Russia of 1910 and constitutionuliam just bubbles over Haming torch of the world revolution, letariat of the whole world, the Left QUESTIONS and DISCUSSION capitulation 1917 with the lautoonery of the Italiant with indignation It it to his glorious example that the position directs its voice the voice of ADMISSION: 25 Cent atrade and the equally risible counter The Welmar Constitution, he way of the official leadership is also ufortunately, the whakimes, the spinemilitant proletariat turns at all moment Janin. It is not yet too late. The GerUnemployed Workers Admitted Free play of the liberal bourgeoisie. so in Is the legal basis of the German Reig Apathy and helplessness into the of crisis, as a well of contidence, as mau party is still capable of victory, Spain since last April, with the solemn ublic. Article states that Germany xa ranks of the Communist, workers in reservoir of revolutionary lower. or uniting the proletarint about it for anspices. New York Branch Communist comedy of the Workers fteptilie and republic deriving all power trom the motries of articles in workers York Above all else, Lenin taught active the defent of the class enemy. Victory the trials of the responsibles. In the wple (Nie. Article XLI states that Evening Post, Knickerbocker, one League of America (Opposition)
realism in the class struggle. Ils was can come, will come in the way of the current uncertain political situation, be the lresident shall be chosen by the en of the more reliable and more indepennot a teaching of dead letters, but of Left Opposition and comrade Trotsky, fore the mass have had the opportun tire electorate.
dent of the hourgeois newspapermen, living action. He analyzed, he divided in the way of lenin.
ity to have their way, we are witnessing To substitute the Kelchstag rerület writes from Berlin his friends from his enemies, le cul for the Mople voice woukl be a mani asked a German Communist. What culated the right moment and the point fost contradiction to the Constitution. will you do when Hitler comes in?
of vantage and he struck. The dry and Our self respect alone. Ilere Chancellor, impotent formula of social Fascisin. We will try, he answered to set the obliges us to decline your propesfton to sucial democrats to declare with us a the irrealistie conception of the single agree to the prolongation of President selleral strike and run Hitler out the reactionary mans were unknown to him. on Ilindenburg term of office by way the klierul strike ran out Kapp two thirds majority of the Reichstag in 100 When Lenin arrived in the Petrograd By the stability of the Central Com Thus spoke Ilitler, whose legions are of the Februnty revolution, he did not mittee, of which spoke before, mean it ready lying in ambush, ready to throt ernment by force and the social demBut, objectel, Kapp took the gove find a working class ready to folow himmeasures to prevent split, so far as tle the working class thut saune pocrats were clear in their minds that blindly. His own disciples did not even sich measures can be taken. For, of pole. No further bargains with the vac: ax dewrats, they had to defend the grasp the grand sweep of his revolution course, the White Guard in Russkaya iltating parties of the democratic demorary. The goal democratie govary inleas. He was not deceived by the Mysl (I think it was Oklenburg)
Ixourgeoisie. Tenness marks the moernment in 1919 itself declared the gentrend nor by the particular stage of was right when, in the first place, in ment. The high practoruts of the Gereral xtrike. Will the nucial democratie developments. He knew and he stressed his play against Soviet Russia he banked that the masses can only learn from the hope of it split in our party man master must put up a front of lenders go with the communist now to their own experience, and he was de and when, in the second place, he banked rezolutene s, of intransigeance. They clerlare a weral strike it Hitler comes termined to teach them, patiently but for that split on serious disagreements know what that soon they will have to to power legally surely. Confident, intransigeant and in our party.
strike. And they are not underestimat Not much hohe admitted.
firm, he proceeded to carry out the task Our party rests upon two classes, and ing their enemy. You have 6, 000, 000 Communist voters.
he had set for himselt. Nuevess met for that retson its instability is possiWhy Hitler Promises Private It only took 50 Bolsheviks to make his resolute, but patient efforts Pole and if there cannot exist an agreeDebts Payment the Russian revolution. know the con What Lenin taught, the breath of lite ment between those two classes its fall The Austrian adventurer also know. can your 6, 000, 000 oppuree fritler titions are entirely different. But why he breathed into the struggle of the pro is inevitable. In such an event it would by be useless to take any measures or in letariat for power, is today.
that in that battle the all of the foreign force nnfortun weneral to discuss the stability of our powers would be indispensible to him.
ately, entirely forgotten by those who Central Committee. In such an event anul that accounts for the other face of scutentioux reply. The Soviet Union is We haven sot the gun, was the usnep his place in the communist in no measures would prove capable of the faree: Hitler reasuring the Inter not ruly for a German revolution. We ternational. The German Communist preventing split. But trust that is national capitalist that private debts win think it litter comes in he will run the Party, the section of the vancuaril or too remote Culture too improbable bel, while the greatest German country down so fast that by the international working class that is an event, to talk about.
next diplomat Nine Bismarek. namely confronted with the wentnet have in mind stability as a guar.
clericalist Chancellor bluntly declares autonon we can take power.
montationstration at the recent lantee against a split in the near future, that reparations will not be paid. But Hitler will then have all the further away than ever from the road and intend to examine here a serious The leader of Clerman Pascani in 110 of Lenin. The leaders are inca of considerations of a purely personal ful. He relies very well that a ful Yes, Iltler will have the suns.
selain the Immands of the warna character.
fillment of his truditonal polley would It is not a mins to bring the above factory in the aftention The animi think that the fundamental factor ral dernstation hrought about he Stalin in the matter of stability from this mean Iolution for a gwerment of the notation in its full length. Por it is a Third Rele. nd it is a preto of the real state of mind the fem inee the death of Lenin nerents point of view is such members of the Lisely what he fears most, no matter criminals of the Stalinist faction with them from mastering the molition task central Committee as Stalin and Trotof the moment: the mification of the sky. The relation between them conhow much the clownish Feders prate the national Limitedness of their perspeeabout antarchy. To crush the German time, have managed to produce among workine class of the country winst the stitutes in my opinion, a big half of the proletariat tomorrow, Hitler will of their rank and file. The honrgeois remennring and donde attack of Fascism. anger of that split, which might be hesitate for one moment to embrace his winter too, di hot fail to see the sitTunin nerer stipulated the neolute avoided, and the avoidance of which arch enemy of toulay.
nition clearly and the questions de nivesity of the unconditional seront might be promoted, in my opinion, by And, to le sure that is just the dire workers of Germany are being deserted xkx are certainly appropriate The ance he the Russian workin riage of raising the number of members of the tion the foreign policy of the Nazis is Rolshevik lendershin in the rennleion of Central Committee to fifty or one huntaking. In the same document autres leadership in the German Communist in their atrule by the lurpers of the Kornilov offense, in defeating Rus drei.
ed to Bruening the National Nurtalint arty and the Soviet nion. Tharlmann slan Hitlerism. He confidently joined Comrade Stalin, having become Gen chleftain, in taunting his warenis Opal Company are capitulating under the in a nnited front with the social demeral Secretary, has concentrated an enponent, remarks: ratle workers and force their Menormous power in his hands; and am Only when Germany can offer some pretext that the social democracy lutlu shevik leaders to reveal true not sure that he always knows how to thing, will she be given something.
nee in the working class must first be colors. And he novel the enperioritvuse that power with sufficient caution.
wipe out. In the meantime, the Naxis For Attack on the Soviet Union of Rolshevik leadership. defeating not on the other hand comrade Trotsky, as re laughing up their sleerex, Weak only Kornilov, but the Kerenskis. the was proved by his struggle against the What Hitler want to offer the world inex, indecision, onwardlines ont part Teheldes and the Dans and Tseretellis Central Committee in connection with lionreonie. Is no secret. He wants to of their chenny is just what with them with them.
the question of the People Commissaroffer it, a defeated and peless prolemont. They are preparing to see all Before the arrival of Lenin, the Rusiat of Ways of Communications, is dis. They are, in my opinion, the most able ledge and correct their one sidedness.
tariat, Germany that will take the the ums.
tinguished not only by his exceptional forces (amonx the youngest. and in re Dec. 23, 1929 lead in the inevitare imperialist of Fascists Prepared For Struggle to the conciliationist swamp by stalin abilities personally he is, to be sure, gard to them. It is necessary to bear fensive against the That is Knickerbocker tels us in the Postacrit: Stalter is too rule, and the devil baralu that Vascism pads article that he inked a National Socialwame and by Kamenev. But the strength of the most able man in the present Cent in mind the following: Bucharin is not the Bolshevik Idea made possible a quick tral Committee, but also by his far only the most valuable and biggest this fault, catirely supportable in re o comende And that in the basis of what will sed do when you get rearming of the party of Lenin and en reaching self condence and a disposition theoretician of the party, but also mas lations among us Communists, becomes which the bench, the British and abled it to us through its internal crisis to be too much attracted by the purely legitimately be considered the favorite insupportable in the office of General to meet it halt way.
American robber covernments will acree long discussion of the marty program.
power. He might have launched a and to lead the Russian working class administrative side of affairs.
of the whole party, but his theoretical Secretary. Therefore, propose to the in triumph. The Bolshevik idea is not These two qualities of the two most huge slaughter is being prepared he says, but his only reply was: Keep dead. The German Toft Opposition, unable leaders of the present Central Com Views can only with the very greatest comrades to find a way to remove Stalin for the working of Germany. for it. The Faselts are not theorizing doubt be regarded as fully Marxist, for from that position and appoint to it ander the direct participation of Leon Trot mittee miicht, quite Innocently, lead to a there is something scholastle in him (he other man who in all respects differs lessly. the understanding of this immen Aud netion, decisive and deterniired, the workers of Soviet Ruma. Toubt now. They are preparing for action.
sky, the co fighter and the comrade of split: if our party does not take mens never has learned, and think never from Stalin only in superiority namely, diate danger Twing among the mass. the only thing that will save the work Lenin, is keeping the ideas of Leninism urex to prevent it, a split might arise has fully understood, the dinlectie. alive. The rearming of the German unexpectedly. And then, listakovil man undoubt and more attentive to comrades, less eap tight is rising. But misfortune of mix. ne of the Milltant we are pubilehing more patient, more loyal, more polite, es of the affected countries. The will to Chin. Kewliere in the present isparty is on the order of the day. Its will further characterize the other edly distinguished in will and ability, Alorious tradition dating back to the members of the Central Committee us but too much given over to administra: riclous, ete. This circumstance may fortunes: the leadership Is not at its document of our German istersection.
days of the Spartacists, to the stirring to their personal qualities. will only tion and the ministrative side of seem an insignificant trifle, int think It is acting the role of the slack. It the German Left Opposition (Bolmemory of its valiant ploneers, to Rosa, remind you that the October episode things to be rolled on in a serious pollthat from the point of view of preventing er at a time in which the xronunt is shevik Lentists) propose concrete, and Karl, cannot fail to raise it to the of Zinoriev and Kamenev was not, oftical question. split and from the point of view of it beneath the feet of reformism ly the brot al clear program of action to the the relation between Stalin and Trotsky events themselves the revolutionary worth while sipdying Ever nember It is high level of militancy of those days course, aceldental, but that it ought as Of course, both these remarks are which discussed above, it is not a trifle, Leaders, the official The last word concerning the fate of the little to be used against them person German working class has not yet been ally as the non Bolshevism of Trotsky. made by me merely with a view to the or it is such a trifle as may acquire a finds itselt enable and impotent, fails of the American party, every conscientispoken. or the younger members of the Cen present time or supposing that these decisive significance.
to rally the resolute and determined our Communist ought to read it careThe Stalinist epigones, rotten to the tral Committee, want to say a few two able and loyal workers may not And Jeniu.
manes of proletarian fighters for the fully and raw hi conclusions. Time core and infested by the patrid theory mies. It is nerary to act. The duty words about Bucharin and Platakov. an occasion to supplement their know. Jan. 1993 unpostponable strugaļe aguinst the armerery rulontionist is clear. Let of sociallam in one cuntry, are prepar their volerle hem everywhere. The ing to leave the German workers isolate prowent course of the Stalinist leader in the battles to come. They xhip must be stopped if the working class peace: the five year plan must first be completed. What is at stake is not only We are reprinting below a state cutting campaign of the bosses. Since, workers facing the most miserable condi thousands of organized as well as un of the world is to avoid disaster.
ment by our needle worker comrades, the economic crisis set in our living tions in the shops. The Industrial Un organized dressmakers is at stake! The. SAM GORDOX.
the five year plan, but the life itself issued to all workers in their trale standards have gone down to the version struck the International scubbed; united front movement must begin in the of Workers Russia. Stalin and his fuction have been so entangled by their own Our comrades have per under for a dressmaker to make a liv shops remained at work the result was erstood and hailed by every the bottom. It is becoming increasingly the Internatinal struck the Industrial open and frank manner that will lie unmistakes, so disorientated by the policles views expressed therein and repeatedly at various public meeting in this trade: no work in the slow a picnic for the bosses. They increased ressmakers.
of vulgar empiricism that they have ings and gatherings of the Wesson and no wages in the skalled their profits while the workers abandon The Right wing leadership is not inAs we got to es, we receive the lost all perspective. The alarm must The statement is a recapitula busy season. The former hours of work) od the best weapon: XITEI) ACTION termuted in unitedl ranks. They can be sounded. The situation must be throw the blame for the bad conditions that comrade Laon Trotsky new saved. The Communist ranks must once tion, in precise and concrete form in won through many blondy battles of the AGAINST THE ENEMY.
the position of the Left Opposition in workers, have been completely wiped in the trade not upon themselves, and pamphlet Germany The Key to the Inmore be awakened by the pungent, stimuout.
the needle trudes situation. Ed. Dressmakers work Saturdays, Sun The Dressmakers in the other needle their class collaboration policies. Tout ternational situation will be out on sale lating ideas of Llyitch.
days, and all other Holidays. Union trade centers fare no better. Their upon the existence of the Industrial berind Wedifexday next. The pam.
When Lenin first set foot on Russian Fellow Workers and Comrades: was, Union hours, Union control have standards of living have gone down just Union.
phlet is in three sections. It consists of the original work, entitled Shall Pasesoil in 1917, he addressed the following become matters of the past. To let the as much and just as rapidly as in New The Left wing must be interested in sm Again we are nearing the day when we present onslaught of the bosses proceed York.
Be Veterious. the article The dressmakers there, have gone unity and must champion such unity.
simple and strong words to the masses will have to take the cudgels against withont resistance will mean a return through the same strucles with the For Workers Inity Pront against The dressmakers cannot afford to Pasium, and an appendeix bringing a who had come to greet him: the bosses: the dress manufacturers, to the sweatshop conditions. How long two unions in the field and followed the leave the strike in the hands of the document of the German Left opposl Dear comrades, soldiers, sailors and workers! am happy to greet in your contractors, jobbers, for a better living. enn we tolerate such a situation? same policies. Therefore the wronk officialdom they will sell ton.
The agreements, as bad as they were, For the past few years, the dress policies must be corrected everywhere whatever remains of our hani won conperson the victorious Russian revolu.
Whoever want to know the Communtion, to greet you as the vanguard of expire. The bosses are preparing to cut makers suffered more than was neces New York, Boston. Thiladelphin, etc. alltions to the boxses.
the proletarian army of the world. further into our earnings. For them thesary because our ranks have been United Aetion Is Imperative The unity proposals that were made ist solution to the question: Communism The hour is not distant when the peoples, expiration of the agreements, is a signal divided. Each union conducted the strug. The dressmakers of the Industrial up till now must be renewed again bnt or Fascisin must avail Ilmselt of a copy answering the call of our comrade Kari for concerted action against our condi gles separately. The Industrial Union Union and the dressmaker members of with more vigor, more determination of this pamphlet at once. The price is Liebknecht will take arms against their tons for us the expiration of the agree put up desperate fights to improve the the G. must begin a very and in a manner that will bring us 10 cents per cops, cents in bundles of exploiters, the capitalists. The Rument must be a call to arms against fur conditions for the workers; the serious campaign to make the question sooner and closer to a united strike. You tive or more.
Send your orders in Immediately to: slan revolution, achieved by you, Introther enslavement of the dressmakers. pursued the policy of colla of one united strike of the dressmakers must call upon the Indudstrial Union to duces a epoch. Long live the world We learned enough from the past to be boration with the bosses. The ceaselees. reality. This is not the time for u. puhsued the policy of colla Pioneer Publishers, 84 East 10th Street, revolution (Continued on page 2) New York City.
ready to repulse and defeat the wager warfare between the two unlons left the mere maneuvers! The livelihood of their Left Opposition in Appeal to Needle Trades Workers for United Action in Struggle honest New Trotsky Pamphlet Out