AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismGermanyHitlerItalyLeninismMussoliniOpportunismSocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassZinoviev

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 1932 EDITORIAL NOTES Is Stalin Prepairing Another. 1923 in Germany. Stifling the Labor Defense (Continued from page 1) Times (1 12 32. commenting upon a re The official leaders have followed one, the peasauts. c) the support of the of the whole of Europe, not excluding the view of the situation by the Berliner false and criminal policy after the other overwhelming majority of the working Soviet Union. The danger of Fascism 18 Tageblatt, observes that to argue from DARROW AND THE the workers feelings and moods, some casually refered to from time to time. Hitler recent electoral gains recent years, swinging from a sterile class. a) the sympathy of the peasanand noisy adventurism to an equally try. The German Communists have of it a balt to catch their attention. The Every time it is mentioned, it is falsely that it needs SCOTTSBORO CASE only. another few clamorous and fruitless opportunism. In nothing of the sort at the present time.
The withdrawal of Clarence Darrow ligable. The labor movement, including for the rest of the Stalinist press, the Hitler majority in the nation is errone such an aim deliberately, they could a neighbor, which we did not have, but effect of all the talk so far, has been ne explained: For the Dally Worker, like months of the same pace to produce a recent months, had they set themselves to be sure, they have the Soviet state as and Arthur Garfield Hays from all parts Adical sections, has not been divided social Fascists are trying no lessous. It is contention of the article (in hardly have done more to prejudice the what can we give them at the present ticipation in the legal side of the Scotts and disrupted without profound causes. to put Hitler into power, which is ap the that Hitler cannot keep on interests of the struksle against Fase moment? If the power were now, so to boro case has called forth a chorus of Talk alone will never bring about the parently unnecessary in view praise from the bourgeois press. Dar desired unity in struggle. It may, and fact according to the that Bruen the reservoir whence he has been Thaelmaunx, Remmeles and Neumanns Communists seize it, then they will fall of the galning, and for the simple reason that ism. With Hitier advancing rapidly, the speak, to collapse in Germany and the row didn like the agitational methods to a certain extent does, exert a retardinging and his regime are already Fascist. drawing his votex is about exhausted not only shouted from the housetops through with a crash. That in the best of the International Labor Defense. influence on the process. Every hypocrl But never yet has the Worker sought The Fascist gains have been made at the that the Social Democratic Party is the case. But in the worst case they will You can mix polities with a law case tical argument, every dishonest maneuver to arouse the party members or the mill expense of the former Right parties, and main enemy! but entered into a vulgar smashed to a thousand smithereens he said. He would take part in the legal in the name of unity works against its tant workers in general to the acute by now these have been pretty well ab competition with the Nazis to see who and set back. The matter does not le defense only on the condition that the actual realization. keep out. The withdrawal of danger. Never has it presented to its sorbed by the Hitler following. could outbid the other in playing on the in the fact that Brandler wants to the famous lawyer on these grounds af On the other hand, the increasing pres readers a clear statement as to what the In one sense at least the essence of nationalist prejudices of the petty bour educate the masses. but in the fact that sure upon the workers strengthens their German party leaders plan to do to stop these observations is correct. The Hit geoisie (the notorious Program for Na the bourgeoisie, plus the Right Social fords the brass check newspapers whose impulses for a common front of strusthe Hitlerlte march to power.
attention was drawn to the Scottsboro Ble, and raises the issue ever more in And in truth it cannot do so because about which Hitler is not at all unaware not only repelled the social democratic vert the educational demonstration into ler reservoir is being exhausted a fact tional and Social Emancipation. They democracy, would quite definitely concause by the stormy usitation of the istently. Concrete manifestations here the German Stalinist high priests look The enemy is not always stupidfary workers, even those who were beginning the decisive battle for the moment, another occasion to point a moral and there of solidarity in action are to upon Hitler capture of power as in from it. Hitler knows, as the Commun to rebel against Wels, Stroebel and Co they have all the chances for it) and about the harmful erects of common be seen. And these are the best cause evitable. Some of them write coolly ist know (or should know that the by the thoroughly false cry of social would smash them. Surely, the Faseist interference in behalf of any viokim by which to judge the prospects for the that a Fascist dictatorship our readers elections are merely a barometer of the Fascists who must be driven out of the sta are not asleep. but it would he betof bourgeois justice. Liberal snivellers Formation of the united front of mill will find the exact quotation elsewhere moods of the classes. Hitler knows too factories and the little Zerwiebels. ter for us it the Fascists were to attack and muddle headed workers, whose think tant labor. From this standpoint, last on these pages Is a lesser evil com that for the selure of power votes are out of the playgrounds literally. but first: this would assemble the whole ing is done or them by the ruling class week mass meeting for the defense of pared to a social democratie coalition, not enough. Hitler knows further that finally entered into a shameless support working class around the Communista are echoing this judgment.
the Indicted marine workers has an ex. All of them take the attitude that any his votes are approaching a political of the Fascist Prussian Referendum of (Germany is not Bulgaria. Besides, Such arguments are not worthy of moment consideration, The ceptional interest. No single event in thing that happens is preferable to adopt maximum under the given coxlitione a few months ago an action which from all reports, the Fascists are weak was absolutely right rejecting the prerecent years has done so much to raise ing the only polley suitable for the sit and that a violent attempt must be made pleased and profited Hitler, on the one in Germany. In my opinion, it is neces sumptuous demands of Darrow and Hays the hopes of the radical workers that uation: the organization of the milito nelze power before the crucial moment hand, and Wels on the other, but only mary to restrain the Germans and not way can be found, despite all dir tant united ront of the Communist and has passed. Hitler knows, finally, that brought disgrace to the banner of Com to spur them on. Our emphasis. and the Scottsboro prisoners showed wis Perences between the various organisathe social democratie workers what the the strength of the National Socialists muntem.
Every child now knows the results of dom in supporting the stand of their de fense organization. Any other course to get together for a united fight against tions and groups, for the radical workers Left Opposition proposes.
lies at the present moment not so much Now, in the face of all the boasts of Brandler capitulation in 1923, the Branwould have signifled an end to the Aght Boastful Claims and Sorry Realities in their own army as in the dispersal the immediate past, in the face of all dler who hardly needed to be restrainthe class enemy.
Month after month now, the German of the army of their mortal foe. And the braggadocio and loud mouthed radio ed (by the way, is not the restrainer, to organize the protest of the masses against the legal lynching: and with This mass meeting, like the defense Stalinists have been substituting bureau it is principally upon the continuation calism, the Stalinists not only reject the Stalin, today the sworn foe of.
that would have ended any real hope to committee which sponsored it, was an cratie bonating and self content for at of the latter condition that Hitler to imperatively needed united front with Brandierism. Today, in a more crit save the boys and restore their freedom experiment in co operation on a single polley of vigilance and united action staking his cards.
the social democratic workers, but are cal world ambience, capitulation with The Times editor continues: The preparing to quit the field of battle without a struggle would have ever more many of them who hold a contrary of persecuted workers. No one can deny the end of their rope. After every (German) writer finds that against it out firing anything more deadly than Hitler would not only be in a position There are people, of course and too. Issue of the class struggle the defenseWe are growing. The Fascists are at far reaching effects. Once in power, view. But they are the credulous ones that it made a food showing. The hall vote cast since the last Reichstag clecler stands a proletarian bloc consist manifesto from exlle. No other who have faith in the justice and fair was packed to the doors and the entitions, the German Stalinists have an ing of the socialists and Communists, la construction can be put upon the policy to exterminate the flower of the German ness of the class courts. We rejolce at ment for unity resounded in the applause nounced that Hitler has reached the apes which he has made virtually no dent and acts of the Thaelmanns. And a cap proletariat, but would inaugurate a prothe blow that has been dealt to this ser which greeted speaker after speaker who of his strength. But the Hitlerites have since his impressive debut of September itulation now would be a repetition of longed period of reaction throughout Eurvile and treacherous philosophy. It is dwelt on this theme. Militant unionists, continued to grow in spite of these pro 1930. This is too sanguine. Il 18 the Brandlerist surrender of 1923 with me. And yet, the persistence of the Stalinists in their breakneck course, their true that the lawyers in question are communists, anarchists, syndicalists and snositications. Their Increases have far true that the Communist and socialist even more fatal consequences.
celebrated in their trade. But from our socialists were represented on the platoutstripped those of the in Mecklen masses hate Fascism. But they do not Days pregnant with great historical Opposition for a united front with the refusal to adopt the proposals of the of only. The burg Schwerin, in Brunswick, in Olden yet constitute a bloc for the simple significance are ahead in Germany. False calling of their blum with a greater signichier feature of the whole affair, and the burg. in Hesse, in Hambure, in Bremen, reason that not only have the socialist policies, obstinately maintained with social democratie masses against the ficance and merits for it a warm ap one that determined its enthusiastic and only last Sunday in the elections to Idaders no heart for fight against produce ruinous results. change in onsibility for the division in tire ranks Fascist reaction, their Inesesapable respirit, was the formal appearance of the Lippe Diet, where the Fasciste jump Fascism which might lead to a proletar time, resolutely applied, will eliminatel of the proletariat which is confronted proval You can mix politics with a law united fight. There is every reason forled from nothing to sents, while the lan revolution rather than lead up to much of evil that has been inflicted upon by the Hitlerites, is paving the road to case that is a reactionary lie. It is the partisans of the united front among mover from one member to that eventually, they will lay down before the morement in the past. From whom power for the latter.
father to the poisonous doctring that whom we belong, to regard the demon two. These electoral gains by themselves Fascism but the official Communist can such a change be looked for Froml The Party Ranks Must Speak!
labor cnse is a purely legal relation bestration as a significant step forward. are far from fatal to the proletarian leaders are determined to form no bloc, Thaelmann and Co. Hardly. Then The Thaelmann course, pursued with It is no less necessary however, to cause because, first, there is a political no united front with the social dem. from the Comintern, from Stalin? Again, It was under that sign with the same see the short comings and the weak sideslimatt to such sains by the Fascists, ocratie manses, a united front which, it hardly. What the Master thinks on the approval of the Comintern, is trace able to Stalin, traceable as far back 16 Tarrow in the leading role that the of this first experiment. There were not and second, the issue of ower will not realized, would crush the Faselsts under the present situation in Germany, nobody 1923. This course is heavy with peril.
editorial the terrifle weight of the combined prois permitted to know. During the most It can and must be changed. The Coma McNamaras and Schmidt and Kaplat few members of the official Commune decided by these votes.
were sacrificed, and the labor movement ist Party in the audience, but it was not in one of the shrewdest orging of the letarian mass.
stirring days of the Spanish revolution munist workers can compel change There Iles the crux of the difficulty the leader of the world was dealt a blow from which it has represented on the platform. Despite American bourgeoisie, the New York Gernot yet recovered. It was the influence invitations of the defense committee the Cominunists, or else no need of say and demandingly. We have no small found nothing to say about the tasks of The party members not only in many, here too must speak out loudly of this idea over the Sacro Vanzetti De the party and the withheld paring anything. The present German crisis fense Committee which paralyzed the ticipation in this public demonstration of protest mass movement at every step support for workers under prosecution.
once more finds the Communists without squabble to settle here. It is about the and thereby contributed to the final There are people who put this fact down the benefit of Stalin counsel. But its the left Opposition, with comrade Trot key to the International situation that tragic outcome. Not to the courts alone, to the credit side of the meeting. They In a previous article on the dangers, erature, is now showing definite signs For we already know try to conceal it) sky at its head, is speaking now, the and not primarily there, but to the want a uniteil front without the Commasses must the appeal of the perne munist Party: But that is absurdas confronting the because of the or disintegration and demoralization as as he would What Stalin advised the key walch the Stalinists are allowing to cuted of class and race be taken.
by a result of having been put through the Communists to do under almost identical slip from their hands. The party memis the power and there is the justice. porting the official Communist Party way of the group system. it was said process of the group plan.
circumstances. In August 1923, on the bers must swak because silence now a crime.
The affair of Darrow, the Scottsboro constitute the strongest and most dynthit this new plan of organization would The following are facts appearing on eve of the decisive events in Germany MAX SITACHTMAN.
prisoners and the will help to amle force the radical labor move deprive the membership of the enthus its balance sheet to date meeting atten of more than eight years ago as the inculcate this lesson.
ment. The progress towards a wenuine iasm for activities so much needed in dance ranging from 50 to 75 members im minutes of the 1926 Plenum of the Cenunited front, with power behind it, has order to carry on mass defense work. mediately prior to its being reorganzied tral Committee of the Communist Party to be measured first of all by the pres. Only six weeks have elapsed since this into an underground form of organiza of the Soviet Union will testity. Stalie cast over the whole nation like a wide Anti militarist propaganda must be sure developing within the party ranks was predicted and already there can be tion, dropped to but 13 members attend wrote his views on Germany to Znovo net. The proletariati youth must be sys UNITED FRONT PROSPECTS in favor of such a polley, seen the correctness of this estimation. Ing the frat meeting and 17 members the and Bucharin. We quote this extensive tematically imbued with class consciousThe most noticeable single trend to be The mass meeting for the marine Fortunately, not all of the branches of second meting after its reorganizaion, and illuminating passage: ness and with a haired of militarism.
observed in the ranks of the more or less workers in prison helped to consolidate the have as yet been reorgan and with a corresponding effect upon its What Stalin Once Advised Il y licentich. Perbis sentiment permeates ratikes of all the organizations whicly took have already undergone this success the branel, which holds the record of the setzure of power (at the giren mo sans of the young proletarians. The proradical workers is the sentiment for un the sentiment for the nnited front in the brede ca restanterian, the branches that general line of activities. To illustrate. Should the Communists strive for hearts and arouse the youthfur enthusextent, and it corresponds to the needs value, as an object lesson, in stimulating som bor her example the model branche month prior to the operation. now is have they matured to this point thereta seratie anti militarism. It must, dama of the day. As a consequence of this there these sentiments in the rank and Ale of all branches in the district for mem. faced with the prospect of hardly reach lies the question, in my opinion. Taking will be won over it everyone does this is a great deal of unity talk to be heara. The official party. This was probably its sera biere meta ngen attendance, Bademode is not more than hart of that cuotar for the over the power, we la Russia had such duty. He who has the south has the Some thor Defenders and other lit current issue. The grip upon. KARL LIEBKNECHT.
the branch is so choking the life out of vw it that even the organizer of the branch ing is the publication of the official or (a good machine man) realized the dan gan, Permanente Revolution as a sem ger and stated at the last meeting: monthly beginning with January. In had my doubts about the group system On Sunday, December 13, the Enlarg out; we are confronted by the need of adequate as even a semi monthly is, it from the very beginning and now we can EXTRACTS FROM LETTER TO COMRADE ed National Committee of the Left Op issuing new editions. Our influence has is nevertheless a comparative step for see that it will not work.
position of the German Communist Party risen enormously and we are not wrong ward. The more frequent appearance of more glaring example is not needed question of Fascism. It would be well insignificant section. am writing you today regarding the the peasant or farming stratum only an Bolshevik Leninista) met with repro in contending that in a very short time our paper will facilitate our approach to show the actual demoralizing effects you were to discuss three questions with Sekolahek Ironhu staxonyne and Wasser we shall suin strongly organizationally to the revolutionary workers of mere were is the mechanical group system hoolds for the English comrades, since in this man. certain extent that the new middle It may be said, and this is true to kante (Hamburg) present. more ex The weakness of our organization still create further possibilities of growth.
the rest of the now in the proner we can arrive at conclusions and class, the functionaries of the state, che tensive representation from the provinces lies in the insufficient organizational With the deepest conviction of the cess of reorganization. Judging by these definite vlews.
was not possible because of financial activity as measured by the present day correctness and fruitfulness of the road first signs of results, we will soon be private administrators, etc. etc. can condifficulties.
political requirements, as well as on the travelled, and with the recognition of justified to tise the very popular expresWhat is Fascism? The name originstitute such a base. But this is a new Organization Growing Held of poor and slow dccounting. In the need of exerting all the forces of sion the operation was successful but counter revolutionary dictatorship Fase a supposition. It is necessary to analyze ated Italy. Were all the forms of question that must be analyzed. This is From the reports on the state of the this connection, however, it would be the Opposition and of multiplying ac ist or not? That is, prior to the advent just what it will be. It is necessary to organization it could be seen that the observed that in spite of it the organi tivities, the session of the Enlarged NoLeft Opposition, freed from sectarianism xation has managed its publications out tional Committee came to an end. ULCIIIN.
of Fascism in Italy.
foresee the lasciat movement growing has experienced a gratifying development of its own organizational forcea, The former dletatorship in Spain, or from this or that element. But this is in the course of the past six months Primo Adopt Political Resolution de Rivera, is called a Fascist only a perspective which is controlled by In Wasserkante, the formerly small group dictatorship by the Comintern. Is this events. am not affirming that it 18 has become a relatively strong faction the discussion on the political situation The main point on the agenda was corect ror not? We believe that it is impossible for Fascist movement of the party, consisting of party funcir correct.
develop in England or for a Mosley or tionaries to the extent of two thirds. vigorously serious discussion devel On January 6, comrade Swabeek spoke file is kept, is breaking down. We will The Fascist movement in Italy was a someone else to become a dictator. This The local group is developing a stirring oped in dealing with the draft of the political activity. Likewise, the Saxon resolution. Before all, it was a question in Youngstown on the differences within continue this work to demolish it com spontaneous movement of large masses. is a question for the future. It is a of the immediate perspectives of the the International Communist movement. Pletely and to reestablish the unity or with new leaders from the rank and file. far fetched possibility.
organization can reconnat store urther struggle in Germany and of the question The meeting was attended by twenty five the communist vanguard.
It is plebelan movement in origin, To speak of It now as an imminent dan directed and financed by big capitalister is not a prognosis but a mere prothe Youth. The Southwestern district FRANK CHELOFF.
powers. It issued forth from the petty Theey. In order to be capable of fore.
has developed a certain political activity united front as the central problem of of the and the were bourgeoisle, the slum proletariat and seeing anything in the direction of Fascin recent times. Especially in Bruchsal the struggle against Fascism and its con present and participated in the discussion THE SPANISH ARTICLES even to a certain extent, from the pro ism, it is necessary to have a definition have our comrades understood how to crete application were especially the which followed.
letariani masses, Mussolini, a former of that idea. What is Fascism? What realize the united front in practise. subject of the discussions. The draft of a small group of Stalinists attempted Pressure of space in this number com socialist, is self made man crising in its base, its form and its charterunity committee of all the proletarian, the resolution was unanimously adopted to provoke a fight by a running fire of els us to hold over the first of the series from this movement.
This interruptions, but had to desist when istica? How will its development take organizations has been formed which with supplementary additions.
Primo de Rivera was an aristocrat. place?
places the entire working class of Bruin the groups and serve as a preparation the workers present in the discussion Iosue of the Militant, where it will surely eaucratic post, and was chlet governor of comrades that the question is not a simdraft is to be presented for discussion they received no encouragement from of articles on the sitaution in Spain, by comrade Max Shachtman, for the next He occupied a high military and bur The aim of this is to show the English chaal in struggle against Fascism. Other localities of this district have been sim for the next couference.
Catalonia. He accomplished his over. ple one. It is necessary to proceed in One of the most important decisions of received it, and launched into a tirade appear.
llarly worked upon. At the same time throwal with the state and military a cientifio and Marxian manner.
we have succeeded forming in groups the Enlarged National Committee meet of slander against Swabeck and the Op forces. The dictatorships of Spain and Now another question. Naturally. It position in general. He concluded with in the Ruhr district, in gaining new conRoland Italy are two totally different forms of is important that you occupy yourself nections in Schleswig. Upper Schlesw) THE MILITANT an appeal to everyone to protest by Hartley of Washington Chad leaving the meetingA worker, indign to of between had Opposition, but it is no less important granted a dictatorship. It is necessary to distin with the isolated elements of the Left the Rhineland, Magdeburg and in many and protested against such provocation. Armlatice Day cases, was made a few military Institutions with the Fascisting place in the Communist Party, the of ofrming new groups in these local League of America Opposition)
ities in the near future.
at 84 East 10th St.
He said, You were given the floor. Why days ago from the state capital in Olym militia. This problem did not exist for Independent Labor Party and the Labour don you give arguments instead of pla. At the same time the governor ex Primo de Rivera.
In Berlin, the Opposition has made EDITORIAL BOARD slander?
earthParty. The first tremors or the very good progress. This is expressed tended indefinitely the leave of Eugene The movement in Germany is analog quake must have produced very great primarily in the formation of faction Martin Abern James Cannon. But as everybody knows, a Stalinist Barnett, who paroled last May to ous mostly to the Italian movement. It cracks in the wall of the house, and the groupings in a series of party wards. Max 18 not infrequently impervious to sense. care for his wife, then facing a critical is a mass movement, with its leaders em Bolshevik Leninists can gain an chtman Mau Spector The Stalinist general and his army of operation.
nfluence The work in the party will undoubtedly Arne Swabeck ploying a great deal of social et dema among a large section of the labor move soon be crowned with greater success.
three left the meeting. Y. L. mem. Friends of the prisoners are greatly gory. This is necessary for the creation ment. It is necessary to direct your at The growth of the Left Opposition may Entered as second class mall matter ber, despite all their exhortationis refused encouraged by these developments. Some of the mass movement.
tention not only to our little section but The genuine basis is the petty bour to everything that is happening in this creasing distribution of our literature. New York, Under the act of in discussing the differences between the petition urging their release from 3, 500 geoisie.
The editions of our pamphlets have March 3, 1879.
Opposition and Stalinism.
In Italy it is a very large base great organism.
residents of Centralia, wbich has only Vol. 5, No. (Whole No. 90. the petty bourgeoisle of the towns and This letter is in very rough form. doubled in size from time to time, and The workers were of the same opinion. 3, 000 registered voters, Eight of the cities, and the peasantry. In Germany have not even checked its contents but the edition of the latest pamphlet has Saturday, JANUARY 16, 1932 For several hours, they asked questions trial jurors alos have made affidavit dereached the number of 15, 000 coples. Subscription rate: 00 per year for and indicated by their opinions that here claring that if the court had permitted likewise, there is a large base for Fasc trust that you will get the general sense Most nt the editions bave already been etgh 50. Fie cents per nopy. in Youngstown, the wall of Roman Catho them to know all the facts in the case base because the proletariat is the over Kadikoy, November 16, 1931.
completely os almost completely sola Bundle rates, cento per copy le guvrane in which the party rank and they never would bave convicted.
whelming to joncy of the population. TROTSKY.
GERMAN OPPOSITION WHAT IS FASCISMI The Swabeck Meeting in Youngstown to other cities, and the possibility extes Published weekly by the Communist and not to be actie in de manera provocation to remaining prisoners in the centralta creat diticuity in reconciling many old company attention to what to taket