AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismHitlerLeninLeninismMarxMarxismMarxism-leninismNazismRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontViolenceWorking Class

SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 1923 THE MILITANT PAGE IN THE INTERNATIONAL OF LABOR Reviews and News of the Working Class and Revolutionary Movements Revolt Brewing in India Thaelmann Belated Self Criticism The Results of the Toronto Elections regard to his attitude toward the. Rus unemployment relief, they were bot anl polled was lower than last year, the 1sue that all efforts whould have been has up to now not been conducted sharp claws is a break with Marxism, a break 08a Kamgar textile workers and the rall.
road workers of the who have already made Indian history in the past, have not yet been heard from. But they are sure to figure more prominently in Ghandi Holds Masses in Check by Reformist Maneuvers the near future. The lathi, after all, The Leader of the German Communist Party «Examines. Some of Its Mistakes Ghandi, Patel, Nehru have been British soldiery have recently been in it strikes and hurts them all. But it does not distinguish between the masses, For years the Stalinist Central Com deal of noise is made about the Bolshe. That the party leadership is now com arrested by the Indian authorities. As creased to fully 68, 000 men, the native is not likely that the workers of India mittee of the Communist Party of Gerik self criticism with which it is done welled to come out openly against these protest, the cotton, the bullion, the to more than 175, 000. They are appar will long be fascinated by plece goods, the seed and the stock ex ently expecting serious trouble. it is that Mahatma Ghandi is spinning fallible in its political decisions. But the Central Committee then attain is such defeatist moods were already wide changes in Bombay and other cities have Just how soon the activity of the mass. In his cell or out of it. The workers, since a mistake remains a mistake whe usually this: The policy of the party spread in the party, been closed. The boycott against Bries will rise above the head of their once they are started, will act, and act ther it is recognized or not, effects leadership is entirely right, but subor.
tish goods is in full swing. Civil dis nationalist leaders, it is hard to tell. forcefully. For the Communists, the pre of the false line of the party leader dinate party instances have not under. is concerned with the too well know whole section of Thaelmann article obedience is the slogan of the nationalist The Communist party, young and weak sent situation in India represents an ex ship frequently lead to such dangerous stood how to carry out the errorless theory of the people revolution, de leaders.
as a result of the Menshevik policies of cellent opportunity to approach the moods in the party that it is frequently line correctly.
On the surface, the above invented by the party leadership in con incidents Stalin Bucharin in the Far East up to masses, to build up their cadres and to considered absolutely necessary at the Thaelmann Self Criticism nection with the teachings on the na give a fairly comprehensive character. 1927 and due to the entire loss of rev. consolidate their influence and their fol top to undertake a turn This is there ization of the present situation in British olutionary perspective since, is almost lowing for the more decisive struggles upon motivated theoretically. by the criticism with which Ernst Thaelmann too win the pretty bourgeoks strata for tional and social emancipation. These India. Strikes of workers are, as yet, without any influence at all. The Garnito come.
not on the order of the day. The Hindu highest instances, and naturally a good occupies himself in the Norember Dec Communism, in connection with which hartal or patriotie strike, still dominember double number of the Internation to mention nothing else, it was com ates the political scene. For the time ale, where he writes to establish a pletely overlooked that the most imme being the nationalist bourgeoisie still series of ideological deviations and poll diate task of the must be not holds the reins firmly. The revolutiontical weakness, aye, even political mis the winning of the middle classes but ary masses are still spell bound by the takes in our revolutionary mass work the winning of the majority of the pro shrewd and soothing voice of the MaBut in order to avoid even the ap eltariat. And it is precisely here that a hatma. And it cannot be doubted that Toronto have, in the shade of events of backs of the working class, he was no not yet crystallized into a working class pearance of wanting to criticize the line slogan like that of the people revolu The recent municipal elections held in, choice. After working his way on the partly aroused by the recent trial, and the personality of Ghandi still represents the past few months, gained a signitle longer interested in its problems. Back expression. With a campaign of public that the mistakes were of course not harmful, since it does not sufficiently em of the Itself, he immediately adds tion is not only worthless but directly an enormous factor in the political life ance historic in the annals of Canadian el by a powerful press, and every means ity a powerful contact could have been committed by the whole party but were phasize the class standpoint.
along the Ganges.
of agitation he was sure of election. To made with the working class, but the based upon an insufficient political eduA Shrewd Mahatma The bourgeois candidates Thaelmanin himself is slowly beginning (in civic offset the intluence of the Communist vote was, insofar as elections are a cation of individual comrades and funcIn a recent interview with Parisian elections all candidates are non partis program the bourgeois concentration criterion, a consciousness of a Leftwara tionaries or upon an inadequate com a interceive this when he writes in die newspapermen, Ghandi expressed the an. they do not officially run on opinion that in the event of sudden ticket) all agreed upon the fact that no look at out Simpson as the man to sentiment in the working class.
a party block prehension of the decisions adopted at after their interests during the The Pasty Program emancipation, a free India would not major issues existed; that whoever was present period. Only when we win the proletarian international and German party congress majority for Communism can we realize very well be able to dispense with a elected to sit at the City Hall would be Election day, January 1st, was a day was not centralized in its demands, but alone already adequately characterize the the proletariat from the middle classes The election programme of the party es. These remarks of Thaelmann the further asics of drawing the allies of regular standing army. Yes, the Mah on a program of better sidewalks, more as dull and alrty as capitalism itself. difused over a host of municipal is type of this Bolshevik self criticism.
atma said this. The newspapermen show. sidewalks, and the insistence on string continual rain kept back many people sues. The fight to day is for the elemeninto the anti capitalist united front and ered questiohs on the saintly man and ent economy (naturally at the expense from the polls, and especially destitute tary rights of free speech, press and what the leader of the c!
says ple revolution of Marx and Lenin.
But let us now examine more closely thereby create the premises for the peo he answered nearly all with saintly pa of working class reller measures. That workers who could not clothe themselves assemblage for the working class, which concretely in his article of 30 pages.
tience and serenity. There was one ques there were 50, 000 unemployed in the city, properly.
Every smearing up of these fundamentThaelmanu discovers here that the als, every abandonment of the prelimin tion, however, which he evaded with the well, so long as they were keeping quiet Simpson, the labor faker, headed the Is centered around the movement for for our own gian revolution. am too humble. the issue. If 6, 000 bailift notices of evic vote of Buck doubled: the reactionary concentrated. The struggle for unem ty enough: with Leninism. Mahatma replied to this question, to tions were issued, that was a sign that press lamented that Time Buck comployment insurance should have been We must go further lwyond this to But who raised this break whn Lenin pretend to omniscience. Consequently prosperity was around the corner. Wages munist, was the only one or nine candi inked up in the fight against Section the declaration that even in the ranks of must declare that do not know what to being slashed, and factories closing dates who increased his vote over lasts, explaining how this section was for the revolutionary proletariat, not without usin to the point of a theory. Nobody think of the Russian revolution. The down, throwing workers and their fam. year. Despite his recent conviction on the purpose of gassing the vanguard of our being to blame, there were present but the Central Committee of the the by the suggestion of a comparison be was not an issue for the clvle fathers. sociation and seditious conspiracy, the peal not merely for the sake of repeal. fect that Braun Severing were neverthe solution of January 1931, established tiket the Indian revolution and the Rus As long as the working class and the polled 5, 974 votes, 2011 over his last but as the removal of a band of oppres less perhaps a lesser evil than a Hitler the people revolution as the main Such strategien slogan of the party. Is it Would it be too rash to assume on the geoisie did not organise for the better per cent. The two other Communist and fight for its demands.
dispossessed elements of the petty bour year figure of 3, 033 an increase of 97 sion so the working class can propagate Goebbels government in Prussia.
an influencing of the revolutionary work then to be wondered at if subordinate party thereupon basis of all this that the great principle ment of their conditions, the bourgeoisie alderman candidates polled 505 and 758 The party mobilized its forces for an ers by the deceitful social democratic functionaries of the Oriental ethics non violence. Is in were quite content with the status quo, votes each, both being higher than inet energetic election campaign, one in whten ideology, such remnants of social dem apply this slogan as it should be under the last analysis, only a cloak for the and intended to further confuse the year.
fear the Hindu bourgeoisle has of the masses with the spirit of civic duty.
The qualifications for voting deinanded an active part in the canvassing, scrut. ever, as we must declare in complete Such a thoroughly good bellever of a armed masses? Hardly. The Russian functionary was who wrote, as the XI The Communist Ticket bourgeoisie (and the Spanish bourgeoisle that one be a tenant or householder: Inizing and general propaganda work agreement with the decisions to which we were assigned. This eam. Plenum, the worst danger for the Com far back as December 1930, in the paper But the Dominion and Provincial au those whose taxes were in arrear were Der Propagandist that in its turn today) shouted at the top of thorities were more considerate of the deprived of the privilege of democracy: paign as a means of rallying the party munist party.
Obviously, therefore, certain Lor the strategy and tacties of the its lungs that its revolution was blood interests of the hard working capitalist, thus the dispossessed workers were not workers, and the election should not be proletarian revolution it is primarily a less and covered its fear of the people and had taken measures a few months able to vote. The votes for Tim Bucal considered as the climax: it is but the comrades arrived at the idea that with less effective, to be sure, but nev before by the arrest of the eight Com were votes of protest against capitalist beginning anew of the struggle for ele Hitler government in Prussia would act matter of winning the petty bourgeois ertheless just as guarded ideological cere munist lenders, and their trial and con reaction and for immediate unemploymentary working class rights, in which in an even more reactionary and anti strata for the proletarian revolution or moniousness. The Russian bourgeolele vletion to years in the penitentiary. ment rellet.
at least of neutralizing them.
then The thousands of people we shall be found with the party in the working class manner than the This was entirely in harmony with the was faced with war.
Braun Severing government. The party times that accelerated the march of events and were released on bail until their appeal, nim; it was a spontaneous enthusiasm, Toronto After overcoming the legal red tape they who applauded him, did not all vote for struggles.
comrades in question surely did not mean line of the conceptions of the people GREEN with resolute and by this that the polley of the leaser, revolution then advocated by the firmly estab: and to the dismay of the authorities Tim lished working class party.
evil in parliament was correct. But and established officially as late as its end Buck was nominated for the Board of they were or the opinion that the more January 1981. NowThaelmann needed the Indian bourgpolate, which kowtows the defendants, with another comrade, dangerous enemy today is Hitler and a whole year for this acknowledginent established that the that the party must therefore lead the it is suddenly no less to the foreign imperalists, will were nominated for alderman. The Com probably, considering the times and more munist party now being an outlawed or with Marxism and The repression being carried on by the. the minister) and against the Republic main attack agaiust him. For Thaelmann, quoted conception of has nothing than that the geographical situation of anization in Ontario, they ran as can Republiean leaders takes on forms that Since my lecture had been announceal howerer, such an opinion is the worst more in common Leninism. Which is of course correct the country be a much lengthier one. aldates of the Toronto Workers United even Primo de Rivera and Berenger under the name Henri Lacroix, they be danger for the Communist party!
Further in the course of his sell to the extent that the corresponding line The colonial character of India makes Front Conference. The main campaign never dared to resort to. Spaniards are lieved that was a Frenchman and had criticism. Thaelman himself is ohlineal of the really had not much more its revolution dependent to a large exwas centered around Buck, the control being expelled from Spain. We of the no doubt taken preparations to deport tent, upon the attitude, the nid renderedlership necessitating city wide cam Left Opposition are the favored victims. me from the country when the Police to admit that in the attitude of thel to do with Leninisan.
it by the British working class. In the pain and vote.
Fascism, great short. In passing: For to be treated as a scapegoat is especially harsh.
course of events, the attachment between very striking example: Our comrade Department of Madrid let the misinform party towards Buck, as the Communist candidate, Jose Ramos Lopez is, to be sure, Spanished chiet of police of Valencia know that comings came to light. He writes: We yielded at least in part to the Alexander Emel was at one time punand the youthful proletariat of India, bring out the working class issues; the Buenos Aires, but a naturalized Spanish demanded my immediate return from which historically inevitable, will no need for relief and insurance at the excitizen. The Argentine police expelled Valencia. was forced to take the first Fascist dictatorship under monopoly cap. the German party, after a probation doubt develop into the detesmining 10fluence in that country future. For the pense of the state, and the fight against him from that country as a revolutionist train out and to escape to Galicia, where Ialism, or at all events, we did not all period of a year, he sought to earn his Ways develop a sufliciently sharp strugspurs by expressly separating himselt present, however, both the British as suppressed the rights Section 98 of the Criminal Code, which and as a Spaniard. Ramos came to the Republic also governs. HENRI LACROIX.
sle against this false theory, a theory from Trotsky views at every opportunfree speech and Spain, to Sujo to live with his family.
which leads us off the road.
ity, most recently in the question of the well as the Indian workers are still to assemblage. At every election meeting He is a communist and one who stands Refore leaving the United States for As an example of this, Thaelmann Spanish revolution. And he is just the The further progress of the German rev Buck was recelved with tremendous en up for his ideas. First he is arrested Spain, after the proclamation of the quotes from the September 1981 number one whom the Great Thaelmann has olutionary movement in Europe and of thusiasm; a Communist candidato was at Sujo, then at Cadix, where he is hield Republic comrade Ramos was an active of the e. paper. Der Propagandist, now sought out as the whippty boy. receiving sympathetle bearings and ova a government prisoner for three months.
Finally, we cannot let pass unchalthe Chinese in the Far East will, sooner tions such as the bourgeois candidates The governor of Cadiz promises him his militant among the Spanishepeaking the following passage: motion serve to set the former two tuto aid not receive. The press religiously release on the condition that he return movement in New York. Our movement ment, which confronted an incapacitatea, terrorticle wote wanden ben out he decided groups of the anarchist and social democratle coalition govern lenged what Thaelmann has to say in Signs of Militaney In the meantime, a few signs of rising the partner net contract bacetatered the prison at six o clock in the morning the weee him and some of our comrades. Fasist dictatorship, which came forward Lice ya not a word of publicity dia Civic Guards and gendarmes come to attracted him to the extent of engagine split up. confused proletariat would be a terror. It would undoubtedly be correct individual but it is militants are already visible on the per into with the Daily Star, a Liberal. and selze our comrade. Ilie protests are report this arrival in Spain ho soined the against a class conscious proletariat, de to fall into the other extreme when gar, a crowd estimated at 12, 000 persons paper, to let Buck speak over its radio of no avail. The governor had promised termined to struggle and united in its Thaelmann writes Those workers who let themselves be attacked the police station and liberated station, but after the Star realized they him his release on that very day. But Communist party and became an in it of the views of the Opposmass.
the manifola) were acting as liberals in allowing this, instead, he is thrown on board the tion. His revolutionary activity in Cadiz By this is completely confirmed what misguided by the planned Nazi provoca assurances by the nationalist leaders that the contract was immediately broken, the steamer Uruguay. leaving a few min brought about his imprisonment and the the Left Opposition and particularly tions by defending themselves with the money returned, and an excuse offered utes later for the Argentina. No the mass would abstain from violent that under the circumstances, etc. etc. was informed of anything until our Cadia recent decision et direly arbitrary to del Trotsky have eriticized most sharply same methods of individu terror are action, the British police forces have port him to the Argentine. While in for months. namely, that there are forces moving away, with regard to the methtaken all possible precautions. The viceA Safe ad Sane Candidate comrades came to the prison on their Spain recently, comrade Shachtman es at work in the which not only ods of the proletarian struggle for freeroy of India, Lord willingdon, has un But there was a labor candidate in daily visit to comrade Ramos.
tablished contact with comrade Ramos consider the seizure of power by the dom, from the fundamentals of MarxismLeashed the savage system of repression the field, and a very popular one. The Thebourgeois reactionary Republle in prison, from whom he subsequently Fascists as inevitable, but all downrighteninem.
all over the country. Police and soldiery social democracy may be proud of its what sort of fate will Uriburu have in here: desirable Taken literally, this means that bence forth the members are to be have been armed to the teeth. An ordi sons; the Toronto branch, known as James prohibited even from foreible defense nance has been 18sued outlawing all Simpson, and Cadix Prison, 11. 17 1981 backing of all the store for our comrade?
EXPIRATION OF SUBSCRIPTION from Fascist assaults. This is going meetings of groups of more than five newspapers and he received plaudits. The bourgeols press has refused pub. Dear comrade Shachtman: It the number of your wrapper is 99 much too far. Terror can only be broken received your letter and was glad to persons, The gentlemanly Willingdon, from all sections of the capitalist class lication to our protests. The cynicism quite a hand with a cricket bat himself for his wisdom, and especially his sate of the reactionaries is becoming more hear from you. How are you getting or under your subscription has expired by terror and it is just the leader of (the papers say) seems of late to have and sane labor policies. For him but detestable and more criminal under the along. was surprised to hear of your To ensure that you do not miss a single the who should understand become an enthusiast of the native one issue existed to be re elected to the Republie than it ever was under the arrival in Madrid. believe you can issue of The Milltant, send in your re: that under the conditions created by latht. applied by his troope with utter Board of Control and taste further of monarchy.
gather some notes about the Spanish newal immediately to The Milltant, 84 the Pacist acts of violence, one cannot act in accordance with the principles of abandon to the skulls and bodies of de the fruits of office. On the state of the Liberty and Equality Under the Republie revolution and the forces of the work East 10th St. New York, monstrants in the public squares. The reactionary Orange Order he was first short time ago, the Spanish Catholicsers throughout the country, notes which creeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the sermon on the mount.
met at Valenica and held a 10888 meeting you can later reproduce in the images of In conclusion, let us point to still www mmmmmmm and demonstrations against the Republic. the Militant.
another observation Thaelmann nade at The workers who wanted to demonstrate You can see how my old friends, the the end of his lengthy article and which against Catholic and monarchist reacanarcho syndicalists, are playing the we can join with heartily tlon found the Republican authorities game of the bourgeoisle. If you remem It appears that in spite of the great on the side of the latter. The Catholieser, when was in New York, didn Successes of our party, its theoretical UNSER KAMF and monarchists can speak and act believe this, but when saw how they Among the lecture arranged for forth level, the ideolgieal politleal level of our against the Spanish people, only we are cooperated in the establishment of the coming weeks at the Minneapolis Forum party work, is inadequate, and absolute denied the right to propagate our ideas. Republic and fought together with the are the following: ly requires a fundamental improvement. In Valencia also, gave a lecture on bourgeois forces, woke up and learned All meetings, unless otherwise men But the very next sentence, which qualities the decisions of the leadership 84 EAST 10th STREET, NEW YORK, December 14, which had been announced that only a proletarian party can lead tioned are at P. in advance. The governor refused per the revolution.
as unobjectionable and correct. indi Sunday, January 24, 1932: DEBATE: mission to announce the meeting as one The official party does not want. bearing political Communist character carry on a serious work and slve a pol. Selalism versus communism. Speakinan tertanderhaelmann is not at all the Victorian, representing the criticism. Bureaucratie superficiality and fakers autocratism are the essence of tional affair. The workers attended en rather wants to nght against the Trot Socialist Party against Carl Cowl masse. We had excellent success. skylsts. but now think that under representing Communist League of AmThaelmann article. There can be Enclosed please find 00 for one year subscription: talk whatsoever of a turn for the better.
Other lectures were organized by the the flag of the Left Oppositioneriea (Opposition)
comrades in the various provinces. But in Spain) and with the solidarity of the Sunday, January 31, 1932: The Pro Such a one can, in general, not proNAME when had completed my lecture in international sections, we can arrive posed Ballroad Wage Reductions ceed from above, it must result from the Valencia, was called before the chiet swiftly at the unity of the Spanish Com Speaker: Hedlund.
pressure of the members themselges. The ADDRESS.
of police who informed me that he would munists on a revolationary time with all these lectures and debates will be teft. Opposition will support with all ite not authorize any more of my lectures the goal of the proletarian dletatorship held at the Workers Open Forum, 1530 strength every step of the party members and that had committed an offense com Yours for the victory of Bolshevism, in this direction.
East Franklin Ave. Minneapolis, Minn.
STATE CITY parable to libel against Largo Caballero RAMOS.
The Admission free, Berlin, Januafy 1932 Government Repression in Republican Spain Minneapolis Open Forum אונזער קאמף צוויי וועכנטלעכער רגא פון דער קא מוניסטישער ליג פון מעריקע (א א זיציע)
to אבאנעמענט פרייז: אין די פא ראייניקטע שטאטן. 00 יא ר; אין אויסלאנד סענט. 25. אין איינצל פא רקויף און קא נא דע по