AnarchismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsEnglandFascismFootballGermanyImperialismKaganóvichKamenevLeninMarxMarxismOpportunismParis CommuneRadekRosa LuxemburgRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking ClassZinoviev

PAGE 1 HE MILITANT SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 1932 ROSA LUXEMBURG The Obsolete Craft System in the Railroad Brotherhoods SWABECK TOUR as to the destruction of the bourgeois state machine, was the work of Lenin.
The Russian Revolution The Russian revolution of 1905, for the first time since the Commune, shocked On the Anniversary of Her Assassination by the German Social Democrats the West out of its parliamentary rout: ine. The Russian proletariat marshalled every form of mass action, from the econ. generation of Communists standing actionary hash of Louis Blanc, Proud. vent of imperialism. Parliamentary omie strike to armed insurrection. The on the shoulders of Leniu needs little hon. Lassalle and the miserable Kath cretinism and the inevitability of gradu mass political strike became a central 15, 000 a year, plus a most liberal exThe extraordinary importance 18 originality to detect the theoretical short eder socialisten. While Kautsky, the alness have been dealt shattering blows subject of discussion At first Kautsky penge account, and their work is easy.
sumed at the present moment by the comings of Luxemburgism. But his official guardian of orthodoxy still main by the epoch of wars of revolutions. Be welcomed the methods of the Russian situation in the rallrond industry Their main tasks are: keep the Reds tory is something more than a factional tained an ambiguous silence, Rosa Lux tween economics and politics there is revolution and took up a seemingly rad.
out of the unions; maintain complete makes a survey of the state of the football Memorable in dialectic and emburg forcefully insisted that theory no automatle reflex action. Ideology is ical position towards the strike as all trade union movement in this field of control of all mediums of information Inside of the Brotherhoods: keep enough Intensity, the struggle of Rosa Luxem and practise could not be divorced with only one of the elements of the super weapon in the immediate struggle for more than usual interest. Conferences burg against the opportunism of the out fateful consequences and that restrukture. When she wrote Opportun. power. But when it became a question continue to be held between the workgag laws in the constitutions to forbid most powerful party machine in previsionism would replace class struggle ism has been knocked on the head. Rosa of applying the lessons of the Russian ers representatives and the railroad all other means of expression by the membership: keep on friendly terms with entered the life stream of the Commun movement is utopian, movement without huge bureaucracy of the party, trade un san franchise he changed his tune. He newspaper agitation is being carried war Social Democracy has indisputably by class collaboration. If goal without Luxemburg was unduly sanguine. The revolution to the struggle over the Prusmagnates, and a cleverly organized the railroad officials at the expense of 1st International the workers for the privilege of collecting on, with the sole aim of reducing the Rosa Luxemburg never consed to col. The everyday demands meves Slipscine ions, cooperatives proved decisive. At was now for the old tested tactle of pare significance. The elemental dues from these helpless crafts, mass wages and worsening the conditions of laborate with the Polish movement from only as they are linked up with the con reigned but the Right ruled. At successive movement would produce unpleasant a The Brotherhood officials realize that the workers. The problem of resist.
which she sprang, returning to her na quest of political power. Reforms are Congresses, the Right wing receded form well as pleasant surprises and developing this monstrous offensive is un they would not be able to maintain these tive Warsaw during the revolution of by products of clash strugle; they can ally but in fact retained their positions. ment would again assume the catasweak and aeremie unions breakably bound up with the question without the 1906. But as well as formative influ not basicaly change the character of the Marx and Engels had predicted that a trophie character of 1780 to 1871. The of how things stand in the railroad consent of the railroacl management.
ence, her main sphere of activity was relations of production. So far from besplit between the middle class and pro correct strategy. was attrition. to exHence the importance of maintaining brotherhoods. In this latter field friendly relations with them. This condi.
the German Social Democracy in whose ing the political lever of socialism, par letarian elements was inevitable but it haust the bourgeoisie by trench warfare.
especially, our comrade E, an old problems she first intervened on the oclinmentarism is the historical form of was in Russia under Lenin, and not at Rosa Luxemburg point of departure tion necessarily eliminates all possibility militant of the Left wing, is a comcasion of the revisionist offensive on the class rule of the bourgeoisie in its the Dresden Congress that this opera in these debates was the totality of the petent observer. The present article of a well organized struggle for better Marxism.
struggle with feudalism, and is already tion was executed. Waging her battles class struggle. She refused to recognize wages and working conditions, shorten is one of a series which our comImperialism and Social Democracy decadent. The workers must rely on against such an apparatus, Rosa tended the legitimacy of any water tight coming of hours, ete. Strikes are only per rade has promised to contribute.
mitted on small Individual roads as 11 Its state unification achieved, Germany their own mass action. The whole econ. to identify centralization with opportun partments between the party and the smoke sireen of false display of millin common with Western capitalism after om lore of Bernstein is the generalized ism, and to depend on the elemental mase trade unions. She strenuously resisted One of the things which the railroad tancy, are called and then forgotten. The 1870 experienced a phase of expansion due to the opening of the world market caucracy wanidependence of the workers in this country need most the Virginian Ry, and the and colonial exploitation. As a result The Precious Heritage of Rosa trade unions from the party and their new trade union, structure. The present Western Maryland strikes are typical the bourgeoisle could profitably pursue neutrality in the political struggle. Ations belongs to the stone age of trade The Watson Parker law is a deliberate structural formation of the railroad un examples of this farcleal strike policy, the strategy of concessions to the upper The years that pass by since the the views she stood for.
But this crust of the working class. The Social cruel assassination which deprived us challenge will always be made soberly, ocracy it was decided to resort to the unionism. It is the most out of date attempt to abolish strikes altogether and Democracy had never been altogether of her active aid do not serve to dim objectively, and with the greatest regeneral strike if the government sabot the most antiquated form of labor organi is the fruit of joint action between the zation known.
free of an element of petty bourgeois 11.
aged the issue of the franchise. The re Brotherhood officials headed by Robertthe luster of the great revolutionist gard for time and place. The genuine The railroad workers are at present son and the milroad officinis headed by lusion: at the union of the Eisenach that was Rosa Luxemburg. Her un Marxian will be repelled by the disply of the Cologne trade union congress and Lassalle factions in 1875 Marx flagging devotion to the historic: picable slanders of Rose which are was to prohibit the propagation and created armerther disorganized, into Atterbury.
criticism of the Gotha program fell on interests of the proletariat sprang not passed off as eriticism by those who, discussion of the general striken Atwenty one different craft unions, as fol. In thie present more on the part of the deaf ears. Later the Erfurt Congress only from the depths of her character while arrogating unearned authority year later at Mannheim, the Cologne re(1891) did adopt a program which though but also from her exceptional under to themselves, have not, in reality, solution was substantially ratified by the Firemen; Brakemen: Switchmen: crease profits, as in 1921, the railroad defective especially in its political deworkers will receive another concrete standing party Congress and the bureaucracy had. Boilermakers: 10. Sheet Metal Work lesson on the price they have to pay for of the teachings of Marx and the least right to reproach the one who mands, was generally speaking a recog Engels. No mere closet ideologist, she at all times stood so far above them. gained signal victory.
nition of scientifie socialism. Once the flung herself into every battle of the We mean Stalin, who just recently In the view of Rosa Luxemburs, the esiin. Machinists: 12. Carmen: 13 permitting a lot of overpaid official repressive anti Socialist law of Bismark German proletariat, one of which sought to besmirch Rosa in the incollapsed, Right wing, confounding the system of organization.
sle lay in mass action, not in parliamen 17. Train Dispatchers: 18. Sleeping Car drones to chain them to an obsolete craft brought about her premature death. terests of his factional position, and (To be continued. interests of the proletariat as a class tarism. She did not share the reformist Conductors: 19. Longshoremen: 20. Mar.
But she had already left more than Kaganovich and more recently the rewith the favored position of the labor enough behind her to insure an ever. pulsive turncoat, Radek. Teir calum. conception of Bernstein and Hilferdingue Engineers; 21. Masters, Mates and aristocracy, began to maneuver for green memory for the future. From nies make an objective estimation of who approved of the Belgian general Pilots. The last three belong to the in practical politics. The pioneer of this what she taught so brilliantly by word Rosa role more timely than ever.
strike of 1903 merely because it was an land and constwise water transportation tendency was Vollmar, whose pamphlet and deed, the sevolutionary movement Maurice Spector contribution in this auxiliary action to a parliamentary ob in connection with the railroads. The Isolated Socialist State (1878) unAt the head of each one of these 21 still has much to learn, however the issue has been conceived in this sense.
jective. But once again she could not mistakably anticipated the Stalin theory Marxian today may challenge some of EX define the whole problem of the organiza useless craft organizations we find liter of socialism in one country. Vollmar comSWABECK IN PHILLY ţion of the revolution at the time, and ally swarms of overpald bureaucrats bived nationalism with reformism, his would likely have been regarded as mad whose combined annual salaries runs PHILADELPHIA.
Comrade Arne Swabeck spoke here on agrarian proposals stirring Engels deep viewpoint of the individual capitalist. movement spontaneously to correct thoor hounded out as anarchist and Blan into the millions. All Brotherhood est indignation. In Vollman wake, the The new developments in capitalism course of the party. The only part to quist if she had. In the words of Trot. jouruals and magazines, including the Jan. 10th. His lecture, The Feconomie roting of military Schippels and the Heines advocated the credit, combination, etc. do not cure but be played in the Social Democracy by the sky a revolutionary general strike that Washington weekly, Labor, are under a Crisis and the Left Opposition was folbrudgets, protective intensify the basic contradictions of an so called leaders is that of the explana inundates all the banks of bourgeois se complete stranglehold of these high lowed with the liveliest interest by the 40 workers comprising the audience.
tarills and the like.
archie capitalist production.
tion to the masses of their function in iety became for Rosa Luxemburg a syn salaried officials The pages of the re spective constitutions are iittered with The presence of several members Bernstein Revisionism In pitiless judgment on revisionism, history Lenin too emphasized that the onym for the proletarian revolution as a few The classic exponent of revisionism theory has been reinfored by Time, the masses must gain their own politicat ex. general strike does not yet decide the lancia de tren descriptio prilicomtes: and sympathizers, as well was Edward Bernstein, whose Social It Fundamentals (1810) was a com very heels of Bernstein smug evangel must muster millions but the role of the For the seizure of power it is necessary the rank and file. These gag laws are opportunity to broaden his subject matter plete rupture with Marxism and a con burst the crisis of 1960, to be followed Tevolutionary social democrat was that to organize the armed uprising on the very effective in preventing needed or to include all the most essential points fession of the faith of the Fabians by another in 1907 and still another in of a modern Jacobin bound up with the basis of the general strike. The danger ganizational changes which would prove of the plaform of the Left Opposition.
souls, he contended, the one evolutinars gering under one of the gravest indus much on process, and tended to under porizing attitude towards the fundament salaries, freedom of expression, etc: crisis; the effect of capitalism reformist, the other revolutionary utos trial and commercial crises in capitalist rate the importance of organization. It al tasks of the revolution was exemplt. The main function of the local lodges is home and foreign policy: the necessity forward them of a worker united front against Fusce lan. Bernstein undertok to purge Marx history, with the United States, the model cannot be donbted that the conditions of fled by the Zinovlev Kamenev Stalin atof the unscientic entanglements of Hegel country of trusts and eficiency, as deeply the development of the Russian Revolutiude in the Russian October and the promptly to their respective Grand Landgeism in Germany; and reviewed the eritcapitulation Headquarters for enjoyment by the officism by the Opposition of the policy and the political romanticism of Blanqui. Involved up to the hilt. During the tion necessarily contributed to give Lenin Stalin Brandler Thalheimer pursued by the For dialectical materialism he substi. late lamented new economic era. bour his unparalleled insight into the problems to the line of least resistance in the cals.
The question period developed some tutes the categorical imperative of Kant geois economists, Journalists, engineers of Marxism, itself the product of German crisis of 1923. It should be Bureaucratism and Class Collaboration the labor theory of value le supplements attempted to revive Bernstein illusions revolutionary period. It must be ac mentioned that Trotsky adds that Rosa As might be expected from the above lively discussion. Some of the party with the marginal utility of Boehm in substance, If without their philosophi counted a defect, for example, of Rosa left the stage without having said her arrangement these craft officials advocate members left at this point, probably in Bawerk. The contradictions of capital calarnish on American soil. The Luxemburg polemies with the revision last word.
mutual admiration and cooperation be fear of being inveigled into a free disism do not lead to economie catastrophe most fundamental stabilization. wrote ists that she did not, in reply to Bern It was these discussions of the roletween the representatives of organized cussion. The questions covered topics and social revolution. The growing mid Professor Commons. has been that of stein, take up the problem of state power of mass action that brought about the capital and themselves as spokesmen for upon which we have differences with the dle class, the democratization of capital credit and prices through the coopera Plechanov raised the question of the die definite cleavage between the Left Radi the railroad workers. The present Stalinites and the Lovestoneites. Partiand diffusion of ownership by the Joint tion of the banks organized in the Feder tatorship of the proletariat at Brussels cals under the leadership of Rosa and Brotherhood officials know full well that cular interest and sympathy was shown stock corporation are tendered to dis al Reserve System. The American work and again at the Amsterdam Congress the Kautskian Centre at the Madgeburg they cannot protest and promote the in our trade union and united front policies by most of the audiences.
prove the prognosis that the concentra ing class would derive its salvation from (1900) lvut the Second International as Congress in 1900. Kautsky openly pro railroad workers interests against the well organized employers by keeping the This meeting was the first this year centralization of wealth. The beautiful employee stock ownership. The labor a whole, and Kautsky its principal theor claimed that the main danger In etician, completely failed to realize the party was no longer the revisionists, but workers divided into twenty one separ of a series of lectures under the auspices credit system, the efficient trusts and banks. declared the economic wizard significance of the problem. The recon the rebellious impatience of the exate organizations on the railroads. But of the Philadeluphia Branch on problems modern communication facilities elim Carver, constitute the only revolution struction of the doctrine of Marx, based treme Lett. To be concluded. these officials have allocated to them of the Communist movement, by our lead.
inate the cyclical crisis. In a word, here ary movement in the world. The Baltion the experiences of the Paris Commune. MAURICE SPECTOR. selves salaries which run from 6, 000 to ing comrades of the Communist League in the East.
is an idyll of an organic capitalism pain more and Ohio Plan of union managelessly evolving towards socialism, over ment cooperation was tantamount to in The previous night, banquet was held as a reception to comrade Swabeck.
an uneading road of reforms, under the dustrial democracy.
spell of a social democratie majority in good time was had hy our comrades the Reichstag. The dictatorship of the and friends, who came despite the bad There is no doubt that theoretically proletariat is an apocalyptie vision. The revisionism was bankrupt from the out.
weather. At both the banquet and the conference for the defense of the only the international revolutionary movements. very good beginning has lecture a collection was taken to help movement is everything the goal is set. It completely failed to estimate the Kentucky miners now on trial was held movement can and will soive the prob recently been made by the Marine Work our work along nothing.
The stukly class in Marxism is proBernstein sources are obvious, a replace in capitalist society with the, and was called by the General Defense Com same time believe we can and should meeting the night after the above con creding very successfully. new class mittee of the and called to unite for the defense of the Kentucky ference the speakers the platform History of the Three Internationals order by a representative of this com miners, as of all other political prisoners represented almost every tendency in being formed and will be conducted RY Inittee who appointed a chairman. The in the It took quite some effort the labor movement. And it am in hy comrade Morgenstern.
latter in turn called for the election of on the part of myself and thy co delegate formed, an effort was and is still being credentials and resolutions committees. to induce the membership, because of made to get all those not yet represented Books by Leon Trotsky While these committees were in session, the objection that there are too many to join. There is nothing to fear from SUCCESSFUL PITTSBURGH MEETING Efforts made by some of the pretty Oneal of the Socialist party. Muste of to this conference. They finally agreed this mass meeting by comrade Cannon bureaucrats of the Pittsburgh party orTHE STRATEGY OF THE WORLD REVOLUTION the and a representative of to send us as observers and to bring that we serve notice to the ruling class ganization to break up the meeting the back a report. Unless a sincere en of America that from now on any at scheduled for comrade Swaleck in this 86 pages, two colored paper cover 250 Introduction by Max Shachtman The report of the credentials commit honest effort should be made on the part tack against a worker, regardless of city on January came to naught. The in meeting was held at a Greek coffee house THE DRAFT PROGRAM OF THE toe followed the speeches of the above of the leadership of these different de political beliefs, will meet with gentlemen. Strange as it may seem, the fense organizations to consolidate all itel opposition on the part of the work on Wyle. Ave. the time set for 7:30. COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL Criticism of Fundamentals Workmen Circle branches predomin the forces for the defense of political ing class become the slogan for every good audience appeared among them ated. Vers few unions, about or 7 in suffer and the rank and file of the worker in the about a dozen party members led by Introduction by Cannon DELEGATE 140 pages hard paper cover all, were represented. The other dele labor movement will not stand for that the Greek fraction who had previously THE SPANISH REVOLUTION gates represented either educational or much longer.
served notice that they would come to ganizations or political groups like the This speech was greeted with some break up the meeting 30 pages, paper cover the Andustrial Union applause, which was unexpected by most few minutes before the appointed THE PERMANENT REVOLUTION Lengue, the Road to Freedom, etc. One of those present. Next hour the Greek fraction organizer took the order of 208 page bookcloth bound 00 of the delegates, representing a Work business was the arranging of a mass upon himself to open the meeting and phper bound. 60 men Cipele branch, wanted to know meeting. The delegate that asked the conducted each Friday evening by the st. tread very softly on questions of disST. LOUIS An Open Forum is being to give a lecture. He endeavored to THE REAL SITUATION IN RUSSIA why a section of the labor movement question about the absence of the Left Louis Branch of the Communist League pute with the Left Opposition, however, Introduction by Max Eastman that has a big influence among the wing. was not satisfied with the reply of America (Opposition) at the Crunden struggling hard to emphasize that any 864 page book formerly now 00 working masses, especially in New York, made by the organizers of this contes Branch Library, 14th Cans Aves. The one who did not carry a card in the MY LIFE 600 pages 00 is not represented here at all. In ans. ence. He made a motion that all other first of the open forums at which com official Communist party could not speak wer to a question as to whom he meant Iabor organizations, regardless of their rade George Roberts spoke, was on Un in the name of Communism. In this COMMUNISM AND SYNDICALISM he named the International Workers polltical opinton, be invited to join this employment and the Unity of the workThe Trade Union Question Order, the Needle Trades Workers In movement. The first and only one to ing class. All meetings, unless other manner it was expected to take the meetIntroduction by James Cannon dustrial Union, the ID. the Com speak against it was Carlo Tresca, of wise indicated, begin at 7:30 The it did 10 ing away from the Left Opposition but 64 pages, paper cover imunist party and its factions, the Com the anarchists succeed. Rather it become, reA feeling of fear has list of Open Forum meetings is as folgardless of the Stalin organizers, THE SPANISH REVOLUTION munist League (Opposition) and the embraced some of the leaders of the lows: IN DANGER Lovstone group.
conference. motion to stop discussion joint discussion affair.
Friday, January 22, 1932: Speaker As soon as the Greek party fraction or 84 petges paper cover Working Class Reply to Splitetrs followed. Before taking it to vote PROBLEMS OF THE DEVELOP. We did not invite any organization Mr. Bert Miller, ex crony of Lovestone George Roberts on Is Sociallsm In One sanizer had concluded his speech, comrade sitakis of the Left Opposition arose MENT OF THE that will introduce friction into the con expert in executing Stalin orders to Country Possible?
Friday, January 29, 1932: Speaker introuding the next speaker, comrade 48 pages, paper cove 15c ference, was the repls. Another dele enlightened the delegates that what the John Scott on Fascism or Communism Swabeck, asking the hearers ot devote Special Rates in Bundles of or more gate, also of a branch, took the motion really means is to smuggle into in Germany.
SINCE LENIN DIED floor and stated that while represent this conference the Communist party spoke without the slightest interference.
The Admission is free. All workers Those who had come with the intention By Max Eastman a fraternal organization and therefore 1924 non political, believe speak the mind Despite the enlightenment of the reare cordially invited.
of interfering evidently found it better of the majority of my organization when votes on the Aye and Nay vote.
negade, the motion did get about 20 to listen. After this lecture those party 158 page book printed in London say we do not believe any more in Young Spartacus can be purchased at members present asked a number of The Need of the Movement the speeches of these gentlemen that questions which have comrade Pioneer Swabeck Publishers all newsstands, bookstores, meetings, etc. the opportunity to clarity further the 84 East 10th Street have addressed this gathering tonight.
Now, it is high time for all in the where The Militant is now sold. If you issues of dispute. Meanwhile the Greek New York City We have seen their comrades in action, labor movement, regardless of their polare unable to get a copy at these pinces, party fraction organizer, the leader of like Scheldemann, Noske and Zoerglebel itseal beliefs, to act in this direction, write to Young Spartacus, 84 East 10th the breaking party slunk out of the in Germany. MacDonald in England, that is, to consolidate all their defense Street, New York, place, the The store estan en opportunities How to Make the Kentucky Miners Defense Really Effective FOR YOUR LIBRA 35c 100 ST. LOUIS 15c 150 50c